IS IT'A REALITY,.OR : ONLY A DREAM. “any"-.. ..._...-, - through " years beiore and telling how they. themselves Worked year after year for forty cents a’day; l recollect of one old gentleman, Mr. P. Baker said that in 1847 he.carried a sack of shelled cornon his back along the beach of the lake to Waukegan to have it ground into meal, and then returned with it. Now- as I sat waiting for my car I looked up St. Johns avenue. only to see the street lined with people and automobilesand right back .of rye lheard the steam engines rushing past the beautiful depot of the Chicago and Milwaukee Railway. It was during those few minutes of reflections thatl came to the conclusion that it m no dream, any I raised nay-eyes to. ace if I could see any of iniy old associatea._ but no, they like others lie in the beauti‘ tul cities of the dead, and ,as to the old delapidated building, tt long .ago has de- cayed away, and in its place is amagniii- cent building. « - .07, ‘euu v,- ...... As 1 raised to board my car] realized in a moment that it was a reality and not a dream, that but afew' years"ago the people and buildings of Highiand. Park could be counted on. the end of your fingers while today we can boast of the ï¬nest buildings in the state, and a popu- lation of almost three thousand people. But look, this is not all; i , ' The picturesque beauty '0! the north shore has, at‘all seasons, at tascination which can‘tot fail to charm all lovers of nature. The rugged bluffs overhanging‘ the majestic lake: the deepotangle‘d ra- vines, lrom whose shadowy depths rise towering giants of the forest; the native woods, alive with ieathared songlters; the hills and dales; the smiles and frowns oi the great inland sea, are mingl- ed sources of surprise and delight, and form an enchanting background for the work of man's hand. Wherever the ro~ pute of Chicago has penetrated, there also has reached the fame of her lovtest suburb, Highland Parkâ€"our most de- lightful home town. ' One oi the young women to whom the coming autumn and winter gate promise of rnuch that is of interest in Miss Dorothy Fessenden. who will leave the city the first oi next month for the Philippines Miss Reese-den, who Is the younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Fessenden of our city. was a debutante of last winter, her pre- lentatiOn followtng immediately 1! tr her graduation lrom an eastern school. She will go to the orient under the chap- eronage of Mrs. Robert Williams who is taking with her two small children and their governess. They will sail from San Francisco on Sept. 6th Mia Fea- senden having planned a visit of sever- months with her brother in- -law and sis- ter. Lieut. and Mrs. Robert G Peck. Mrs. Peck was Miss Alice l‘essenden. and with her husband, who is a ï¬rst lieutenant in the Seventh United States infantry. has spent the last two years on the Islands The regiment is stationed in Manila, but two battalions were sent forty miles further to Los Banos, and Lieut. and Mrs. Peck were of the com- pany. Famous mineral baths are lo cated at Los Banos, and with mountains all about, it is considered one of the prettiest spots on the isl nd. Frequem trips are made to Manil. and she will ï¬nd the winter lull of interesting events. Last week at Gad: Hill Encampment proved one of the busiest. happiest times of the emiré‘ season. Every day some Off For The Phillippines.