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North Shore News-Letter (1907), 20 Aug 1910, p. 2

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_______.____.â€"_â€"â€"~,_ Conventiun. Mr. Pendletun. “on lle mere possibility that it. might suggest partition into tin " II, 7.11-...“ something worth ineot u: VI.“ _ position mthe Declaration, and both having the same abject 0f justifying our separation from Great. Britain, they used necessarily the same materials of justificatiom and hence their simfli- tude. The Virginia Convention which let in the winter of 182%” was the first that undertook to overhaul this original Con~ stitution oi 1776. Under I pressing de~ mand from all parts of the Common wealth for a more liberal suffrage. 0n the eve of the adjournment of that? body. Gov. Giles. deliv'ered an address to them detailing many interesting and talaable historical {acts and reflections. Touching the Constitution of I776, which this body had ‘sought to amend. he declared it was “The first social com- 1 pact that ever was reduced to writingâ€"4‘ the first written Constitution that ever brought into practical use the great principles derived from the natural rights of man." He contended that this instrument, rather than the Declaration of Independence, should mark the era of civil liberty on the Western Conti- nent. ' He said the Z‘hh of June 1776, ought to he a memorial instead of th- date of the promulgation Of the Declar atinn oi lndepeadence: that Declaration was a paper of incomparable -!ess im- portance to mankind than the Virginia .Constitution, which was "exclusively the production of our Virginia forefath- vrk, a â€".-v r â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" era." It was a paper of a wliofly differ ent character from the Declaration. The latter was a mere act of diplomacy}. a mere dcclaration of embassadors from several sovereign states; whereas. the Virginia Constitution is a! written social cpm‘pact, the firs‘ ever entered into by man. and forms a most instruc- tive model not only for the people of he other American States but; for thé whole human race. “i 7 'lhe next to the last. week of the New Yur-k Symphony Orchestra under Walter Damrosch at Ravinia Park WI“ be given up wholii to well arranged programl oi elassic and popular music for the o’ches- 1 Ira. Two visiting soloists are announced. 1 Miss Elizabeth Barbour plaving 3 Con- certo for piano by Grieg at the Wednes- day afternoon cuncert, and Mn. Truman Aidric't Jr. playmgthe concerto {or pin- IL‘ No. 1 in Hat by Lizt at. the Thunday evening concert. As usual member! oi the orchestra will give'aolo periormanc: I. with a Vieuxtemps Concerto in D minor.- including Mr. Saslavsky, Mr. Paul Keier with a viuionceuo solo “Kul Nidrei" bu uid Hebrew Melody, and George Bar- rcre with a concertino ‘or the flute by Reinicke. The Mezart Symphony 'in G minor m]! e given Monday evening, F rich, in e Wagnerian night, Thur-- day afternoon the children's program, and Sunday. tommorroiy, popular pro- grams oi an unusuaiy attractive charac- let. THREATEN FEDERAL BUREAUS W’ashington, Aug. 18.â€"Prooecntiou for alleged .vivlaectlon of dog! by tho bureau of animal industry of the do- partment of agriculture and several of the government bureaus here In threatened by the WW Eb lune society. Humane Society Contemplatu Pro» cutlon for Vlvlsectlon of Dog. at National Capital. GLENCOE ITEMS commuan non ‘Fmsr 3112 E11231er eeâ€"a: .RAVINIA PARK. PAGE ing- illness of several mourns yum away an“ Inn l-‘ridiy phernoon at 1hroe o‘clock! The funeral was held trom St. Mi ' 'l Church In; Mbndty morning I! nine'l'clock, alter which _the remains were lnijn at rest beside that of her de- cayed hmband at Calvary cemezary. There remains w mourn her lose two sons and two daughters, Henry and Janet, ind Mn. Bodan u! Ruinia. Mn. Lengdale of Evannon. The News Lerier wilhe: to extend its eyrnpnhy to the mourners ol a kind. chariuble and chris- tian mother; tuned but