i! MWBMPRESS PUBLISHED Warm! BY JOHN L. uoxu. at Highland Park. Lake County. Iklinois Telephone ' Highland Park 562 ~Whh$anY~i Emered as second class matter March I. 1911. I! the post 033:: at Highland Park. lll‘muis. under the Act of March 3. “(79‘ When men begin to play p0l|llC1~ tor the oï¬ices in a small town they lose sight of the real needs of the town and should be looked on with suspicion by the voters. None of these oï¬ices is important enough to make a sutï¬cient ï¬nancial return in t ie investment a politician must make to . get one but all are of more than enough importance to return the honor and re spect of his fellow citizens in sufï¬ctent quantities to repay the man who un- seltishly does his best in performing the duties of the ofï¬ce to which he has allowed himself to be elected in the be- lief that he owes a portion of his time and his best thoughts to the city in which he lives and is a taxpayer. The man who plays politics to get such an oflice does so because his reasons for desiring to hold it are purely selï¬sh and he can be of little beneï¬t to the city as a whole. The Man Across the Street believes that Mayor ()Iiver has been one of the un- selï¬sh type of officials but he does not believe that he has received his full share of the honors due him for his services. The ofï¬ces of city attorney and city clerk give a good ï¬nancial return and are worth putting forth an effort for, even playing politics in a small way. but when a man who holds such an ofï¬ce neglects his duty because he believes that in so doing he will antagonize fewer vut- er: and thus improve his chances for re- election the Man Across the Street be- lieve- that that man should be turned down as unï¬t‘ And by the same token he believes that the man who goes ahead and performs the dilties of his oflice in a conscientious manner. regardless of what his opponents or constituents may say. is worthy of consideration for a second term. Neither the present Maynr, City Clerk or City Attorney have announced an in- tenti n to b: candidates at the coming election but The Man Across the Street hopes that they will and believes that it they. do, the voters will recognize a con scientlous attendance to duty and return them for another term by an over whelming majority The Man Across theSlreel THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 29 1913 WATCH Coed entertainment every Night “Bronco Billy’s Brother†Foaling (L I. Anderson Sunday Night Central Theatre Automobile Tint. MM Rubber: A SPECIALTY Drop me a postal card or telephone me and I will call for goods NorthofDeetï¬eldRoad EnalofC.N.W.R.R. BoxNam WPuklll. Tow-WHOLYJ I. Smith Malldailhlain Iron Rags Metal SPECIALS They all say our shows are good Come and sea for yourself :: W. Central Ave. Rubber Bottles Paper, etc. for play polities for Miss Emma Evans is conï¬ned.to her M. C. (0(1th home with". severe attack of la gnppc. Mr Ind “I Miss Alice E\ ans “as the week-end .0“. James R- guest of Miss Irene Campbell of Ausuu. home m Eva: Miss Ella Krueger of lkerï¬cld Ave†is mg newâ€! In Miss Em'ily Yonke of Chicago “as the guest a few days 0( last week of Miss I HeIen Rebling. 