~ special pleasure was provided by the Highland Park committee, who had charge of the week's entertainments. One oi the greatest. treats olall was on Saturday afternoon; when the charm- ng little play, “A Fairy’s Year" written by Ermina Carry, was 'prt duced in Ae- sembly Hall by the original cast. The chiléren, [not to mention the grown ope] were delighted. "0h: such nice song! and such dancing! 'I' One _. little girl we. heard to oxcltim, ‘2Say. but dere wn Gada Hill Enca‘ 11d. mpmcnt Mmeq l me qouly clo'ee in dat play." The Gingetibreed Men, with his trey of cakes. allo ‘ e a lasting impreuion."Det guy girl as ieome swell Cookie! fright." eon- ï¬dede small boy. “Gee, but I wanted (er thl†On Sunday Mr. arid Mn. Fred- erick M. Steele were emong the visitor- at camp, The altemoon veeper service was led by Rev. A. A. Planstiehl, lor- merlylï¬ therFiret Presbyterian church, Highlxtnd Park. now ' of Summerville, New Jersey. At the begining of his telk the speaker “led if anyone could tell him why the people who supported Gad: l:lill Enpamprnent were willing to spend the lnrge amount: necessary to run such a plgce. quick as 3 Huh 3 little girl spoke ‘up: "50’†ter‘git de real em! for their monev." This replv uppealed so strongly to Mr. Plan-tick] that he need â€the real stuï¬" as his text. inuead o! the one-upon which he bed planned to epeak. A ‘ l 4.. -u- yrs--- Thls in Lake Forest week. and among the visitors from that tmvn have been Mrs. Frank G. Hall. Mrs. James [‘horne, Mrs. Clnerles B_ F rench, Mrs D M Cum- mings. Mrs john Eirie, Miss Gould, Mun Frederick Norcrpes. Mrs John Keeley and Miss Wren There wee a map bubble party on Wedneeday attemoon Thurs- day afternoon 3Sgirle were entertained at the home of Mn Cumming, end in the evening an entertainment for the en- tire camp was held in Assembly Hall. The Sunday alternoon 'vesper service will be in charge of one of the Y M C A‘ secretaries now in session In Lake For- est; and automobile rides for the mothers and children are planned for Monday Monday is also the line set for 15 of the older boys from the main camp to g0 to Fort Sheridan. have dinner with the sol- diers and be shown through the fort This week trvo of the tents are being Occupied by colored peopleâ€"two mothers andga J number of small girls and boys. The ghoup which is in charge at Miss Lil- lian C apman, is quite a center of ad- miratibn so. bright and well-behaved'are 1all ltd-embers. who range from kinder garten age upward This is the only lresh *air camp near Chicago where colored people are given outings; and the present arran ement was secured through the effort? of Mrs. Celia Parker Wooley. head eeldent 0! Douglas: Center, 3032 Wabish avenue. > inupr City Lake Cityi of Highlnnd Park, County of Lnkeinnd Stnte of Illinoil hnving ord- ered that n sewer be constructed in Sheridun Bond, in the City of High lend Perk. from end connecting with n Innnliole locnted in the ruine which runs euteIly and westerly between lots i18 and iii and into 125 nnd 124 of South Highlnnd Adjition to High- land Park thence southerly nlong laid Sheridan Road, (or n distnnce of jthirthon hundred eighty-ï¬ve feet, the ordinance {or the acme being on ï¬le in the omce of the City Clerk of aid city and having npplied lo the County Court of Luke county for an uncu- ment of the costs of sni¢improvement accoi'ding to beneflle, end an accen- lnen thereof hning been made nnd re- turned to said court, the ï¬nal hearing thereon will be had on the 29th day of Aughst, A D 1930, or as soon there“- terns the busineea oi the court will permit. Said assessment: It payable in nix in- etnllmente. with interest at the rate of ï¬ve (5) pet centum per annum on all in- ItIllinen't from and niter date of ï¬rst