â€View t 31' 5 i: Among the ladies xvh-i “on prizes and honorable nicnzion mm». C(wkul mrah ofwhicl. Mr<. liordun Buchannin “as chiirman, Mrs. Funk Thorn, Mrs. Henry Mason. .\ll'>. Carletun Mosclv. Mrs. Hotard \\ rrnri. Baked dishes. Mrs. Mw Culley c:i.i.ri.m: prizes wvm by Mrs. Earl SpC'icer, Mrs. G H. Campbell. Miss Tumlcy'. Chafing dishes. Mrs. Frank: Terry. chairman. prizes won by Mrs B. “' Schumaincr. Mrs. Frank Terrv. Mrs. Clarence Tllnl'» 1: Jellzvs. jams. pickii-s and prescrxcs. Mn Daniel Cu‘ib M'liair man; prizes won b,‘ Mrs. Sell ir llullard , Mrs Lloyd Bergm. Mrs. John 1Ullk. Mrs John Rlstrlc‘. Mrs Herman Dcnze'i Mrs. Alhll’ Bourtziquc, Mrs. llcan Thwcr and Mrs. Rnlk‘rt Buckmun Sal ads. Mrs. l-Iicreu Deming, chairman, prizes won by Miss Jessie Chandler. Mrs John Ristmx". Mrs. Charles Drake. Mrs. Samuel Hastings. Mrs. Waiter Baldwin. 'Mrs H. M. Bacon, Mrs. F. B. Hussey. Mrs. Charles Smith. Mrs. Evereu Dem» ing. Miss Margaret Follansbee. Ap- petizers. Mrs. G. W. Childs. chairman†piza won by Mrs W. R. Ruï¬ner. Miss Eciih Moss Mrs. George R. Nichols. Mrs 5 Sellar Bollard. Fruit cocktéils. Miss! Moss. Mrs. F. M. Steele. Miss Mary! fliï¬lcy. Pastry. Mrs. George McBride.: chairman; prizes won by Miss Tumley'.i Mrs. Fred Dole. Mrs Christman, Mrs.1 Buell. Mrs. McCauley. Mrs George Mc- ‘ Ban Mrs. E G. Deming. Mrs Johnl Bunnell. Miss Floy.d Cakes. Miss Karel Floyd. chairman; prizes won by Mrs. O. H. Morgan Mrs. Fred Bayh‘ea Mrs‘ John Marshall. Miss Floyd. Mr‘ Dole. Mrs M. The ulmost skrll and pracncal xdms shown by the managmg onumrttec whrsc members were: Chaxrman. Mrsr ch L Jones‘ assisted by Mcsflnres W. J. Fyffe-V C. C. Hughes (2. Allen Mamn, Ear! Spencer. Wfllzam E Ten Broeck, and Miss Kennedy. ‘amllmn a! !he Highland Pa TUMJ‘) exemng “hr-n Ihcr‘ number of dinners prq'r-dzng The Mystu ‘Nurkcr‘. uhu vusual knack of huldzng suc extremely plrpulnr c'mcrtmn Although the plans for Domestic Ans and Scwnce Day unglnatrd in (he wall Club it was a day {or exery lhghland Parker and to all the ladies m this city who assisted by donations or purchases is due the success of {he enzcrtaxnmcm at Wthh the men and boys. when (‘Venlng cams. gave so freely n! Ihclf mom-y. A better gamble_ 9! Que. W spiril of Ewahd‘hrk could not be better displaygdrthra‘n l! was on qunday in the enmyment of a monologue by Miss L Kittredge Kennedy entitled "The Boarding Housekeeper." The curtain raiser was a mandolin duetol the raggiest rags of up to date music by Roland Hastings and Jack Childs, this was fol- lowed by a Russian dance by Miss Dorothy Clark who wore a native costume at rare attractiveness. Although called back time and time again by the audience no encore was given. Messrs. Ellis Faxon. and Carl Bawman gave several tine mandolin and piano selections This was followed by a short mtermxssxondur- ing which Mr. George Allen Mason auc timed off the original Ossoli pOstcr drawn by Mr Briggs. This brought ten dollars. A sketch well acted and the (‘2 ise of great laughter and fun was then put on by Miss Kczmcdy and Mr. John Tum: There are not adequate adjectives to describe or space to enough to give to description: of the partiCularly ï¬ne ex amples of the culinary art but the list of names of ladies receiving blue ribbons is published at the close of this article There was an especially ï¬ne exhibit of electrical articles in one of the club rooms while in another room were won« derful and attractive examples of sewing. fancy work. patterns