440 W. Central Ave. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Anson C. Morgan of an: iSheridan Road. announce the birth of a ‘daughlcr, born Tuesday. February 15. on the sick “at .thxs wet-k with la gnppe. Miss Angela Harm-(t uf Edgeu aler was the guest on Thursda) u! Muss L. Fume); Miss Louise Clark at Chicago wa: (m- weck-cnd guest of Mus Hrlrn Conrad 01 McGovern Streek. Miss Gladys Phclps of Neupll. “'16. was the week-gull gums! u! hu’ aunt sts Cora Hodgc‘x Muss Annie Margaret 50112 M dumgu. turmerly ol HIgMand Park. 13 the gum or Muss Manon:- Mlhulh '. Mr. R. R. Htmard of L'hu‘axn. spent several days of [4:1 wee-k mxh Mm Bro. Howe of County me R-md Dr. C. E. Park 01 327 ~\hcndan Ruud has been very ill (or the past mrcr Weeks with a severe attack 0! la gnppe Mr‘ and Mrs. Frank Mow era are re- ceiving Walulations on the arnval u! a boy. born Monday, February 17‘ Mr. and Mrs. Anson C. Morgan of an: Sheridan Road. announce the birth of a daughter, born Tuesday. February 15. Mr. Peter S. Grosscup is spending the winter a: Coronado Beach. Cal. where his daughter. Mrs. Isaac Jordun resides. Mr. Cyril Bollman, who attends Madi- son University. spent {he Weekend as the guest 0! Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Loudtm. The member! 0! the Philathea class of the First United Evangelical church met with Miss Helen Rcblmg Monday evening. Misslsabellc Pitts I; able to be out after being conï¬ned to her home for new era! months Wllh an attack 01 scarlet lever. Miss Katherine Hill :3 \‘lsmng (new: In Cmqnnau. Ohio and Indianapolis, Ind where she has been for the past two weeks. Hereafter the meetings of the Husmrss Men’s Association Will be held In Masonic hall on the third Wednesday In each month. Mn R. P. Davidson has returned [rum Avon Park. Fla, when: she has been visiting Mrs. H. P. haudsun and Mn»: Davidson. Mrs‘ Howard Hitchuxk nt Wan-r1) Place returned “'edneaduv 1mm atrn days' visit with her sister m Snmhcm California. Topics for Sunday" Mdnh H1:- secund, at the Finc Bilpllsl (hurch Murnmg, "I‘hr Guiding Pillar Evrmng "I‘m-Hm- Thing Needful " Mr. and Mm] S Knhanh had 33â€)!†guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs lid ward GI†and daughlen, Manon and Grace of Chlcagu. Mrs. W. E. Tcn Bron k, “h“ has bm-n very III for the past (hn‘t' m-cks :u [hr Presbyterian hospital, Uncagn home Wednesday, Mm John Glass. who wcnt In lk-tr-nt early in February tn \‘l3ll her mnthcr. Mrs. Murphy, will return humc on Thurs» day accumpamed bv Mr. Glass. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKenzie ul Chicago. will come to Highland Park nut week and will occupy thmr homo. :vmm-z l)’ the T. C. lellams (Q‘Sldt‘nt‘t‘ Mr. and Mrs. C. l’. Sullivan had as their guests on Sunday thelr daughtcr. Catherine of Chicago. and the Muses Marion and‘Agnes liner of Rm'klurd. lllinors. Miss Cora Prindnvrlle nf Chu‘ago, who is a summer resident m Hlflhlflnd Park. was the guest over Sunday ul her brother and sis;er-rn-law_ Mr and \[rs James Prlndiville. Mr. and Mrs. Hymn Stevens had as their guest a few days (1! last urrk Mr Slevem‘ cousin. Mm; Exa [bouhulc- M (Erayslake, who was here attendmg Hu- teachers convention. A special car from Waukegan and are from Highland Park took Odd Fclluws m Libertyville Monday evcmng whrre they joined in a big sooal evening as KUI‘>XS of the Libertyvillr lodge. Mr. and Mrs Carl Hanson of Nurxh Chicago are recewing Cnngralulalltms 0n the arrival of a son. burn Tucsday. Feb. 25. Mrs. Hanson was formerly Mu: Jennie Grant of Laurel Ave. Mr. andiMrs. Walter “I Hoops: lurw erly of Laurel Aver. Highland Park lx-lt last Thursday for a lnp m L'ulnormar After May ï¬rst they wxll be at home at 3200 Sheridan Road. Chicagu Rev. Alman wnll preach below the Swedish Lutheran congrrgaiu n m the \ W. C. A rooms Sunday Manh second and ninth. Mm Margaret Simmcrs. through hn-r attorney. has ï¬led sun fur dnmrce from Joseph Simmer; Mr; Summers asks the custody of her chxldren‘ Mr. T. C Williams and his daughter, Miss Lois and son. Howard, who recent- ly returned lrom Gays Mills. Wu, where he has been in businesn, will be (nests a! the Laurel Inn for several months the Laurel Inn tor sevcrzu rnuuun; The W W 5- lb Wot†Mr. and Mn. Mamn M. Schultz. form Tnmv's M N! u the “fin! and erly of thhdty. where ‘hey owned the heat edited manna publuhcd u ax residence now occupied by Mr. Harry D. per yei', Fave cents per copy at all Faxon and hmily. who’hve been living "(W'd'llfl‘ EV '36 'hsdlgpfï¬lra ’ , la good mmxmc It or a re: a! Bonch'urch. Isle of Wl'ght. for sacral 5 ample copy md pnmium fat-log,‘ _Ad years. expect to sail on March 7 for a visit to Chiago fn'em rn-turnm Mr. Funk J. Conrtd 0! Panama Chy, Flt. lormetlv of Highland Park. in em potted to arrive here Sunday no wood a {cw day: with his pun-mu. Mr. and Mn. Mr. Ind Mn George Gum and small '0“. James R-Ibmwu. mu rtlurn to â€It" home In Evnnuum (his work after Hund- Ing newâ€! month: “Iâ€! Mr. and Mn. James Grant of Ravine Dru:- mmrmmmmmn A number at linghland I'mkcn attend- ed the "(Hal 0! Carolina Whnc at the Evanslun thrarrr 1m “ednnday. Among the ladu‘: from hrrc \u-rr MIL W R, 'l‘apprx. and Mt: (.eurgr Allen Mason Mr. and Mrs, lknnn F Kelly Rh Wed ncsdgn fur Helium, Fla, “1er they will rrmuin fur lhrm- wcrh pn-unux Iugmng (n ALLmIn‘ CH) tar Entry, when the) m“ be Jumrd In {Pu-n daughter. MI» Elk-en Krl!) uhu ls m ghoul a! Mary Inuum. Tarryhm n. N \ Mr Clrau'r Thaw-r n! [he- lllnnms l m vermly. WI†spend the work-end as the guest of his parents. Mr and Mn Hrnn Than-r. arrnmu hflr Fwd». He vull be anmng [he young prnplc hum bar In attend 1hr Kappa Kappa hamma dame a! the Kcmlwonh