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North Shore News-Letter (1907), 28 Jan 1911, p. 2

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me [man] 1!) executive .x'essionin me Clerk‘s Office: the resuus I)! which ses- 'sion did nor/transpire puHiclSv. . ’ gFur the three sidewaik schemes «0» wad, ordinanys were pabsed through“ both boards. The fourth for the Uthe Inbdivuion wasnot appointed for public Consideration. An ordinance was in radium, and wizhaut notice 10 pro? pony owners, was inassed through both? The fact developed that Prcsidcnf ~ Hughes had not appmVEd the urdiuancp passed 0:3 1h: tenth fury}: sanitéry‘sewer in Railroad avenuuiur~1he use pf Col» leeror Barnes, _ Some 01' the interested property ow‘rici's‘ on that line u'ergin the Johby, some ladies ’among them. Tb'ese by invitation of the President met the Buard in executiva ~sessiunin me Clerk‘s bffiée;' the results I)! 'which ses-' Iion did nor}rans,uire puHiclS’. .. Ind ’QIat the recent frosty weather had develnped serious cracks iri the road way through hoIh babe and cover. It is lpprebendcd that watcr enIcIincr these fissures and freezing will injure and. ultimateiy destroy the pavement. MI- Rummiei' read a letter he had from the Road bureanof the U . Agriculm I-aI Departmeng recommenmug {or the 'roadway of narrow village SIrpeIs a birumencmcrete cover with macadam base (in p. efercmzc tu chcreIe babe Engineer Marsh said Ibis was prccisciy wh e )I'Wxtcmp ated Iecmumeudin r [U buarJ [he scne: up was pustp I ch 10' ex! meeting to enahie the en r'I'ucers in a new specification and cs ‘3... ion the street west of blieridim mad;) Thed that patrol Green Bay road {mm me I Iéuthern tenninalionuf the pavement, lumin} recommendation and estimate Min Dorothy Clark’l in Mortimci's subdivision in, Harbor will he brought. in; there willhe a warm up her dancing claucs : lgrcet, with Lapier street from Green discussion by the lobby. fined to the house beca’us Bay mad to Sheridan mad; aisu lx’aiL Near the close of the session 0! the , , T rustees, an‘ order was made in pay Magic Brothers the balance on thicr cuntrah‘! for street ailing the past Sumv pier. The balance is 81293 80. it was ordered to be paid bv warrant drawn against theiwater fund; The total cost w, .‘nu-Iudll 3' VICW O! the matter- iscussmn did not become general-' I is expeeced that. at {next meeting a Miss Viol; Shields en informal to. Tuesduy el *â€" _rold avenue and Vernon avenue each from Hazel avenue to South avenue, end Hawthorne from Railroad m the Ichool block. All three gut, a. Seiabaclr Regarding the last mentioned. a diseua- .Iion arose regarding the character of roadway' proposed, it being a 2-inch of the work was.8!395l80.> The pi‘fevious h-Don’gla: sMcEde'l "In", bitumen cover on afive-inch Commie phymem’shn account had been SHOO 00. 9"" n alu 'y event base.~ The fact» was brought out that. The total collections for streét'oiling up llippery smewelk break"); Winnelka had been experimenting with to that date had been $924 64. this kind of pavement, the past summer, ' A plat made by Suryeyor Emil Ru~ and "spat the recent frOSIy witamer had doipnorme uorth 134m: of Block 24), devehipcd seriuus 0‘39.