l 5 g. i 1 l 111'. 2. Wm mflinï¬â€™ï¬. ..~ 1. mu.» Ana..." («Muâ€"“w ' day school at 9:30 a. m. A ‘ scientiï¬c journal This correspondent the Various Churches Trinity Episcopal Church Rev. P. C. Wolcott, I). D. Rector. Communion. Sunday 7:30 :1. 1:1. Mormng Prayer and Luany 11.011 :1. 111. Holy Commumon, first Sunday 111 the month and Festivals at ll 00 .1 111. Evcnsong. 511) p. 111. Sunday School 9471 p. :11. St. Mary'- Church Laurt'l :11 t’nllt' and .\l.'<.1>11'rn strt'et. Rcv. J. ll ll'Nsill pastor. >11111l21ysz'1'1'1ccs First .\l:....~.n'.1~1 .1. 111. Sunday School 6:45 (0 7411' Second .\l.1>’5. 7 110:1. 111. Last Mass 9:45 a. 1'11. Swedish Evnngelical Luther-n HighWrxXl. Rev C E. l undgrun pastor Sunday scrum-5 prcmhmg .11 .l:1)0p. 111. Sunday School 11 _‘ 1111 p 111 “edntsday praycr mating 8.0011, 111. First Church of Christ, Scientist Hazel .1\rllllc ncar ‘ lohn's 211cm t. Regular \1'11 111 111111 >1i1d1y 11. orning :11 10:45 )Cl'hk. >11nd1y st howl 11111nc'diattly after the Sunday 11'. ormng x-r111c. Regular Wednesdm cwnnm testimonial meeting at all) oclock The Reading Room. second floor, Erskine Bank 81111111111; 1s «11x11 daily 1\- ccpt Sunday from 9 to l" a. n1 and l to 5 p. m. \ll authoritcd Christian Science literature 15 on tile for rctcrcnce. and may be purchased 11 dcsncd. St. John. Evangelical Church Corner (.recn Bay Road and Homewood Avenue. Rcv. R. B Fiedlcr l’astor. Sun. day morning (.erman preaching- at 10:30 a hi. and English preaching at 7 30p. 111. on ï¬rst and third Sunday 01 thc month. Everybody is welcome to attend these serwccs. ‘ Ebenezer Evangelical Church Second Street near Laurr-l lAvenue. Sunday School, 10:00 a. n1.; niort‘ling wor- ship, llitl) a m.: Chr1stian Emit-Ivor and evening service trom 7:10 to 5% p. 111. German praycr meeting chnc y. 7:30 p m; Hiblc study Friday till) p We cordially mute 111111 attendanct 5 1:. 50111111511 pastor. Believer: Meeting Library llall. Highland Park. Every Sunday 7.43 p. n1, (iospcl address. E1. cry Thursday 800 p.111, Bible study. You are cordially invitcd. . Evnngelicnl Lutheran Church Central Avenau, \V. F.511l1r; pastor. Sunday senitc. (mrman prt-achtng :11 l().3011.m; E11glisl1;_1r;~:1d1ing atB p. n1.; Sunday School 9‘ 1.3; inc-1'11: 1n Saturday school. 9:11) to 13:01). " ’ First United Evangelical Church Corner 01' Laurcl Avenue and Green Bay Road. Rev. 1. Fostt'r’ V1111 Evcra. pastor. Sabbath 111011111111 Worship. l0z45; evemngse-r. '1'19 a11dl\'.fl.C. E. 11110.1 1 ":00 to 8:00 p 111 during Jul1. August and Sep- tember The midweek nay-1'1 Wednesday and Friday cvt-nings-at 7:45. choir meetings Thursday at H p. m; Sun cordial in- vitation extendcd to all. - Swedish Luther-n Church There will be chd slv titheran Church service-s curry Suv1d.11 («1.1111111 at scvzn forty- .i1c' a“'1lotk 111' he Y. \\ C A. rooms on Central .-\1'cnur-. Highland P.1rk.Carl E. Lundgrrn, of Waukcgan. lll1nois.p:1stor. Blptilt Church East Laurrl avenue. Henry Clay \l1ll1-t. minister: Sunday. morning W'Irshlp, ll) 45 Sunday evening pco‘plc'\‘ Sch 11‘1'. 