at :5 thd â€105': will tell you Be they made :now (It! be“ he difference thirty plants a glad ti) {“1" he of Illinois ruey - 8162 3mg. Kr- (£ Iighlzujd 1y years '1‘: P'eddent. ru ' A Mm" Rn. rarmwus .‘y'lul' h-rrvmr. nre'LI; Glenn)? of [50$ You Park 255 £155 PanY am CO. H \5 of \U’L 2', TPw cngagement of Miss MLmie Verney tn Hrf‘flafl J. Liesh is announced. The wcddmg wifl take place at St. Mary's chmr. January 15. Mr‘. Hui Spencer was hostess at a yuung people's dinner on New Year‘s eve prgu-tfzng the masquerade party at the ngn:ar‘.d Park club. _\X.-~ Robert B. Gregory entel dmnr-z at the Blackstone on swung in honor of her niece. Strnmyz. (m Monday afternoon Miss pnzgemld entertained a number schm inends from two until six Mrs. C. F Mather Smith was at a bndge on Monday afternoon or of Mrs. O Dickinson Street. Veirinont Maple Syrup Q We’ rjespectfully ask you to give us a chance to serve you E have checked up our accounts and take pleasure ; in thanking our patrons for their liberal patron- age that has made our laundry and dry cleaning ;, business a success. We have tried to keep our prices low enough to eliminate any argument with our pa- trons and still hold up the high quality of our work. In this we have succeeded and have enjoyed a most satisfactory year. The residents of Highland Park and surrounding towns are good judges of Laundry and Dry Cleaning and we have tried to make ourselves worthy of their Conï¬dence (I They came to us because theV believe we will give them value received and they are patronizing us because of their conï¬dence in us. We are trying to deserve and keep their patronage. (I We have never had so many accounts of laundi'y‘and dry cleaning as at present and we take that as a sign of approval of our method of doing business. We will give valmtreceived and put the laundry and dry cleaning business where it belongs, ON TOP! H :51 (183.1 The Chicago Tribune in its issue of Sunday. Dec. 29 announces that it will pay $5.00 for the best letter on that subject. '“ They will publish the answers next Sunday. [will venture that there are ï¬fty persons owning property in our Exmoor Addition who could u rite prize answers to that question. Everybody who bought property there doubled their money on the purchase. lzun now offering bigger bargains than exer. ~ Lots in the New Subdivision of Block 1 Exmoor Addition just north of Vine Awnue station on C. M. Electric only $3â€) and upwards. 'I‘emis $50 cash l)£llilnCt‘ easy payments. 5 years time. interest only ti percent. Nearly halfot' the lots are already sold. “What We Can’t Do, Can’t be Done†.(IHH NI C). A. ‘LEWIS, Highland Park Hotel MARTIN KIMBIE, n4 Onwemia Ave._ Sthmacher’s Drug Store .dart .‘I . $0.50 réd. W. Schum‘acher ThéiSocial Side of Life 1 mm £5 ‘ (7381-1 1) e .UEJIIM‘RS ML 727$ 41 rid Highland Park " Dr} Haunts: _\lru‘e I. "S uiu.’ g :1 bu‘ulluun _ # l 5-: ‘ I . .e [Hmong Lunnnln 5201‘ ' ‘b â€r! â€I :1 Absolutely Pure â€I w :1. ’r’u ruu'ns bq'lmw'n'n Lula Fan’s! am! Wmm‘tku lhrn‘ In D mu! m (1“! 411/! for your luumirj, or (Ir) dummy u‘vnl' (1/ am (II'J‘III‘ H) z! [Klm’d/ UV fl/IOHQ' HS Buy now while you bare the chance 11993:: Park entertained at Local Affairs of the week â€" By the WM! was hostess Mm L diss Bessie ber of her six o'clock. Tuesday Miss Jean in hon Mr. and Mrs. Merrick A. Mihills 01‘ Mr and Mn Ce Forest Avenue announce the engagement t 83 their dinner of their daughter, Marjorie Aylcswor‘th COUNiO" It "K “W to Mr. George W. Rosseter of Chicago, in Mr. and Mn '1 Mrs. John Irwin Marshall entertained , M“ Jam“ L M" at a dinner for ten guests on Saturdgy William R. Tipper eVeninR In. honor of her son. Wm. Rafferty. 