nt’s garmerits repaired and IS good as new stitutinm 01%: a epzn‘tmcnt. Ifbe- :eix'ed in ahy )1) 11pm which (1 wmï¬zmnuï¬l- whxle you haveit‘ It is adorn from repaxrs an flh of life. I when mu wt n smrkhng 5.0- K? with thy earn and sy- fl'a‘sh fruits. so will \‘uux‘ aerial†Cleanelfs ’WWPï¬Qï¬S old Drink GHLAND PARK ’Iiver your (.‘(l hur \N. Vercoe, Cashier :r of Central Avenue and Ind Park, Illinois you are dune mthiL It ‘ hides paws deprecmtmn, trou c.10- and should men of ex- us H as MW at the {on n WORKS GSELL .t Pleasés CHICAGO 3 20W as we ca‘ make ‘09 notch and to“ at 1 M D: artof Haul-mi: Put get t garmeï¬ts of A marriage of intermt to many High- land Park friends is that of Mr. Frank E. Matthews of Highwood. “L. to Alice Mary Neitman of Waupun. Wis. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Father Bowling, pastor of St. Josephs Church at Nuptinl High Mass nt90’clock on August thirteenth. The groom was attended by Mr. Joseph Nevotti of High- ,wood. lll. Irene Jeanie Greening of Chip- pewa Falls. Wit, a cousin of the bride acted a: bridesmaid. Afterthe ceremony a wedding breakfut was krved at the home of the bride. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Neitrnan. The couple left on an evening trejn for a short wedding trip nfter 'hich they will be at home to their fri at 1843 Camp Avenue, Rockford. Ill. Thebrideis a niece of M11111â€. Sheahen of this city. Mrs. Robert B. Gregory will entertain as her guests at dinner on Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bartlett of Lake Geneva and Mr. and Mrs. Bryon Smith of Lake Forest preceding the cone cert to be given by the Paulist Choristers for the beneï¬t of the Arden Shore en- campment fund in the beautiful and artistic garden of Mm William G. Hibbard of Winnetka. A luncheon for eighty ladies at the Lake Shore Country Club followed by an afternoon of playing golf or bridge whist as the guests chose. was given on Tues~ day by Mrs. Richard S. Kirchberger, Mrs. William Kirchbcrger and Mrs Edgar Kirchberger. Another beneï¬t for Arden Shore is the one to be given tonight in the garden of Mn William G. Hibbard. Jr., of Win- netkah The Pauli“ Choir of forty voices will furnish the program. Mm Joseph Holbrook was a luncheon hm for out of town guest: on Satur- day. Monday and Wedneodny of last week. Mrs. William Ruflner entertaiined in- formally at bridge on Thursday after- noon oi last week. 130 sq. ICC]. LCSIIU Hagen-.31 )r’e’ll‘s Add: lxums, Curl}. >IZCU1ngl’11Cn. 150 sq, reel.- Eddie Pix-inch. 12 years «21d: cabbage. lettuce. radishes‘, beets; size ul' garden, 11!) sq. feet. Earl Zak-r. 8 V't’iH‘S uld; ra- dishes. lettuce, beets: size of garden 80 sq. feet. Esther Bosold. 12 years old; flowers; size of garden. 125 sq. feet. Cas- sxne Easton.9 years old; Muskmellons; Size ofgarden. 150 sq. feet. Richard Easton 7 years old; cabbage; size of garden. 160 sq. feel. (irahani Supple. 11 years old; waiermelons. potatoes. beans; size of garden. 80 sq. feet. Adrian Supple.9years old; beans. potatoes. corn; size of garden. 50 sq. feet. Virginia Supple. 5 years old; beans. potatoes; size of garden 25 sq. ft. Diana Franken. 9 years old; flowers. pota- toes; size of garden 112 sq. feet. Petra- nella Franken. 11 years old; flowers. pota- toes; size of garden 1“) sq. feet. Arthur (l‘ahrx, hunts. am: at garden, 5â€â€œ llvlbcri \Iz-ycr. l'.’ )‘z-urs aid. .\Iu<k 51150: Kdrdcn. 