7:45.1"111- Rahlt' school. Mr. Charlm ll Warrtn Supt-r111tt'nd1'nt. assembles :11 12(1) \IClln‘h. Tilt: BJP’HI Young Pt‘llplt‘ls‘ l'nion. Mr. lc. .zh llittmger, l’rmmh'nt. Incezs each Sunvl 1v r-z'cmnu at 7 o clock, Th1: 111id»1.wcl~: ltt'lil :11 :hc' parlors of thc \\'c€l‘1z-\1l;1y' even.11gat 713. Thc' l.}1'l‘t‘.\ li;lllll. .\lr~'. C. E.'l‘ho111p»on. lres '. holds 11s regular >C>Sl11lls on 1.11 (1111-1111111 of tho ï¬rst and third Thunday s 11 unit 11:11:11'1'1. The l)‘.ll7ll.' 1s cordially 1:111:1'1l (11" services of this cth’Cll. Highland Park Presbyterian Church Cornz'r of Laurel. Linden and Prospect avenues. Rev. R. Calvin Dobson. Pastor. Bible school meets at 9:30 a. m. in the church building. Sunday morning wor- ship. 1l00a. n1. Young Pcoples' Meeting at 7:30 p. m. Mid-week prayer service Wednesday evening at eight o'clock in the auditorium of the church. The public is cordially invited to all of (l‘lcsr: services \t‘!'\ it t l\ church czh'h 1. . .11l I.l:‘ Did His Work Too Well. '. “'hile it .~ no «any matter {or a violin maker tn rival tln- famous Sirnditnrhh inszt'111111-111s. :111 Ann-1111111 mdkur olivi' llltl this. and lllll It in so effector» :1 111:111111-1' lll‘ll experts pm nominal his Violin :1 cumin:- Studiva- rlus. Thu sllu't-sstul man 11:12 “cargo Uetnnmler. \v-m (111-1| 21-1111- years ago. His n-nmrkallv ability as 11 mako-r of \‘lolins was known to many 11 distin- guished ['lzu’et‘. Slll‘ll :is (H.- Bull. Ile- ltionyi. 11ml \\'lllwlmj_ but he achievwl â€"â€"So runs the story Ahis :rcntest auc (Tim at the: last l'nl‘l“ (‘XlanIlHIL To that uxhilnltzon lu- .sn'nt 2111 Imitation Stmdivunw :111-l to tvst its uterits had it plzo-m! on Hh‘bition as the gt'llllllw :1r’l.l1-. .\ munnitn-i- 111' or ports van-fully cyamiuml lllo' instru- ment and prononm'wl it :1 Sirnllhnrins. h‘o far Honutndvr‘s triumph was com pletc. but now ranw :1 1lilli1'u‘ty. \\'l1'-n 111- claimml that it “as not :111 old \‘iir lln. but :1 now 111:1(11' l1_\' ltitnsi-lf. llic (‘1)lllllllll>'t' Would not lvelim't‘ him. Ter 1l1'1'l:11‘1'1l that lli- hail new-r made the lnstrtinu-nt :11.1l l‘l'iNlU‘tllllt‘ll him an itnpostor llt‘ had done his \1ol'k too Well. ' Illlt". Moon Blindness. _ A naval correspondent had written ' from Port of Spain. Trinidad. stating ' that in his travels he had come across many cases of moon blindness. caused ; by men sleeping with the moon shining upon them. such cases occurring prin- cipally in the tropics and the Mediter- ranean. Strange to say. adds the Trini- dad correspondent. men so aflected can tee in daylight, but cannot do so when dunk lets in. Mr. l-lerle further quotes tron: 1 communication made by a New inland correstmndent to a weekly . was many years 11:11 an apprentice on , Services in the Churches _ Lodge and Club Meetings And Notes of Interest Time of Services and Meetings in . Holy ~ SCFV lCC~ ' Meetings and Meeting Places of Clubs and Lodges . North American Union Highland Council 99 meets at Masonic Hall. third Wednesday in each month. Masonic Orders ' A. O. Fay Lodge. No. 676, A. F. and A. .