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Highland Park Press (1912), 8 Aug 1912, p. 6

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l 5 g. i 1 l 111'. 2. Wm mflinfi’fi. ..~ 1. mu.» Ana..." («Muâ€"“w ' day school at 9:30 a. m. A ‘ scientific journal This correspondent the Various Churches Trinity Episcopal Church Rev. P. C. Wolcott, I). D. Rector. Communion. Sunday 7:30 :1. 1:1. Mormng Prayer and Luany 11.011 :1. 111. Holy Commumon, first Sunday 111 the month and Festivals at ll 00 .1 111. Evcnsong. 511) p. 111. Sunday School 9471 p. :11. St. Mary'- Church Laurt'l :11 t’nllt' and .\l.'<.1>11'rn strt'et. Rcv. J. ll ll'Nsill pastor. >11111l21ysz'1'1'1ccs First .\l:....~.n'.1~1 .1. 111. Sunday School 6:45 (0 7411' Second .\l.1>’5. 7 110:1. 111. Last Mass 9:45 a. 1'11. Swedish Evnngelical Luther-n HighWrxXl. Rev C E. l undgrun pastor Sunday scrum-5 prcmhmg .11 .l:1)0p. 111. Sunday School 11 _‘ 1111 p 111 “edntsday praycr mating 8.0011, 111. First Church of Christ, Scientist Hazel .1\rllllc ncar ‘ lohn's 211cm t. Regular \1'11 111 111111 >1i1d1y 11. orning :11 10:45 )Cl'hk. >11nd1y st howl 11111nc'diattly after the Sunday 11'. ormng x-r111c. Regular Wednesdm cwnnm testimonial meeting at all) oclock The Reading Room. second floor, Erskine Bank 81111111111; 1s «11x11 daily 1\- ccpt Sunday from 9 to l" a. n1 and l to 5 p. m. \ll authoritcd Christian Science literature 15 on tile for rctcrcnce. and may be purchased 11 dcsncd. St. John. Evangelical Church Corner (.recn Bay Road and Homewood Avenue. Rcv. R. B Fiedlcr l’astor. Sun. day morning (.erman preaching- at 10:30 a hi. and English preaching at 7 30p. 111. on first and third Sunday 01 thc month. Everybody is welcome to attend these serwccs. ‘ Ebenezer Evangelical Church Second Street near Laurr-l lAvenue. Sunday School, 10:00 a. n1.; niort‘ling wor- ship, llitl) a m.: Chr1stian Emit-Ivor and evening service trom 7:10 to 5% p. 111. German praycr meeting chnc y. 7:30 p m; Hiblc study Friday till) p We cordially mute 111111 attendanct 5 1:. 50111111511 pastor. Believer: Meeting Library llall. Highland Park. Every Sunday 7.43 p. n1, (iospcl address. E1. cry Thursday 800 p.111, Bible study. You are cordially invitcd. . Evnngelicnl Lutheran Church Central Avenau, \V. F.511l1r; pastor. Sunday senitc. (mrman prt-achtng :11 l().3011.m; E11glisl1;_1r;~:1d1ing atB p. n1.; Sunday School 9‘ 1.3; inc-1'11: 1n Saturday school. 9:11) to 13:01). " ’ First United Evangelical Church Corner 01' Laurcl Avenue and Green Bay Road. Rev. 1. Fostt'r’ V1111 Evcra. pastor. Sabbath 111011111111 Worship. l0z45; evemngse-r. '1'19 a11dl\'.fl.C. E. 11110.1 1 ":00 to 8:00 p 111 during Jul1. August and Sep- tember The midweek nay-1'1 Wednesday and Friday cvt-nings-at 7:45. choir meetings Thursday at H p. m; Sun cordial in- vitation extendcd to all. - Swedish Luther-n Church There will be chd slv titheran Church service-s curry Suv1d.11 («1.1111111 at scvzn forty- .i1c' a“'1lotk 111' he Y. \\ C A. rooms on Central .