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Highland Park Press (1912), 24 Oct 1912, p. 2

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:i 1? $15.14. «Big Dear Madam: 7» As cleaning time is here we wish to re mind you that Mestjian Bros.of'Evanston native cleaners ani repairers of Orien- tal and Domestic rugs,have agreed to give the Highland Park Women's Club ten per cent on all work procured through the Club. Mestjian Bros.are officially rec- ommended by the Women's Clubs of all the North Shore towns and many well knownresidents. Mrs.G.H.Campbell,Mrs.E.W.Spencer, Mrs.J.P.Smith,Mrs.W.J.Fyffe and other ladies of our town gladly add their names to those who recommend them. If you have work of this kind won't you give this firm a chance and let the Club benefit thereby? If you want Mr.Mestjian to call and give you an estimate or wish any other information call up 942 Mrs.G.H. Campbell. Mestjian Bros 1248 Chicago Evanston,Ill. Tel.Evanston I shall make all my own candies fresh daily. Try our Chocolate Creams, Caramels. Peanut Candy, Vanilla Cream Caramels and Cream Fudges. I will also handle all kinds of fruits. Our Ice Cream and Sodas will be unex- celled in Highlnnd Park. Your patronage solicited. WISH TO ANNOUNCE to the people of Highland Park ' that I have opened 3 Candy Kitchen and Ice Cream Parlor at 18 West Central Avenue which will be known as ml): Emu!) «an!» mum It is a well known fact that crushed oats are a great saving on feed bills and also keep your horses in better condition. Having just installed a modern oat crusher we are now prepared to furnish the best crushed oats in the market at reasonable prices. A trial will convince you. Also dealers in coal. lumber building material Telephone 67 North Shore Fuel Supply» Co. You are Cordially Invited Interest pazd 0n Savings Safety Deposit and Storage Vaults Real Estate and Insurance- ml)? Erwin? Bank We have the honor to remain Yours Respectfully, Your Feed Bills JAMES JlRVAS, Proprietor to open an account with finnunmmmt Ave 885 Shoes Repaired Thellighlndl’arkShoeRepah'ilgShop We are now settled in Highland Park at 108 W. Central Ave and are prepared to repair your shoes at remarkably low prices Don't throw away your shoés if they are worn a little. bring thern in and let us fix 'em up for you. ‘ Rug Committee Highland Park Women's Club. Highland Park Ill October 24,1912 230 N. St. Johns Ave. Workmanship guaranteed SHOW BASH PAID FOR DYNAMIHNG Government Tries to Connect Iron Workers and Explosipns. MISS DYE IS THE WITNESS Identifies Checks fcr Money Sent to F. C. Webb. In Whose Dis- trict Several Bridget Were Blown Up. Indianapolis, Oct. 22.â€"The govern- ment made prugrvss in the d)na- miting Cases when it introduced rv-c‘ ords of the Iron Workms‘ to show that the mom-y paid for dynamitinm evidrnu-d b) Chocks to Hockin and others, was not includnd in retorts madn to members of the organization in the financial statements. Gives Important Testimony. The witness was Miss Mary ('. Dye, the stvnogrnpher. She identified a check for 3200 signed by J. J. .\lt~- Numara and Frank M. Ryan and pay- able to F. (‘. Wvbb, former mvmto-r of the vxwutivv board and now un der lndh-tment. This «luck “as dated JUXH' :1, HWRi With the union books beforv her. Miss Dyo tvstmvd that smrrai checks were entered in the expense record as "advance" to Webb. ’I'hvy were al>0 Plitvrt’d in the ledger as "advancvs" to Webb. In McNamara's report to ”in union they \rvre not so given, she said. and worn not includo‘d in the total srt out in thv publistwd rtlvort Some Explosion: of That Time. ‘ Dynaniitings at about the ”[119 tho chvcks in unvstion were issm-d or (-urred as fotlmis: “May ‘.‘I, in Ncw York. attempt to dynurnitv a drawbridge oxer the Bronx rivvr; N'u)’ 22. 1"0‘4. Ranches ter, .\T Y,. bridge being put up 1y 1.. F.‘ Shoomakrr (‘0‘. damaged ly d)- namitp; May 2-1. 19091, attompt m dy- namite bridge‘ at Aikin, Md; Juno» 2. 1908, attempt to dynamne hridgo at Perrynllo. Md; June 13, 5905. Sonmr set, Mass, railway bridge d3 ua mitod." VOTING MACHINES [08E Webb (hon “as the exorutiw- board member from that district. Device [s Knocked Out by Su- preme Court of ”liqfis. ' Springfield. “1.. Oct. 22.