‘ mâ€" "â€"’-“:'“"~ " ‘ » ’ Publilhcd' lively Saturday a; ' \ Yak, Nina‘s. L wuapm -«‘“g’.oâ€"< H. P. p5VIDSON. Pmpdat‘or. ’ _vise‘d that a radical, revision he made, of the pgrbï¬ï¬fghool system; 1amoï¬g other ‘gcCOmmeadationg . m....-««-..-...â€"-~--_--.¢.-.-. ",vu. 5 It is not so very»! , their felig- cobcerned’ i9 .5] ions beliefs that'éufv rarely would “buy submhtc “it'hcy unite infedï¬thn worship- Wafl’d R- Taylor :Now it isrzvcry common to ï¬nd AfCommiztec, them not only mingling in wo'rship £30?“th t0 inqu’i gbut not -_ogfrcqu¢hfly ‘Ijoining’ im‘cmal situatiom ‘: 4. um me people---the wise am the ignorant. the good and thi badu-with the gravest question: and in the.end you educate the race. At the same time you se- cure. not perfect institutions. noi necessarily good ones, but the best institutions possible while human wrestling. and nature is the basi _ ' _ .u’sumuu rarK are‘intellirzent enough, and public spirited enough to see that public ‘monies are wisely used. But â€eterâ€" nal vigilence is-tlie price of suc- CCSQ‘. ‘ _ ' v.31; "V-.- .uu . a auauOW OK excuse Always-when we know how to‘ for it to exist except for the lack earn it, how to Save it, how to 0f moral back-bane. spend it. Money .begged, boro‘ â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€" rowed or inherited: money lost or ' stolen; money sQuandered; mon- SWIM i F m, ey boarded;-money, briefly. out ' of‘place,’ does cause misery lead-i iny often to. despair. But the fault was ‘inthe‘ use. not in .the Contest: for all-around-champiomhipe in swimming. fencing, World Is Steadily Mov- ing 'On. t e world is steadily moving on to he ter things. is the fact that there is far‘less bigotry. in; the, religious ~ world; lessl disposition among Christians of different denomina- tions to look, askahce at each other. and say by their acts‘ if not by their Winds, â€l min better than thanâ€. This charge has come partly through a more, liberal cul- ture abroad in the world; and part4 lyy through a broaden view of what ‘ tthtitu‘tes true mug: n. _ 5 . dent who is'mmt proï¬cient. the University inaugurates the plan, which will be observed annually hereafi f , ter. of conferring a tilvermedal on the greedy. hard. unstrupulousrthey were that in reality before they had their money- 'Why blame wealth for, the character . wealth merely uncovers?--The "lo-"S Yearsehave won with championship Centeni v ‘ events will likewise a: the admin of these medals. ‘ ‘ Interesting, light onthe comparative - » scholarship sanding of men and women ‘ collate “idem: is furnished by a). m nnalxemn a: m. 9.--:A-_‘ e. . _, uuu auoumer part of the . burden. But the real menace in tï¬ctcmptatibn to graft; bribery etc. It is fair to assume that the tax-payers of -Hi_ghland Park are‘intenigent enough, and pubiic spirited enough to see that public 3 "monies are wisely used. But â€etc:â€" nal vigilcncc is-thc price of suc- ccse‘. " a loan'is l l n st It is sometimes argucd'that'the policy of borrowingis unwise. be- cause: iLbezctS liwishness outï¬t, pecausé it burdens t generation who hid no, voice in‘ ‘ the matter. This Objection is valid or invalid. according uncir- cumstances. Ifflzc loan is made. say to‘improvea street