‘ a. p. DAVIDSON Ply; . I; )5. sum W .7 55"“; / mnemcnnmc Amen“ Somc interesting insider infor- mation has Come to us of the at: rest of Japanese poachers on‘Is- Wands} in' the Paciï¬c..' These ‘ men have been - living in shacks on these {at gway Islands~ f ‘r eight 610mb: killing. sea birds anfl pack-~ ing their feathers and winfgs for. cmm‘ercial usje. 0n: the ilsland of Layson, ï¬fteen Japanese were ‘iound lay-me men of tho (1.“; 5; Revenue Cutter Thetis “Ebb we're curing the wings and feathers of sea Birds which congregate there: by the thousands. The seizure in- cluda65 bales of birds wings 13 baht and 31 Bagé of feathérs and Him homofsmffed skins. Esti- Japanese Poaéhers ‘on ' Above all _,get- into the class known as producers, success in which means imprm ers. “Be one who helps others; who builés who mns. Above all else stek 1m- movement It 5 up to voé' you: can dO' just a Iittlé bgttcr than your xicighbon and he has you bested 7m sém'e ' lines.'. It is not always best tg avoid t 'e’ line, of least resistance. ‘_ ' _ufcce§s mcéhs ï¬ghting your Own b ttles-. The way to impmve is to get into training and keep in training by bettering things with yourself. Learn all you can and improve your chances. Plan the Work;- let the head rule the hand. Select the line you are best suited for. and stick to it Set your aim high and creep up to it inch by inch. Remember there is 50mething Entered at thePostofï¬ce, Higgfland Park ltlinois.’ as‘accmid class matter * v Subscription mo .1 yen-.556 3e: Copy M: menu} {or ubbcripï¬on deducing! "middle changed 0: libel within d â€â€˜1†two; ‘ ’ . As Mrs. Bob! intends giving up her business it seems too bad to have a stranger eome In and get the best location in this {Own for that business and take the proï¬ts to another Is there not some Lone of our own tax payers with enough business ambition to take. up this position and carry it on in" the good and proï¬table way that. Mrs. Bohl has. Everyone knows the small wav she commented her store and how it has grown, the location is the best in HIghlaIid Pai‘k the stock and store}, In ï¬rst class condition. the phospetts good...neveri better. and anyone can do as.well as she has done hy applying themselves with a reso- lution of suceeeding. ‘And best of all it dont takeatortune to. éet pesscssion of lease and ,location-_ Not a'_ year passcs' not avday fades into night. but what theie 'is a chance to improve somewhere 'lhe success of any line of .work depcnds upon viou.‘ .and you alone. Others may help but it’s up to the individual to make the impfovément This is an age of mancemgm ’ail faiong- the line, 'and farm life and farm work is no exception Tb improie means to be. up-to- -date or‘ as a progressive farmer put it the other dav at an institute, â€The successful farmer is the [chow who is up- to the- minute.†- - 1i Chance to hfloVé sun-mu, FEB,ch ,7 5mm TELEPHOSE No. 22‘ 'é ‘ut one-c, w. printed I mated .11an Km; “WM 0n iihc Island {at igumsky 4th ,Iapam’ese . ere -_~ and 19J balcsof feather \ ;, ' ‘ birds". one but » birds wjngs, wet; seized. Number .of wings estlmatca at [40,400 In formatipn was OWHICCI that In ‘ August .3 japancse vessel took away 100 bakes df_128, I00 wing; from Lawson and 108... wings ‘ We thin]; phe ugighbus and friends for 1h;it.ki~nd help ï¬nd sympathy in the line‘s: .an‘dvdcéthaof hur‘faiher Akxandgr ’ ï¬rs: T HY. Elvey, Signed. MlirPlim'etict Mr ande. E. L. Palmctier. A very interesting meeting was held on Friday. er ening in the