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Highland Park Press (1912), 26 Sep 1912, p. 2

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t 3 $339 Creams. ' l ' r ' ' lshall make all my own candies fresh daily. Try our Chou Caramel; Peanut Candy. Vanilla Cream Caramels and Lirc‘az‘ .Fudges. I will also handle 'l“ kinds of fruits. Uur Ice Cream and Sodas \Lill be unex- celled in nghland Park. Your patronage solicited. .. a WISH TO -\.\.\'()L' NCE to the people of Highland Park 3l opencd a Candy Kitchen and Ice Cream Parlor atdS WestCm which will be known as ml): Ifnnrb manila Bitrbm E 'J As Fall approaches we wishito rel mind you that Mestjian Bros.of anston native cleaners and repairers offlOrien- tal and Domestic rugs,have agreed to ,give the Highland Park Women's Club ten per ce at on all work procured tnmough the Club. "‘ You are‘Cordiallyanji’éeg; Dear Madam: Ff“ Mestjian Bros.are officiaiiily rec- ommeniei by the Women's Clubs ofE-fall the North Shore towns and many Wall known resiients. ' ’- Mrs.G.H.Campbell,Mrs.E.W.§pen Mrs.J.P.Smith,Mrs.W.J.Fyffe and @the ladies of our town gladly aid their names to those whs recommend thém. If you have work of this kind won't you give this firm a chande ar let the Club benefit thereby? 21 If you want Mr.Mestjian tfi ca and give you an estimate or wismfians other inforgation call up 942 MQS.G. Campbell. s? Hestjian Bros. 1248 Chicago Ave. Evanaton,Ill. Tel.Evanston 883. ;;q to'openzan account with (L We havefitfin :anyzformgyou: may desire; for Horses, ijws. Chickens or hogs. Crushed Qats and fresh ground 'fee‘d grqigmd daily in our own mills. Also a fresh supply of Coal, Luiéijber and Buildingr Material.- North Shore Fuel Supply Telephone 67 FEEE _S__a_f_ety Deposit’and isitora’ge' at): ErahinF'iMN 1!. :Interest paid on Sag‘iggs; We have the honor to remain Real Estateand IrEuâ€"r'éiTCE JAMES JIRVAS, Proprietor Yours Respectfully, Hananmmmt p ‘1 r‘ " - 230 N; St. Johngg Ave. Rug Committ High hd Park Woments Club. Highland Pgrk Ill Septémber 2§,1912 kw “Na - $33: I have g saga“ Xv enue '1‘: an call any and iit¢¥*«t«««a««z«a¢«««‘uclt Egg. :5. fi?:**fiii***ififii#fi ’*t*i: NEW YORKâ€"The long expected operation for a blood clot at the base. of the brain “as performed on Manager Frank (“hance of ihe Cubs. Dr. W. G. Frollcb or No. J3 East Sixtieth street. exeuxted the delicate task. (‘nance “as troqud with Vio- lent headaches rvcurrently since early in Hill, necessitating his relirvmvnl from active play, which always made the pain greater. His afl’licl'mn is be- liewd to have been caused by bein hit in the head by pitctwd balls. Dr. Frolich says the operation should cure the dangerous condition perma- m-mly. WASHINGTONâ€""Flying at prvspnt is safer than traveling at the same spend in autmnoLiles. and is certainly much safer than antomohilt- raring," said 0r\'ille Wright. Mr. Wright is in Washington to inspect H-H-ral m-ro plain-s at (‘olloge l’nrli, Md. “lllCh are to he used by tho l'nitml States gov ernman He said it “as posslhle to construct murhinvs that would carry twenty-five persons or that “()llld travel 100 miles. but at present lu- saw no nets-ssh) for such