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Highland Park Press (1912), 16 Jan 1913, p. 6

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Time 0! Se Rev [‘ C. \ancuu. I Commumon.5und.1) . nn~ l ‘ Commumon. Sundm 7'34) 3. m. Mumxng Prayer and Litany 11:00 a. m. Holy Communion, first Sunday m the momh and Festivals at 11:00 a. m. Evenprayrr 5:00 p. m. Sunday School 9'45 :L m. 5!. Mnry'o Church Laurel a\ cnue and Md‘mvern street, Rev J. l). O'Neill, pastor, Sunday Senna-s First Mass. 61.10 ;L m. Sunday School 1145 Sec-1nd 314:5.51003, m. Hugh Mus 10:30 a. m Swediah Ev-ngeliul Luther-n Highmmd. Rev C. E. Lundgrcn. paswr‘ Sumny wrnccs, prruchmg an .5 II) p m. Sunddj. Rhuol ill ‘1 00 p..m, \lemxduy nravcr inn-(mg 5:00 p m prayvr Inn-(mg 5:00 p m Fink Church of Club! Regzxim‘ 1024.3 “it attur ‘ met": ""Jv :\\('I'LL(‘ dn on SCI'\1 Snndm ,‘«"'~" shxp. H V“ A and ex‘wnni pmyrr mm-ur Blbk- find) F Iy nnfic you: Believer: Meeting I.1br:u'\ ”All, Highland Park. Eu-ry Sunday 7.45 p. m . Gospel ndclre». Ex cry Thumdm 8‘00 p. in. Bible study, You are :ortlizilly muted Evangelical Luthenn Church Central Avenue. W. F. Suhr. pastor. Sunday service. German prem'hing at 10:30 a. 111.; English preachtng :it :5 p, m. lst and 3rd Sundaw. Sunday SchooLEJ l3, German Saturday <chuol. £1100 to 12:1“ Bible schnol in German tor young people Tuesdays at 8 p. m. and in English Wed nesdays at 8 p. m. Fir-l United Evangelicel Church Corner 0: Laurel Avenue and Green Bay Road. Rev. J. Foster Van Evera. pastor. Sabbath morning worship. 10.45: evening service and K. L. C. E. from 6:45 to 7145 p. m. during Julv August and Sep tember. The midweek prayer SCYVICC‘S. Wednesday and Friday evenings at T 15; chonr meetings Thursday at 8 p. m.; Sun- day school at 9.30 a. m. A cordial in- vitation extended to all. n. g Yuuiig Meih Club Rmrms. L‘lmrlc Svhni-ider. president Albert Uri sevretstrv. ,‘ HighI-nd Park You... Mon'. (3.. Club room-i. 104 West Central #1 Henry Staehling. prhidcnt; Earlfi xterm-tar): ‘ Ouoli Club Club horns. Highland Park Club H Meetings. (urtnightly on Thutsda three o’clock. Mrs. W. J. Fifte. pr¢i Miss Elizabeth 'l‘ownei', currespor seéretary. . Highland Park Wot-en'- Chh Club rooms. assembly hall. Lil building. Meetings. fortnightly Tuesday at three o'clnck. Mr; (‘n H. Campbell. president; Mrs. Joh Putnam. correspondinu secretary.‘ Highland P-rk Club Club house, East Central Av RC. JacutmenmreSIdent; A. R L‘arqui secretary. Swedish Lutheran Church There wxll be Swedish Lutheran Church oerwces every Sunday evening at seven forty»five Vo'Aclock in the Y. W. C. A. rooms .. LIAA) n--|. t‘..â€"I C services every Sunday evening at seven forty»five o'clock in the Y. W.C. A. room on Central Avenue. Highland Park.Carl E. Lundgren. of Waukegan. lllmms. pastor. Baptiu Church East Laurel avenue. Henry Clay Miller, minister: Sunday. morning worshtp. 