\l.. meets ï¬rst and third Thursdays in Masonic liall. Odd Fellows Sheridan l.odge,,\'o.662. I. O. 0. F.. mccts every Tuesday night at 7:30 in Masonic Hall. Roy-l Arcnnum Highland Park Council No. 1066. Royal Arcanum. meets second and fourth M011- days In Masomc Hall. Visiting brothers always 11'clc0mc. Mystic Workers Hall and Meetings at .‘lasullit‘ first tl11rd Mondays. Modern Woodmen Highland Camp, 1176, M. W. A. meets ï¬rst and third Fridays at Masonic Hall. Y. W. C. A. Clones Following is the schedule of Summer classes for the members of the Y. W. C. A.: Swimming pool at Lake Forest college open to girls of Highland Park Y. W._C. A. Wednesdays. 10 to 12 a. m.. 3 to 7 p. n1. Spectal rates to members. Members en» trance .10c; individual lesson. 50c: ticket. 10 entrances. 75c. Course: of six classlessons. per person. SLOI); non-members entrance, 30c: Individual lesson, $l.00'. ticket. 10 en- trances. $1.50; course of six lessons. per person, $1.30. Suits. caps. towels and Wing: must be furnished by individuals. instructor always present when pool is open Summer \ionday. 3.30 111 3:10, tcnnis. baskctbnll, mw comh on â€11' academy grounds. 730 9:30. Girls" Club; Thursday. swimming as abow SCilt‘tllllr‘(l. Rooms open at 20." East Central Avenue every afternoon, 3:05; Monday and ’lhursday evenings. 7.111) 9.41). Vesper services; alternate Sundays 'bcginninglunc111't'nty~third. 4 p 111.‘ Business Men's Auocintion Meets ï¬rst Tat-:tdav in 111 cry Erskine prt's1dcnt; actiy lllt‘S; month. Building ~\l.)v:11 \rsocmtion Rooms Charles M. Schncidcr. Larson. secretary. Highland Park Young Men's Club Club rooms. 12 West Central Avenuc. iieorge loncs. president; Earl (iscll, secretary. Ouoli Club Club moms, Highland Park Clubllouse. \lertirgs. torti'ightly on Thursday at :hrce o‘clock. Mrs. W. J. Fyft'c. president; \Iiss Elizabeth Townri'. correspondmg secretary. Highland Park Woman's Club Club rooms. assembly hall. Library )llll(llng. Mommas; fort111ghtly «n l‘ussdayattl1rvc o'clmk. Mrs. George H. Carnphcll. prrsidcnt; Mrs. John! :\. Putnam. correspondinu sucrctat'y. Highland Put} Club Club East R C Jacobson. prcsidcnl; Central Art-1111c. A.\'11n Schle'pcl, house. \1‘.‘Y'L‘l’.ll'§'. Catholic Order of Foresters St. Johns Court Number 840, C. 0. F., met-ts second and fourth Thursdays of each month in Masonic Hall. W North Avenue First M. E. Church First M. E. Church. B. L. Story, Pastor. Sunday School. 10:00; Preaching, 11:00. Junior League, 2:30: Epworth League. 6:30: Prayer meeting. Wednesday. 7:30: Teacher Training. Saturday. 7:30. 1111- l.l\'1-l'pool sill]! Lanmlan. 1111 East India mulvr 0111-9 when tln- uhip was 111-111'1-1-1: St llu‘vtm 11111] the lim- some 111' the- sii-M on Ilt‘4‘k fully 0x- 1-ow1l to tlw :1ill'1'1lr Ill1' ln'llllnnt moon. \\'l11-11 (lit-y :l\\olu- throw of Ilium were quite- moon Hlml 'l‘l11-y had to be led Illullll ut iiiuln :1111l tlw ropes put Into tl11-1r hztnzl.