flyvra. Ht! pre- dicted that the at-rolrluno will supplant train service for making short and hurried trips across the country. SALT LAKE CITYâ€"G'wvrnur Spry expressed cunfidenoe that (ht-rv wound be no violence in Illnghnm. “19w. 4,000 Western Federation of 'Mim-rs‘ members are on strike fur more may. The governor was ph-asnd wi‘h Hm rvceptlon Iccorded him h) the strik- ers. Presidont Moyor of the federa- tion also counseled uw strikers against violence. and the nwn aban- dOIlPd their “rifle pits" atom the Fish Copper company's mines in o:- der to listen to both mun. BINGHAM, UTAHâ€"A largo army of striking miners, rm-rmu! and do- terminod. 1101125 rossvssinn (If xhv cop- per, lead and silwr mints of mm re- gion and £11 unack by (1.1mm . ls threatened. \‘xlzin 1hr EII‘Hu-H, :m) strung and swuhin: many mug-nus, dug bre-asmorhs. slre-nghrm-d plvlmt lmrs and “orkvd nut u rmxah form of military disciplinv, Ilu-ro “as mu thity in 11w otficvs nf lhv minim; mm- pmnivs and 1110 lu-adquurtrw of the County and smu- officials. EL PASO. TEXAS â€"â€" Intvrrultml “liilf' imhiLing ivv (rr‘nm Hula and suing an iLerivw to a nmanpbr n-yonvr, Juan I’x-drn “Mum; “as ur- rvslod by svm‘ut svnim mun. ltid~ axm's arrrst “as on a warrant isauod in Sun Aminiu sonw “'0ka aunchurg- Sm: \iolatinn of neutrality during vhe {nxnwr \usqtnz (hmHI. rrvolmiunary mmvmem. Rummy ho guu- an m- Im'xirw “crust”: (‘haflvs l’. Taft and H, (‘1:1)‘ l‘ie-u'» of fllrnisinu $3.- HMIIIIm In aid Mum-rt. in the rvlcl zon {nxnwr \usmnz (hmnl. mmvmem. Rummy h Im'xivw nommng (‘11: and H, (‘1:1)‘ l‘ie-u'» of Hmmm In aid Mink-m i1 against I‘rnsidwnt Diaz. s~<.\l;11_\' uf 11w (1. I ‘ ‘Hn. Li ()1 (mm- nu-rve and inimx‘ in Was-hi: zmn cues as-m'anco ii‘ut I‘nitml Stun-4 EHVVT'R- nu-nl intends to brgin at unw a do.“ Iniiwi lmv‘stixalinn of (h:- (unsvs of thc short sumvl) of anthracite Coal in New York and New England sum». 'l‘hw imvsiigation “ill be a part of the inquiry inlo certain other nspvcts of the coal situation being conducted by the bvreau of labor. CHICAGOâ€"The Intvrnafional Har- vester company, now fighting for Its existenw in tho fodvn! umrm laid the {onmh inn fo.‘ i’s I?«-"rh<-". The mmon‘i 11 1nd in ill-‘in: in the hearing \wl‘onx Slwcial I) an itrer Robert S. T2) lor anu prccm dv d m ' m Into the record a large mass of dam tending, In that judgment at Its Ivad- ers, to prove {hat it is far from ap- proachlng the monoch of uricnlmr- a! implement production alleged ly the government, I u... LAWRENCE, MASS.â€"Will’am D. Haywood. the general organizer of the intiustrial Workers of the World. pléaded not guilty before Judge John 1“. Quinn in the superior court here to two indix tments charging him with conzpimcy in connection with last winter's textile strike in this city. He was held for trial under $1,000 bonds. No date for the trial “as set. PANAMAâ€"DI: Bellsarlo Porras. the newly elected upsident of Panama has kn Costa Rica rvre;aratory (o asslmlng the presidency of lhls ro- public on Oct. Vlst. llv will get a tremendous recvption on his arrival hire and_pre| arations are being made to make his inmtgural‘mn the most lrilliunt in history, CHICAGO-The last of the