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Highland Park Press (1912), 7 Nov 1912, p. 4

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«hr, , v A book of the bazaar is to be issued with an account of the various features and ahistory of the parish. illustrated with photographs. The chairman of the general committee is Mrs. Frank L. Wean. and her assistants are Mrs. Earl On Thursday evening the bachelors gavea Hallowc'en party to the officers and Iddncs u! {hr otficers duly. The rooms were ill’KbllCilny deconm-d wnh pumpkins. lantern: and corn 5' .11“. W. Spencer. Miss Elizabeth Towner, and Mrs. John H. Harmon. L'nder them are fifteen cornmittees, each having charge of a special booth or department. A hearty welcome will be accorded to all comers and all are guaranteed agood time and an honest dollar's worth. THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS by using the new, marvelous ~Dusu'ng Liquid that dusts, cleans and polishes at the same time. A trial will prove m you what real “Dusting Satisfaction" is. Your home will always have that new, huh “im-aftex-house-clean- ins" look. IWFIIIISI On Friday night there wiil he an in formal yup for the ladxcs and nmccrs“ an article stating that its publishers have decided to follow the lead of the Iowa association but rather to offer an op- portunity for Comparison between its methods and theirs. THE PRESS prints an average of fifteen columns of local newscach week and of this fully one» fifth is devoted to entertainments and bazaars given by various societies. No charge is made for printing these notices as news items for THE PRESS is publish- ed for the express purpose of boosting local institutions and we are glad} to get such notices at any time. Pvm Hut-31> WEEKLY BY JOHN L, L'DELL at Hxvhlzu‘t' Park. Lake Coumv. Illinois Tclvp umc V. . Highland Park .762 Subscription Price $1.50 per Year in Advance litlittltiil »\ssm‘l mm. held a tau «ceks ago the resolution ado )tcd unanimously tull.ming “as on:- Lllllt‘itf in Ll “beuiVi‘d. l:.t any :itlicrtisiztg for church. charitable or other organizations given for the benefit 0! financxal gain should be charged for as other ad\ertis- ing; that the newspaper. publishers con tribute to these institutions and that their advertising space is their merchandise and should be paid fur by the same or‘ ganizations." Mr. lll K. Coale Sn. had his guvst on Sunday- .\lr, l’asqucth ot Nlcxico, Mu Mr. and Mrs» Charles Stoker of St. johns l’lzicc haw moved to Lake Forest. Mr. John Middleton left Friday for Los Angcles, Cal., where he Will remain this Winter (13 Miss Dorothy Mitchell had as her JWeek-end guest Miss Ruth Mathewson of Chicago. Mr and Mrs. W VV' Hoops haxe taken A spcual feature Will be made uf [ht luncheons and suppers which uill be served to all on both days. and for whch tables may be reserved in advance and friends are urged to arrange luncheon parties and to come to the cafeteria din- ners. In addition tea will be served and light refreshments. Make Your Furniture Glad .~\: 1 ut'h; 4' {hr Southern lmxn [{(9:((411| Assm‘auwr. hcldatru «crks ago the :nllnumg “a" on:- mhcic m u rcmiuxmn ado )tcd unzmlmoush: THE PRESS does not print the above with any intention of following it with All summer long the ladies of Trinity Church Guild have been working for the great bazaar which is to be held in the new Sunday School and Parish building on Friday and Saturday. November 22 and 23. the proceeds to be devoted to the building fund. The plans which were carefully drawn up six months ago. have been faithfully carried out and all the indications are that the affair will be a great success. Numbcrless dainty articles suitable for gifts have been gathered together with many other things for practical everyday use. There will be daintles for the Thanksgiving and Christmas tables and dolls and pretty things {or gifts. A large a‘fiortmentnt unusual Christmas cards has been specially imported from England for the sale and Wlll be offered at moderate prices There Wlll also be many useful and pretty articles for buy- ers wnh :lendcr pnr>es as well as tur thnse \\'ll‘)x'3ll affird to <;>end liberally and it has been decided to maintain at a single irtir price for all articles and nut to tn the .4 rcnnstmn upon things left un- sold at the end (if the semnd day. There l) the tea H; Mn and delicateasen slt£.p, the Untrh Garden, the Cl‘.”lt‘.