t1 THE BEE HIVE BARGAIN STORE 212 E. Central Ave. Special Soap Saile It is recommended by all leading physicians Bulgarian Buttermilk 5 Cents per Bai' Maxnxaincd by FITS! Church of Christ. Scientist, of Highland Park You are Cordially Invited to make use of the privileges of the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM is 0126 of the lat- est attractions at This soap assortment is regular 10 and 15c goods and is a real bargain. All the toilet soap (in our stock is going at 'the brand “ H1g1;11and Linén†be- cause it means a pleased customer. We have other good lines but lieve that for distinctiveness and}; good taste the “nghland Linen†éorres- pondence paper has 'no equal; ALBERT LARSON, Statibner “7E like to sell stationery b§aring +1.“ 1.â€...4 “U:~1..1,...,J I min†1". On Second Floor, Erskine Bank Building Hours 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 p. m. Schumacher’gs Soda Fountain E. C. Burrill, Prop. Highlanfl Park Less Wony for Housewife Less Work for Maid The girl will stay if kitchen work is made pleasant. How about a Composite Gas Range? North Shore Gas Co. PHONE 104 4.1:: . inn! 1 Miss Julia Wooden, a colored girl from this city, died Friday at the m quony where she , as been under ‘ eat- ment for so e time past. She as ven- tecn years (Jase. The funerai wasiheld Saturday a‘temoon with intermeéxt at Oakwood cemetery. Mr. Phillip Siegde one of the dldest settlers in this part of the couxitn'idied on Mondaygnight at about twelve o'Hock nti>hi> home; West of Highwond. He: was burn in (Ecr‘niuny iri 1523 and lived in this muntn' f0 â€ixty-fiu- years. Extrt-mé am- mu the (a ‘e of his death, The {uhvrai Hill Lake p *6 today (H Gross Point; M Theodore Schwnrz The dent I 'of Mrs. Theodure Scfziwarz in urrcd ‘ Wedncsday. August E‘four- tvcnth. at Bristol. Rhode Island. The tu- m‘ml took place in Providence and the body will bebrought to Chicago iri the full for imerm‘em. She is survivea by her husband, Mr. Theodore Schwarzi {our daughters. Miss Daisy Schwarz. MissTheo. Sch-.varz. Mrs. George Lvtton of Chicago and Mrs. Carl Marshal} of BoSton,§ and two sons. Dr. Leigh Schwarz and Herbert Schwarz. The Schwarz family are ark-tom; the old residents of Highland Park. and went east in Juhe to remain durings the summer montim s ..;‘n. ulauL uaun nuuulng. The Deaéi of Mrs. Cornelia J. Gray of ‘ telephone 263. if 311 Prospg’n Avenue occurred at St.’ HELP WANTED Lu ke' s ital \ . , HOS“ on Tuesday evening Mrs â€"- (leL WANTED â€"- Experienced waitress Gray undement an operation at thel hos pital the early part of July and Was taken wanted at Northwestern Cafe. .- 23 very ill with pneumonia soon after Sur ‘ ~â€"\VA‘\'TED , Experienced mrllmer malt» vixing her In. two sons John and Clifford !er. I). McMahan, 4 Sheridan Road. 2 u The funerd will take placethis afternoon ““V4NTED‘Ladl' Cl°§h95 Ironers and at Rosehill hammer) at three oclock 1), girls to learn. Also seamstress to mend P. C W olcon “ill read the serv.ice ‘ _ and sew on buttons. '1 he Reliable Laundry Mr Phillip Siegele : 1 Telephone 107' V tf Mr. phinip Sic-gas one or the dldests LOST settlers in this part of the country‘died 'â€"L05T Chm“ bracelet ALIS-1“ R“ on Monday ghlghl at about I\\Cl\€‘ ollock “3rd lf retun.ed I" 306‘ (VF-â€81:“- t at l1l> home; “est of Higlmond He was 105T \mng “1 Anal)†N M15 0!: burn in (mmmm' in 1523 and liuid ill this Highland 1'2qu â€'1."