â€"The llll- nois supreme cuurt in a decision knocked out the Voting machine as a dexlce to be used chlush'ely at any polling place» in Chicago in the elec- tion next month. Cannot Be Used Excluslvely at Any Polling Place In Chicago at November Election. The tribunal allovved the petition of Norton Di Hull and Franklin S. (fat lin for a Writ of mandamus compel ling the eioction commlssionere of Chicago to substitute paper baliots and ballot boxes for the machines. The court permits the election com- missioners to use machines also in precincts in which they have Lech placed, but each voter must._have the option of voting by the use of the bal- lot or the machine without surge’b- tion or advice from the- judges of election as to which method he shall use. Federal Force Refuses to Surrender to Mexican Rebels. Tampico. Mex, Oct. 22.â€"â€"The revo lutlonists demanded the surrender of (he city of Tampico, but the federal forces refused to comply. The rebels numbered fewer than 300 men. It Is reported that the country be tween Tampico and anluama. fifty miles to the southward In the state of Vera Cruz, is in possession of the revolutionists. They are commanded by Manuel Rravo, an exâ€"army engin» cor. The garrison hvrq commandnd by Colmwl (Eonzult-s. Consists of 3M I‘HE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS men Officers Desert to Diaz. Montowy, (Mt. 22.â€"7Th1rty federn' officers, including the captains and lit-uhnrmts of s» ~mral nngmmm >18 tioned hora 1‘: M Hid vh'r army. '1‘: p} hf! nnsvward in amnm‘ohlhs carrv ing arms and ammunition and (beer lng for l vli\ [riuz ‘ WODDMEN VOTE pEFEnnEo Springfield, m, Oct. DELâ€"Action to ward holding the referéndnm vou- In the Modern Woodmeq organizhtion was deferred when t‘ referendum board provided for in g'the Donahu. bill-met in ms city. ' Delay Caused ty lnjudttion Agalnv Holding Ballots atéPrcsent. The pomponement Wu due to the fact that a temporary finjunction had been issued by Judge; McKinley at Chicago. restraining the hand of of- ficers of the organizatlpn from mak- lng any move toward the referendum vote. TAMPICO HOLDS OUT CHAMPAIGNâ€"More than a thou-ll sand ll!l\(l‘Elly of llllnc-is studints. celebrating a footlzali \iitory our In- diana, attacked the Walker Optra House in (liampuign and many 1on- aons were iiijurtd in the Lattle “it‘n local [o‘iice and stag» hands L'nf- Varsity authorities drclared drastl: action would be taken against studtrn‘. riotors. Ray Warnock. assistant dean of 111911, “as present, and is said to have obtained a long list of names Which will be presented to the faculty with a recommendation for punish- uwnt. By the ‘ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"oâ€"â€"-_ . l ‘ Mrs. John C. Duffyr'cntertained the l Euchre club this afternoon. Mrs. John Grenville ,Mott entertained at a dinner on Thursday evening at her home on Laurel Avenuq; 1 Miss Katherine Hill lwas hostess at a tea on Thursday aftern'ioon in honor of ‘ Miss Abbie Von Schlegéll. - On Wednesday evenigg a reception was ilield at the M. E. church parsonage from 8:30 to 10:30, to welcom; Rev. and Mrs. CHICAGOâ€"Tho White Sox base» ball players Won the "bk-ago cham- pionship by defeating the Cuts in the mmh and deciding game of the local you mason svrivs. Ed Walsh pitr-hcd for [ht- south side club and he- proved too much of an obstacle for Manager (“hunce's squad. Lawn- dor, Smith, Reulhach and Leifield “are r!)u!t'd by ('omiskoy's batters, who piled up eight runs in the third inning. Thky made 16 runs in the first five innings, Final score; Whtte Sox. 10;, Cuts, U. SPRINGFIELDâ€"The Illinois State Associaticn for the Prevention of Tubormlnsis met at tho St. Nicho- las hotel in t'onnection with the an- nuai nwming or the state conference or churiles and correction. A \isit to the- Springfield tuberculosis dis- pensary tor the study of nurbing and dispensary methods was made and the members took an automobile ride to the site of the proposed- sani- tarium. ROCKFORDâ€"Tho rlty of Decatur will he the next meellng place of the Illinois