1°“ T‘mk' who is a cadet at West Point. He ar-v Mrs. Charles E" rived on Saturday and returned to theieml’l'fli“ed â€V331 Point on Mondav. :ner before the In Mn N. Corwith was hostess at a dc. Iightful luncheon on Friday in honor of her son. Nathan. who is home from Boston Tech for the holidays. Franklin Page. son of Mr. Frederick Page. who is home Irom school for the holidays, entertained ten of his boy friends at dinner on Sunday. 1.75 "u n 4 3 «in Milton I uumlr) nun 'tlnund In The munbcrx' u: lhx‘ .flumm ,-\ «w ‘ (inn ul lhc high «haul rt’tt-rmmul .H A ‘danmdt the Rmmm (MIG lull .H-um un the evening of anlyy tht’vth ll “us an rxroptmnallv pruuy p.§;(_v .md though [he nttemlancr wad nut Mike .1 )nll)’ 1mm was enyoyed. Mr and .Vf'f. Ruhrml I Sandwlxic k yhapx runod _~\ on- .mraqz-xe plau- {ur :ld mu- mm. m: B lam d 1.5 m ‘llu‘ Ranmd hall room “Rh xh .lfllflx dunralmns and bc aulltul llhhmgschcme Amunkv the alumni who â€tended Urn-re Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Shel: . Min Lilhc Bell, Mr. and Mrs. He Boll, Miss Nancy McPherson. Mr. Eul McPherson. Mr. Lloyd Ray. Mia Nefle Fitzgerald. Miss Estelle Clark Miss rude Nevins. Mr. Anhur Steele \hssl ear Taylor Mr. William Wrcnm Mr ‘ rben Moon. Lfr'. Roger Fritah. \hn' den Rcbllng. Mr Archibald Abercrombu and Mr. A. Ml. William Wrcnm Mr. ‘ Lfr'. Roger Fritah. \lm " Mr Archibald Abercromb‘ R William: a One of the most attr 've wedding: of the past year took. pl 1! Trinity church on Saturday evq thg 8th. when Miss Kathleen Mc ‘ Darrick Formal (lmners‘ have bee-tune In Hmh land Park In else-“her" the greatest pleasure and entrrlam ' n! prn‘rdmg the danres and there ar aivuvs a num» ber of parties. ()nc- of e lm'clles! ml the holvday dinners w.L iven by Mr, and Mrs. John Glass m nur nf l.n-::L O'Brien and his b'lde to i Miss Fuulds, on Monday evening, A mg {he guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frct’trick Preston. Miss Marcia Warren of \Chicagn Mesa Cathenne Cashing. Mun gum Fem-nteld of Baltimore. Mr. and â€Mrs. Culburn Symmes Fnulds. Ensvmv William H O'Brien, l'. S. X. Luz-u; Your. Lnrut. Maddox. Mr. Dcuer Stï¬rues. Mr :ud Mrs. Walker lixnns of Krlllwuth Mrsv Stubbs entertain about thirty ynung people at a deli tful luncheon preceding the New Year’ party at the Highland Park club in h‘ur of her sons. Elisha and Chisholm Sté’bs and among the guests were Josephingfaxon. Frames Buo-ll. Caroline Scholield, piubclh Prindi» ville, Caroline Willem, Helen Willem. (irzu‘ie Andrews. Ddruthï¬luller, Frances Pardridge, Charlinc- lies, Elizabeth and Constance Duffy of hicagu. Pardct Jmnbscn. I‘MWLH Schumqjhcr, Misï¬regnr Willets, Nnni ' n and Mcderu‘k Schu- mai'licr. Allen Mason, iJL‘larilu-w and Niki) Mnrgnn, Ruin-rt â€Villm'ns. and Franklin Pago- l4 0! interest to a hum of Highland Parker! is the annou emenl of the marriage of Miss Juanit Charter. niece‘ of Dr. and Mn Robert 3i Preble 0! cm cage, to Mr Edward L. {than of Ncwi York which took place Siturda) evening at the residence 0! Dr. “ Mrs Preblc at 1518 Dearborn Avon . Mr, than and his bride went direct to New Yurk ‘ where the) are at home “1! 17 E me mnth Strefl. .. The Cornell Universi Glee Banyo and Mandolin Club. will e rtain at their annual concert to be iiï¬n at Orchestra Hall on the evening of ihnuary 3rd in Chicago. Highland Mk will be well represented as Cornell l‘s been for yean the favorite eastern colWe o! the young men of this city and argon; those who will attend parties to‘ e concert are Mr. Carleton Vail. Mr. VF." Vail. Mt. Malcolm Vail, Mr. Ar ie Mason. Mr‘ Edward Smith, Mr. Elli faxon. and Mr: Henry Scarborough. . a Mr and Mrs Charles. . Schnumrr rn- tmncd the xm-mbrrs of t e V 0. club 01 Chicago .1! the annual . w Year ru- rc- uninn. The V 0. I: a I rary sm‘u-ly u! twentyï¬ve standing. cor posed of twent) members whlch since lh rganizauon has met on Nev. \ears eve gt the Schauflier home 5 The annual ball gnwn ’ 3; {hr Highland up,» Park telephone pulls wxl ukc plau- nn .md the vvening n! Wednesd‘â€, Jmunn‘ lf‘lh, (La .1! Ruunm Park. Th8 \‘Mantm' n: Hu- lmrm- and hthKle‘S ntlhr cu-mnu arr nth: 'hr' Must-s Agnes (ninth: HIMPK 1h (1.4m Dn-nng.