The Theodore Thomas Orchestra opens its annual two weeks season at Bivinio Pails, sundny [July 17th] The Orche-ir's hos just returned from .an engagem/ent at "Willow Grove,“ Philn dolphin. where they have been playing the post few weeks. . In the early (by: of Chicago's, Morai- onl history, the Theodore ThomasOi' chain ï¬rst became ideniiï¬ed wilh this City by'a‘,neries of Summer "pop" Comma given in the old Exposition building which stood upon the Lak.‘ front and which 'was, converted for thr purpose inio I sun mer garden. The pmg rain there oflered, copies of . which are in the library'lefl by My.†Thomas,‘will always heidentifled with ‘ history of mnsicin America. For taste, trnngemenl. ‘and wines, they remain as treasures of program (3‘ instructing june 27. 1910 Sarah A Higgins to S A and ()G b‘t. Pokrylot' 1!. but 8, Exmour Add, Highland Park. “/10 8500 00 D A Driscoll and wife to Dennis Dr‘s- eoll undivided 2-5 lots 13 and H. blk 10, Highland Park. W D. 81.00 Marion E Schultz and husband 10M. '1' Light-er 191511.12, 13. and part lot 10. blk 1 Pin! Clinton,‘ [ligh- hid Pair. 1" D3150“) 00 0 B Brand sun wife to G 11 K archer Went put lot 4, blk .2, Highland Park. w 031 00 , I 8 Tflbut tad wife In 'I‘riniw Panes. taut Episcopal chunch‘, West 50 ft 10" m 11-, Huh sud Ink. “Imam Julyl law 0 A ReeJ lo Lliu A vaens Sets 9 In 16. re-snbof put. Mk 2 Higbla d Park W D _ $1.00 But two Soloists wiil appear during the werk. .On Sunday evening the ne“ concert master Hans [.etz and on Sat- urday nvening Bruno Steindel, firs Cams: Lake County Title and Trust Company Manna: o0 1idc.Title' Gmnntecd Marches of Elgar, Overmns of Mn- zart, Beethoven Weber zibd Goldman]: Hanoi. mnaic of 1bchakiow>ky, (wlazwm now, Bizet 3nd Delibu, Hui gariul. Rhupludy's and Dances of Lisz ' and Brahms W thus of Strauss Sketch s of Grieg‘s, Massenet' a Saint- Saens and MI. --,Dowdl and benu'ilul bigs of Hand-e. and Schubert, are marshaHed wgezhén in bpautilnl array. Fridty night. will be "Wagner" nigh! and 'fbutvsdflny afternoon "'Chil'drem- Buy." Profiting by this iorg aé‘socialion an‘ («mining with Mr. Thomas, our UWI Fndorick Stock has devleuped a genim for making programs that is uniqm Bis offerings at aninia furui>h the lover of’f‘opuiar music, delightfui read- . ingl- “hits the standard maintained in in kcrping with the organization in seems to’ have culled tin-bed. musica literatqre !or tune!ul,j yfui cxpe'éts: This hreeziv- mauledâ€"“farce is up idenl :ummer entertn’xnmen‘, and the ludiem' II kept langh'n g from the rise of [he ï¬rst to the fall of the ï¬nal em "in. There are many tuneful music “number. including, “Put the bal over the pan Mc’iann", u baseball song with null; refrain ahich promises to be even more popular lhan " 'In the Good Old Summer Time†or at y of- lhr other so cmlled popular mug at c J“ years. The eXciI-ihg baseball game between the .rival Siwash and Pinto 'Gollege teams. which is played In full View of the audience in the last uct. hes been witnessed by nearly all 01’ the Nuljonul League Names plagim Chicago, ï¬ll of the pl tyers luve or}; nounced it. a mum-l in‘stage‘cran. (“My Cinderella Girl" will remain al ,the Whitney until Sept. 3rd when 3' tour of the principle cities of the Wis! including, Mllwaokée, SLPaul, Mn. mpolis. Denver. Omaha, Kansas Cit)". 81.. Louis. and lnditmpvlis, will be mic. none of the -smaller cilins or whst is known In theatrical parlance as onenight stands will be visited this With one “caption "fl y creamâ€). Girl.'