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Highland Park Press (1912), 17 Apr 1913, p. 2

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The Woman's Missionary Society of the L'niled Evangelical church will mcex this afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. Tillman of W, Park Ave. Rev, and Mrs. J. Foster Van Evera were at home ti) the members of their congregation and friends on Thursday. April 10, from three to five and from. eight to ten. The reception was in honor of their silver anniversary. The house was tastefully decorated in palms and terns. A beautiful shower of bridal roses. the gift of Mr. and Mrs Fred Maechtle. ' was the centerpiece of the dining; table. There were l05 present some of which were out of town guests. Mrs F‘ C. Noerenberg and Mrs H. F. Maechtle. Jr, poured and were assisted in theJdining room by the Misses Alice Kurtl. Nettie Moon. Frances Fritsch. Katherine Grant. Hedwig Geiser, Ada Fritsch. Elizabeth Schultze, Bessie Rhinehart‘ and Annie Krueger. Many pretty and useful gifts were received. some of which were a coffee petco'ntor, thirty-seven dollars Ill silver, creamer and sugar. bullion sptxins. sherbet glasses. sugar tongs. pearl handled pickle and meat tot‘kt Many reiiiemhi'rmres and [lowers were received from the mem- A, ,,. . A ptckle and meat fork Many rememht'am‘es and [lowers were received from the mem- bers or thetr lurmer mngregatmns A short program mnststzng of a ptano snluby Nettle Mrmn. a sketrh \ll the ltves of Rev and Mrs.\'an Exera l)\' Katherine Grant. 3 song by less Snyder .t reatlmg ln Frances Fl'llSCl] .mtl rt snng l)_\' thlt.utt Van Evera was rendered (luring the eventng. The thhng Helpers calendar part) given m the Presbyterian church on Sat- urday etentng was a great sulce‘ss buth‘ from the financial standpmnt and the amount of pleasure affurded the good stzed audtence, 'l'he t‘htldren [tlklng part In the program Were costumed to represent the dtt’t’erent months of the calendar and presented tableaux accord ingly ()ne of the pretttest scenes was a May pole dance when all of the ltttle months appeared and danced tncludtng Father Ttme “ho was upon the stage during the whole entertatnment. The dining room was especrally attraenxe ...;.k as in.” tables decurated tn repre- dining room was cspw with its fnur (ables decu sent the four seasons spring with us apple bk with its roses. autumn leaves, “imcr wnh hull: the Chnstmas tree. Mlss Moss and Miss Betty Dawn tertained xhe Willing Helpers club their home at 506 Sheridan Road Monday afternoon. Mrs. Frederick W" Cushin; at a dinner.for ten at the Tuesday evening In honor o ter. Miss Catherine Cu>hing Mm Walter H. Baldwin was hostess on Tuesday evening. Mrs. George Allen Mason entertained at a dinner for six preceding the dance at the Highland Park club on Tumda)‘ evening. ()iher dinner hostexses ut the same evening were Mrs. Juhn F, L, Curtis and Mrs. A. B. McCaughey. The Sewing club was entert'imr-d mi Tuesday at the home of Miss Fannic Ferguson of N. Green Bay Road. Invitations were received last wet-k to the marriage 0f Miss Ruth Slintwrll Beebe. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Worthington Beebe. and Roland ’l‘hnmxis Rankin Hastings. son of Mr and Mrs, Samuel Miles Hastings of Dalt- i\\e., Highland Park. The wedding mll take place on the evening ut Saturday. :\pl’ll 19, at eight o'clock at the West [2nd Col legiate church, New York City. to be fol lowed by a reception at 8:30 o'clock in the evening at the home of thu bride‘s parents. 26:! West 86th street. Miss Beebe. who has acquaintances in this city. was one of the bridesmaids at the the wedding of Miss Evangeline Wean to 0. Dickinson Street at New York “hich took place last June. and Mr. Hastings was one of the Ushers. took plate \\ £‘dll05dd\. April (mg-n. Mr .zmi \lt~ Nit“ ,htir! h')ll€}llll)1t.’l ti 3,: 1:1 l.l( part of the ~t.i't- . ‘ residence on \“n‘ukw .-\\.- The Cllzihi‘g lns’i t ltlil til the A. entertained the Luke Fun-st A. (hating llnli t'lul) ti: supper day evening, \pnl H Tut-:21» were served 'l’liv gun-sis twin est were the Misses [.llllJll \‘mi chban. Ruth \Vt‘nlmn I33? Gertrude llltyiminlmus. Martha Mrs. lieorgt' Withers, and .\l: of Lake Bluff. The Inuit-s : lractnvly (lecurutcd in pink f'Dearfield News l Miss Laura Kittredge Kennedy appear- . ed in a bent-tit vaudeville entertainment given at the Evzinston Country Club lilal week and gave a character sketrh en- titled “The Boarding House Keeper" Miss Anna Morgan has sent out ll1'-lld- tions for the graduation program of Mus Charlotte Sampson and Miss Fruiii c~ Welton Smith on Monday evening, April I 21 at 8 o'clock. in her studios in the Fine Arts Budding. Mrr Elia W. l’mttieg will present the diploma; i Mrs. H. B. Roberts entertained six ofthei friends of her mother, Mrs. Brown at tea‘ on Saturday afternoon. Both social and musical circles are in terated in the meeting of the National Federation of_.\lusic3}Clubs to be held in Chicago next week at the Congress Hotel. Mrs A. 0. Magon is one of the box holders and among the patronessa from here are Mm Charles T. Boynton, Miss Anna Morgan and Mrs Julius I‘m-n _, Mr. and Mrs Eugene Andrews. Mr. and Mrs John F. L. Curtisand two guests occupied a box at the Saturday perfor- mance of "Broadway" Jones. Rooenwald‘ Tié'fiécizfi SKI-c: 6f Life ' Local Affairs of the week roses, autumn wnh {run and inzcr wnh holly, mistk-tm- and and Miss Betty Bacon ex apple blossoms. sumnw ushifig was hustcss the Moraine on mor of hcr daugh- All of [ht imle danced 1nc1udlng upon (hc 5mg:- urmmmcm. The Then- WAS a dmncr Un Mn. T. M. Gilkinwn of Radroad Ave‘. was hostess at a card pany on Wednes- day atternoon. On Saturday evening about friends of Glenn Larson of Ave., gave him a very pleasa m honor of his nineteem‘ Games were played and dair ments were sewed. Mrs. J. Grenville Mott entertained at dinner followed by