lodge of the Knights of l’ytllias. as the re- sult of 11 vote takn'l Quincy was a close comletitor. The conventlon rescinded its ac'im on the "11103;? qrestlon and \otvi ‘; rpduce (hr al suit or it vote lake'l Ulllm‘y was a close eomtetitor. The convention rescinded its ac'im on the "11103;? qt'estion and \otei ‘; reduce thr al lowanee from {our mum to th-e cents, but made '1') (-hangeJn the per diem 1:110“ anee. STERLINGâ€"More than dozen per- sons were injured as a result of El panic in a mming picture show at Brock-ton. a small town north of mi: Mrs Clarence Gilbem Smith was hostess at a meeting of an :Edgewater bridge club of which she is a ember, on Mon- day afternoon at the lgome of hermother. Mrs. A, B. Holabird 0‘ Ft. Sheridan. Mrs. J. L. Holbroqk entertained at luncheo" today in horgor 0t Mrs. Lydia]. Comings. who will addfcss the Parents and Teachers’ Association at Lincoln school tonight "and who is Mtg Holbrook's guest. STERLINGâ€"More than dozen per- sons were injured as a result Q! a panic in a mming picxun- show at Brockmn. a small town north of ”11“. Mare “hr-n a yicturu film caught fire A rush was made for 1h» exits and In tho punit- a numlu-r of women and (hildrrn Were trampled. The fire “as soon evtinguished. Thu opera- tor, John Fuklv, was burned about ”19 hands. ROCKFORD â€" .\'r.<. Matthew T Scott, who is president general of the Daughters of 1hr American Rew. Flption. was tomirrvd a reception ere. the iiiinoii rovom and dPlezame being guests. The Illinois conference voted to raise a fund for a staff and flag for Starwd Rocks. on the lakes- to-thwguif waterway. and agreed on June 14, 191:1, as the date- flor the dedi- cation. < JOLIETâ€"Orasamun Palge. who ls Jollet‘s 104 ynar old nPwsL‘oy. the oldest known “uewsy” tn the world,' reallzed hls greatest Imbltlon when he was granted the privilege of selling papers ln the new union station durlng the dedlcatlon ban- queL MOUNT VERNON â€" The postof‘ flée at Dix, in the north part of Jer fer son county was robbed. The safe was wrvckvd and the building was badly damagéd‘ by the heavy charge of explosive. The robbers secured about $600 in stamps and 3100 In money. Bloodhounds were put on the trail. KEWANEEâ€"Mrs. Emma Chance. a widow of this city, was notified she in one o( the heirs of Jacob Vulner- man. a millionaire ranchman who re- cently died in Kansas City and that the receive: one-eighth 0f the estate. She expects to receive $200,000. DANVILLEâ€"Sam Portuese, who is one 1of the four men recently ar- rested on suspicion of having caused the explosion and fire that destroyed a house they lived ln. confessed that he and Jlm lllsuraco caused it. EAST ST. LOUIS â€"- Mrs. Lucy Kendall fined her 1101159 lamps with gasoline Instead of kerosene. She In one or the lamps. but somebody called hPr to another room just before the explosion took place. STERLINGâ€"Captain Andrew Her- shey. who “as ad‘imant of the F1!- temuh Illinois during the (‘hil War. and deputy revenue reflector here from 187.1 to 1W3. under Former Mayor Stvrlzng. is de-ad, PlNCKNEYVILLEâ€"qurze W. En- 219 was humzvd how for the mur- der last May of his wife. her untorn babe, and h's slsterinlaw after a quarrel at tho home of his father In law. SENECA â€"- The Wilfred coal mine has been closed by Hector Mc- Allister, state mine inspector. on the ground that the employes were not properly protected. MANTENOâ€"Mrs. India Bonrell of this place sneks divorce from her hus- bnnd, William. alleging that be dragged he: upstairs by her hair. RED OAK â€" Between forty ud fifty blackbirds that had taken refuge In a poplar tree were killed when I bolt 0! lightning struck tha trot On Wednesday evenifig a reception was held at the M. E. churcgl parsonage from 8:30 to 10:30 to welcom; Rev. and Mrs. Spicker. Mjss Ruth Gregory ghasl had as her guest for several weeks; Miss Juha Barry of Montclair. N. J. for Whom she enter- tained at a dance uponi'her arrival here. Miss Frances Holbrog'pk will entertain a number of her yogng friends at a neighborhood Hallowe'gn parh Saturday atternoon. nx» v. u...