_' holds the neasops’ Eon: run ‘rea cord fpr Chicigo, Unerelor it in entitigd' to he called the mumtvsuceesstul of the current musics] attractions, at protein pitying. The theatre is-kept delight» Mlycool by nuns of srtiï¬. ia‘l‘v cooled sir, macquendy. the ï¬rm [rather in not naectcd the attendance. Thc' Theodore Thomas Orches- 4 tra. at Ravinia Park. Kal Estate Chaisfci's unsomc TKIPLB annotate WAuxmAn, - - - 1L1 the theaters Luis 1- Gun“), Scc'y. FURNISHED BY humus South tar st eet. After he had [made unuo sly for several mln- ute- ho {all unco scion; and died be fore medical {dd uld reach him Dr» C. D.'Wall of he Harrison Stree: Emergency ho’spi I. made an exam- “nation and said! tho sneezing spell Chicago.«-Owe MoGoorty, forty- flve years old, eesedj himself to death in the “in’ trelghthouse 01' the Illinois Central "road at the foot of A Boston (Mass) patrolman, Steph en Higgins, is stnnding a lot of joking- lrom his fellows because he micmnl Thomas W. Lawson for a sec‘nmlstor‘ worker the other night and aciualh “captured" the ï¬nancier. ' Lerov Hemlrifks. eighteen year:- Watseka.» Sta -.~‘s Attorney John P. Paliissard purified the ’cmei if police at You g;.iown, 0.. in a‘let er sentythat Mir Delvina Nichols. the mild girl in the death mystery at 'roquol's, died probably as the result if an operation at Youngstown. This )pinion was based on an investigation .nade. Examine on .of the-certificate )f death and shi ment permit revealed .(hst death com as the result of an )perstion, prece ed by a sickness oi‘ [1 days. The g rl's mother told con flicting stories out the expensive gasket. At one him she said it Was 3 worth $160. but she had bought it for ‘ $60. Onanothe occasion she said it i was bought by‘t e theatrical troupe to which‘her daughter belonged. .Joliet.â€"Jamesf Ryan, alias Kelly serving a sec‘ nd term in the loliet penitenti ryv for attempted burglary in Chieago, hanged himseli from a pipe in the prison boiler room His body was cut down‘by keeper E] P._ RoWley. Rye broke the parole "granted to him est August and was‘ resentenced in th winter. He was re ceived February 0 and became such a model prisoner t at he» was made “runner." This ave him freedom'oi the grounds and nabled him to be ab sent fenan hour ithout being missed Julietâ€"Sykes r Lally, aged nine; teen, was tra pied to death ‘ by his horses. whi had been .tright. ened hy'on ant obiie driven by P. E.- Gerhardt, 6053 Monroe avenue. Chi- cago. Lolly we going hom'e'up the incline two mi) west of Ltrkport when the auto abile was it mine down at ltvely lip. The harms up set the son a d Lolly was thrown under their feet - Mr. Gerhardt. who was accompanied by his son. W1 liam. picked Lally up d took him toluoék port; wherehe (1 ed an hour later, Robed m a cost $15,900, Mi one-o! the best- mgton. D. C., d Scott Townsend, Goelet Gerry of l Elnd 'Mrsv Elbrld York. ' Prof. Robert lermlogist, died a disease of th ’at Klausthal. 1843. Protease noW‘n as the di: wt tuberculoxls a disease of in heart. He was born ’at Klauslhal. anoverf December 11, [843. Protease Koch gained great r9 noW‘n as the dl coverér'ol‘ the lmï¬lh mt tuberculosis nd cholera. Wllllam,_Ran in of SummllfN. J., who wlll be 1 years old soon, as «art: that he s the oldest collegl llumnus in th United States. He was graduated rom‘ Williams .collegv la the class of 831. ‘ . William. Bio '13. who Sahel; from New Foundlan December~ 25, 1905 with a team 0 .fodr dogs at: a my around the word for a purse of $10. 