-\1'cnur-. Highland P.1rk.Carl E. Lundgrrn, of Waukcgan. lll1nois.p:1stor. Blptilt Church East Laurrl avenue. Henry Clay \l1ll1-t. minister: Sunday. morning W'Irshlp, ll) 45 Sunday evening pco‘plc'\‘ Sch 11‘1'. 7:45.1"111- Rahlt' school. Mr. Charlm ll Warrtn Supt-r111tt'nd1'nt. assembles :11 12(1) \IClln‘h. Tilt: BJP’HI Young Pt‘llplt‘ls‘ l'nion. Mr. lc. .zh llittmger, l’rmmh'nt. Incezs each Sunvl 1v r-z'cmnu at 7 o clock, Th1: 111id»1.wcl~: ltt'lil :11 :hc' parlors of thc \\'c€l‘1z-\1l;1y' even.11gat 713. Thc' l.}1'l‘t‘.\ li;lllll. .\lr~'. C. E.'l‘ho111p»on. lres '. holds 11s regular >C>Sl11lls on 1.11 (1111-1111111 of tho first and third Thunday s 11 unit 11:11:11'1'1. The l)‘.ll7ll.' 1s cordially 1:111:1'1l (11" services of this cth’Cll. Highland Park Presbyterian Church Cornz'r of Laurel. Linden and Prospect avenues. Rev. R. Calvin Dobson. Pastor. Bible school meets at 9:30 a. m. in the church building. Sunday morning wor- ship. 1l00a. n1. Young Pcoples' Meeting at 7:30 p. m. Mid-week prayer service Wednesday evening at eight o'clock in the auditorium of the church. The public is cordially invited to all of (l‘lcsr: services \t‘!'\ it t l\ church czh'h 1. . .11l I.l:‘ Did His Work Too Well. '. “'hile it .~ no «any matter {or a violin maker tn rival tln- famous Sirnditnrhh inszt'111111-111s. :111 Ann-1111111 mdkur olivi' llltl this. and lllll It in so effector» :1 111:111111-1' lll‘ll experts pm nominal his Violin :1 cumin:- Studiva- rlus. Thu sllu't-sstul man 11:12 “cargo Uetnnmler. \v-m (111-1| 21-1111- years ago. His n-nmrkallv ability as 11 mako-r of \‘lolins was known to many 11 distin- guished ['lzu’et‘. Slll‘ll :is (H.- Bull. Ile- ltionyi. 11ml \\'lllwlmj_ but he achievwl â€"â€"So runs the story Ahis :rcntest auc (Tim at the: last l'nl‘l“ (‘XlanIlHIL To that uxhilnltzon lu- .sn'nt 2111 Imitation Stmdivunw :111-l to tvst its uterits had it plzo-m! on Hh‘bition as the gt'llllllw :1r’l.l1-. .\ munnitn-i- 111' or ports van-fully cyamiuml lllo' instru- ment and prononm'wl it :1 Sirnllhnrins. h‘o far Honutndvr‘s triumph was com pletc. but now ranw :1 1lilli1'u‘ty. \\'l1'-n 111- claimml that it “as not :111 old \‘iir lln. but :1 now 111:1(11' l1_\' ltitnsi-lf. llic (‘1)lllllllll>'t' Would not lvelim't‘ him. Ter 1l1'1'l:11‘1'1l that lli- hail new-r made the lnstrtinu-nt :11.1l l‘l'iNlU‘tllllt‘ll him an itnpostor llt‘ had done his \1ol'k too Well. ' Illlt". Moon Blindness. _ A naval correspondent had written ' from Port of Spain. Trinidad. stating ' that in his travels he had come across many cases of moon blindness. caused ; by men sleeping with the moon shining upon them. such cases occurring prin- cipally in the tropics and the Mediter- ranean. Strange to say. adds the Trini- dad correspondent. men so aflected can tee in daylight, but cannot do so when dunk lets in. Mr. l-lerle further quotes tron: 1 communication made by a New inland correstmndent to a weekly . was many years 11:11 an apprentice on , Services in the Churches _ Lodge and Club Meetings And Notes of Interest Time of Services and Meetings in . Holy ~ SCFV lCC~ ' Meetings and Meeting Places of Clubs and Lodges . North American Union Highland Council 99 meets at Masonic Hall. third Wednesday in each month. Masonic Orders ' A. O. Fay Lodge. No. 676, A. F. and A. .