NEWPARKPRESS Pam» mer BY JOHN L Unxu. at Highland Park. Lake County. Illinois Telephone :2 :: Highland Park 562 WhicefljonYai Entered u secondclass matter March 1. 1911.5! (henna ofï¬ce at Hmhland Park. "Ii-om. under the Act of March 3. 1879. an human-us NU-FINISH asked the same quesxmn Sup some friend should ask the quwmx uesuon "lslhtbcsl [on good 3" 0 know your Ao- Ivev. Then iuppozv: vuu had [had every duh on the market mcludr mg NLr-‘FINISH and a fnend asked whn‘b you Ilke bra! Wu know you answer. I! would he (he same a. hilldrvds of other enthusmx‘ln We Know Your Ansvgr , “ ISL Lust of mails arnving at thus ofï¬ce. 6.30 a. m. from all points: 7:41 a. m. frtm all points; 9:33 a. m. from all points; 12:19 p m. from all points; 1:05 p. m. from all points .. â€43 from all points north; 3:44 [.1 m. from all p1lllll521.).llpl m. from all punts, 6:12 p. m. from all points north. “Ills, 0:14 p. “1. Hum an yuuua nun... , I Mail closes at postof‘ï¬cc daily except Sunday: 7:11 a. m. from all points north; 8:00 a. m. , trim: .311 points except for Highwood to Kenosha; 11:41 a. m. for all points north. {2:35 a. m. for all points except for Fort ".heridan to Kenosha; 2:13 p. m. for all oints south, east and west; 3:14 p: m. {or H points north; 5:42 p. m {or all points; :00 (of all points; Sundays 5:16 p. m. A. w. FLErcmâ€"zrz. Postmaster Invitations have been issued by mem- bers of the Young Men's club of High- land Park for a dance to be given at Ra- vinia Park Casmo January ill. Mr. J. V. Norcross of 245 E Park Ave. has purchased the resndencé in Miss Anna Hipwell. located at the rum" 0! Central and Linden Aves, now animal by Mr. and Mm John [mm Marshall and family. Mr. Marshall has purrhased ,the residence of Wallace Wakem 0n Prospect Ave. {ormerly occupied by Mr. .-\. Von Schlegell and family ()1 lk-trouL 032.. D. C. PURDva" SONS Feature “The Red Man’s Honor†Sunday, Evening Jan. 26 Grocers grind Coflee wzth Electrzc Motors Central Theatre West Centrnl Ave. A motor dnwn coffuc null of one halt horsepower sxze wxll grind over a pound of coffee a minute at cost of 1 Cent for twrmy pounds. Tin (1!? mm 11.0. rr selling thirty pounds [’4 r day pays only I § (cuts fur gnmlrug by rlwfru‘l.’_\' H" dows j! mm-krr and sums an hour to sell awry 1111711: THURSDAY. JANUARY '23. I913 Special 15 1| manrluus dustlnfl- cleanâ€) pohshmx h- qmd 'nh I! you )ufl dust In {hr usual way but what ll difference ’ / Nu dufl flung In the mum m senle down .Igam. live-H speck xs taken up and taken out. I m )unl stirred up And. A! the same “me. With no extr work. \‘uur furnnuxr wmudwurk .m hardwwd dunu .‘ur and pulhhed Tn J In lxu'h- Electra“ Mnh'r Drum; Lï¬ffrc Mill Highhnd Park Mail Service Company or NORTHERN ILLINle when they learn how cheaply it is done Public Service 'IYAULIONCO II74 INCORPOIATID reel Mrs. l‘nm bf 430 Central fur. ruuxn- ed Wednesday {mm an cxlcndrd \‘ml m New York and Philadelphia. 