11pr sq, [CL-K. R Mr- In. â€1an na- Mxidrrd K'Hckvrh 51 YOUNGSTERS RAISING VEGETABLES AND FLOWERS State Agricultural College Representative Directs Contest Which Will End With Big Exhibit in September ALL DEERFIELDIS INTERESTED IN CHILDREN’S GARDEN CONTEST .\1 II‘K‘ uhg‘xm's mun-mt! The Social Side of Life A‘H," r11~’.ll'1' markmi . 4 Munrriulc: prv ""2 ;)3.UHHE(.1‘ ‘k‘ pr lL-wm K!Il(kt‘l"1)1 L kt rr Huggxc (l r1 Mu wt gu n ugv \mircu bunk (‘r “H l" \ pz‘ ms, hcrlxp sun :1 llt‘le'I? 1\‘(‘r\l7\ I luv mug u 1d ,H\ ‘\.\ >.l\;l_qn" .\ _\' mm «)1 gu‘dcn 11! wars mid :r n! mun-{hmv (uni "I Iwn Khv \‘(umus cun- mi .ICL'UH’IHK tu the 11»!- pn-pnrmwn 1): ground. 1.1m \‘Jrf:"\f){1\rd€fl: an n: wrdcmng. 1H. 2H and rmrurc {X'\ (but 1. .\Iu<k'nellum. Cl“. Raynmnd met» at gardcn. Local Affairs of the week __ By the Observe: Ht Cum. (erz‘. ‘t garden. 3m Hun uM' m, H) Mr I) K. H Um .‘\q!" 121: :‘anc ll‘ r\'lll I" In“ XL '0 sq. ft tucc. m .q zed 10! '.\l KR I“? ML «I n‘! H THE PRQSS believes that too much pub- :licity cann'pt be given beneï¬ts arranged for such a charity as Arden Shore. so. I although agetailed account was given last i week. we- again call attention to the illus- f trated talk‘ on India and the Durbar iwhich will beogiven by Mrs. Robert P. ;Gregory in the Moraine Hotel ball-room i Tuesday evening at eight‘ï¬fteen o'clock. i A number of young women dressed in oriental costumes brought home by Mn. Gregory, will sell Indian necklaces. flowers and candy. Following the all: there will be an informal dance. _ Among those in costume will be Mrs. William G. Hibbard, Jr. of Winnetlu. Mrs. Everett L. Millard, Miss Ruth Gregory, Miss Caroline Shields, Miss Edith Lobdell. Mite Sadie Buckley.’ Miu‘Margrettn Brown Min Ruth Boyh- 1 ton and Miss Alice Buckingham. Tickets; jmay be obtained from Mn Millard or at Geell'l Drug Store. The prices are one idollerend ï¬fty cents (or admision and ï¬fty cents extra for renewed tau. Highland Park Day. celebrated on Thursday of last week, was the most im‘ portant social event of recent date and was in every way a great success. Form- er residents and people from neighboring suburbs were present at the festivities of the afternoon and evening. The weather. though somewhat too cold, was pleasant and the dancing pavilion was well filled for each number was the drawing feature of the evening for both young and old. The members of the First United Evangelical Church gave a farewell sur- prise to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moon at their home on North Green Bay Road on Friday evening. During the evening a handsome mahogany chair was presented to them. Mr. and Mrs. Moon leave in a few weeks for their new home in Senton. Michigan. Theyounger set entertained at a beach party on Tuesday evening. mnggc‘. ,H years old, beans; size of garden 35 sq. feet. Thomas Diamond. 8 years old; lettuce, rutlislies, musknwllons; size of garden Bl) sq. ft. l’e't-r Diamond. 3 ymrs old; nausknn-llons; size of garden 3U sq. tact. (ieorgr Mun 11 years old; eu- cumbcrs; size of garden. 50 sq. feet. Leo Man. 9 years old; cabbage. beans; size of garden. M.) sq. feet. Warrer l‘cttis. H years old; garlic size of garden. 250 sq. ft. Margaret Snyder. 13 years old; toma- toes, peas, squashes. flowers; size of gar- den. 30!) sq. feet. Eva Ender, 9 years old; tomatoes. squashes. flowers; siieol garden 80 sq. ft. Margaret Kress. 