Assu‘mbh hall on 5a! urday evening. For the pas!1wcnly yrars It has [men the scnumenlal \‘uslum at Egandalc on Washington} birthday to gather a It» snow drups from sunny posmunl on (ht ground: A few haw nlways brrn {(Iund, this ycnr being no cu‘cplmn Last you! {hey were found under a (mt-nag of ux Inches of mum, and ‘prolrudmg through .m Inch of we Mr and Mr: H F NIH and farmh whu haw resnded In the Fn-dcru'k W Cushmx house at 130 Hazel Axe, ml] have taken In apanmenl on Shcxxdnn Road. Edgcwaler, MI. HIM, Ihn is the genual manager 0! the (hump. Tele phone company. came here lrwn lndmna pulls with [us famtly lnu Spnng ll i.~ uuh regret that (he manv lrwnd» of Mus Katherine Reynold:- Mmormmk hear Hm! she “‘11! lrne un Saturday tux her home In Loudoun county Vuxmm where 9hr mll {nkr 4 HIde needed In! She mll vml m Halmnme before rexurn mg In her home Her ( \pa mlmnu and planu an- m be m khnn‘u and ~u um!) next fall luvaxn un her Hulk 01 um duehng (luv-3 and appearing in publn g.- m hm rue-Hem :mnprrmr :mdzx Iran: In March (or (human whnr lhcv The month!) musufl \tth I! (hr Presbyterian chunh “21} hr held Sundm nrmnx a! nah! :ulmk The (Imnrzwt vull b:- l'rnf Herbs-n J “Him-mt; of the Shrmoud thool HI MU\u \ Pm am» u hu will xrnder (he tnlluumg number: Hu- Hrs! mmemcms 1mm >uuxa m I! kmu \ mun, Rhcmbngrr. \ rapt-u \\ rlghtuu. (â€and Lhurxh‘. D1: Hm: Mm ht'fllux‘m L Bum, \wlan ml.» zutn'.» gau- a Xn‘|1.l..ll [hr \Nmmrx Hpt‘a \humgu “uh “Ye-l sun'm mmwr {mm the tum Mrdxratmn. Xrun‘ Th “111mm “'1!ch Yuri L Bum, \wlan ml.» zutn'.» gau- a wax... .u 1er \ann Hpt‘a Hum»- “uh ï¬ve-l Suva-v nut play Ru mmwr {mm the tuna-HM h) \\ nrnzaunhn Mrdxratmn. Xrt'n‘ Thus by \lanrmâ€"u “Ellum “'1!er Ymrmmr I “(~13 knuuv mammal slngn m l-uth A'nuna and hunpr. \nll smg II Is Enough Irm'. Huah by Mrndclxy»! KL and Hunmm M lunnnrr Th! subjn't or (nr “min-x: M afnxl‘ [my v 9.1.x ."'.rt \l'lll' IILMI v x ‘ .md dun: 1.â€:th d1- rmJ» {It .m “.31 Yr ‘Hur A \I’Y‘AIT‘ a!‘ I! r g:- u',:\ .atlrn‘inz‘ r Rex H (Jinn U-bs-m .a Mash-x ' lmmeduueh h- nmrmng lrn‘n'en (he Mm 3 ml! xm-rx and [hr lame: u! H Mun JH‘ muted In gmrm! \\c .nrr asked lu pnm Izulnr hum Kim Mth I â€w Luult‘y n? the lllsll mum-1 'vu'rcaM-d m 'hr .1 Hamm May Thom.“ n! h J Han hvr u! Enghsh Mu- thv l'nn'cnnh' u! ernaxk pus! gmduau- unrk m an thc l'nwenttx' u! thmxhn and h.“ [Lt'M't post graduate \unk tn anhr‘h m the L ht t‘axt) l'mu-rsxtx where her return! z-hvmrd htgh xmdrs 5hr ttmght for thtm \«urs m the htgh \hv-nls nl .Ncbtmka and “It the 531110 length ut ttmr m the \\ (Mt-rt. l‘mnn (ollrï¬t- u! the l mtrd Exangrlnnl chutt‘hat Le Man hm;- It you utth out 5mm“. that ~he Ia In .u'gurd \nlh the document plmtmn ml the Immune m \u-H as Its (onceptum- at thnsttan lute and (undue! Thc staff are no“ (tmstdrnng \Ukh than“: tn thr Kheduh- n to alluv- {ur Englmh under the general tttlr n! Preparamry “ark For thr prru-nt Mm Thomas mil take 5m h student: a: mu hr .mzugm-d to her h) the superm tondent ut both men and vuvmrn The annual Inn-(mg of (he Wonuxz'n Mlsmunarv l'nmn was hrkd m m: I’m-3!»