Mr Antes of Dcerï¬eld has aigafler a; the News Letter Ofï¬ce last Mondiy'.‘ - HIGHLAND PAIL/L The Highland Park Hotel continue: to do: flmflng business; being upurdat’e inevm retpccmnd with Mr. B. Stew ens. the most 'obï¬ging Hotel proprietor r; u f...“â€" CII'Q IIIv va -v, v m we state, what. woBld hinder it» {rom‘ doing a ghod busineuï¬ A very quiet wedding occurred it flat Methodist pumnage Wednesday even- ingQOct. 19111.4 Gardner C HeDur‘and and Miss Louise-Jumend watch: hap- 1:;’ A ..'_al Are vou “are the those the (er 9! a newspéper gets, w ,thinka he is oblidg'inghia re: giving them ; send-oi! now u Wht‘. does he get in return? it. in the neck. S S Hoimes as W! to Eleanor $ Bola)“ South part. lots 45 bk 5') Highland Parkw D “.00 “r , . thing from furniture. di Don‘t [all to visit the; Nonhwestern‘ Deparlment store when in mat of am caries. dry goodS, clothing. in fact any thins! from a cluthel pin to the ï¬nest The North Shore News its present management within the put ï¬ve nit subscribers, having at p 1000 subscribers; our uni in; is also lncrensnng, x work. we lire kept bus ing Ilrongly of putting a m The Highland Park Fuel Company whose uï¬iceisht 126 east. Central ave.- nue carries a large stock of Building material. wood and coal. Their phone number is 336 and .you willfmd it to your interest when in need 0% either ol the above to give them a cell. Ed Sachman. m \Vaukegan yomh. gave Justice oi the Peace William Tay- lora hunting license Saturday night on the eve of his‘wedding to Miss Ada Campbell. The guests were gathering to witness the ceremony. The justice. thever, delayed the lestivies until Sachman had routed out the assistant county clerk and had obtained ,the pro- W‘l-I. ' v ..... per papers. The intended bride was caned again from her room with: knot was “ed. Scahman says it was 'the clerk‘s fault . wv...- _,VV, , Mr. W. Dooley. Mayor of our ciiy, neg- lming anything that goes toward making it more beautiful, of course everything cannot be done at Once, but. the time is coming when Mr. Doolc'y will give more of his agtention :0 the south pontion of Have you noticed the 1 Istationary carried by M r. don' I forget to give him a have everyihing in the abo their prices are reasonable in this issue of the Noni; Benet, Our city. The very purest of drug! can be pur- chau‘d at [he Drug store of Dale Sweet- land onlhe we» side. Should you need a Road old' genuine smoke iris here you can get it. or would you rather have an ice Cream’Soda. you can get it, in fact anything in me can be had. The. most beautiful suburb North Shore is Highland P: One hundred sasdiers searched in vun in the woods and (kids about Fort Sheri. dan until late last Friday night in an effort lb run down two prisoners that escaped from a sentry at. the forth: the evening ‘ ' The largcfstockr gEVDry Good notions cw... urriéd by Mr. William Ander- son wilt surpriie you. Doh‘t fail to give him a call. [gave one of my reiatives a ‘gnnd‘ pufl in last weeks News. Letter. think- ing 1 was doing 1 great favor to the per- ty, but imagine my surprise when called up over the phone and “aid“: never make mention of the name again. a; it got nll over town. of coune an I could say. wanhall ya: glad minim! read the Nnnh’Shora News'Letten- Shore News- Letter unde‘r management bu gained past ï¬ve months 250 new having at present a list of ms; our gain in advertls- incrensing, and as to job re kept busy, and think- of putting a4 new job press voblidging his readers by ‘ send-oi! now and then iced the large stock of d by Mr. Larson, il but. give him act" as they in the above line. while reasonable. See their ad the Nonh Shore News drug line or stationary flung“ the rk. nor is He gen Five children in the Mining. The Rev. R. Calvin Dob-on who h" acceptedgcen to the pastorate of‘the Presbyterian Church of Highland Park and will pccupy the pulpit Nov. 5th out cadres of i remarkable Presbyteriln family. His parents are old resident- of Limestone. in