000. has macho San Jose. Cal. alto? traveling 25,000 miles. , IMPORT} ‘NflTES Theodore R04 the string of k write after his iambfldge ( With, Quiet cvrc Jr from one of nos! famous :towed upon th‘ John '1‘. W man in Connec Xaugumck, Co )Id. Nil-“Whit: 'nated at $25.00 >Ma'yor P. F: Mncisco sum in . automobile 0118. Mayor â€N the car jot J. ( rétary of the ] ters,’ when the xtré'et ca‘r. Bernard Die ken, city editor at 81. Lows. from 1 01 to 1909. shot am- killed himself. TWO days ago he was found unconac one from partial was Dhyxiat. ion . l LA'fl-zs'r' HAPPENINGS TNE WORLD OVER TQL-n Md 1751511on FORM. EVENTS H Condensed Im ANT-HEW so; A wax ERE [no THERE L McCarthy ‘0! - San red :1 broken ankle‘m, accident at “Intimnap comm-y Was flaiug 1n :RBONAL. former president: Goch. the famous bac’ at Baden Baden from 1, Carson“, national ‘sec- irotherhobd of Carper!- mac‘btne ran Into a ittemorc. the' richest ticut; died suddenly- m in. "He was 73 yearsl emore's i'ortune is as“: 9,009. -' nwvel! has added to titers he is entitled-to name the _ LL. I). oi Engiand) university monies the signal hon the worlg’s oid'c-s‘t and universities was be r a PM Line- for the the Buy Man»â€" Personal Infor- (nation. a Mathilde Townsend mow» "girls In Wash augmer of Mrs. May was married to‘Pew New York. son of Mr ge' T. Gerry or New San. Jose, Cal. after miles. Iblte Ines gown that s) patrolman, Staph inding a lot of jokinu because he mhtonl ton for a second-star) clovoilnd Polio. Chief Suspend“ Cleveland, 0.. May 26.â€".Pendin. u investigation of charges against him. Chief“ Police Frederick Kohl», who has n , notional tenuumon u» "tho "widen rule chief." was suspended by Mayor Baehr. The charge. occlu- the chief of misconduct in one. u or immorality. ‘ R0" HANOS are made for more than showroom tests. They must merit our approval before being pflered for youranhen our name is placed upon the mag- nificent instruments we know they are worthy to bear out the reputa- tion that makes a Crown Piano unquestionedâ€"like a‘ royal signer. It is ready to prove its power of tone and endurance in the hard wear of actual use and climatic changes. You can ,buy lower- priced pianos: but are A wiil not cheapen the ‘Crown"’ piano to make-a sale. We shalt-raise the price if necessary to keep work- manship and material to the stand- ard that has made the name stand for something to music experts. Yoa‘aeel to look only for the am “ 67m." Geo. P. Bent. Chicago. . We pledge the real in ‘onr harmâ€. Smd a resin! for the beautiful Cuc- loae If. Yoi ecu 5-150! our We _. or at hm cum; B‘ocl. cue-so. 0.323." 9150, I} 3213?. Han-11m. To every purchaser of‘ a Washburn Piano at retail on our “tampon! floor during May, 1910, we shall allow-8! for each Washbugr Piano ~_--.,,-...., ‘."sold by us at retail during 'the ‘month up to th: num- ber of t'wenty-ï¬veï¬flfor the next Washburn Films sold up to ï¬fty we shall lilo" 50 cents each; for thn next Washbum Pianos mu u to ‘ one hundred we shall ow - 25 cents each. ‘ 7 This is a bona-ï¬de Mutual Beneï¬t Allowance wlich we charge to advertising, be: " cause we believe it pillbe 7 . ‘ worth a large’sum t5 us to ' ' introduce the latest models of the Washburn‘ Pluto in ' , ‘ , all sections of the q'rity at once. To those who buy a Washbum Piano [01‘ cash we will send a check for the amount of the beneï¬t June lst, and to those who buy on time'we will make a credit on their note or account. ’ EXAMPLEâ€"Thus. should we sell only twent '-ï¬ve Washburn Pinnm gt mil durin May. this beneï¬t would amount to 825 ( l on each of the lint twenty-ï¬ve Wash urns sold); should we sell 50 Washhums it would amount to â€7.50;“ is. 81 on the ï¬st 25 md 50 cents on the second 25): should we tell I75 quhbum this beneï¬t would amount to 875. You would actually saw that can. ‘ mil rice of the Washbum Piano remains precisely the same as alwaysâ€"8275. 