\t‘ Laundry, the furtunetelling booth, a smoking mom for the men and a con tinuous vaudenlle performance and many new and original features. Will Open new Sunday School Ind Puish Building Nov. 22 and 23 Thc \Inr: .\(‘n>>s the: SH?” n c Pgnnvué'SONs F t. Sheridan Notes TIIE TRINITY GUILD BAZAAR I.TAW 3.74 .\‘ i‘»'}'i.\1i’;‘r Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Van Evera have as; A éolburn; Dorothy Margaret Bard, {:1 their guest this week Mrs. Robert Cheese , daughter of Mrs F. N. Hard and Vera h: man of Shannon. “l- { Leone Purdy. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ng‘ Mr. and Mrs. V. Muzik had as their 3 Earl H, Purdy. 22jguests on Sunday Mr.‘ and Mrs. Walter . Inman of Ravenswood Mrs. Percy V. Pennypacker of Austin he‘. V ' l , ' _ , Texas. president of the general federation :re 1 Mr. and Mrs. Davns Ewmg 0f Bloom. 1 of Womans' Clubs who has come to Illi- ,ve . ington, “1., were the Sunday guests 0‘ l nois as a guest of hcrlor of the Illinois he ‘ Mr. and Mrs. W. 0' Ewing. “State Convention to be held at Aurora . a 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Russel and children I next week is the guest of Mrs. France-SD. ‘of Oak Park were week-end guests of 3 Everett. Today Mrs. Everett givesa lun» for ? Mr. and Mrs. James Grant. i cheon to the board of the Ossoli Club to Theodore Suelke has sold the business he has been conducting under the name of The Highland Park Dairv to Wm. Wendt of Chicago. Mr. J. B. Gregory, who has been visit- ing his parents m Princeton. Kentucky. returncd to his home on Washington Street this morning. On Thursday, November fourteenth the Ladies‘ Auxiliary of the M. E. church will meet with Mrs. A. H. Baker of St. Johns Avenue. Mrs. Mildred Guriey; of the Town of Deerfield, has brought suit for a divorce from her husband, George Gurley. chargo ing desertion. Mrs. C. C. Clark and leaves Friday for Highland Falls, N. Y. to spend a few munths with her son who IS amending school at West Point. Christian Endeavon and evening ser vices at the Ebenezer church were sus pended Sunday on account of the Presby terian dedication services. Prof. S. M. Umbach of Naperville, “1.. preached the sermon at the Ebenezer church Sunday morning and gave an in- teresting talk on Palestine. Lt. and Mrs. G. F. Patton and small son. George Francis left Sunday for their home at Ft. Rielly. Km, after spending several weeks with relatives here: Miss Gertrude Ne’vins, who has been ill the past eight weeks with ‘typhoid fever, is able to be around again and has taken her position at the high school. Mrs. Robert Cromwell and children of Villa Grove were the: guests Thursday and Friday at the horde of, Mn Crom- well's brother, Mr. W. A. Hasney of Highwood. Mr‘ George Harder. formerly employed with the People's Gas Light Co. m Chi- cago. has accepted a position in the gas office here. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Maechtle had as their week-end guest their daughter, Mrs. Ernest Armentrout and small son of Oak Park. Mr, and Mrs. W. W.- Hoops have taken an apartment at the' Virginia hotel for the winter. Then: will be a special meeting at the First United Evangelical church on Fri- day evening. ‘ Mr‘ and Mrs. Wm. Kopp have moved from Ravinia to their home on West Central Avenue. Tm» iadics of the M.’ Eachurrh will give u rummngc sale on Thursday, October 7. at the Fritsch store on Highwood Avenue. Mrs. M. E Sampsell returned last week from Atlantic City where she has been visiting frirnds and relatives for the past month. Mrs. C. N. KimbaH has as her guest this week her father, Mr. George W. Hadley of Boston. Mrs. C. P. Sullivan had as henggue§ts on Friday Mrs. J. Dailey and Miss E. Clair of Milwaukee. Miss Marjorie Aldridge had as her guest on Sunday Miss Beatrice Williams of Hubbard Woods. A LOCALANDV [my NEWS ‘ Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Gloden of Min‘ nesota are the guests of Mr. and Mrs Frank Rechtenwald. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Fisher had as their guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Markwardt of Niles Centcr‘ Mr. and Mrs T. Welch are recching congratulations on the arrival of a daugh‘ tcr. born Monday, November 9. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Richards had as lhvir guest a few days last \u‘ck Mr. Mortvm Ru‘hards of Uswegn, Ill. price In um- m‘ [in- Y. \\'. C :\ gn‘h‘. .\!i<s Hell-n Zimmvr underwent an 0p- ( 7;: mm nn [-xulm :md :g<l<‘\xng nicvly. M: 1m r J nu ‘ Jen-n: 01’ South (lrvcn “2; 11>! Hus work. Hay Rum! |< nn t.‘.<- < Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clements re turned last week from a few weeks’ stay in French Lick Springs, Ind. Mr, and Mrs. James Gasser and family will mmc from their home on Green Haj» Road 10 Ruvcnswood this “mix. A im re Miss Catherine Grant is untm- sick list. Mr. S. '1‘. Rrbling is (Unfincd m L15 mm mm ‘linms. .\Ir.211\(i\lx> .\I§_\\ .\'h‘\. j. 1" .' \' \\'l \L‘ .10“ \UI Hvl HHL‘ x-n Ea Sprint. 1 'qrip‘iun h) g Chh 'r n-nt ,IHIL HI d u'cc k «*nd \\'L‘l‘ Sun The death 09 Mr. John Horenberger'oc- cured at his home in Half Day Saturduy ‘evening at six-thirty o'dock after an ”L ‘ ness of black dypthen'a which lasted- only :two days. Interment ‘was in- Wheeling cemetery Sunday afternoon. ; and Mrs. A. Lawrence Mins; Kooert . :’ Avery Colburn, son of Mr and Mrs. Geo. A. Colburn; Dorothy Margaret Bard daughter of Mrs F N Hard and Vera l Leone Purdy. daughter Of Mr and MN along um: line but there is still much to Earl H Purdy be done. Those present were of the opin Mrs. Percy V. Pennypacker of Austin ion that a grand and good work would be Texas. president of the general federation 1 done if the public spirited men of High- 1 of Womans' Clubs who has come to lili- l land Park would join and opntribute so i nois as a guest of hcrior of the Illinois we might have a community house in State Convention to be held at Aurora I which to house activities already started I next week is the guest of Mrs. Frances D. , such as the Boy Scouts. The Young W0. 3 Everett. Today Mrs. Everett givesa lun» " mans Christian Association. The Boys i cheon to the board of the Ossoli Club to Club and give the much needed protec- ,give them the opportunity 0f meeting } tion and advantages to the youth of our PMrs. Pennypacker, who will speak at the : town |()SS()ll (“I“b this afternoon 3““ the regu l The tolloning ladies “ere hostesses for I“ program “hen M“ A Starr Be“ “f I the afternoon; Mrs. Henr) W Boyd chair- Drama League of America will speak on . man Mm Charlotte Bm d. Mrs. L. L. 30“] Community House in ‘Winnetka has done much toward providing a place for proper entertainment for young people and we are doing much in Highland Park The topic of Mr. Newman's lecture to be given tomorrow evening is “Switzerâ€" land" and in view of the excellence of the course presented last vear members and guests may expect an entertaining and instructive talk. Motion and still pictures of the scenes Mr. Newman visited to ob- tain material for his lecture will be shown. Mrs. C. E. Schaufiier is organizing a Dramznic Committee, and already has plans tor one if not (we of uur .old time Amateur performances. The meeting held last Saturday was verv tncoura’ging in point or members who attended and of fered their services. Thc children‘s Hzlllnwe'cn party wzh 0m- nf the prettie‘t and most sun‘ossful m‘cr given in the Club, every minute of the three hours [wing fully ocvupied by a» musvnwnts. 'l‘he Mcsdamcs S. J. Holland. H. R. Loudcn, (220. J. McBride, AIu-n R. Cnrqucvillc and ThosClemcms servcdtho refreshments and distributed the favors. Mr. and Mrs. A. Montgomery Ward and their daughter, Miss Marjorie Ward, left Tuesday evening for their winter home in Pasadena. Cal. They have given up their apartment on Drexel boulevard and on their return from the West will make their home in this city in the home Mr. Ward recently purchased from Judge (irosscup. Raymond Oetzel and brmher Lpslie of Fremont, Michigan are spending a few weeks with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. George Huber. son. Mr. Milligan has practiced law with one of the leading law firms in Glassglow for the past thirteen years and expects to open an office in Chicago. Mrs. Percy V. Pennypacker of Ausfin Texas. president of the general federation of Womans‘ Clubs who has come to Illi- nois as a guest of hcrlor of the Illinois State Convention to be held at Aurora "Intelligent 'l’lay Going". Members 0: Highland Park Woman's Club and many guests from um of [own will be present. A number of his friends partiripzncd in :1 Surprisc party for Roy Hnwo “hm they gathrrcd at his hmm- 011 County hm Rom! fur .