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Highland Park Press (1912), 16 Jan 1913, p. 4

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i3! On Monday evening Capt. and Mrs. Ford entertained informally witha Monte Carlo party for Lt. and Mrs. Bard The gnaw wen Major and Mrs. \icNamee Major Whittenmeyer, Lt. and Mrs. Coale Lt. and Mn Allen. Capt. and Mrs. Williams, CapL and Mrs. Helms, and Miss Helms. Miss Getty. Lt. and Mrs. Emery, Lts. Ellis. Waddcll. Johnson. Walker, Murphy. and Stevens; Capt. Robertson. Miss Carolyn Shields and Mr. Culver Shields of nghland Park. 1.1. Yon: had as his weekend guests, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Comstock. Jr., of Chicago and their gucst. MissLindc-nberg of Columbus. ()hlo. LL and Mrs. Gilbert Allen h home" Saturday for Capt. and Lt. Col. Wilcox has mother. Capt. and Mrs. Blanchard returned last week from a months“ visit with relatives in St. Louix They mil leave next week for Ft. Strong. near Bust: n :0 make their home there, Lt. and Mrs. Hard of the 19m lnf., are the guests of Capt. and Mrs. Williams. On Tuesday afternoon a small bridge party was given by Mrs. Williams for Mrs. Bard. The guests playing were Mrs. Savillc. Mrs. Murphy. Mrs. Steven- son. Mrs. Helmes. Mrs. Bard. Mrs. Allen. Mrs. Brown, and Mrs. MrNamee. Mrs. (ietty and daughter Cumelia. Mrs. Chat» field, Mrs. Tucker. and Mrs. Spencer Smith were in for (ca. Mrs; M. McNamee had as her guests Friday ar the hop. Miss Ciara Kingsberry. daughter of Col. Kingsberry. Inspector General of Chicago staff. Miss Mildred Marsh of Chicago. and Mary Scdgwick of Highland Park. Sup sumo (nend shuuld ask the ollowmg uesuon: ”I: (be be“ too good .7" a how your .3- we. Then suppose you had tried every huh on the marka includ- Inu N -FINISH and a friend asked winch you like best. Wu know your mar. jlw1Juld be xhe same as hundreds at other enthususuc NU-FINISH users would give if asked the same quesuun, WhineSlSOnYatifln-u Entered a secondvcl-III matter Much 1. 1911.8! the post office It Highland Park. Illinois. under the Act 0! Much 3.1879. We Know Your Answer} Pvaust-zn Wanna: 3? JOHN L. Unsu. a! Highland Park. Lake County. Illinois Telephone :: : Highland Park 562 111mm” PARKPRESS D. G PURDYN‘D SONS Studio 541 St. Johns Ave. Tolophono 145 Miss Josephine Trott Teacher of Violi Central Theatre West Central Ave. They’re always good Watch ' for our Special F eatures F t. Sheridan Notes THURSDAY. JANUARY 16. 19l3 “Studies in Shiffin‘" for the Violin KIYAILIID‘D M74 MCOCPOIAT(D Author of ‘pt. and Mrs‘ Bard. Mr. Beltramo. who is engaged in -busi- ness in Mexico. is visiting (or two tech fiatlipi'itaszgxl-t: with his wife and children who are mid- \I‘rs Bard‘ The ing in Mm. Charles Baker's home at 426 ‘ ' ‘ ' (Hence: Avenue for the Winn-r. ; ll_4 |l,.\v__‘,t Allen had an "at as his guest his W. M. Lowrie spent Friday and Satur day in Cophen. Ind. where he starttd re- hearsals 6n the high school alumnk play to be given in February and sch-dd the play for the annual senior class ptoduc (ion to be given in June This ‘4“ be Mr Lowrk'l fifth season as coach P! the Goshen stnid pla) Judge abd' Mm Charles F‘ Flshbfifk will go toSheboygan. Wis. on Sattirday. where Judge Fishbark wnll deliver an ad dress befdl'e the Contemporary club In lhe «vening‘ Mr. and'Mrs. W. 0qu left nn Thurs- day {or Olny, “I. an acarum n‘ the senous nllnesa of Mrs. Guyot‘s fster, Mrs. Waltm who took sick while \igmng in Oh). Mrs. Wallers‘ home is In Indianapolis. Ind. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. McCchn anc their little, daughter. Mary Loni ' ac compamcd by Mrs. McClernan‘a m_ ha Mrs. Millet will leave Sunday cv {or [.05 Angclcs, Cal. to spend months. ' .LieuL and Mrs George Francis Patten are receiving congratulations on the birth iof a son. Merxitt ,Wainflect Patten. born 1311urday. Ian. 11. a! Fort Riley, Kan; Mr‘ and.Mrs~ E. Tym'r and childrén of 436 Prospd'ct Ave, acrompamed byfilrs W. E. Carr of Prospect Ave.. left Mmday fur Bellaire. F121,. where they have aka: a new hotql cottagc for the rcmaimhfr of the winteri \ f Miss Anna Muench returned Santday from a two weeks' visit wnh; her parcntsin ()lny. Ill. Miss Muench‘ has as her Mt her brother who is on_ his way to Polk). Ill to accepta poilllun awn: Mr. Tom Underwood. who has been very ill widh a severe case of la grip’e. Is improving and it is expected he’ wll be able to return to lntcrlorken uhoolu- 'qlnd by next week. 2 I Dr. Lyman Scxsmith. who has lice-n absent for several days from his office be- cause of illness. resumed his practice on | Wednesday. 1 Mrs. and er C. F. Mather Smith; and Mrs Hamilun Smith. mother of Mr. Smith. left' Saturday (or Oakland. ; la.. where they‘ will spend the balance oi the winter at their home in that city. g Mr. and Mn Forest E. Marsh of Chi‘ cage, who are the owners of the Grattan Stock farm: at Libertyvifle have purdhu- ed the residence of Mr. Frank R. Hard- ridge “340 Prospect Avenue. Mr. Geo‘ C. Pengy. Secretary of'; the Kenog Sanitarium of Battle Creek. Mich. spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs‘ Geo. Howe of County line road. Mr. PettiPn'ot. who spent the bas‘ (our weehu the guest at his brodler, Mr. Lyman Prior in Jacksonville, Fla, returned on Tuelday. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Nonh Highland Park M. E church will med on Thursday afternoon with Mrs Spix kc at the parsonage. Mr. Francis G. Porter of Chicago {has purchased the Dennis place Whlfh is bne of the old landmarks of the main *md to Deerfield. Mr‘ Kilman 0f Naporville. lll.. preached the sermon at the Ebenezer c.hurch fiex Shmedercould not till the pulpit on ac calm! of illness. Mr (imnn of Supcrmr, “'13.. who {ms on his way to Cornell I'nn'rrsny, wnflhe guest last week of Mr, and Mrs: ”E R. Luudon. i Muses Anna and Clara thlbnmk Arc» turned Mundzu from Ne“ (lrlczmswm-rc they htnc beg-n spvndmg tho past three munlhs. Herbert Hum-(mi S. (ire-«n Bay Road 2 Lfldxefi u! 5!. James Cdthr11icc‘htlrstn- nnum‘c a hall to bcgn'cn February in th at (hr pus: gyninus‘mm at Ft. Shendnn'. Misx~ Tillie Habcn of Wheehng. HI . ias the week end guest of Mr‘ and “rat Herbert Hum-(mi S. (ire-«n Bay Road 2 Mrs Simon R Chinenden and chi|dten who were Visiting in New \ nrk for .1me ten days. returned on W ednesda) _' Mr. and Mrs. Wm Dena-l are rec 'v- inx congratulations on the arrival {of twin girls. born Thursday, Jan. 9. Mr. and Mn Jesse B‘ Gregory are 'ro- ceivimz’congratulations on the arrh'ato! a son. born Friday. January 10. Mr. West of Panama Chy Fla. «as the guest on Monday 0! Mr and \IrsJE H. Brown of Linden Park Place Leo Delhaye has sold the “main- Grocery m S, N Williams of Highwood Possession was given Mondav ' 3 Mrs. C. W Aldridge spent the ad}- end as the guest of the Misses Colen+n on the north sidc. Chicago 3 The Evangelistic meetings will con tinue in the First United Eungeli‘al church this week. Mm'A. L. Drum has returned fro". I woeks' visit with her sister“ Mm C! k of New York; Mia Dull-h Gejseman of Shannon. ll be a weekend guest of Rev. and Mrs. '1. F. Van Even. - Mr. 0. H. Morgan is on a khan: trip in California. } Northwestern Military Académy opt-n- ed who! on Wednesday, Jan. gum ; Mr. A. L. Drum lefl Tuenéay f a short business trip to Philadelphia. Lmnk lhrcc The next Afternoon meeting of the Ouch WI” take place on luxury. 