\l.. meets first and third Thursdays in Masonic liall. Odd Fellows Sheridan l.odge,,\'o.662. I. O. 0. F.. mccts every Tuesday night at 7:30 in Masonic Hall. Roy-l Arcnnum Highland Park Council No. 1066. Royal Arcanum. meets second and fourth M011- days In Masomc Hall. Visiting brothers always 11'clc0mc. Mystic Workers Hall and Meetings at .‘lasullit‘ first tl11rd Mondays. Modern Woodmen Highland Camp, 1176, M. W. A. meets first and third Fridays at Masonic Hall. Y. W. C. A. Clones Following is the schedule of Summer classes for the members of the Y. W. C. A.: Swimming pool at Lake Forest college open to girls of Highland Park Y. W._C. A. Wednesdays. 10 to 12 a. m.. 3 to 7 p. n1. Spectal rates to members. Members en» trance .10c; individual lesson. 50c: ticket. 10 entrances. 75c. Course: of six classlessons. per person. SLOI); non-members entrance, 30c: Individual lesson, $l.00'. ticket. 10 en- trances. $1.50; course of six lessons. per person, $1.30. Suits. caps. towels and Wing: must be furnished by individuals. instructor always present when pool is open Summer \ionday. 3.30 111 3:10, tcnnis. baskctbnll, mw comh on ”11' academy grounds. 730 9:30. Girls" Club; Thursday. swimming as abow SCilt‘tllllr‘(l. Rooms open at 20." East Central Avenue every afternoon, 3:05; Monday and ’lhursday evenings. 7.111) 9.41). Vesper services; alternate Sundays 'bcginninglunc111't'nty~third. 4 p 111.‘ Business Men's Auocintion Meets first Tat-:tdav in 111 cry Erskine prt's1dcnt; actiy lllt‘S; month. Building ~\l.)v:11 \rsocmtion Rooms Charles M. Schncidcr. Larson. secretary. Highland Park Young Men's Club Club rooms. 12 West Central Avenuc. iieorge loncs. president; Earl (iscll, secretary. Ouoli Club Club moms, Highland Park Clubllouse. \lertirgs. torti'ightly on Thursday at :hrce o‘clock. Mrs. W. J. Fyft'c. president; \Iiss Elizabeth Townri'. correspondmg secretary. Highland Park Woman's Club Club rooms. assembly hall. Library )llll(llng. Mommas; fort111ghtly «n l‘ussdayattl1rvc o'clmk. Mrs. George H. Carnphcll. prrsidcnt; Mrs. John! :\. Putnam. correspondinu sucrctat'y. Highland Put} Club Club East R C Jacobson. prcsidcnl; Central Art-1111c. A.\'11n Schle'pcl, house. \1‘.‘Y'L‘l’.ll'§'. Catholic Order of Foresters St. Johns Court Number 840, C. 0. F., met-ts second and fourth Thursdays of each month in Masonic Hall. W North Avenue First M. E. Church First M. E. Church. B. L. Story, Pastor. Sunday School. 10:00; Preaching, 11:00. Junior League, 2:30: Epworth League. 6:30: Prayer meeting. Wednesday. 7:30: Teacher Training. Saturday. 7:30. 1111- l.l\'1-l'pool sill]! Lanmlan. 1111 East India mulvr 0111-9 when tln- uhip was 111-111'1-1-1: St llu‘vtm 11111] the lim- some 111' the- sii-M on Ilt‘4‘k fully 0x- 1-ow1l to tlw :1ill'1'1lr Ill1' ln'llllnnt moon. \\'l11-11 (lit-y :l\\olu- throw of Ilium were quite- moon Hlml 'l‘l11-y had to be led Illullll ut iiiuln :1111l tlw ropes put Into tl11-1r hztnzl.