- Find(‘r‘113t'fl‘€ rt- munm' to â€ixty-fiw years. Extreme am- Wm 1“ MI‘S- William Grant :1an rem-in: WIN {he (‘8 e of his death. Th.- l‘u‘mw-d reward, Te! 13?! 1’ p thize w his family in their ‘loss. \ hen a nu ber of years ago he was em- ployed in the groeery store of George Bock he «‘5 always a favorite with the customers ï¬nd clerks. He is survived by a widow Jflephine Mentzer. one son-.Har- old, aged sir years. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John glentzer. one brother Ha'rvey Mentzer ail two sisters Mrs. Fuchs of Arlington weights and Mrs. Sturgln of Texas. 'l‘ï¬e funeral will take place Friday at op: o‘clock at the family Qresi- dence, intigxent at Lake Forest.d I. Cornelia J. Gray menrzer nEmany friends here who ésym- l , â€n,†... the Holy Dime CaIderal.’ Di: William H. Menher > Mr. Wilyim H. Mentzer.‘son oï¬ Mr. and Mrs. 'hn Memzcrot N. First Street. one of thalid families of Highland Park. died Wedniday morning atï¬5.40 o'i‘lock after an illï¬ess of six years. William Mentzerh V many friends here whogsym- pathize w' his familv in â€Mair ‘lmc 'vm-I y: wily .__.__..,... . Mr. Wilï¬am Spencer Crosby. who thirty years agoll was a resident of Highland Park at Wich time he was the owner of the resid ’ ce later purchased by. Mr. ‘ ntieth from acute indigestion after an il eg of several months, at St. Luke's H pital. Mr. Crosby, who: was sixty~ï¬ve ‘ ars old was for more ithan thirty yeys a prominent ï¬gure on the board of ade and during the past ten years. wa§loor manager for Shearson, Hamlin ’ 0.. but before that was ‘head of the old firm of Crosby and Co, He was considered one of the deans of the board andis said to have known as much of the hist ry of its inner workings as any man iï¬ Chicago. His home had3been in Glem‘oei for a number of years. He is survived by a widow. Mrs. Crosby ', who is so well Known in Chicago and vic’inity as a musician and lecturer. and two sons and two daughters. The funeral .took place on Wednesday afternoon in (ile'ncoe. Mn. John Prindiville , Mrs. Jolin Prindiville. mother of Jhmes‘ w. Prindiyille of Highland Park. died Sunday mérning at her home, 1204 $orth 1 State Stretï¬t. Chicago of heart trduble.‘ Mrs. Prinaiville. who for a number of years preï¬pus to this, had spent thei summers ' this city where she had many 1 f.iends. is: he widow of Captain ‘John Prindivilleépioneer lake captain. She is survived by two sons. James W.f and Thomas 1.,Prindiville. and four daughters, ' I Mrs. A. J. nnison. and Misses Isabelle. Mary and ', ra Prindiville. The funerzâ€"l ' services w_ «e held Tuesday morning at “ Obituary a limzspencor CrocBy Will Make Third City on North Shore to Provide Public Meeting Place Enterprising citiiensof Wilmette have raised $700 as a sitar!“ toward a fund for the purposoofibuilding a Community House where all the people of the village may ï¬nd a place for meetings, entertain- ments and dances; Winnetka was the ï¬rst of the North Shore towns to have a Community House, We Forest has rais- ed the money and the construction work on a building which will be the home of the Young Men's Club,- Boy Scouts and Y. W'. C. A., While it) Highland Park, larger probably ‘ than any two of the other towns, therd is absolutely no ï¬t public meeting plaice. I ~â€"FOR SALE- A nice countn home 81 l 1c,res black soil eluen room house “ith ill modern comeniences, {arm well' im- ( )roved. Stocked with 20 registered Jersey 1 :ows. 9 horses, with all necessary farm- : ing implements: all furnished. Will sell land give immediate passession, nr will : eell cows and horses separately. Located f‘.’ miles southwest of Deerï¬eld. Addres lohn A. Reichclt. Deerï¬eldi lllV Telephmtt I 234-R-2. 24.25 i FOR SAlEâ€"â€"Mnd(:m poullr) hnu e l 10 x 16. double floor “alls and ceiling ‘ iNew and cheap for cash Box 685 High- l land Park. tf WILMETTE AFTER COMMUNITY HOUSE â€"LOST~ Childs bracelet. Aug. 16‘ ward if returned to 206 Ii Central LUST String of Am!» 1‘ MM} Highiaud Park D3): Findvr‘pium turn m Mrs. \V'zilium Cram :1an n rgâ€"ward. TM. 133. “LUST-rim 1351 Highland Par} brown and “hitt- Head belt. I-‘indt (tit-phone HS. Rmsard; â€"-SITUATION WANTED â€" By young man. Housework and garden Age 18. App!) box 107. Hubbard Woods or phone Win- netka 607.25 pd WANT A Sn‘tATrox?~J. M. Donsing can supply positions for men and women by day or week. State Bank Building. telephone 263. if â€"F0R SALE“ 1 Kalamazoo six hole coal or wood range. large oven; 1 electric range, cost $80.00. will sell for $35.00: 1 coal heater, self feeder. Becker. Wood‘s Electric garage, tel. 119. 25 â€"FOR SALEâ€"Spider phaeton; original cost $475.00. In ï¬ne condition. Also two single hamm. Will sell very cheap. 'Ap. ply to E. R. West. 225 Central Avenue. Highland Park, Ill. 25 â€"FOR SALE~18 horse-power, four cylinder Buick. model 1910, Roadster. Easy terms if desired. W. W. Bartlett. Highwood. Ill. 23 Dd -â€"FOR RENT4-4 room: bungalow, gas stove. électric lights. toilet; $16.00 per month. 216 W. Vine Avenue, telephone '831-R. ' » - 25 pd. -â€"~TO RENTâ€"In Chicago. one halfblock from lake, 60 East Elm Street: handsome ‘ suite of rooms. large sitting room, large ‘bed room. private bath room, private telephone. sleeping porch; unfurnished $3.00 per day. furnished and breakfaét $5.00 per day. GentlemanEReferences ex- .changed. 2526 pd ' â€"â€"FOR RENTâ€"Front store room 20x20. ‘suitable for small business. Inquire PRESS ofï¬ce. If â€"â€"-FOR RENT 6-room house newly l FOR SALE â€"'F()R SALEâ€"~A Dumly Pneumatic cleaner, large size, and electric washing machine Both good as new. Address E. w. 5‘ this ofï¬ce. 25 | FOR SAI.Eâ€"4â€"burncr Jewel gas range, cheap. 334 W. Cemral Ave. pd -â€"FOR RENT~7-room house and bath, $15 per month. Telephone 709-W; 433 Deerï¬eld Avenue. gf â€"â€"T0 REMâ€"ll [am preparing to build four small houses in Highland Park to rent. Thev will be modern and artistic and ready for occupancy April 1, 1913.‘ In a convenient. and desirable location. Floor plans and sketches will soon be ready. [Eugene A. Bournique, 701 Firs! National Bank Bldg, Chicago, Ill. 25 â€"FOR RENT~ Furnished rooms. Large convenient flat;_'?.31 No. St. Johns Ave- nue; tel. 574. If » 'FOR RENT ~l’leasant room in new bungalow 5 blocks from station. Phone 799w. . ‘xt â€"FOR kasT-«S-room flat. all modern improvements. Inquire of Alfred Hill, 53 Green Bay Road, phone 840R. If â€"FOR RENTâ€"7-room house at Ravinia. A‘I modem improvements. Also 6 and 4 room flats at Highwood. E. 5. Gail, tele- phone 309. 