Strut lichhnd Park [IL ling 15 as fiu'z'nn pen dinner .bett Greenslade ween ‘am‘ 4 (us {rd I“ 7 g Jamar? ‘mh. 19v." ‘1zg In! ‘0: am 281*} in ad‘mm K‘ .‘It MM†’ifc EVA ICE suz‘t‘ 5211.1)†ELECTRIC P'IXTURES WIRING. REP \lIING tes gladly furnished on all Work and Fixtu'res punts so. 3.: 1‘1an ‘icnt L;rd~ [J E STRO M. 1 Wood REM) K. ILLINOIS ER OF MOOSE w “admin 715. Highland M - M MN!†Highs-M! Puk MA“ Service )I . a. 3m 'hc ï¬nmatured boot nd~ m < ban wiected by 1“ 'nzs nunh: 8.00 3.0- ' fur Highwuod '0 (3» :r. :ur all points no pmms except for PM ~:m._’:13 p. m. for and wést; 3:14 p: rim“!r 134 Second Sn.“ Telephone SOS-L 4‘: p, In for all PU'†>undays 5:16 p. m- A. W FLETCHER. Postmaster. \l. PRIHR ‘: Highland i' )UM nï¬. Issued by tho U 4nd Park Telephone e undormgned CRY V 1V1], “(yr \\ hich poxms 11."! .54 p m all pmms r T 00 10),“) 50.00 SELL!) 1.00 F. for F tor H for I for E fur F for (I 20f H for l fur C {or D for F. for t} for H for I) for E for (i for H for E for F for h for H for C for B for C [or I iur C for D for 41 dmly 63": will: for for axi pom“ )r .W 7: «Wmâ€"M~a. ~â€" Commissmn .‘md {hr l"!f'.')'H]_|{ mu! m and Dian would bc or xmstmtuble beneï¬t In the L'mfcd‘ï¬m'm‘ and the Sun:- of Illinois. Beit rcsuhed mat :hc Ilhnnis Ch} Manufacturers‘ Assm'xzumn. hereby en idorse the nbjects or (he \unmml [)ranr Ice Congress, and requests the Senator» and Repgesentatiws from lhls state m urgethe estabhshmcnt of said Federal Commissmn by the C(zngress of the United States. and : A. c‘ M ‘2 and F. r E rrmr:_: CONVENTION ENDORSES ENEARBY NEW-S ITEMS SENIQI CLASS PLAY DRAINAGE CONGRESS; OF LOCAL INTEREST NEXT WEEK SATURDAY Number 47 IANUFACTURERS PASS RESOLUTION RECl'RlC UGHTS F0! COURT HOUSE "(Bin WHEREAS: The National Drainage Con- gress has petitioned our representatives in congress to have the Congress of the United States establish a Federal Com- mission with adequate power and ample funds immediately available to evolve and carry out a comprehensï¬'e plan tor M r0111:- proltcuon of the people of the United States and their property from diastmus floods. 2. The protection of the health of the ntion which is constanliy menaced by the existence of 75,000,090 acres of swamp and overï¬nnved land. 3. Thr protection of the naviganon interesu nf our great rivers. and lhelf regulannn And comrol wuh ’he subsequcnt developmrm 0f hy'dnrcicrzncal p055) bflnles. a}! In whch 15 .m c-Swnnal pan of this plan. 4. Th pm'cr'n. {are 0! {hr pr'rplc ’ BIKINI“ acres 0.- lands and Ef‘vt‘lr m and uuhmrzun fur and other nun-(EM. t plies. and Dian would bc or xmstmtuble the L'nncd‘ï¬m‘w: and the Sun That {he Secretary of this urganizazion be mstructcd to send a copy of this resoluuon to all cummcrcml organiza- tions m the State of Illinois and to urge their aCUVC coopcratmn and support for this mea<ure. Stackholden Select Men to Sen: During Year A! :1 tin-chm; uf [he stm‘khulders «)1 I‘m th’c Hawk. hvld '1‘hur~duy cwnmx A! 3. 