vou- chiti. All personl deeiring mny ï¬leob- jecti m in said court befcre laid day and mayilappear on the hearing and make theit defense. Offl Data "I guess that Iwi‘ly nearsighted fel- Iér Ihat cails ou sis is gitlmg worse." saidI Jimmie. aged twelve. “That“ a just enough from you, Jim,‘I aid; the indignant giri. “M hat makes you Ihink he I: geIIing worse, James." inquired his Ither. "’Cause [heard Si: ask him In“ nighI ii hc though! the was the biamey atoneï¬ Ii was the kind of banquet we some- um;- read about. $1: ables fairly moaned under the I: load of good things ut hungry guests quickly relieved media of their burden. No SP ’hen it WM the guest who'fkrmhï¬ ,lter-dinner speeches were next in ‘ CHARLES LFINNEY k: appointed to make said Assess- ment. ed at Highland Park, l||., August 12, an") néar Chicago where colored : are given outings; and the pram! lament :was “cured through the bup which is in charge 0! Mia Lil- nprmn, in quite a center of ad- m so. bright and well-bohaved'are members. who range from kinder age upward This is the only (rub BCIAL ASSESSMENT NOTlCE No. 183 rel Mil. Celia Parker Wooley. 'eudem 0! Douglas: Center, 3032 ah avenue. » n [910 Mod that ï¬le Cky Council 01 the ice is hereby [inn to ill perwns TIE-p Will Tak- I Turn. Falling Sight. llotloe le houhy glven to .u pin-no loan-toil tho! tho Cltv Council at tho City of nghlonl M. County .3 mt ind em. a! num- nm od- orod thnt Wuhan Avenue. in all City of lehlond Pork hon the northerly llne ol' Monlno hood. tho-Ct northerly to tho northwuurly ll-ltnj o! aid City 0! Highluul Pork, Ind Bloom ï¬tted, from tho wonofly‘ “no of the pond rodwoy hotel- proï¬ted {or on Wnnlugon Manna. (he... wont- orly to the utterly llno of Oreo- Boy Rood. be (raged. dnlnod. pond wltb ,naculnn: 1U otherwleo unloved. tho ordinmoo for the whole. on ï¬le In the one. o! the City Clerk at odd city and huln. oppliod to tho County Court 0! Lot. county for u utensmont'ol tho cont- 0! hold ll:- orou-ment annealing to bent-Int. and an assets-out thmot having hon made an I returnod to hold eonrt. tho ï¬nal hen-lug ,thoreon will he hod on the 89th any of August, A. D. lilo, on as noon theredtor :- the bnolncu of the court will permit 7 Said unmovnu i0 pnyublo In (10) innullmonu, with Imam! 0: rate of ï¬n (5) pet can“. pu- u 31“.." mimic-m lion and um due of an". inn. of an: vouch». All persons dam-g my ll: objoouou In aid court bo'lon V and d†and my nppur on the burly. and uh their defame. CHARLES L. FINNEY. Oflecr appoinud to link. aid Au uncut. Dued at Highland M. “1., A“ I2. A; D: l‘iIO loud of Local mum-M‘- 0' â€" cm a Highland Park. NOTICE OF LETTING CONTRACT. Notice in hereby given thet hide will he received for the cream. dreiniu. curbing. pevinp with We mecedem end otherwise improving e connected eyeten of streete in Ridgewocd Perk Subdivision in the City 'of Hiahlend Park. coneieting of Gene Avenue. De Tumble Avenue. Beech Street end Revinie Roed as e whole in eocun‘leiwe with the ordineuce theretor. Seid bide will be opened on the 34th dey of Ang- net A. D. 1910, et the hon: at I o'clock p.m. et the oflce oltheeeld Boudol Lecei lnpwveteente, ie the City Hell in eeid City. The epeclilcetione tor eeid improve ment end bleak ptopoeele will be M niehed et the Ofï¬ce of the Commie- clone: or Public Worn et the City Hell in the City of Highlend Perk. The Contrector will he held in bonds which hontle will drew letereet at the retc of ï¬ve (6) per cent per ennum. . All propoeele or little _Inuet he e0 ,L h A.. _-_. componiod by o cortiilod chock pow-1 able to the order of tho Pruldont oh the Board of [pool Improvotnonto at the City of Hithlond Put. for o m not less thou ton (10) por cont at tho mascots of tho propoool. Bold pm possls or bids must ho dolivoroll to the President of the Boon-dot Local Improvements in open session of sold board at tho time and ploeo M herein for opening tho some. No pro- posal or bid will ho conoidorod nnlooo sccomponiod by check to heroin pro- Tho Bond of loco] lmprovomonts‘ .mthonï¬tomatmuolt bids shonidthoydoonitholthtbg WILL!