‘1 phah‘zmt limo “'i'lek‘J! y mghl. Miss Helen Cnale. who has been the guest of Mrs. R‘ Hyde at Phlladelphin the past few weeks is expected home today accompanied by Mrs. Hyde who \\ ill spend a few weeks at the Coale home before leaving for California. Alexander Milligan of Glassglow. Seut‘ land, arrived here Friday to make his home with his uncle, Alexander Robert- During the Baptismal ceremony at the Presbyterian Church Sunday afternoon the new Font, the gift of the Willing Workers. was used forthe first time when Rev. Dobson administered the Sacrament of Baptism to the following babies: John Wingfield Carr, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Carr; Everett Lawrence Mills. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrence Mills; Robert Avery Colburn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Colburn; Dorothy Margaret Bard, daughter of Mrs; F. N. Hard and Vera Leone Purdy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Purdy. .\ mwzmg 4 penplu and a L of St, May's“! mm‘uhh‘lew mr Ihv purpz» mmfiu m Cluh 1 31‘55 Emma 1 \ m Mi» Mans has be THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS M An on fut ndiQwBVAâ€"Rii-E Hutu: th Int chance you In. and min. on. critically. You will not b. urged to buyâ€"It mm all nun. But can. in soon. ' for 20 yearsâ€"the one that produces the most heat tomb: least coat. in the one win: this tr e-mark. Heat: I cold room in a "jifiy"â€"to the remotes! cor- ners» The heat is clean And odorleu. Costs only one cent nn hour. to useâ€" Let us help. youâ€"for oil heat- ers are difl'erentâ€"some ate better Eha_n_ others The one sure best The Highland Park Club H D. G PURDYn' SONS XS €ka :1qu Mr. John Hofenberler floater Wkoly ‘(L‘K' mum ‘74 :udi hunm ‘ unuc her vxsi Obituary wDepend on Hut 951g. (03“)..an ml;- nf 3‘” mil .rler '| numbvr of thc young \1' I‘m uhlrr mcmlx-rs >h “:19.th in I'm- In;- nn Sclmol'l‘ucsdn) mghx n ,x‘aumm hm «nu-L in Iowa fur mu Anm today \1155 :r Visit 1w" :muthrr mixing an only! ,___. r""'â€"v -.vv â€". .... ”u... an yvluw, 19.13 ! p. m. from all points; 1:05 _p. m. from all 3 points; 2:43 from all points north; 3:44 ip. m. from all points; 5:44 p. m. from all i pointy 6le p. m. from all points north. ' The following ladies were hostesses for I the aflsrnonn: Mrs. Henry W. Boyd. Chair- ; man, Mrs. Charlotte Boyd. Mrs. C. L. Boyd Mrs. Frank Clark. Mrs. R. Calvin Dobson and Miss Estelle Clark. Mail closes at postoffice daily except Sunday: 7:11 a. m. from all points north; 8.00 a. m." from all points except for Highwood to Kenosha; 11:41 a. m. for all points north. 12:35 a. m. for all points except for Fort Sheridan to Kenosha; 2:13 p. m. for all points south, east and west; z3:14 ' In. for all points north; 5:42 p. m. f ' polo”; 8:00 for all points; Sundays_ :lfip. In. Highland Puk Md! Service List of mails arriving at this oflicc: 6:30 a. m. from all points; 7:41 a. m. from all poipts; 912;? a._m. {rpm all points; 12:19 ' Obituary Mr. Fred. Christmn Mr. Fred. Christman. son of Mr. and Mrs Charles Christman of Laurel Ave- nue. died Friday night at the age of 26 yuars afier suffering for over a year from concer oflhc stomavh. Services were held from the home of Mr. John Christman Sunday afternoon at 2 o‘clock, Rev. Henry Clay Miller ofl‘iciating. Interment was in Mooney's cemetery. Love Song ..................... Hal/man Secilian Mountain Song .. . . . . White MISS MARION MASON Vlblin Obbligato~MIss DUNN Informal dancing will follow the pro- gram and the admission will be one dollar. v Autumn Sadness ................. Nevin A Winter Song .................. Rogers Frae My Dearie ....... Mrs. A. 0. Mason The Nightingale has a lyre of gold . ..Foole MISS MARION MASON Four Cautionary Tales ..... Liza Iz'hman sts KENNEDY AND MISS CARVER VI Romance . Canzonetta Prelude ...... Warum? ...... Concert Walgz 1111- q.1estion: ‘Shall we nau- a mm. 111 111' 1111 1111noisj11ven11c Prutccthe A<smia- 111111 111 1111;111:1111 1‘ .1111 (11111 A1011: the North Sharp" \\ .124 1)!’