'l'lk- regular lllghluml l‘ark‘ lmsehglll [cum Will him: an infnrnml‘ dancing party tumgln In (luldbcrg') lmli Mr. and Mrs. James thelds and little son left (his week for Chncagn where they will spend the winter‘ Mrs. \\'. J. Fynv has had :13 he! ; durmg [hr past “wk. Mrs. J L‘. Bur Juncsnlle, “'15 Mr Juhn (.lu“. “hm PM» bm-n In Lmru' Cllv tux Kw: “ex-lo. rrturm-d «null» {nut n! th} \M'r'rx Mr And 3111!“. (Luhug 4n- H'xm ru'lgrutuhlwns nn Hu- hmf; n! a born Tut-Minx; Junuurx "1. Mn. 111mm Gram ls nu [his “wk and x5 sum-rm): tack or 121 grlppc. On Thursdav afternoon. Jan. 30th, the Ladies Auxiliary of the North Avenue M. E. church will meet with Mrs. B. 0. Fritsch of North Avenue‘ Mr. and Mrs. A, Lrslw Md'hcrwn re‘ lurned Monday cu-mng (mm a months stay in Florida. Mr. A. W. Vercoe will lead the Epwordl League of the North Avenue M. E. church Sunday. Mr. Vercoe'a subject will be “Afrita.†The meeting begins at six forty ï¬ve and everybody is wel- The Evangelislu’ mornings WI†Conunuc In the F1rs( L'mlvd Exangchui! church thI: week .'. come Mr. and Mn. James McNally of Glen» coe Avenue, have as their guest their daughter, Mn: Chandler Egan. Mrs. P. Martin of Chicago. is the guest of Mrs Herman Denzel. 9 Harry Osborne of No. St. Johns At‘e. Is reported ill with scarlet , \lr. RullandT. R Hastings spent slv eral days last week In New \ork. Mr. James Hesler or Green Bay Road. is conï¬ned to his home with la grippe. ‘ Miss Helen Conrad was the week end guest of Miss Louise (Lirk (If Chu‘ago. A second (av: of scarlet fever IS r<~ ported at the home of Mr A A. Moses: Mrs. Fredcnck Page as now resndmg in! New York whore his mu. Franklin is m school. (2 E. Gibbs. a conductor on the C. ï¬ M. Ii 15 III wxzh dlpthcna at hxs home in M. E‘ 15 1| Highwoud Miss Alvira_Becking of Woodstock. “L. was the guest last week of Miss Agnes Mierhoff of N4 Green Bay Road‘ Mrs. John Puznam had as her week- end guest. Miss Harrie! Thomas of Sumh Bend. Ind. formerly of Chncagn. Mrs. McGregor Adams. who left in the early fall accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Wiegand. for New York. left there Tues day for Mrs Adams' winter home at Thomasville. (Ea. The Royal Neighbors and Modem Woodmen will hold a Joint installation Friday evening [in Masonic hall. Mrs. William Schnkie is quite ill with tonsillitis. Mr. John Recktenwald in mill conï¬ded to his home with illness. Miss Isabell'a Pitt: is conï¬ned to her home with scarlet fever. Mrs. Calvin R. Dobson and small 3011. Duncan returned home lam week from a weeks' visit with Mrs. Dobson's mother. Mrs. Duncan of SL Louis Mrs. T M. Wllder and daughter Eliza both are touring It Mcmcn. C‘lefumin and Washington for hm months, Misses Gertrude Nevins and Nellie Fitzgerald were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Straight of Ravenswood Mrs. Straight‘ was formerly Miss no Waterhouse of this city. W. F. Edwards attended the {unmal of hi4 sister. Mrs. Leonard a! hlS former hnmc in Woodwonh. “'15. L151 Thursday Mr. and Mrs Frrdenck W Su-arns have closed their beuuutul Highland Park place on Hawthnrm- Au-nm- fur 1hr wmtcr. WMEJ A banquet for the men nf {hr I‘m-shy- terlan church will be hcld on Friday evening. January 31 m the union of the church. Major R. P. Davidson was cancd In Avon Park, Fla.. on Monday by the sud- den death of~hls father, Culunel Harlan P. Davidson. Mrs. Frank R. Cam of Judwn Avenuu Ravinia has as her guests mr thc mntcr. her parents. Mr. and Mrs Rx-dnpr of C‘mdron, Neb. Mrs. Abbie B. Baslin has had as hex guests for the past two wceks Mm. Frances Barde‘n and Mus Kuzhcnm- Reed of Chicago. Miss Ina Warner 0f Shunnun. lH uhu has been the guest of Re» and Mrs. Van Exera fora few dais nturncd In her hunk Tuesday by Mr. and Mm John [mm Marshall and family. Mr. Marshall has pun‘hased the residence of Wallace Wakem 0n Prospect Ave.. {ormerly .occupird by Mr. .-\. Von Schkge†and family ()1 [know [hr SICK “Si 1.x he! pun-Al 1 5m ru- at HK l'l\ mg Bnrd (j l \ML A L l he ';'~F=,'ziwzr M15 1113111Hmkznxfm1111111\Inrmm and dunghtrx .\l1\~ qu- Hurhnxlmn JI1(‘.\11.\\ \mm lhnhv". Ir?! Fndm‘ 1m 3““ \Ika trnm “111w {hr} mulc-d 11)! Eurupo (m ldt'NLH ‘n [)UJHI mr bh-am u (nine 01 [hr Whllt' Sign hm' They Will go In Frunu and Algwrs fur three months: John ()renvlllr Mun mlh his daughter. Geneneve, will leave about February 8th (or South America by way of Panama, Peru and Chm on the Paciï¬c side of the gonunent. Wl†be “sued and after cross mg the Andes, a short stay “I†be made In Argentine. Uruguay. and Brazil. return- mg by way 0! England, Members of the lfaduu Auxuhary o! the North Au-nuc M F. (hurvh will hold a bakery sale 1n the Hughmmd pasmflxcr lobby Saturdav aftvrmum The sale WIH open at one o‘clock and (unhnue unlll the large as‘surtmcnr at drhcmm hunu' madc pics. rah-s, doughnuts and hxrad ls (hapux'd H? HMâ€) u! nu npt'lld â€11‘ n- .md Mu l. b\ Mn 51:51 1c?! I‘ll: returned from Ivan in Kun- Qty. wentdnmk-eodulheguauol Mr.- Mr. A‘ Lawrence Erickson. whose en» gagemem to Miss Helen Louise Sun" of Kalamamo. MICh.. was rcccmly Annoumi ed. spent the week-end n the guest 0! his muthcr. Mm Edward A Eackwn ,0! this city. . The l’mted Socncln-s of St Mary's Catholic church announce a dancing puny al 1hr lmmaculatr Conception uhjol hall fur Wednesday evening, Janu ar)‘ 29, Admission ï¬fty (emu. musu' by ()'L'nn not Mus Mlldrcd Thaycr rflurm-d Tut-s day from Hillsldt‘. Wm. when the spent several days vzsmng friends at the Hull Sldc school m which Iht‘ was formerly a pupxI. A dance was mvrn In compluncm to her on Monday evening, The pupils of the high school were greatly mterefled in an excellent address made by Mn Edith Smith DIV/"u. A. M., Superintendent of Scientific Temperlncc Investigation and of Scientiï¬c Temperance Instruction for the National and Wodd': Woman Christian Temperance l'nion. on Tuesday morning at the general assembly hour. Mr. and Mn. W. Eunood OIMCemr-I Avenue have recently returned from ix months in $111 Francisco and Sun Bu- ban and they-plan to remmn here (or the spring Ind summer. Mlss Edith Buynmn. daughter 01 Mr and Mm. (harks T, Boyntnn of "Ravm oaks," Sheridan