of rare quilts. and placecardsfor sale. At ï¬ve thirty the dining rooms were opened and through Mrs C‘ C. Hughes. chairman. and her many able asaistants. the wants of the guests. whose good spirit added greatly to the pleasure of the serving of the supper, were well attended The coffee which was exceptionally ï¬ne gave the ï¬nishing touch to the good supper and was donated by Mr. Carleton Mosely. Following the supper came the vaude- ville and though a short program, every person who appeared dud his or her part splendidly and that the audience was well pleased was shown by the applause. The fact that Mr. Arthur Kraft of Chl- cago. the well known tenor was unable to fulï¬ll his engagement was lost sight of mm a: we thnï¬tzén‘ win so many ol the (may ’UJCIHSCRY: wee; represented at the exhibit. cafeteria sup- per and amateur vaudevifle which was given aaa beneï¬t forthe fund to bet-ed in carrying on the work of the bathing beach and at which the sum of eix hun- dred dollars was cleared. At three o'clock in the afternoon the doors of the ball room were opened to admit visitors to the exhlblt which was a display to dazzle the eyes and tempt the palate for in the booth. which were bower! of pink rose buds and vines clamberina over green trdlises. were exhibited the triumphs of cookery which many women of the town had perfected before donating the article to be diwlayed and sold. The ex- lubuion room was beautifully decorated and from the arched ceiling hung heavy testaons of foliage with thousands of pink rose buds intertwined. donated with the compliments of Mandel Brother; To every class of food a booth was given wherein the chairman and her assistants were installed to wait upon the guests. The Social Side of Life Local Affairs of the week _Bytth‘ ,, __...L_â€"â€"-â€" 'Mm I 3 Brown Although - comvkte ; list of the ladies winning prize! was not Ikcpt. the above names are as many as :could be obtained. The judge: COW- ;ed the ahnbu splendid and it wusditï¬- icult task for them to mien the prim u } there wém many unusual mdgood dishet. {Thirteen India acted as judgrt Mn. 1’ Robert Harvey. Mrs. Fred W. King. Mn 5 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sack of Drerï¬eld Ave annoume the marrnage of their idaughter. \ elda to Mathew Kutzer o! ihew York any The wedding took place at the home of the bride‘s parents. at half after eight o'clock Saturday evening, 'The bride wore a beauuful gown of Ewhne embroidered vmlc trimmed m real Ilace and carried a shower bouquet of uhm- Iroses. Nrchibald Puffer was best man ;whrle Mus Mable Ernst was bndesmard and “ore a gown of whxle nuns wiling trimmed m pearl beads and armed pmk ; roses. Alice Larson was nnu bearer and : Della Fagon acted as flower girl. Rex is. E. Schrader performed the ceremony. IMr. and Mrs Mathew Kutzer Will be at ' home after April first at 467 Heerï¬eld 1 Avenue. was in charge of MP1 Fredcï¬ck Boymon and Mrs Truax and the candy table was in charge of Mr: Joseph Lcammg and Mrs. Garnet! who were assisted by sev- eral of the young ladnrs who were prestm | in the audience. On Tuesday nrmng Mr. and Mrs ()corge Colburn entertained a number of guests at a dinner and informal evcmng m honor of their tenth wedding annu- wrsar‘: The out at town gurus wvrr Mr. and Mrs, Adult \V'mdlg. Mr and Mrs Allen Spencer. Mr and Mrs \‘mur Mar wood, Mr. Edwin J. Moll-r, Dr J E hum, [)r. and Mn- (Nar Spitz. mother, Mrs. Van Tuyl OI Chicagn The Mystw Wurlwr‘. who law