- trer chunh on Wednesdav aflflmwn uHast wcrk at thrrt ukhxk Rrpons fur the past your \u-Ir made bv (hr ot‘hcrn}. Mm Laurrnwn of the Woman) Prrsbvu-nal SIKH‘K), spukr an the wmk Hf lhr (hlldren's Bands and MM Rch]! at tho Baht-mum scuh-mcnt clm‘. m Hu- Bum-mum costume. addrnxni Hm mn-z 1m: l‘hcrc “I: a largr altcndam'r and mg Inert “as a Muir .Illclluun\1 m.“ the tullnwxng "(ï¬n-rs wcxr (in (mi I‘m-u dent ml the Home Mignon“) Sun-ix Mrs Frances I) Evercn‘ \u‘r prvmdrm Mn’ k'harln Drake. m’n’lan'. Mn Lush: McPherson, prcudcm m the 1-â€: mm Mmuonnry Sandy. Mn L‘harlr- E Schautï¬cr. \‘ice-prnudcm. Mrs Henn M Hanm, m‘retary. Mrs Henry W. Bmd trrasurcr for both Foreign and Home Soueties. Mn. Ir: J. beer. Tc- .1. served at the close 0! the program by the following hostess" Mrs. Frederick W. Schumacher. chairman. Mn R J. Benny. Mn Frcdenck Clo“: Mn. A. L chmng. Mn C. A. Smith. and Mn Henry Thayet, - .v‘râ€" ...~_i, ample copy lhd pnmium cat-log, Ad drm Town‘s Mwmsl Canton, ("no N NL-x‘n “It the lllslllll pnm l! X‘ B" “lble Mini 1 1 hr gram 3'41 Irm'. .a YA u §w Nu}: [ht (1.: u Iâ€; Dr ‘Hur' a \I’Hmn I! r ,gz- xx," Ulrh‘int‘ r \hlp .Hui { .\ .md thump..- zhr t-rs‘ -! .- .I \3 Mm Dorothy Lotion â€wind last work no plum o! M;- Pyn: who was ill. Pfllk‘lpI' Yodfl o! the Whitewater? Sauna! .rhuul, Whitet‘lter. Wu. In: I vmlor on Monday A letter In readâ€! telling ol (In high plan-s mun ll Lake Farr-t all†by lmflfld-Shnld. "h u‘huol "laden“ during 1hr p“! “mini Mn: Rum King vhu n- .1 Junior, ion I plau- m (hf [up mm and m the â€bl-mun ‘ la»: Mm Human-l Hudumnn, Mm Mud: Van Slcnndrrcn. [ï¬rm-5! Mofltu and ï¬nial Sum). mm a pit“! in the mp mm MI†Hndgman an one 0! [hr luv uludrnn .. 41-â€.‘uhn hid I rnurd 01 "A' A letter In rent-nun high plan-s mun ll Lake by lmflfld-Shnldt In! dunng 1hr pun! “mus! King vhu 1:- .1 Junior, m [up ï¬lth and m the â€in Human-l Hudumnn, M chnndrrcn. Erma! Mo! Sum). mm a pit“! in lb! Bndgman an one u! H In 1hr udlrgr ï¬lm had ‘ fur then u’nx m 1hr ï¬n Sum). mm a pit“! in the top nun mu.- Hndgman an one 0! [hr luv uludrnn In 1hr u>llrgr uh“ hM n l'nurd 01 "A' In! the†u’hrx m 1hr ï¬n! u-mctm The warm! annuul boys dmnrt null [x hrld un Saturday mgh! :1 ha†nth-r nix u'dmk "The mhulmn: "om-d RM "The (ram prepared under Mun Pryc'n uwnmn (\e vull bc “ lnumph n! high hung at law an! “ Follumng (hr dmm-v :hnr vull hr â€nan. nn‘hrsun muuc. and nddrnsrs by Inc-n. promnu-m In lhru pro‘ (mum; nn the opportunities In the" \uutmm and the son a! youn‘ mrn winked Among the mtn In speak WI“ be Mr Damn! Mnfullough, the author of "Engmccnnu u I Vocation" who vnll aural on lhl! subwa. I)! H M Lmnrll u! L‘hxagn who m on: n! the trustee: o! (be Lair Furnl (elk-g? and vull 5pc“ upon ‘mc "Phyuutn ’nd hu- Work," and Mr Fan-H95 Munro 0! lhu Ml) wull upenk ml "The ()ppouunmn u! the Lanyrr" Ml .