me mbuntnins of eutem Terrence where M2. Downwa- born ‘ 35 years egg this mohth The family has been prumineni in the affairs of the Presbyterian. chulch in that section for} many years. his father Dr. A. N. Doblon M. D. [or 50 years an elder in the church» and for 40 years superintenaem ol the Sabbath School has given ï¬ve children tome Presbyterian miniury. three soul having been ordained to that ofï¬ce and mo daughter: having become the wives d ministers. ‘ I _-|2_A... n|_ _ It speaks volumes for the religous st- mosphere of any family and the‘ coast“- ant. christian lives of the patents which can inspire ï¬ve of the children to devote themselves to: life of good viorks end ministry to the spiritual needs of others. L Herein may lie some explanstion o! the qualities in the ‘son who comes to High- 'Iand Park which so endeared him to the members of his last chum: end to the people of Bloomington generally, which he now leaves. > ~ REMARKABLB PRESBY- TBRIAN FAMILY Leta man go out of town out! do his dealing and you will hear our metehants; houl. out go and 13k some at them to u- :ist in supporting thelt home paper by advertising and letting the people know what they have to sell; and they will give you but little attention, thefelo'te why ï¬nd fault when a man. goes to Chi- cago to do his dealing; 'when you be- grudge your home paper the price of In advertisement. Advertise. let. the people \ know what you have; and you will readi- ly see that , people will patronize. their home merchants. ‘ Miss Amclfa Schwartz. ofï¬ce lady at the News Lélter Ofï¬cetoék in the Whit- ney Theatre in Chicago la“ Tuudny. She reports the play. "Lower Berth 13" as being worth your whiic seeing. The most cheritable worker ire have in this section‘is MnJohn 0' Keif of the Railroad Mem Home. When Mr. 0' Kell the manager of the Home flnt come here. there was but two or three old de- lapldated frame buildings in which to shelter the unfortunate inmates. but look at the Home today one 0! the ï¬ne- luv; u. o..- -_-____ est‘and best‘furnished buildingyin the1 state. costing over $100,000 all of which has" been accomplished by Mr. Iohn O'Keif, manager. In hiking with several of the inmates! am intonned thli there is nothing to good [or the men‘ and um the peat care taken of them when sick. i: really wonderful. Nori- Mn. O'Keil :idle, as sh:~ is continually on the look- }out‘ for the welfare of the inmetee. ' You that are in need of footwear an do novbeuer than call on 'Mr. J. Kline. His stock islarge. and prices reasonable. Don't forget the place. lst door can 0! Erskine Bank Building. That American Eagle which acnped {mm the Railroad Meh': Home was. out just. Iong enough to conï¬scate two of my best. chickens, after which he was caught 'nd 'retnrned to In home. The {on 0( a. chicken mania great. deal to: printer"; printers m‘t afford to en. chicken only nbont every :Chriatmu.» and not. then, ,if one wan Inot hiven him. ‘ ' ,Adty, it makes no difference'hoi buoy he may be, he is ready to give you any information you may ask in regard to City matters. " Wé have" in our, city the must oblidglng City’CIerk of uny City in the State. 60 to Mr. 'lohn .h'inncy any time of the While waiting for z mid-nit!!! WI cu- gotng south one night 1-“ week. I saw a man crosslng the sheet. coming Iowurd the platform, from the look. of of him, I shnuld judge ho had than; ten whip‘kiel 1nd twénty schoonon. gungv he gotacmn the choc: and reaching a telegraph pole, be put ‘both arm Hound. tho polo .35â€th hiking politics, gutting no mpomc. ha yelled’out, "you know nothing about poli~.