What do you thihk about the election? How did you feel Wed- nesday morning? _ Mr. W. M. Hhrriman of Chiéago hop taken Mr; George B. Carring ton'. home on Greenwood ,néar Park avenue. Mnand Mn 1‘. Sargent leave about December am for Germany to spend ihe Holidays with their daughter, Mis- Dorotby, who is mending school. In Mrs. H011“: entertained a num ber of friends lait Thursday at- tomoon. Mrs. Frank E. Golhar who has been ill \with typhoid fever for the put. two weeks has been tak- en to the Evan s’wn hospital. . Miss Minnie Kleckcien enter- tained a number of Chicago friends at her home on Park ave- nue last'l‘hursdaynfternoon. _ . Mr. Otto Barnett has been in Washington for the past week.- non. 'The‘ work will be to new for the “Home Missionary Box.†A box luncheon will be saved. p'any them. The Ladies Guild of the Con- gregational church will hold an all day meeting on Tuesday at the home of Mrl. William John ‘ Mr. anders. Frank A. An- drew spent Tuesday at the Na- tional SoldiersHome in Milwau- kee as the gueSts of Dr. and Mrs M. W. Darling. 6031‘:sz rnou my; PAGE ‘ ..Mrs. C. W. Hess who has been “bay for the past Week, accomp- mied Mr. Hess on a business trip. ’ ' - Mrs. Luhcrine Howard and daughter: Mines Nina and Cuherine sailed for home on the third and expect to land tn New York todly. Mrs. Will Johnson went to Champagne the latter part of the Week. She returned Monday with her son Gilbert who hes‘ The B.A. E. Cluh will have their second dance at the W0’ ~Mrs- Charles Alison entexhln- odwith a tea last Saturday af- ternooninhonor of Mrs. W. A Kittormuter’ a hunt, Mrs.- Doug- . Mr. A l. Whipple left last Tuesday [or flow Yo'rk City Mr Whiprie bu tak- en I [XI-Mon than nod will nuke New iYork his future helm. Mn Whipple and Mrs. W. W. Edvard: nd daughtor. Ruth an the week end gueuIOf Mn. Edwardaisisur Mrs. Thomas D. Strung in Chicago. Imus [dbl-3g Club; this ems. i ‘9 ' :. , . ,Miss Mira Mooney “Chicago in the guest of Miss. Mary Noble on the Noble Farm ljunt west of It Ernest Villon of ‘LaGrange has rented Mrs Lq'wis 001': new house on Hnnhorno "cube. _ Mina Elizabeth and Mute: Momma will leave in M! a week for Caflforui; to spend “a winter with Mrs /Whip- plea mother. Mrs. Morflnm. In the‘ twins. Mr: Whippl: tnd the children wili join Mr Whipple in New York. Mr. and Mn. 0. 1. West have and. out for a bridgl party on That-day eve- ning of next. week. u}. Wmen w new“. 1.1:†last evening for; Maine“ trip to D1 trait HI expecu to return Tieuhy morning. â€"-â€"â€" 1 Mr. Ind M". F P. Walton returned lat Sammy from a week's trip to tam: Cay) Mo._ will The Revd. Cabin ,Dobson occu- pied the pulpit.- qt the Presby- terian Church'lastSunday morn- ing Novembel‘ ’ ‘for the ï¬lSt time as its regain pastor. A shmt address'to the dengregation hp- propriate to the entering upon of the new relation has followed by the sermon and a communion service of impressive character ï¬re but. lucidemal m the puny which 2%de in funny lines and situations hutth‘evhav‘e been w men to (it the piece and, given by experienced singers they will pmvc mom enjoyable {Palures The dancers introduced will be novel lie-4am! the settings and costume: pm- vided ‘0! them are new and beautiful. Reserved am tickets are going at: rapid rate ahd if you have nut bought you should (‘0 it now. ’The -_pastor_s of all lmal churcheé. their congregations and the general public are. invit- ed to attend. Thu class met-ts at the High School on We‘dneaday ' afternoons at threv o’clock. The second meeting will be hextWedneodly. November lblh. ()ne dollar is charged to each member of the class to pay fur mate-:iils used, Persons not members of the Barents -and Teach» on Association are charged; 3 {cc of nix dollars or ï¬fty cents a’ ‘lesson. The formal installation or Mr. Dohson will take place next Tues day'evening, Nov 1'5th at 8 o’clock at the Presbyterian Church. Rev. Dr. Samuel J. Niccolls, pasmr of the second Presbyterian (.