11:00. Sunday evenmg people‘s serylce. 7:45. The Bible schuul. Mr. Charles H Warren. Supermtendent. assembles at 945 o'clock, The Bapnst Young Pt‘Oplt‘S Umon..\lr. Lezgh Buttmqer. Presxdent. meets each Sunday evening at 7 o'clock The mId week «rum: :5 held in the parlors m the clxurt‘h each Wednesday evening at 7.43. The Ladle-561nm. Mm F, H Green. l’reiulent, hulds Its regular sessions .m the afternoon nf the third Thursday of each month. The ' ' .L,. third Thursday m can nmnu'. . m public 15 curdxall} im'ned In all the sernces uf thxs church. Norkh Avenue Fir-t M. E. Church Fxrsl M. E. Churn. Rev. V. A, Sprckex, Pastur Sunddy Schoni. 1mm; Preaching, 11:00. and T 43 p. m . hmmr League. 2150. Epworth League. 6:13; Prm'er mectfl. Wednesday. 8.00; Tcuchcr Training. Thursday. 7.30. H CLEANING AND PRESSING Services in the Churchds SUITS MADE TO ' ORDER I) JOHN HONAKER 17 W. Eh Phcc __.__.â€"â€"â€"-â€"- And No": of Imercs‘ 0! Svmwsand Meetingsm Meetings and Meeting Places the Varmus Churches Clubs and Lodges . St tBQnI-zer Evnngel Trinity prcopul Church E‘ C. Walnut. 1). [I Remur. Holy "1111.1 <w, '. n (- Inn-mtg \Vulm- \\ [\L' John: Evangelical Church ' (J miliflx (waH «dang k H: 34w» Work Guaranteed ‘ch of Chriu. Scicnlint’ :' lh'df 5: Juhn ~ Mlc‘HL u cwr) Sumlzu mnx‘mm; S’nuinj. u haul HHHH‘leIz‘ S. E. Sum-mine. p‘m In Hg ,odge and Club B’Ieetingg C'North American Union 5 H g!1!z£x1d Councxl 99. meets a! Ma‘onic Hall thud \\ ednesdax in each momy. XL meets first Masmic Hall. mccls WW." Mawmg HuH n-ml g\l‘.lhnih ‘|.(~~ um] MMK 'IhL1!'-«'.\\ (wt-mm; (my Fruh. .IHx‘x‘nmm. Jun‘ (-11%. Friday L‘n-mng, Englr Businou Men's Am Kin-t5 first Tun-ad.“ In c' Yuung Mcxh Club Rmrms. ‘\ Ouoli Club Club (noun. Highland Park Club “oust. Mcclmgs, (nrlmghtly on Thursday at lhrre o’clock. Mrs. W. J‘ F)fle. prfixdem, Muss Ehlabrlh 'I‘owner, corresponding Hg Club rooms. assembly hall. Library building. Meenngs. tonnighfly un Tuesday at three o'clnck. Mm George H. Campbell. prrsndent; Mrs. John A. Putnam. correspondinu secretary,I Hum.“ P-rl: cm. St. Johns Court Number 840. C. 0. FY. meets second and foqrt_h_ .Thursdays M e-ach month in Masonic Hall Sherxdan Lilly!“ Pastor, Rev R. L‘dlvm Dobson. _Sund;n- morning wurshxp. 11:0!) ti’ckx‘k. thlc school, wuh graded lessons luralldrpart- mems and age-s. Sunday mor‘mngs at 9:30 o'clock. Young People’s mmhng, Sunday afternoon a! 430. h‘id‘w’klfk Prayer Scrvu‘e, Wednesday H‘z-mnks ax 15.00 o'clock. The public IS cordially m- uted {In all of thew SCTV'lCt‘S The ladms of t 9 “arms Sonny hold all-day met-L ings m the purlnrs of the (hun‘h the second and lounh Mondays of the mumh, and the Woman's Misgonary l'nmn l‘htl'h the third Wednesday allernlxm of each mumh at 3:0!) o'tlnck. to Which all ludu-s are cordially invited Highwood Catholic Church Dmly Mass. 713 a m, Sunll;_v, Ln“ Mass. 9 a. m.; Sunday School. 