“ I. DOOLIY. President of tho Bond of Loco] un- provemento at tho City of Hum-ml 7 Pork. sled at Blghlond Pork. Illinois. August 13h. A.\ D. 1810. Special Assessment Notice NOTICR: hulk notice I. m (we. that the County Court at Lake County. nil-cu, In undead judgment lo:- Ipcchl Aw upon pmpeny held“ by the lunatic. l.- Emma!" announ- him! nat- m supply pipe (our lack. Inlet-cl din-cut Iota eon-uncut! and In!!! an. and “do w street in the en, at Highland m. minty 0! Luke and sun at nil-oh. enamel-c and connecting with the nu! .u. now lull In st. Johns "an than ml, alt-3‘ Orchrdmthtlm clow- w thmym,wm MM“ note (any Ina! If. the cot- ulcdcopyol mm on (uh-yol- Icc; "autumnal! hr Walnut-duct mu- lawman-um“ Anna-ailment!" hath, not“ b mlaupymmmnmwm ot'o acquaint Central "an. m Park.lflinols.wflhhlfltq «yum-mm Noun inertia (In. that “Quid“ nut “divided (no in MM; M amount 01 the in! W h "9-00. um act at a. Missal-cub - \t NO. I“ tho gnu-unwâ€" , 7 medium cutl- Lsfltc.†W.†unho- July-II.†mmwwt-yï¬k-WW bydjuuwAJl t9"; nut anon-cm. all '0 " M, nut-n mun-uh are I imam-music! M I"",’""." ngi-I Min-mu. I“ N mienâ€"Public m: we in Intel†aim that the Com-t1 Com 11‘ Luke County. llllnou. he tendon! W (a J Special W m on My Ito-0° Ited by the 1m aweoensy The â€new 0! u m in Orclmd meet In and City I t Bighlend Part. (no the centet ï¬neoi St. John's avenue â€sputum hemmed (700) («tweet o! the veeurlvline 0: St. John‘s "can topthet with manhol' h. one lashing eon mum and epechl cs Minx. u will more talk nope-t (tun the candied copv oi the Judgment can ï¬le In my once: that the â€matter the a lieutoo of such as- eeeunem in in the In Me of! the undet- --""* All perm totem «I are hereby no- tiï¬ed toe-ll utdpev the-mount nee-- ed It the collectw'u pfloe. 105 Well Centul even-e. High and Park. mimic. within thing by: kc n the date therool. Notice in tanker :‘ryen that the aid meat in dividet into' ï¬ve install- means; that the em m at the int in- stallment int!†00; ;nd «Int each of the remaking imul! theme ‘I “00 00: thIt til the mum. ti draw intefelt at he ate oi ï¬ve per c1 than (5 per cen- mm per noun (mm; in] 30. 1910 ' The W Whiteï¬sh payableon the “cuddly“ Inn-ad A. D I911; the tenant! mum:- 0%» year thereafter. tad .0 on mutually uï¬v'il all installments Dm‘o m. gm d-y 1341M!- [gen that the {loud}! Count of County, Nitrate. helgflmdered judgment tor a Specie! Mum upon property beneï¬ted try the lollc’v'ying improvement: Grading. Gaining. waving with mace- dan and otherwiIe inpmvin; St john“: Avenue from the misinerly line 0! Lin- coln evenue northem to the amber†[he 0! Sheridan Roe} a will non telly eppeu from the «ï¬lial copy at the indmm ouile imny omeezthet the judgment on ï¬le may ofï¬ce; that the wamnt to: the colle‘ï¬ion 0! Inch aaeeaa. neat a in the hand-ill the “detained. All pelaom Internet! ate herby noti- Iad to all and pay “ï¬t. amount aaaeaaed atthe collem'a o! e. I05 West Cem- I'al avenue. nghltg’pd Park. tllinon. within “lip, am It a the'date hereof. Notice la further ï¬ves: that the aid amt. la divlégd into ten luau“- m: that the awjntmt ol the tint in iatallmentla S 79.50.:in'd that each at the ‘rcminln‘ lnakllmdfl‘t ll m.