“ i“ 1““ mad fr‘uuting northwest nnl.incoln avenue, way through iimh base-and cover. it is was pmiempd for approval by Mr E lpprebeuded that Water enteting these filmy" Maynard. Action deferred to fissures and freezing will > V injure and. “a,” meeting. ultimaieiv destrnv n... mum“. My , , Ml‘iTrigg Weller eke given by thr Fi'iendlv A the gold~room of the 0 Tuesday evening. ' ~â€" Miss Lillian Burgess v the ans-Llc'rmn oflice Mi Mr. 1. in Kline, we tend shoe man of our citv. has on the sick list, but we: The three‘ paving schemes cnvered Mary street (a 40100? street extending from the raflways to [he Vfllage' bodnd- arv cast of Shendan road. No b‘mtdinus Four of these'schcmés were fu'r side- walks in the smuhern .sectietnv of the "11’ Inge, es‘imate'd can of which aggregat- ed over $14,000. After “1656 had bean disposed uf, :nr’ncw srdewa‘ik schemciwas: immduced_ and rccmhw. fit“; by Ihtf President, fur the snlgwa‘. a"; of all the alreg’s in the» (Tilly: snhdivisibn ‘ The cost estimated 3:39.363}. making a final fur tha’ewnmg's sidewalk \mrk .324.038.4(‘; ‘ .ir n {‘l 'l‘ he Buar'd uf LUITQ’ lmpnwrmmm had a bun svs~ion 1).. the wearing of {In 24th. No less than Psvcn New .specml assessment schemvs had been nnpmnu‘d for hearing, and Iberc was at Jud Iuhhy in attendance. 4‘ ‘ ' Keep in mind the Opportunity club Valentina sale at :he- \ illage hall next Friday alliernpon There will be no better oppurlunil) to buy \aleatines andr 'valcmine gifts and {murs than at Ibis sale. The 3 mm department uf the Guild,wi1l alsn have ea supply 0! a‘pmns on hand “hick: they hup‘e m dispose of. Lyo‘nl War the week- and guests of Miss In Murduw. ‘ The Ladies Guild 0! the Congrega- tional church, will have a social tea next Tuesday afteknuon at the humepf Mrs. C. Howwd on Greeuleaf avenue.»at twu -thiny o'clock. Mrs. Southerland of We Margaret Encr Creche, will. speak. A largo attendance is desired. . Mr. Samuel Hurfurd and dangl-Mter Mil: Francis, left has: aaxurday f0: Harida,whc1e they “in mend the win “I > Miss Templewhwho has been v2 rv m at. Mus. Grassett‘ s. is much better and expects [0]:ch \er} soon with herniece Mn. ihmxp Smith tor their new home in Alberta. Nun’hwtalern Canada. ' Miss Catherine Buuth and the baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Camel] has been very ill tor the past week. Mrs. Otto Barnézl entertained on Wedmsd n , with a Dutch funcheun for twelve. Village Boar-‘0’ ( CONTLKUED 'FKOM FIRST m {or the use pf (5017- )me 01' the interestul on mat line werqin ladies 'among them. GLGNCBâ€"é yv -' V"! U Afief resumin‘g the chaini President ’» thires read-,5 for the-linfurmation oI Btufi' suregt residents in the lobby an infurwa! statement of the pluns‘for the impruvement of Street: if) that quarte‘r, estimated lotus: 580.0(1) ‘ He said in- . (fix-Mum! pmpvrty owners could‘ not. by m-s had hem; nnpunm‘d' reason 0!. the ' large measurrmem 9‘ “sndeagek” ‘ included, in line scheme. make a very close estimate of what rich .individuailsaesmnem Would be until the ruh had been spread by the comnnssiuu- at who wuufd minke if. .MFKimbaH. a Bluff street resident, made Sduw remanks, which he , ’ K â€"â€"â€"__. f meL lmpmwmmus m m: {benching 0! {hr um ssvcn View apecmi ”)ch \fas _’3 [ml luhhy »chcme§ were fvr side- lern seminn of the "11‘ )>t of which aggregatâ€" Afler the’svS had been 9 stdeng’k suhemcimas 1161? by {he ‘1 n m, the course on “c-cmmu expressed'the wish that thérc m.L-. _ es made mower. Work will be call- Chum). old Inn. It MM is a frequent ‘ visntor in Highland ed for and defiyem. .Reuonlble mg, Park, from Fargo, N.‘ I). is visiting his ' ‘ - Tin _ ‘ . prices. All work gusranteed. Simple ‘ \4 ‘ l 5’8“” Mrs N- (v Gum???