9 £3 a m Rcv. Smxon (laws. pastor. n Hug! H' \ Schgdule of Y \\ . (l .\ Aw Traps for \M unrily 0! \IN- mun-m v Journal a! u u-rilws :\ luv“ mum! u .w rulIHdJ-u‘ u 'Nlill'll: II “In I) :| \~ Cunfiing Trap Th“ Mad. ‘ho Savag- {Hank-(>11 :n. [Illa lhi~ hm waved. 'l'lwh ed h~ ln-m! '.|.i"-H‘|2 HA' ~nm.‘ huu- n ”In u.\ him In uhlmn ll. 2‘!» v le~ in the hwh- Linn; \\:.\ mm‘h-u‘) an [hm purpus'v, 'l‘lh- huh! “Tu-d Hm Iprul. hut un (min: 1.. unhdrnw h'h ho-ud lmul M use rt-nmh'rANe («-rr 9, “flit-h filnlurnlh dn'w 21m [O“..‘ (hut lu-ld vhe 4)! hhlr (n the ground. ”H: remit ln-lng nun Hm your III'Hh' Inn! :1 m'lur swun-ly Lac» tem'd around hi-I nml “'hh-h he Mu quite unnbh- In get rid 0!, ”He muld nut run «1' \mik. Ind Mel. {Wu T'h' 1V\' III " “11b “'mvdrn use rt-nmh'rANe («-rr 9, “flit-h ulnturnm dn'w 21m [O“..‘ (hut lu-ld vhe 4)! hhlr (n the ground. ”H: remit ln-lng nun Hm your III'Hh' Inn! :1 m'lur swun-ly Lac» tem'd around hi-I nml “'hh-h he Mu quite unnblc- In get rid 0!, ”He muld not run «r \mik. Ind Mel. had up been able to gr.- nny dlshmw er. cumbered by such an obstacle would have been brought up shun Inilhe flrlt pnch of bush or [run he envéufl,"red. He was now I! the merry of! mar mm who Ind m a. trap. in «oak! be DU! out of ‘he way qulle enhly." Mlugun! 8-“. H In [Ir-linihlr mu! 1-” "w flr~l I‘m- lu hlulun wr- unmuurm mu H 2. \vn‘ will lr'hrhl 1h lbo- ruhmdn ..1 Vin Unite-(I Shh-n vmunm mnh-Ilwnlh lh' dumv. win-h In nurmu-mlml m' llx- (Zn-Mm ur Luv-Hy. 'l‘lw |~‘II~II-h nu man. when Ilw lnaugunll lmH- :n. mummy held. In nut mnllulm- um boxer beam-o- u! "w \‘nlunhlv .0...“ mom: Ind [mm nut-«I men wmvl» would he )nvlmMIu-d If My I'D-V23" break out Hidihnd Park Pro-Lynda: C§urch Corner 0! Laurel and Linden .M't-nues‘ hum. the Carbon-c laphon “ Hon. , Our n! [In ”P“ «In-Ht“ uuuwu In [Mr ,ILH z“. {’ chm-NLH .\l( Thu hfvxm an \\ t Cuholic Order of Fore-tor, ‘ CATCHING A HYENA. ml (1L 1 i \(‘H Lndgc, No.66: l. U. 0. F.. ' Tufi‘dd) night a! 7:31) in m ’ Roy-I Arunum . i'Jrk Cnum‘ll No. 1066. Ruydl m-vh fim mud and {mum 3L1” «mm ”A“, \ mung brmhrr.‘ Hullu’ . Mynic Worker: 3' .\l.w nic H;.‘1 first and dy‘, Modern Woodmen (Amp, 117a, .\! W A, §nm~ .rd l‘lxdhxn AI .\1.x.wnn fiall. Odd Fellows nunr mmnmnc daiwum. mg. Adm}! gxxw’.n\ln’.’(hn‘ n r wmng, (fin-0' Llub.mn! Irmrxdux nth-111mm,? Hum fin ‘hv and Camp Fur '.‘\ x-n-zxnng cmbxtndcrx ‘IHI‘HXUUH. JUnlUY (.mip fur awning, English (12153. n Men's Ami-(ion; Brutn Helpin- and Ihxrd Thursday: in In ln- ~t.lhnn :Il xhi\ plmv l ~I I'urm of lumm trap u f IIrIo-d ux llido- n~ lmr I as - l1~v‘IUI‘.~v unli.ulwh-".iu ~m;l€l hair Ilu hll‘ul'l' Hm” IM‘Q'H ‘ In .