an un usual knack of hulllzng successful and extremely pl‘pulnr vmcrtmnmrnts. held Ihc fortnightly met-Imp: nn Munda)’ at Masonic hall when [llrce m-w mcmbers were Initiated and exghtren applu'atnms fur membrshlp wcn- ï¬led Fulluwmg the business meetxng n-lrcthcnu wcrr served and dancing um trump-d by the ï¬fty pcnp}e present. Surrounded by a large circle of friend! and relatives Miss Emma Broten and Mr. J. J, Golds‘tead were united in minim Saturday evening in the Swediuh Metho dist church ol Highvood _Following the ceremony a wedding supper was served and the young couple lelt on a short honeymoon trip liter which they will be at home in Wilmette. Mxm-s Alu‘e and Emma Exam (-nzer‘ tamed a number of tnrnds mfnrmnlly (m Friday afternoon m honor ut {heir guest. Miss Leila Hvsnn who 1m Fndn) even- mg for ha home in Columbus, 0th anrr spendng several weeks here baturuay cvtnlng Ill ux J‘wl‘ll lucuv I dist church ol Highvood _ Following the ‘ ceremony a wedding supper was served and the young couple hell on a short honeymoon trip after which they will be at home in Wilmette. Of interest to Highland Parker: came the announcement last week of the my gagement of Miss Helen Rudolph. dau‘h f ter of Mr. and Mn FJnil Rudolph ol , Linden Puk Place. to Mr. Albert Heller} of Chimp. Wellingm and Waterloo. Nellie. ln atnklug o! “'o-llln‘tu'l good luck at Waterloo. IIJI' ’fbla man bu the bud fortune to mad with [nod ("mine when the [rule-l man or the \Iurld la unfortunate We we‘ll: him the dam] o! dap‘dlty over "II. â€"Arumr Welllnnoa triumphant tun Napoleon Bonaparte in orenthelma'l Welllnnoa nod Nam: It la a m- deeful phonon-non that (ha hum mlndcanatthaauleuneulnd both the“ ham†This week IS om- ul rest and quxc! 1n socn‘ety for He mammy of people observe the keeping of Holy Week The usual Tango classes haw been postponed and there IS a’gt-neral dxrth In entenamments whnle people are making preparatmm {or Emter and Inc week a! galeties to follow which will (ommcnce uuh the ï¬n“ rr cunllmn a! lhe Highland Park (lub‘ an The entertainment given by the mem~ bers of the North Shore Chapter D. A. P. took place on Monday afternoon at the auditoriï¬m of the Elm Place school and was attended by three hundred people. Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Brewster Humphriu of the American League told the history of the tribes in songs and stories Tl'ere was a sflendid exhibit of baskets made by Indian women which represented the work done by eighteen different tribes Several specimens were on exhibit or which the Field Museum of Chicago has no duplicates The money obtained from the sale of the baskets goes directly to the woman who made the article. ()1 the use of the proceeds made by the sale of tickets for the entertainment at 25 cents the D. A R. will make public an- nouncement at their next regular meet- ing. The tea table at the entertainment Maegan H. KLoodnn. mu mu Vail; Mr. Walter Hately: cook. “Why“ Donahue. chain Hum MnG AMI-on. Mn Henry Olcot. Mn Robcn Filmer. Mm Henry]. Smith. and Mn. Sunley Midgley, from the Domestic Am and Science ‘School at Chncago; Mn Scum wood, Mn. William Pusey. Mn. Kings lef and Mn John Spry ol Evnmton; Mn C. F. Crnin of Ft. Sheridm; anden H. H. Chandler and Miss Towner of High- land Pads. Enkine: two win-s. in. Johnathan-n. Mn. Rm Mn Henry Thaw. Mn Rules-es. MnG. H. Canine“. Mn. 0. V. Dickinson. Fancy votk exhibit. chain man. Mn Franklin Hus-2r. prim won by Mn. F1100. Mn Hitchcock. Mn. H H. Chalidlcr. Mn Woodcock. Mn. Rex Jones. Mn M-ud Shannon. Mn. quiet, a...