which win have td be done- ovcr again in eight 6: ten years, then the loan .shouid got fbe'fér a Iongcxtime than eight or ten years. “the: foam: to be invested in a Park or ‘ in a cement culvert {bridge with < iron superstructure; then' why f lhouid not the coming genera? tion‘sho’uider part of the burden. and ,is h? ncxt I ice that it is expended “wisely and honestly." Indeed a†expen- fditnrcof public money should be 'puï¬lish‘ed, so that every taxpayer may know where his money goes. :If we mistake not, there are laws on our statute books requiring in, many instances that éuch expen- ditures shall 'be published. Last Tuesday the electo ’Hi’ghland Park voted to 'b< $50 000 for the thrc'e purpos providing a public Park, rc‘b ring in a substantial manner r'old disreputable and dangc ,bridggs; and third. constwc a septic tank near the Fulle place. ' moth new for whermï¬on are a! and“! mama. and the date changed on the printer! daft-1'1“» a and or (to Shbxrim'on, 31.50 a Year Entered at: the l’mtluflice Park, “1., as Sec‘ond Cfas «a...â€" f tszrncmé Nb. 9; SATURDAY, AER a P. pAVIDsonmmma mammcx (in: mm; Amént'e Althoughr Boston has a ,Aclea, ' _ Catholic majority, e: the ï¬rsteiec responsibility fanny mung {Icing win ' the directér‘s who elect the man-(er. ,an the uk‘tinate respomibflitv A of the nod holders who: rin‘tum, elect the) direci Uri}? I * ~ The same ratio’ has been keptfup to _ _ » _ the present time and :11:de has . ding a pubhe Park, rebufldv béén made chairman' of the1com~ Pm CC Extortion. I‘a substzmnal manner the mfittee. This Cil‘cumstance so far __ drsreputabic and dangerous ‘ a; it goes, evidences the fact that ‘ the people of Baston are njorc in- “ tefrcsteg’i in having. good schools ac $50 000 is wisely and hon; expended it will provg a m'estmem h :5 .L- L___- Upon a» report of Commissioner Frank- .in-K. Laue, the. Interstate Commerce Commission has decided (Commissioner: , Knapp and Harlan diuenting) that Pull- man sleeping-car c'harges must be sub- stamiauyle‘ss to; upper than {or lower] .._..sl._ provea street which win he done- over again in tn years, then the loan rt be for a longer time ., Indeed a†cxpeh: 'L'I‘he sickning accounts ic money should be jg; comma to us in cver_i that every taxpayer vojlume of" graft, bribcfl l’ustï¬ufï¬uy Higtuand Sec‘ond Cfass maturn the electors of 330de to borrow . "Ce DUrposcs of I c Park, rcbuinw ; no! ere are laws asjjn low. are steadily ‘forcmz requiring “1‘ tow admit with WalpOle that, †éuch expen- mgr: haw: their priceâ€, no, We \ wed. ' :30} yet admit. that. We be“: uncrestmg lighg on the comparative hat One‘ of the most interesting.“h°"â€h‘p “mm†“we" â€â€™4 â€m“ . .- n- ‘ ff h'bt m- szstorles of mumcxpal corroptlon :3:ï¬fpzninge’;r:$:betdofythfilzz '1â€, and the prosecixtio'n of persons végsity of Chicago, jutiuued. In the 3g- concerned in his the report re- _ proportion. of «:3an receiving conditions jld cchtly submitted' to Mayor Ed- duff"! â€10 year-(he lnfll'"! “On-20 to - r : _ 10 per ct. whiie 1mm 10 I04 per ct. olthe ,p. uafrd R. Taylor of San Francisco. . ‘ _ ‘ ., - , . ‘ women were conditioned. From l0 to 17‘ “d A ~’ Commufee ft?!