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North Shore News-Letter (1907), 26 Mar 1910, p. 5

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home In?“ that ’ ' v or girl may ”‘3' '. Price 0433‘!” 008. safe paper for. Home. ' Contaifl‘ :be loci] 1181’an G r at] i n 3, (Trees, Shrubs >n c I‘ a l Land- u r k M‘oving ‘pd Ornamental Moving Luge ‘3 Specialty. :: imd Estimates c Gatdcners racgors‘ Road land Payable in M“ "¢ town!- 51.50 per ‘Tbc ’x218 - Letter Park .msbw W“ “M ('0st non nam- um: ,‘ which will be able to advocate and .cqn-' « surname public entetpn'zes and to aidth; . ‘5” 3nd» gown officials in the fulflinmem of their duties. ' r .L g Flux; 0| lum- â€"“-â€"â€"r frhe board 0! govamors of me Club desire to announce that commin’ees will be elected for the purpose of sysiematiza ing the work of me Club and that the names of such committees wil'l appear at a later dale. ‘ r- , .ALL .4 -n Col. Inge E. F. and Mrs. Brown gave . reception on Wednesday in honor 010“». nnd_Mrs. Oliver. L. Spaulding.‘ who have arrived recently from Fort Lavenworth. The Board of Governors wish to an- noupce that the Chb is not a part of any political. religious or social} Organization, but iswhat itshame indica!en.the Chy Clubol Highiand Park. We .re very shrrv to legrn that Mr. Dennis Driscall, one of Highllu'd Pm’k's_oldesl residents is seriously in, nu! hope that he wiil soon recover. :l‘he tailor shop of E. Nelson on East Central Ave. caught fire .Friday=morning at 4 o‘clock. There was a total loss and» we are very sorry to say there was no insurance. We are tpld Mr. Nelson will , .> insuranw. n. -.- -r._ , start up as scan as he can get a new fu- catiun and will then admst all losses of his customers as speedily as possible. The fire department > deserves great credit [or its work in saving adjoining property. Theharhershnp of H. Deanl was damaged only by Water and he is doing business at the old stand. Mr. Bil- harz sustained some loss through smoke and water but he is insured and will lie ready {or work in shun order. it is hoped .the city uffi'ciak. lwillrl‘e ableto finance it sume way to keep 2 0r 3 men and a team at the fire station at least at night. Glcncoe Men Who Threatened tolu- inn: Child is Sentenced. john ll. Martin oHllencoe, who w: s ”ruled for sending a threatening letter to Mrs. Russel D. hill, wife of a; wealthy real estate broker livin‘gm Highland Park, was yesterdsy sen- tenced to one year in the federal psni- tentiary at Fort Leavenworth by Judge ,George A. Carpenter of the Haiti :1 State.- District Court. Martin demand- ed 8500 from Mrs. [[111 under penalty of bodil\y Mann to her ten-year-oid daughter. Helen. He was trapped l'y Postmaster A. W. Fletcher of High- land Park by means of a decoy letter. Martin pleaded guilty, offering in- sanity as an excuse fur his act. The sand): has recently issued a bullet-l in on the discontinuance of mid-year classes at the High school. The purpose of the bulletin is to make clear to parents and teachers the reaSOns for this actit-n IN the Board. It is found that to give these pupils the same opportunities that pupils have who enter in the autumn would necessitate half vearly promotiOns. This nould‘nearly double the number of classes. greatly increase the number of teachers. and call [ore an additional building. The Board of Education is unwilling to go to this great expense to accommodate a small numhir' of'pupils (mm a single district. l‘he bulletin con- tains copies of l tters from principals oi neighbming Higg schools where similar conditions have obtained. As a solution oi the difiiCulty the High school ofiers to azcept pupils from the local school after 7/ 1-2 years in the grades provided they make a favorable showing at the en- trance examinations in Sept. . The Deerfield Glee Club will appear nn Fridav evening. Apnl 15!. The club .is talking link. but it is working hard under the directional My Dudley Smith of CM- cago; and u expects to eclipse every pre- viops effort of former years. Their