There rema sons ind James, and Lengdale o‘ All the sidewalk except that belong-l ing to the Electric 'Rtilway along Rail- way avenue ha- been taken “my. How is it that! the gidewalk lhould be taken away that belonged to print: individuals and that belonging to the Railway Company left Itanding; his the railv'nv Company my more right to the sidewalk remaining on their frontage then other: remaining on their Homage lucu um“. havingVa homage on Railway avenue. And further. where thi: sidewalk has been I taken away, there is a channel‘ about {our {m deep. and should it rain steady Kor about a week I of course will have some difficulty in getting home. thereldre will have to have a yacht. Will the city get me one. if so 1 will get a engineer at my gun expensef ) me I. H. Hamly of Chicago wiH/Id dressaunion meeting in the interelt oi County Optiun at the Baptist Church Sundai evening. August 21 The sever al chu ches of Highland Park NIH unite in this service. Mr. Harnly is one of the ‘field workers of the Anti Saloon League and a :11) peaker 0i muted nbility. Every- body I vited. Mrs cile. 1 home ! er. \ Harbo Th: Co-pu'tnenhip heretoforo exist- ing bftween Alexandar Robertson nnd Robe tS. [vol under the firm norm 6! Robotic“ a Iva doing businnu in the $ty of Highlnnd Pork. Ill . is this dnv disolved by mutual consent. The businkuin the mm will becarried on o Alexnnder Robert-on. who will ply n l bills conlnctod‘ for 3nd collect. 1“ bill. due to the firm of Robertson 511w IV! High High Robe chlh the non. ha rni Ir supe City‘ tho ieavi field hunt husi Mjn E. E Druminond begeto en- nounce tint she is prepared to serve board by the day, week or single men] in the cool end specious dinning room of Hiihlend Hell. There Ire 3100 e few choice room: left. Terms for table bunkâ€"87 weekly; Single meeIESO c”. No extn chug. for Snudey dinners. Bonn: â€"â€"Brenk(ut. 7 to 8. Lunch II to ‘1.Djnner 6 to 7. Sundays: â€"â€"Bmkhu 8,309; dinner I to 2; upper o to 1. M rsl IGHLAND PARK » ITEMS Margaret Boylnn alter n lingu- :'u of several months puud neon prominent citizen end ex- men 0! fine honrd of mpervleore. bert Ives. lne superintendent of ectric rond. hnve been the port- hu been dluolved end Mr. Ive- eft to go back to his profusion of menagement. He willbe the Intendent of n greet Snlt Leke system in Utah. } is one of the bell. euperlnlendente Electric road ever hnd end hie [n3 thin territory and the buelncu Will be much regretted. He bu lrede of frlende r. Robertson will cominue the Dinolution of Patna-ship. ye firm of Robfi'tmn und lvn of {land Plrk in‘ which Alexsnder ‘ C. A. Foubender and her siuer Drake made I visit to Indiana r, Indium, to visit her daughtgr Frank Wu derlc. ‘ mite Audény Station Milwau- Elcctric Ry. “Wind Puk. I“, ngr Supt. of Electric Rod Jave- for Salt Lake City. Louis) Drake and Jaughter Lu- ? Dennison, lOW'a. is visiting it the )1 her sister Mrs. C. A. Fosshond- ROBERT S. IVES. and Pull, Ill. August 13“) 1910. 8 TO GO WITH WESTERN ROAD. ALEXANDER ROBERTSON. IN DISTRESS. HIGHLAND HALL WHAT ARE YOU GO- ING TO DO ABOUT IT. vinis will ioonbuoy' we only 0| dau rail!“ service'un In. C. «t N locum-n Chlugo and Luke Forest? Do you realize thlt flu C l N W In! no mum.- tor properly handling tho thigh, und nut. prune-fly “I no", Intern! an» be hunted Iron Huh. land Puk? DON! you know um. this cost: you s lqt 0! money in the count 0! «ch par, and Manna the expoou ,2Ijl__ '- â€"-â€"â€" d -_, of uldowulh. unit.- nnd buildln; mucrislo of all kinds? Do you runs} Ihut in every “hum town between Balaton and Wank“ tth a N w hu from 50 lo 100 can extrp width of right-of-wsy to provide proper ueceu to its depou. both pu- unger and freight, when“ In Buloln no such provision is undu? ' Do you know that l! Budain "at Electric Bunny's trucks Are clout to the Northwestern use“. than .1 any other depot and Th: What Wu 1-- cudod'Au A City Strut I. New Us]... far 11:: burp-o; thn mny of the Electric tutu are run n full tpoed hrough Ruin“. pmumbly with th- â€"-v--â€"â€" 7 _ permission of your roprountuivu In the City Council of H£¢hlnud Put. without. my “(ecu-rd. tor your pro- tection?