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Highland Park Press (1912), 19 Sep 1912, p. 4

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THE HIGHLAND'PARK PRESS J. C. Alexander and wife to Wm. Koop,’ lot 1, block 7, Wrerm's add, Highland ~Park. W'. D. $1.550. Nettie L R. Jones to Richmond Dean. lot: 1 and 2. block . Highland Park- W‘ PUBLISHED WEEKLY By JOHN L. Unsu. at Highland Park. Lake County. Illinois Telephone Whiceflflpanthace Entered .1: «fund-c1 thc post orfice at H»: the Act at 31“"th The United States Civil Service Com- mission announces that on Saturday, October 5. an examination will be held at Highland Park. Ill“ to fill a contemplated vacancy in the position of fourth class postmaster of class (A) at Ravima. Ill. The compensation of the postmaster at this ofiice was $539. for the last fiscal year. Applicants must reside within the territory supplied by the post ofiice {or which the examination is announced. The examination is open to all citizens of the United States who can comply with the requirements. Application forms and full information concerning the re- quirements of the examination can be secured from the postmaster at Ravinia and the local secretary at Highland Park or from the U. 5. Civil Service Commis- sion. Washington. D‘ C. Civil A popular price matinee will be given on Wednésday, with the reguiar matinee on Saturday. Applications should be properlyexecut- ed and filed with the Cummiasion at Washington within 7 days before the date of the examination. otherwise it may be impracticable to examine the ap- plicants. Score; Tremendous Succeu at the Olym- pic Theure. Chicago (Unlltllltlng to .iifiinst Llli ovation at the end of the third .itt. which unsiilitd will; Wonderiully pmwrfuldramaticsituutioih. Jos. M. (Mites has sent to Chicago a production that is magnificent in every detail and it has been years sinceChicago has seen such an all around excellent cast. Edward Ellis. as Robert McAdoo. the politician, has never done anything so well in his long career, not excepting his ‘Blackie Daw’ in “Get-Rich-Quick Walling- ford." Mr' Ellis presents a virile. strong and finished impersonation of this great- est politician of modern fiction. Miss Janet Beecher, in the role of Eleanor Sanger. is charming and made one of the hits of this notable performance. , The others in the cast also contributed to the generally splendid performance. The other notable actors in the cast are George W. Wilson. Albert Perry, George Parker, Francis Byrne, Eugene O‘Rourke, Edgar Norris. Richard Malchion, Frank S. Bixby, Aubrey Noyes. George Schillinger. George Spelvin, Gerome Gaylord. Herbert Todd. Harry Gwynettr, Mrs. Kate Jepson. Miss Mary Bertrand and Miss Grace Hender- “The Man Higher L'p." Edith Ellis'dm matizatmn of Henry Russcll Muller’spow- erful non-Lscured one oi the greatc>t SUCCEiSt‘S of the season at the Ulympn~ Theater Sunday e .cning 4nd a lung run is prcdiuu-d [or [116 piecc. Nut >incc [ht' nomhh- engagcment of (}c:- Ru h Quhk “lillmghx'd” at (h:- OIympic has a play nch such a du-p 1mpre~smn upon il> fir)! audu-nw. The emhusxusm “as at high pktgh thrx «Emu: {My puforn‘nnm- mnzmmmghummus: an nwntion at the end of the thxrd .ut. whxch \xnsfizlcd with From the [Aka County Till. Ind Trunk Co.I Titles. Abstrucb. of Wlukegln Jane makenv)’ c: :11 to Charles Boehm. lots 4. 5 and 6, m block Bl, Highland Park. W. D. $3.0w. Luch G. thaftrr m An'm Gavxtt. lot 4. block ‘3. l’urt Chnzun. Highland Park. W. I). 51. W. T. Fu<sbendcr and wife to W. Bresch. et al, lot 2 (excpt west 72 fee!) block 6, Exmoor addition to Highiand Park. WV D. $10. " Master in Chancery to Highland Park State Bank. northwest part of lot 33, Highwood. deed $552.74. W. P. Groebe and wife to Herman Hannschild lots 1 to 1:2. block 5. Deerfield Park. W. D. $1.500. Dennis Driscoll to G. J. W. J.‘ Schmidt, part of block F. Highland Park. ‘I D. 810.”. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. 