program I well seasoned with humor inlhe songs and sketches. The entertainment will end wilh a bright little one act‘ play ap- propriate to April Fools Day. entitled ”A Straw Man ."Mary Sedgwick. Ruth King. Merle Tibbens, William Ander- 1""5. lug-u. Ill-mute, -V ._ â€"â€"77 Son. Alexander Dow, and Murray Moon make up the cast of characters. ,1“: Glcc club members are as follows. ‘ - Isl Tenon~E¢die Aucridge. HenTY Schaufller. Irwin Plagge. ’ an; Teflonâ€"~ erc-yv Prior, Douglas Hoflman, Roland Brand. Frederic Wax- Ist. Ban-40hr: Dunlord, Howaru WiHiams. . ’ 2nd. 3m â€"Wane‘r Schafier, qucrt PRISON FOR BLACKMAILER HIGH SCHOOL Disastrous Fire --]ohn .Dunlord, Hayward Fhislgs, Merle‘Tibbem, Raymud Barb p , w. _. ' mashandto Philadelphia beam for! On Tuetday atternoon at General Asp locomotives. The iiidvin‘s undertook" aembly, Mr. Herbert ,Smith and two the york in twelve weeniaconsidenbse: members oi the Chemistry ”class. Walter en number than the months required Schatferand Irwin Piagge. gave the re--hy British hidden. andpwere oflered a suits of their investigation independent oi ‘ handsome bornus~ lnr any gain in time. the class on the etiect of our school fil- iTheiWar Department, cabled from Lon- ters in excludingbacteria. it foundthat don: one fine morning that an uncieansed filter and tank become ehh'imp‘eetor had sailed that day to ture beds ior the rapid pn-pnati-m andiwatch the - CnnstruCtion. The increase oi bacteria. Both filter and re- reply was sent that they were already ceptacle must be thoroughly sterilized as completed. thiny-aeven day: ahead of- ‘time. Ten days later‘ the astonished in- spector walked’ in to findhia trip had caused an unneceasary delay in delivery. The firm used the bonus for anticipated delivery in sending one oi its bright young men with the locomotive: to super- intend their erection. and to watch care- fully their initial operation-«Joseph M. Rugera in ianuarv Bookloven Magazine. otten asonce a week. i Mrs. Benjamin Fessenden gave ,a de- lightful paper Thursday before the stu- dents in genera) :ssembly. The title of the paper was “A French Chateau in' the 19th Century." Mrs Fessenden was in- vited by': committee 0! the students up- ..n .mmtimnuc \‘nte oi the student body. Mrs. Benjamin Fessenden gave ,a de- lightful paper Thursday before the stu- dents‘ m general: ssembly The title of the paper was “A French Chateau in" the 1911; Century." Mrs F essenden was in- vited by' a committee of the students up- on unanimous \ute of the student body. fort Sheridan News A reunion of West Point. graduates was held last Salurdray evening at. the Univeraity Club 'In Chicago, a great; many officers going from here. Speeches weIe made by 001. W. “Z. Robinson, Col. Stephen Mlll‘ and for- mer Governor \V. H. Upham of Wis- consin. Major General F. I). brunt, presided as toast musler and (men. W. b.8mith, the oldest graduate present. xesponded t I the toast “The. President of the United States] ' An unusually enjoyable eve uing was spent. by Some. fiftv ofllcem I Miss Duncan. \\ ho has been the g .03! of Miss Page has returned to her home in Montana. Srvelnl ‘ntertaiu. meals have been given in her honor. The Ladies Bridge Club “his enter- tained at their Ilast meeting In, Mus. Alder-dice. - as their guests fur the weekend Miss ~tev:nsou and Miss Logan uf’Chicugn. Uoldnrl (‘n-u'rge F. Chase and family who have been at the Pluttington; have left for the East, much to 0hé rc- gret of their mauypoat friends. ‘ Cam. and 'Mrs. Gracie who haw been for the past. month in Albanv, visited at xhe post. last. wesk ou the r, way to Monterey, California. While here they visited Capt. and Mrs. Frie~. Lieut. ]. Cooke left. for Alcatraz Island 1381. week withfi‘ number 4-! prisoners {or transfer there.- ’ The engagement. of Miss Ayres u! Boston and Lieut. Patton has been an- nounced; No date has be_en set (or the wedding. . J Capt. J. A. Ryan had been ’called lo New Ym'k by the illness of his mother. Miss Amy llolabird entertained sev- eral young people a". supper on Sun day evening There is a very good story told of a British master-mechanic who was sent over tobuy some American locomotives because the home shop could not get them out in time.