h MW‘PAIKPRBS Pawn: Wuxu :1 Jon 1.. Um at Highland Park. Lake County. Illinois Telephoo'e :: 2: Highland Park 562 wmflflnYuiflvm Enlemd :- second-clan mutt! March 1. 1911. I! the Don once u Hiahhnd Park. "linen. nude! the An of March 3. 1879‘ Those tunny looking humps and cres‘ cent shaped piles of earth, hazards we believe they call them, are probably nec- essary to the game ot golf, they give the player something to worry over as he drives his ball from hole to hole. But the law is not golf. even tho there are many amateurs cluttering up the aqua of the good lawmaker in the same manner in which poor players impede the progress of the good golf player, and the primary law should not be a hazard put in our way to make the game more difï¬rult. Either the primary law is good or it is bad. If it is bad it should be abolished or made good. If it is good it should be used. The Man Across the Street. for one. does not like to believe that we are sending lawmakers to Springï¬eld and pay- ing them salaries for making laws tlLll are only made to be evaded. dust 1n the usuél why-- but what a diï¬erem‘e? No dusx ï¬ymg m the room :0 sad: down a 4m. Even; speck m (24ka up and (a on om - mx )ua surred up And, “the same umc. with no extra work. your furniture. woodwork and hardwood flnun are cleaned and polished. Try a 25c bottle. “During all the 33 YEARS that I have kept house [have never used a more satisfact- ory furniture polish and floor cleaner than NU-FINISH. Acce t my highest recom- m [ions for same.†While. from this distance, we may have the right to look upon Mexico and its people as uncivilized and unenlightened, engaged principally in setting up and knocking down governments the ofï¬cers of which we fondly argue. should take les- sons from the great and glorious United States. the unenlightened lawmakers of that country have put a few laws on ther books. probably between revolutions. which make it appear as though the 'shoe was on the other foot.‘ For instance: These unenlightened people. whom Ameri- can owners of Mexican property say need the subduing influence of American soldiers. have two laws prohibiting child labor in their cotton and other industries; one is the 14 year age limit and the Omar the $1.25 (Mex) a day wage limit. MRS SWAIN SAYS: Women at the club and men at the club have one thing in common. The conversation at both clubs usually con~ conversation ccrns women There is another reason why Mr. O'Keefc may not be postmaster of Highland Park; he has stated that he Wt†not give up the management of the Railroad Men's Home. and the law says that postmasters in cities the size of Highland Park shall not hold any other position. D. G PURDW" SONS The Man Across the Street u... 213 HoD-nifls A". Drop me a postal card or telephone me and I will call for goods North of Deaï¬eld Road EutefC.N.W.R.R. BoxNo.664 Hal-Ind Pun-In. Ill. memuzva tqsnummm < 2233. d .150: {oath 2503354 UM Sewn and Wucr eon- tractor. ecu-em sidewall“. etc. THURSDAY, MARCH 13 1913 is a marvelous dustin _. damn .’ hahmg ‘- qmd. :II It ypu )ust D. McNElLL IITWD IO‘I‘ Iron Rags Rubber Bottles Paper, etc. â€WAYID Highland Plrk 1 Macon. Gm ‘ Mr. Walter Smith is in the cut on a ‘trip and will be away until the latter i part of May. Mr. and Mn John Irwin Marshall. who xecenuy purchased the Wallace Wakem home on Prospect Ave.. after having com- pleted a number of improvements are now occupying the residence. Mn. Goon Punch Patton and her two little sons. who have been visiting Mn. Panen' I father. Mr. T M. Clark. hue left for We“ Point where Lieu! Patten is smumcd. Word was received here Monday from Mr. and Mn. Wuren Harrison mnounc- ing the nrrivnl of 3 daughter. born Satur- dzy. March )1. Mr. 1nd Mn Harrison are living in Memphit. Tenn. Mr. and Mm S. (Poodell and family 0! Chicago and Mr. (Eoodcll‘s mmher 1mm Dulu‘h, Minn, were the guests on Sun- day of Mr. and Mm Henry Ewart of Park Avenue. Mr. and Mfs. Halsey B C. While and their son. Hugh are in Mount L‘lcmenx chh‘, and from there Will w) m Atlanuc City. They will be out of town for abuul a month. Mrs. E. I" Knapp will have as her guests during next week Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Hall of New York who wull arnve here Saturday. Mr. Hall 15 a New York artist. M Steflen o! Wllnu! St. is quite in win: acute: fever. MmN.Lanon.whohu been on the nick list. is we to be noun} again. Mr. and Mn A. Lauflenberger have moved from McDaniel. Ave. to Chimp. Mn loteph Fearing and his two m Leixh mu Lemar lelt this week {or F"_â€":Ilwwâ€w'm : ' ’ meandwm Mmmm ï¬amdtï¬lï¬-dlï¬A Mrs Van Tuyle and daughter. Mrs, ()scar sz ofChicugo were {he guests sewn! days of this week of Mr. and Mrs. George Colburn 0! Second SL Mr. Legler. supermtrndcnt of (he Chl- cago Public Library. will erect arrsndence in Ravinia' this spring at the corner 0! W. Bronson and Marshman Ava-nucs. Mr and Mrs. G. B. Brand and daugh- ter Salome, were (he guests a few days of this week of relatives In Milwaukee. Mr‘ and Mrs. Ed. Brown and children of Wauke‘an were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sash of N. Green Bay Rd. Mrs. Cutler of Boston, Mass. who has been the ‘guest of hu daughter, Mrs. John Russell Molt relurned to her home last week. Mr. George Hoppbrich went to Madr son. Wis: Tuesday (0 look at a farm which he will purchase and take posses» sum of April ï¬rst. Mrs George E. Moore had as her guests over Saturday Mn George hf Moore of Chicago and her daughter, Miss Moore and Senator Brady of Idaho. Miss Gar’trude Massou of Minneapolis spent the weekend as the guest of Mn. H. R. London. Mr. and Mn 1. H. Aldridge 0! Rice SL, Ravinia. announce the Irnval of a 0m. born Fridty. March 7‘ ML and Mrs. Erb ar Chicago were “the w« Mrs. Geomc Smith. Sr Mr. and Mrs. John Ristme of Park Av- enue. have as their guest. Mn Rustine's mother from Kansas Ciky, Mo‘ Mr. and Mrs. W. Harrison have as their guests their nephews. Edwin and Samuel Harrison of Hamsonburg. Virm'ni; Mrs. H. M. Prior, accompanied by Mr; lredale of Evanston. left last week {or Florida where they will visit relative; Mr‘ and Mrs. G. N‘ Norcrm and family are now occupying their recently purchas- td residence .1! the corner of Central and Linden Avenues. Mrs; P. C. Wolcott Is in Florida where see has been visitxng at Magnolia Springs as the guut of her father who has a winter home there. Mrs. Lovell. who has been very ill since her return from Kentucky 3 week ago. I! |mproving. She is stopping with Mrs. Nathalie Van Rnper. Miss Lurene M. Brown of Linden Park Place _lelt Tucsdav to want friends