‘ London Standard. 71'r1'\\' A- Thaodoro Thoma: Retort. .\ f'llul‘:tl'lt'l'l\ll(' story is [Hill of one of lilt"lll‘.\‘l 1'1-l11~:1r.~.'1l~1 of tin- Polk-1:9 choir (of the l'llll'llllnlll Fallout: of .\l 111 sic». 111 which 'l‘hvmlori- Thomas had ri-prinmmlml of the soprano-c \h-Irply for inattn-ntion. "lli- treats us :12' if we \11'1‘1- llu'llllmt'u of It's (It‘t'lin's- 11:17" 1-x1'laitm-1l :111 indic :int singer to hur nvxt 111-izhbu' Thomas owrlu-nrd tho remark and lot it pass for tho 11111 11111111. but :11 tlw close ”11111- 1'1-l111111's'nl. as tho pt'l‘furlllt‘lN “'(‘l‘t' leaving the SlJILl“. l11- p:i<~ul tl11' lady lll qlit'stioii 11111l. turning to llt'l'. said 1'111‘)‘ quii'tly, but with that biting <:11'1':1~'111 which llioso who know him did not cart- to vvitv. ".\l:11l:1111. you will have to sin: 11 1111-:11 11ml lwllt'r than you do now 1111(111-1- l shall 111-:11 you as I "cut the lllt'llllk'rs o! my.orchestral"â€"".\ietnoirs of Theodore Thomas." SI Illli’ Close Relationship. The ane- of Norfolk once gave a great dinner party to a number of his neighbors. The duke was at the bend of the tablo. and a man seated near him called out to one of his neighbors at the other end of the table: "Mr. Howard, will you drlnk a glass of wine with me? There was a con- nection between our famlllea." "With a great deal of pleasure." re- plied Mr. Howard, "though I don't ’know exactly what the connection is. but in this county there have been new ’ .'(‘LLI~ rm: mom P 11 1101111 1 [Faun ”0. 412:“ } at Copyright 1912, by Glenn 71. :3 /2_ lNING R°°M l4- 0 XIE -6 1 F 1' KITC?‘EN 6 _"- -0 LIVING. R°°PI 23‘â€"o"x 111'â€"0' 2 3m 34‘ FERDT PL“: PLAN FIRST Fla loll l'l..\ . VThcre ls everything: he-r slurping: porch in lllt‘ swond'story. tin-.housc. First story hln‘ {vet (ct-t {over main part ('os't to. lg ipon rw'clpt of $1 the p >ll<hur of this paper will supply Saxtons book , I11 t‘lllll"Q ' of Qittugvx. bungalows and r‘bsialcnvcs costlng from $1,000 to 50.000. of [plans untitlwl ‘.'\ltlt*ll1nl) mm; W PRICED OTTABE- by Glenn Ll hxtoanrchltect. qnxton l’EllSl'lil' ’ll\"2l :51}: “-l ROM A PHOTOGRAPH. If to make 'l"11-ro Is :1 full basement under the 1-11 51 1 on I ~‘t11r1 11lld 11x1 lush-1- o! buildup and plumbing. $2.130 'PARKanOIsg” 1 nae-polls. Minn. Model of the Woods Electric You'simply must see the newest model of the VI oods! Either come to the factory or ’phone Highland Park 119§for a demonstration appointment. It‘s the car so many Woods owners have been waiting for for five . months. It’s all ready now and it’s (1 gcm.’ . We're proud of its low hung, graceful body. its speedy 1 motor. its powerful. safe and sure brakes, its easy. artfullymsy-riding sprin s and cushion tires. We're proud of every little detai in this smart. swift, dapper BALCONY v. ...-... 