â€" .... . . CLJU lU “Lav. nu "Lin-Jun? Spicker. ‘ Miss Frances Holbrog'ik will entertain a number of her yogng friends at a neighborhood Hallowe' 5n parh Saturday atternoon. Miss Ruth Gregory éhas had as her guest for se\ era] weeks; Miss Julia Barry of Montclair. N. J. for Whom she enter- tained at a dance uponi'her arrival here. The Misses Marjoriegaiid Dorothy Lou- don entertained at a digger on Thursday in honor of Miss Myra; 'alker of Chicago and Miss Abbie Von Séhlegell of Detroit. Home-coming day at Deerfieldfihield; was a great success and Saturday after. noon found two of the former member; of the faculty. Mr. F. B: Williams and Mrs Schaestrom of Chicago, formerly Miss Nell Williams. and many or the graduates present at the reception held in the lunch room of the school building, Mrs. Richard L. Sandwich and ' Miss Grandy poured and were assisted in serving by Miss Scholz and a number of the girls who are members 0! the domestic science Class. The Daughtersof the American Revolu- Miss' Marjorie Alange entertained a number of the grad ‘ tes. of Deerfield- Shields who were guests at the home- coming day, for supper on Saturday evening. E On Wednesday evenisg, November sixth at eight o'clock the lqiies of St James' Catholic church will :give a large card party in the Parish haIi. the proceeds go‘ ing to the church funé. A number of Highlfiid Parkers will at- tend the dance to be' given on Friday evening at the naval station for which imitations have been issued by the com- mandant and officers. g ()f iiitcrest to a nugnber of Highland Park people is the arfiouncemem of the engagement of Miss Shsan Hamill Phelps, daughter of Mr. and Airs. Edwin J. Phelps of Kenilwortli. to William F. Zimmerman, Jr., son I)! Mr. and W5. William F. Zim- merman also of Kenilyvorth. The first of the Thomas concerts on Friday afternoon drew; as in past seasons many of the music 'vers of Highland Park to Orchestra ha . Chicago. Among the regulars noticed in the audience were: Mrs; Henry Thayer, Miss May Chandler, Miss Jessie ChandlerflVIrs. George Merry- we'ather. Mrs. (ieorge‘Allen Mason, Mrs. A. 0. Mason, and Mn} Howard Wrenn. Miss Gladys and Igfiss Eleanor Spry. nieces of Mrs. Hanni l H. Chandler, are! to make their formalglebut at a tea fol- : lowed by a dinner dane to be given by 1 their mother, Mrs rJOhn C. Spry, 1101‘ Forest Avenue. Evaéston on Saturday. November second. The Spry family for one summer lived in ; Highland Park in the residence now 0upied by Mr. W. R. Tapper and familg'j. Many Highland Pfirk ladies have re- ceived invitations to B recital on Wednes- day afternoon Octch thirtieth at three oclock at the Blacks‘one hotel. gn en by the Ravinia club of which Mm Frank R. R. McMullin is presidentand Mrs. Harold F. McCormick honoriry president. Miss Isabelle Richardson, ‘gneuo soprano, who has recently returned from three years study in Berlin will be presented. Bruno Steindell. cellist, will? assist in the pro gram with Mrs Mignetta Riggs at the piano. One thousand invitations were issued. ‘ From a» m. cmém Title m: Tum Co.. Tides. Abttrécu, of Wuukogua Fanny L. Watts a§d husband to L. N. Berube part blk 24g Mears' plat. High‘ wood, W. D. SLSOOQ). J. L. Metzen to 13A. McLane lot 3. blk 3 and 1013. blk 4, Rfidgewood Park, High- land Pk., w. D. 3139. G. A. Reed and wife m B‘ F. Clifford and wife, lot 45, Neibon's add to Ravinia “'oods, \V. I). $5.000. Man M Bows aid husband to G. T‘ Stangtr, lots 1 and.2b1k 3 Truesddl's add Dcufield W 12. 5.1 VS 1 McDunald KO Eliza K. Reddish 1015:) and 6 blk 71% Highland 1’2. rk W D. $9,200. Georgianna C. fames to Emma M White, pan lot8 b? 29 Highland Park, W. D 31 Edith H. Schum "V her and husband to Emma M. White. ” lot 8. blk 29, High- 1and Park. W. D. St. R. A. Burnett any wife to Martin Ring dahl wut 125 feet 9f 1016. blOCk 17. High land Park,_W. D. $5.250. A. R. Shannon afid wife, et a]. to W. E. Beltsch and wife, lbt 1 and W. 1-2 lot 2, y block 38v. Highland‘gPark. deeds $3.00. ‘ Christopher [>qu and wife to mm, L. Darby lot 87, quinia W. D $1..00 H. L. Taylor amt wife to B. A. Hamil ton. south~ 100 feetéof lot 7 blk 20, High ‘ land Park, W. D, g0. y The Sociél Side of L‘iff: REAL ESTATITRANSFERS