23rd, and will bein chug: 04 (be Am and Crafts commmec whoa: memben are the Madame: Wm“ E Carr. chairman, C T. Boynton. Charla W. Buckley. Bur- ndcc D. Bauer. John G. Mott. Fredcnds M. Steele. Hound A Wrenn. Manv Highland Park I'mnen have for Slink'hmt' felt I great mterest m the luv“ u! thon which cumem vmmrn and ctnidren and have felt the “(111 u! .1 studvdas: when: that laws tuuM be discussed and undemomi The (am. has undertaken to org-nae Just SUth a class among it: membem and Mr. anns 1). Everett. who-e kmm'lnige on the subijK It quue complete :5 conduct- inx. The first meeting was held this momma ll ten o'clock and School Lam; €th Labor. Ind luvemle Delinquency Laws were studied and ducal-«t On January Nth. the subject will ht "Women's Property Righu.“ Rev A. A. Hamtmhl, 10mm pastor at the l’resbyten'an church preax hed the sermon here Sunday when he was the- guest at Mr Scdgwwk for the day. Rn Pfanuiehl. who came to Chlfutt {mm the east to bid goodbye to hll non. Carl Ptanst'wht before starting on a European tnp‘ was shocked to find h'n arm Ill In the Wesleyan hoopltal. where he recently underwent an opt-rattan on his nose and throat from which he (I now rapidly rrr mwnngl Rev. Ptanniehl ml! sail the latter part of thin month tor Europe where he will spend a year gmng stere- opucnn tenures on America. m Holland Germany Ind Italy. Al the amt “me he WI" cnllect material for lecture: to he given upon his return to the l'mted States‘ Rev. William D. Schermechorn. A. 8.. A D. D., Ant. Prof. of New Tntnmenl ln- , terpreution at Garrett Biblical Institute. iEvnnuou. and recently a miu'onary in llndin, will give I lantern lecture It the ; Epwonh League hour, 6.15. and mll spent Mrs. Edith Davis. A M Supenmendent of Scientific Temperance lnu-sugnioni and of Scientific Temperance Instruction for the National and World's Woman: Christian Temperance Union. will spend, one week, beginning Jan. 16. with the North Shore Federation W. C. T. l'.. working in the various schools. duo the ‘ college and Kidemy It Lake Forest. and wall sneak twice on Sunday. once m Lake Forest. and once in Lake illufl There will also be a parior meeting on Fnday. the 17th at Mm L (i. Tumley‘s. Wash- ington Ave. l 3 o'ckx‘k. A cordiat In nation is extended to teachers and a!) - interested In the work. at the evening urvice. 7:45. at the Methodiu Episcopal church. Nonh Ave‘ and Lauren: P110: next Sunday evening. January 19. Mr. and MrsJoseph Husband and baby who are visiting Mm Husband's parentx Mr. and Mn Francis Brown 0! Hazel Avenue. will live in Winnetka where they have taken a house which they ex- pect to open about the fint of Man‘h. Since their marriage about a year and I half ago Mr. and Mrs. Hueband hive lived in Minneapolis. Thv Y W C, A “I” hold {hr usualdvh can-wan MIPS on Smurday m Ihc future from ten In five “Huck In the (iWK‘IaliOH mums on E. Central, Avenue. ()rdcn wxll be taken (or food any nmt dunng the week. Telephone Nu 6 before- noon or after never; o'clock p. m Complain! has born nmdr Kn Hm omrr that sh-rl Imps arr wusmg the- draw of domhtn' ummalx In Rnnma 'l h:- (um plumb vu‘re rcterrrd In (Inc! M l‘nln « (knrst and it 15 said that (hr 3er mt (hr pcrmns selling (mm wll lx- .