5L: ail-1:16 D-‘gâ€" cxt?1sion brougham and we want you to (mm andsee it. 3 CHAMBER fiiolo'rm-o' I l Chicago, Illinois own garages at Highland Park and Evnmton $1.11 ‘0.\'1) ' 11.0011 PLAN. this home 11 model one, even to a clght feet. Size 24 by ‘2“ It contains :2“ up to date designs {r â€"+â€" ~ t‘l llfilllllTldktN littl\\t"utll llt‘l” “bill". Wthy ' r-ts'nmml llll' ..1 ritli 111111 “yot :111-1-s1o1. l.o1~l \\'illi:1111 (1.11.1111. I11111' up 111'1111ty1'11'm- out ”(211111111)" sou-fl of 1111' l‘amiii "ltll‘\‘11llllil\lll\\'ll that has :1 ill' " l\'1111~:1.~ I‘tty ”tar Right to the Point. d1» (“I'll llt' ll.|'~l lllll".l It \"Ul'l‘: \\'11l’l 111' 11nd wo'l >1uzz11::|1'11'.: 11 11'11 than blind; 1111-1'l12111i1-z1l 1 11st he any-11; .\ 1411111: 111l~1111<< omié “ski-«l llt‘l' 1i) 1k :1luo1111ln I"1~1l| ".III 4 l1u\\';11l11 l1 111.111 1l1._\ou p111 i11;.\l:11'1"" “.l :11? 1111:111 111111111111 follow 1311 rule- S'll‘. 'l‘o 1W1.” /. . \1-1'1i--.- .l't' \‘ou 311st 11w 111111' julrvmentll' "llm suppose you «lont limo 111 41111;:- 1111111? rt‘llll'tinl the puzzled isttt'ss. "leh dont ('wlk. was the reph slu' clnct§nud to the polnt . .9...“ Doprnvod. "\\’hat is your lllt‘fl 111.1isidl"‘u “'1“? rPf'llttl .‘lr donttpmfiws to know 111111 l1 glmut it But I) always seems to 1111» that whvn 11 11111! w riti's c lasslcnl mush h!- simply tnkt-s 11 tune 11ml 111-11s how 1‘i111l1 he can must; it up ".‘-\\asl1in;.:toti; Stall : i; _ â€" 1: 3 An Invitation. 1 "What's lllo din'i'ri-m'o be h'evu a haunt d houw and :1 liuiiilsotic mnn I‘Vl)‘. row in}: about 11 kiss you?" asked 14h» "l glu- it up." he 111111'111111'1-1I. lntvrci'tcd. ’ "“‘ti‘v. you «'1111'1. let :1 housc§~l'ri111-eton 'l‘iuer. .' _» Mother. . Moutoi‘nll tho otlwr lwnutlfd things In llfiicotne by twos and th‘Los. by «iiizt-iii‘1111l hunvlri-nlsf l'lt'uly 3' makes. stats goon-ts. l‘;lllll1n\\\. ht'othfrs 11nd sisti-mfl :11111t~' :111-l mmslus. III}! only 111111 mother 311 ii“ the wldv form.â€" l\':119 ”1111;:le \\'i'.:'.'il1. '11 111111-11 5 His Pleasures. ; l1n11~11§\'1-1l.1:1n-\< I‘ll run «1 V' shun- add hair 1-111. \lrs l.:tt 0h_ darling. you promise-(l 1 lenyo 1m". I.-111-|y\1'1-1l ~llut. must have NIlIlt' lilt‘:l\llrt’. , Lame. :. Cunmrwi'Why (lulnt you come Ill. wook. tis'yon promiwd‘: F:1nnlg~’â€"l spru'mml my ankle; “Thug”: a lunw P'u'use." ' 1 "I'hO‘ Frdblom of Fargo} Whéther the sum total 11! o‘er-3y in exist nce is lncrrnslng or deer unk wn. Mun may - A... lacrosse. Energy may be c desti’oyed b1 the Creator and escape detection in this colo al nnl~ . re , which has not. by anyglmenno.‘ bee fully explored. '1" entire problem of for 'spruwllnu editorial hieroglyplilt-s. rend ' self was excluded from Almack's when . abominations. _ to the so called mlnd of the mama! % pinch terribly. 1W1 Salesman-You asked for No. 1 i 1 1 , something largo:- tn No. 2'1-‘ 1 l l 'confessod 11111! dcnmndrd sympathy. . g 1 1111:). Is lu-HI: hllltl ml 111 lulmi'ntnt'lus with rum-11ml 11rll1i1y and with llll‘ aid of 111511'111111-1112 of Moi i111'1‘1:.1.