†and the last I saw 9! bill vii when he. was surï¬ng to Enron. I probably will give our, node: I short sketch of what I hue Iccn nqduj me arc lights (after night) in'o'ur div. That is if I can make up my mind an I win not have towrchue 1â€â€œ! win ‘0! sticking blaster afmrds. ' ' Much enthudeen geetod the opal:- gr! of the opening meeting of the fail â€page 10! the Republican ticket. he“ Tulle, â€Gain; in our City Cudlduee Gemo Edmund Pose. County Tanner Westerfldd. Sheriï¬ ï¬‚uent and Conny Clerk Hendee. were present. it the: meeting end ell made Kehort “Ike. nothing more in Ltke oonnq csn victory on here. an worked In: mu {hm we- ensue night-r begides mv eight. hours a day throughout the week not only I. but out entire force all on iob Work n the New: Letter on“ Arc, you in need of IIIV second bud Nd springs. baby W. bicycles, milk elm. old bar-roll. tln buckets, o|d trunks. old Lbnggy wheels. spittoon‘ fact ‘nythlng am an be unanno- _ured;'fl I0. jun 30 to the lint. ruin. north 0! the Ruinis depot, 3nd there yon will “I We dump. Don't who see me Rename Laun- dry ad In My issue. lumped lit the hardware store. of whï¬ch‘Mr. 3059mm. lormally Mayor 0! our citv, I; the n‘romietor. and 1 In utonhhed to mule large stock of well-good; navy, in fact evemhing lhatgoentomake'up aï¬m clan hard- ware store, aid u «5 plicés. l simpli with to say "Don't spend carlare going to Chicum" 1: you cando better ll ihome. ’ h a-y. by 'the hyfyou cigar smukcn. have you used :55 dlflomn brandI'uI cum which Mt. drum Green carries in stock. if not give him a call. Anderson Agnel M'n; Burk C P Mr. and Mn; Crowley J E Mr and Mn: Ctr-on Flodv Mn' Catponter C Mr; Gndy Hiram Mr; Curleuon Gnu Mr: ‘Donxheny Dsn B Mr: Ema: J Mn; ‘ank 5 Mn: Joseph l P Mr: Kiel E Ivan-flung ‘oouidered Mn; BIndChu E: kaC 1‘ Mn: Town Norman Mr: Talbot. lohn 8‘ Mr: VoriuHTMmVoflu HFMn; Vobrhiel H 1' Mn; Wnodrufl' Maud B 1Mm; WilmnM Mn; Wulker 11:4 3 Mr; Wolf ‘H.: Webber ank VMI’J .Woodrnfl’ Kind 8 Mn; Wolf Albert H â€in; , Lewis Charles Mr: Leatherman Earl MI; 14ml!" Mrs: My; Ange Mr. Motgan C M Mn; Nally E ers: Powell] W Mr; Pietto Marcheui Mr; Ronnwrville Paul“: 1‘ Mn; Roberts R Eveiyhody '0;ka bit ‘fgther: Not so" A- - __A RAVINIA PARK THEATRE TO OPEN to Ian: that Bevin“ Perk Theatre will. by moment with the Beech er. min 009:: tor the winter "econ under the mum-lent of Mr. W. M. Down-i0. Man, looking: with Club. and Societies from Dunstan to Lake Fore-t hen “repay been amnged end ‘ltï¬l believed that the banana endi well equippul that" will be exten- North Shore Dramatic Club. in mi. ’utfon which me into existence two yell-I ego end he given many putty plan. The piece ohm (or perform- mllovegnbcr 18th is e wen-elation im- the Gem-It o Maseru tune. "DU mum: and erg-.0326 u e Inn-lea! M by II. “P M. Lowrie. under who-e direction itwfll be stead The nude has been computed by Ir. Md 0. 14mm of Northwestern plim. net to lyrics by Mr. Lorrie. ADVERTISE!) LETTERS ' The a; coming:- “Verityâ€"tour of ‘ho but gnu-Ion on the North Shore. all-cu "if! town being “pm-pied. an» 9500:. which new u inflamed, whh I laugh in «my mil. will b. gheq u “‘4, by North Shor- nddqnu ï¬ll! lie pleased [mug-d Performance to be given Fnday eveniu. November 18th. maiden-ed the use“!!! m succu- nnd Indicate Hun Ilwnys takes plum y.-. complete Republi Nov- old wckeu or in- That†than“ it bu 9: n by prpteuioun. Thou plain; fl minor put-u um form the em to «in In hummus she tan song- whie hl'ObGOII interlo- Ithd and which v“! be given with many novel and b uufm tugs elects. No one known on About getting m tall beneï¬t I Bovlnh Theme well equipped lug , than Mr. Lowrle had it Is promlu um and union will ecllpu all [0 080m _ Reserved um renow on all: u. thuchheru. Hi; land Puk. tad am 1116' L'efliujwelh Evan-ton and m beilig newly “In: . The price is 50 cu let any location. unconne- in “Low ‘ on Howard. Gilles. la. in this new at . on a man W’Haw- 1 a. with book and Iy- I and Arthur ufllee- : m the ever flowing E. Hound. caddie a gotten “- it I... to ‘ ~n of the our-heu- g 0' 1] delicious made. or Berth IS" the pie and Davis gov feringing. foulide 1rd Whitney Sum rich bv Collin DJ excellent nut It h. predict n dupflafl- in: success at the The pley is id I note. The proloau penance of a btid the detection at u protogne end three! sue (orth the ep- 1 party on a deep". - bride-growl to the smoking mom for ‘he balm ot- eige- nue wmh eh: nerves mum! h! the eta-(nutty on W†pefpetrï¬ed b" lriends. Here be a yet bubhern navel. his undoing by .f'e-fl feerl he he hlle off, uwukeo in urn: to land the! the In gotten 08 the min V in teach AMI he leevec it at number piece Nwlh â€taken for bone mines hn. and “a porter who followed Mm end VII Ieh 1 his train ere jetted. His ml:- urrim ecu-ch and is also jailed n en woo plice. Tnmgh nev- enl trio!!