1711.5 “it“ St \‘1‘ H the ‘tnnoA Serve ,iuz'ez, prtsxucnc. W. M. I) -~ ' sistzmr an t‘\ Wed“ Yum: Mluicianu Perfect Organization. Will Appe-r in Public Soon A! thcu Lu: meeting the members of the “MHM! Park Boy‘s Band and ()r- Chesrra. m mu red {heir organization and deï¬ed :m- rullowing ofï¬cers: (re-rune Brown. nrwrdent; Wm. Gallagher. secre‘ lary; E", Florenr. treasurer: Harold Gemim-r. Leonard Friebele and Veran Harem are members of the active com- flï¬ttee. i‘nder the leadership of Mr “Oren: :‘nc boys are making such rapid Mess ihdt a public appearance is be- “ anangvd for. 1 resoi ech of F. 8. Knight of this City Be- Wisconsin Man Sugguh Conniuion Ravini. fore Clay Mnnnf-clurer'l An- Plan for Conn“... New Game 5 socin‘lion Bring: Reuukn for H-Hduy STATE BANK ELECTS OFFICERS BOY’S BAND ELECTS OFFICERS pvn» m Id n! the I7..’l[¢‘fl;l| wr‘l the Jrunugc n1 nur Hip Ami n‘urfimn‘d amen: rvchmmiwu D‘K‘ 5.! utmn [0 W I) R }\\ to Serve "The present county board system IS cumbersome." declared Aswemblyman Hulberl. "There are too many committees There is suarcely one problem that comes up in a ’TOUDK)’ that one or two committees do not investigate. Some county boards have from 40 to 60 members This is [on expensive at system.“ Countxcs m Wisconsm will have {he nptmn nl guluplmg tht: (ommlssmn plan 1! [hr- bull to lx- presented by Assemblyman \Vllbcr l‘I. Hull'x-rtot Winnelmqn count). passes a: Ihh‘ session of the legislature. Hulbun amends tn‘rumc hlS Hill along the linr 01 :he prrsrn! luu prnvldmg for the u n missmn tum {0: (ï¬les an Wnunsm l: wxll then remain to deu‘nnlnr uhrlhrr the-y desxre the new plan. l‘he Progressive party ll Evanston? took a high stand for good muncicipall govemment, when. at a meeting 01 its' executive committee, it passed unan- ~ imously the following resolution: "It is the sense of the executive committee of tho Pwive Club of Evmmn that it l does not faxor party politics in municipal" 1 nï¬airs." The committee then. to show: that the membenhip of the club was not 3 indifferent to good government, in our city, passed a second motion to the effect, â€That they do demand that the candi- dates for ofï¬ce at the .spring t'lt’CllOll shall state z-xplicttv their plattorms." El'um'hm \nu's fur cl the u. my". Ufhtc‘ (111:: i thv lug blllhh’lfl wxli u-umn‘ncr the nr~‘ vn’ nmt wx't'k The mmpuny's gamuc- ;1‘ HA†Day Is under “4y and Mr. }u>t m furms us hc has the sues {or No gar ages to be bum in Inc Fake region (-url‘. in thy spring, [Ill/([N'Ildl'll’ M Multan Munro Target in Statement that he Should be Returned Winner J. H. Vickers. 0f ML‘Henry. Republn'an candidate tor member of the gencral as- setztbly {mm this legislative district and who was defeated on the face of the re turns at the Nm'cmber eltctinn. has ï¬led papers in a contest which he will bring be- fore the gt-nt'ml assembly m session at Spr ingtir \Vhllc 1‘ am! Fan b» m The reccnt attainment in its thirtieth anniversgry by the Modern Woodmen of America. founded January 5. 