Highland Park Public Library Local Newspapers Site

Highland Park Press (1912), 28 Nov 1912, p. 3

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n You? ,-. {Mr-c the work of mu damn-and more. As 1.51 the dust out 0‘ ! mar or carpet. but m. threads. lint. power ’rcded. [HI and prr, 11]! 8) (11¢, thi ,uncs ,H mm h dufi 8“ my» 9. u‘ecpgrs. R_Iu :1 rmmefi’ (vHi Y I' PFICIENT .\\ l‘t‘! u’r IIHI rcVUIViUK .lflheatre LEY xgfi‘ to p-y for l or tm-nx, Hostesses; re MA. Iuhn (.urlcy ton \drx. l- rederickg us ”11‘: md Mrs. E} to the DH”! 505‘th Ciiixzz‘ in) tissnerzes fer \ n: Exc ‘, You i boost wxrr- ' Kw Hdrdm 'KC: 1“ 4" erh r! Chi. m. .: 'hq- ‘xmt' )1 the I. “n 'l‘v gnaw-r of pokr :' [rm-sting) and a uni tim Wurx that ed rhc't- ‘lj; m:- mis Caxixzz‘ imbs'm read issmvusrzes :1» China, er \ n: Excra. a. ho re- ;ng L'no“. givxng ac- mu-rmtihg details of It ,pressmg ~2uxxt'action [ted HS d monstratif‘} ictures Ma H M C \VCC ic Sm all \rd :Ix‘ia‘. Il'h" i“. \X xtf‘ \V, ‘ b« ‘4'er )h'y'D( « :r't} “11; pm vur ll: Mu \én- T 5,1.xy _, «er ors r'. we K0 Cir ht 11 ”I J! 8mm 4, S and 6, State Bank Bldg. TM 673 “Km rm. ILL R Di B. A. Haik- Dr.l L Bangin- ’ DENTISTS :01? m1 Bailiuds Late Orin I A: With!“ Yd The Geo. Colburn Music Studio VOKE. HOUV WU {HEORY (31‘)sz and ()ichcstra Condnu ting 413 Kimball Hall, Chicago Briads Smiio F rank P. Mandy Office: Erskine Bank Bldg. . Phone 309 Chas. E. Russell gm! Engineer und Surveygr Like Forest, Phone 534-w 1773‘. John. Avon“ 1.1.95... 2n Tarp/lone 761 ‘» H '1“- IM 2392 Idaho: 331w For UP-TO-DATE SHOES DR. WATSON Eslu‘lu Telbphone 909 Mandy Studio '23 fl. Sheridan Road Highland Park FRANCIS FLORENT Telephone 632 VENCEL MUZIK Pin. 1'“. Railing and Kenning Fur qunnxmenh‘ .md bunk]?! mfnrmdnnn address Fresh Butter and Egg‘s Tetcher of French. Violin C o r n e t, 'Voice Culhn'e Surveys‘ Subdividmg. plans estimates for private public Improvement work E. E. F.\R.\IER J. A. Blomdahl FRED SCHAEFER PLUMBING Violin Instructor \\ HARRY J. RICHARDS 231 Park Avenue 1i »\\0 hinting Ind Decanting Wall Puper. Etc. Supplied BARBER SHOP J. P. STEFFEN 341 W. laurel Avenue HIGHLAND PARK. ILL Geo. H. Morris DENTIST lanai”). A on FINA); nl 43H Vina-u lune than Hmhhmd I MW [humid \ Highland Park BM 81!! We» Prim Right 1h.‘ 11 .-\ (.‘hrlstmm Pln'NurN’ or lm’eudfl mm) mm wixh driw) lzn‘e-ndor flown 3m tn perfume harm-hum linen will pan-zc- (kw huxkaw-ywr ' ‘ 1 nut \\ ll t1 ()xw whi~k is dri‘sst'd to represent a phmmtlun mummy A enlurvd‘dnll's head Is gluon! to (I)? handle or to some fumulntinn (hut will slip m'er (he‘han- dlo Then 1: dress of guyly flowered tum-u- Is made. the waist being fined Separutv 11H?!" may he made fnriho whisk hrnnms. or Hut-st! (Imwvrzlnuns may be applied dIrH-tly In the handles. Char-actor Brooms For tho Collage Boy or Gu'L If m .lrmm “Inn In give to the vol- legr MI} or 1;an yuu will numse and pic-aw by (II'P\>II12 n whixk lmmm in any nf the (Ulfllllt Rl)‘lt's‘ suggested DN'P “11!) mm! luvn- nr filw <Iuir‘x‘inu‘ of s: thinz~ (n pannf for “mu. “mm llw (-nslmm- um! um- she in sum ely liku Ill. I) H) in [nu-'15 m; In HIX‘I‘) fut huMin: [hr "1’“ Hl'm‘mh- mark h fuw warm: and um \lJL;H“"l‘IJYI|I1'iII' mun” or .1 (‘hnr “1r lili.’ ht_q-fy “4.