-l|1!'m' {mm ”H 'l‘l.w uulhur «)f Sputum: _\n|uml" Imp Hm! is Millim- Al .\1.x.wnn flail. ‘C. A. Meetin‘gl :~ Nunhy finfiw «m1 ~u’ml J10“ ‘entrnl Avenue A, R L‘arquenlle \cry jumth L‘hurica M HT not In «I Aqk'enue Earl. ()scll mm dXVr" n In! dr 1hr!“ HI. nIIH lull! II! .I V, Il>|11l\ \\ {Ix mt Hu- um! I: l.u U- '1 In- .N-u-u lmm um~ ul «I h -._ Ih'u-rh-u! l\ llw gum-v “(In fiHl '- k' ~lrI-krn, \II-\.\nmLI|ln Mull-«1| Hum lwr hurw. «HUI-pm] on lhr grumul. ulzu «(I .I lhhllnu u! n umuu-nl "In! flu-u While llu- llnl \\||(I nu; nus ~'\rl. )urdn "\un luu Ilnlrl‘ u! llh' n. I‘c-u- M In! In} Mm \uukllm'r- gun IIHI un IIHIH) ~hni~ “Ill!“ HI Wtwn lwr rlm- (um-d lwr ~hn- nm for Hu- guu “rum-ml M ho-r gnhh- \H'n Hill Ilw ruundnl up mu m! M 1m hn‘i Buflngoutl on F-Hnn Dly March. chrnll .thmuuml rmhu-m-u m (ht- musn- of "Huh-u fur “mm-u" a! .\r\\ \urk -Inlr nn- um - nun-n «In; man: I' VII Allulll) (rum \o‘“ \nlk «‘H)‘ \H-p “.qu .hmm uu «uh-m nuflrnut-L h the lending pph’ll n! m.- mun-mm” Th.- uluy-vl I- In Mrll Huu‘rlmr Etc-VI Sullw In mmâ€" for him In put I unfin- uhl Iva-Illhm In m. Ilmuxurul "IR-tut? of Jan I Suflrflmulu \\ lm (in uul Inn-l IILr luk lug the \"hulr If.” tulle I'III “H! )ulu for mu nun-h n! "w Jamil nu- (In; an uuumur In furl. Im- pilgrlmnur h In be u mun n! rrlu)‘ nfinlr Nul MH- Jnuw r1|M“~ [0 hr u wrung!) pilgrim Woman'sWorId “nigh-“hr IM-Ilu'hnlfl Ilvluaflmrnh nl lln- nh-qâ€" n. n mlmrglnx 0mm 0' un-um-I ur “uh-u un_\ huuwlwhlrr r...l phlh'. .\ Khu‘ jau' “HUN-ll Ila uxr uer lln- upo‘rulhm «luiw Mh' m uznmln ”r run-nuwnh-ru 7: guuLm. ulghunlflu; nun-uku- um! I: [”th murmur“! In" ‘mnmllnu 1hr lulu-I “III. Ilu' uhnlum un- hullnlo ln lwu Illlllllh'! umH-rl unltnm} “a {IT Hf ullu-I Illulhl‘ Illlu lho' ('HT'NHII’A!‘ nlnh'. .\ L'lu'l“ jau' [Inna-II III um- I- lulu-1| ullh Hu' uII-lum un- huludnl In tho- mum“ lhn- h..â€" nnly In IHI Xh- Iuphun Inky. nu Iluhvnlwl pain! “.11. wutvr. udlk‘QI-muru ur nHu-v qulr lemw llu- aux-“Ham In It- uww nun} er Mud lurn A mum .md xln- nulwlm UUII Is nuuvh‘lwl . (‘IH NI :1 (1.. \ Dillard Park): For Woman. A DHIIIIrII I-IIrhIr (In um'm-II I... . 'NU onIII-d 'III KIIIIIIIIII ( III In \In “0- run .\III_\' Kiln: HII- IIIIIIIIIIIIIII \\um.III IIII Hun! pm)" It [Inn lint-«II IIIII! I5 um. fI-mnln- IIIIrIuLIIIIII Slwukln; I»! {Ir eIItI-rpriw. )ln Kim; uIII' ‘\\II-'mv Wlll In: film! In lI-nl‘II lhr uI‘rul llIIlI-m game I! IIII-_\ ure IImIIIh-Il Imq-«I plan-II Fru- If an} 0' Ilw IIIII-II. rooms IIro- I-xI IllnHe runngh fur \\\|lll 9n. 1 Ill’lIlIn-M III make I“) [IIIH’I‘ um- IIf rI-IIIII-nIo-III IIIIII V‘!‘lll-‘IIII \\'I¢'r'l w.” I I~III ID'IIXII Illnl Illl‘” 'IlI'I"'.‘ NII o'\I-VI \“UHH'II |:l|l um. All" rvvl I - l «\MHI-r In! lhr Iw-lmvn. ‘ INIIIHI; \\ mm- In I P'll [In rapidly III! M.“ Ionic Yuhum I. I Modern Dunn. Yun Mlhnng Hm!