‘hu r111 or St. Louis whose asisstant \Ir. Dobson was for some years will deliver the charge to the pastor. Dr. W, S; P. Bryan of Chicago has been appointed to deliwr the charge to the. people and the Bard. Dr. W. N. W. Boyle of the Presbyterian' Church of Lake Ferest will. preach the sermon. Dr. M. Bmï¬i' Thomas of Lake Forest College will preside. Music will be furnished by the choir. Daily rehearsals anje the order fur the young folks taking plr m the. Dramatic Club performance of the screaming {me comedy “Bis Uncie me India." and the members prbmise a pla‘y that will eehpxe pl! former efforts The snug numbers which hnve been interpolated Dramatic Club Meeting Dai.y to Prepare for ‘His Unéle From maï¬a.†’ _ nomicalJnd ittrlctive. . Menus for" fiery day use. Sewing of meals. - The philotophy ol the Hdusekeepkr. I“ Th6 aign ahd heap: of the Course. ' Food I wilueI'Ind their importance The pnctigal’applic'ltiun of a know- ledge of these value: In home. ’nd Marketing: wlii'nctica! and eco- ‘ - nomicul huyipg.- Substitutes fur " the most expensive fonds Fdod aduhemmn and some simple test: for their detection _ 3rd Water: â€"-lt’ buses in the kaing of food. Preserving 3nd canning of fruit; ‘ _ ' 4U! Milk and it' I pijoduct‘: _C.H'€5t"’ kinds: uses; value as {and 5th Eggs. 6th Meat- v 1th Fowl and hsh 8th Vege!ables.,cereals, salads 1 9th., Bréaq. = 10“ Cake‘ lllh Plltry . 12th.: Sundard dietaries and haw. mm are madé- a practical basis furnm planning of mepus. Menus “11‘:ch gr: most IuIIi iIuc. m. Installation of The New Pres- byterian Minister Takes} Pla'ce Nov. 51h. i’A'swu’pdpmsul Cumin. us. Sud) ‘ I of Rod and It. pupa-um HIGHLAND ‘ FIB/f. 'REHEARSAL FOR PLAY f "0 command flan; ls'r. PAGE IIBS' HAYDON MisgLompi Fag". Ilia Laznpi Facet. Mr. Aug juhamwn. S. jilonen. Mil Ellen D. Krisgh. Miss Id: Kahler. Rob Knux GeoFKnox. Froked MI [Jase-up Mr john K. Lyon. Mn Par tor Hank: Mulrav. Mn El ‘Nllly, Miss Bessie Poo'd. H E Pierluiu. Min Julia llubey. Mrs jennic DSiIIpioo. Kuhlrine Tipladyu Mia hempi 'rsger. Mr Iohh'l‘iliman,_ Mn 11}? 'uoriec 2. F B “ickeu. Mrs E'W-rur. 'lrrC Andersuri James E Esq. Mr 8] An- daman. Mane M Brown. Mn Lida Colman. Min Nellie Coma. Hence Lac-bl: Dyw. list E Dndgum. Mn Claire-A Foucr. Mr Frank huh. It is rumored that our friend Cummings intends eve long to ï¬x up.'pa.int and otherwise im- pruvothe stables and buildings fronting the depot on West Rail- road avenue. vBravo Bro.__Cum- mings, let the good work pro. ceed, There is nothing gives a towna WorSe black eye than to have a lot of delapidated struct- ures meet "the observance of a stranger when alighting from the train. Such things are too common in some Western towns, but itis hoped an era of improve; ment is setting in for Highwood. Push the good work along, Bro. Cummings, and the people will rise up and call you blessed. 