Road. was oilhcr [hr Victim of some clever burglars at (he- Arabian Knights ball In Chung†or by sums unusual 8(0ch 3 valunblr pvarl earring, of Value cspeually [0 the owner for Its asstx‘mtmns. hawlg been In [he Buyntnn {emuly {x r some lune. was lost lmm the wearer: rar A largr rrwurd m nï¬crcd for 1hr return 0! (hr pearl. ()f specml mtcresl to the hi‘h school boys and girls 18 the: announcement that Mr. Frcdcrick Schumachcr hn ordered a new soda (ounuin which Will be mun†ed February ï¬rst. A new feature “'1†be glass counters In place of 1hr customary marble. The populanly of this store lor years as a nwcung place lot the young- sters. gives it almost the air 01 a club The Ivgulzu met-(mg nl (hr 03.4“: W?“ hold (hm .‘Ittcrmmn a! two lolly hve u'l‘lm‘k, Mr. Dudley Crafts Wans‘m. an :Irtm and Instrux‘tnr at (he Lhu'agu AH lr‘smuu- gave a stcrcnphcon lu'lurr un the mutual "Anofnld Spain.“ A dlrr‘\'l()l"~ mm‘ung wm called in dxx‘uss and mnlw puns fur ramng funds to mmnmin the puhln‘ halhmg bemh “hk h the ()xsoh suppurtsand manages during the mm mcr nmmhs. A report Will be gun-n m ncu week's Issue. .nf (hr plum (Sm ulu‘. upun by [hr dnru‘mrs. room The sludv (‘ldm (undultrd ln Mr: Fruntn [L Evcu-u at 1hr Highland 12m (lul) lu-ld 115 hrs! mowing n'. linuydu’. nmrmnx th at ten u‘clock "l m- \lilum: “as "Sdnml. Child and Labor .md Jlncl. llz' l)vlmqucm‘)‘ Laws «:1 [“an "' and m .1 .nwlm'tu-ss Mrs En-n'll prmml l ‘r x‘ll In by c-M'rllunl ’l hug «law h â€L lll)l('1‘hp(‘\ldlly In that hrrc. h) JAN U\~lfltl {hum-ml) pomls m {he la“ “huh 1:1 «mlymg ln' (mes sell might «men be our Lmkx-d, .nc bruugh! nut and H‘ulJt‘ l Wm ()umtmns are also asked and unswcu-xi l'nquc-xtmnublv thxs nrgammlmn 1x a good ldcd and (hr nurndnmr 4! {hr nlm wull, Without doubt. mumsc. Among mtcrrsted ()ssnll members presenl wen- MrsL W. E. Fyfle. Mrs. George Allen Mason, Mm A. A Punnan. Mn. Daniel Cobb. Mrs Human Thomas Mrs Curle- Iun Mostly. Mrs. Charles Farrell. Mrs Earl Spend-r, Miss Chandler. Mm JPN)? L handle-r, Mrs. Joseph Lamina. Mrs Rn Juncs. .md Mrs. R Calvin Dubsun rm Thursday, January 30m. .‘h’s [wren “I†conduct {he tecond meeting Subych "Women's Properly nghu.†Th1: course is open only xo Ouolx‘ mem bus and (here Is no \ hargr, \1 l.“\ â€1| m sm-ms H." uur n-sldx-ms n-1n.undcr UK J! «\[x Ossoli Club k .md MI .Ami Mn \VK'Y ( rsldx-ms .Hl' tlmkmx In ndcr H: (In mrm-r Mr Mm ltrnun .n ‘ (-mpmuni H‘ {hr} null“! 101 u hand {hr bh-am mmnx lhl!" \~ ht I» ‘h \Um’h MHH‘.‘ day nttrrnx-nn was uell aurnuu ,mmhlr- [\H‘nh Inc ladies hm audit-w r \\ hu 1‘. “a; drlmhlrd h-rrsu-d m that which Mm Fa Munrn («puma-d so adequnh‘h \tht‘t IV Hu- l’hvmrdl Wvllan- khlld Hu-rc Is an rï¬url >1 Munrncxpn-su-d so adequnh‘h un [he xnlmn, 1hr l’hvmml erlan- w! ml thld Hu'rc Is an rï¬url Mimi} but “huh n \uummg gradually nu (hr purl 4'! 1hr nu-mtw-h Xn (UNI-«J .a Mum) lot I'm- l(.n}'rr> .md pant-1:13. prnmmng to « Inui ux-Eiun “light (-1 [wt lymbu Dung- hrm. umnmumi and other (â€[NP‘ .‘...m¢-d {ml .1 \('.