23 â€"Foa Ram~After September ï¬rst, eight room house on ()nwentsia Avenua Apply to W. GReddick Lake Bluff m. â€"â€"FOR :RENT â€" Deerï¬eld â€" Modern 6- nom flat. Desirable location for physician. C. Antes Sons {Co., Deerï¬eld, Ill. pd 24 decorated: large yard. $18 per month. In matiuï¬al ensign. which salute must be quire on premises: 334 W. Central Ave. us {053111tu returned by the oak-era of nue. pd the “htrh at hand. SITUATIONS WANTED FOR RENT I) ‘The Flag Halytrdl. ".\!:111)'!:1 m-mter nag-1111A has been rui111-1z.";;121i :1 1*i;;:vr."hv drawing the [1:111:11'115311111111 1m- sung!" Mht‘ll ml;- in: 1111-11}: 1.1~1 .1fu-r 1121111111: doun (he fl.1;.'. |f:ll11~ i~ 110119 111 dn “mum-r and it ovx em on “'11 the shrinking of who billyï¬lus Inns (11.11111 1:111! Iu sum with ma I19 mmugh In hand the pole. and ‘1! 15511011111 be 1vfl in [but wm‘ lung (-nvï¬ph 2111- 11-110 \\ ou‘d be permn mom! ) bént 121;; halyards when 11) him; is flying.- ~huuLd be made flux with ‘1 little 811111;" “Tom ‘1'. did you wash your hand: this mo, inc?" “1 wa "ed one of them. mother. The other (H 't need IU-IJIe. "“‘lwnkz man “ï¬ts a great deal what is he I M 13de “An m}; or nu boy" “And in,- I 3 “Oman talks a good deal wb £5 \hc called?" "A nui ‘ umf'f â€"â€"\'uukers Statesman up 2; u. til. of Kizrflxtx‘ fax-"2m†u; n :n. mu '2; he l':m\~ â€"o\m\(hi:::- " earth and :x.1 H: a pauseï¬l‘exroz't (125- NW ;‘-1; Fill 1w ".~i<!o nf thn turn“: with klnd‘inu h :14! \c-( Ii.â€- h- lln-m The roof “ii; I ::: n m. Ilw th'n'l ~11}... win-t1- (he lunï¬ vvf "w line Lo-vw it dry As each stg‘. mum lhrmuh it ana {mo the flréthzu ram [he imvrinr of the (ob hmï¬v The "alum-t “undies the ï¬re 11m? (-n l.\ thruuh thw- mwninx between; 11w fulr NIin and the tap stivk thgl Mum-uni xlw roof He also feeds Chunk um] Hun“ kindling! through [his awning run puts. the large High m. the mar It is . !')Il‘i‘ifl;_' In \H‘ In how hard For *9 next story of the out) home use ollï¬' om- slit-k and Mare that on the sid . on uhiwh yuu :nrv to by when (119 lilgis lmmmu Tho-w ï¬n: xtnk~ may bdï¬rm-n llr} “nod makes a bet ter lir bu! it Iwml~ H'IaIZlMHuL' wmlwr R0â€! ’mcl Uh «uh lmnw “ï¬ll all) kind Mfln “w n] Thu lmrdvr Ihc ruin the mug-‘- thy. “in lmw m b.- if my roof 1 ’1»x‘1v|l Hm “Her Hm'h dirk 0f the hH-f \ht-l‘ld MN! «:21 Ilw Inu‘k M: and ulhillm 1:“; the [fill Mi k u.‘ 11w ('nh lulu-4(- :md lw L‘vm m Hum) by the side 5‘1in Proponw‘IWay to Build I Campï¬re In 3 S‘ormy Weather. Them are «Au-ml “qu uf building a cam]: rm- HI It :In'urdeI.Ir\ min “ill nut put mu [Ms is um- Lu} “u stivk~ um tho- L'mund Ivar allol w} h can-h "the-r and frum two to four (ï¬n-s as fur-apart I» “w dinnw- (era 0 {the stiI-kx AI-rms them- two luv 1“ azure. us if you u‘ere Hurting use. If necessary drive- stakes ground to keep the sticks In It is ril'puri‘in: In \H‘ In how hard 3 mm am kind of tire will burn.â€" You!' I s inuw. Hi0!) [‘m r no rirvumsmut-os Is a salute lwrmltc-d fmm n I‘nih-d Slate-2t vessel in No .r 0! any nation or nu; ofï¬cial of :1 lion not formally recognized by the 1: 'ernnmm of the [‘nivpd States. and m) 5121' ..,’ Hm mrv 5‘ permitth lu lm‘rr he" ~;', ~ ur :19 hm wwign unlossilu n-xux-n :1 rump-<3 On the Olin-r 'imnd, “In-n |un~<$nz or being paewdlhy n fun-iv“ ship (I! war at Chm“ â€mun "H (I'E‘T‘YTK Hm! [lll'n on dwk .- .4 rwnmw} m xuluu‘ H19 («u-vim] flags d the si-utries to prawn! arms. “'b n u furehm ship of war enters I hurl nr [-11an fl fortiï¬cation It I! cusm ury m huh! m the main (he flag of th vuunlry, whose waters It mm- aud t sumle it. and the nearest tort or burger.