0111' city fathers have just» Shown a spasm of goodness for the residents along West Rail- roadavenue. They have long been a disé‘race to the city and a men» we to the safety of pedestrians. If they ’will now go’ a little fun“- theriu the direction of improve~ ment and put another hum or two along that thoroughfare, we may be able to walk at night with out stepping off the pavement in- to the ditch m: risking the break ing of our neks». ' Street lamps, to Wagner. Che ortb ï¬ber; was-WI DENTIST HOURS: 9 TO 6 snags": In“: nunnxo GLENCOE Z FRIDAY HIGHLAND PAR! won: 29! noon: 601 Be of ' any service, shOuld be much less .thana third ofa mile apart. Arthur Deming. the king of black (ace comedians I: mating the greatest hi! n! his career in the pan of Dan. the Pull- man porter, and his Comedy in simply irresasible - ~ Dave Lewis. the must pupal-t comedi- an errr in a Chicago pruducï¬oh It now well sewed into his new part. and ha been quite an acquismgn to the feature cast bewn Was the principai comedian in ‘TMI Isle of bpice" “‘1 he I10) .. 'Chel†and a number'ol other L: S: !'e theatre productions and is acknowledged mm of the muucal cumedv’ a lap notch stars. WEI/£7000 ITEMS :hv auahcgwc‘san: not hep {mm (golï¬ng its ribs' {mug ’ticklulp. “just Keep I Uruminm" “My. Scarecrow Madie._" “Z 3 lag Rag." “\\ Inn;~ Nancy. Brown Kissed mum Gwen Goodbye.†and "u: a Bungalow." anemic ï¬n: hig {alum bus and any not of Ibem enough to Ib- smutely make amumusioal «flering I succus. " ‘ There are. by â€tuna/um. over No- hundred luughu, and envy night (we of the Comedians ï¬nd. wmc new spot when": . Lying" angunehemloveix' have un- deniably pk?“ an imibh mm“ of “madam ipp’nwnl , on “Lower M1 13" the new (are: with ninuc ,Ibd girls. mm playing? to overflowing tunnel u the ngizne‘y,‘ Cinema. on every perfor- mance, and his rum an absnlutely el- établished lac: that it. will he only- n question ol 3 [cw dag. mung mnnlgé‘ mentwiu begun to flange {0: 1nd to announcethe mo perioflymce. There have been many laughing muucu show made at the Whitney but none with u m ny genuine heamy "lunch: uor so much teasing music 0! the jingling. ting- ling eon, for from a music“ slandlbint this is easilyjoscphls‘a Hunt-d: Supreme effort. I ADV ERTISED LETTERS 'on. LYMAN SEXMITH A. w. FLETCHER Pan-Ante, WHITN EY THEATRE A petitiop was Ipmenud signed by pmpeny owners 0 ,Deetï¬eld avenue hos tween Finn men ind Green Bav Road. requesting the Cu‘u’ucil to put an onli mace Iur 3n owl-ac laid street between tg'id Mn". The Ndmancg Wt. a!†pn- Icnicd. pmviding 'n’ the mmeï¬on o! a 3†main in Due "ï¬x-Id avenue. Mdcrman Bahi'1movcd. waded by Alderman Stevens; a «uremia! d the mic! lor the p‘.>2"‘j_'ule of main: apoq raid «ï¬nance. a 4 non us mid. , Alderman 8:11 ed, â€candid by My: Say â€mi- And the noting: gun bv the nuon dc dared curied “fluid otdumxcc duiy A‘dcrman Bah?‘ Alderman Steverfi. mic! lor the pit" raid «Gimme. M. And the molluh In. by the mvor de- dared curried. 12?: the mica suspended. Maud by AW- mnn lkt'hcrwu and wounded by A! H mun Earhart that laid o'dinance waned a read. The roll wan en’s: zed mm the [ollwlag row l Tho-e voting AHu Aldcmnn ‘l‘iumn, Kline. Evahuz. . )lcl’hcnun. Dot). Dunn: and Bah? 4 1‘qu swung “Nu’ momma) PAUL. ILL. (:3 Nave ‘ her In. 1910.- - Appr red. George A. Meson. Aldenmu Me '1-enon- awed. second- ed by Aidetmnm'rtllman, n mpemion u! the rules for t uï¬ purpose (of ï¬ctim up- on the’ upon oh ‘he Sweet and Alley Committee. Mun wu carriet! ' Aldermen Me 'hemn moved. second- odvaIdert'mn holy thatthe'repofl o! the Street and I ey Committee be ap- proved Ind the 2-:ommcndatione therein be concurred in. turned. Ayes; Alder- men Tillman. Kl « e, Everhari. McPher- son. Duty. Steve: s and Baht. Alderman ch'lernon lntmduced In urdinhncc entitl d ' An ordinance-mu- thorgzing Ind dirttu'ng the execution and viuuancc of the» njarotiable coupon bnnde of the City 0! Hi Inland Park. Illinuiu to an amount u negating the principal mm of 075(1). [on