188’}. has directed attention to the growth of the fratcrnal beneï¬ciary system in America the past quarter century. ,I L,__:_ lllK Pu.“ “v... .V, In 1392 the principal ' fraternal beneï¬ ciary societies in the United States ha They a membership of 2.35.134. Twenty years later 396 fraternal societies i. th'u country had 10.122.1$ members carrying for the protection of’ their unit: and children $.9.9(B.m.m. X‘hr- umnly\‘uurlhuusc is hung vun-d ‘ clr'ctnc lxghls And it Is cxpm‘h-vl that e um hghh ml! be cnnrclv (hxpmhcd I". but cwnmg in the runnhm: Kr (Pk-gas mu >1) punr {hat an]; 4 Huh! cvmld hv Sm‘lll‘t'd nu YIITH'cr VICKERS FILES CONTEST. PETITION Electric Lights for Court House (Pk gm “4‘ so pour uhl cvmld hv Sm‘lll‘t'd 1w Mums \vcr't‘ «hush-d ny Will Inc wow-y - lu own cx- “ [‘4 .' m w m he ' ' l 000 d ' ‘°" I my Davina on y 82. to 0. ï¬nd it 4" m‘ M“: meches. The structure is 01 lul concrete walls and strong dur- lm“ the Contain M W l. h. on work that will .last for an in “' churning ‘W namely W W ‘, number of yeam It is intended ‘ in this lderneu home. Lei?!) Bum. 1e new depot be built near the I †John "sewn, u M y r†y to the park. :5 the in; man in the colony t“ l he lose! both reund and position W ,vnuuton Pro'rcuivu at Work '0! cowudice Ind )ellously Rout ‘ II Progressive party n Evanston ‘ Kay: and her brother Phillippe Evin 1 high stand for good muncicipal ! Ba: y and Harry E'chlfl' both 0‘ PM _ L _ _. - ._--...... A. v Mood. make their home with the cam Now HIVO Over Teh Million Mem be“ in the United Sate: and Cmda L‘uzmmnv New and :bulhh'lg \\<'II( GROWTH OF FRATERNITIES nunHlLlY Hum-(h .ll axmh New Gauge for HIIf‘DIy Vn‘kers. 0f ML‘Henry. Republin'an pvtxtlvvn mcrch- twundan’ns of :hv JUM :npdan‘ puny at Inhwrlynllr- tr and Wurk nf hung brx.'k' fur “My“: wxll u-nmn‘m‘r the ï¬n: l). Shurllvï¬ :th-ï¬ Tlmmusï¬ Graham \Iunm arc name-d m th- . ll 1“ urulm'shmd \'M’kcr< :Hpc m shvmmg imuhdzn m paper; and :n the pm] Ithr ballpl bx Mr “mun, 1h H Twenty Mile. landuh and his worthy Harm are ty ' column with why- I he“ acme ol‘ umor than nu usual. We“ Waldo Item- Stevens dim W “lily a authority with I gentle M Ruth chheu. u Ana: Resolute. out. Mile. landuh and his worthy Harm are ty ' column with why- I he“ acme ol‘ umor than nu usual. We“ Waldo Item- Stevens dim W “lily a authority with I gentle M Ruth R It. a. Ana: Resolute. out. all the [mm In London (m It :edk I *1! Insulation and verily W “h n,,,AA_ u,___.n._ _ "Rusc h' thuulh van," whk‘h H. scnmr (I‘ss (I! [)rcrï¬rld Shwld’ Wt†pro sent at n min Theatrr Salurday nonn‘ Frhruurlf 1, has [men an cxcrpuonally popular flay With high whom: thruu‘b out (he chunky and somccxu-llrm noucé have been given It a a at at! medium {01' {he dmpk‘a) m amateur (alum an dramllk