“ ‘ , in Barbar shop. 37 St. Johns Avenue. ' , V1 C i R p k h h ‘ Phone 707 R. AndrechComb, 328R.- ; r.v arru ' ogerS' or as pure u- -. - - 3/3 bl: d Pork. - ed one o! the two McGuire Orr houses vme ave’ l, n on Lincoln avenue. Mr. B Figzggrald (has purchaSed the second house‘and will come here from Glen Ellen. III. (on Look! Old mirrors resulvered. Now the ‘1 Mr. Farnum. father of Harris Famum on h. m Mn. F net Kocrenbem fell down stair. last Mllnfl-n n'npl --â€"2““ L , . . Miss Mate ! Mr. Farnum, father 9f Hal whu' IS a frequent visitor {1 Park from Fargo N D is sister, Mrs N. CGurnev. ‘ muswian 'Mrs. Thayer has as week-Mrs. Bang. wh‘ Mrs. Greenviuc Mutt e hmdreub on Wednesday. ~ § An ordinance was passed granting the Ninth Shore Electric company right-of- way through the alley in Black 40 from Linculn avenue to Milton. Ruth Buards adjuurned t9 the .rggular February meeting nu the 7d: prox.‘ 1'17 GHL-A'ND PARK PAC E might be a year’s delay in the launching at this improvement. He thought must of his mighhors along ihe street shared his view. Mi- McArtmir. farther suuth, answered; this position arid'ex- prched himself as urgently dvsiging to have the street impmved as soon as pos- ‘ sihle. , Mr Ru‘mler rather inclined to share Mr Kimball's~ View of the manu- ;The discussmn did not become general-’ I! is expeqted that. at {next meeting a lumial recommendation' and estimatg will 1)}: brought. in; there willbc a warm discussion by the lobby. (:UNTINUED m0.“ 131‘ 7--“ _, u- mad from Sheridan mad over to his residenceén a sufficient and much less expensive ‘scale. The pav1n¢.of La Pxer street, 'inconnecnon With a ‘small pieCeUf-Green Bay road, Was objeued‘ tr) by Mr F Q‘ Mortimer, for his lather. WL‘ Mortimer and for the Tapper es. .tdte owning between the Mortimer sub- diyfisiun and the Sheridan road. while W Cb'eipp, owning on the math of the . street, hadgem av‘representaxive to pro- ‘test to? him.‘ This scheme was pust- poned té next meeting. Lapier urea ‘exxeuds only from Green, Bay road to Sheridan mad. That parrot the street laid out between Sheridan mud and the lake was vacated sgme years ago at the instance of Harry Rubens and John A. 1 Urhe, burdering it on the nurth and south. The sidewalk scheme inf Mary‘nreet ins posxpuncd'td next meeting It. did not apnear that any of the property own_ser , present ur non resident, wanted the impruvemen't west of Sheridan read \Ir Slannard. e‘ast of it wanted a walk bun did not. wish to lay tins burden on others fur his own accommadation. '1' he Marv street pming met the same kind of reception and the protests were so ex'nph‘uVic that the scheme was aband- omnd will: suggestion that Mr Stanna‘rd, the only unc- who wanted‘ ihe pavement. c‘vuld prubablyl be nccomodated by a. ..,.I r imards le'nfipmvemcut. law permits‘ this summary proc‘edure. but the recent practice ih Glencoe has been tu give the- property owners a chance to be hegrd. I been Q1100 00 nouxe last Saturday evening fell on the street oiling up slippery siaewnlk breaking his leg. . ’ Mr M to. Mrs. FredTNoex-enberg feudown stain ,N- ‘b “can to last Mandy ind sprained her tnkle. ‘4 " Jthn Rouse whovis in Mr. A. Rafferty. ha through the he“ slipping on them. et from a wegoh had the misfortune to ve his fitigers Severed from his head Y weight of the boiler gen-â€" t the employ of while unloading a boil- Miss Lillinn Burgess was a culler M P the ans~Llchn oflice Monday Int. Mr-IAnfis of firms-Lanna 4 week. The editoriul' written by Rev. Wm. ‘Bungess. and whic '1 in published on the fourth page of our paper. was formerly editor of the. NORTH Snow: News Law-- TER.