|Y [Pin put-s pvummr a! he- .uuvmg .1 gum! «unsulhnu Mnux un' mml-vm .hlld atmh Thu umk I~ lx-mg undrrmkrn munch In the rduganunal nonnmllrr, undrr Mn Willxam R‘ Tapper Fullnwmg [hr program u MK Ial hum wan rmuyrd and Ira uaa wned b) the host PM, Mrs. Eda nrd Bank asalslrd by Mr» Joe Mount-y dnumn “huh u \nuxuuxag u 4‘! HH‘ nu'mlw'h M! NH- H .n }'(‘!> and p « Inn“ “(Hull ‘ilï¬l turn.u»ntnln,xm1al {ml .1 \('.|Y Hm I “urn,“ .1 “mm « Additional Observer Notes Al lhc mulhcu' mrflmx on January 16 “In (.umr) gave an excellenl papa upon “Modrrn leh! on Slhuul Rudnng and the pupcln who Inn-(ruled the papal by mung cumplca, did their work vu)‘ er II «n conudered In be a qu‘ru- {ul mrclmx and I! Is expï¬led lhal the )anuan Hurtuelh program m“ be My) hue- and drum .4 large ludu-mr Stuck Divi'bon High School Divido- Thc next met-(mg will lake place on Friday nth-moon. February mghth when an mtrrrstmg phurlm wnll lair place. and the hmleuu WI" chapcnmr lhe monthly hmh school Informal Tbemotherl md pain will be .4- tinned on Thur-day unmoon. January m by Dr. D. P. mum-n. who II Mid ol m Clum- Study Dwamnem 0! 1h. Chicago public (hook. H2 in I bnlliad youu man who in Mullen Ibk to speak .1901: the mbch 0! â€ch vim in- terest lo the mother and teacher 01 {be present day. "The Backward Child " Hm Ilm-rmauon come! hum hn work which II to study the phyucal (00de d (hlld hlc m xhool. und all problem out of thou cundmons He gin-s. nmnng hill leclum. ulkn below the puptls n! the anmal M‘huol u! L‘hi- cagn. An Inlrrnlms h’llllrr n! (his mmmg null hr adm‘uwon as luuhflhd nr nut Ihrn‘ should he medical‘uulm‘lmn growing In our 3‘ hauls Mu Henry Martin Bacon And Mi. Edith Helen Most of 5C5 Sheridln Road. emq‘uined the young women of [he Probytennn church on Tuesday after noon ll lea to meet Mrl A. A Tyier and Mn, Alfred B. Johmlone who spoke of "The Westminster ()ufld." a n-uoml woe-w composed 0! chapters In diaerem pans of [ht cuunlry In lhn "(may there are two flouruhmg chlpten, one at Edgewater and one ll Evanslun while on Tuesday one wn omnmud In (his city thh {be girl: and young married women are rurdully invm-d 10 pm. While (hm (.unld ongmaled In the Pro- lenan Church 1t 12. mi dcnmmnanonnl. II n formed asasmdy Ha» mlh the Idea (:1 studying midrrn subject: m ur- dcr to assist Intelllgrmly m (hr great movements (I! the prmnl (in The class pus! fmmrd wtll lulu- up two bram'heant mum to (‘onxmm- through three mumm m1 lhr ruhml u! \hma and u! Murmumam 1hv lru hooks usrd arc furnished and Innmmrndrnl b) the “culminate! (ymId ’l'hv next meet- mx Will be held at the hOme u! Mrl R Cahm batman on Wednmdm ahmnuo‘n, Janna!) 29 h I: frll by â€mu- Intc-rrslt-d, undxhcrc .un many, (ha! Hus Amp!†uhu h has had smh a hnght and awn-s.» ful brxmnmg vull he a “lung and urn! mg (Ian in: there has long Iron .1 dc- mam} [All His! Mn '1 In (I!‘{MHII.IHHH Al Hw mrvng Iuvsdny Mn klIH-VYI (. Alanmdm \1!‘ (.rorgc \K'Ahhnngtun (mink .I'M: Mn A Lawn-luv Mills .n- shim! \1!‘ Mum!) and M!