- they .1 eacepe sod arrive at Involved in Gimme Tho oomOdy vcl any kindled and I couédi-nt. The I eye: written by )4 Soblko ha sppli‘ ducloping two of him of al- career three fetching to laugh. the prim - eonedv. III! 0" cellent tuition. The Whitney hll uoaher of m mulo v Arthur Denna ter and Edward on home Ill-HM dozen other yoni Lonelyville ate} an! manage v! audience in | I‘muro fie attendant uni mu no no in sauna. THE GREA[ BERNHARDT For two!†in at the Stude- . mimic. (he- [run a remarkable woman “parable nah. will n {out It the Mk- WHITNI‘N THEATRE ï¬fort; ScWiCC. Individualty are may . of . aesaramc__.s:% L porter who followed 1 his train are jlflod- ourch and is also bplice. Tomb R" 1 mpg 30‘ "I“? ‘t a Involved in divorce! whole afldr is lit“! " riend on ' the 90Ҡ{umnded “IO bow ado prisoners. Ind 12' Lpily. n. urn-chant. *- d" in ch; lands 0‘ C004 mic is by h: th- be“ P. “'3‘. w I" L! his magic MI" ‘0. , u the Pull-Inn Par-1 mac. I. die inner or r and holder of bull : Fans 0! the ï¬nance! pe principal comedia- on a wort WHO" v, with book and ‘Y' :- nnd Arthur time.- an the ever ’flol‘inl E. Howard. caddie 5 gotten it I- ale to “n of the mar-he!!! The Three Twin" protogne tad “"00 1 sets 'orth the IP- .\ party on a deeper. pg. whilé Ruby m on; with c III-kl! rum number! ill 08' 'y chili-module? ‘5‘ :omln‘uom com" .0‘ :5. “<! â€04 w selling ‘00! m1 um grams novelt!‘ Ann: Him: I. W “lam-(e 3 “9!. J P'. KLINE. EAST CENTRAL Av: HIGHLAND‘PAN doubt mtumd be? fix“ D‘ “M's MA arduw’ M mm chuncwflutioui. new speech in the Will ever brfltht nu. “I. W. F. Conâ€. ‘ 1‘ rection Mme. 8mm. - (atom: lutvhh. " , ." ed Chicago and the W the opening at the 4m 6 _ his pnpqratiom hula ’ ‘ adequate and am the cum: comm {ma , bud: Theam. Pam. wiu _ _‘ the ennui-Ida! which III; rcpcnerv ol unequued M ï¬rst week's hill inclndu ï¬t 1 «Quinn: 2“ Monday. Oct. 31 ..z. ... ... _..? rand", Nov. 1...... . Wednesday maï¬nee. lav. Wednctday evening. Nov. 3. . My, N00. 3 ....... ..". PM". Nov. 6.. l -- .. Sammy matinee. â€Nov 5.: Suurdny eveninl. I‘M-5 The price of seats for an m 0‘ Mme. Bernhardt ml hflfl 8! 8e“ orders 3000th d or money order made‘ MI What Thane. will b “a «darn! their veceipt The Ilkfl {mm the box-unite ooul » MN- FW' 2"- “9'!†Bu- will be mciud a" ï¬id sinner of Public Worh'dgia Highland Park and 9 ' ; November 81h. I910 to!“ of all labor. tools and w nary for the constructhf‘j†cement sidewalk ï¬ve ï¬t?“ 1 constructed in u-gun and , ‘ :erlvndcotomn Bu .- g ,, , tmtherlv line of UM 4 ‘4 . “dandy munch, ,_ __ 0‘ 953mm: Park (“can f cm: sidewalk i: no- hit) ‘ V“ aide of Wulmn Avenue but“. uneot 0.x Avenue anal; Wit cfly line of the WM Chicago North mm m puny; on the ready I“ {tom the southerly ï¬ned .. ' thence «anthem to til . , Deer-old Avenue; on ‘U h 0‘ Doerï¬eld Avenueâ€; gig; NOTICE OF LEM {booth-but a! Pubic cm 0! Highland m. m be dclimed to “CUE: Ci of Public Vt um u an“: City dBighhnd Paid “fl lenin (or the red"!!! The Commimooef menu the dim W bid: Ihould Indeci- it“: ~th 0 ‘ll‘i lino 0‘0“ Avenue m *- the merly lid: of (h the Chic-co NM ‘ Comm» in W33 Cay of “35“!“ Put. , The emnrnflof I“! "Wk Vouchers. with m" m a†W“; of the vent (dimming MM acceptanceofthe wall ' " .2†A“ prom-also: M“ h ‘ wnmmaaniledw" Gel-(10) pct “whimâ€! â€1.1.1? poop-l or hid WING . .. m- chard. Boufl'om and (an; mink 7â€", “and mm ht Wu M ï¬nd T0 RE Ill convenl FOR 8 PETER. when m Gunny In “(in i . t1 He IN! county. b1 the entire mhng a mocrvicm Pres“