‘ ‘ m. a. m. mrgen's pap Mr. J. P. Kline, the lending boot and the triphs meeting of xeac shoe man of our citv. has of Late been and Que Lake County on ’the sick list. but we ate informed society It Highltnd Perk the: ho is {m gaining his health. and it tn be published in the will soon be gt his place of business. mum-l, "A h..- n , - r M’iTfiER Wcller attended the ban . The "‘4 . .. - nnounce given by thr Friend" Md society in Tnborculu the gold~room of the Congreu. ole]. . - Ravmh ti Tuesday chlllng.' Min Dorothy Clark has had to R up. her dancing classes, as the is m fined to :he house because of illneu Miss Viol; Shields entertgincd informal to. Tuesduy sftcl'noon. have been living}! {he Maniac has left 'here and will spend son traveling. ' Miss Kalhnlce-I Bergen was at home for our Sundavo! last week. She Ichool at Kamper cousin. i; in Hall. Kenmhn, Wil- Mrs‘ Hannibal Chandl: tious 'uutxfur a card party Mbndav afternoon 312:30 u Mrs Beauy' oi s‘uuth She entertainpd a number of {r home Wednesday ant-mom: muslcale given anhe Highland Park Club. II. was in charge of Mrs Annettr R. Jones and the artiets on the pro gram were Mrs Truman Aldrich. 1n. Mrs Jones and Mr lame: Humilwn. l Mr and Mrs. john l Mrs M. B. A. Pranol‘ 420 Eu: Leu- (ml ayenut has been lying critically ill ~will: .llronchiil' Urippe combined with pneumonia. A! the present. Writing the is cunvalescing and hopes are entertain- ed of her ultimate recoverv. I «an. Mouser on Thursdav arrange: a program {or lb! men: of the men at the Rail: home. This week Mia Eli: Crystal plaved sevens! camp the piano. ()n ' Mys. Katiqflmmer is visiting her d: tighten M n Hgtdlcre of Chicago. â€"vâ€" -lev r.- Mrs F reemun fl” rushed out to her as- sigtl'nce and in her haste flipped on the sidewalk and lprlined her ankle'bidly. ms; Freeuun is In the home of Mn. Mfé; Freemm is a: Monroe, Mn'Freemdn 'wllo Ila sister 0! Mn Monroe Ind a teacher at the Lincoln Anna: school [all upon ghe walk in from of Mrs. I L‘ Morrison's houue and broke her leg. _ In Morrison who paw ‘._A, n Miss Burgess ha! been quite "I but. I: now improving. Mr. C. E. §chaufiler returned tut week from a trip aruund the world. He has brought home with him a very fine cohection of souvenirs which would fill a small museum. Miss HolenCoale leaves the latter part at this Week for Lafayette. 136.. wherein: will be m.- gm: of Min. Eu Smtqn, for several days. Work has commenced on Mrs. tin’s ncw house which is to be facing Lincoin avenue. Thuraday evening there Hannibal Chandler has invin f Deer’fleld, visited the office 1m- first of the 53b: North Shore flaps-Later acne misfortune to "M‘" “ u” Chime" Welles Only one woman Hm man a cred from m. ma “"“hm‘m'tsh-d-v) um Sn!» how. am. “ weightnuhe boiler 13"““lm‘ ‘" m cordially m-m. ‘ A7 ’ un Ihundav momingn Iran: {or the entertain- : at the Railroad Men s eh Miss Elizabeth Mc- seven! compositions ms . â€" - â€" urn-5:- wlu All" Q ma D“ M V preach u the Fiat United Evangeiical in an upper berth. he tools (1, visited the . 5 t f ch Church w-mormw, (Sunday?) at 10:45 """_â€""" ' ' '5 0 ° mm. Think Mr. Sueng‘elq’ 'first visi‘ ' 2 - are t I! for u Bilhop to the church in am city. . M I, on a; corn c 'f . . . the employ of here on every body I: muted .; Buckingham who party :0 begin“ 2:30 u'cluck. e Maniac Hon] sPcnd some time Sheridun Ruad .’ {rl‘endq at her . _, ”nvv unv- wool. Em , r Jockâ€"Love. All are cordially Invin- ed. _ » j i 8t. Pm hand llama Inn! struck Mm m fortune 0! 8800.000 , medulycrinduz Manachlhmn ' 00M". . ‘ _ The undertaker i ' “‘4. '.'. mg...- 'nâ€" -_ 3' an The Ouoliclub is to ha voted to 00mm: Al'tl and Thursday, Februjrv second Services at the Nth. 0n thin occuion a sebum! per- lomunce of 'flin Uncle {rpm India." presented no “mutiny b Shure Dramatic Club. ml Memben of the club incln dine all we themselv -vmvc .ucu l 'OLICII'E club in urdet tufupporl their husbands througi breu left with 'snull v the North thus: that shuuld have I be given” Ind um (hose mu es in order :0 ‘ hrvin-» l..- 'ac- _A__ . . . .-----wslr Ill l": cull) in origin! call, will [in t this performance. clndinz all die Utemselves in order heirhgrvfices far less mm, by duinu i _ lumen. REV. Bighop [L F. ___.-â€"- Dearth-Id. nuns: u! H ggda‘ n In hive in lint hunk. [fishery Ziu, a weulthy city, Whoiiun a (our of um purebned one of the main on in the vinqe. of Halt “we hen announce: that on his rrmrn ‘oountry In Mu he wm Open a l Deerfield. He II I farmer. Men Doerfield who deals in lumbfi-r. ic wood and like commodities. i an tor. 0P9” (“Wuhan Feb. 28. Mar. H. Oliver. Mar. 28. Ham. Res Obedience. Mn. C ,9 Baker Civic and :Heulfihjn. Julia puntilgimy. M n: H I". 29.‘ Value 0! Kindergarten. Mm C N Kimball HIV. 9 Moral Educatinu M's." Tn. built ‘I‘he Mother's Study CM“ ‘flighlnnd Purl: Parents .nnd T Auociation meet-it. Lincoln Sc tern“: Tuesday: at 2:30 9 m. jun. 3|. (Ii-Haven‘t mmm. Mn. W} n! the cachet-s ho”! al- Unvoudz. Feb. 1‘ 80¢: Mm. H B Rubens unmanned infunu~ ally Friday at an allernoon ton. In. A P Smith emerhiqu .1 dinner last Thurlday evening. tionu. qu (LB Roberts 0L Pzi'k arena was I. dinner houm Juli-Ian (Wentv- Iceond. {he decor-lion: Ivorv red cann- Mn. Charle- >Thomptun and lime daughter. Hahn. luv. beau‘wriously'ill for the pan tcn dun ‘ whu ha been quite ill [or the pan two weeks. is slowly impmvin‘. Mr. Charla M Schneider hat [one In thc [ale of Pines for . few days. M1. Fritz Baht warned Friday (mm 3' trip through P‘Ioridn. f Mrs. H 1 Thu,» of North Sheridan rout. onteruined at lunchwt at Tue:- day in honur 0! M" John 0' Connur and Mn. Bag; of Chicago. Green. â€"- .ch wot bridge one block. north ‘ meeting 0‘ ““3". doctors, of lhe Ravinia depot and on Railway Lake County tuberculosis Avecuc in getting very minke) lud eith- Highluld Put-k 0 Saturday. or the city or the Electric BMW“! Iblished In the nu. e, medial | ‘ chouid see to it bell-re one or the other Id put Into the hands of every .1.“ . M: W buy for. 80m [note I r, {m 750‘» oliclub is to have 9 an «1.. ° " ‘ ’“ 000000 dun d 6.880.000.00'0 at ommio Ann and ‘Scicncc 9:: mg! n: Febmdry ,eeoncl,jl‘ll I. ' Mr». Samuel Levin emerainod out o! torn .u:.:.s Wedneuday and ‘Thundny. Mn. .‘Ielwn Mower- cntenamed the Eucher club Int. Weabnday “lemma. Mrs. H J Fearing entertained at lunch con tut Stun-day. Coven ware hid for twelve. The decoration; were white Min Catherine Smilhof Second street Man. II. It. Ron‘m. Sec Sod-l "ensue. Mri 1-" u. '- fi‘ieneel will" Mm many an ul the In of umpe. has : main orner um I: "W berm-r and hi; remrn lo this "m; a bank in '. Merchant u! 1bé". ice. 90", 0 en's dub “and Park "-3 Tu- O 4 admin nu! remu I. not can Mutton-Mum“ man. I!‘ MM .1 Inna!!! 5. 1 - More!) wruan or 8800.000. which show. M the duly (rind ll productive can all. VII. ‘- u «pier male?