11 years old; corn. beans, peas. cabbage. carrots; size of garden 60 sq. ft. John Kress, 9 years old; beans. corn. lettuce, tomatoes. cab- bage; size of garden. 100 sq. feet. ' Paul Kress, 7 years old; corn, beans; size of garden 20 sq. feet. Ella Haggie. 10 years old; flowers; size of garden, Ssq. ft. Owen Savage. 9 years old. beans. tomatoes; size of garden 600 sq. ft. John Demgen, 8 years old; tomatoes. beans. potatatoes, squash; 400 square feet. Roland Demgen 15 years olp; tomatoes. ' mellons. beans, cucumbers. onions; size: of garden. 250 sq. feet. old, pens; SIA‘ uf garden nggc‘. ,8 years Md. 1 35 sq fem. ThUHLH uld; lettucc, ruchshes’, Etlul S. Knnc. 830:1“ 03d. “0m. Cuulm bmx. pnm‘hws. cabbage. bcets; si/x n: umxlrn, W sq, ft. Eddie S. Krinv, 1:))'\'.1I> old. beers, lctmcc. cabbagv. bums; <iu- of garden. 205(1. it. Percy S. Krine, 11 yvzurs nld. beans. potatoes; :ize uf garden. 13 sq. IL (icnrude Bucklcyflymrs old. timwrs \lLL‘ of garden, 4!) sq. fvet. Elsie Hm Hey H )L‘IlYS old; flowers :izc (rt gardcn. ll) m1 fwl. Juhn Buckley. 11 Man's nld. Ii\)\\cr.\‘.ril(1i>ht‘\.’xlld tmnamcs; >110 n! gnrdvn. GU sq. ft. Carl nggc. 9 wins <-Iiint‘.\,.?x'cl<. curruts. cuiflmgc lulmnm'>. Xurnipx‘; \i/u or garden. 13“ \Q. It. Dnm» (Hf. Ruxhvlf. l4: )‘g‘zirs ulrl, t1z.:\\ers;>lzcnf gunk-n, 1M) sq. H Ellzzibclh Rmchcll, 12 yz-urs uld. â€mu-1x; 5114‘ of garden, 61) sq. (LR-t. Helen Ren’hclt, 3 yams old. flowvrs sxzc of garden 21) sq. {(‘t‘t. \Vnrd Rcivhvlt 7 yvars old; ï¬mvcrx'. >izc or flil!‘(lrh,9(' sq. fret. Ciarcncc Huhn. H years vld. vgg plant; sue of gunk-n 180 sq. fu-t. Ham 5. Krnuu 1U \‘L-um uld; turn. cubbagv. Iv: itlx’c. herb. 51;.“ «>1 of gardcn. ‘JH >q. Iu-t. l2 " rm. Hm d Harp: fHI‘.\,.?)('cl l n13 my: gurdm lt> nki, 1k §U sq ft. Iimmt size of gurdvn {cal (‘L’l H EH 0mm Nah. and MmGwrï¬MoCo-nu and Miss Jean McCombn of The August meeting of W'oman I Miss‘mary Society of the yterian Church was held at the ho )0! Mn. J. A. Reichelt Jr. The subj “was â€The Work of Young Women in , e Maniac Fieldg." Interesting notice ‘re read by Mimi}: Edith Penis and R Reichelt and Madame: Ralph Kn' er and Mrs. Burt Eamon Mrs. “hereon and MrsJWoodman and Mi "3me Mc- Combs and Ruth Reicheltg duets and Mn ’rving R. Rehm. a solo. {The out of town guests were Mrs. maid; of Cram fordsville. Ind. Mrs. F. 2:; Meyer of Wérd has been received 'ere of the death of Rev. John Freie at is home in North Northï¬eld. m. He: ill be re- membered by the older resi ‘tsof Deer- ï¬eld As he supplied the p ‘pit of the Unitï¬d Evangelical Church 2 enty years ago. a He was buried Friday the North Nort ï¬eld cemetery. Mg. and Mrs. W. A. Whiti? entertain- ed sikteen of their friends a a hay rack pang Saturday evening. This was a {are ell for Mr. and MrsiAréhur Whiting of innipeg. Canada, whoflhave been guests at the Whiting home . e past two weekis. , ,' Mfrs Burt J. Dickens of " ago, gave a luigcheon in honor of Mrs, eorge Mc- Combs and Miss Jean M 'V ha of Mar- quet‘e, who are visiting in rï¬eld and Miss Margaret McCombs f ho _is her guest. Covers were laid for have. Mrs Aaenath Parsons lefg Wednesday on extended trip to the i went. She Win“ isit ï¬rst with friends gt a ranch in Morgana and then go to M‘ ls, Mont. Mr. and Mrs. John V _r returned Sunday from a two weets' visit in Hiawatha, Kama; Miss Jgjnie Vedder, who has been in Topeka, KW the past year'.also returned Sunday. 