‘ London Standard. 71'r1'\\' A- Thaodoro Thoma: Retort. .\ f'llul‘:tl'lt'l'l\ll(' story is [Hill of one of lilt"lll‘.\‘l 1'1-l11~:1r.~.'1l~1 of tin- Polk-1:9 choir (of the l'llll'llllnlll Fallout: of .\l 111 sic». 111 which 'l‘hvmlori- Thomas had ri-prinmmlml of the soprano-c \h-Irply for inattn-ntion. "lli- treats us :12' if we \11'1‘1- llu'llllmt'u of It's (It‘t'lin's- 11:17" 1-x1'laitm-1l :111 indic :int singer to hur nvxt 111-izhbu' Thomas owrlu-nrd tho remark and lot it pass for tho 11111 11111111. but :11 tlw close â€11111- 1'1-l111111's'nl. as tho pt'l‘furlllt‘lN “'(‘l‘t' leaving the SlJILl“. l11- p:i<~ul tl11' lady lll qlit'stioii 11111l. turning to llt'l'. said 1'111‘)‘ quii'tly, but with that biting <:11'1':1~'111 which llioso who know him did not cart- to vvitv. ".\l:11l:1111. you will have to sin: 11 1111-:11 11ml lwllt'r than you do now 1111(111-1- l shall 111-:11 you as I "cut the lllt'llllk'rs o! my.orchestral"â€"".\ietnoirs of Theodore Thomas." SI Illli’ Close Relationship. The ane- of Norfolk once gave a great dinner party to a number of his neighbors. The duke was at the bend of the tablo. and a man seated near him called out to one of his neighbors at the other end of the table: "Mr. Howard, will you drlnk a glass of wine with me? There was a con- nection between our famlllea." "With a great deal of pleasure." re- plied Mr. Howard, "though I don't ’know exactly what the connection is. but in this county there have been new ’ .'(‘LLI~ rm: mom P 11 1101111 1 [Faun â€0. 412:“ } at Copyright 1912, by Glenn 71. :3 /2_ lNING R°°M l4- 0 XIE -6 1 F 1' KITC?‘EN 6 _"- -0 LIVING. R°°PI 23‘â€"o"x 111'â€"0' 2 3m 34‘ FERDT PL“: PLAN FIRST Fla loll l'l..\ . VThcre ls everything: he-r slurping: porch in lllt‘ swond'story. tin-.housc. First story hln‘ {vet (ct-t {over main part ('os't to. lg ipon rw'clpt of $1 the p >ll<hur of this paper will supply Saxtons book , I11 t‘lllll"Q ' of Qittugvx. bungalows and r‘bsialcnvcs costlng from $1,000 to 50.000. of [plans untitlwl ‘.'\ltlt*ll1nl) mm; W PRICED OTTABE- by Glenn Ll hxtoanrchltect. qnxton l’EllSl'lil' ’ll\"2l :51}: “-l ROM A PHOTOGRAPH. If to make 'l"11-ro Is :1 full basement under the 1-11 51 1 on I ~‘t11r1 11lld 11x1 lush-1- o! buildup and plumbing. $2.130 'PARKanOIsg†1 nae-polls. Minn. Model of the Woods Electric You'simply must see the newest model of the VI oods! Either come to the factory or ’phone Highland Park 119§for a demonstration appointment. It‘s the car so many Woods owners have been waiting for for ï¬ve . months. It’s all ready now and it’s (1 gcm.’ . We're proud of its low hung, graceful body. its speedy 1 motor. its powerful. safe and sure brakes, its easy. artfullymsy-riding sprin s and cushion tires. We're proud of every little detai in this smart. swift, dapper BALCONY v. ...-... 