“ Mus: m n (rum): \~~ng 11) [hr dunmg'rnnm wwr 1M Man's Candy!) Muddy. Lnl! \.1‘ .nmi Harv N-dgunk Mb \fcvamiql sung .4 group H! rump \Mth Mm Elualxm M‘L’nfllr an! 1hr puma. Mr “4|er Hulrlv an-Hmm-d a! a 11â€:an 1r†\Vcdmadav (-u-mnu n! his i H‘mhland l’mk \Vnman'.~ humc on Hrm h Nut! Hu- Hmhldxul l'mk Human) Hub “1!) huM {hut regular Inn-hug uh [Hrs- dm- nth-Inna}. January 31113., :n Hm «nix-UK Mz‘ ILAhId Cobb VHH “1:41;: paprv '\ Luxr ntlcndlmr I.‘ (1pm (rd .u Mn k â€HM |~ vu-Il known fur hr! um gm nt uni-nu unusual!) ‘lnn pipe!) and rrmhnx a: well In. John Rncktnnld Bram Yrvrr. fulluwmg an attack 0! mnulmn, with which she was I“ bu! um dayn. canted the dtath of Mra John Ru’klcnwnld who dxcd Wednesdav fl cning. Januaxy 13 3! mm- u'duk, at her home on Ridgr knad Funvrui unites were held a! um- u" irx k Saturday liltrmxm from the huulk' and ..1 two tinny from 5! Path Exangr‘lua! « hun h. Mud. Rev [5090M oï¬iualmg lntcrmcm "u m Mount) I uâ€"nu'N-r} A315 aluavs the x’a!’ In (his cnrlgclnc usmn. {hr mmhrxs' meeting on 'Iuvuv ) nttrrnnnn was uell Iltrndvd and rn- lwrnh Inc lildlt‘.‘ humrd (he um]:- ua; drlmhlrd .md In- die-w r \\ hu h Mrs. lflrrrltl Millard \\n~ Inn-.115 JUL-1:1,»? §«17:« Lv-wh on \Vt~d!\r.~'d.:\ n. lundc-n An-mu Obi-cry In (his cnrlgcllc n huh'fl‘.“ a! aH-Hr lub A! , â€"-~-â€"o I" A § 9 Capital $100,000 Org-nixed under the Build-u LIN" 0‘ u‘ “It! I spa win 0! him on Impnwn nmludmg Rurn Park. tvumun \' Highland Pail Ind Lat! form lnvrzlnn Viking tale mvrslnwnu mung-gm 541(an Stud 10: In! In Anhu North Shore Trust Company Are You Comfortable? If you want to enjoy your home in the winter have T, H. Decker Co. put in your heating plant 'l‘hcy not only guarantee but they DHKlLKQ tlu goods T. H. DECKER CO. 126 E. Coutrul Ave. Tdepbone 201 Highland Puk fcrd MN..." 04 â€((;I|Tt I (in, P Mann A ‘nghunu Ii‘unuon \nrc â€undo-n "in ‘ \ "out ()alun Dyers and Cleaners t INCORPORATED. 214 EAST CENTRAL AVENUE “The Imperial†Telephom ,\'n dmjbt you are acquainted with the Class of \mrk we have done in the past. but DO YOl~ KNOW, that our department fur Pressing, Re- pairing and Remodeling lj‘l(llt’.\“ and Gent's Wrarmg Apparel is dune right ht‘l‘t' in Highland Park. by :m lin’l‘IR'l‘ TAILOR of many years t‘\])(‘l'lén('t‘. ()ur CLEAMM. AMI MIN. «)1 ladws' and gen: 5 gmxm-ms urn-ma] rugs, mun-Ls. pnrhcrs, draperies. pianu row-rs. lace “mums. ('lt‘ . mnnut be dupliralcd b)’ any’kl‘al cleaner. :15 wv haw lht‘ LARGEH and most SANITARY plant in the West. ' The House That Pleases A Trial Will Convince You .4 wagon will (all for and (/rliz'rr your garmenu PHARMACIST u HIGHLAND PARK Special Announcement There is nothing like a good Hot Water Bottle. We have a large assonment of sizes and pn'ces. All high quality 1):; 011.0†>20 (<05 N _ NU.» â€" WU will ><05¢9 51â€"h >00 r3097. . .0bo U7 North Shore Trust Company Highland Park, Ill. W. GSELL \\'||mrnt :1 vcnl run" In Ihr \urll Inn! hum Tabb-u Highland Park 265 of the State of thoi‘ In) (pirv fl (. Killer ( ,ou-nul Iunrlh \VII All Divcruy - 31$! l-ul‘ A Sun-n]- haul â€(In h ‘rr