1; _ Mrs. Adams and granddaéghter. Lois. left Tuesday for Grayslak ~11L. yhere theywill visit with Mr. d Mri Ed Adams. ’2‘ A farewell surprise partj was given Monday night to Mr. and; Mrs. John Schneider who leave for F1 j ‘da in a few dayi T Miss Jennie Karch left Monday on a two week§ vacation. She iwill visit at Cedar Lake and Portage, W'p. Mr. George Stryker hind daughter of Chicago have been the guesp of Mr. and Mrs. George Gutzler the past week. The Eagle Lodge of Chicago ï¬eld a picnic Sunday afternoon in Willman's Grove. About two hundredgattcnded. Miss Annie Miller has begn called to her home in Half Day on? account of scarlet fever in the family. Mra, Lincolu Penis. Thomas Duffy and wife to J. G Lightening struck and dumagvd the Schneider, '0‘â€. 23 to 26. block 8. Deer homt‘ of Will Hagie Sunday evening. ï¬eld Park. W, l). Sl. No one was injurcd. ; ; a “The Little Reapers Mission Band"l ' gave a picnic Tuesday afternoon andi , ' clearcdelght dollars. j J g . l Miss Galloway entertainetf a number of friends at tea Sunday eveni’g in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. Dukclow and daughter of Chicago spent the week-end with Mr. and Mra, Linn)!“ Penis. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Mayer of Omaha, Nebraska, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Roscbro Fridav, Mrs. Shaman of Virginh and Mrs High-y of Chicago \vcre gufsls of Mrs. Adams Friday. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Mayer NHL wow guests of Ah}. RH~0Itru Friday. 0f ' [01$ 1:) and 1:4.vt’ease s submx'tsxon. mgh- Mrs. Muhlke and daughtur. Laura â€wood. QL 031 Htghland Park are visiting with relatives “1 “Wm“- ' i \lfnd Hill and wife {OT.S Duff\ Mr John Clark “21rd at chicagzo spent ‘ east one half 15m 6 block 13 Exmoor ad- Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. J. A dition Highlatd Park W D $4800 [\‘t-u'hvlt, Jr. â€91.-. lmtty and wife to Alfred Hill. east Mrs. “an†kurch and S0“ quhn‘ago, (mu-half lot H, Mock 10.E,\'moor addition «'1 re guests ut Mr. and Mrs‘. George . , . - I " ' ’: . \\. ). S . . ktnh Tuwduy. § 1 {th‘md } â€k 1 l 000 K , Mr‘ Engel of Chicago wzlsélhe gue§t of Mr. and Mrs. Elk-rumyer Sqnday. ' The Misws l'ieno of Mini-pro. “L. are gumts :1! the home uf Rev. 1%ka 'I‘hv infant son â€(\Mr. an'd Mrs. Emil Fx'udcx'icks 15 ill at prescn! Wmmg. Mrs. L. P. Todd returned §unday from u “ecks' \isit In Waukegang. Mr. and Mrs. W. A Whiting left Tues day for Detroit. Mich. Mr. and Mrs. George Pe (is spent’ Sat urday in Putatim Ill. Miss Irene Rockenback {ms returned from Lake Geneva " Mr. and Mrs. George Pe (is spent’ Sat- urday in Putatim [11. Mr. Henrv Segert of Libeityville was a Dcerï¬cld visitor Sunday. K Mrs. Preston Rovkenback has returned from Bourbon, Ind. Little Alice Rockenbackiis ~very ill at present writing. ,, 1m: mgHLAND pm PRESS. mam PARK'IIIHNOIS‘ WGEOFDEEIFIED of Omaha and Mrs Martin De 'L’amble and wife to J. G yhiok lot 4 block 4. Ridgexwod park sub Highland Park W. [151. Among the i eoent arrivals at the hotel 1’ 1‘11qu he C‘Ub house “'83 35 “W31 are Miss Joye, and Miss Kathen'néAIbycc the 80¢“! 03 numberof ï¬refly luncheon’s 30f P‘ttsburgh.§Mr.'and Mrs. Montgomery ; PM“! the bridge Dam in the 8f“??- 3 Ward and Mi Ward of Chicago, Mr, :noon. Mrd'Hanmbal H. Chandler emer- 1 and Mrs. A. .