lajurity of the fron- I lands upon said an said workuto 1:!) any: from the take 5 said work and oatrac! to do said Mum less than the ironlateral main me! with ï¬le lav- ud special East- and laid alnng and in the City 01 'and connecting St. johns avenue aid Orth‘ard Streeg hundred thirty- on the Twent'y ‘ I910, and Doug- luwest tesponsible as awarded to said he Twenty ï¬rst day ; Said bid is lor the b as follows: auxillRIy we castings {\l M. DOOLEY, H. SHIELDS. \N DENZEL. and box non of a (Our inch >cul lmpruvemcnu red) same has been water $22400 A I OL'N T. 3 52400 It) 00 35 (I) 213 1)) 12 ‘ Membersâ€"Mrs. R L Sandwick, chairman; Miss Everett, Mrs. F B Green, Col. C F Macaulay. Mrs. P C Wolcolt, Mrs. William Bruce, ‘ Mrs Fred VSchaefer, Mr. A M Allison, Mr. C 0 Phillips. » .Snggu'ed lines of work: â€"To make Istndy of the various professions and occupations the opportunity in each Ind the qualities necessary forsuccesa 20d. To securemlks before the sgudents on these lines by elï¬clent men in vari on ï¬llings: 3r:l. To make a study of “the education helpful in various pro-- Thesiona and occupntions and the places where this education mav- be found . EDUCATIONAL coum‘r'rE . Membersâ€"Mrs A Tillman, Chairman. NnJTMoore, Mrs s J Baker, Mrs C G Phillips, H c Hill. Mrs J E" Bittlngeh In] F Learning. Miss F B Bliss. ‘ Suggested lines of work. -â€"lst “o~ operate with the school in socisl functions. 2nd Cooperation in dis. conngement of cliques, fraternities, or close distinction 3rd. Encourage: ment of interest among the . young in city and home. This may be done, ï¬rst, by offering prim for composi tions on, "W but has been done and mnv still reasonably be done to beautify and' improve my home town Second, by oflering prizes for compOs-itions on “What may be‘ done to improve‘ my home grounds and property and make them more attncti‘ve to passers-by. 3rd. by offering prizes for best kept garden of flowers, ï¬nd best kept gar- den of vegetables, the work'of pupils in school. ' Suggested linesof workzâ€"Ist. Imiesti- “ion as w the attitude of parents on changing the three years course in Mathâ€" mlicl so as to begin with Algebra the (A) Changes invdved. Substitution of Manual Training, Domestic Setence. Md Business Methtds with mathemat- ita| computations, as required work in u" ï¬at year. ‘3’ Purpose Fitst, to lessen the dif~ kinks of the course by the increased “tiny «I the student. Second to give 9 side: range of work in the ï¬rst year as Suggested lines of work-‘45}: To co- operate with schools oietownship in; prociaoting a ï¬eld day for pupils of grades at. annual ‘Grammar school meet. May 13 1910. 2nd To encourage lormatlon of baseball league among schools of the Iownship. 3rd ’l‘n at- tend athletic eIIems at High school and to acquaint, themselves with the purpose of physical training and eth- letic and to spread a knowledge of them value. “II To consider advisâ€" ability of admilting all pupils free to games 511: To cooperate in raising‘ fund necessary for support of athletics. ‘ noun AM) 800111. (303131?an » Members, Mrs. FR McMutlin, chair- man; Mrs. F B llnssey, M'rs'W S L Anderson, MIss Laura Euetls, Mrs. H lThayer. Mrs. W ETen Broeck Mrs. ]A Reichclt MIss Harriet Marlin, Mrs. W P Morgan. The work 0! the High SchOUI Division‘ diï¬â€™crs Somewhat from ihat at the gra‘des having more mature maxerial with which to deal; :he ï¬rst aim has been to estab- lish a fellowship abounding with good [eeling between :ih'e paréms of our half grown children and the men and women who daily instrucg and educate them. ' " The High School Division has {our sub committees, andlhe work outlined is of good that we hereby show what these committees are doing. M'umu'tc c murmur. ' ’ Members. A R “'1 jams, chairman: C F'Smith, .Mrs.‘ E liournique, Mrs. ]R Hoffman, Mrs. It LBowen. Mrs. A L Kenning, Mrs. T C Williams, Mrs. W. 12' Brand. The ofï¬cers of this association elected at the ï¬rst meeting were: , Mrs. William T. Underwood; Fred’- >dem; Mrs. anen W. Schumaeher, V'bce-President; Mrs. H. B.