“ new Mm "as . uuu out or huuur today and the more}! think ‘Ju: mailer uvcr uf with! l mu Ihuut to meuuun, the worse I led. '1‘qu about. slavery. me you aware that right new at Highland Pal-kw: have men mu never work. but n'l in their my chair, 'feu mmyu upvpu the eon { the ttoive'_and probably a cg‘gareue in their (uuuflf’umch J's sumac": to make them Hunk dry «re the second 1. U- Ruckclchuw in math. plantylo- cu. drink. "nuke Ind near. and truth no one uuun l‘nur ...:..A.r -- H as rt mu support It is all wcu'and give out did find out. [in her durjufi hi: and her life. N {or people lo r laundry, but they 0310qu g whenher ‘ur not the poor Willa" is oumpctted (u do such ml: The {Out ,j--. “m .. alga-um Parkwe have men (In: never work. but "'1 in their my chair, 'feu mmyu upvpu the eon { the ttoive'_and probably a cg‘gareue in their munitf‘umch J's “mm": to make them Hunk dry «re the mun! J. U. Ruckckhuw in math. plantylo- cu. ‘dn'nk. "nuke Ind near. and wuhm care awn lhclr minuu. Uh! is‘mlhii - fine? But huld on. mm M: a walk into 2 um wanna-u. :zaiz‘s kiluhnn -L-A A um ‘nul try (0 filmed punter. thing why we do uol (he above in our papa (mend. iet me fly loo-re a temperance luau. (M (cur primcm can bum know at 0'0 "mind pi; but 8‘ I add. um! I dupld he“ to Show that Nick report the unmet to U!" Luv. Tundav !_ had occasion to was: Deerlield. Ind was unfortunate em «1 Inn: to wank back. when about hall 1 mile um #idcuf the Vinny». my at mention was attracted to a beef home um lny along side at the mad. and; mu: tunhcr on lay muhcr, so [m up my mind mcaunt .lhe numberof empty homes lying along the road bglwfen Highiand Pack and Deerficid, the numb“ being Nady-Hume: the number or men staggering bv wére six: god one nun catrvinga sack Conuin. twéntychmr homes, I am harry to s" that those bunny neglecton wan ah mghlnnd Pirker's rxccpt one. (no; he v.3 from High-mod; u is chi: chat at ‘ men that to to Deerficld CM olséwhm. unk up on beer and whiskey then re. turn to their home turn only to elu'e‘r some business house with .sach vii. tongue! thlt Ihev are ducted (run at" builainy. which cuum I row. the po- hce is ended. qresu we made and the guilty D‘rtv tried and lined. Newman. the rub. the new: flashes throughout the town that so-and-so was arreued (or disorderiy gaming! while intoxicned. 'I he next rumrk you he" “lu’t Mo bad that we ”an; bhml pngsin ourcitv." The next. thing We hen. "mm rushing in Us: office. .11 um (If g.--“- If I) ' by doing so am (hit: (an easily make a living 5 )‘uu or h were are women that! the misfortune to ton. and: “nought dqth. having with ‘small childben, it It (0 "A SH)” 'E' "D1381!" 3"“ JUST BETWEEN. { . you ,AND ME bfldze one out of hum.»- m u... w-anu-so was arrested ieriy conduct while intoxicned. [ rumrk \uu but “he I Mo he ”an: MIMI hung; in ourcflv." ..I.._. , u m: mnw. a” mu of branch. wy we do no! can «team-um in our papa. Now, my den Inc “v “PVC that I dun strictly no: man. (mulling that but cm can hunt on and dust I no "mind pigs” in our city, :, mad I cioyld substantiate the «mug We but ' I the ol‘fiu.‘ 1“”!!! '5' we do no! can I in our Papa. No! “R “V law: that l we m“. ‘me‘hl‘l comma. Mi "9 5'0!" ”tron-gel I!’ «nuk- slues of ‘0 “keep “0 u wont:- - um uh: a «2k i‘b’ kitchen, Wk“ t mach exhued I Wald to run: Chéel-ol-Police shoulder it on the hall a “was. healthy you encourage woman Juror. (N U1

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