the purpose of refund‘ mg a like ammm {,l the legal Ammam. mg bonds of “in; city; prescribinï¬the for the levy ind cufleedun 0! A direct annual lax unï¬t :« m to my the interest .md princml! J said bonds when dueund ï¬xing 1In: other details 01 the issue." Said ordi mace wu “yen read in iull by the clerk. ' l gunï¬ded by the win he W'L nines plurd up" Arden-me or BMW†Moved by (“it Those vuti‘ng Kline. E\ crhan Stevens and Blur n no » i The roll was cm following remix: L Minute: of 113::qu Medium of the City Councii. Of The City 0‘ manual Pugh: Held On Tue-(lav Evening. N‘uvclnlur l! 1910 CONT! N UEI WEEK'S COUNCIL CHAMBER. CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK. “ waiuw nu Jilnuiig § North Shore Elec. A mid «nae'campaa‘y‘ u the opening of its NEW SHOW R00 g5 k The exhibit of Electrical Appham": ptilitarain purposes will prove of m WE SELL cvefl'thi‘ng IIECTKIL ;+ FROM LAST. ibrmws-Lm'mn ‘ ’es: Aldermnn Tixfmp‘n â€char-on. Quty. That voting ‘.No†n in [name «about «meat. ad 'on motion with «he nun Mcl’henon and ‘euman. Earhart that nded. and laid ordi- Alderman Tillmno,‘ ï¬ling; Mm, Dow. Sled"! ' Magnum Bahr curd? V, “damn Evcrhm that“; ‘ :99 sum of £779.85 In then,“ qt of City Deposits Fund" '- , . ,b â€were“ uhhc Put-f. , ., Apgwderm... mama; f hut. lcl’hctum, DOWr’w v can: > " hy Alderman Ewmtt. ’. : minkmev 0‘ Public 7W - V . :3; ‘ ed to order Bullustet w; . ., Wflf Bridal M , _' don in the cm 01 Huh-lg Mk! Commisbkmd' 10* 2 meat in m: intern“ of N ‘ mining said chuugc. Alderman Tillmuu,‘ Kline.†-~.. Mm, Dutv. Sled"? z .- " Alderman Steven! W by Alderman Kline Ml»; own he charged for and _ Kevin-d Ordinances: » There upon Mama â€3"†wounded hv Anem- m , permit of the Chang. I ,» Electric Ramadan" . crushed smo‘ and and?“ ,' through the Ciw a! 8M3“ encnded unul Non-abut ( .{_ what the (My Clerk he ' nulifs Ihr klvugo ' Milm- ~ lru- Railr .ad I qupany gym 191'. ml the priwlkm I‘M“ ‘ Icudays {Iain tï¬at dat.’ ‘ Clfl‘icd. Alarm†V NM’. Aldeunan ileum: vn Id‘iï¬â€˜ by Alnermn Seen†M“? Barnard .1:- mm the Mt bod be mogul ' 1‘ Cert be authorised C65 ., Ir 8: Milk! m hum:- Said Reriaiun at a up“: extra cost of '10" hit gum my run W an Illownncc of 530 “Q that cnpy may run kll in accordance with M)"; A» es: Mdcrman mm i hm. McPhcrmn Mi: Alderman Mel’hcrwn m ‘ 7.: ed by Alderman Tim's“ r\ A of the rulelor the mar upon said ordinance. m Aldeuuul link: '01an “SI?! On mozlo-dulvmd 'f , wuthenordcmdw. ' ter of revoking the punk. Jo \lilwaukee Elgctn'e play {or hwlingmen“ vei vans then! (linen-soul bv * mm referuloe to the City. . ’ ,.~ Bid! for 3:! mun: MM lied: I I Owning! ’* W Blhr tied and rod. An urdimme regulating an“ and speed of can and minor ‘ railroads Ind street who.“ fl semcd- _' {3 merma- an» M “"24†Alderman My the ‘L dinancc Concerning tho“ '_ bul‘un u( lot. providm; a; union 4†same and V. Hamming of ice deduct a! ‘ mum-m! Pm duh“; : man 1'6wa2 mice. flu, son. Duty Steven: an! 1. Ar. urdiuanoe “mm W man Mel’hrnm moved W dermnn Baht that M m " grassed nod that W link uished In each n can r icd. An ordinance . .. : distribution a" x. u: , man Baht med. '3 man Dulv that the g ‘ “I in said ordinancchg- I25 00 per nonma- kw Motiun wu carried. ‘- Alderman Hem fl ad I» Aldc‘mu Dug; the rules («the gum and urdimm. Motion ordinarice (Humane: WM“ Consolidated G†e ‘ f mGrcen Bay 30.: Tillman. Kim ) WWW.†.7‘ moo-l .lttlh «doth! Mum: lu't m mid-9d l liner- 1 (‘levol Vlnore ll taken ll In the 01 That I failul' broker “to a I and wit: IIIITO I’ Never «lune. no“ 1 have I hung A uctulllj mental Take «till R1‘ AN‘ TWO iii ii 39 ITQ