m Chicago before leaving for her future home in Panama City. Fla. Through the kindness of Mcmrs Cum mings. O'Connor and Lm'kard. (he High- wood school pupils had a verv enjoyable sleigh ride last Friday afternoon. Mr. J‘ S. Reeseman left Tuesday mom- ing fur anstantine. Mlch.. where he will vim relatives for a few days» Mr. ahd Mrs. Charles Everett. who have beer! thq guests 0! Mrs. Frank Everett at Tnlton. N. H for several weeks. have returned. It is with regret the friends and ac- quaintenanccs of Mn Flint. who has been very ill for a number of years. hear that she is much worse. Mrs. BHF. Gump. “ho spent the winter with Mrs. Willian M|llard of Ravine Drive. left Tuesday for the rast where she will.residc in the future, and son. Vincent. 0! weekend guests of mm. Kan-u. Sunday. MnGctty ha- hct non visiting ha from the an] academy. mm Every I“ who WW!" I ‘00" mm and lot I he: “mph copy and premium cum. Ad- dre- Toon‘s Mm Canton â€hm; Mrs, Muses entertained at I dinner on Wednesday evening, me cunt: hem. er (‘hntï¬rld Mm Tuppcr. Mrs. Lcar. Mm Phalcn. Mn Savnlle. Mm. 519mm, and Mm McNamec. After dmner budge wn played. The Mine. Norman. who have been thcgucusol Mn. Gilbralh far meal necks. returned to (hair home in Laven- Toon' s W: in the urges: hes! edited mine! publuhed u ï¬umdmm-durxr mam who and um]; um their urivaL mmFrid-y Mr. and In M. Ii. Could ol WooMock. 111.. Mr. and Mn. G.F.ConndolAmioch. [IL-Minna] MMJ.deatv.m [run the Eamon hospital when.» had In operation on her ear. Min Khan" in very much improved. Nntn'r ts herrbv given that mt Tun day. the lat day 01 Apnl. 1911 the an- nual township election Wt“ be hctd 1n the township 0! Deerï¬cld tor thr puma“ of etcctlng the {OHO‘IHR ofï¬ccn Supervxmr Four Justucn of the Pram.- Four Constables One Cumm'uuoncn ut Htghuays All petitions mun b: ï¬led \uth the town clerk no later than the t6th at March. 1913 1-2 H. E. FARMBR. Turn Clerk Deerï¬eld A've.. Ind Mn. G. Hopphn'd and the â€is... Vendh and Father Adam. ton were the tuna 0! Mr. And Mn. Nelson of Rlvmwood Sunday. Mr. and Mn. E P. Sedawick and their dnugluer. Min Muy Saigvnck wholuvr been traveling In luly. ance‘ Smud- Ind. and England. will rrturn to Hugh- land Park early next week Misc Mnryme Small Ind Mm Frances Small are at China and W1“ return 1n Junc trip around the world Mn: 20 to the Moraine where she the summer. Min Catherine Cunhxng, who has been an nince Jlnuary. wit a bndeunnd at I wedding in Pinlnï¬cld. N. J.. I {ohmght ago and from then- went to Washington when: nhe aucncd the Inaugunl celebn~ hon In company with Miss Theo Fouca- (eld of Baltimore. whose [ucu she |l while In (he east Rev‘ B. R. Schuluc. prcsudmfl elder of Chicago Dinner. left Monday {or 1hr an- nual cuticrcncc of the Fun! Unnlrd Evan gchcal Church at Chadwu‘k, Ill Rn. J. F Van Evera and William Ntrrcnbcrg Lay delegate of the local thuxt‘h, lclt Wednesdav. The conlrnâ€"ntr vull tlnsc Mundny and no particular changes aw expected tn ministers ll] the (tau .1ng dlS trlt‘t. There WI†be nu scrum-s In the- Flrst L'mtcd Eungchcal thunh rthrr momma or (Ytnlllfl. Sunday A word to workng men by a uorkmg man; Elstwhrre In thu paper there I: an announcement of a series 0! lecture: which are bung gn'cn m Tnnu) Parish House. These lecturn should be hard by everybody and pamcularly by work- ing men because they tell the truth about the hard condition: whlch some at" our tellow men have to contend with. You should hear the one which will be gn'tn Sunday night at eight o‘clock. George H. Moms. 