“ NW .' mud.- “Inn-h “il~ Thly Ar. If mum-(Hm o- <Hk‘ u" HHII lpln-1 hm! l Iilnl AMUSING TOKENS. u l um JHHI , “It'lhllli‘ilh‘ Ihl luvn- nl‘ FANI'Y WHI‘K h HH') fuxh CHRISTMAS BAGS n-llnn m In.” tm-wwner it fur :l [Immuh'nu I! he A .un nnmlkvrvlnvl unnum- «k '«n-l :Inullln-v 1m) ”In; H UNLIHH leo- mnr Hm: hvml luv .llH‘Itli uzlh un-Imu I-' " llh' III'I-<~ Jun! Hln- IMt-I'H‘i \r. x'nnwl \\lIh :‘nlIIHL :H‘v I" Vin [urn ‘\ II h “w h [HBUN 1 HI‘ATEN HAO mm...“ H luv Gone'ally Asproved Gin 0' Women H ”In nm‘l‘a L'L'l\\'(" |n~l : Hu' [llA- 1]: I'H-lmn rurhmg “we mlIim-x of [In- tun: r!.mm-< \\:|< knollmi IlIlI RI quih xlul'lr unmlu-r w! wnvfi mlzlyvtml m lhii dimith lliw'tâ€"‘S \ivlu no!!! umlxnn of (he HI‘v l"|i\ mum-s 3 Nu u-r mu! m {luhmtinllle |I:I_\ Iu- H‘t'd I) \‘M INN-u and ~~ tvfh' {up i h." ”p! H: mun-h Him-h \ rm: fini<h “I”: Will anlmn, :ll of the mu 54'!!!» I: I blfl [liw'r‘s H1 Yet! most :1 rl‘ they nu h \n-rs 11.1v;::~ leH-Inzth-IHI on It Is u\\1.o. u n w- :11"! tul‘Hm \h‘m‘m uhu Inutnrs Uhr uh nf Hu- ~nrt Ht.” vzmnnt but ln- uwln; 1x :1 wt uf huh-IM-n-nwfs ruthrr inmvr Jmn (he onlmtr} Imps for uunmn and MI!) [he I-“ln’l'! mi (In 5 e-mlnrnlderml on n Il|)_\ nmmrrur t I rnar has It\. II‘M“ AiBoauty Bag. J‘np pro-ll) lulu Minn“ iwre may ()9 t'nrrimi on the arm It may he (lvslgn mi in ('Ulnt‘> m ”1340'“ (in- mulnriuu uni-ll Old ruw ~~'i|k farm with gregn ls uwd fur ilw <muri hug illusiruivd. 'l'ln- ”mum-(l purl is cut out of a sin RIO: mum] piwe of silk The allies are in rim-p points. ’l‘lu- lung is IinNi “‘IHI pule green silk A t'ilslng fur n unrruw rihlmn ut pale rn-mu m’nmlvh the lining is run In sulv Kiio- lulu .\ slur shulu-d sm'llnn 01 :rmm silk is mum-41 in 11w human: ur HH‘ mu. (1w r-nds ul tlw mm mung much! in the sides: or the inn: and nIIHIH-d wnh tin) lmws at rilllmn 'l‘lm m: was [inn-<1 “1m tiny porkotn. min \\ iii-'1') “mild in‘ slipped tlh- immjer CLOTH MOTORINO HOOD. requirwmc-m n! uuzonmhmng hmdmpnr Is mm It. mould be (-nmrorluble and stable Huh. Dunne-ls or hoods mm on" be diprm-o-d by the wind are worse than uwh-ss For llw mmhmr girl tlwre is nothing In tlw way or outfit or nwesxurtvs that has nmdv sun-n n "it as (he Ruined mm! sets. mnsistiug of cap. muff and sour! l\'ninwl u: t-i'ln‘ho'lvd thunk- :ln- :II “1‘.“ Ivm-[zfuhlv :IIM! curl] «raw-n brmuw Ira nun purtirulul slylvfi Um- ”rt‘v I»: u III-ml «rt-fl} Ithulv nml t! 2”} I_\ “huh-um 'IrlH.’ An Il~t'[|l :tII Yul" lln- («uumhr- lHnlnl’hl “III‘HN‘I ~|uut~x 3mm; 0: mt! It t.~ o! rmth m hruu'n and whtte mixtun- mmlvuu-M “I!!! Main white in lun‘kt-I \n-nu- (-lnth Tho- “ hit? ls- fur the hand “tun: tln-‘trum of the [mud and fur the Marin: :tnuulut [He-m- at tlw hark (‘nms s'litth in (‘uurw <i1k :- ”<01! [0 dwurzm- rtu- Hull) at the hut-f. and on the silk"! n!" the- (‘illl thmlc-s of ribbon ut thv Huh-s are “dorm-t] with large- «inure IbllHulN ('UH-t'o-d “ilh <ilk 'l‘mme. hm. :m- tin hhw (.1 H '4'.’ 