“ m. Janie Chandkr. chairman; a! the Inn-ling Mr (} You 0! Evert" was nnmxnaled {0: Highway Cmnmn sinner. Mr C. W. Prim. J. H chh {or Iushch of the Prove. and Mr Mllton Franu and Mr Petr! Lt!!! for Can- s'ablrs The" was quuc I dm‘uwon about the- gpreadma n! a large amount 01 Mom- 1n the north end a! the loumhip whxch shouid have been divndcd wxlh the south end, and cspccillly on Zahnlc Road, as agreed at the last annunl Clurut. ll u about hm! that the NIL-gr of Drorï¬dd I! awakening to [he fact that bring in munrny that end of the (ownnhyp should gr! prupcr rtcomgmlum m (hr mam-r of 1 ad mxpruvcmenlt A! the annual cauru: ol the (mm U! Want Klrrrï¬cld held at the town hall In! Saturday. there wm mm: a number 0! “ï¬rm present Mr. J \' [ï¬nder pn-udcd Mr James Kerk. who hal bun Inns. mg m the cast for mr lime returned Sundm ()n Saturday h'cmng Mean Walter and Robert Antn attended a card puny m Forts! (lien An Odd Log-cy. Thnxuns Jeflvmm. [he {numb-r If the Jrflervln (mull) M aflnr‘ In- "-QO tu-rwl ur» Int; m Hn- nm of “mm“ utm “‘l‘ Marv-H an van-nu“ “run-e1 u! Unrrkl'x company “minim I!†.nmutnul fhl- llrun "l Imu- may“) undrr [hr manna nwm of Mr Jrflpr‘nn I! lhrlxmund nod nwrhvd {mm mm ou-ry gmmonm | (hon-{un- lemu- Mm all m) an“ o! prudem 1-. I! [I‘ID‘ Ibo only gun-d ml It; I think he sundr- In and "I." On Saturday "chin; a wry dehghlful prnaram w): [wen by Mus Nellie Kmugh m the Wilmm school. Folimring the program a number of dainty but: I were sold at auction by Mr Jacob Ant", In All who amended pronounced {be at- fair I sucrcsa both onunlhr and fun-Mull): IDcerï¬eld News Item: I On Thursday evemns Mn F. chkrrc bo‘ker entertained a 1e" 0! her fried!- an honor of her guest. Mn“ Walth 0! Chicago. Miss Mable Horvnebtrger “as on dc sick In! last week The Innutl meeting of the Jewel dub 1m held a: the home 0! Miidred Knicter- bockcr Saturday nflemooa Ofï¬cers were eledcd u mm: Wt. Dorothy Supple; vice president. £11th Rdchclt; let-mm. Mildrtd Knxker- backer. trusum. th Rnchclt. Elinâ€" beth Reichelt won a dainty glu- May basket for W. the Inca! number of prmnincmpeople whoa- pnctum were ditpluvcd. Rev Bosold conï¬rmed Esther Retold. Marv Meyer, Ellen Mombasa, Sophw Sieman. Sarah Mar. Irwin Antes. Frmk Jacobs. and Ethan Willmann. m St Pnul‘l Evangelical churrh Pnlm Sundzy morn- ing. Awald Winter's beautilul soprano vome wu heard to good advantage m a solo. Mrnndllnl'loyd Canadaâ€; bun-3.1mm the [outset 11:.de MnSSLonoaSunday 3 MtcndMnJohnconolChk-I‘om' thousand-Hr. and “unï¬ltmf onSuoday. 1 MbWinihvdSuv’knn-nd «on»; Univaitydnhmbmamlmem Malamdtbclmtmmny Ira-y: mm. Shams-admin! guest u' thePhchuhw-e. ' The truth“! 0! the W (hoof took their and Mia day mum-thy. Mrv Nelson viitedtthIukenn uthooh, Mia cm. the Elm Phat whool In Hm. land Park. and “be. Supple Ind Duly vent to the Jones rhool in Chicn'n. On Saturday Mr. Raymond Miller was married (0 Min Lois Heln of Sanguud. Mich. They leh for Portland. Oregon Saturday evening where they will re- main {or some time. Nudity-uni“ d MISC. "Watch:- a! li- mu mummmm. m In lid! main dual. my Mn Jame Ead Webb“, Inf. 0! the (m pastoral the Wu: church bu been vety III with vacuum; Hr. Webber In. moaned Int week in (he Fim Freshmen"! church of Nonhvile. Michigan. Min Rmh Rticheh I'†the weekend guest of Miss Ida 'Scholx 0! Lake Forest. The l'nikod EVIngdical church Ind the Church o! the l'nned Evangelical Amociation