“ RQberts,‘ Secrctary: Mrs. Ira ]. Gear. Treasu'rer. , There are three local divisiuns with Mrs. Daniel M. Cobb as Chairman of the High Sghmll; Mrs.- John Oliver,’ Chairman of the Elm 5mm School; Mn; Curtis N Kimball, Claimant of the Lin: coin School, Ravmia School and the West school. ‘ ‘ The ubject and purpose of‘The W- ants aqd Teachers Association which has been receniy‘ formed is to rrovidc facilil ties for br ging teachers and parent; into closer contact. MENTS AND TEACHERS ASSOCIATION; . Highland - l N E W S WU CONTINUED thou lsT mos. year insteéJ of theï¬rst. 353! VOCATIONA L COMMITTEE ' City Counter. Dated this 30th day of April A. 9.1910. 'All pérson's interested areï¬héreby no- tiï¬ed to cau‘and pay ï¬th‘e amount assess- ed at the Coiledor's. office, 105 West Central gveh‘ue,‘ Highland Park. lilinois, wnhin thirty days from the dim} hereof. T. M. DOQLE‘T. pysxem nu Ida ... ..._-_._.-, , ., Park, as will mot; fully appear from the certiï¬ed copyof the judgment on 53: in my ofï¬ce; that the warrant for coilec- tion at such assessmemis infhe" hgnds of ih$e undetsjgfled. - . > __ IllCllL- The'deï¬ciéncv Vassessmcnt for afcquir- ing land néctbsary vfor'the construélion of puriï¬cation Vworks‘ of Ravinia Sewer System No, 155 in theCicy of Highland _ . ... .4--- (“"11 unison!" from the NoTIthâ€"Public Notice is‘ heréby given that the Cuuntv Court of‘Lake Coumv; Illinoig, has rendered 7 judgment for a Special Assessment upon property beneï¬ted by the tollowing Improve- ment: . A special committee. Consisting of Alderman Baiir, Kline and McPherson, was appointed to report ‘to, the Council oh site for a west side park. The Commju'ge 4ou> buildings and grounds was authorized to replace the dead elm ,nrees in the parkway of East Central avenue. ' . » '- Adiournment; SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO- TICE. » ‘ Spccxal Assessment NS. 156. Request (if Modern Woodmen to rent V“Firemen's Hall", also communication from Highland Park Improvement As‘ sociation, asking permission for free use of city water {or sprinkiing streets, were referred to the Fire and Water Commit- tee with power to act. _ The Mayér pre‘se’ntéd his annual mes- sage; which was ordered published. (Message will be printed m the cuming issue of the New; Lona). A pétition signed by the propertv own- ers on Waukegan avenue objecting 'to. the éxpcnsé of the prop‘oSed pavement 0! said streét, was referred to the *Boapd of Local Improvements. Election ‘Ieturnslwere 'cam-assed and results delai‘ed, also ordinances providing for bond issneé whch carried’at spring election wer'e passed. Aid. Shie' ds and Baht “ere elecud members of the Board of Local Improm- ments. ‘ Ordinance for gas maine in St. john avenue betweet St. Johns Place and Maple avenue was submitted ‘nnd the Council refused to pass same until 5 ze of pipe was speciï¬ed 'in the ordinance. Ordinances prepared by the Board of Local Improvements were passed for Water mains in Wuudpath avenue and Bronson street, also for paving the alley in block 23.; Ordinan‘ce‘ ï¬xing salaries'rof city ofï¬cers for énsxxing ï¬s'cal year ’passed.. - Annual reports of City Clerk, Aud - tor. Commissiomr of Public \\urk~', Chic! Of Fire lleparlmént and Citx Tykfasnrer :Wexe preSented and approv: The Elm Place division of the Par ems and Te'nchers Association of Highland Park. Mrs. John Oliver, Chair man will hold In evening meeting at the Elm Place school, Thursday even- ‘nz, May 12. The building Will be'open “7:30 o’clock for the inspection school work on exhibition in the various rooms and at 8:00 o'clock the-program in the school auditorium will begin. â€This will consist of music ï¬nd of one or more exerc ses by pupils of the school. fol lowed by an address by Professor Wm. B Owen, Principal of the Chicago Normal school The subject of the a‘dress will be "Some