vocal' Affairs of the week By the Obu rvcr Miss Helen Josephine Keefe. daughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Keefe, 344; Adams Street. Chicago will be married to John M. Vincent Carroll. son of Mr. and Mrs. John'M. Carroll. on Saturday in St. Mary's church. Bishop Mulduon mll read the service. The bridesmaids will by the Misses Elizabeth Martin, Marie Keefe Florence and Mable Smith. The maid of honor will be the brides little Sisier, Lucille. Frank Callahan will act as best man tion were entertained at the home of Mrs. Ioseph Fearing of Ravima on Mo“. day afternoon. Mrs. Joseph Leammg had charge of the program and gave an m~ teresting talk on the history of Illmms deal. ing chiefly on Starved Rock and nci'nity. Mrs‘ V L. Garnett. who was sent as a delegate to attend the State conference of the D. A. R. held at Rockford on Wed. desday and Thursday of last week. gave an excellent report. At the close of the business meeting tea was served. About forty friends of Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Fagan surprised them at ‘heir home on W. Prairie Avenue Tuesday evepmg in honor of their thirty-fifth wedding an- niversary and presented them with many handsome gifts in remembrance of long friendships. Dancing and music formed the entenainment of the evening after which refreshments were served. Among those from Highland Park present were; Mr. and Mrs. Rob Fagan. Mr‘ and Mn George Schwalbach. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hinterberg and Miss Clara Cheney. The second wedding within a week took place in the family of Mr. and Mrs: Louis Berube when their daughter. Margaret was married to Mr. Frederick Fredrickson of Kenosha on Friday even- ing. October eighteenth at half after six o'clock in the rectory of St. Mary's church, Dr. O'Neill performed the ceremony. Miss Anna Dowdell acted as maid of honor; Mr. Cleophas Berube. brother of bride acted as best man. An oyster supper was served at the residence of the brides parents Among the out of town guests were the grooms parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fredrickson and Min Fredricksonof Kenosha and Mr. and Mn. Joseph Berube. The young couple will be at home to theirfriends in the residence of Mr. Morrison on Vine Avenue. At the marriage of Miss Franoeu Beardsley Clark. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward 8. Clark. 61 E, Cedar Street.’ Chicago, formerly of Highland Park. to Frederick Leonard Devereux of New York which Will be celebrated on the evening of November twentieth in the Hamilton hotel, Washington, D. C.. Miss Cornelia Mercer Smith will be maid of honor. Miss Florence Pomeroy and Mrs. Ira June Owen of Chicago will be the other attendants. The best man will be Phillip O. Coffin of New York City. Mi. Clark is the granddaughter of Mrs. H E. Obee of 134 S. Green Bay Road, Highland Park and her father, Mr. Edward B. Clark is one of the foremost newspaper cor- respondents of the country 'and write! for the Chicago Evening Post. Mr. Clark is also an authority on birds and Mrs. Clark. formerly Miss Eliza Obee, like her husband is a clevex writer and is a cot- respondent for the Chicago Evening Post. Mary E. Brand and husband to C. H. Griffiths and wife. lot 4. blk 20, Highland Park, W. 0., $5,637. Caroline Roberg to Maud Roberg. et al.- south 175 {ML West 50 feet. east 100 feet, of block 14, plan! D. Highwood, (,2 C. 51. John Doran and wf to J. F. Duran. E 100 ft W 225115123“ HER L HM ‘L. Martin DeTamble and wife to J. L Mctzen, lot 3, blk 3 and 1013 3, blk 4. Ridgewood Park, Highland Park, W. D.. Ann Kirby and }' (”n-my. W 3H 1'! N Z- Highlzmd Park, W 1‘ John Doran and 100 ft W 2251151: Higtmood. W L). $11. ls’wu lots in \‘lllam \ lot 1‘." F. P‘ Hawkms and Mfr to 105ch Del. lhaye. part of the south half of 1m 24. Mear's plat of highwuod, W D 31‘ \W. W. Hoope and wife to A J 3? Mc- Boan, €an 68 feet of lot 6, block 52, lhgh- land Pakk, W D, $12,000. F. P. Hawkins and wife, to C 5- Dart lot 14, Highwood, W D ‘waso rm Slut“ Inu‘y.“ [h rmd, (1 L . M .1 rgarw L HF $4,0w00. ‘ef )UY

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