†he had 3;? perct of the men {wed accord' k{pigmfnted to Inquire mto fhc mum- - _ midget! situatioisg and make 'rccom~ him was ohly'trom 2 go 8 w cent. I One of the most histories of municipal and the prosecution cog‘xcerned, in his the cchtly submitted' to h 5 . looms:occaédlï¬nï¬fél'opï¬igpnthe advisédthat gï¬zjflcallr Won $- -'- ween differcng fféfé‘ï¬la‘v'q‘tdcnomg “auto; the mm â€â€901 anew}: .ilmtiéï¬sé ‘ v ‘ - mam Raould‘flnclgqgeawelldc- . . " vThé‘hllosv‘ingf‘lqc'idhnt'ls {flood ï¬ned coarse 3:141:1th gnd politics. , illuslrétlon Of the growth offlib-f Oak’fhislpoint thé committee add- mm†a" "3““ i“ ““5 “Nutty. ed the: following ikniï¬cam reé 305â€â€œ is â€â€˜6 Mme 01" ’tbrcc Ro- markss- _ It is our belief that no child should be MI permitted to leave the grammar Icllool ‘ until! he has had ,tbomghly instilléd'in. - to him a strong some '0! his oblimiun' to A love hr peruianent in not - idcohnpm‘ble with rupee! 'l we men lvrs to ï¬ve memberg. The change Kin itself was naturally for the be;â€" ler; but these ï¬ve membgrs were chosen at large -and not by dis- tricks. V and women who“ sacriï¬ces made th‘n I mere physical courage and devotion of a hope of universal pace possibï¬. soldier. Ever} child should be laugh! Let Memorial Daybe our Péace Ll!!- ‘ that in all probability he will, for u very , ~Educaï¬uml PWhï¬n largeperlod of hislilc. be an agent for ‘ . M . I 1 some corporation. He: should be lluglu A - , > the elemental fan. pnnn..-.--.. ..._ , ,, .. M“ m me of graft, bribéry bobdl; vcnality in high circles as we†..._., ‘ m ..... , u-uuuuuflx w UlaJUUflOO. was de- 0 We will dared; that in’ 1907 there was another of .' _ :36 per cent.‘ amounting to $26,015,356; Ve believe and that in 1898 the. flock of {’12 com- "t. “83003 p‘any; was increased from $36.W.009 rid and in .m automation. of whiéh $20,000.000‘ï¬â€˜ America. «ccounfed {or byâ€"me acnuisiu'on of “-1 increasing g ,= . “ '- to him a strong seme'of his obliwbn' to - Of them .are the state to set aside all 'prejodlc'e or pri.’ 39d "0' from we interest and acres jurymanin any A few years case in which he may be summoned. He-‘ J thgnumbcr :hould’be _ taught that this obligation is i - . , - sacred; that its performance isthe high- mg “3 “hoe! as: kind of public service. outrankingthe ly-‘four mem- mere physical courage ahd devotion of a '1 he Change Soldier. Every child should be taught for the be!- that in all pmlmbility' he will. for a very‘ :mbcrs wore largetperloti of hislile. be an agent for“ hot. by (“5- statue corporation. He should be lenght _ ‘ the elemental facts concerning the work- ings of the corporate organization. and h“ a â€Clear perticnlarly the place of “the lmmediate he ï¬rsl elec responsibillty for any wrong doing with "angméut if the directors who elect the winger. and authors. two the ultln'mte reipomibï¬ltv‘ol the stoch- nd one ICW holders who; in tom, elect the direct- crate die; the chief design of been idapted (rum the same _ 7.-.. vv||| tor the Upper. bad {Or the tipped, society is and bad for the other fellow. It scntation. is demoralizing to all. who come ‘into contact with the system; ba ' T“ in principl; and bad In practiccf ' Trust tt There Isn't a shadow of excuse th , mu for it to exist exrénl In- .L- I . c m nuu veptms poverty stricken,_ hard up; struggling, Pullmzin Sleeping Car Company are_in such ï¬ancï¬â€™ï¬‚ straits that they are un- able to pay‘thc'ir employees, and 30 the poor {wows have to be ‘supportcd by â€tip.