Modern School Problems ‘ ProfeSsur Owen is a pleas- ing and ioree‘ful speaker and “ill no" doubt makeanotewdrthy address. All pinrons and friendsof the‘sch‘ool‘ me cordially invited and urged to‘sm-nd next Thursday evening a: the Elm Place school. City Council Meeting, May 3, 19m > ’ a basis (If Choice in idetqmining future comes in school or vocation in hie. 2nd S'Micitationnl philanthmpic’ lid; {to secure Rhola‘nhips to that dose'rvingr l-eapablc students tn attend college or university. Third, study of the ways 'and meahs by which cuoperatia‘n Mi ischbni had home may develop character as the supreme end 0! education. Euunb, ICnnsideration as to the .adIisa'bility III In- Iroducing some study of the King james \efsion qt the Bible in the course in Literature Fifth, acting asjndgesol Grammar School exhibit May l3, 1910. 'Sixth, report to the school as to the ad visabilitv of individual instruction! _on Saturdays from‘) {012 to pupils who have been out of school or are ï¬nding tempurarv diflicélty with their work. Seventh, consideration as to whethera night school should be maintained next.1 year in Connection with high school. PARENTS AND TEACH- ERS’ ASSOCIATION: ‘ ...................... Interest and Bank Deposits. Eddie. ..................... Tax vy 190... .'. . ’ menu: Fun. 111.. my I. mo. 1'9 run Hoxounu Hub: mm Cr" “Gonna“ ' _ ' Gentlemen :--â€"I bmittprIY dmtion the following statement 3 mug Wind .3th. of the City of Him for the m1. loop. now no. mo, . d the _ ' condition at thedifâ€" 3f the City of H ferent funds Meghan? 1, 1910: Total Gene'ral Fund ...... Spugu. Fm") TOTAL Sncuni’vxn GRAND Tofu. , GEN ERAL FUND Cl...‘~“"".' ..n o.uo7..oo1 34 name 07 51â€"1 435.315345423504125 8'27 08 BAMICI 4% Hum 887 284. 02. Mt“ . V- Input ,Gtsy‘l'm. '1' â€â€˜5‘ nun." : BALAICI ’ . i . . Q 87,582.07 .sio,oss.ox BuAuC' BALANCI olbn $56,331.46 man-22, Vi 850,231.38 895,187.85 ‘cuon' May 1. '09 75.63 ï¬liééiéé‘ 431866385 1.7 .02 7 .69 2..506 77 137.35 1.111.07 v 446.56 305.15 1,895.92 1,190.90 327.35 1,070.95 1,502.41 323.01 795.48 351. 78 3.087.515, 3.087 10 502.07 907.55 981.90 557 29 1,271.32 237. 59 407.05 118. 03 94 . 35 287 . H 3.551 . 66 3.873 . 46 275.112 45.55 1.020.114 1,433.95 274.97 141. 95 - 491.25 509. 40 134.97. 44. 23‘ 47.57 10.17 108.20 105.01 _ 20.95 234.04 ~ 110.39 545.90 04.70 145.01 37.86 4.200.71 1.146.15 \ 212.01 217.00 3.341250 {8'8 763.12 513.62 926.25 iIiréSIis 449.01 159.74 195.47 1.024.52 1.0m. 27 1,598.0 143.38 271.48 125.85 10.71 132.00 474.00 612.36 243.76 452.75 316.12 103.84 174.76 39.75 57.20 5.67 111.10 2,704.77 94.98 273.53 3,723.00 79.40 2,822.43 596.02 1,885.62 716.30 1,074.27 107.37 170.“) 112.00 “a. 4. ll- III- 45.22 131.26 115.72 1,242.29 328.93 ..... mmwww wwmwwww 118.83 287.11 3.873.“! 45.65 1,433.98 141.35 4‘33' IOJ7 105.1“ _ 20.95 “0.39 84:76 37.86 1,146.15 76. M 89.61- 19. 89 3.188.49 3% .2135. . 838%83 N G a: 104.71 I57. 23 70.21 213.97 49. 89 180.13 911 41 1.308.“ 193.49 70.89 ' 119.36 was.“ 401.48 198.47 387.67- 285.30 97.38 680.81 [28.16 317;!†177.52 103.†109.69 159.45 37.10 25.68 338.95 133.69 174.68 318.49 {59.55 61.59 runs In" L '09 $9613.} fl .......... 37,720.00 1.07:; . 57 106.00 07,641.56 .17.“ . 86 3“.â€5 Ins-vul- 120.00 120.00 3,234.79 250.00 250.00 330.“) [15.00 [$07.00 2,782.79 38.69 848.06 148.“) 130.00 145.00 2 125.00 1.191. 06 222.10 '84:.“ 3795.25 817,386.40 ‘17.“! .u 1mm mum mmMm mumwwm $5.15 274.64 6.760.“ 207.45 525.69 219.7! 38.95 371.59 31.25 393. 19, 260.62 118.67 5|.76 137.57 168.18 124.80 134.09 705.00 240.00 7.89 .25 Dunc: 313.5618 14.524. 17 1,334.18 ........ 247 . 34 398.42 '24 976. 88 48.7! 6.21 76.“ 47.16 Dlll‘l' ‘ Kny 1. '10 ’ 79.4“ 2,822.4“ 2.7M. 77 119.04 493 . 25 3,723.01- L141 . 4' 1.189133 75 23.†:57 4:37} 25". ‘1 3.. 4.3%.?»8 2‘2 "6 3.303 115 76.1% 9412!. 5.58.65 2.381 343 1,408 _ I91, 1.682. .' 13%;; ' 2,346. 5 , 253 I .20 1.750. », 583.14 10.6' 317 177 103 159. 1.104 H7 275. 541 103 710 3‘27 10 12 .30