- He was courte‘ously received at Baldwin‘s, where locomotives had been built for nearly every railway in ‘ the'wurld except those in England. The i Briton wds in‘haste. Time was to he an 1 element of any Contract; .the quicker the better and a big premium lor haste. The partners reflected that there were some locomotives under way. which the visitor had already seen and wished duplicated. and that the Americans who had ordered them would be willing to waive claims. lseeing that others could be completed for them on tim’e. The Briton became impatient for a definite statement as to the time when delivery . aboard ship would commence,. Finally one of the partners remarked: We are very anxious to oblige you in every way possible, and will hasten the work, but we cannot per- ‘iorm miracles. The best we» can do is to begin deliveries one week from to. marrow." The Briton fell in _a dead Lieut.,and Mrs: C. S, Stevenson had hint. ‘ - h The following equally good story the am vouched; for: ' When General Kit- chner was fighting his wny south- wnrd, inch by inch. into the Sunday, his chiéf problem was thnt of trans- mwtation. To solve this he construct: wtrd, inch by inch. into me Sunday, his chiél problem was um of trans- portation. To solve this he construct: ed the famous smkgie railway. All lhe material was promptly available in Great Britain except. the locomotives and bridges. To construct these Eng- lish builders “finned I0 mugh time ' ‘ ‘ :2-..._\_..A 1.x- Locomotives Whllg You Wait that. it would "7 hive div nrbed his Ayres (If C!» North 813011 Neva-Lat" when, plus of uupdgm I'hiluiel- phiam bullxthe Atbnm btidge asif by magic. and to Philadelphia he sent {or humming. The Ealdwin‘s llfldflll’Ok Carl P. Westerfield Republican Candidate AUGUST BENSON, ' CANDIDATE FOR . Town Collector. Election Tuesday April 5m; {ioih 7a.m. toSp. m. NHTICI ls Imnnm’ «wax nur nu Tuesday. the 19th (lav of April, 19l0. at the Fire Depertment Building, Cen- trnl Avenue enj Green Bay Road, in the First Ward: at the store 0! II. M. l'rior. Sheridan Road. in the Second Ward; at. the store of D. C. Purdy ‘ Sons. ‘St- Johns Avenue, in the Third‘ Ward. and It the store of Brnnd Broth- ers, Central Avenue and Second Street in the Fourth Word, in the City of Highland Park County of Luke and State of lllinois, an election will he held for the election of one Aldermen for the First Ward. one Aldermen for the Second 'Ward, one Aldermen {or the Third Word end one Aldermen for the Fourth Ward of said City of High- land Park. ' “At said election there will also he submitted. for approval or rejeetion, the Ordinance entitled." AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $10,000 ' PARK BONDS. ‘ Be It Ordained By The City Council OI ' The City nl'Highland Park: That there he bummed on the credit of the City of Highland Park the sum ul Ten Thousand Dollars (flOJllll for the purpose of acquiring and improving lands} for public parks in and lor- said City. and‘ that bonds be issued therelur; that such bonds he date.) May I, l9l0. bear inter- est at the rate 01 Four, and One-Hall Per‘Centum (41;, per centum,) peran- num payable semi-annually, be number- ed lrom Orte (l) to Ten (l0) inclusive. oI _ One Thous- and Dulla‘rs ($l,000) each:‘to mature One abouaana Dollars (SLOOO) on May I. l I916. and One Thousand Dollars (“.90“) on May m of each year thereafter up tu {and including May I. I925; and that this ordinance be submitted to the Voters of said City at the regular election to he ELECTION NOTICE .