_wm you WI“ uu'll some one. perhaps your child is Injured or killed hetero you nuke a prom? ’ Do you him that the Notthweuern hu no voter in its depot or on it. cronndn, either {or unitnry purponu or for hoping the gnu Ind nhtnhhcry that you hue pinnud not! paid tor in mdcr, nor how they nnv electric lights. telezrnph. toupliono or other conven ionceo inunlled in their notions? Are their pinion-mu long enough to u. comnmdi o their taint? ' Do you intond to continue onbmhun‘ no V‘the treatment tho: hu bean acted out w Ruining In the manor of ochoolo? Your school board bu we" nll your money or! n school building u. Lincoln avenue. hu bonded yon totlu Ilch and hasn't. enough Sntemt fln you w on IQIIUII u out at: [run around your school-house or wider nh‘o" climb- that you Inn planted. - Your ochool hon.- gronndn sud snrkonndinn no no eye- oore=ynu know itâ€"Uo you lit. It? 'l‘ued 1.0 tho limit. bonded to tho Hum, but. not five com: expended in Ravinln, in it uni-factory? g. n In"? In it. hon- orable? - - - .... j ,. nA_:_ U' Inlc . Whoa final: in it? Why does linin- ia lngâ€"Why doesn't she nuke known her needs In no uncemin terms? In M. becuuu we hnvn no renl public with All theee thin" cen be etreightened out by the people ut Revinie. This Meme Youâ€"ll you will only Work Shoulder-Tu Shoulder. The time to Start la Now. The Ir" to get terulte is to NIPPON the only organization that he tried to get things done i'n Revinie. namelyâ€"the RAVIBIIA IMPROVEMENT A880. ClATlONâ€"Come to Their Next Meet- ing! Make known your views! In UNION thele ie STRENGTH. The lut- provement Association neede you ltd will welcome you. of the! you my be very sure. And it. will be moot. happy to receive your “nations. Support it. end it: new ofllcere. Mr. Ceeey. Mr. Grant. Mr. Carr end Mr Boemer. end it will wrpriee you hour many thing. will |etrai¢hten themselves out. - in Ruin“. lace-nu we don't want to be dilmrbed and bothcrod? Let I. hope not. RAVINIA, IMPROVE- MENT ASSOCIATION. The Ravinia Improvement Asso- ciation held an interesting meet- ing in the schoolhouse at Ravinia last Tuesday evening. The meet- ings of this Association are at- tended by most of the more pro-. gressive element in Ravinla. that 'is to say,. those who want to see some improvements put into the town and who realize that an asso- ciation’of some sort is quite neces- sary partly because of the fact that Ravinia has no resident ‘al- derman in the City Council The matters that were discussed in the meeting were the question of better' facilities for the Re- vinia School and better facilities at the railroad depots. It was pointed out that the Northwestern gives Ravinia no express setvi e and that the approach to the l;- vinia Dewtts exceedingly dag: ;,;_Do you Iculiu that B.- p'l‘hcre an: no facilities (01 lhandling frei-m a; station and plat“: rm: are a?! equipped with eleci ic light a Is the case at practically all othet stations. So tar as the .3!“ vaukee Elec- tric is concerned. if. was- the un- animous opinion thIQt something should be done to remedy the con- ditions at Ravinia. 1ijbeing feared that some one will be injured or killed unless precautions are tak- en. The fact that the Milwaukee: Electrlc right-ot-wa'g Immediately‘ adjoins that oi the C-- N. W.‘ makes the conditions particularly dangerous. At Thelllighland Park depot and at other depots. there is at least 50ft. m‘ti‘e space be- tween the two rights-of-wav than at Ravinia. This nukes it Impos- sible at Ravinia fir wagons to drive up to the stag‘on. rendering the’handling of baggage difficult and making the whim le proposition verv inconvenient fit times. The feeling wag expressed at the meeting that ilvi the course of a couple of years.;'! the people of Ravinia would {very sorry un- less somethiug ha“: been done to improve all of they“. conditions. The Association: adjourned to meet again on Sepg'rmber [2th. This is the eight 1 week of out- ings at Gad: Hill“ Encampment. the average enrollment let each week being more than 400. The camp will close or Tuesday the 30th. with a recon of far more ouz‘M's than at say: other season in its history. Ravinia week Man on Tues-1 day. A treat 0‘ pipcorn coulec- tion. furnished 15V Mr. Alfred Shotwell. made pal the children happv. On Wean sdav afternoon Mrs. Charles C. 