“ returns the salute. When a furviu'ï¬ man-hip is In United States wau- 7 and ï¬res such :1 salute it is return em-Illï¬irely by the ueurest bat- tery. . u- I'nitvd Statms shlm remain- ing s -M “3' 06:. {Q} "\\ [mum a boa mos Tbg‘emquette of the stars and strip!!! omit-ssh" intrivale to outsiders. writ Knuu-rine E. Thoma; in Joe Cha le‘s News-Letter. Rigid ruling of II nbourd ship requires every 0!- flvor r mun on reaching or leaving the quurv r dï¬â€˜k formally to salute the mutiuï¬al ensign. which salute mufl be as {(353111tu returned by the oak-ere of L‘nind‘SIures naval ships is 11- was ï¬lm'wï¬h an; On Thursday al- moon the in xpeaam M mostly children. bvii'éaif after mo 0': ‘when‘ the curtain lose and PM Henry Roethig, a med new tormedzmnnyflwcnderiuny mm u trick; Following ibis vaudeville G. lHinrichsgand the orthesua mm excellent prcgrzm; in (ne of the t «he gun-n at band. werewmiF. RJMWullin's ghildgg" Alliinmvers and men. hawerer. must i several: othheir fwd: nho wag†stunqmt altemiou whenever the “suticompanied by theirgjapanese 1nd Spun 'o-«i Runm-r" is plum-d unless en; i native costume' The “ V . . ‘ . ere re“, at â€W ti‘m‘ in mine duly that ub- ' y p ‘ mu: . ‘ Ictnreeqce and c use 3‘ suiut y |Il'nllilliir~‘ their duinu so. This 2, interest am n a 'md. la. great v rvsl ‘ mnul iw paid in the national nir, ' 0 g . e_ m e folk†of an; mumm win-n un amt-i:li,re1~re {were Slum" near. ‘ svnmï¬he u! that mumry ix nlmrd : Today Jane Abercrcmbie‘ Ij ship '4 .\'ur does the rouriesy cease In 1Kreidier énd Henryflaron o! the Ru this. Jar :n umruing and evening (‘0‘- :Opera Company, up!†nfter two o'd on: ni pulling hunts when [Inning near {will ï¬ne the “mg. pf our e‘dy ' a furéun man or war muul lie on their {It is “an afternoon 6! mediation? ours“ mi Hm ruxsu‘uin salutes. stand- . _ “IR hi: salute. ‘01:!†be 0’ ecu-Itembimgm to young fun-:- the volnm in and r4 "mew must stup their engines. 3 Intrigue Etiquntu of the Sun and ti Str-po: In the Navy. Tb" etiquemy of [he slurs and strip!!! uboagl L‘nizod‘Snnes naval shlps is ll- mos owlessly‘ lutrivale to outsiders. writ Kzulu-rlne E. Thoma; in Joe Cha le‘s News-Letter. Rigid ruling of ll nbourd ship requires every 0!- flvor r mun on reaching or leaving the quurv r devk formally to salute the T1 r In 'lllr'L‘uI mx :xftvr hp 1 4" \ h.) ‘1 his} B§JRNS IN THE RAIN. ‘3'? "wide nf I!) up :14 “-1 Vin. v ii; L“: n m. Iln- th‘ :é‘nr sm- line Luv: t .. nurm mmâ€.- ' Hm: I‘zflx [he i1 )Lï¬v 'l'iw "alum-1 ‘14) (-n 1.\ thruuh JU ï¬lm “0' n] Thu [mm *9 Halo “ill lmrv I. ’i . VIM] Hm “ï¬ler §»‘-f \hnl‘ld HWY «:21 ll hillzv [0% the [fill .~ (In- and lw tum m H E No Wuhd cam. IHE FLAG AFLOAT. In H11)v'bu'uh \‘en law mu} xftl'r hp 1.1“} :1;:n!0'..’!7rd In - I)" \‘12I\}"Â¥l,’d m the (In: H. «iv Jim! 1‘}: U l‘ Lau- lizr. .-y x'A “undo-rm! m;m~-:I n :n'.!, I! h- nmnxing how :«M ~ [10 knnnx e! urï¬hln: :â€" :‘ ' Ihe- Corners of (hp ‘1; Hm mm in 1!. ï¬rm»!- Xl'Oz'f “ht-u to stop.‘ " The Difference . nf II)» [nunw with -( Iin- h- lln-m The Iln- th'n'l ~11}... win-t1- lim Lo-vw it dry A: whim-h it ana into \ [he imvrinr of the wanna-r \\‘:Ihi|u.