‘lkkc'd Mn '1', M, Wilda and daughh-r lfhzw lx-Ih, u! Ravmm and mumrr. Mn Souahrrs of Rum-n Park. arc cmmmg .1 [up (0 New Mcxn‘u. (nhmrnm and th lnghm They cxpm‘! In hr gum: Ivnv nmnlh: Mr, and Mr: F. L. [lemma and their dauahu-rx. Miss Helen andes Margaret Deming left Wt-dncaday night for Beverly, Cal., when: they wxll stop at (he Bcvcrh' Hills hotel unul May first when xhry vnll rrtLrn In (Pk-1r hume at .136 Linden; Puk Harv. The committee In charge 01 the Trinity church bazaar. which touk piace the lat- ter part 0! Novembcr. met at the hum: of Mrs. Frank L Wcan on Tuesday. Final reports of the treasurct showed that the prufita of the bazaar toultd $4.500 an advance 01 37(1) over the tint estimate. > On Friday evening in the Ebenezer church the annual election of Sunday school officers took place. “T E Brand was elected supenntendent; Chutes K1l|er.vlce supenntendent; Laura Much!- ke. secretary; 0. B. Brand. treasurer. and William Hemtz and Ray Brand. Hbran'am. Mr. 3nd Mm Edgar A. Turpin o! Gage Ave" hadu their (not: on Thurs!” Mrs. John M.Hubbell and nice. Mi. Georgia Hubbell and Mn Sttvcrnol ol Cincinnatti. who are on their way to spcnd the mmaindcr of the winter in California. uhemfwthcmm'ehflr. IMMIIW..L Window and in“, ma om- Window of Battle Lin. Minn‘ who left Wedneodly uh!» {or Sc Peterlburg. H; to spend {be remain- der ofthe winter. THE HIGHLAND PARXmW P4 Mu- rm Ossoli Club Mannie l. Hardin lo Adellflc \' l . ‘ I. u Roan. lot a. an 15, “(bland Pm. q 1 can, ' c, um 28 E’ d A“ G. C. Eblmn Ind '1 m Juhu: Hagen \uld pan lot 70, anmu, W h m: 000m N H Lnurm ind vi m lulu” Rm- wnd pan lo! 70. Raviml. W. l). $500000 (1 H Morum and v! to Juhm Rom: VIM pan Io! 7Q, Karim; W, D. {7730(1) Vilmm Mmmn to A l'. Mrnnm, part but 5. blk 12. Highland Purk. Q L 31.00. Joseph L Funny and mu- (0 ()thr) H, Morgan 10! 115 South Highllnd Addn lo ”mum: Puk. Imam, Fur-inked by [AM County Ti“. tad Tm! Co. Till. W. Masonic: Temple II“, WM Ill. Tm No. 4 The guns-m lhnl the dun-um In Dining lhn veu u must cranium: and In I! trndancr .«1 Friday I I'm-fling (he-tr welt put-nu Mr mothers from Highland I'tlk and 'wmh 8u‘ {rum Lllu‘ anI An (\(l‘ul‘nl pap" rnlxdtd "Home Math." wad by Mn Frlnk It Green. u» Inllow ed by a Inch and llllfrl‘fllnfl dauuoupn. The mayml) (l the mother. wrrr m {Ivurul l cert-in amount 0! Mud) ll homt. The high «ht-u! dame under the” supcrnnmn wu Alm volt-d a gnu! sun's-u and the pupil. more dammed wnh the cntcrlmnmmt Plum [or ‘an unuaull prugrlm 0! gym! mlrrnt .nd splmd-d speaker; In bang madr 1m fuiun- murmurs. There vull hr 1 mmhm' meeting on 1hr ant-mum of Tut-ad.) January 21m. :1 thru- hneen, led by Mn F S. Munh), who ml! speak upon the l'hyucul er (m of the (th Swan-(1 dllrulmn Hm: may Hygienic Condition. 0! Ou- Avnnge Home and Srhool hr Imptuvod7 ”(film Mn Ed‘ard Hun k gndet The hide! wu Mm Game}. Mm A. L Drum was the hostess ol the Illa-noon. Dr I). P. McMillan. who a one o! the Medical Hoard In umnedum With Chkngo whack. ml! gut In Id dream the "Under Developed Chfld" before the mother: on the allcmoon 0! Thursday, Jan now. I! xhr school budd- mg The molhcn' question and dtxuuun circle met mu afmrnoon and myoyed I paper on the when "Modem Lulu on School Retdxn‘" whnch wag Illuululed by (cannon: by the chfldrrn of 0de91111: The next! meeting I'll) take plau- 0n the Iflemuon of January 280‘ and H):- prugram mll be In (Purgr u! Mu hanlrl Cobb who \nll read a paprl. the “mu-(I m which in“ be announu-d [not u! the- Frdrmhun u! Wmnnns dub. nmdr (he lddlcn H! the attrxnuun giun‘ ;: «Iran and condu- mmun! M ”W INK uhnhls brmg accmnpluhni and “mi plannrd h} ”w Fc‘dcrnhnn 5hr also made I pit-4 In :hmw who u>uld nu! arr trndthr Stair h-drmnun n1 “mm-n} Clubs, [0 mukr 4: 3pm m1 (Hun In ht prrM-nl a! the lhunfl chcrahnm Mm Frnmu U l-vrxrn spoke u! the rnduvl mrm fund bring awed by lhr Frdcrl» tmn and It: need and use Mus; Mam C Mull then fine- no rut-Hem pmno aria: lmnl, A: the Home“! thr program In unurvod by (hc fullnulng hone-9r. Mm Folllnsbccxhurmln‘ Mn U. M Erskine. Mn Erna! Gaul. Mn In 3 (wer. Mn, (hula lebaugh Mn. Lucius ”me and Mn. A L Rennmu 3 0n Frill-y the 1m. u eight Mm lo‘clock Mr. C. C. Martino?! will (he I .