-. FORM County Tréasurer. NOTICE! i 1910' _ {Approved March 2561. I910» | WILLIAM H. DOOLEY, held in mg City on Tm}. April "It. I910. Paugg‘l‘py khe Cky ConnuT Mirth 25¢. JOHN FISNEY. ‘Cky Clerk. "At aid ckction there willaho be mbmiued. [or approval unrjecduu the ‘lolloving adiamcef' AN ORDINANCE FOR THE IS- SUANCE OF .3611» BRIDGE rules! (Seal) BONDS. . Be It Ordained By The City Coundl Of The City 0! Highland Park. That there be borrowed on the broth: 0! the City of Highland Park the aim of Thirty-Six Thouaand Dollan ($6,000; for the purpose of constructing w... in and for said Citv. and that hands he issued therefor; that ouch bond. N dat- ed May I. ION). hear interest at the rate of Four and One-Hall Per Cent- mm (4": per centum) per‘ an- num. payable aerni-annuullv. be numbered from One (I) toThirty-Slx (.36) inclusive. of , One Thousand Dollars ($1.000) each: to mature in the onderni their number Four Thousand Dollars ($4000) Mav l. I‘mv Four Thousand Dollars ($4.0m) Mav I. “"73th 11m!- and Dollar: (84,000) May I. l9l8., Three Thousand Dollars (1.3. mm May I. IDI9. Three Thousand Dollar: ('3. mm May I. 1921) Three Thousand Dollar: (83.1“)! Mav l 1921. Three Thousand Dollars ($31100) May I. 1922. Pam Thousand Dollavs ($4,000) May I._ 1923, Four Thousand Dullars (84.0w) May I. I924. md Four Thousand Dollars ($4.11!?) Way ,I. 1925: and that this‘ ordinance he uhmiued tu Ihc voteuul said City at 1": regular _clec(inn‘ to he held in said City un Tucsdav. April mm, 1910. \ltrst (Seal) lOHN' I-‘INNE-Y. City Clerk. â€" “At [said lelectian there 'will also le Submitted, for appnwal or refectiunjthe Ordinance entitled: " (\N ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF Small) SEWER BONDS“ Re It Ordained By The City Council Of The City 0! Highland Park: That there be burrowed on the credit ol the City of H‘gh'and Park the sun) at Fnur ‘Tltousand Dollars (84.000) fur the pur- poseol improving the sewer system at said City. and that bonds he imed thereinr: that such bonds be dated May 1. l9").. bear interest at the rate of Fm" and 0ne~I~Iali Per Centurn (4";1 per ycentum) per annum. payable semi-annually. be numbered from One (I) tn [our (4) inclusive. of One ThOtmnd Dollars (SLUOO) each; tomsture in the order 0! their number. One Thousand Dollars (81111)) May I. I919. and One Thousand Dollars (SM!!!) on May In of each year thereafter to and including May I. I92; and that this ordinance he submitted to the voters 0! said City at the regular election to be held in said City'on Tuesday. April 19th. I910. Passed by the City Council March 25th. Pasted by the City Councii March 25th, 1910. , . Apprmcd March 250.. WIG- K WILLIAM M. p00LEY. J Aunt (Seal) you»; FINNEY.. I910. Approved March 251b, 1910. WILLIAM M. DOOLEY. Said election wlll be opened It. 1 o'cloék in the morning. end will con- tinue open until So'cloek In the ther- noon at the sun: day. . Chicago.-â€"The bony ox Ill Identified mun wu (amid In fromatreelnnvmltlotull .__A_ Wunvv-Iu u..â€" â€". _.._- , discovery was made by lawn-d Und- qulnt, 3222 Oak place. A mm I” found in a pocket up} u Fort MM. . _ g A..-_-‘ [U u yv â€"v- , son, Wis" Funny 10. ad gum-ed mi partly "och with nitroglycerin wash boiler "allowing son. at an prepsntlon. , Chicagoâ€"Joy Mo. 85 you. on. a Jamneu hon-own upland by In. M. L. Cyan-Illa. 1004 IA 83119 "onus who ént his m with Iulcldll Intent. died In Am hoo- ‘A A..- 351. He formed! In cm millionth-0.! 13-h} City Clerk: lycorin who they '0" "my. Two hum dol- Qrockod Mlyon Mayor. I‘ 7 BIG 1 ID was cu, m Minut- QM Obllnl muted :1».an no. how..- lul- linger ml Pinch“ um subject will {In 1: Km (m u M any '0: mm mun lama-8 court: to ova-r to-du “In"! an addreoi at welcome I: which knot. of the moon-coo of [twenty The [int n < ran an: mm wu dollv: mu '0: should «mu xi Md mm DOW meat I ‘ mum" n v. Ioblgm.‘unlvomt1 of Ila-0- m: [onrd Elliott. Wt North. on: F cum Rd!!!” 0099!”: “I“ J. an chum at the Gun m en'nrd; Dr. Hun! W.WW. cu“ tun government Win- mu; Dr. curbs IL Vn'luu. Unl- BLA Wan um OIL ma 3m ‘hm um. Lad. Hold in m sunwm-umm 10,01:mi ’pmbm. Pt. In. RM Du..mdoltlt.nnd_lm|~ A.“ L-‘ .- m \‘ m mé on RM!» mm 7» rflud Afar Rome 0! KM- Q - up“ mm Icy. . Ne- York. In. 1¢.â€"Nov York to ctl', a are sum tho Wat Chum ‘oooduln. :a flu no ms was

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