'Griswold. Mrs. Edward L Casey and Miss Helen Louise Darby role to camp. bringing with them a load of books and magazines for the new library. and clothii g for the needy :ones on the grounds. Mrs. Gris-1 ‘wold is chairman of the Ravinia committee. MrsJZarl Bullock is vice-chairman. mad the other members are Mrs. George W. Carr. Mrs. Edviird L- Casey. Mrs. H. L. Daisy. .Mrs- ]. L. Fearing. Mrs. .W. R. Folsom. Mrs. Charles Man ’an. Mrs. L. M- Rutledge. and llrs- Frederick Wanzer. ' . ' The committee an arranged a delightful entertainment for Fri- day evening. Among those who will appear on tle program are Miss Westfall. 0:, Chicago. a pin- pilof Mlss Anna Morgan; Mrs. Edward L. Case}. who will sing in costume. and? Mrs. Frederick Wanrer. A part}, of fifteen will come up from Rm ink for the eve- ning The Sunda” vesper service will be led by iev. Pfanstiehl. and Mrs. loseph‘ Sghoeninger and C. K. Weeks will sing. The tragic death of Mrs. Earl West. one of tle Encampment workers. who was injured last Sat» ;,urday by a Mil yankee electric 1cm. was a sad stuck to all. Mrs. West's associates amp sent to her relatives the sung appre- ciation. ' The work of Mrs. West among guests and associates at the camp has been Chara: terized by such devotion. infirm ty‘. intelligence. skills-d genera' efficiency as to make her depart: re an irreparable loss and a real beravement. We wish to express Io her family and immediate (riems our own deep sorrow. and to: fier to them the sincere consola Ion which can come only from I true apprecia- tion of the high character of our mutual friend " - Wohlbmok F; Glade: l-‘o-bender Melina H. Ch. I 0 W. Chic 2 Reilly 0 ABTICS... . TWO Base Hutsâ€"Melina Clan Bu: Hitsâ€"H Clan-I, H“ “a,” Hitsâ€"G. Gm", Wthlbmek an“ Reilly Stolen Bam-Ihw‘l) “ Branifi Stricken“ by GM “3* Rielly (8) But on Ball in Rd! 1” cmsurs. adios, youngladv to lean M ~ Muherbranchuohhcm Ah; plyatoficroruddreuinownlud" mg. Nun LII-tn oflice To huskâ€"m lot at. w aimi- ol Cenm and Linda Auoul. IC- Sunpoon ownor. Ills-«h m ” Diego, Cal. "80cialnu and vanadium-U3~ ”belong to: lot-alum“ 6 communicate with C. A LARSON 38 -_ « McGovern Street Pbono 1562.". 27‘ ' ' FOB EXCHAUGE: â€"12 no. u in Highland Pale {or no.» lb . bemuhl up- 40.6». Ila-c the u- verutyo! Chic-go, for “a!" an. or llllprovd, in Bight-0M N. A. ALDRIDGE. Inkllo ”It“ 0am 1‘01. “5. Resident ‘IH. ’ unc marker 1nd loner. out w G body ironer. and mangle gilt I“ Laundrv. Phone I07. home con Oak and BIMWIY. W“ ‘ near Lake and Moraine Bad. T“.‘ 1 10111232. E. s. GAIL. Era-c III Building. A FOR ' xiii-2:!igiamn W tau-o from thoroughbred w stock: Weight I025 "mung-m“: Ié;:£d'5;'r};;'i§§ffluqd [again Dr. F. H. Am. I”? mu! ms" FOR SALE: â€"Som¢ verv M”, ofold Shefield plate. was. «III uich. W and my. fl ccmer p'oce with cut (la-hotl- ho than by appointment. I“ 5* until. 121.345 11.412532. ’ .4 m an. moo dam-J I'd-'9': FOR SALEâ€"Nice mu. an I Non]: end oi Highland Put. all!" Ptice «.590. N. A. ALDRIDGI- *1" 060: Tel. 345 ‘ In 3 Hum. 000le loo-3d- -' nouns: mm But W:- m. 1.1. 345. Menu to! 39; m "Iâ€" '5", wWâ€"I' w" 3 you. x A Aldridge. Built" 5‘ Phone 365 and 2”! _‘_, TOREN’I‘:-â€"-Luveiv «mi-H roan Sept. until HIV. ‘ " ' , ,_4_ Ofiee‘l'el. 3“. WANTEDâ€"M the FOR SALE OR RENEâ€"6 in muslinâ€"c roo- ho-u. 0““ T0 KIWI-flood llU/‘UU lurulum. vs H. P. CRESENTS nod-y AM. 21. 19!. Lincoln ave. tron-h FOR SALE. FOR RENT CBIBENTS WANTED ARTICS -â€"2 [33v Clothe": Im- gas Em. 1A5 I'i

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