~11!;:111 harasm 1111* (1111‘) 71111: - 3.111: 01111 1111-sl1b31r1‘1 111-111111119361111111 (1;. 1' ‘ 11.1114. “211.113 17: \1 ~ 1111105 1’111'111 (11 1111‘. :1..d \11~ 11.1Luu111 \\1111I1~ 111 \\ 1:111: 11.;1 1111- 1111111111) 101 the 111-111 111 511111 :111 hr- Thv Y. \V. C. A will benefit through the mtt>imlc which will be given at the Morning Saturday awning flur which the following is the program: The first step toward such nmorement has already been taken, with headquarters at Winnetka and an Advisory Council of' ten people for that town. This {all three members for this COUnCll were chosen from Highland Park namely:' Mr. R. L, Sandwi'ck, Mrs. Maud H. Shannon, Mrs. ' Geo. Dean. The kind of work mapped' out for the association is largely done in ‘ Chicago and the problems brought to the ‘ committee were to see that all buildings l used tor public affairs are properly used; 1 to prohibit the sale of indecent literature, i post cards and cigarettes to minors and to prosecute the people who sell them; decent regulations for our electric car stations; to see that the proper kind of; pictures are presented at the moving pic-1 ture theaters, also to have proper regula- tions at dance halls and dances properly chaperoned. Wherever investigations were made im< i provements have followed. 3 The Citizens Committee has decided ‘ that in order to find the weak placesflnl our towns, we need an officer who under- stands such work, that corrections may be made and innocent young people proâ€" é tected from the snares and traps into ‘ which they may fall. l Musicale to be given It Mgaine Follow ed by Informal Dancing Y. W. C. A. BENEFIT SATURDAY NIGHT and Mn. 1m Cuucln \Mmtt.‘ w \ 'l‘hv wrmim)‘ fur the nrru u! M: puniza‘iun has. groan (1121an mm mndv by Wmnvrkzi pc-nplv «Mr-mg fining: ;.nd summer. It is not the purpose m 1!.» :4 n-intc (‘nndnmns actually tuund {mutigutinn but smfiu- H h) 5:) mum-n presrnt at my mow-ting u m L‘U'UIHC and all ugrcrd thv I’I‘UH‘VIIIVL' Aswn‘lminn Wéh muc (m tlm north share. The Female Fan .......... Edi”: Mason The Beauty Doctor ............ Capwell MISS LAl'RA KITTREDGE KENNEDY III Hit 1 ; [zhland . Park \Voman's Club Missi PRISULLA CARVER ll MISS GRACE DL'N. IV Shall we have a brnrich Bums Osrar Klmc ..... Srlmmmm .,.Friml )' tuund UV {his n 105:!) 21w: Hu- w-ting were riune «'1 thv Jmeniilr 'éh much nm-dod Wimiawski D 'A mbroses ”h 1).le luzmnn A important qpntract on the house and they will tell you THE HEA TIA? CONTRACT. Why? Because they made a mistake andt k the cheapest Now they know thy best is the cheapest. You get the results and save the difference in fuel in a goo: plant. We installed about thirty plants which are amon the bat in town and would be glad to fur- nish you a list t4; investigate. T. H.’ DECKER CO; 128E. SAVINGS ACCOUNT S= August 21 xii 3%: SK many oflour citizens who have built, what is the most A wagon mill call for and deliver your garmenls The House That Pleases A Triil Will ' Convince You Laa’ks’ and gent’s garments cleaned, pressed, repaired and remodeled t0 loo/eas good as new Telephone: Dyeg's and Cleaners INCORPORATED 214 EAST minim AVENUE Hep: :‘Tbe Imperial” annoumcsthc nstituticin of a Ircgular $4:\'ll’;,£\ department. Deposits will be received in 11:1" amoun‘; trom $100 up on \xhith inter rest \xill ‘3. paid 56 i-zmnually at the rate of t) per mm per annum? Demand deposits will be accepted (in which interest at the rate (if 2 per cent per an» num will be allowed. Thé Pures-t Olive Oil PHAR-fyrAClsr x HIGHLAND PARK Néfrth Shore Trust Company “ Yéur garments are a part of you; personality, and should be lgjokec} after by men of ex- perfience and tact in the art of cleagping Dione but the purest and fipst Olive Oil 15 good enough for us and our customers. ’Ehis Oil is absolutely pure, vgholesome, nutritious and \é‘ery delicious. Fine for rhedicine and culinary use. 500 pint, $1.00 quart §912 23-2133 Uncoln Avenue, CHICAGO MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS Lincoln - 1948 Telephone 201 Highhnd Park W. GSELL Arthur W. Vercoe, Cashier Telephone Highland Park 265 - 8152 21':

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