anv Anllexccllem (all has been medal for the lbcal pclfmmancr and the Inflow my pen n‘turc gwro an nden o! the vhar' amen [It members will portray“ "Rose :1)’ Plynmulh Town" In In ndmir able pncï¬zrc of Inc In early New Snail-d. Each â€be is full 01 Incident. both um mg Ind Climatic. The Capum and hit family “ye In an adventurous beriod II‘ prove (launches equal to every den“ upon the}: retourccx - ln\ wofthesefacuithuheehm “bull Clo.- St IN I :‘gested health md school «3W! :JJ. ‘ :nm children be kepttmmpuhliccoimw ancnto-grcatan m a “80.! HSMhth-d mental It is known that ltlcutthnedthlcnu mdmutdrmm bu ops-ad In reportcdher: in the pd two math mute!" It No 8 \0 Shtndnn I were contacted†In Chicago. Rand. Rose. who can cook ham. win I“ and danéc longer than any maid in Hr mouth ï¬nch the rim a flute d great menu at! m mwm soldier. Phillipe“. brolhcf'nndhecom I mndnlucm the captxin. . 0‘1an Foster. Lloyd Mcuel. I we" fav- ored dare devil from Wemgunset Colony tindsnï¬rcater interest in Rose 0! Ply mouth d’mn In his uwn colony and b) brhmm: bnth «and and brave mm per nusuun In remain In the settlement. H! and John Margrsun arr strung nvuh in every way In sharp umtmst In braver) and m flcntumn Board 'Preplren to Fill new P-olflion in Locnl Poul Office \u a \‘Hmn‘l IUH 7m tll‘l’k .md «arnn \\l l N ht M H (hm post nmxr In Chung“ un h-‘n .mr)‘ 13. NH. for 1hr purpose 0! {1ng Ilk- new p mtmn made necessary by lhc Ive-vent uddnnm In our (‘alrlz'f ser- xn’e mama. Fullnymg arr a Irw of thc qualiï¬rav 1mm raquircd bv (he applicant: Age lel. 13 In 33 yvars, on the dalc of (he cmmin‘liun. Married women ml! not hv .Idmilxrd h) the examination. This pfnhlhléfln, huwrvcr, doc. nol apply to women #110 arr (Inurcod or those who aresepjrated from their husbands and supmrtgth‘emsclves. but they an: eligible for app'gintmem only as clerk. ,Il,, _-.._J Fur phcation blanks and {or full in- forman n relative to the examinatiml qualiï¬cdtions. duties. salariu. nations. promotions. etc. address. Post ofï¬ce. Highiand Park. Ill. all the school children were vacqinlted because a-special teacher. who lived in Chic . was taken ill with mull pox To (ht-worth cases are rcpprted in Lake Forest lwhere a number of Univenfly girls are quarantined; the Gazette region- a dozen cases in Wnukegan and in Win- throp Harbor the schools havcbeen cloned followi‘g the discovery 0! tea casc- Appl‘i‘kanxs must be physically sound. :mdmaie applixams must be not k?" than Sieel 4 Imhcs in height wnhout booh ut Show and weigh not less [hm US pmpds without merroat ur hat. Many ¢uu of Scnrlcl Fever in Town. , About U- \'\h.1q HM. .nu' .n present {bur mac: n. < urk'l x. n: .md um- 0‘ diplhcria in Hm 01' .md Hzghuuud the («mug have- bwn p‘xlwulzzrly I’urlunnle m new n! mdmfzb “high plrvml both nunh and mum d u< L hlf‘ngn l5 experiencing an (vaxdcmi‘ ufm‘h I\ laxmg the hnspitals u d he.1hh dvpartn enltolhelimlt; Evanv tun ha; a number nfcam and last week n ~a urn-1 ("\ l: ‘nw ('1' and! :n‘vn p xlwulzz mdmfzb “In wulh I' ll‘ L ï¬ndc'mï¬â€˜ u hm EXAIfNAhON FOR VIAII. CARRIER HIQHLAND PARKiLuNOIs. THURSDAY. JANUARY :3 1913 .hum Sun to 5. ere-«Ia. 5‘“ 3d. at MW: km bums! on CARS “ROSE 0' Km Ion" The fullnntng «rude. u'nt. h â€gran-d m the L‘hu'axu Exrnmg Pm! and Mn been npxmtm! m thv 1 Mn Putt-NH .end ‘uthrr papers. Is a vu-Il pmnh-d \ I'Hh .w: aimed at thus! “ho \‘AllN‘d 3h:- ahuh-H mrut of the :um)‘ cantor-n and uhn hp. ‘pt‘m'rntwl IY~ :rstum'mn 9n 1‘1. -1 '3 :t»fhk'('15 \\ hn lxlu-t r ll mu r>‘fl"_‘ "In his annual vaurt Marat (km-z t1 , Leonard Wood. Um-t at 51.." 0! t .c ?.-\rmy. recununcnda that the mmqen n Irestmcd to the serum: I: 1: "ANN! Him! the saldzcrs hape- n Ih-tmx‘mtb Lu: ms and a lkm-x‘rdtn‘ .tdmmhlrmnn ' may have the courage tn du (n1 (hr 11"“) I . Ewhat a Rrpubhcan Lutzgrr» and a R:- t lpubhcan adzmnistratmn unmcd [U do but did not time The~ mun-«n nude: (or mbnety m thr army and thhrtnrt [for the good u! the rnlmtrd men. WWW TIECITYCOIM mummm Plum 0! lhl' 'aldnmen who “fled a merlinfut (he ntflcuunm! luv Jinn-n 17m ordrr (Put (hr nrdmnmr hrr . sup plane-nu! anwmnfl m ~K'pmml M mmi 73 might he plowed wrrr dinning ed when Md. Klme' \ou-d “No" on :- propoulion to suspend me ruh‘, mu- neg-nu- nfl: being sufï¬ocm (u drlan the proceeding: (or onc'momh In run wquence the ordinance Will be enema-ed and aded upon an Ihr next meeluw‘ Mooring w ‘Cullod Woohl'luly PmJPud-‘Odh-u ". W,m of the “006' Mayor Oliver notiï¬ed the mend! that he had dated the valet Contact with the value of hecrfsdd ntoudmu to the ordinance punt-d Nov. 6 The mm was Ippfoved. By the term: at th'u MW! the aty urea to amply. thew-tut mental-permutenl win It I ntr at “5 cents to: too_ cubic: leetlotthcftnt var and 9 can fat, the mom-ding 9 years The will. is to tun-innit! supply mete! Ind make I" connectiont Upon mmeodnkm 01 the Hanna; Com. the dtv Imomcy um "amend :09 “10:1:th sanctuary p col- Iect “£75 which It it dawned Justice of . Pace W has illegally within-u hum ‘ ï¬nes collected | . Atter the sutler s More and Its attend ng'ewll were turn-d out at the men-Ice when Redï¬eld Pnrtnr was Sa‘rdlly (I! the War the cantw-n ur the soldier! club was suhttluled‘ Thr rniulc-d man were able to purchase beer and light unm- In Ilimited quantities In the club and thu: ikept within the limits 0! the post and within the limits at mbrietv. Mis {guided men and women (unnamed “Ith ithe totalled temperance 50K net-rs turn-d iCongrm against Its will In eliminate 1h: Icanteen and deep hurt “as dum- tn (ht ‘mnrais of the sen Iu rue: m nu Illa-Ill, 'lull" "um i , an†collected. 4 Com Haï¬ln Page Davidson, founder of the Northwestern Milituy hath-Ivy. AM. Vetm moved. wowed by Ak‘. i M. ““5" N h“ ('0 year- it. stave brad. dted 0! heart tnilurc at his winter hon. Faring that the Bond 0! Loan . ‘ In Avo- lhrt. mm It ugh: o'dock Scum-y night Colonel David-on cu Io- menubcnuthoriwdlndcmpov tofinNMMH-mmwwmtmmmmmwh employ such,minect wmce mtg-1W vat door his gmm‘ lmm Nonv‘wh Unhaity In the any â€in. Ho MWQMMMBOIM Cbrriedgmvd‘nlmimlt mhrLWbavhcw-I one your Wt The W o: the Vine Ave. why.) {and one.“ Superintendem o! the Morgan Purl Academy. He W I. WWWMhtupud up mygmm Miliqum 1m Don’t-[hunk herrhcwM-cd‘v: b at my gm to m. “Mama, .1 main 0! the dï¬v. an mad-tit.» worm in the can: 01 pmtntntmn. nd I aqu- ‘ould mpdthc mo mum to make l “W 0" WNW†0’ 'h' NW5 5M" Newt-bench “JUN! â€W and IN you: he hmcdhte ‘Wm M m. m, | has spent ht. mu It hll ‘1th home when hu dt-Mh (I . urrrd (Low 31???“ the city! nit-my “KW I mdov. 9 daughter. Mm Mm 31);“)de and 9p; ' Em. Su wooden! o! the Northwestern Militarv m hunt both tub in M the and. ...“ n." "p m ~m|d the body In. boon when to Whitnevvtflr. Cunn. fur mtrrmcnt The W o! the Vine Aw. subway awn-min mm upnnd up my m iwmcud to take whom-bod: mild mpdthc mo mum to make immediate Ilium M the Bacon. cad-I: waded um the may wont: he knew and nodal Improve menu nude. 5 Em. P00! Print. Poi-Iod Cut! on Action which About“ 3 For yv-urseflnfls haw- bIrn mndr lo gnr bank the (urn-en l't zh- mm Evrn (mr u! Ihmn has hm-n drlralt? b) the :nï¬ucnw n: {V'!\'r1\~ uh). In lhv mam kxww nu'lany .d-‘m! ":r .umy .un about {hr umrm'n urn! 13w pml th. E1 H did whrn 1t \\.|~;4 H‘xnulnn-«I Huh» m pos‘! Mr fur prn'xis wl :‘m L11: rrn \u-hl [0 [hr \w.".l(",~ "w“ Hm nub rmm ll-cԠhp! 'hr «"1“an "mm .uu) 'rhlllâ€It'llhl‘sanMdP n1 1hr lamb of the garnmns The mama-n was good lor the serum. and n much: In ht: tnlm Cd. but good things frequently hau- a had time of it when they run up again“ the “I! o! bigotry. vChInu'o Efrain; â€WNW ll“‘\%'. 2hr A!!!†An! 51hr guml "’11- '21 H («wank-«I Huh: m \is Hi I‘m ‘Clll rrn Hm“ Hm nub Thr haiku-mg md(r_ H‘L‘rhlh mam-d, pun Ll‘H’HI mmu n1 primed ' â€mm†ID the mrN";m(1I~r Jaw an! yex'mlx- u! 'h«-:( Emu ".1er .u (nurth «‘..~~ u! Pan’rl MM 21"†T‘c mm 1min put .1! H, 411 “(m U! Yb? . {mmh .Ipus u: â€.r nwmnn; ..! lu-u .md Rt‘gum'ct p»: n 1.\\:b1(‘ nu! .su whrn unlit-d as hm: Ca'aluflnr~m I!) h ' nu nï¬muu 07th turn 5 .nc bound as \u 11 a» (‘jmlnumw my all.“ pnmcd 'I.;|ZIIY Lanny ;.~ampln (:1 mm hand-1r p‘l".nn|"\71\ ‘mn ‘u-d m [ht-m. mty h1- ::( rp'r-d Ivr ‘mdnmu Al 10mm «‘1!» rnlrk x,‘ pumaâ€- ()rdcr lam». addn-u lags 11",bu tnvmx Iruer and ball he ..u1, msuranar and h xai tnlm1 13rd! and Other nnmlor ~ll|lphr\ regardlriï¬ in»! 1hr annunl n! pvm' my my. mm Hank and; soon. yam†2y...» nhdnthrl boob 01 tor-.111. jur'mlh .n pnm. 'mny Ix- mauled 2: {0.11m lb.» mam: [In a Mad‘Yo-r Crndunlflon foo Eighteen Pupdu Nfll Week 5.64.1 The mid year grgduafum “emu-r» u! (hr Elm Pike (.rammar p411»)! uni Ex- !wld un {hr «ï¬ning r! Frllï¬y,’ )anuarv Jhl. m [he auditorium u! ‘the x‘lvmh There w‘l be a ï¬peuzl muual prugram and "not: [host mung wbrhunp mu hr Mi- Annl Mn I’m-rum. the mnruunr 0! vocal mum: at th- uhmvl 1hr 'xmm» ben 01 [hr clan arr Helm “arm-r. Buntiem s mbnrnugh Ehubflh 5. hulu. Mildred Schullls. Anna Ham, Exa Lund mC-hnne Sbeahtn‘ Benn Baum, Emlyn Stclnbtrg Srymout (kidbrrp, Wflm Tillmn. Rdlnd ' Mr‘Namec, Suave! Stunt"... Erwin Clot (.urrnscy Curt'n. Thomas Reckunuatd. Ornate Brown, Tom Kelky - COLONEL HARLAN P. DAVIDSON “ lion Squawk: 1.6. 18.13. [had jammn 15’. MIL? mm mm 31 mm rosr mmmsmm ms 9mm I'nmuu un an armh- « INS! |~\t EL! PLACE SCHOOL EXERCISES LIIHJ’Y A~ '0 1mm '1') :I‘mgm itlï¬ntn “ï¬t“! !‘)f rlanmfua .4l'h.t'flI-1H5III :naur-t u! H" ‘5 to! HUN! Yht '1 lakmx xm thqim u nth rl‘d In a bun]. m pin an. nth h ' Ur nflmuu on \u 11 a; (‘Iflmlngmw Lax mg ;.~amplm nu'nYh 'Ylm ‘H'd nr m I"! [rum (1 “H 1 mm! Edi] p‘ 11 h H :0 ll:- 0! .i ll! :HJC‘I H‘HW'I um inâ€! flung (It-huh- ~\r\l 1,2“. H1 hrlt‘ n l'lrl .‘n‘ ' w (i: \. [\r'x‘HH i uarv :X‘ hon]: nam a I†M‘ mr N‘lh' rm-r . ‘ulll. undr I( on. 3fâ€. 'l'h: (““0“an « lrppmu from me Krm'l “Huh unn-spundï¬u- m the Evans!†Ind. x 1~ mined an prmi that then- â€or Imam on â€It Nun!) Shun when- t‘h‘ “- m In]; lake an Imwml n: the ‘flarr u! 1hr woungqvn and avin H.041 m 'alm' advamrgr (-1 Lo|d wrathn van... Mom “The nix-«mg rank hn bl": m-vn mm‘c popular than was rxpn‘n-d {or u o now occupied to m ml! min DU'~ HS M '7’") T Dec-mm! \Mfld‘ a: m past year: can! um um flung tnlnm vu'lurmus n (he m-han- hrlt‘ um Fridav nub! W1 \ru l'lrl .‘n‘ ' ln‘v‘t‘ï¬rld Th? 3mm 'r‘m‘w (i: L .H n' Ihru .IV‘EH' “find A.“ In [\r'x‘H'! v :«I Put MUM m‘hno! (has .1! H v.“ \ m E: ,.. 11d le-v'hrhd thrvr uh! .J rh-mer .v- wwwu 'm l‘u' tum-h qurx‘ .1an Round 1%..†1H lnmulvr al‘ :11 a.» gm larlh x- "h 'I'H‘Wduh .1). I I~ in .1 \xx â€1., !' nr. “'24 PMH'WIH wnuld m. nrnl :. m. m 29.. l «.m-d Stain \znl mm-x r ~,~ .mrv" from the {Weld \ r m ‘fumu Ll nJ “mu-l, (mud ‘n n \ ‘:.a “Na Dunn.“ I-‘mdim Nt'flfll“? -[x'.«kl'1> “Imam“ «I \c-u l'nt-v repns I' ""Ir.d \‘gn-Ir‘s u‘err 1.035" \,r! \ mpp 1 4w Furrsl Luna‘s. Pundpal “'Mu‘n F I‘rardnleykï¬vm High 7- ‘.-n-‘ "lr'vdlnfl â€ï¬fth R. L \Anduh‘k lhr )udgr- a! Nrw The! wrvr a anhwun of memnk‘n and I Inflow" m Hmmx 1mm Konhwmerl l mu'rmu andvhe an pa] 0! the I) (nnnur ngh (than! lk-«Hu-ld mm unanummsly Ind owl, a! both plm. The point: m turnout, mpu‘mllr vu-II brought out by l'WYï¬tu-i trams wow the more ï¬nnhrd L "In! a! the speaking. um'nn 1 mon- maternal, more Nady and apt m lfpn'WI" lnxhr.’\rgun‘.rnf> put km): by 1m hp 5) mle mdr ..‘1w‘ rrhuxui Al My: 11er â€)0 Urban van 1hr â€:13st n! (he “Dennis u! may nrw aud'lrumu‘ “A†a l‘mdlm nprnulfl “HUM: pt' , .par mg the nimnoon the Ice n Menu; covered with happy “am Sun It: being promdrd and a dweller a being erected on the ‘eu rude " â€L North Shore Town Taken Adm: ï¬i FUN FOR THE WGERS age cl Cold Wanting: \\ H H\ Hm my n and Thu")- I'dn Hatï¬eld. Prof M- >I â€LN Volume 2 ulnd'rd