‘ [rs-Hr Nm h, H rrvtm lngvrsnflv Yum Flurrnn- I‘Ier‘ [€112th Rnhr‘ Hazel rrn Piil’krr. and Emma Sevéï¬nn. at R Mr. and Mm (i. V. [ï¬ckmsun cnlcrlaln- ed at a dunner tor [tn preceding the cotillion at the Moraino. Among the guests were Mr. and rs. Eugene F. Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. . L. Drum, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gardner, Mr. and Mrs‘ Frederick Baylim. Mr. 'Harry Tuwner, and Mr. Clnudman of V2}; Yurk, win: 15 a brother of Mrs Duckmgvn. entertained leveral youâ€); people at din~ ner before the Juniogl tnlhon at the Highland Park Club ' t Thursday in honor of their sons. 3 _ n. Franklin 8 Hussey entertained as ry attractive dinner for her son. R William R. Tipper. in! Mr and Mn Joh21 Tuttle i *4 Mrs. Charles Evert“ ad Mrs. Stubbs afternoon from two fl) 7' o'clock. Mr and Mn â€WA lcn Mason had as their dinner preceding the cotillion It the Mor 31 Mondaycven- Miss Anna Blom daughter of Mr. and Mn Andrew Id of (.Ienview Avenue entertained trends at I party on her twelfth bin I†on Saturday afternoon from two fl) oclock. in Mr. and Mn T ' v-‘anler. Mr and Mrs. James L Marti > ('1’: Mr. and Mn The Knights of Pyt u entertained at a New Year dance an Pool gymnasium It was I large and w nsful afblr and the jollieu kind oft was .‘njoyed by the guenu. i Mrs. Frank Lincoln“ can will enter- tain aft supper on nday evening in banor of her non-in- and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Dygkinson Street of m mama PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS I '1’; Mr and Mn in! Mr and Mn all mum mu 2 h “as and though Holly Inn‘o Ru hard I Socrety ol the North Shore suburbs was well represented it the wedding at “Miss Keturah Fouldn. daughter at Mr and Mrs. Frank Whetstone l-‘ouldu. and ‘ l.Ieut. Robert Emmet O'Brien 01 the 27th Int. 1' S A., whirh took plate New Year's night In Trtntty Episcopal (hurth at eight o'clock Long before the ap pointed “me the church. uhnh wuu beautifully devorated in green and wlnte_ was ï¬lled With the guest: J" l’ L‘ Wulcott performed the ceremony The bride. who Is I great favorite in Highland ' Park and FL Sheridan. wore a gunn 0! white charmeupe made “1â€) :1 tnurt ttllr. rand trimmed tn rare uld lace and :1 tulle thl caught wtth orange lilnsuvtnx ~\he carried a ahuwer bouquet u! bride-'3 tunes and lllllfs ml the \alle) The matron ut lwunr, Mt: Cullmrn thnrs Foulds. matermJaw ml the bride uure \Illllf charmeuw and carried a bouquet â€(American beauty rose: lhe hrulr‘ maids ul whom there where [In Mm Harriet ()‘llnen nl Laurenceullu liltl sister of the [mom and Min: MAN ll-Ilt hr of Dayton. ()hm. rousm ut the brute nun- Watteau mntumes ol pale blur I lnmu “51' and carried bouquets of Ame-man beauty rape; Enugn “llllalll ()‘l' nen Jr 5 N.. brother 01 the groom. arted an best man and the Usher: I‘rtr Lieutenant- (leutge W Maddux. liartun h Yum and Joseph l’luntnci‘rr at Ft Shemlannnd Emmnjnhn Jaumn London. I' is N. H! the Lake Bluff Naval «tatmn Mantel Hlmr Foulds. nephe“ ut (lll‘ hmle, vs.“ a mem‘ier ot the hndal mm r'mtumng the mremunv n SltIJlt trtrptwn w.t~ hrltl at UM“ residence Itl (ht~ Wide 3 parents 'lhe decoration» m-tr lmrly .md the rooms were lxmersnt x'n-neu .mt rzlltrst. The bflddl table was .artsmgnt 1~r ( tutu t-en guests and thc' lulu: a Law m '"llUk‘Cd thruug'mJt the “ï¬lth-1,: “as the ln'nmry bl u.