\ J BIMMH will uhou pu‘turn ul (hr wkndsd Flut'brk' nhool utwhuh hr u prmcapal at (an. Ind The bun Arr exprcu-d lu bung lhrn (amen a! xhrxv gut-flu 'l he dmm-x I» turn!) hvr (cm:- I phlr trnd a nth-mi n1 hul lnrnn pupus m1 rm h (rm hr! mm» :5 (AUG-(1 1hr AdHu-l h.†\thm hlb hurl-hum“ a group n! Ivu-nh pupâ€; ulmh mn-l run. (in «and â€pm! m: lhr nllrndnmt uhulav slup and drp‘anu-nl (:1 Hum! p.u1uulau an up 4nd du- u» (hnr pan; and Idral for (ht prrwn: and [mun [Inn hnnmng In in nus-1m hvmh lht' lrmhrl and the pupn 1hr 1m mrr nukmg :1 hr! [mum-u In anâ€! and â€1101ther 0: Hit pm mm.†shlnnla ul Hutu-x: hr :5: pupxi Qurplums .xr askrd of flu pup: In lhr \Qn‘u! .u u nhrthn u! nul 19‘: pupils ‘L (In- ,{vuup p.41. m auruv‘: “-1 (gr and “mm uny uhnllhrv mrnn In M. I! am 1!..[..{ .1".rt .n'tqv‘munx Hu [ugh h'nuul \ Ulll.‘ ILJlI-‘Ik lhr) dvu\fl>odf(~1h‘hufll .md dmst‘...‘ 1hr \w alum am‘. I hall buhynl m u hum? m. thrvpvrlry and. uhn 9. ll m-v rmJ» In .mdrrshmd Hm! MI.) 2 plan Yr ‘\\ur'\$fil‘1fullhl‘lr u (-5 («“11“ h.t':I N hmt t Imago .mdtrwd 19w nun-t- lilfl'rt,â€.(‘ \uhynl (If "I'M-sh \II.’ and mid «I! the rurtnm-nts HIH‘. In the 3â€?qu uhuc- lhctr urrr tvm trâ€) mt Iwurus um- ‘wr thr dehIIrIIt and um- in! thc pule~ II. ..I trnllh thr rrpulI nbtam rd hung mus! luxtuhxl and fl)l'llI!.|‘> II; III NiIthlIat'n “hou- hhllfl} Iu dtal IIIII nu II is suing! Is unthmtn-IIc-d, Is .3 rm“: ILII-IrMIII‘ prlkrl and upokc \Irm’x gmmg many unflul lIIIItr III the (nlt‘ I»! 'rIr . ’Iltdlfll bulh duIInx hm ad d'I-xs um! III anawer tn Ihr man) gm“- my†mum? 1w Inrmbrn M the :Iudwtnc. M: lnw [Amt Flmth guvr a lute! till ahnut AIIIEIII rtvu adv-(MIMI (hr Huldfm‘ IIIcthI-da (If Imttuttmn as lxâ€"mfl mote pImtItnl than than uxn‘l In the [‘I)‘.‘ MI: hdmud Knapp sung tun \Inal- srln’llnn! .ntutnpamrd at thr punu by‘ Mn Janna “alum hIHImIIIR the. pro [mm Int «I: N’fVl‘i In the hush-m win; «(If Mn "l'hul l, anr, Mn C A \I: :H. Mm Maud Shannun and Mn, l'4~I.I- x\t 1hr lu'x‘. IIIrcIInu IIf the SZ\|\IHYIH|\,\1fllth uxth Irpmh «I1; be Inmtr M (itï¬l’Il'lIl CtIIIIIIIIttm, mum (I! thr II.rII:ht-u ul uhkh uIll \INI utuolt In t hI-‘agu and \M [mu brim: that mm- as will a numhfl 0‘ the trnchen and wt“. {In-paw mtrn1ttn‘ au‘nuntl Suhln't. "1 MI! FIIrndl)’ Rugh' High School Did-ion In Marv Nthwcn uf E\III|(UI\ VII‘II «Ll- (has tit meeting t6 be held on Fuday unrrnuun. Much T. on the bubycd of "Sex Hygiene " The member) of I“ the dIvmom of the Aunrntnm In- mntcd to be present Pntrdml Dr Mrliweon'u nddrm the (yum-0c dunes of the hub school vull (we .1 ethbttIon 0! their wmk Ir. the gymnuium It two o'cluk \L ".d hr hrs â€"-1 main Place PilnoSmdm umounres Hm (he sprm‘ term mmmenccn Much Is: (an at: are at I In man pupnh. .0 enroll it once 801mm“ given .pecul aucmmn 1cm“ very reasonable. Ruph Julian Xrl 333W. 520n1y am’nts and leachers' Asymmnnn High ~ \I\ {Hr 1min,- .IHfX. ht‘ g .‘1 mo mumâ€: Mud Ira rum .mrtmnn uhrn 1’: 1h III'IH Hmdu nl JN‘AXNII ll. 1!)