have been united and Itl'YK‘A-I w-re held in {he latter ediï¬ce Sundny mnrmng The Parcanach'gr Association In" meet Fndzy afternoon. March 28. at 230 p. m‘ I! will be Childrrn's Day, The K. L C‘ E. held abuincumeflinu at the home of Mrs. John A Slrykcr on Friday evening. Reimhmu were served and a very dtllghuul evening was emoycd by all. Mm Ade of Chilicome. Ohm Ivan calbd to Drerï¬eld on account 0! the uncut ilheso 0! her daughter. Mn C J Dawn mmrmmm "Yrs. but I dflol lu-II he! Im-lel ht? [-af‘rhln‘ "EHJNHJ ."W lunr no! (kn-ml.- murh alpll‘lv In the In) M mun“; do «nu-nun. Why tonld I rm um. luv! 1')" Ilh'h halt, mun a “Inlph'lhbh and: I"!!! nuvh l (no-numb :u-u- am such a ï¬gurp .- h'n Larr to In- our lonlmx (M to“ If I“? badn t umyrm lplnul her puny-0‘ VII-bu" ' r301 - Inch Ir curb n kumtut I‘tlnu MIIQM In Unm Cum The l‘unni nur- ll 3mm In In In ain‘t! of mpï¬-opulnH-m The JIM- ". mm" m- ohmu hmuwuu pee pk, Ind tho Junior-o rmmrc b of nu an» m. I. Ch. um um. «I an fornl- Thr “of-Ila cumin an m. coon-n and «no Urn-an "up!" n uh. (I!) Iqulrv- mil“ lo- lhnn Ibo stale u! Ton. Th? VI)“ lull†“! Ann-(kn mu rurulsh man no nus-pa! rut an A Roguhr Old “Hock. "Po-w utrl' u†(M gamer-x III-mug" no [tu- 3mm: woman ‘bu Ind jun! up pun! to! I [no-tuna u sum-cum)" ‘llLNI out of bk um". "\Vlut'l her "table?" IIKH' N- w lust I mum. IINI Ont-III“ I! will In I km; mm Onion tut «Inna-r “no p ruched In tu- nation and Ibo mm:- do. her!" In men upuo an Mm o! nbduww Then n no amid Namath" won't- [Eu-hang. "If: (no hid (In! I [1" who II no prettyâ€"om- um. huh! luv mm: In kn nryA h (‘Vann-Yh'd lo [0 out booking 1m wurl lmmun- Ibo tofu-a1 n- mn-n [- brr pan-nu "on bran! hr! n) pm wu- â€urn-d~ «fldn'l )mx,’ And Ho lurmund a Good To" For I God brawn. â€I (and a mm W urn-ml Ira-ell ago." rruurko-d (be w: I) am- the (My mun-rim “and It (um-d m H: [nod Ibupr- " "Go ahead." Odd llw 1mm man "I III m (be nr-gr ‘luero 1 tap my car Ind happened In morbnr n comvnnnnn among llw ll“)- A rov- uln man had Mu Injurrd «hm» (hm cling nbh-udâ€"‘Of†ludly Injun-d. It ran "morn-4L and um- 01 lb:- buyu I'm- will"; It» "(hon Il-vu! ll "I‘hr nth-rt In [be pull-r "’3 hr ran‘l [:04 wri.‘ Ibo younpln In" an ‘lnd mu nu-vv Mm, I'rlr'" All1 Ihr I-q ud-lh‘w-m! pmmml’ "1.qu. ‘I‘ur‘r I M-ru n.‘ 6:! fï¬-Drh ' 8 Sheridan Road, Highland Park HE WAS A GROUCH. Our motto has been to attend to details and give the best possible service Hygienic Cleaning Home Made Brmd Everyday . prr loaf ] Special Ice Cream for Sunday Vanilla Ice Cream and Pineapple Sherbet at 50 cents per quan 201 EAST CENTRAL AVENUE Hot Cross Buns . . per do7en 12C F renih Jelly Tarts large size . . each 15c Coffee Cake Doughnuts Brown Bread Cinnamon Buns (to We arc as near The F. S. Dole Catering C0. Chicago office, Unity building. fl. | FRANK L. SILJESTROM I- J'N‘ Specials for Saturday Telephone 67 JAS. c. BOYLAN, Mgr. North Shore Fuel Supply Co. Coal and Wood Expert Repairing Best Grade of Coal HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS Lumber Build- ing Material Telephone Centnl 6219 Dealers in 230 N. SQ. Johns Ave. ( «u-fflh II .mt‘ gun-(1 pun “,h-H'N‘mC W' nhzn; 'nuuv‘ m.mr.~ Inn- nunu'ullf and 'n-nHM Hus hum: I~ 1m hum lhq fun-a! hmn‘. Wmtm “heâ€. I!†mm m“: um.» u.- mum-nu u' pm“ in" p'I-rsp‘mll‘h klmx' Bread Makes Brawn Moderate Charges Cury'u Home Bakery 1mmâ€: Telephone 3 l 3 loaf ] ()r mm-h pun n. n. '\ humus um hawking t- 1m! MU: r‘u '5 1'4 lluxrlhun AM In" pd' le‘ h. n! 1H! HD‘ In!