13-454" ,. 4 n ‘1 “nooudwfin; Usetul Cflrisfinas Prgs:m GIFTS FER, LE [1!] If? THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS Inn \\Il'l(‘l'1|\'\ \‘Hh'h frum rhr \lH; rum-Hrs Handmade Ve<1s Prouy Hoadgnr. In! wi'nrho-lwl llumlx‘ :lrl 2:192:31 Rihlmn Hes ‘\ ”h :m H HF II Office 105 W. Central Ave. Telephone 491 We also have on hand misfit suits and overcoats at very low prices. fl First class Cleaning, Dyeing, Repairing, Pressing and altering of Ladies and Gents clothes. (L We will call at any time for your suit, press it and return it the same day if desired. May we take care of the cleaning and pressing of your clothing etc. The following prices are lower than you can buy elsewhere and the Feed z'sllequal to (my, if not better than that for which you are playing higher prices. We will furnish delivered without; grit 100 lb. lots . $1.90 per 100 lbs. 500 lb. lots . . 1.85 per 100 lbs. 1000 lb. lots . , . 1.80 per 100 lbs. : 2000 lb. lots . ‘3' . 1.75 per 100 lbs. With Grit at 5 cents per 100 lbs. less than above prices. We have as full line of all other feed at proportionally, low prices. Ho ping to be favored with a trial {order which will be delivered to you promptly we beg to remain, ; Yours very truly, . " i , . 7' x " " a F you want to. save money without low- VII / .» Q ,: erikiri‘g the’value of your suit or overcoat ‘ ' f; _ we suggest that you call here and see “NW/m». f " 41““ 1 what the International offers you for say ‘5 1 $15, $20 and $25. You will be surprised 3 L“ g to find that for these prices you get exactly the same grade of work that costs else- 5‘ i where $20, $25 and $3). The same differ- ence is seen in every garment the Interna- tional makes from the lowest to the highest price. This difference is not the result of ,f l ‘ inferiority of fabric or workmanshipâ€"it 7‘.» "" is simply a question of the International Tailoring Company being the biggest house in the country and by reason iof its vastness is able to produce a garment at a vastly lower cost. Big business means economy in production. YOU have undoubtedly heard or read the arguments of politicians for the past several months in relation to the high cost of living and as; to how reduction can be made; we do not intend to argUe the question, but to furnish you with Positive Facts and also Deliver the Goods. We will show you how that part pertaining to the feeding of your Poultry, Horses and Cattle can be re- duced at least 20% from the-prices you are now paying, by dealing'with us. We have purchased several cars of CHICKEN FEED of which the first has just arrived and we’re goingto give you the benefit of the reduction in price. Let Us Make YOur' Next READ THIS, IT MEANS MONEY FOR YOU Highland Park? Hay Grain Co. R. KAF TAN S K I, Tailor T. M. noouzv, Mgr. Stiit‘ or Overcoat Waukegan Ave. Highwood, Ill. Telephone 82“

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