3300. A 25 and_ E’P‘Tafd 810 down n:ill_place one of these beautiful Wuhbumg in your !,,-.,u,u,_A- Th. W III." i! II. I! I humus Wlbabufll 3:513.- lnnlld 0:“; a Tt-l: 0.“ng I.“ â€II‘ m w-vâ€"u _I..._.-V home. The balance may be paid by my monthly installments. Here is your opportunity to PLEASE OBSERVE that (M. offer In no way unvar- of a Prllp. Paulo Coatedâ€"but in the .trictut mu of the word I. u Show. forward Basin“ Pmonflion. A Great Opportunity! WABASH AVENUE AND ADAMS STREET MUTUAL BENEFIT , PURCHASE PLAN i apportunity to get a ï¬ne instrument at a specili price. READ THIS PLAN CAREFULLY. " ‘ ’ ~COMFORT. SERVICE. STYLE and INDIVIDUAL- ITY are the requimeq‘ of a desirable shoe.’ {The “FLORSHEIM"‘ fort» men complies with all that te- quiremwts. ‘ ' W beach near Central Ave. Glencm. O butt leather band hég. with iniul' 'C" mule outside. finder please "1'!†News Loner 683a. Ziednc MW}? 009. and ncicve mud. A mt". our. 88‘ It flu "sonata" unox no: u" u not mount mat "on“ LUST-July 7th. Rough Cunt Fox Terrier. female. erect call. black head. while body. bro'nnl v bachlel. Reward for inforflb' w E. L. Hump. ‘ 29M!“ COHMER BUILDING ‘ FoR RENT: ~niccly {u «but - ‘nll Inodem impnwcmn. Address- foouct. le Higlumod Ave. or die L l-OR REN‘I‘xâ€"Se‘en roan WE“? electric Fat! and hub. We: Ca“ an. lnquitc at Mn. Whitney o. I“ 29"? ï¬nï¬ mummy-I» OR RENEâ€"Chane ofï¬ce! in“? i.» thine Bank banding, min! .c Denmu. Hawkins and anen. mi“ tie and an lights; nun hut in“: mvlce ac. Apply It the EM: Bonk ; ’ A F0: Rum Upatodatrfunmh‘ ed rooms with telephone reasoï¬i Ilk terms. Apply to 11.1.: O'Bricn344 West Central Ave-.3 Mahmud Park. Telephone 29.9 I: BENTA-radn cu‘ugo “ side. Inquire W. I? Brand: fl {germs}: Road, Qty. FOR Ruler-Pleasant from not newly. furnished. ckctcic g bath c. 305 W. Central A ‘ ['08 8A LIE-8 room house, eat-5a., m; IA'I‘III NW) down bum m . '5 r. N A Aldrirlp. Highland M Phone 345 1nd 2682 . Family hose 9 yrs weight 12†ibs- Saddic horse 9 yrs. reign 1100 lbs. Fashionable brake. ted cart. phaeton. station wagon. {dd- dard. Buying automobile.â€" Den: lick Fang. Dcerï¬eld III. '03 SAIJE 0f élchln‘o', cw; “nu-rod home: good we -II and chm-I. Soc 75 ft. (mat. one him-k loud: at 0“ I090: on Noah “net. Inquire cl... (vial-Ian. Lila-ravine, flit. 28 2t. FOR SALE: â€"-’l'-u Ind: km: 00% “no mm 0! Shetland unis. double Q md lumen One Shauna my. ~ can and launéns. quite lot chitdren. j. H. MCCURDY. «'hnne 85! Liberty ville. Park Mg. SIT'J £1105! WAVI‘EDrw' gun de en naker dc o'rn I in: u. cagenbmc in (uniï¬es. Av'drrflw. flu-2 Nfllfll su- an um“ not belong m a lunar In W‘- commumcur Cain: C A LARM _A one matter In! loner. one «archer, 9; body inner. and mangle gidn Rem. H ; Laundry. Phone l07. W: i wmrrmzâ€"Ummnied mu? work . taking carv ul lawns and i Mum-If gcnenllv usclul about the Reterwcie tarnished. Apyly ‘3‘ Leflcr Oflkc. ‘A-LEX ENG! “cg uvem Street â€hung IS62 Phone 1541 u... L a“ 7 "MISCELLANEOU. i? WANTED:--2 Lady Clothe! All I†“can I! III 312' , our!" ‘ Wbr 11'. Oct 0-: II. n. to 8p. 1-. mcmud M DR. 3 QLHAMIC fl) FOR SALE. PIANOS FOR RENT WANTED ALEX ENG“ Dr. H. W flute: burl will devote‘ (on and u w I lawn One 0! P1 ‘dflvq: by I vet and It ‘ lg. w: â€on {fun Mred at their V manger the mullet not begin ï¬nd two and Freda Hurry 14 they ward vu clash county. ll . All Imp Woof than Allottlu Subject : for 1 than! : lug-pic! wmlu nae]: lithe n Ina-1m to tune team I (out I (all I .1110“ the