- "l”ll:.1.’1’fi h'le-l Hf Hln‘ Y}! HI. xul. I" (Ilium-"4 \\'ll1!| “I!“ “0“" IIo-lIo-hl h ulln l|.|\ HLII ‘IIH I )‘v \ H Hu i1! n) TI rm“: Grammarggh'nlu Up ldo‘em unit; Go” I J.“ “W fl'ludu.‘ “if.“ ’who" fur the nth-nun” In Wu "uu v»- lulrrm‘ulhm lulu Inn-u .o Inn-«Mud In now"! lump Ihu nu. ”l1. III‘I'II DHI'. lo Ill? IU‘II'II)‘ or“ Idol ‘11.. frequently rwwlrn. on; the of uhuwzwl (II-n. [-u-Ilh‘v Pflc'ti ur prolnnn-d lnInIm. ll Iunwlmw 3“” not new“ natural, In [In lulu! 1:”me- Iy (hI- nommulw form. when 1"?“ m- [nnmunr I'uuld mlnln- (In; mum- llw. turn- up will: alums! nnnfluhk mummy In work- thvh pm on! to . rrprmm u-Ilnqnlul Inn-h "Wlm In It hum?" Ifl)l n... lthor In Jum- .\unleu‘I "Pride and l‘rrju- de." In her IlnluInIo-r. n In» lu- Jun-I m-vlunl n Ic-IIH. “Who In II like?" my: Ilw Iu-rumr of "June llyw" tn Ill. .Inlm lhu-r- an .In- tho“: him the pl: lurv Hf Iiunnmun-I ”Nu-r Hnuh r1- .mph-a :nuhl ht Inlanphwl Iv} hlur 'l‘hrn- n'v «nu-u. Indra-d. “Inn it!" dimly- 1m- nu- n! [\xIn-m‘ nun'ul -u-IL.- ulmu llu- out!" In! “In“ “I In- :n~ pu’ufull) ponLIth' .. . . ...¢lI-.‘r nu'r" An land T'IOOdY Lana-"1' Ilne .1 . lunmL‘h “In: lmel plum: ln-r \n-h I-M \\ «on urn lull hum-wk» and “m- duh”; a turn up lululnnn Au grmmlumu-rn ‘ Fran-d an: H»- umnml. 1 Im‘ Iur ‘0')FII Iu-r ”mulch llw uln~-_ ‘ur an hour a. nlw hut; in NW "me pf lac-r o-nutm- u! (Ir-(nh'llnn “'lnm 1 Hour}: «I Hu- m-I will on) Hugrr plu- bunny fruulral!) lo and fun. Inn-mm“! pluum Iran- ‘I} nunw III-ulna u! u-If [\rQu-n'n Hun [out M'wrw‘lw “u- n~ [nonunion-a u if VIHIVI In kl ‘ Gnu-hippo” \u-rr not \or)‘ ipIPIIH Yul nu )M hm a! last I large, [mu («How new plump mm thu lolh. HH- "’th nu hi: Iv” Hm! had no «(bu db unarml nun-I nan-Ir humming ‘oulunv (In! Inn-(null) "w rrnfl) uphlfr III uII .nu- lmfihu: np-m lwr “rum. uh? (out hn-r luhml nhtnr IIII‘. and. hanging by [we begun. arm-<1 him in I." other Ill and chili-d Mm nruud and mud. mum-1M“ him In I i ad a! silver ullt umll he vu- n lu-I; m u \\ h" Inf-I lull hurd- lmflnrun I mummry, and [hen Ihr Ivll hm in I dun" plum-u- will. hug- uulJn‘ I'Hh when _ . g. ‘A_A_ r‘""â€"â€" Al the nun-«huh- of |u-r «III eye- [HHPHIIK ullln "w In}! u! Ullln‘. mun Illflwl nâ€" the) were hp Ibo Klan. I turned Md and run-«l met on m) flu- nlmmg ll). «rub and my fur a lung Hmr when”) Iurn.«.lllllnlk‘ Nonlhl) “nu u:.'.n-n Mud pulflhln-«l l-«lorr )II “will “.I- "Mr [0 MW [rum m~ lmd. mu] m- .u-un-d my “In-n II “in find pm In!" m. luu-d- In n vmulm-u‘ ulmpr llml hr (In! mu 1c~ullg~l n uumlr luvl drul ‘hurm lrr ur mung-mutton I! mu luluml 'H-r ol'luluul Inn Ida-m- of m.- in”). “inn h In- hnd I‘m-“n {mm ln-g- hm-I, lu- ~It‘2 v't'mrIM-rrvd lle Hr kmm‘ no mun» "hunt tln- r-lnr} he Mud u rlllvn llmn hr dhl bah-u- ln- begun In “'er ur mvu think :Il-ml u rum: 1!" 'Humu- fm‘nl urn- H-rnflwrnlnl I») .