! hml L hunger “min-sou: 19w [In th DIV|IKII| Qrpullnlrl‘l and shut)†w kl: lhr pupâ€. planning ‘.\1Ct at â€in! .nhmum‘. mm ul \th‘u‘tlln-l. sum-nu mu :1" hr»! :rp- 'u .n In Jrounmrm and s hum ilhru Yuluvr ‘nrrr uhrn 1’: Hum an mm: n. 1!): (man hrs-Nd 19w nun-l- I'm-sh Ru} and rm hrn North Shore Trustpompany rc I 0". rvoulcll o- 'n-oduu J [:04 Moll-nu d Md:- (Shark. A “ugh-u. Eva-um. Vnr Ant-n ‘ \‘orooc, Canine: DI'RING thepast three ways \u- lflhtitnt‘d m (ilflt‘fl‘n! homes m Highland Park 8 Burnham boilers. ti Stu-turf. 6 American Ideal. 1] l’mtcd Statvs CHDIIHL it Magma 4 Spencer, 2 Vassar. 1 Richm'md. 1 Kewanec and 5 leHt‘T boilers, and tn [ht best uf our knuwlvdgr every nwnt-r ii H“ commending their butler By this you can vasfly 511 it (tot-s nut matter what boiler is uswd as much as tum tht- plant 18 put m. Will furnish you the 11st tn mwstngatr 1t \nu Wish, T. H. DECKER CO. 126 E. Cntrd Ave. Tdepbone 201 Hi‘hlnnl Park ning he drops use pennies he â€may dollars are no! found. but earned penny b‘ work of hand and brain. and when you on “5" Y0“ vial soon have donuts to work for mean capiul t! interest. \vnn \M- Will pay you duo- pot can! In make mum-y on 11. but 11 you havr ‘ an buy booth a mango... which “r st“ UN bonds and munungm “The Imperial†Dyers aqd‘gleaners 2“ LAST CENTRAL AVENUE Toh-phonon (-xpcncncv. Our (1 EAMNM AM» In HM, u! ladnm‘ and gent‘s garments. urwntal rugs. (.H'u’ls. pin-(unis. dram-1 res. pmnu mwrs. lace curtains. My. mnnul he dupln and by any kx‘al claim-x. as “(A haw xhc LAR(.E.\1 and most SANITARY plan! m thv Wm! N1,1I1»1II)I you :11‘1-z11‘qumntm mlh â€11- 11:1» (II \mrk w1- I1m111l1m1- m th1- past. but IX) \(II' KNOW. that 11111 d1-pm‘tm1‘m 1m I’m-smug. R11- panmg and R1m1>d11mg Indu-s‘ and ()1nt‘5 “12mm: \ppuu-I 1x d1m1 Xuzht I11 11 m IIlghI. 1nd I’;1rk,I)y :m I..\I’ I,RI I All ()R uf mam wars The House That Pleases A Trial Will Convince You rwmw,“ ï¬ï¬‚ï¬axaak use 1mg! 4 wagon will (all for and delix'm' your garmrnts Special Annountement The stationer that will convey your personality m a creditable way. : ' ° I’lmnmlrz'sf Highland Park :: T(’/(’f>lz(m(‘ I: Most American coins are lmpw'u with the emblem of the eagle. the swiftwt and strongest of birds in his flight. Many an ambitious man has imprudently imagined he might quick ly siem and capture this dollar bird. It is a butterfly chase, where in the run. .... 3|.- mnnies he already has. Rm} fmv lm‘rs ('s/N'm'ully [7771111 MAIN OFFIL I. AND WORKS 2123-2133 lJn(o|n Avonue‘ (‘HICALU LII-(oh - 1908 Dav mmwwmww :1 Von have arcumumu It... which willm i rnnfluflflc‘.‘ and the“ IN('0RP()R A TED can! In] 1hr use umulmrd SHIN!) M m foo you I we»... Hail-d M 265 ins are impresstxi of the eagle. the st of birds in his mhitious man has an (En' (Lo-nu u (gluta- fuel Illinois ';_‘i;"“,‘_§'}.¢ hum." (mom-l Trad I hauu- Ion! l nl you! arr ha ‘ by penn} In save the PP" Dnvcrury 8152 (H ath' | mun otherwne p07 cent