- an! tr HI lhr‘ t‘rtlf' r piece «.1 ltlllfh â€I the \Alll‘). brnle‘ “new and maiden hatr tern. \st-rc ~treuhed blue satin ribbons turnnng mr Hurst artistic 0! table (ll‘tttmlluh‘ \Altlt 1hr snltly bhaded (auntie. \t rm ‘1 pt“.- were damty blue tullr bag-1 unutmrlmu nu- and the pbce ends were little brxdn tor the men And :oldier boys for the ladlft. The oll'zcers in lull dreu and the original and pictureoque costumes of the Indie. 0! the party and: a most unusual and beautilul edect. Lieut. O'Brien and his bride Will be ll home after the (in! , of March at Ft. Shendln. Among the out of town (out: who were here lor the wedding were Mr Ind Mri “Illxam H. O'Brien.g parents of Lieut,(l' linen. 1nd "to daughters. the- Mines Mamet and Frmce: O’Brien and sun. Em‘um William K. 0'.,Brien.Jr l} 5 N Lawrenceiille' lnd.; Mr. and Mn Vme at Middletuwn. Ohio: Mr. 1M Mn L. C. Hatch And datum“. Mi-Mnry Hatch 01 Dayton.{ Ohio: Mr. 1nd Mary Acton Hall at Piqun. g OhhandMI-ujouphflhir Ind MmE ‘ 8. Gilbert at Quantum. can l luncheon in honor at Miss Fouldu and her bndal party while in the evening the little folk: reigned wpreme at I party given In their honor at the Hughlund Park dubv poplcin W 0! her daughter, Mm Margaret Bunndl. 0n Toad-y Mn. Wm E. Ten Breech wu hostel- It a amt-k The day of the ordmary but heauhhfl (no step and waltz Is danced in h-u \‘rnrs ago has passed and elcn lhc Baum: dip Is now (‘mmdcrcd by “(hau- who know" qum- paxsrr and the elderi an- to hr fuund as \u‘ll .Is (he Int-Iv Carr (re-r Hum: daughter of Mr and Mn. James Camp- - hell became (he bride of Mr Herbert. Milton Johnston. It ‘15 I vmlll affair: at which only intimate lnendr were} pres-m. Acting as mllmn of homo: wall the bride’s miter. Mn Wnlll-m J. Louder ; back, and thc groom's ln'ends who ml members of the wedan party were Mr. I William JV Loudcrback. Mr. Johmon o! ()ak P-rk. and Mr. Lynn Rodwcll The church was unusually bcnuulul vmh Ill Chrmmas decorations. The cerrmuny was performed by Dr P C. Walnut and‘ followed by a 1m.“ rn‘eptwn at the ‘ home 01 Mn Loudcrback. 311 Mount-l Road. A Good Begihningfor'the New Will help make it one of the most successful of your life. If you were not among our many satisï¬ed customers last year we invite you to join them this year and we will try by every fair means to make you glad you have done so. DALE SWEETLAND’S PHARMACY " ‘2'. hm MIR m hx-Hl .nrnls yd 1hr No doubt you are acquainted with the class of work we have done ih the past. but IX) YOU KNOW, that our department for Pressing. Repairing and Remodel- ing Ladies' and Gent's Wearing Apparel is done right have in Highland Park, by an EXPERT TAILOR (if many years experience. Phone 1 10 Big Bargains in White Goods THE BEE HIVE BARGAIN STORE 212 E. Centrd Ave. E. G. Burl-ill, Prop. Hi‘hhnd Park Headquarters for Se and 10c goods nehnpa’ialDyersandCleanet-s 314 E. Cantu] Ave. Chas. H. Warren Co. THE BEEHIVE Special Announcement In fact you will ï¬nd big re- ductions in every depart- ment in our store. See' our display of Framed Pictures at 10 and 15 cents BARGAIN STORE A. H. MUHLKE "lubnlï¬y on wheelsâ€? A substantial portion 0! our product {0; the new Var \HU go to [how “ho have nrcd n! [he expense and trouble of a ham \, unhnndy car. . iwen lhrrd u" I: .1?â€in .‘M-mh INHII' hmr Ire-h inld and deln'nu-d Km mun runabout M31. tuunng an 91†drlurry my 8LT. {Hun Mr Sam mm a“ ('(JUIDHH'HI I u I. Drum: (my pm'u‘ulan fvmx. A new car for lhc ncw year! \N'hx try 710 get along wnh old cumbersomt" THE ('A'IVERSAI. CAR u"! ( (NIL FORD Decrfield, Illinois 'l; I/Ifll. u: Highland Park Tolcphooo 265