\' the thannn thv mwninx mum Tom-gum D. a PURDY sons; I‘iliQ-S m; {az‘m-r's h: maze} 1m. Exemuafl) UH“ “ wzr>nW r 7N0?! and W happy curing bwfï¬lmzd a! thr do! the chan-z.i« rshp game m uhzch: "mg. the o Iicgefthlete. is victor ; L7, . . , . In: Edwin Hall. a seasoned actor. \xho‘ played many principal roles m rec successes and who has won laurel: himself on the vaudeville stage. plan's pan of Amos Szemjng. me fnhcr. II Harold Vosburgh. #bo last 21501193.“ in Belasco‘s "The M'oman." 9127‘ ‘ the son, Miss Helen Holmes is amiable Ruth Sock, Alison Skipwoflhl trays the pan of Mrs. Stone, H aunt. and Miss Veda git-dc. a 9‘0! woman possessing ï¬ne,“ charm phys‘: sleepy Miss Agatha Findley, whoa}! tion does not {prevent her from mat the best catch of the season. .1 "1"‘4’: .vvx- GI†I. 11.312; 1) curing omrï¬lmd a! 1hr do“ :11; chin :11r31p game 1n ubch a SN :Emg. UK 0 {Eugeathleta is Victoria Th- (‘122n1pionrh1p $531112 is duided the zhxrd act 4.1211211: 111a: Scan the )- eme zs lrca'ed ‘11 (he shows of the H ball fans. accompanied 921111531 the 2101 men! attending the dengue gm .8. m:- son from muse-(mien. the Xarher 17.1;- 'he {run ‘urdaQ The m in t ;:.:1\3re m‘ has utters sacriï¬ce. {oral 11w 1. mx Ins down Him 5; to "lax pr: some ’all. and lP‘Ercb) wcu'ms {az‘m- .amza} jun. Exemuafly The plot revolves about Amos Stefï¬ who is the guardxanpf the fortune of ward Ruth Noel. His son Rosssxtrn bemmes imohed m a midmgh qufl “ith a (meg:- mattw the in attacks “1:: Noel a character. To d Play Filled With Laugh at GM Chmo ‘ . A comedy uhich teems “ith laudi from cunain mete curtain (all :s‘ Patti It Ov."er the L267 Arthur and m Ha‘ch play which is entenng uponi fourth week at the Olympic Thea!rs. “PUTTING IT OVER" A GOOD 0 1867 and 1884.1!19 ban) C. rustian C munixies that haw been ee'ablnt-(d the gradual dying on of :hc LLL sq smious rehginr> “me me 1:: md. OI speakers of the aftpmoon v ere: 1) Abbie Baum “220 gay: 2 map IaikJ Frederick Cluu “Lu gotd of “Eduratit fauna of Work m“ Alaska." and I H. B. Roberts gave in and txgzaph sketrhes. Muss Mary Sedgwick gave interpretive rpading of (he pour) " Cry of [he Alaskan Children." The! tesses uere Mesdnies H P. Quid William Millard. Henry Bowl and Ge! (3. Greene. The member of the Missionarytso of the Presbyterian Church held monthly meeting oé Wednesday I noon in the Church barlors. The pt pal speaker of the hitter-noon was Alice Davidson who have an intere: address upon the “Historical and SI ual Side of Alaska." She outlined hi the history of Alaslt since the din: of that country by the Rusians in .‘ of the purchase 01 Alaska by the 01 States in 17 “hen M illiam H. 56 “as Secretary of Sta: and of the 1 among the natives ta Sheldon Jud 0! great interest was Miss Datid! account of the problems of the rel" worker: “ho found {Calmost lmpq‘o to Cl\lllzt or chnsttatnize the people cause of the neglect of the ['nited St to furnish a proper gjoverr.ment be“ Funded Eloctr‘c iron Pnuhyterina M‘Iuiohry Society Di Work in Flt North ALASKA â€(WES Mum Ruth Gregory; Mr; ms Mn J H Stuntman 0m: Woodnm W Miss: Sadie; Buc . Mi. Bid Buckley; Mn F. R. cMullitL OnFIi night there was a wig! {med house u: presentation of “The Bridal Scene" h Wagner's opera. "an†in wl Jane Abercrombie 3'5! Elsi and Hg Baron asfbohengn'n; 'wo great applq 1n the boxes were Mr. 2% Mn. Ch. T. Boyntont Misc Bay-m ‘ and Mad; Bucklcy; Mrs F. 'R. McM‘ulHn. I Bbcklcy. and ,1. C. MgMuhm. Among that: need in the boxes d last week "r401: MM] ni. the million of “L'- Bahama.†Charles Txaoynmf Miss Boymon. Ravinia Park Not“;