auction bndge on Thursday. Mrs. Henry E. Mason emu-named a! a mny [or the Lmle Helpers. “'thh N the baby branch of the Junior Auxxhary on Monday afternoon a! the Tnmtszarish Rouse. Mrs Samuel B. Chillendcn (nu-named Mrs Samuel B. Chillendcn (nu-named as her guests at dinner prrcrdmg the dance at (h:- nghlaud Park club on Tuesday evening, Mus \‘mla thclds, Miss Dorothy Clark. Mr Roy Hard and Mr. Ellis Faxon. Miss Carolyn Shll‘lds was a amnrx hostason Tuesday cvenmg. She took her guess to the Highland Park club her guess to the mgmanu ruxn uuu danre‘ An.£\h1bll and tea for which elaborate plans are being madc, will lake place at -"'1rm|ty lanxh Houw on Saturday :lfu-m‘xm. Apnl 26. from lWU'IhIH)‘ mm! the o'cllxk and WIN bcundcr the .Iusph‘k‘.‘ ofthc Junior Auxnlmr) n! which Mrs Edwm Armstrong has \‘hargr Fur 1hr past wxmvr {he yuung pruplr hmc Px-rn working (hlxm-ntly and dcnnmg 'hl'lf cm-rgy .md thoughi (a hulldarm .md \n n plmcgv Iurmshxng A dull ho.m- (n h. gncq l . [hr (mum (mLiu-n \ Wmd .l‘ S: L'Ukl"5 hmpxml Nah u. A mph-xx. *1 'St. Luke's nnh Xhuw wit/I .m- .t quruz‘im. tun, “hat Juy amt Hltt‘rvx t.)\ r”. dull hnuw “1H \ rt-‘ttv 1n thv thzidrrn 1 \nththe mummnnw lrtv at Mt- 1min patmnts «um begm Iv rmlm- .md .w predate. Ana-mg tht- uttrutzwm on \q'. urdny wrl! beugrrth hug m \hth‘" wt MISS Elizabeth Loudcrbm'k and x u:- cth man, Miss Manon N‘)Y\r|).“. antm‘r b\ Mrs. Hrm') F. Mawn. rm “We. Mr» Mar‘gurt-t Phillips, \n't‘ kh.’LIH\.U1 Mrm Ehzabcth Sutrburuugh, ”finish“! M4" \lh James Watwn, er‘. C (} 141111;», .m! Mrs‘ Henry Nurrmrotuh. t.m‘,\ {.t’rlv‘ Miss Edith ch, \n‘c'thmr'nrm. _\h.\ Sarah Krrtnot assistedlhv Mrs (;("':K( Alléx Mawn. (.m- tablv. Mn: Mann": iNiCIiItt, “(1- Chairman, .‘vfis [)umrtn Cutler. assustrd by Mrs. \Vlllum Lutxdn back. doll houx- ¢-\hrhlt m thum- «It Mrs; Barbara Burgcxs. gem-ml murmur- mcnt cummlltw‘. Mi“ Eu-hnr 'l’axwr and Miss Lthlnttr Hrrgnmn Hm htt‘m mntrcsscsut thr :rttermx-n “all lx- [in mcmbcrs of the Surnahmr bramh ut H l auxiliary. The mvmbers «)t {hr-Jumur branch arc thv Muses Iidrth thye, M..- Jnnc MK‘I'HH. M'mm Nanny“. Hr.“ Andrews. Flurrnu- NILhUIS. Mrtrgmrt Mcrrywrather. Charlotte Bergman. Fu- linc Taylur, .\L|rg.|ret I’hrlirpx Eltln‘wtt' Scarborough. lihzabvth [.uudrrhatk. P.” barn Hume», Srlrtlh Kcrhut, .md Itwr vhx (ugh-r. .\ll's.Huw.1rd Wrrrm and Mn Hudmrmn also flashlcd (IT 111 [hr .H'.‘mlh hunk bludmgx nude Immune [he thpvhllv \ Ihz- ~wrl"; 15 (cu, “hat 1W Mr. and Mrs MurSc n! Nu hrm-n Hm. Road annuunye [he marrmgv M Kim” daughh-r. Rae Hamv In Mr Llarrnu- J Shél‘zlr) of ”Us cm The rummage [00k plm’e “I cdncsdax. \er 9 1:; (h; tag-n. Mr .tmi \1r~ Nu“ t ‘ a J shun hmwwmmn “3,: 1:1 {.H mutim' part of [‘16 Man- .uh1 xx 2! rmuir :1 - ‘ n'sxdcncc u n \“m I The pupzh u! My“ [dd km. ‘A gr r An In Krcstmg pmnu rm 1:41 .n 1hr hn'w 01 .Dr. Knnak. Suturrtu .xm-zm-un 1". mi idrtjon in thc min: .md dur'l‘ k. (3.:- i members of the «Luv»; 3 song, "'1 hr l’;1.