'l he Dorcas Society 0! the Presbylrnan church held their regulu mcrnna on Monday and luncheon was served by the tullnvnng hostesses Mrs (icurgr W Childs. Mm AV LII‘fnCr Mulls, Mn. W. R. Ruflnor, Mm Trim Waller. and Mass Laura Kmrcdge Kcn‘nedy, Thus WI: 101 lowed by the met-(mg 01 the Missionary 506$ch which now me": on Monday afternoon In place 01 Wedncuda) Mn H. B. McAh-e spoke on the home nmmun work of the Woman! Board and he! audxcnce was most attentive- {or she spoke very interestingly upon rhc general work mmcmmmhx'mmmm Curtains laundered and strrtrlted just the length you want them at The Reliable Laundry They do exceptionally ï¬ne work on thins. collam and ladies rm: (Inthfl at The erublr Laundry “Land Mn M. C. Conndhaduxhdt Mr. and Mn (Z. Redmc and family of Ft. Sheridan Notes Hock. of Ekcuon her mm. present In {mm the†Small WI†will tptnd I! I" '( mum}: F. Punuh. Suhulm lur k omplunnnL Suu- Bank Bldg" Hmhlnnd Put. llhnou Dalvd a! “gunman. llhnuu. lhu day t! Manh, A I) 1913 pictun cxhibiticnon Friday [he 2103. John My. the [rut livad'e um! one 0! the be“ actor! of the movafl‘g picture wodd. will appeal as Samq‘yl hand an Pickwick papery There vi}! no he wme laminating pmunn u! u' Mud: Gm. New Ode-M i Pubhc nntu'c u hereby given that by \trtur of In mdrr ï¬nd drum rmernd in the abmc mum-d cauu- tn the Curb Lourt ul Lah- Count)" It the M: A term A I] 191:1. 0n thr 7th. dn of Mag A 1) WM â€when! the undcf‘mu Mann tn khnntrry u! and Loun. will on Monday the 3)»! day 01 Much. A} . 1913. II the butt! nl one u‘t‘kxl in ahctnt-un u! “Id day. I! (be from 609! 01 (hr L‘uurt Home. In the C-ty o! W‘- kt-unt, Luunl) t)! Lain and St.“ :61 ll'ttntnr, sell a! publu' Iuflum to (k htuhnl and but Uddfl [m (uh [hf Q" hmtng dammed land and [I‘ll cuâ€: In “H L. Lat» 21 and 22 m Hack A m "â€11, hrld Ink lnnd and lmprmcmenl unnahm. Huhdnl‘on m Ihc Yum-0* quartrr w! N1 mm 29. Taunbhip U not )L Rangr 1'.’ in! of the ThIrd I’m-m U Mend)“: «naked in lhc,\’nllngr u! [ hrld kuunU of Lake and Sutrotnhmï¬. Thu (he [XIIIID‘ plat for \hr Faudh Wnrd nil! be u the Highland Park Pros bulldxng. ma W Centtal Avenue, all in the City of Hmhllnd Park. Lake County, “linm: g On Tuesday "ruin; the 25th. 5 Alvu L Boumiqm mil lead the Eu: mu'lhon which will commrmr 1! h after right o'dor k. [Jodi- Notice ' Now? In Pic-rely gum Hull I grnele (41‘dequ be held In [hr k m of Hm land, Lulu- Luumy, “1mm: â€1‘ '1 mad?" April 1301. A I) 1913 h" 1hr h-memg cnly nf‘hvcn I May-m a CH) L’lrrk ‘ Cly Alluvmv : L‘Ily I‘rrasurrr I’nlnr Magnum:- ()nr Aldrrman l0! {hr hrs! “an! ()m- AIdc-rman lot the M’uhd Wald an Aldcrmnn lor the- Tmrd Wmd ()nc Aldrrman lot rht hunt}. “md' That (he pullmg plane In! the Fit! Ward mu hr I! lhc Fm- lkâ€"parthl budding \emul Avenue- und (.rccn Hgy Ruad. , u Thu the â€ï¬ll". plum tn: the ’1‘th Ward ml: tx- a! I) C l‘urdy and _ V n “are. 43 4S Scum St Juhm Awnuc Vt On Thunday Lam-rm Munh 27. I (Inc: L'ummmee I!