†By' the way this whole tipping system is bad in every light you hold it. bad for the tipper. bad (Or the Hanna remainder represents surplus Nu additiom in. -'I he Public. i noranzmg to all. who come M ontact with the system; had TIUST Till: PEOPLE )ciple and bad In practicef isn't a shadow of excuse therimzzgmpizzk-ZL? :: to exist except for the lack g ' g D“ “‘9 comparative 0. men and women "13‘3th by ‘hc an uident of the Uni- iut_im. In the; presents capitalization 0! addition?) capital was put .wfor loner and 81.10 for Is. The invesï¬gatio’n upon report; is based showed ail-[cow , 7 'â€" â€"â€"-" IIII‘I l dndergraduï¬ze uh: their errors. The comma: :ienL ThiI year will not protect inmost ruffles (In plan, _ mu " h I and unpopular member I a y are: -' v. . . m M on the rc¢yutterancc of his com 31 they are un. eml’lowzes. and tows havcto be “9-†BY the Wing System is ‘ rd {mm 336 000000 whiéh 3200000005 ‘¢ acsuisition of u ' Cbmpany. buttheg t'l'rade! the foundation qf civii- . ization! the beginning of-allpro- paratwe (fess! . XT: Makeit universal by making it he Uni. free, and the death knell of war‘ In the will be sounded! MGR-0f the 'diu'om quarrels of men and of unions are f†:15: the result of â€demanding: and " ‘0 17 the lack of common Wt: uni- “, the versai. interwovï¬nfl; and? inexttie- w :n Ihn 1"" warning tho W}. organization, and E 45¢ Immediate "one doing with [he maintenand 1' 1Wotan: uocg. :lect the) direct: Monica. .1 nitsimer Frank- ‘3‘ ms: Commerce 0' Jul! 3 night’s and “.10 for stigatié’n upOn d showed an. mould be laugln . will. for a very be an agent {q Iwould be taught . un- man we numoses. methods and and membership of 'the club were ad- :0 be opted. Ehch‘ church or ï¬eiizious the society is to be represented in the rm is congress by three commiksionen? '. bad with voting power and any church )ped; societv is eligible to such! repre- , 1o .-_._‘:‘., Trust the people---the wise am the ignorant. the good and thl badmwith the gravest question: and in the.end you educate the race. At the same time you se- cure. not perfect institutions. noi necessarily good ones, but the best institutions possible while human ’nature is the basis and only ma- terial to build with, Men an: ed- ucated and the state uplifted by allowing all-~every one-'oto broach all their mistakes and adirocat‘e sLnfâ€" -, _ Viceï¬iresident. ngosepb Stolz; sebretary. Charles h- Ald- " en; Treasurer, George W.f Dixon- ‘ Fo'rtyJour religious 'okanizad H tions were 'rept’esented I at the l meeting. After committees Were -‘ appointed resolutions . skating " ‘forth the oumoses. metth and membership of 'the club were ad- opted. Each‘ church nr ï¬nal...â€" u . , a g v-.-v‘uw yesterday at the Union {Ldaxuc club The ofï¬cers are i President. Judge Marcus A. ‘ Kmanah. I Vice-president “Ram Joseph I ital- 1‘ ‘-= ‘ n _ Onthe diffua'un of cducaflén unong Jhevpeople mu the preservation and per- peumion of our fre'e insinuating 31w 7 prehend no danger to Our country from a foreign Inc. ' ' ' Our dg’uruction." should it comet! all. will be g‘hdm' up; I. V _‘ .