\II‘ Lurk hur! F'r “filler Srnu n um '11 luu‘ 44nd lyhnfif‘npllvl rm "In! the) our pun-«1 [gm )ulul 'IHV‘HUIL ‘ xllld Iw pm Inh- llml hr dq-ul t'L luluml 5h”). \\ [MN-II, lu- mu Founder 0! NM Japan.“ Navy. 'l'hr (”under n! ”W .laumnm unvy “nu .m linulluhumu nnmu! “‘11! Ad .m,‘ “ho “rm In m» «unto-r1: mm. m- plh-l u! n lmmh mm In 1.3m and Wm nut nun) In Japan n (-nupk‘ M Munr- lnler lh- Int-(mm: a Jnxmnm nulur and wuuuu mt u! Hu- mny m u..- |§r1m|L Ivul “fl-I m-n-r nlhnuco lo r» lnru in 11-21;:qu Hv «HM alum! Int-u I} yvnrx urn-rum“! \vr) mn-nlmn-iy Ic-IHIIJL' lx-H uh Inna-l1) tn ln- um. um] (Mn \ |I| Hugflmd um! In?! My. Irr-fi-r H I-v h» “.1.- um! ',4:. th m .l.u [I‘In \Y‘I r Int ILQ‘JHI hI‘ \\ ~ dun-«1 If \UII (1' :I HH‘ \v-u-‘I nm- lvh lrr 1)!~' \\ .‘h Indium-u """l""" v- v.11 ['um leh'm :lu humu: n ,. m. lznlnd and turn!) Mn- q": '1‘" m If luv-v . "Hum |r - nr. ":11” run all” h! Hu‘ \r-nrt :n! Hn n! 1'"! pm Ink-um! ‘1 MI: rmm‘ tutu-n quhmll‘um ”I ”mm In em, On. 0' 0n Way; "Whu nu: Mun new!) hulnldunl l M“ 5m! uh? 'I Ih-Hur In?" " An “M Nu-fur; frwud at mine: III that u! 'THI Thou-mud- “u" of MIR In: Slume)‘ Hi“ cud HIM, Toarberr In Hun- nny «mum-Hun be tween lulud and mnuer': ”mail Boy- Yn; If n In; due-nu] mmd merr'll he mtndhhlx (be mlflrl’r-(‘hh‘afl’ Non you an Iron lo wound -Thomu ‘ mm or A SPIDER. 39m. Bug Numbou ”‘1 “I .I run. 1\ 4 ”av :nr-h-Iv | g him k and a: |.¢ mnlmvhwl "1‘. (“\C‘I. Huh hm m HM 6y at Sun TH'OUD" ‘ I‘ytng Gil“. l nun-H) Inginlu‘ .fr um! mxh hu- lul‘) HY "h“ 3|! In ‘ 'l'lu- "er u! Iilmmx. Wm. all hug-Ith'u VIII“? gyyqlqn-‘L “in” .| .(|“L1- ulmu h‘ Im’klfll“) nu -~ M un- ,\ “th I'M , | luul dm un'nl fiphh-l‘ hm \\ pd“ lwn l|l "all Fresh Home Made Cam Oflice ADMISSION W11 have now pointed the telephone to Chicago, to Boscobel and to c planes whence travelers come and 20. business is doing 300 days a year. We could point South to New Orleans, W to Denver, and North to Medicine Hangl enough has been said to show that Bell 141 Distance lines have the inalienable right the claim of universal service, and that eva one can be in constant touch with this #1 system through the Chicago TelephOnc COl pdny. Put up Fresh every day in artistic boxes. alsoiy Kiln-get} Tele- phone 9513 French Candy Kitchen I. W. Cour-I Am Highknd Park. 011! “Want ads” bring I 1% I‘. Ccmrnl Avenue Cmam Caramcls Chocolate Creams Peanut Cluster Chocolate Fudge Money to LoanE on Real Estate E at lowest curfi‘ent rates. Apply to at» mains 33mm Bell HERMAN DENZFL. Pr «idem g Pictures Every Ni 1: Every Wednesday Sunday Night‘ WHY SHOULDN’T WE'.BE§ H 4 buy ()ld Shun Fuel Com Cake Milk Um ”late Hershm Unknlate Salk-d l (.muts ' Peanut Hrnttle 11 (ivsn‘ut All 3 3 (:l\'(‘ u~ n 11.;11. 3' .4» Tdehone 10 CE Local Excfl SI. juhns N km her

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