\~y iWiHuws was given by laurel Stnkvr land a readmg,‘ ”Wm Afraid" was gum yb)! Mis: Elfrleda Knaak. Thc. Hungzumn .Rhapsod) by Liszt. was the cnmludmg ‘number of the program played by M.» Id}; Knaak. filr. and Mrs.\ .. '.Huh‘h'.s<ln spun :1 few days of last lm-k mm Mr,- H Zdehler of W aukegan Miss Elizabeth Reichcll en'cnamed (hp Jewel club Saturday am- moon. Ml» wldrcd Bicderstadl was the suCu-ssful i prize winner in a guessmg game. Miss Loretta Kress entertamcd a nun. bgr of fncnds on Tuesday evemng. \ day cvcmng, \le H Turnt» um' mr‘ wcrc scrwd 'l’hv gums (mm 11h l-n! est wcrv the Mxxwx [.1Hz.|.'1\".ml‘ Hut? \Vcnban. Ruth Wmmn Fthr! h’cru Gertrude mamunhau5. Martha .Nghaetm Mrs. Henrgv W1!hcr.~,:md Mas (Llynq' of 1.3kr Bluff. The lubh-s \u'n' .43 Iractnvly desorutcd m pmk Dcerfield News Items A pcrnm Imx N- Woltf. Wlilmm .\ Rt thtncy m nrgmnzc 0f DQ't'rYit'lnL IMR" LU Uf $33Jl“. 'l hl‘ \\ I} (or {he town or Kim-1 Carolyn Shut-Ids was a dunner m nnh Xhu‘c wim .Ln- .1 numinrmw 11f" at .m begm Iv rmlm- Ana-mg Im- :mru an \hxbu .tmi \1r~ Nu“ :thn “3,: .|'(‘ .H‘n‘ xx 2! \Iknkfc .-\\ r' u lh‘h m ening about seventeen \ Larson of W. Central very pleasant surprise 5 ninelecmh "bmhday. rd and dainty refresh. 1m: hcti H I‘m-Huh! and 1h pJHMIh v runlr hdxc Px-rn .. and (immmg A)h1111dl3h{.lnd\|vn \ drill h0.l‘x' (n (mLiu-n‘ \de 51.? u. A Huh". «\f nar Imnd \(“Azng !\\. (Ierx-In-x \ ‘ i “(N-x h‘ uh" and , ml [ht-x: M .l' [he h: (hu‘ N 'AA"( .1 "1131“: Y n v .‘. ,. \x.\.j ‘Jr‘ w _".1 ‘N" ll}!(‘l(‘\ M1 (inle immu- the Medan chard: iill meat with Mn Goon: C. Penis Thunday W. The subject which they will dim II Freedmen. Mn P. H. Cum] 0! Chicago I‘” the weekend guest of MrLR. chkcrbockct. Mia. Lou“: Rekhclt returned to (ht Fpncen Shim“ KW at Mt. Carol. llhnou Thursday. The Mu Scam: Ch: mrls held the" Apnl mecung at the home 0! Mn- Ruth Rnchclt Fnday evening. Plan: were made for a theatre party [0 be giwn m a couple A»! week: Mm Martha Kan‘h won a pnze {or tormmg (he most uordx With the prcfix (1n. Mr. 8.1) Nelson and Mines Mumn Cr.nu.W1mfn-d Supple, Bounce Dufly. Br»): L‘arolan. Nellie Kenugh and Ruth chchcll attended the Lake Counl) teachers meeting in Libenynlle Salux day, Mm Grace Carolln': fin: school In (‘ylrnncw received great pram {rum Mr Farr of Cook County. on: of the ape-ken The twelve ladle: who are member: of the 500 Club urn eaten-”mi It the home of Mn B. H Kw“, Tuesdnv um noon. The fin! prize wn awardtd m Mn W. A. Whiting. the wound to IMP. J C Wolfl. and the consolanon prur to Miss Clara Endcrl On Saturday evening the Shermcrullr Pleasure club held In first (and ball m Anderwn's hall There were about one hundrrd young peoplc m allendnnm whu were lrum Highland Park. hlrnnw. ilu'rmcrnlle, Chn‘axn and licerficld \lrvul clevrn o'clock I pnxc “Alli an annvmncrd and unlv (hou- peoplt whu “cu-trying for (he pnzr Unuld cnlrr lhc hm ladlfl pnzr, n lraulllul cm (!.\‘i lmwl u.