1912 INCA (if) :5 {hr only «My on Iln' lukvs Ilm! Jars not turn its 54 u'- (Igr batk Into “he warn of Us Irutrr supp/V. All otlu'r lukv (Mics draw their mm'r supply from [ha sume' soura‘ lt'hz'n' [In-y umpty (/u'ilseu‘ugw. EXAMINATION FOR POSTMASTER 1 Service Commiuion‘ Announces eastern "in Examination for Ravinin Office Mm Fdfi, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS “THE MAN HIGHER UP” )d-CLxSS matter Marth 1. 19M.“ nghland Park. mmms. under Highland Park 562 Miss Eva Wycoff will b? the week-end guest of Mrs: J9 McGregot Adams. Miss Helen Coale has fisher guest Miss Christine Ddrfus of Auburn N. Y. [Locummsfiinmsl Mr. Freerhan Hitchcoék rethrned rc- cemly from ga trip to Ner‘Orleans. Mrs Edw'in A. Armstrisng has as her guest Mrs. Leonore Shtwood Pyle of Toledo Ohio. : 3 C. C. Shepard. 4 Miss Virginia Folks of Chicago is the guest this week of Miss abel Ewart of Park Avenpe. Mrs. Marghall SampselHefl Wednesday for a two “'geks' visit at Atlantic City. \lr Samml Levm left; Mondzw for a weeks’ \isit' with relativqs in Marengo Iowa. 5 Mr and \Ir; Samuel Slade “ill return to Highlanq Park the latter part of this “cek f lcland Walker left én’day for Kala mazoo. \Ii§h.. “hero E‘he will attend school. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitman of (Zlenv coe Avenufc are visiting relatives in McHenry. 1 Mr. and- Mrs. L. N. Green returned Saturday\£tom a three weeks visit with relatives iii Ohio. Miss Hele‘n Rebling wés the guest last week of Mp Roy Dickenpun of Edison Illinois. ! Miss Marie Armstrong will continue her course of study at {11% Chicago Uni versity thié f:.|ll ' Miss Rikih Jafiray of Windsor OMario. is the gucgt this week‘ of Miss Laura Kittredge Kennedy. i Mrs. Franklin 8. Hu' y went to New York last week to mee Sher husband and son. Robert who havebgfen on a European trip. ‘ Mrs. F. Hamilton of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. fohnerly of thin city, is visiting with Mm james Nolan pf N. Green Bay Road. i l Miss Jefisie Taylor left Tuesday for Madison, Wis. where she will visit Mrs. Miss Eva Morton ha '35 her guést last week hex: ¢ousin. Miss ~len Morton of Bloomingtén, Illinois. Miss Frances Stcevcr has had as her guest for; several wegks Miss Irene Famum of‘ Green Bay. Wis. Mr. and Mr; Ans-1m Morgan and children. “filo spent thegpummer at Green Lake, Wis"? will return Mame on Saturday. Mr‘ Thomas Ciements is on- an eastern trip andf will visit in Philadelphia. Rochester Iand New York. Mr. and:Mrs. Axel Lagson arc being congratulated on the anjval of a daugh- ter, horn Friday. September 13. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Ghder are re- ceiving coggratulations the arrival of a daughtet, born Saturday, September 7. The proprietor of ti’e French candy kitchen has ordered '59 soda fountain which he expects to in?" at an early Anna date Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Putnam, of Lake Avenue returned last 3week from an Mr‘ and Mrs. Howqxji Hitchcm‘k 0f Waverly Pjace left Monday for a \vccks' fishing trip in Alexandqfl. Minn. Mrs. W._5C. Davis haw} as her guests this weeker. J. L. Davis 6f Muscatine, Iowa and Mr. R. Davis "pf Dayton, Ohio. James Harrison left yéndu) for \1: n phis Tenn. wh‘re he‘lnll sptml m weeks with his brother; arr: n. Mr. and, Mrs. W. R. h‘apper, who n. turncd rcccntly fmm thé Bermuda Ix‘lrmm‘ spent last pvcek in PhITML-lphia. Howard {Williams “ill gpend the winter at Gays Mill, \Vis.. wheg'd he and afrivzzd are engaged in the L'hickgn business. . Ivu}/\‘. .“M .4 ... ..~.. - .... ...-.- n MFS- Witiam 1 Bake; End daughter of 'accompanied his son Franklin Page wh< Michigan City. 1nd. at ' the guests of f will enter school there. Upon returning Mrs. Bakeg's mother. Mrp. M. Deitrich. ihere Mr. Page will open his Ravinia resi Mr. and Mrs. Davié L. Stefrns and family, whb spent the Abummer in Miss Towner's Tresidence leéfl Saturday for their Chicago home. 3 Mrs. Henry Thnycr [€35] as her ngt‘r last week Mrs. George S‘h-nk of Sum]:- Wash. whq is a cumin 1?)“. Thayur, .\lr, \\’il§inm Ashman' returnud earl) Ihh’ week from anonm Canada “hm hi ‘ s w:mthcp:1.<t s¢gw~ulm \Iisx‘ I""‘I)1'l sznw 03m» has In ‘ 11 mm lined In her va the past “wk mm illness 15 ablzxm bu uméqd ngam. Rev. Cafl E. Lundgrap will prcayh at the Swedish Lutheran stpice in, the Y W. C. A. rboms next Sfamlay evening a! 725. All gre welcome. " Mr and' \Irs. Fredeguk S‘dmmachcr left Vlondéy for St. L04“ to attend tln Rexall Drug Conventimb “hich is taking place during this “eek.§ Mrs. L. g Pheips and?z Lighter Gladys who haxebeen spendin; the past week wnh MissCora Hodges.‘ have returned to their home in Wisconsin; The embgoidery gum: bf the Episcopal church wfil meet on Trucsday mornings with M11 Thomas ' ivplements in the absence of Mrs. john (3:53. Mrs. qu. Howe 1121st her guests for the weekend Mr. and . R. R. Howax‘d and son a‘nd daughter. hesier and Altha, and Mr. and Mm Der» ‘ h, Mrs. W; CI Shipnessfifmd family, who spent theisummer mohfixs in the resi- dence of :Mr. C. E. Sc filer wjll leave today foritheir Chicago ome. “ Mr. and Mn Frank R. Pardridge with their children, John and Fraxices, have returned to their home after f9“! months spent in Southern California. ‘ Mrs. Charles E. Schautfler will return from York Harbor. Maine on Saturday and Will open the family residence at 420 Oakwood Avenue for the winter. Miss Frances Hale returned Monday from a three weeks' visit at Green Lake. Wis. She will continue her course of study at Northwestern University this tall. Miss Miriam Steever is making an ex- tended eastern trip and is visiting in Newport. Boston and several eastern cities where she has entered a number of tennis tournaments» The death of John Zilligan, the ten months son of Mr. and Mrs. George G. Zilligan of Ravinia, lately of Chicago. oc- cured on Tuesday morning, September seventeenth at two o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Plamondon and family, who have spent the summer at 80W Road return to Chicago on Friday where thev will spend the winter at 1344 Astor Street. Conn‘ Mr. S. l-lexter and family mt Tuesday for Chicago where they will spend the winter months. They occupied Mr. Eugene Bournique's residence during the summer. Frank Col! 3 driver for' the Standard Oil Company was fined $15.00 and costs by Justice Moses Wednesday morning. Colt was arrested on a humane society warrant for driving a disabled-horse. Mrs. Lucian Williamsgis entertaining at g a dinner dance at the Eimoor Club Sat 1‘ urday evening m honor of hersonChestcr; who leaves Tuesday forthe Choate school i Mrs. M. G. Smith of Evansmn, former- ly of {his city. was a visitor here last week. Her daughter, Miss Jessie Smith will attend the Milwaukee Downer Sem- inary this year. Miss E. Towner, who spent the sum- mer in Northern Wisconsin returned Monday and opened her hOme at 210 Prospect Avenue. Mr. Harry Towner spent the summer at the Exmoor Club. The members of the Y. L. B. of Ebene. zer church will give their annual supper next Thursday. The young ladies have this year planned a novelty in the Shae of a hzyorack ride and camp-fire supper. Everybody is invited to join the party which will leave Brand's store on West Central Avenue at seven o'clock. Mr. John Robert Bare of Lusk, Wyo' ing arrived here on Tuesday from Omaha, Nebraska-to join Mrs. Bare who with her snail son. Robert Frederick, leave today for their ranch in Wyoming after a visit with Mrs. Bare's parents. Mr and Mrs. Frederick Schaefer of S- Sheridan Road Owing to the death of Mr. David H. Holmes the banquet of the Highland Park Business Men‘s Association which was to have been held tonight has been post- poned until Tuesday evening, Sept. 24th. The members of the Ladies Auxiliary of the North Avenue M. F. church will hold u bluincss meeting at which they will elect new offic'crs, Thursday after- noon. September 29 inthc church parlors. dence on October first Rev. A. L. Story. who has been actiu as pastor of the North Avenue M. E. church, and Mrs. Story left Tuesday (or Boston where Rev. Story will continue his studies for the ministry. For the \Iixx‘ Murgnn-l Ik‘ming will i‘cturn m \'m‘th‘.\'(-stcrn l'ni\ «{8in [WM Mmuiziy; Mi» (ilzidys Spcnccr leans Kudzu fur \ussur \xhk‘lk' >hc “ill cuter (hv Hnmr :xx‘JU'. and Miss humilzx' Sn liufiyld lvft 'I‘1:g_.d.,:y for Simlh Colin“. Mr. and Mrs. Morris ankfurtli and rhildi'cn of Chicago arrived here 'I‘ursday and win roaidc in the house at 435 South Sheridan Road i‘cccmly occupied by Mr. Jud Mrs. Jeromc Steever who are at pin-5cm on a trip to Calilornia. Mr. Frederick Page who spennhe sum- mon in the I’ardridge residence at 340 Prospect Ave‘ is in New York where he accompanied his son Franklin Page who will enter school there. Upon returning Mrs. D. A. Leonard of Roger Wilhams Ave. has returned from her summer nut- ing. spam 1n Denver Colorado. Mrs. Leo- ,mrd's mollu-r, Mrs. Agnes Leonard llill rcturm‘d with her and will probably \‘isll vrc for smm- mumhs. presen': his place will be filled by suppua from the conference and by visiting pastors from other churches. Miss Ruth Sampson of San Diego. CaL formerly of this city and a graduate of the high school was the guest for several days last week of Miss Edna Van Riporr Miss Sampson. who has been visiting in New York all summer graduated from Leland-Stanford University in June with many honors and will reside in San Francisco this winter. A futile attempt at suicide was made by Mrs Webster wife of Corporal Webster of Everett Place at half past eight Tues- day evening when following a quarrel with her husband she rushed into the adjoining room and swallowed iodine. She staggered .back in Corporal Webster's sight and fell to the floor. Believing she had killed herself, the iodine on her face and clothes having the appearance of blood. he called for Mrs. Mary Bess who acted immediately on Dr. Robert's advice whose assistance she had asked by phone and the would besuicide was out of dan- ger before the doctor’s arrival upon the scene. THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, HIGHLAND PARK mums (Additional locals on page 5) ‘ The Elm Place Schqol l The high school has an enrollment of three hundred and twelve pupils which will probably Increase considerably m the next tiio weeks as many families are re- turning the first of October from the summer holidays spent out of town. Judging from the boys who are present at the practice games of football an ex- cellent team will be chosen this fall {or Deerfield Shields. The following high school pupils have had the honor to be chosen as councilors for the first semester: The Misses Esther Baker, Wilhemina Bell, Helen Flinn. Mariam French, Esther Hicks, Franees Kennedy, Esther King, Irene Stevens. Ella Krueger. Edith Davis. Gertrude McLart-n. Margaret Wilhem, and Messrs. Stanley Anderson, Harold Barker. Liegh Bittinger. Archie Bowen, FrankCripe. Thomas Findley. Edward Gourlev, William Morton, William ()rpet, John Peters, Leslie Schauffier, Clarence Parliament and Lee Shaddle. Miss Gertnude Nevins, instructor in girls’ athletics at the high school and secretary to the principal, is very ill at the Evanston hospital. Miss Helen Sullivan is supplying as secretary in Miss Nevins' absence. The primary classes are conspicious at the Elm Place school because of their large enrollment. By Monday of this week the enrollment in the beginners class alone had reached 55, a number far too large for one teacher to care for. Some relief for the situation was found by sending home those lacking six weeks or more of the required age, eight or nine in all. The latter will be able to enter in the beginning class of next February. As there is no available class room left, it will not be possible to sub- divide the large group remaining and empldy an additional teacher. Miss Irene Herman of Woodstock. UL, came Monday to fill the place made vacam by Miss Wooley‘s resignation. The place had been temporarily filledi by Miss Esther Kerfoot who is acting. as substitute teacher this year. Miss Herman had a years leave of absence from Wood- stock for purposes of study and recrea- tion but the vacant posiiion in Elm Haw broved suthcicmly attractive to cau>c her to give up her plans. Miss Anna Mcl’crson of Chicago. is to supcn'isor of mu>ic for the coming year. She has had charge of that work in the Haywood achools for seven years giving hur entire time to them. This year shu is on the staff uf Bush Temple Conger“ vatnry .of Mimic With part time {or public school “ork. The aster contest open to all pupils e.» hibiling aster plants which had been started from seed sown in the school plant house. was” held on Thursday last. Mr. W. C. Egan and Mr. Fritz llnhr ac:- cd as judges and awarded the prizes bk' fore the assembled school in the audi- toritun. The prizes were a copy of Matthew's Field Book of American Wild Flowers, Reed's Bird Guide, a years sub- scription to Bird Lore magazine, a half dozen selected hyacinth bulbs, and three potted plants. a grevillea. a begohia and aprimrose. Mr. Bahr and Mr. James McNeil] contributed the potted plants, THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS gave the hyacinth bulbs, and the teachers paid for Bird Lore. The Board of Education con- tributed choice madonna lily bulbs. one being awarded to every pupil receiving honorable mention. Those receiving the first three prion for display of potted asters were Ethel Larson, Russel Gilbert, and Edna Hmrich. The first four: prizes for display at cut blossoms were award~ ed to Bettie ham, Russel Gilbert, Bennie Botker, and Donald Buchanan. Those receiving awards for honorable mention were Mildred Narbaugh. Percy Gilbert. Lula Ditmet. Bowen Schumacher, Lee Jackson. John Bodncr, Maybelle Bolan, Lila Ditmer. Frances Green, Elsie Rose, Eugene Buchanan, Helen Nthols; Jack Tuttle, Allen Morton. Elizabeth Price, Mary Gourley, Jerry Learning, Stanley Moses. Golda Magnusson, and Florence Johnson. ' “Bel Air” School for Young hdiel i The famous “Bel Air" school, located at Brussels, Belgium. an institution en- tirely dex'oted to the higher education of young ladies, principally in modern languages and the arts, drawing, paint- ing and especially music. taught by pro- fessors of the Royal teaching, offers unv paralleled opportunities for arquiring poiibh and refinement as well as social intercourse with the best society in one Of the great and most beautiful capitals of Europe. It is nonsectarian and open to a limited number of young ladies. Madame Boursde Miraumont, proprietress and superintendent. is at present at North Chicago and will cheerfully furnish the highest references and information reâ€" garding the school. Address Madame Bours dc Miraumont or telephone 509 or 283, North Chicago. References, Belgian Consul, Chicago, Mr. Chas. Henrotin. Adv. 28-30 Dd. RYING to do indium without advertising is like mum, in the dark. The merchant may know what he is domgbutnobody else does High School Notes 28-30 pd. ,_1. Augfist 21,1912 mmW%mwwmm% Théi'Pfiééi’: ‘LTake Right Drbgs ‘E‘The Imperial” Dyers and Cleahers INCORPORATED , zémcmmumus Imwmzfis 1'in ELada’es’ and gent’s gafménnfi cgeaned, pressed, repairéd a . rémodeled to look as good as new Ihe House That Pleases If Trial Will Convince You A fivagon will call for and deliver your: gamefits WINGS ACCOUNTS ; EPHARMACIST u HIGHLANDiPARK s- announces the institution of a regular Savings : department. Deposits will be received Fin any ‘ amounts from $1.00 up on which interest-Will be paid semi-annually-at the rate of 3 per dent per annum. Demand deposits will be accepted on which interest at the rate of 2 per cent per an- , num will be allowed. ' ‘ u Cantu] Ave. 14.91.“; 20; 7 W Pu-k . is what you get out of athing while you hav it. It is megsurtd -' by economy of operation freedom from r in andn‘oublf’. - and constant service‘and length of life. ‘ - is what you pay for a thing.when you get it. ion pay at once. ? is what you pay for a thing when you are dofiwithit. “include: original price, running expense, repairs, dept ation, (rogue, lo. of time and loss of service. ‘5 h “ Your garments are a of your personality, and s be looked after by men offa- perience and tact in the ‘ of Consult your physician He will prescribe the right drug for you. Bring his prescription to us and it will be filled with; full strength drugs. < 2‘23-2133 Uncoln Avenue. T. H. DECKER? @IligéaNQQWWW MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS ofahudngplantfromusis as 10625 wec‘l make it and keep the van. at the top Each and’gcou at W. GSELL Arthur W. Vercoe, Cashier

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