|ectun- on Cinder Now Part. Uncle Slm'n men playground. in ”Wicca and motion pvdum This is I churo‘ Jvlnch will bc 0! gr"! interest Ihowi ‘many are experiences 01 a traveler in this beautiful coumry. ~ ;' ()n Mnnday "mung the first meetind o! the Tangudan us. held under the dlm‘TlOn of Mr Alvur Bourmquc Amonj [host In allrndknfc wen- Mr. and Mm John F l. Curtu. Mr. and Mn. James Pnndmflc, Mr and Mn. Hmn‘ Duty. Mr and Mrs Eugene Bourmque, ML and Mr; I) F. Kelly, Mr, and Mn, Georg. Allen Mason. Mr and Mn. John (31m Mr and Mrs, John Tunic. Mm Mari. Armstrong. Mr Ind MrI Alexander Cam qun IHr The Daughlrn of the Amrncnn Rfloluhun WI” br «mu-ruined Mu Monday aflrrmxm a! 1hr home of Mrs. Frrdcruk l‘ Iknnlnn U! M She-ndun Rodd OFHGALRLALESIATETMISFEB ()n Tunday evening the 21:: will be the rqular monthly dance Parents and. Teachers' Assocxanon W has w W "om alum day the 18!!! to Sunday arming. PM: W m I: cum {than o'clutk. Ioal Al! Sat Vaudeville panor- High School Diviuo- EJ-PI-co Did.“- South Division trom Satur- 7’ perial e [m ‘Th ‘ 1| WWWW’WW ")4W )éW )4W )4 WWW A W â€"_ ~~’ a mistake and look the cheapest. Now is the chmprst. You get the rt-suhs and in fuel in a good plant. We mslaHrd which an: among the best m tuwn and v nish youa 115! to investigate. SK niany of our citizens who have built, what x> the 111051 Impdrtam contract on the house and they ml] “'11 you THE ”EA TING CONTRACT. Why? Because Ihvy mzfle a mistake and look the cheapest. Now (ht-y knou (In his! a}- IL- -L..A--4 \' J Fr"! Mrfiouc of .M (“I") A l)". Freud-ml Cheri" A ‘I‘hl-fi‘ DWI-ma Vncr “nounâ€"I AM!" ‘ Vovooc. COO...“ Mnkr I up" In!" ‘1 loam on nmprowd rt‘l nluc mdudmg Roget, Purl. lwnnsmn, “'Ilmrncv 5 Highland Purl and Lat: Fm"! . Imitation *(klnfl uh Invcumrnu 101 Mm! hm nx-flgngn antral»! hrnd 901 Im : Capital $100,000 onmaua a. the 3mm. Law of the Sun of mu. The House That Pleases A Trial Will Convince You (in (I EAMM. AN!) Mum. u! ludws garments (men! 4! rxug ( .arpmx partners pmnmmwn 12m unhnnx (h . «21mm! Ix by an M d1 Clranm . as \w haw 1hr LA most {ANITAM plant m tho \Vrst .\u doubt \nu an mquamtvd \nth xht Mn» 01 vmxk vu h m dum m ”)1 pax! but I)() \()l K.\()“ ”H! HUI (hpaltrmnt for P'WSM. mg Rl’ pzmxmz and Rt-mnddmg Ladlt‘t‘ :md OMS Wearing Apparel 18 dune right hvrc m lilghlzmd Park, by :m I‘IXI’ER'I‘ TAILOR u! mam yt-nrs (-qwrwm‘v INCORPORATED 214 EAST mu AVENUE Telephone Highland Park 2‘5 Dyers and Cleaners wagon will (all for and (Ir/fun EARL W. GSELL PHARMACIST n HIGHLAND PARK Special Announcement “As yau like it” mmmw‘mmmwm !>_2 013.0” >20 £025 NuNufiuuu Francâ€"5 )(OSBO‘ fiz_fi>oo anOâ€"a . .v;. C? MORTGAGE BANKERS North Shore Trust Complny Highland Park, Ill. rd rt‘l nluc In tin 5'0th 1‘th Wrruory \N'dmrnc, krmlwtmh, \‘Hnmtkn (Hanan, (I! inn! hind.- and (Mair. u allvd about and would b. In] (lunfl‘w-n’ k (2 kclkv \oa Pynmrm, save 1h: (Mien-me your garmmh (idol-ll In"! A \m-IIIO ”III rs and pvnt 5 rs. drunx‘nca. hr dupln med -AR(.I..~1 and Divomy - I l ‘2 iH\ plan‘s {Md tn 3U!“

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