“ that all the inatallmenta qï¬fw'lntaereat at the late 0! five per certain (5) per anmun (tom July 80. 1910 l' The lint inatallmelï¬t la payable on the aaeond day of 1.01;", AD. Ion; the aecond lnatallment ‘5 me year therealter. __ l'_"' mamas u. DOOLEY. ‘ City Collector. mnuqoi mo. D mo. Ind ID on annually IOflCI: nun: u' cclouubygln- that mean-(year‘s! jenny. nil-oh. In Wm: titanium: my “MVWH mun-minnow â€"IZ . ' deu‘f'th lulu-alto- union-neck. in a. whole be.“ at an mu- ol agent Ave-It um nun nit-nun nub; I‘ll.“ M,»- thInIm-omg‘d (“00'th do.“ Incl-van 'McI «and be am by the WI] In: “HM! Hock“ pend-cad 33:32:..‘1â€" ‘D‘Flni. hangig.9igoollolov iâ€"I‘Erai 0.30% Evil-Iii; E II: 8 'Bizilolv innâ€"Io 3:09- “Momuhn-f M h the“, on“ or. ‘8. I93 Vat t: But. much. run-3 wumdï¬ â€œNOW†A mam Iu‘ “Quota: -gummw‘n page! In pa ~.* â€nonhuman-i Wu. tie-cam ml] d and pant†â€Minoan-d! lamâ€"them hula-mt. 0.219"; the-cog“ Imu- “Gammon-Ha. ad to o- malt mailman.“ NW' nooouv mum-mun"- “(AD-Ion mew. mam W xo'rlca:â€"Puuicg' notice in , herby 3mm. unasham- none: Spend Audhuut Nona Spun-l Anuuuac No.173. moans M. noouv. km dug: nun. uncut h hunt-l “WI-0500.. cumin-mush I (5†MI!) pa no no I, on. WWI“ lwflhthcmtheflylin 3: is payable on me my A.D- mu; the me year anemic". mil all imullmenu .0 No I" Chy WW. I. A D. lIl1.‘ numb. SITUATION wanna: tun-1n private many. I lunch. «4 Gran Bny Ind M. Tel. 1288. . WANTED:â€"M Qhe NI oï¬a, youngï¬ady to lean: and other branches oi the I: ply at 0509 at m in on tax. Nun Lzmn dice. ‘l‘O LEASEâ€"{flu lot I. I. at Central and “Men Anna Scum ownu. Ills-“i.“ ' LOS'Ttâ€"ln Highland M m out for baby than you: all. I Diego; Cal. “socialist. and nympu “belong to. Ionian FOB axcmuouzâ€"u mi in Highland Park m min; a bountiful up b-dnu Ito-c tâ€, nuityof Chlago (or I!!!“ cut ormpmud. in 8W! 1‘. A. ALDBIDGE. Min.“ Olloe Tel. 845. Beside-cc '1". I 50R GALEâ€"4 In“ 8W I Inc. 0 you: and. 8m 00 we.“ on. nan,- broken. . 122 Charla! Hichhnd Park, Ill. â€William H. Lewis [Ah I“ lllinoï¬l. and "can rcvud. fl McGovern Street Phone 152.“: one marker and m. mean body inner. and Wheat. Laundrv. WW- home cor. Oak and Baud-av. lush m: 1232. E. s GAIL. Emu. V: Buildup stock; weight 1025 lbs; In. glint“ hr and [me driver; kind. genie.“ £3 Inquite Dr. F H. Andonol, â€It“. man ax... Enema. Thlopb'ou‘ EUR BALDâ€"Some vmmï¬ ofbld Sbeï¬eld putt. including “i uich. mule" and my. W cemer p'ecc wit- cu: (la-shod. 'I‘ be shown by appointment. MIC. MD noon. Tel.- 345 Ind 2532. ' FOR BALEâ€"Haldane). FOR SALEâ€"445°: link ~ Blonh end of Highland Put.“ Price 02.50. N. A. ALDRIW‘. omee'relm. _ III-t “000; («cm “W don-j m. u yen. N A Aldridge. Biï¬hfl Mi Phone 3‘5 sud 2582 Â¥_‘. FOR SALE: --T-o fresh lull!“ V alto team of Shetland main. “0 «3:: and lumen. One Shetland M can-ad harms. quitetudnlim- John "elm T0 nunâ€"nu: Cum! Aunii‘ Oneltrgemrnhhod roe-05w.“- Afurniuhod min with pd!“ ll“ 8mm oar week. Adam-I LO." ‘ “7. W r03 stirâ€"s no- a-alo W and u! moronic-cool Nonh dint? mam-4 Park. In A Dual." Phone 85] J. H. Mow-RM. mum. Put: 10" nutâ€"Furnished ,mol. u- ol Mp5“. and hath. no ll. ï¬t}? 1‘0 RENT.-â€"Good W m, Cen'mllf my! ALOIIDOB who sat 3w- loo 1'... 345. W To! a: T0 mun-Lovely «MI-III- 5 tom Sept/mu! HIV. 1 ~ ' 55' _ __Aâ€" 00: Tel. 345. ed rooms with telephone I nbk team. APP!!! to O'Bï¬enw West Cent“l Highland Park. TCW FOR SALE OR RENEâ€"6 saw FOB SALE-3100. homo. ““~ ,' FOR SALE. FOR RENT -mou¢l0" mall“ Em 1A5 IAS.‘