bodies of the eleven 1'. S. nasy recruits who Were drowned ofl‘Lake Bluff Sun. day afternoon were recovered. They were those 0% Waner Woodward. Beardatown. “1., James W. Bauld. Warsaw, Ind.. and Lyman K. Field, Sorento, )ll. NEW YORK â€" Th0 an ank Prnss makvs the annoznctnnm that anry L. Hinswin. Enh- m nrr «:f the raver sim'v 1W3, has sud nut to Frank A. Munsv)‘. Th9 Inlicy of he Imur in future “ill L0 Progressive, and it “in support both the national and state tickets. POTTSVI'LLE, PA. - Eight thou- sand men employed at the colllerles of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation com- pany are on a strike to determine whether the minel of the. anthracite region shall be operated as closed or open shopl. rHE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS monsmgxnaousm BY me nsvusucms National Committee Turns Out Seven Roosevelt Men. Four Are Summarl-Iy Expelled'lnd Three Cthcr: Invited to Retignâ€" No Protests Vrom Ejected Men A're Expected. At va York four of the member! of the Relu‘ulican national committee \\ ho t'znur (Lionel Housman for pres- ident “tl‘t’ upelled by the committee at its muting at the Hon-l Manhattan. Three otlurs “ho are for Roosevelt wow altowld to resign. In each caSc, tlw au-usauon “as disloyalty to tht- party and l’rvslduzt Taft. Four Ousted Without C:remony. ’I‘lu- fuur 1.eanplur.ly oustod arei ('aiit‘orx..;; ‘‘‘‘‘ Ru:s Avery of 1.08 An geles, to he succeeded by a man Mr lH'tvd' by n vummittve of three. New Jvrsvydiordou I). Whiting of Newark, sum-coded by Ex-Gm emor Franklin 1*. Murphy, the choice of the state committee. North ('arulinaâ€"erhmond Pearson of Ashm'illa to ho- smceeded by Ex- Stale (Lmu‘itle‘eman E. C. Duncan. the chcll e m (I. state cummmee. \K'psl \‘ll'glniavâ€"Wllllam S. Edwards of Whaling, successor to he lndlcated by the slate committee. The committee selHtr-d (‘har‘les A. SNPSS as successor to Solomon Lung of New Moxiqo, “ho ls dnad. Three Allowed to Reslgn. The lhrm‘ whose resignations were amt-[Jud are: Olllulmmar’ (L (‘. Priestley 0! P031)!!- Villfl, sur-(‘n-edvd ll) J. A. Harris. (‘OHHLHIvP has 1201 rm (f z bl‘tmd" and am now m) 11h formminn 10 MPH I’H'Silii'h cans. \H‘ro pro-seemed onv Nona of tho offvndt-rs “'1 and no yuuhsm \Y-ro rev “as l-elimui that all of (‘nnmlivtronwn “willd annzi decision, Death of Mississippl Man Widely Iornw r I IiU'tiS an 8 Sex utor )‘mum died 21! B114)“. MiSF.. of urzumic poi Boning. The aged am} half blind vet- eran had a scare fa]. several days FORMER SENATOR MONEY; ago at his summer home here Ind {11 accident is supposed to have has ened his death. The passing of tho noted senator is being widdy mourned throughout Mississippi and adjacent states of the south. i-Ic was seventy-four years of age. A! Surwrkr. “'is,‘ I’r.da' 2: mob 0’” 5,000 strike unrpathizers duxrou-d thouynmis of dollars of 5119M midway property and seriously injhr'ed many nonunion street car emxvloyes. The first attack on street car: re- sulted in the burning of six cars and a battle with the police, In which more than thirty persons were Injured, nnne, It is thought, fatally. Prevtous to (hit time evé‘ry pollc man on the force, specie]: and