- Rogers and Miss Rogers talned te'n ladies from Evanslon at lunch- ior Joplin. Mo..; Mr. and Mrs H. J. Straight. _eon: Mrs 1th Glass was hostess at a :of Oak Park. Mrs. Harry E. Warner and luncheon f r four and Mrs. Charles g'son of Los Aq'geles and s. M. Wolensley, , T owscnd a! , entertained {of Brazil. , .... 1 if. .. B, 1.. Snmh : and wife to H. C. Smith Int 4. Smith's resubdlusion to Lake For- est. Deed $10., B. L. Smith and wife m B. D. Smith, lot 3. Smith'> tesubdivison. Lake Forest. Dccd $10. B. L. Smuhj and wife to H. C. Smith In! 2, Snmh's fusubdivison‘ Lake Forest. Deed 510‘ Danid Peas¢ and vufe to L. A. Feast lots 15 and 19.:Pease's subdivision. High: wood. QL 031 From the lep County Title and Tnnt Co.. Titles. Altair-cu, of Wnukegan At the weelel) bridge part) on Tuesday amrnoon Mrs:. Charles T. Boa! won the prize. J Thetenni‘s-mumxnem 10 be held on lhchtï¬cl (nuns will open September warmth. Mr. F. H. Hbmilton of St. Louis, spent the week-end ’35 the guest of his wife who is spendig‘m the summer at the hotel. l' Moï¬aixgié Hbtel News |‘ Exmgor Club Affairs REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Its simplicityiand efï¬ciency apgéals their meclianiml sense. A durable, dependable machine that will (1‘; a w k’s washing for an average family of sxx at a cost 6f four oents- for ‘1‘ M£ï¬fmtnalatmr The male head are the prmclpa This machine ellmléates the most distinguished feature of back breaking :drudgery from the household work Public Sewer Company MWQWASW Wmmm. ham: 13 “mg: machine, mm The furmï¬hlï¬' dinnrr-damc \\'a>gnen .rm $aturdaygcvcmng and among Hugh- hnd Parker “ho vmrrmmcd \wre (2, A. Sclmick. Mr (Shark-M1. L'nm.~tock. Licut. H'BriL-n. , L. â€Jetun :UHM'Iy. Eugene H Andrews. 1): F. Kelly. Ruben Sznnh, Lucmn MA “E'Ihams. A. D. Plzmmndon. “I E‘ Cami; (Morge Carr, George M. Reynolds. F4311 Shiltendcn. Jr.. and F. B. , Bradley. .‘ :3" The scoréfor Saturday‘s play was as follows: I E Curtis with 82.12. 70 and E. E. Andrews with £6. 15 and 70. tied in the Eighteenfhole medal play handicap at Exmoor. E!" E Audrt‘\\5 “(in the ap pruaching :ahd pusting con'est Mth 7. Ci aï¬esL V tor mix thc bms cup offered by C. G Maï¬jin managn of the dub. by defeating Ai rg-w Marims R and '3 Tï¬e Northwestern Cafe A léi carte serViEe from 7 a. m. to 12 p. m. The season 5 delicacies. excellently served 5 ial Chicken Dinner Sunday “' ifrom 12 to 3, 65c .. “Want ads†bring results I s of households n1 buyers of the (Formerly Monahan's} ! Cloaesflzlltmforaflpoiuu: 9:04.. Em. for Minn. Wis, Northern Pullman of Michigan, Highwood, Wankqnn. ind {intermediate points; 9:23 L m. for :Il points exccpt Ravinia. Evanston and ilk termediate points; 1235 p. In. for all .rpomts excep: F t Sheridan. Kenmha, Wk. ‘ and intermediate points; 253 p. m. for all ‘ points except Ft. Shcn’dam Km 3 Wis. and intermediate points; 3.04 p. In. :for Ft Sheridan UL. Kenosha, Wit, and intermediate points; 5.42 p. m. 101 all poims; 8:41 p. m for all points. r’ L. - ...--.1.:‘._ a... . â€3...... “can... south, 6:54 a. 111., 7:41 a‘ m“ 9.34 a "L. 1:05 p. m.. 236 p. m.. 3.34 p m... 5:46 p.m From the north. 6.34 a. "1.. 1:05 p. m, 2230 p. m.. 6:12 p. n: Sunda), 731 a. rm, from all pOints. Sunday, 5:16 p. m. for all points. Mail- received daily except Sunday. From the south, 6:54 a. 111., 7:41 a‘ m“ 9.34 a m- Dispnchu daily except Sunday: ‘ ALEXANDER LAING (Idem pew Avenue Lundncape Engineer Ind Conlmtqr Telephone 835] nghland Park