new recreation roam at the High School. Mrs. Frances D. E verett apoke of the work accomplish. ed along educational lines bythe Women’ 5 Clubs in IlIinois. Dr. FrankAlport also spoke. Music was furnished by the High School Glee Club. Refreshments were served by the Dorpestic Science Clan and a very enjoyable evening was apem bv all present. The meeting was arranged by me Lake Forest Woman' I Club of. which Mrs. Frances Rossiter Is president. The Tti Mu Club held a meeting at Library HaII On Wednesday evening. " Mr. Raiph McMains of Seattle, Wash- ington, has returned after a brief visit to his uncle W E. Waterhuuse. Mrs. Samuel Levin eménainéd at her home Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Kellog and Mrs. A J. Bernhard of Rugers Park and Mrs. john Bowdish and Mrs. Hebbel- waith of Evaeston warn guest's. _ . A vote of. thahks was then extended to »Mr. and Mrs. .Fletdter for makiï¬g pos- siblg the organization and t‘lleiramyal' en- ter: inment 'a'nd ink-Miss ‘ Guiney fur the helpful service, rendered aslrsec‘retary. The followihg scholars View. present in. eluding Lotlfers who here there munch ; lain them; Archie Bowen. Herbert Bowen. i'Elxeresa Merriman‘: 'Catlierine Redhea- Lwald; ‘lo‘hn Racklem‘rald, AEKthel Zimmcr, lMaryi ,Gr’eene, John Erickson, Sigrid [Him Emmett Mammy, Cline» Udell. lHoward Schu'macheh Helen 'Rebling, gE‘ana Garnet!» Lloyd Geheny} John Gallagher»,- v_-â€Lloyd .McCaï¬re'y, ’Geo’rge ill, Oscar Maechfle,. Wil'liamï¬anley; ‘Walter Lamb“ Howard Kuist. Elmer ;Gieser, Dorothy Larson), William Zim- l‘mer and Ellen Ewart. : _ Mrs; M. A-Jves and .diughter, Mary, have gone “to 'lfhofnasville; Ga., whe're they will_ remain for the reï¬ of the .win- tcr. ' ‘ * Mr. E. F. Carry, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Watkins and Mr. and Mrs A A. Put- nam leave Saturday (or Florida. from Lisiansky’ Island a grand. total of 495500 wing; or 247 750 birds killed These are actual ï¬g- ures of the terrible slaughter of Guils, Ferns and other beautiful Sea birds for miliinery use. The Linqoln I-Bil‘ihéa'y Post No 'l, the ï¬rst to be ofganized In Lake County. held its‘ secdnd. annual gatherih'g Saturday ’cvening Fébmary >7121h> lithe home'oi A. W.’ Fletcher, After 'an evening-of singing and recitingflthe organization, which is cumpbscd of 81h grade scholars of the Elm Elam School. and'aftcr an address by- Présflem ‘A.'W. Fletcher explaibihg' mo}: jufly'the purposes of the Post ‘ th‘e regular business of reports There are general ‘of : ’se ‘quts being organized in the State, 11an purpose being to keep inmcmory ihe namebf Abraham Lincoln. among the school children. Highland Park clai’ms‘the honor uthaw ing the ï¬fst’IPost, in‘Lake Countyand in’ all pzubabiligy the State. retary. Miss Ellen Guiney of the meeting of February IZth 1909 was read am: ap- proved. The foilowing ofï¬cers were the!) elected: PreSident, Archie Bowen; uce president, Dbrpthy Larson; 2nd vice p esidment Helen. Rebiing secretary, John E ickson; treasurer; }ohn Gallagher; assistant secregary, Mary Greene“ any eltjctioh {)f oï¬i’cers um {he ensuing véhr took place; ,The â€répon of. the sec. The following committee of eight was then elected to take up matters important to‘ the Post and repbrt at the neg annual meeting; Enola Garnett. Ellen Ewart.