regu- lars, was enlisted on night service, but thousands of men and buys pap aded the streets lnmlldeat disorder. Following this battle the mob storm- ed lhe company ‘s barn on Fourth and Ogden avenue. The police were powerless. Sher!!! Edward McKinnon was ordered tq Iweu in députiea to preserve order and save humnn life. Street Cars at Superior. Wis.. Are Wreckcd :‘t: Burned. EX-SENATOR MONEY DEAD EH of Housccleanlng Done. “:15 «hm-Hulk 51:11”! that thr‘ ‘itlw has 1201 rid ({ all its “Lad ' and (an now m) nhnd in SUHd .tinn 10H"?! I’H‘Silii'hT Taft. The “11‘0 pro-sumrd onv m a time. of tho um'ndrrs \wr»: present Mourncd Through South POLICE FLHI MOB Richmond Pearson remivcd h M tho (rusted quiwm in the l _ "‘ I . E On Thurfiay afternoon Mrs. John C. .1 years ago and her lol l Duffy ente ined with a variety shower i voice is greatly impr § in honor of iss Marie Greenslade. Jones is a violinist of The Hig _ nd Park Club will hold the ‘ we" be proud while opening danfie of the winter season on “(h her usual ana the evening§>f Thursday, October 17. éselections bV M" u i: ' h 1; were greatly enjoyed. Miss Fr ces SIC€\€I’ was ostess has been raised to ’Tuesday evening at a buffet supper at ; the work of the wo {which the ggests were out of town mem- ; H. Campbell. whose bers otthe lgappa Kappa GammaSoronty. I connected with all 0‘ Invitatiorti were issued last week by i is greatly interested i Mrs. Emil #ck Metzel to a reception at i any one desiring to her home, "835 E. Central Avenue the i work shouldsenda first of her from three until five" Mrs. J. McGregor Ad io'clock to gtmeet Mrs. Albert Jackson Mrs. Wiegand occu Metzel. Mi“; and Mrs. Albert'j. Metzel concert and amo are new regimts of Highland Park. hav- present were: Mrs. ing recent]! completed a lovely homelAnnette R. Jones, l near Lake enue on the lake shore. Mrs. T. C. Williams, i Mrs W.T;A.'Alexander, Mrs. c. C..,'°P' ”'5' “3"” 0' iAlexander. Mrs. C. W. Buckley, Mrleyfle’ Mrs. E‘ W. l r~--_,., Ami. u“... nm A n Mr.lEu89n¢ Bourmque. l l i l l The Eucflk club met Monday with Mrs. J‘uflm Duffy. Mrs. Julia F. L. Curtis of Prospect Avenue wilfibe hostess at a bridge party on Friday agternoon. . Mrs. N. W McLane was hostess on Tuesday an) large luncheon and bridge party at LhQExmoor club. 6: Miss Fr ces Steever was hostess Tuesday evening ata buffet supper at which the gjcsts were out of town mem- bers of the [jappa Kappa Gamma Sorority. Invitatiorfi were issued last week by Mrs. Emil #Ck Metzel to a reception at her home,"‘835 E. Central Avenue the first of bet from three until five o'clock to gtmeet Mrs. Albert, Jackson Metzel. Mi“; and Mrs. Albert'j. Metzel are new regimts of Highland Park, hav- ing recent]! completed a lovely home near Lake enue on the lake shore. Mm W.:;A.'Alexander, Mrs. 06. Alexander. Mrs. C. W. Buckley, Mrs. George All}?! Mason. Mrs A. B. Mc- Caughey. Miss Towner, Miss Adelej Everett, Mrs. Ward W. Willits, Mrai Arthur Vaé Schaick, Mrs A. Lawrencei Mills and Miss Hall were among thej Highland Pfik golfers who entered then toumamentfi? at Exmoor on Wednesday: ladies’ day. ”me grand finale of the season I when reprei'rntative players from Ken- osha Skoki Glenview, Onwentsia and sewral 0t r golf clubs near Chicago1 (ompeted. gnformal lnncheons “ere en j¢yed bv the? playerSXand mam, of their- t‘riends who while not playing arrived at ‘ the club fowuncheon and added to the gaiety and {jeasure of the occasion. Township Efigh school in the class of 1906 and E‘gxendmg Northwestern L'm- vursizy Mi .Heil cntered,\the Allentown hospital {rcfin which she graduated 1n June. Mr. {flientz is the son of Wm. Hiontz funfifiy/(m business here. Mr, and Mrs. ”an”, will be at home aflcr October 15$: at 4249 North Rubc)‘ Street. ,3 Edward {mm and Ella Heil, bolh formerly of' . ighland Park. were married Friday, Se ,ember ZOth in Allentown. I’m-ml. at tlfi home of the bride's parents, Bishop anda; Mrs W. H. Heil After grzxduatjngrfrom {he Deerfield Shields Théi WRIC THEME HIEHWOOD, ILLIINOIAS Frgday' Night, Se ._ 27 A Two Reel Picture ' Â¥ Slérlday Night, ' Sefit. 29 Tiiesday Night, 04L lst 7'!- ft .l DMISSION 10 CENT S ‘ew Illustrated Special F eatuiks Social Side of Life Local Affairsof t e Week The Fire at 563. Vaudevill A Two Reel F eatzm SomethingNew in By" Lester Levin evening the 0!»:th The benefit concert given at the ”4 vinid theatre on Sun ay afternoon a" proceeds of which wil be ghen w 3* Lake County Tubercultusis Institute, v.3 a successful afiair p! which the a); predative audience e jnyed an exccnqg‘ program. Miss Eva mmel Wyrofl apg peared for the first 1' e in pubhc m (hit city since her reside here abou; am years agoapd her lo_ely lyric 50pm“ The wedding of Mi Marie Green“ daughter of Mr. d Mrs. Frederick Greenslade of 134 S.‘ Joseph Spencer Ri rds took ptace u man Catholic Chu . Rev. Dr. J. D. O'Neill performed t ceremony. The bride who was one 04 the most popuhf girls in the younger I of this‘ city were a gown of white ch cuse trimmed in old venitian point ‘hce and carried (3.. shower bouquet of Q hid: and hlha o! the valley. The ron of honor Mn James Mulvihm 0t Angeles. Califor- nia. wore a gown o handâ€"embroxdemd marquisette and bi chiton and maid a bouquet of pink is Xarney roses. Mr. Mortimer Rxchards 'ot ()sh‘ego. “lined; brother of the groo acted as best man. The ceremony was i “owed by a recep- tion and dinner at l ighland Hall. The parlors “ere elaborate-iv decorated i pink roses and ferns Pmk was the pro \aihng color 111 fiowÂ¥s and cmdle shades o'clock in the recto%:f St. Mary‘s Ro- u>edm the dvcora ons at the dinner “inch was fn_:}lmud y a dance. Amox‘ 21w OU't‘LIIV-UHVH guqsts were: Jerome Hannahan, \‘u‘tur C o ,Leonard Burke and Mrs J. E. Mulvi .me of Los Angela will be at home aft Noveniber Vfirst jit- Orchard and St. Job Place. . ‘ Callzonxiag Mr. and; Mrs. Feele)'._ Mr; Burke. Mr. and Mrs.‘Br0wn. and Mr. and Mrs. North of Juixct. The 31mm! couple ved. Mr. L} hich our mum iss Can'cr playqi cv anj 1hr C(- i win J. Hillcr. jy‘, A good sized sum‘ is: in carrying ou“ y charity. Mm G_ name is so timely fthe local chantieg buns insmutc and contribute to the. ktoMrsLampbeu, s and her Sm, ieda box at the the patroneslu i. H. Campbell, Mr: ‘Fs. Henry Thayu, rs Walter Wm 1Futon. Mrs W. 1. Spencer and Mn.-

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