“ awarded lu Mrs Wall” lm‘g and NW hrs! grmlrt'zcnk pn/r .1 'v=;vU.l-nlx~n “'J“ “an ln 5" “fillr! The Woman’s Mr SPRINGFIELD â€" Inferno! 1. M. Mt» Harem? karnmn an ”H“ 3:. .1 z to: sister. Mrs J M‘tanrr) M Hm! um‘l Park (or {he p.nt Hnn- \u‘r‘ns 1hr Young Men“ club u! Drum-1d w! I\(‘ then third xnhrmai damr un \AHH cwmnu 1n Andrrwn's hall Mr M as pen-1b uh! mm JULIETâ€"T?» mnfmry' dawn «f (hr th of ('hicaun mm! ‘perntr In bvnr ”up and bultwrfly dnm gale.- dnl ly to make surv (he) will In! prnper» h The Ohio flunds (-nuu-d a wnre In Jollvl find In eunwnutzm. h) m po-ru wu demandvd 1! un- found Um! the boar (rap dam n lxrkpor! did not work :3 u would I! then dmeloped Hut the dam! M‘ldnm Ian- 0: ante-d. u hh l: Hu‘) "1 (hr How-“m- ln-lghl 1-! but M-h I!) \ullr} 1m!) Inh» H Ihrn- r nud ‘ Imuu-r- Hwhl \H-“ 1|! ”I“ ‘ nun-i) n u ,n \ Thc‘ | n Munitnuiy I nhnru- Humu‘ \ h-u I \lns (.rr'lrudr and [\J Lumign: n1 CHAIM PM» mere 1hr act-k end unrfl‘ Miss Itdzih Amt-(sun \h and Mn [- Jihuhs had .1‘ ”v.1 «'3 an Numb)" Mr and MI: \VuL y cwmnu 1n Anm-rwn 5 mm Mm: Hrdnor M£L~hv>nn n! Chungu h (*1:- urrk mid 'guvs: HY Mm (mar \cr and the” sun En ,l \an‘nrnmg u! (Imam CHICAGOâ€"Three during robber: broke into (he confection-n store of brokfl lntb tho mnlcmhmgrv cum.- .4 SPRINGVIELD SPRFINGFIELD .1“ ‘. \nzim. M: and M Shtmuflx and Mrs Lame MlmrdL Mr Hem) udt. Mm Lucly. and MI» errl x-1 tn pen WM “an Mr Hr'ln‘ Mm: WAN-mum u! L‘hxvugn llUNDIS PARAGRAPHS u hrs! Ran-1- \\ d xursl‘, Mnu-x Fl 1') Mn In-u (Arm-11 \\ ndcr “.n Razn'nvl h. x. M: and M 1H ‘(I l’ltl ‘1‘!” Ira rndq r In I sun arr hnum h l’rr HUQ‘Y Ndeh :munur P; x Iht-lhvr the u Hnnnhr um! “I KHLILHH-d 1‘ h- I [:IWL hLd ~ u‘mnx an! id 5L. d 1hr HM All . grd \(vn lm‘f l\(‘ 1hr)! .\11\~ ll hu- ll".\ l‘h il‘hnl ll nrnuv- mrlurrd am Iouhdrd Hn- nun] kmh- lumnd and um luv Il't‘r ('thrrn PM! uv {HP in ”w! und 1110' (and!) {n an! \'\ hr pant-n+- H- (h- ROC DHOU ”1K ( | 4 Jnxms Hnm‘lloh {run 1“ mum H» mm lh- mu). (1 vnmr l'llhlll'. \Ahu «mm Silihxfirld Yu Mlvmt Hu NHL (11! [.11 \L hul.nr (f (ILYr'rld “Uh Ilul' LIV u DECATUR-’1 £4!qu \Vahrp‘r‘ Iho In I lhw‘nturr phulounplur. nu! uh I “3.000 bnm‘. I. r murder Ins rr-rrrrlrd In Aylhnl H: on (hum-p hf murde-r Ind er‘h “um-l9) 1r rhnrxc-d with chm-(In. ht. Yuthorln luvs nnd [hem burning Ihr lulu xn Ilmh lha- hm!) In: Ah}; JORDANâ€"Fran: h- MKM) h-nr _\c-;r\ PHIL} v‘rl‘. I (nun! x! duLnll d H HKI F.) lho loun‘ l: GALESBURG~Fum uny- mm or (In [uh-uh dun-1!; a: it: Tum. ‘ nun, had ulmlhor Hun [IV 8PR|NGFIELD»IU:P~I-r1 hum-d :x. md‘ (uH- IL ax pol CANTON if!) (In-1! m'n 'l!.1~ u bury-fl prv-m-rllu‘] in ”min l>_\ Hn' hulu'v I" 1hr In” on u [uh I. Hm) un- :nh! ulll ’I‘lw hunk- of ”H. [gnlmru- Hui-.0 nlmn-I,‘ lulvk to I hmghl u! kuw «II hvx nnd arr bro Am. I.) min-u l-vnr'mlinll mun grad um!) Inh» Hu- mum; ”Melami- of Hnrn-r nud \-t;l Mlxwr H“ of fine" hum-m- llwh‘lI-n' dn uul an)”; some \u-u u! Hw \‘n‘rl’ Ind 0! Mr uppotmr .h.-r.- nun-i) mum than a mile or two nu ,u Thc‘ n.mh~nu "Y ”W [mum-n an . Hunhnuly mm out “1”] n-h-nmme m lh-wr \h-ul And are drlonulnod In turn. 1:) (lu- uleoplw-u 0! [he Mikado: .m “M b they no Tin-y are («mm- tlm In. no. or nanny armrdtux to the nlu- of 1m :nrdc-n - Scrflmvr‘n. CHICAGO SPRRINGFIELDâ€"Tht drb‘ FREEPORYâ€" \\ .4 w. Hum-n \n.. CAIROâ€"(Tr (1‘ .un (-xylulmud hurnn’ hln .vhxh Hr l'\(‘hp"'. Lninjnro-d 1 1hr .ded In ”my. um I nLd -.' Hm! r‘HI‘rLLI ~ umN-«r‘c-r u dun“)! *“ H 'l 51‘ |r lhru.‘ Lurdtnc lNGFIELDâ€"Tha lllnmh MI hull urlmad Al u!“ U! in“: H; Um» war u! \n [A‘IHFU undrr rn-lem'r l1, (2111.11 mm M nuxnlcr Tlu- vu l .r :x. mdcr that rho Il|l\ 1r: . In [Th .2- gr AIL: r.x .K: l‘dl thrill llYilHlld ”um I Yh" JI ldhl. In“ mum mun; H :1 YKI “V r .‘x‘nr‘l A! 1-2..“ “nu-mule Mud prv-Iuhl) fut-Ely "ha-m \H'h .- lunl xnrlw! Mr I!” und n ,mnrd Hu dun" r tn mm; I'ncnwn 0' ‘h. an. porw‘ The F. 5. Dale Catering Co. 201 EAST CENTRAL AVENUE t Um nun}: t in lynx. 1|. [hr L11! “'0 Speciali for Saturday Buns. Parker House Rolls, Whole Wheat an Loaf Cakes, Layer Cakes and Small Cakes 0 Cookies, Doughnuts, Brown Bread. Cinnamt Cake. Nut Bread. etc. Special Ice Cream for Sunday Fresh Strawberry and Vanilla Ice Cream at 50 cents per quart. Order early. Vanilla Ice Cream always on hand 3‘ SOC per quzm F S- thIr-c 19 r! u): til 10! “Ihh m”. (1 ofllre (im’ (nun up Hum [.11 [hr lynqnnh V"! (Y \H Irvin f? II The Erskine Insurance Agewfi l(~ (NH! y w”, u \I'IJI‘HI . lann un ‘ht “ uho brunt-d mun” a \mu :- (311 M dl'llh .f ul..rh ht l.- hun in; hln 1n It H H‘lh Hon «II I]: [.1 \\ \ ( ‘hndy as near to you as your telephone. .. uho 1| hm: jun! vu Hun of n In” He 11‘ ro-hvrn allu‘c-d m H on an . I‘M)” Al‘d and Hum Irv- (nu! Y! n 3mm (H) "id I‘lm) rr (If FRANK L. SILJES'fiR'O‘ Cmfid "COAL-- Scrhgto Largr fig): Small Lg); Range . Offic- nnd Yard. D- Plocc and Fin! Stud Thor Motorcycles and Abbott-Detroit Motor; Ca 'I‘hat' 3 why our candies are so pop pular T he) an made here in Highland Park and frtsh from [ht kéttks new Chocolate Clrnmels (Ire-am (homels Coconut Brittle Peanut Brittle Molasses Flnvor Chocolate Chips Buy a box of the Jirvas Home Made Candy Rolls, Whole Wheat and White Bread, akes and Small Cakes of all kinds. Pies. Brown Bread. Cinnamon Rolls, Coffee Prompt Service Best Companin: Lowest M French Candy Kitchen 10‘. Cont-IA“ M Fire Accident Tornado ; qu Burglary Plate Glass Employers Liabilify' Always F resh Deerfield Garage g Thou vi“ be an odvnce 0‘ l0: pot to- the.“ of each month up to and ind-fling 5.1:!th Writes insurance in all its branches Prices for April Delivery .- "p .. I V m Nut V 8.00 Pea ; ,. .. MK) Buckwheat Ask for Agency for [banished 1377 Raised 0;: Big of out baking \um young“? be an happ\ an m Is healthy. ’3 thnnp that make an bread a ’3 ponor aw hut the may flour. wand lhf 1-1an the most skllllul baker: t“ abwlutc (lennth ul' our product: Lam mugbeal that w banamm ’ Gary's Ho?e Deéfidd, m Scrantolé Lita!

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