5L: ail-1:16 D-‘gâ€" cxt?1sion brougham and we want you to (mm andsee it. 3 CHAMBER ï¬iolo'rm-o' I l Chicago, Illinois own garages at Highland Park and Evnmton $1.11 ‘0.\'1) ' 11.0011 PLAN. this home 11 model one, even to a clght feet. Size 24 by ‘2“ It contains :2“ up to date designs {r â€"+â€" ~ t‘l llï¬lllllTldktN littl\\t"utll llt‘l†“bill". Wthy ' r-ts'nmml llll' ..1 ritli 111111 “yot :111-1-s1o1. l.o1~l \\'illi:1111 (1.11.1111. I11111' up 111'1111ty1'11'm- out â€(211111111)" sou-fl of 1111' l‘amiii "ltll‘\‘11llllil\lll\\'ll that has :1 ill' " l\'1111~:1.~ I‘tty â€tar Right to the Point. d1» (“I'll llt' ll.|'~l lllll".l It \"Ul'l‘: \\'11l’l 111' 11nd wo'l >1uzz11::|1'11'.: 11 11'11 than blind; 1111-1'l12111i1-z1l 1 11st he any-11; .\ 1411111: 111l~1111<< omié “ski-«l llt‘l' 1i) 1k :1luo1111ln I"1~1l| ".III 4 l1u\\';11l11 l1 111.111 1l1._\ou p111 i11;.\l:11'1"" “.l :11? 1111:111 111111111111 follow 1311 rule- S'll‘. 'l‘o 1W1.†/. . \1-1'1i--.- .l't' \‘ou 311st 11w 111111' julrvmentll' "llm suppose you «lont limo 111 41111;:- 1111111? rt‘llll'tinl the puzzled isttt'ss. "leh dont ('wlk. was the reph slu' clnct§nud to the polnt . .9...“ Doprnvod. "\\’hat is your lllt‘fl 111.1isidl"‘u “'1“? rPf'llttl .‘lr donttpmfiws to know 111111 l1 glmut it But I) always seems to 1111» that whvn 11 11111! w riti's c lasslcnl mush h!- simply tnkt-s 11 tune 11ml 111-11s how 1‘i111l1 he can must; it up ".‘-\\asl1in;.:toti; Stall : i; _ â€" 1: 3 An Invitation. 1 "What's lllo din'i'ri-m'o be h'evu a haunt d houw and :1 liuiiilsotic mnn I‘Vl)‘. row in}: about 11 kiss you?" asked 14h» "l glu- it up." he 111111'111111'1-1I. lntvrci'tcd. ’ "“‘ti‘v. you «'1111'1. let :1 housc§~l'ri111-eton 'l‘iuer. .' _» Mother. . Moutoi‘nll tho otlwr lwnutlfd things In llfiicotne by twos and th‘Los. by «iiizt-iii‘1111l hunvlri-nlsf l'lt'uly 3' makes. stats goon-ts. l‘;lllll1n\\\. ht'othfrs 11nd sisti-mfl :11111t~' :111-l mmslus. III}! only 111111 mother 311 ii“ the wldv form.â€" l\':119 â€1111;:le \\'i'.:'.'il1. '11 111111-11 5 His Pleasures. ; l1n11~11§\'1-1l.1:1n-\< I‘ll run «1 V' shun- add hair 1-111. \lrs l.:tt 0h_ darling. you promise-(l 1 lenyo 1m". I.-111-|y\1'1-1l ~llut. must have NIlIlt' lilt‘:l\llrt’. , Lame. :. Cunmrwi'Why (lulnt you come Ill. wook. tis'yon promiwd‘: F:1nnlg~’â€"l spru'mml my ankle; “Thugâ€: a lunw P'u'use." ' 1 "I'hO‘ Frdblom of Fargo} Whéther the sum total 11! o‘er-3y in exist nce is lncrrnslng or deer unk wn. Mun may - A... lacrosse. Energy may be c desti’oyed b1 the Creator and escape detection in this colo al nnl~ . re , which has not. by anyglmenno.‘ bee fully explored. '1" entire problem of for 'spruwllnu editorial hieroglyplilt-s. rend ' self was excluded from Almack's when . abominations. _ to the so called mlnd of the mama! % pinch terribly. 1W1 Salesman-You asked for No. 1 i 1 1 , something largo:- tn No. 2'1-‘ 1 l l 'confessod 11111! dcnmndrd sympathy. . g 1 1111:). Is lu-HI: hllltl ml 111 lulmi'ntnt'lus with rum-11ml 11rll1i1y and with llll‘ aid of 111511'111111-1112 of Moi i111'1‘1:.1.<11_'.: ac~ coral-y. 811:11'1- 111:1.1' llttlil \1'1111d1'1's yi't 11111I1-11-1-11-1l 'l‘hus 1-111'1'1:_v l1: :1 form not at lil‘l'St'lll known tlmy FI‘VJlt' tin-1‘0. .-\ 11111115101 of l'l‘ 1-11t own-111110111» haw r1-1'm1lml 11‘1‘1-1-14 that art: inexplicable .’g Send Ambulance . and Doctor - o .q. swam». ., . 1. - . by any l::'.1'~ known to sch-11111. 'l‘lnxw _ ro'>1':1t'1'l1~-~ ".1110 undo lll liuht ’l 111: ‘ 1T . l‘t'\'llll,\‘ o1" studio's ll 111 lu-in: llltltlt' :11'1- “a Ll LE boy has Just been knOCde awaitwl with 11111.11 Inn-rust. .\ 111-11' “m ' elm-Ironic tin-wry of lluht tray l1. {.11 do by a team In front Of our 11111111110 :1tl11: 1:1}. (It lo'n‘l drogvn :111-111 I111 .1111 *3 house. Please send the ambii‘lï¬nte an that l~1. liuht n::1y ~112'1'\1'1-\~.11-ly' I1111111|1>l1o1lcs 111-h [lam-s loss than [hr by a dOCtor- Now Yolk Anwrirau. l m afraid he 3 very badly Two Versions. All“ .laiw llirlow s ï¬rst contrlbullon to litI-rnluin \1llS snlllt‘ I'urm-s tl1-1t sh.- 59111 to thu 1‘ornl1ill Magazine whih" still 111 l11-1' tvt'us Slit-v nwnlli'd the the relief 0‘ the Silage!- editor's t'vply with ult'dsli engi-rncss “'hi-n It came it was 11 shock: "I hlll‘P no use for your silly verse-11." She was. naturally. inortltied nud hurt. A plain rejection would have Mn lmd c-nnuch. One worded no scot'ntullv was Kllt‘t‘r. unnot-msury cru city. She cudut'ml lll‘l‘ misery in soil- tude for awhile» her family know noth lng of her literary venture-but her feelings [1111-1111101th much for her. She Bell Te'iephm h ., Dunno. Sutton '1 But wlwn she showed the letter the .. d A ;. H-- .- ry s Home Bakery 3 ndlm the ï¬nest line of fresh Candies. Ice Cream d Bakery Goods. \\ hen 111 med call 580 or 340 Finest of ' akery Goods get totry at 10c Loaf of GEARY’S SPECIAL with mom calmness and with the 1; whole family to interpret. took on 11 ’ surprisingly dlflerent slgnlflcance. lle EG had written: 3 "I hope to Use your pretty verses."â€" Youtb‘s Cotnpunlon. Trouurs. A recently I'Illillrllll'tl work on the 1 social conditions of the last century ' remimls us that trousvrs \1'1-1'1- invent- ed by the lluke of \"elllnztou. who was culled upon to pay 11 heavy price for his tenu-rlty Mon. we are told. lashed ll]t‘l;l>t‘l\‘(‘s Into fury at 11 gar- ment that reduced lIll logs to a min- tnon level. The graduates of the uulU rerslties were refused admission to dining hall and chapel wlth the detest: f» ed trousers. while the Iron Duke hlmâ€" " he presented himself wearing his pet But the conqueror of Napoleon was not to be re'slsted In his . far ntecxmsk of conquering public. 1. 03615:: There was something about 3 Coke and Wood Lime, Cement and 3; other Building Material ighland Park Fuel Company HERMAN DENZEL, President E. Central Avenue - - - the pautnloons that commended them. and we have been wearing them ever since. What an. Wantod. Lady In Shoo Storeâ€"Theo. shoal Haven't you anything 2’s. madam I can give you No. 8‘- or No.41 or- IAdyâ€"Tbe idea! I want Telephone 335