<11_'.: ac~ coral-y. 811:11'1- 111:1.1' llttlil \1'1111d1'1's yi't 11111I1-11-1-11-1l 'l‘hus 1-111'1'1:_v l1: :1 form not at lil‘l'St'lll known tlmy FI‘VJlt' tin-1‘0. .-\ 11111115101 of l'l‘ 1-11t own-111110111» haw r1-1'm1lml 11‘1‘1-1-14 that art: inexplicable .’g Send Ambulance . and Doctor - o .q. swam». ., . 1. - . by any l::'.1'~ known to sch-11111. 'l‘lnxw _ ro'>1':1t'1'l1~-~ ".1110 undo lll liuht ’l 111: ‘ 1T . l‘t'\'llll,\‘ o1" studio's ll 111 lu-in: llltltlt' :11'1- “a Ll LE boy has Just been knOCde awaitwl with 11111.11 Inn-rust. .\ 111-11' “m ' elm-Ironic tin-wry of lluht tray l1. {.11 do by a team In front Of our 11111111110 :1tl11: 1:1}. (It lo'n‘l drogvn :111-111 I111 .1111 *3 house. Please send the ambii‘lfinte an that l~1. liuht n::1y ~112'1'\1'1-\~.11-ly' I1111111|1>l1o1lcs 111-h [lam-s loss than [hr by a dOCtor- Now Yolk Anwrirau. l m afraid he 3 very badly Two Versions. All“ .laiw llirlow s first contrlbullon to litI-rnluin \1llS snlllt‘ I'urm-s tl1-1t sh.- 59111 to thu 1‘ornl1ill Magazine whih" still 111 l11-1' tvt'us Slit-v nwnlli'd the the relief 0‘ the Silage!- editor's t'vply with ult'dsli engi-rncss “'hi-n It came it was 11 shock: "I hlll‘P no use for your silly verse-11." She was. naturally. inortltied nud hurt. A plain rejection would have Mn lmd c-nnuch. One worded no scot'ntullv was Kllt‘t‘r. unnot-msury cru city. She cudut'ml lll‘l‘ misery in soil- tude for awhile» her family know noth lng of her literary venture-but her feelings [1111-1111101th much for her. She Bell Te'iephm h ., Dunno. Sutton '1 But wlwn she showed the letter the .. d A ;. H-- .- ry s Home Bakery 3 ndlm the finest line of fresh Candies. Ice Cream d Bakery Goods. \\ hen 111 med call 580 or 340 Finest of ' akery Goods get totry at 10c Loaf of GEARY’S SPECIAL with mom calmness and with the 1; whole family to interpret. took on 11 ’ surprisingly dlflerent slgnlflcance. lle EG had written: 3 "I hope to Use your pretty verses."â€" Youtb‘s Cotnpunlon. Trouurs. A recently I'Illillrllll'tl work on the 1 social conditions of the last century ' remimls us that trousvrs \1'1-1'1- invent- ed by the lluke of \"elllnztou. who was culled upon to pay 11 heavy price for his tenu-rlty Mon. we are told. lashed ll]t‘l;l>t‘l\‘(‘s Into fury at 11 gar- ment that reduced lIll logs to a min- tnon level. The graduates of the uulU rerslties were refused admission to dining hall and chapel wlth the detest: f» ed trousers. while the Iron Duke hlmâ€" " he presented himself wearing his pet But the conqueror of Napoleon was not to be re'slsted In his . far ntecxmsk of conquering public. 1. 03615:: There was something about 3 Coke and Wood Lime, Cement and 3; other Building Material ighland Park Fuel Company HERMAN DENZEL, President E. Central Avenue - - - the pautnloons that commended them. and we have been wearing them ever since. What an. Wantod. Lady In Shoo Storeâ€"Theo. shoal Haven't you anything 2’s. madam I can give you No. 8‘- or No.41 or- IAdyâ€"Tbe idea! I want Telephone 335

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