“ hue ( harm- ul 1 program I! the (w! and vapor! M! H. Prob“. Clly Fons!" 0! Oman addreu the Inc-chug Thu (he DUHIH‘ plan in! the Suï¬ Ward vull be a! FredSthrk-r': plumbu drop. 23 North Shendln Road On Friday" the am, (he Umbuy Ma haunm I: well a man)- unm mien-(t inch-tum In" W“ m the man pccturr exhibilwn. I. A Junior dune: mll be held on the eve. Infl of Apnl hnl n hnlf utter tlflh10'('(x* The polls at said pic-(nun qu he op-‘n ll its-en n'vkx k m the morning and ((3.- (Inur nprn u'ml ï¬w (ulmk m the an; - nuun n! than dale. I 01 Manh A I) 1913 Sun; nr union: LAM C(H'N’TY \ In the (mm! Court n! Lah- L‘ou: March Term. A D. 1913 The Mmh‘nud Pull 5“: Bank 4 lr \ mm, Axuuuvv-lum .m '5‘“ _' Pruvxuun H II S3 m damn] Nn‘lflully by lhe urmw Laundn ': \ lrnncn. Hue your laundry wmk done at 50 pm?! for Ha! I! Thr Relublc Laundry. J [kind at Highland Park Hm Paintingllecontilg andPapallmsiu “an“ ‘1 ERNBI ll. KUCHNE;P us 1 (n- h H 3* I“ HOLE-II“ 3*!†hnr drrs-rn. IuilI~ plum panic-n Mnton Sal. Enmum J. lint-u Kll“ Muster m Chancery I». A Wme k My L lrm Park Club a; Giant's dancing mh *mmzwwwwwm - URINC thepast three years wv mstnllvd m duffcrentf homes in Highland Park a Burnham boilers, 6 Sp: noes. 6 American Ideal. ll Unned States Capital. 3 Mama: 4 Spencerfl Vassar. 1 Richmond, 1 Kewanee and 5 Muel boilers, and to the best of our knowledge every owner is :3 camnendinx their boiler. By this you can easily set 11 d( . not matter what boiler is used as much as how the plant is put in. Will fumish you the Ms! {0 mvesngale If ynu msh. I“ F. Can't] An. Telephone 201 l "Iod Ne“ 01 MoGouchn (John A ‘ min-an, h! Inuol \‘u Ant-v ‘ \ m‘ 9‘. North Shore Trust Company; “I: w. -â€"_ v. liar. The man who is a jack of all trades never makes a success of any. When we are ill it is prudent to consult a physician, when we draw a will, to consult a lawyer, when we seek investments. to consult a banker. As bankers we make a specialty‘of real estate investments, consisting of loans on im. provodpmdoetivepmpeflvwhichhcapabk of am. inlunincoanntlustthnet'uuuthe m dim These securities are safe and you will sleep soundly ll yoU buy them. They range m amounts from $900 upward. TheHOuse That Pleases A Trial Will Convince You A wagon will call for and doliwr your gar-mm“ No doubt ynu are m'quamu-d wnh 1hr class of work we have done m lhc past. but IX) YOU KNOW. that our dcpurtment 1m Pn-ssmg. Re- pairing and Remmiclmg Indu-s‘ and Gem's Wearing Apparel is done Huh! hm‘v m lixghland Park. by an EXPERT TAILOR of many years experienan ()ur CLEANN; AM) In H,\(. u! ladn's' :md gmt‘s gzu‘mcms.nricmal rugs, carpets. punlrrs, dmpvm‘s. planu covers, lace Curtains. (-10, cannot be duplicated by any local cleaner, as we have the I,Am.h.~’1‘ and most SANITARY plant m the Wm! '. H. DECKER COJ}, INCORPORATED 2“ EAST CENTRAL AVENUE Tele’hu Highland Pad 265 Dyers and Cleaners “The Imperial†wwm 'mmwgemmwmm Whether a prescnptmn calls for twu nt' ton mgredients it ru‘etws nur (-nttrc E1111 :ttinn. Accuracy 15 practmd and sin“ 1.x enmlnyvd. From the stan mm] the label 1:4 wnttcn every move Ls guarded. checked and mun- tet‘checked tn ax'md tmstaer Accuracy and Skill in Prescriptions Special Announcement Earl W. Gsell 1:2 3â€"01. >20 «(Ow-hm Mann â€â€"9“ r360; ><O=GP O:_ï¬>co r339... . uva 0.4 WM Palm, III. Plzm'maris/ Tr/vp/zmn’ C)’ IuJ (In! (Looaofl I L hum _\‘»u try-Mm (.0.qu 1 rufl ‘ Non-‘- u Divoruy - 8152 F