--m -3' other quarter. From the, in-aï¬ootibn of 1b:- peoplc to the eo‘ncem of th§ covert» meat, from their careleuneu ind 1mm gence. {conteu I do zpprehénd some‘ danger. ' ’ ' Make , them intclflzam and they will be vigilant; 'cive filmu the means 9! detecting the "uni md lhey' will apply the remedyr-Dmiefl WW. mum : nlthwgh _ the tent in {he ph' lunatic. the real Peace Day of he uchoal year. A love hr perniment ' in m idcohnpm‘ble with mpect 'f we men and women whaé sacriï¬ces made It?†hope of universai pace ponib . Let Memorial Day-be our P¢acc my. , ~Educatiaul “cannibal: m my MM States todaybccaus: of , _ » M. _ :« MM! {Want from f. ‘ ‘ , . _!' . Wyn-not afford 1"“ W" Pm M'Wb '0 and 93:: cannon interest: Face ‘Day m :8: Public mm “’0 â€Ch duh" 0‘“ amnion about .oï¬icm and teacher: to State; f’tmd today a": burn it "ill: applauds-u qemi“. CXWP Ifld most form 1!. .‘n‘f-l gin..-A-- <0 J' I é*‘llufldec'ed by 1‘ Macadam“; M 1 I†II! on Ilmfl l‘ m mu 1‘ 31'! gone: on. 'â€""â€" i w more eï¬da people-«the wise and †Elbe We won . the good ï¬nd the 31"“ â€a†he gravest questions ,1 mum nd you educate the .‘ gnu! power. I:- ‘3 same lime you so hum-om. fect institutions, noi ‘ Whamâ€. a God ones. but 21».- be“ ~: "I'- w! how we “Jam 01 have“ . our, titutions. noi ,‘Whu £111.13. the {mm 5,, m. p 3!, but 1h: best :2? If, . '9 Ch.“ free m white human 3 ‘3' “a W “a“ .ltutlï¬a 31.9. , Country M ‘ r dmm, b. â€m m. indï¬um’bp of . mluénd some : :12; ‘m intelligent ~, ‘ I We {than (he 51mm“: m‘ M me" V Thu ‘0 trial! WM" Xi fora - ; ‘ If: â€chin M ti‘ .9 the sag ; 'i 3:. the sac E ' .~ 37,0015“, 5 i’ “d 0w w- 3, mg m: ' i It en an". ‘ men 0! SH}? ‘30â€- ?é,“ an: the n Imitatipn 3c mgqorq Isfcitizcn- 3/ “.10!!!th d‘ flic i?‘ minllOdi 0 ers 5 Wm 0“ I :Lda'ue x ‘0 I“ “I: .l Mable“); lmm 5†II We»: CW“ 0'! nation leavcthc "an m ï¬ndlkemmd; _,_, w «an: “III «P etheulor m be everlasting ; d Updated by in “minibus, and tub- h :2 to in MIMI corruption. We 3F Wen-Ind the nomimu'om mum mm? lien! Prominence ‘. _ †Mun the P‘NV mg if man attaining and Whitey {0' V â€,2: F; thmuon of, the ofï¬ce mm b. A 5'9â€"! 0! the party. The chief comm I} b 3“ the 5015 into it: had: 0‘. ‘0- .g- MING III". . - . - if ‘ Whauhen? ppemnce'of M. : m attitude wherever men {mama _ AM My Import? Doe. our" nun-- ic (Juice of Public )eriaent in free trade listoty of the world am metice proves the “recur Put In. cow: preservation 0! in I“). ï¬nd Inn-.3 thit pud- theory 0f t] s-vâ€" Aminwri ., From Tim.- Fen ....... rm mwm an.“ Fm- ‘l‘uuunu of other 1 “Mm: to and u ‘ 4° hereby «:1 mt} the a Paid ~' ‘1 u ’ hid “ w u . end «It on Burl of El Mmhmau‘ - No. 101 ...... Pad out on Dim: 0rd PAid “ u _ u STATE from of Fund- ........ ‘ Total I Inn Moon on bond as Win Fa- dlurlbuliou ol Tn ‘ ; “Mir Fu Cull on M It M. Mid 0|“:th not put to Cr“ NCO-W of Tr“: Fold hr min. Anna! M to Putnam; hind... cm: on hud a duo (Ape-n m m mm»: m on bill M. Wining ol Mud tro- lohu pad Mud [mt from To Mind tro- Conty a» Mind (m Diuricubh Cull 6. had“ he‘inio‘ '01 CEIPTS OfTMdDbu-ict Rags No. 12. Lake Co 5-631†and Boeing \ NWUAE STATEM He'll] may . mum! TIE. 'Cuu'un Tl