‘ Katherine Rechtenwald, Theresa Merri- Man, Clare; Udell Howard Selxumacher, Oscar Maechtle and George Hill (Continued from page I. ) Lincoln Birthday Post No. mum park‘NM ' Cérd of Thanks fNew) Sbonflcwwlufu " 7 ‘ “‘ ‘- Mn-A. R. Williams has been.unuunily hay this lehn with an extra club in nonography, find extra work as dramatic coach and “mm principal. In ordï¬ er to ï¬nd tim'e [at the extras. he has given one aim; in gymnasucs and the balm 1::th over to Mr. Chutes C...“ k .53 boys were found eyelemalic enough :0 have a jpecial pocket. for locker key. miles etc. Aftenhe lesson the principal spoke of the Opportunities which sew life mom; to learn' to become lynemldc’ a= necessary attribute fur business succiéi Mn: Sandwich 'uped' the general assem- bly period Thursday of last weekto teach a nine! class. With a small group 0! boys or: the stage helore him he question- ed them as to the contents of their Dock ets, desks. and lmkers. He called on the» «hoot an whole to name the subject at his lessen and ’ gnccept’ed the word System lithe, best title. Some uf the Miss Max. the violinist. play ed with much feeling and excellent tecluu’c upon a violin of exceptionally rich and beautiâ€" ful tone. especially did she charm he audience with the beautiful legate Ber- ceuse by Godard which she rendered with much leeling and musical taste. Miss Max played In addition the Some hit and as an encore a lIttle mute num- ber entitled;“1‘he Rain “ This last (an- tasy delighted the audience-particularly. The last of the three artistes to appear was Miss Ellerman who 'Imscsses a large Contraltortjoice of extellent quality. Miss Eller'man sang 0 Del Mic Dolce by Gluok; and Wenn' [ch in Deinen Aug'en Sch by Holley. As an encore Miss Ell- erman gave a charming Spring Sang . The musical was the most extensive and best 'we have had. ‘ _ Sanity . ’Liym' in?†st the Bay 15!: Cbu‘mh Puma! Lumen will ‘weak 5'! 3'" the unkn- In addiiion he the mutt services- 8' W501. m. Alli 7: 45;) m. there willbeaschill‘um for. men :13 p. Mr ï¬r. 8.1!. V3! Meter spear m the morning. Mr. Ca v l-‘orms 'lor the new Chicago Telephone Directory will closeun March in. No names will be lined after _thnt' date. Order now and a: your name in the- book; Another will not be issued to: months. CHICAGO TisrmCouNflY. 0. Fmiubie gnd'ï¬n'cr’alfldn. Parke; ,tpcakgtth'e meg‘S'u‘ Ming, the subject being -“Af Businm"4__llnvl'l' keligion.‘.’ No mah ,il’nowl W Inhibit. ' Mn John Rulhven' will léadthe Yuan: Pea pic's "meeting It 7 o’clock. All-viii be present fonhe ;cucnimz .sen‘ice. Don‘t la’iltocmne. Dr. D. D. McLauriti we!†each waning néxl week. H: is {90'3" {M‘_speéker.o You cnhmvt aï¬ordpono hear him. ‘ On Wednesday, January 26th, the stu- dents elected their new ‘CotmciIun. 'It is the ‘Iunction oi counc'ilon; to cooperate with the teachers in the details 01 dis- cipIine, ha’uing' charge in abscence of teachers and aim to act as Ii rims and as ofï¬cers in’ charge ofï¬re drI . The new. cunncii has In enty- -ï¬ve members.†foIPOws; Wiiliam Braee. Kenneth \Ioore. Hazel Bailev, Bessie Carulan, Agnes Bolling", Dorothy ' London. Archie Buwenf ngold \ant ()sborneDarby. Clayton Denman, Gordon Ray, Ray Kerr. Edwin \Vrenn. Eduard Knox, F rank Swanson, Merle Tihhits, Ruth CaIIert, Christine Deuel,1\unalreeee. Helena Grifï¬s, Bertha Harbaugh,‘ Ruth ng Catherine Schumachcr 'and Com stance Shieid ' - On' Tuesday laSl,‘ Mr. WIN, Good- ‘ridge fofmyan‘y years engaged ‘as expert machinist, ï¬reman, and supe'intendent in‘ valjiousi'lbapufactur'ihg- esrablishmenlu, visited the innual training department at the invitaliun of VII". S'a'ndwick and in- spected the. students Work. Hc express. ed himseli as'welj pleased. Org "Thursday. theremh ul Fclnuary, the pupils :0! the High School had. the pleasureol hearing“r Miss Max, violinist. Miss Smith. soprano. and Miss Elleriuan coniralm,‘ perform in the- fourth u( the the series of monthly concerts which are being given during‘ the school year. in the Assembly Hall of the High School. Miss E. Fern Smith, vi-h'o opened the program sang the Ellegie, byhlassanet and Daman’ byVSlrange. Her mice is a clear 'soprano ol exceedin'gly beautiful quality‘ and she rendered an excellent in- terprelation oi the sclectiuns, As an en- core Miss Smith sang LeGere, by Wech- erlin. - To-liiflht (1' nday) the team meets W'aukegan In our gym. It will be a bat- tle royal with the chances in Iawr of Deerï¬eld. HIGH SCHOOL Hons. Final Notice 3†Mrs. W. E. Su-ille 1m as her 1 Min Em Estillol Ectill \10 On Fl afternoon the ave :- tea in her M Mrs. Stesemon and Mix. A. W. [1 assisted Mn. Saville. On Wednesday evening Capt. 1nd,". â€gate gave a Ian-well receptim :o( in. can an. Gracie. my will be a; an Eutecouple at months before ta' he up their new residence at Monte 9y. Oflmia' um. Hijalnd Mn 1. 13. Mel» .Id idienainedfat dinner on Thurgdq g :n- ing. ’ ‘ é .0 ed [mm ‘wâ€"‘râ€"- .- Thev shank! remember Tlhlt 3. «ions injury or flu: loss 0! a life ‘cauced gy ‘ac- cidemnl dunking ï¬xes 1 93M 2: a! a a moral ruponnbiliry upon the 0f: {:der. On Fridiy evening Mrs. Mcha )2: and Mn. Ar. \V.’ an rcceived Ithe guests. . _ Captain Ryan 'enlcrtnihed at dimï¬ Saturday mums. Mrs. Van-Poole who has been enj.‘ 1 viii at Fun Porter has returned u The village: Ordinance Mutt Faro- hm \ho Margin: of ï¬re mm: mm. the Village limits. . Th5! indudfl all kind! 0‘ Rid ! Slim 'GmorArrGuns. . 7.:.' The Y. P. M 5. held dieing pier, monthly meeIinu at me \ant II no omcm were elected [or Ihe Cuminé ear and the necenary business Irina:i ipd. The yOIIng people rused uIer e 91in dollars last year, which. excepdng hat was needed [or expemes Ih hue Ike year. was IdIen In IMt‘n me. prihcipallvfI 0qu Mission in China I éi.‘ ‘ fort Sheridan Na '8 _Mrs. L. B Seiglc entertained the La fm‘ Can! Club on Tlmnday aflernoon. _ f gThnse who were. no! ‘prescm t the pieaching un'ices lot Sunday, '01 i be purr'yviflhey knew what ‘lhcy It! god. Sum: une who was present Sunday ven- ing Said that Rev. Orshurn prea’ché ‘the best sermon he has preached sine} he has been preaching m Dcerï¬eld. ' u .w- w" -.V -v_. The \. illage ()fliciai's u‘IIuId moi Eim any éIIfurmaIion which might Miégiven them 'which Would again in apprehII Iding or arresting III: guilty persuns. Wanna C. Haunt ‘ Ptesidcm. V'iliageCé adj. The livu of our citizens must pt be 9|:ch In yeupirdy. bytl‘milghlcx.‘i men Indboyuwho. lonhc moat pan. . {re iII- dIIlging lnthe pmimeof uho-III‘ H.†flak.- ‘ M, y Parehumbo permit their boy“? 1' dis- chargé Air Guns or Fire Arms ind crim- inure!) arr as much,’ or man. i (ml: dunthe. boys 11mins. TM! could he of great ï¬nance to the VIII“ ‘Oï¬i- cinls by inusting that “my "Md; P! be discharged within the Villa limiI I The Village ‘Ofllcials are den; that there shall not he a Muller; uatiun‘ at present wndiyunl. : Special Police Ofï¬cus IIIV¢i swam in mask! the regular Polio cers in ‘apprebeuding the offended. effective action wit] be taken m .- mosc who are lunnd‘guilly. ‘ Dqtlï¬eid U. E. Church news, .5â€- vices ire héld as follows: 3 , . Sunday School 9.34: a. m.’ , Preaching serviqc 10:30); «i 3 :.K L. C. E. (.45.); m. Preaching service 9; 30 p m "r" Prayer meeting held every Friday 9V:- Aningat 7:30. Pastor. Ru. C. K. On hm ‘ The enmnqimncnfgiven by the j giun Band on last Monday evening was ’de- cidcd success. The children all’dig an well, indeed, and deierve great cm: ‘1, â€ii? - a? ‘-,- fi' émm m WWW 6:!ngth mam; 1:14: I): C. Elvén.‘ DrrW. H. W5 Buy! Rm A; G. Ridmdt. _.u we: w In†Each 0' “teams“! Reocntli men hachbcen aeriu almou fatal Accident: caused by ;" being Wk by stray bullet: or Ii 0n Wedneday evening Capt. Ind Lieu; ma Ms. J. Pan have. Decrï¬cld, Newt. ' 9:1 j 'm' om â€cSw-iï¬ï¬‚gwm m4 “red, ad on WMy “chin: main .‘M‘rflnfpin'ï¬w of Mn. A .1. H†uu’iI-‘pn' 9)de _____ Among an... i ‘nish In; comedy sole. 1‘» journal “Hit A: the bed: W the Pdm' in: ‘hnd. The funniest thin; nut over louud in way into n "he. M ‘0 Ms Summation d! OM“ III.' The singing of Bend. "yum“. prim: donu. won speck! inflo- Bimbo Qeyo proved a when“ M. u 3 did lume- C. Marlowe. och-ink Ir. .g Singer“ I and“. out“ mu. Milt. ;! George Moore. Hui, Am MI" .5; Ben. Norm. There a. a hundred non-Mes in the â€doom than!» interesting 01 ‘3'. m I "-1,, hell-Id scene on dined the Mr if 3 33% mic hit onto, TheNue-u_, â€II :1.†The unanimous verdict of tho Chl- cngo pram wu “I“ Ilr. ï¬nger and Ioored â€other big hit. with ‘.' 'Iiu 80- body from MIMI]. " My W in The Tribune uMnWMm never attended a If» night all “mt which an thiopeaio' Mormon “I 0. L. mm 1: Thu Jolt-0| culled the production ":9 “has: Imposing nnd (guy capui-onql" ever pcton u '.Ca'pt and Mrs. Bundurd anddï¬lfl'en‘ H have returned to the post alter I lowed. ° two months. We are glad to know M the Captain iqlso greatly Improved . MIMI. - . _ _ I p hm ct the Princess Thence this :- Ie holds good more than I. cc: at r instance. Hr“ Singer Inca bulke- cll ‘ to Man this the. in the quality of his offering, in the ecst- linén of bin production. in the bright.- new of his start. in the [cal-grout. 0,! his scenic and tutorial urchin", in thu nine of his compccy and In cl! other things thu go to Inch up 3 Will.“ musical comedy. ' "wok 850.000 to mg. “Iii: Ho- bodvlrofc Stu-bud" cud Any Laue.- ‘ «Me at the [Chiccgc Dc“, Hun vac conned ccluwï¬uï¬c wrote: “The production am In. wit n- puny mud sun or doll-n. ' Golde’n cloth ccdj jewcled ,ctor-I. sumptuous mue Ids-and bchtIM' clothe. dummy do" tom «gun the eye manually“ " “The girl- M splendidly cud we" the W coo lumen hmdcocwlj.'?' Mics Lcllb ul- tinned. a. MEN n} .. .. {.1ifaaï¬ngsmiw‘3iï¬ .2... the Princesu. It. [us become 3 “Initial aflo- (I Chicago that each and“! candy pm- ductioh o! Mort B; Huge?" IQ Iii. he“ ï¬nd urn-nest. and in “Ilia Noted] {gun Stu-land," which hu just been Mn. Snvder and Ruth are packing up ’ preparaiory to muting Ihcir hunt in (krmammvn, Ohio. 4’ Cgpt. and Mn. Swill: took a crowdd mung people on a sleigh rode on SM day evening. tetuminz lo the?“ k supper. The party n! in honor of M guest, Miss Ella Ectill. x 11,: many {ï¬endshf Mrs. A. r. 3.135; 09 of Fan Smelling. who has b‘een any; in. [Mm McMamée and her m5; Link. Cameron. reg!!! to My: 3% mm m her bane to noon. 'â€" Liam. Oven ï¬endithhm A oontnmlgtions-o! In}: Mend! ‘ ‘ The engagement 1;! Capt. I. Lg manlnd‘Miu labia Moon 5" " mnounccd. Min Moon handing," cdnuhepaulnd bun homo! ‘V here. The wedding will uh M Mmhummommu ‘ Moorein New Yuck City mu Marion mum. Wilt Mn. "Wfliiams 17“ “a. Ric: Page. “in: Cm, Mai. “Min Nobédy from Sudan!" ~s.-,4~ â€7.- étkhphc. Hugh“ baud-â€w Thomny'mendo‘q lit!» 9.; Cb: Cb‘catns _L. it 1L coma-ox With! us I “In: my .112“ $1 G It: