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Highland Park Press (1912), 24 Apr 1913, p. 1

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DDLETON ‘ighiajnd Park, April 1, 1913 rte C0211 fur April delivery are al 3:1 (mm charge is made. ‘th D! and :m‘iudmg September. lone : 137 W ‘dersi with 3 frqm die til pass ty 1e. [leperâ€" s, flafirons. as motors. rt u s c f u l {and cook- )sition to take care . movmg mth rucks :TMsportati'on Co. inst, Vt? [CHO‘S ave it at ialiLInvned Lprivilegesrof the 'e i every themrthc ghting. the 'derlj: a}. g\‘er‘.t},:r“_‘. BUR MOVING I28: icity thzt L' hm com- IMMFORDCARS JULIAN icky dflg.” ‘0 .4 east!) fortunate} ice Company 1m ILLINOIS 0? Need Tuning H ou (-ver Sinai}. Egg Largo Egg READING ROOM fiery of Piano This You'li 1pprecéate Our Funishillxs E: Bank Building {u 3 p, m. Raymond W; Scheier 453 match. dfik and jewelry rfpafiflfl rt n Highland Park ark on The >hll’ls are \Y. the collars so '16! w vawly shppt‘d :r't’thvm juil rxghl. drawn); and pmbab- knit forget we have '1 Hurts and collars Highland Park aw M (l) PROGRESSIVESOFSTATETOIEET Number 8 BELIEVE DRY ZONE BILL SURE T0 PASS 1', R. Quayle Say: Government and En- ployen of Labor anor PI.- age of Bill now be- fore house The mlhmmg letter was rem-wed thxs mommg 1mm '1" R. Quayir‘, who wuh Rev, Md‘unms of Waukcgan and others. isin Spnngncid urging the pmsugr u! the "3 tmle dry zone b111"»\hn’h late reports my “AS Iavorably reponrd nut by {he mnmnurc yesterday. THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. Highland Park. Ilhnons Gentlemen The rive mil: dry lune hxil had (1 hair- ing in the House Commuter d: Spnnghcld yesterday afternoon. (bury-rive members of the committee being present. There appeared on bebalt ot the bull two mxhâ€" (ary officers who had spews! authoriza- tions from the government at Washing- ton to attend. ()ne Lmutrnam (my ()1 5:. Louis. and the other Capmm Thomp- son of the Naval Station. I was gixen to understand that thxs was the first in- stance on record of the L'mtcd States Government commanding officers to ap- pear before 3 Legislative Cumminee. We notified the saloon-keepers to attend, but none of them came. There were letters presented from most of the great employers of labor m Waukegan. and North Chlcago m favor of the bill. Even the Gran Steel and Wire Co. sent a mcssage to the commute asking for the Leglslation Our representaxive. Mr‘ Monro 1mm Highland Park spoke earnestly for the bill. The srcretary of this Lcague spoke for one half an hour for us behalt pre- senting the letters and demands of the Government. I thougm you would be pleased to know this Yours sincerely, Thoma R. Q';,‘le. Because Representative Shurtlefl worked hard for a compromise which would make one half of Waukegan dry and the other half wet the general im- pression at Springfield is that he regards the bill as likely to pass. Mrl Munro. who is on the committee is said to favor a dry zone but has expressed the belief that the mutter should be left to a vote- of the people of the district. W Favor Municip‘l Owncnhip of GA. and Electric Plant- The new county constitution of the Lake County Socialist Party submitted. byacommittee of three members. has been adopted by a referendum vote of theentire membership and will be ready for the printer some time in May. Among other things. it provides for a County Delegate committee to consist of two delegates from each branch in the county. Thedeclaration of principles advocates among other things. the municipal owner- WP Of 885 and electric light plants and the statement is made that this would mean cheaper light and fuel for the Citizens and better pay and conditions for the employ-es. It also favors a law that 'Odd give cities the right to sell coal. '00d and ice to citizens at cost. thus re ducing the high cost of living. Convention in Sptin‘fiold next Week ‘0 The l’rngrcssne party is to huld 1| State-“ult- cuntt-rcncc at Sprmgficltl Mon- day and Tuesday April 28 and .‘9 At this nit-rung plans Will be cumplrtrtl tor the conzpimc organization of the part); “”3th KM state, tur the maintenance 01 3 pcrmancnt spe;|kt‘rx“ hurcau and the hogremm sen we board during the next N‘elw months. Organizatmn will Include the pel’k’ttll'lg of plans for every county ln the saw. the mtnblis‘hmcnt of Pro- gressne clubs crcrywhcre and the neces- sary DOpular financing of the cost of the Work or organization and of the mainten- anCe 0f the permanent headquarters. Senator Albert J. Bevendge andGovernor ‘Walter R. Stubbs will address the con- ference We use this means of expressing our ippreoation and thanks to our kind mithl‘wrs and friends {at the kindness '50“ us in our late beretvcmcnt. Mrs. Salgma Guzzler. Mr. and 0- Friuch and family. COUNTY SOCIAUST CONSHTIH'ION ‘erfect Organiution m “mm ..m,.jurru mum sum 31 mm The Higblmtfi Path- Press I Diulrict 108 . Thls district showed the greatest inter- est with a high vote of 110. The officers. ;as follows. went chosen wnhout opposi- tion: President, W. W. Willits, mlievinn ‘A. C. Morgan; members. R. J. Beany, relievmg Mr. Wilhts and C. N. Kimball a: 1a new member. The hold-over members :are. n. M Blasicr. T. M. wad", c. E. [Schautflen Mrs. Ralph Seymour and (I. ' L. You", Clerk. Few With no school site tion to "0qu their interest the vote ollowed the cus- tom which seems long ‘establiuhcd in school elections and remained away (mm the polls Saturday althéugh membcrs of the board of rducatmn tyne thbesclectrd In each distrxct. E DeerfieH-Shicld. High Schr ol Fur trustee tnwn>hxp Nu Ll, range 12, Ed»\ard Lang twain-d 49 Von-s wnlhudl nppOsitmn. Dr, Peter C,‘ Wolcun. 6‘3 and Mr. Ira J Get-r. 68 vuléfi. wrrr rc-eleclrd tn the bu.er uf edu’. ‘. Huld-m’rr members of the board 111-: Dr. J. J. Halsry. prmxdcm, R. U. W'alson and 0. F. Bell. District-107 The highest vote cast in this dustnct for any one candidatv i/as 83 and than» was no opposition. Wm. 1). Mann was clebted lathe board in place of Ira J. ()crr. Fred Grcenslade was reelected and J, V. an'crnss was made presydcm. Huldwwer members are: Thos. Morton E. B. Metzrl. C. A. Warren and Mrs. Bowen Schumacht-r Amendment Introducd n! Syd-.5.“ Provides for Nufi Show. Through Representative Shurtleff. a bill has been mrfled to the house st Springfield which. if passed. will amend the existing drainage act and provide for a North Shore sanitary district to be under the control of a commission which Will have absolute authoritvin all matters pertaining to drainage in this district. Objection to the bill is found by some who claim that it is a mistake to provide for the disposal of sewage through a con- duit. said to be an expensive method and one which the govemmeht would stop by refusing to allow water to be drawn from the lake for the purpoae of flushing. Waukeaan agnin‘ objects because the commission would have the power to compel the factories located along its lake front to dispose of sewage in this manner instead of pollution the lake with it as they are now doing. If the amendment is adopted by the *state law makers then it will be neces- sary for the voters of the district to ‘signiiy their willingness by casting a majority vote in its favor before it be comes operative. Girl: of Trial” Church to hold 5.]. Exhibit in Puriah House Saturday afternoon. April 26. in a date which is being set aside by both the young and old of Highland Rark to at- tend the doll house exhibit and enjoy a cup of tea at Trinity Parish House where the, energetic members 0! the Junior auxiliary zis<isiod by the Sunbeam branch WI” have tor sale the most tempiing (if liumc madc- cakes. cookies and mindim Then (hen- mll be the pleas‘urv «ii (~\~ miiig the dull huusé‘. m CO'llplv‘ft‘ in every (lclail {ind llllldc by the members at ilic Juninr Auxiliary. m be giwii hi {hf charity children's yard at St. Lulu" hospital. Then mo. [here Wl“ be .I mysterwus ever fascmaling grab bag lnr ob-vmmu talks: The small ailiiiissinn the young talks: The sma at ten cents wnH be charged. --An American Citizen .Q Radd- Rehearsals {or the High >cnoon mumm Association annual play. a splendid comedy entitled “An American Citizen," have been under way lot sane time. un- der the direction 0‘ A. R. Willim It will be menu!“ It aninia than: on Friday. May 16. 1nd gives promise of beingoncofthchutphyi ever put on by the madam, SANITARY DISTRICT AGAIN UP cu...“ nap-ma. am; ALUMNI PLAY IN REHEARSAL DOLL EXHIBIT SATURDAY GETSIAILVOTE the High School Alumni " to be Frau-Cod Thou" so complvfr In )' the members In bv guru 14: rd at St. l.ukr"‘ and enjoy I Inpnvono-t Aooocintiol will hold .00!- WWII!” rmnnm or sun mm! Wilfuflh-Elodfic Car. The North Western IS repairing 1nd} remodeling the lab-nun box Mr! and‘ shanncs along IYS hm- hv adding Mp rack. small \erandm chi, which ‘1'“ make the-m hunk mon- aurm‘lnc'an well' as mung the wnrknten mcu Kannada- tmns. These xmprmt-mems hue been! yen at «New! points alum: the Hue and. [w Inn-mum h m make vhe changes all‘ along (hr: lune as rapidly as possible OppouF'MKI-Zo-u The city council 0! Wuukmn m on .‘ record oflic'ully on Monday nitht u be- }in‘oppacd lo the pm: a! tin pro- ipo‘ed Five Mile Dry lune bill which would chmlnue all (he nluonl In North Chic-go and Wnukegan, when I modu- non wu pun-d rrquanng (he um ’legishmrc In vnd a committee here to A invesnpte local condmom before taking ‘any anion wuh reglrd lo the pan” of (he bI”.â€"’ Waubrmn Call!!! 3 i Three hundred farmers. bankers Ind! business men, who humbled at Lubetu- 1 Villa Salurdav. cxpreswd thcmnelva u' flavoring the employment at a soil exptrt‘ tor lake Cuumv following I plan mm m? eޢ\l m DeKalb Lounl) Theo: present; listened to a leaurr bv Prof. hchkudt ofl DcKalb who told of the benefit: to be: derived from the rmpluyment o! I cor.- sulting agriculturiat and who. through; the uoc o! stercoptican Views. showed some of it: prncncal rrsulu. Repro, sentatives of Samuel lmull, Arihufi Meeker 1nd other millionaxrr madcmuf of the county were present and pledged! their support A wrnnnttee will be torm- " ed to finance the pmwct although Mr.‘ lnsull has agreed tn pay a large portion of the cost Jury Clo." Police Officqn A coroners jury In! Saturday returned a verdict o! junurialle bummdc m the can 01 Theo. Skogster who came 10 bus duth by I gunshot wound infirm by I Wnukegan poliotman. Patrick Salmon. iho wu tampon. no ljmt him. Paul from Cu. in KEIH Steven Rochnovukx. I Kcnoohl “net at man, met death Tuaday m¢ht when he tried to aunt the conductor of a C (k M. F. car In trplDCln‘ the trolley Rochnovukn wn dragged through the window of the car 1nd tell to the nun. striking on his head The accident at» Cured near the nut] station Ind the min wns taken to the hospital there but nll efforts to revive hxm talk-d. Beginning yesterdav the (Icnc'sce St budge in Waukefian I: closed to all ("fit unhl the new concrete slrucmrg to: whu‘h contracts hau- been aycurdcd. u complexcd. :\ mrehng u! the Sheridan Rmd 1m prm'emem Assumtmn null be held m .\ shun “me. in whxx‘h the plans 01 and Ike \«C'II'U! prublrym nmhmmn‘ [he (”gun muun MA! ‘- ti'mmughh manned. w that xt 15 rx'putrd the cumtnu wagon um (1m rlup manta-J. tn'rrefl and mute Lat) thtk‘ resulh vull hr '21 nude-me. I'nttl thr lrgal K «'ntphcatmnx" smt‘. Mt. lidwm l Lutxh-H. president n! th- mmt'tutmn, ‘wtmh um eutt with the Rugers I’uk l""".1Y‘I|h.\HWf’ hmc M'lt settk-d. tt vs almost Impuutbk to u) exactly what thl he dune. The Roger: Park rommtzmnnen seem to think that the» hzxe nu legal authority tor trmflefâ€" nng thetr park nghts to :ny other board 1nd it LI 1 {at that lawyers on both udeq hold (tmflictinu opinion: It I: the lervent hope 0! the Sheridan Road mutton. that the matter may m some manner hr solved. mthout us hem. m to have the legulature enact. new lun Hwy 01 the obnx‘ton amt seem to realiu that a dightly increued nte m tuttioo. obwounly M for the car-plenum 04 the splendid project. would also bnn‘ a W lame im in the value at then my holdup.“ CONTINUE'ORKONSHERIDAIIOAD Roptiring Working-'0 Shado- HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. APRIL 24. 1913 Fumn Favor Soil Elven Five “I. Dry low Nearby Locan rd !ht’ mmxnu wagon vs at Edy ill. tn [hf urltan- ut the city manna ban cm- tr‘NnuH'Y tur twoyrm m ‘(Ii and ‘09 whttr lam he wu my clerk nndupun the hut ot Apnl. 1913,wu made Juumr u! the Pence Hr had. during ht. H‘IldPnCl‘ tn Huhwuod become ttmmuuhly Iden- tmcd m the internal otdrn at the Commumt) 1nd was a member 01 the X. U. U. F.. Royal Arcuzum. Modern Waudmrn, Columbinn ‘ Knight; and the Uncut) Fum- ‘fily ot Schwacben Verdn. The funeral uhtch took pace at our thmy o't'kkaues» ." II the Methndt‘nt Epm‘opl churrh ‘n conducted by the 1. (H) F Rev Smoker land: the remit)“ lntctmcnl at Wlukrgan, l t I I t i t ) ? l I JULIUS C. LAEGELER WOULD RAISE FUND 1'0 LEESAVINC CREW Am]! QUARTERS'AIE NUS MEAL“ IRAQ? ‘Euâ€".§8:fi:r§<§.m!§ri‘ ._ Ol~iluwis Ergom‘i‘ ‘0. it ‘0‘... Isa-3:42... 201 1. on .u...‘l§ .35 v32: TWIN". Mia! Hm which they med lufwmma. too In. Incomplete. W! o! (be m. nuns crew 0! (hr You Men’s Club have curled a new aw 10¢ fund. lot the purpuoe o! budding a bout hour grid quanta !ot "it w on me pubhc bllhln‘ beuh Shanty-1m (hf hlc bum vu- recent-d Irom the governmcm lul uummn me cny councxl ("med I penny! tor lhr building. vhx'h In almost a ntrmny H the bout u to be at any on and lhr membcn ol the crn, who um to keep 3 ”Much! numb" of men lo man the boat w'l'nin (all a! I" hm arr gum. In malt : (Junk campaign to that lb: hnuv can he made Ind) for «(upnmy 19m tummrr In addumn In quuxcn in: the men and boa! lhrrr ml! tx- luge vcundu whxh an be um! I: shelters to: the women and \ hndren pumnunf mt beuh Many pawns. uubxnkxn Ind whom have expreued (he opmmn llml a puoll: uvlnxml untum ‘huuld alu) hr prm vdcd John (”Her “:0 (I) y u \mu‘x .‘fHIU John (Nun L' H Smith xmlrmn Mmcky J F. 1. Cum. M S. M-nh . T G Tnxcl, Jr H B, Clarke H H Univ L‘hlrlfl Hartmuhh C 8,.S‘hluffi'r A R Warm! T R June. DY J I) (P'erl Gordon \"unRtpt-x “T S. Haltly J. W Truxcl E. W (hell A C Purd)‘ Hrrbcn Moon F, H Purd)‘ F W \humm hr? I . p, ‘4. H‘ M gin-Monday The maul spnna “canon to: the pupa-018m Mace ochod um- out Hand-y and common W tho mi. Scbdmudoutotme mm WWVmfiuld 'W‘h .0- utmost 311‘ June 17 mscnootumvmm 1U 00 1mm 11. [I m m hum 1m no .1» SH! 3", l(l “0 (fl «ll (0 t0 (Ii lb At the media; 0! the county haul 0!; sum W Comad. who hot; mama W-ukqan on the bond to" a number at yum ‘u electod president unnmmoudv on IIODOB 010.“. Ego! oi Latrrtyvflk who Received )0 votes to “1' Count! 3 15 on the fin! and only ballot ultra In the mum ol the (ounvy Ire-wt". m vhx‘h Mr, Writerhcld ha. been accut ed by a Waukegln paper (I! Illrgllly up propnnnng mum: on «oulny depot"; Ind I ("0 pet (a! cumnnubun on the mhcnl-ncr ux‘ the «ummmor nomimrd bv the board eronrd than us mrmben (in no! helm-w the Emnrd ma) dr-lngnur (he drpuulnnn 1m umnh‘ mud. but ”In. ‘hrrhn iw Iund~ «Yr (1:1)th [he (uunly us rmnhâ€"d In 4nd shuuld vr- who the union“. In rega'd m the u. hernanct (I! Mr. “'eurrhrld trad hum lulu!" I'hKh he (lmmrd an: hm: Inc nth! l0 u-um «mum Ion m urn-on u! his salary Suxrnww “dd: n! “nub-gm; mm ed that xhe mum 0! the munnxn m 1hr umnn Xrnsutrx': ufh r m :aumdancr mm {M rfpurl ui Audmu an» hc- Icn In a w manna ‘lt‘: me pram. anornn Sup-"Hum L larl uvd H! drurr u! thr bond merrh u m h¢\l‘ 1hr mull" with-G w zhm mar mil bu- nu Anspuxr and aux gulcdxhaz (hf btm “Jihad I: m HA (0qu 'li 1hr I~-n'l~ 'ulc that Mr Wetlcmeld n- rnhlird llv 'hr munrx, u'w [ht boa-1d .: pulruh vnlimg {Lax ht nbould have a! un lht unflran, .1 1hr mum inlihal [he wont) 1~ due (1.! county, why It ‘nm 11 " hr dnlamd '17): «Ink led I ummwrmatmn (um. L‘mnmlnmnn k lnrrm :- 1mm 0| Wank: Kan. In ulmh he dnlau-d lha! an m vnugauon had «houn lhal tht' (nunh mt" that an 55.1%” Ln hum; our! (hasgni m (M mam-v of nun-«mg ”In a‘ nun-“Mum's “Hr” Put “an unh p-Mrl In M! LAC Canny Mdbal Atmutiou A'- pd-u Con-5N0. Io lunatic-u Members at Ihr Lake Luann Med“)! Ann-non. m mmmg Thursday mghl n the Mmamr paged xmvlmumudhn‘ 10! the appmumem tn mm pfmdf'lfl. D! H K Rohrn{ M - amnmmn oi men to ll’hfih‘lu and dens nomr new flu: 10! (be are "I the ml pad 0! (hr county. The pun-nu! lhh rnuhmon ”towed lhc tabla. of one mum. {at m WW 0! (mm mad. hp Wuhan fiyuulm haunt! Bro-m mum)- phyuuln. cm POOR mm: mm sum Jul)“. C. Wkr. of Huhwod. died Snurdov mghl, Apn| 19,-! five minute. we. WM o'dock. u! pneumoma If!" an mac» 0! shout twenty-[out hnun He was born In Smtmm Germany on July 20. "6‘. Survn'ml him an hrs wile. $.th Unbthaun l argrlt! and tin duldnn. Elmo. Jul ur, U I'Ifl. Lloyd and ltllcr MV. Lug-Ir! um- d” «M Inu'e'n and drugs“: 01 Hmhwmn’! hmmg Iiwd thru- 10! lvu‘nu'rthrre your: and van a hlghh Inptdrd cum-n. the death 0! whnm (um! u a shock and rurpnnr m nearlv hf!) (me In MI humr Ln Hr ha: III-)1 been dust“ aunt-led wnh puhlu affair:- and mien-med Ron Jul) 20 I?!“ 9.4 April 1.0. 15:13 \auhg nr- pr! r-n! nu wt “I!!! WEI OUECTSTOSMJIYGH AUor-II F‘n‘nglmhrhad nvCWMi-H Mrmlwrg M [hr at" rounnl In In Od- ,uumrd "wrung held Friday nUhL unnamed the mlkwung business. A Irnn 1mm Mr. E T Shdmorr. new- I) rln‘H‘d (n-axurrr, stating that ht oon~ Mdrru Sill) an Imuflu'lrm salary cm. mg (hr numunl u! work .lhe mm lb .aned upon [0 do and the fact that he must furmuh I bond 01m.“ and at my mm the council amend the “mam-nae mm under connderflion ind fix ‘he salary an 56(1). was referred to the Flame: Committee. In the salary ordinance immOoccd It the [yr-wading media of the council and ordered cnxroutd the .Inrv oi the city m-uurex in fixed n! m. I reduction oi mm It was lhic which and the withdrawn! of F. D Green from (ht Ito! Ionhcomcc. This ordinance will be voted upon I! on next m. Other alum-and by the M an the name-Min iota Our-in the and j A mmumcnnon from 1.1.qu Ivareodm whurhthentdennumb :vuu. “and that (he bitumen urine: at Ihc pavement In Roget WM 30‘ Dew Avcnuro n. U! In goal cw. pmbuhly duty the {an that the 0:3,. «what-mm ~39 “creme-urinating!“- II’. a» imamncdcwmemn-ucm kunndheod VIII. were not M lathe Boudot bocd llama: attorney. In this an ordinance has hen drum combining the dutiu of city at- ntomcy Ind attorney [on the Baud a! Lord Improvement: altos which have heftâ€"1040" pud ‘78) out. and the nhry udmlnoc fut- thcldlfy It 81”. I 8 Trllm nppomted to an". the election returns lound the tank. to In whauminfly as rrponod in this ”a vmh the excephon «rm 5 S. Holman n- cnvod [9 more vote. In the firm "r1 than the was” crcdnrd mm "llh, A: ”it lequtil 0! «mm- living on Knpp‘: [June an nrdmum changing the namr ul lhnx ”wrought-re to Wwood Road wn adapted. An ordmlnor requir- mg ~mprmemenl bonds to be issued in denommalmm of "(It I: recommended )1} Mayor (NIH-1. wu mlroduord by Aldâ€" crnum Sin-rm and panned $$5 wan lpp'nprllled 10! the W “I widemnu 1M rum'rflc runway to the hit Mutmn. AUTO FIRETRUCK ON THE WAY HERE WARM“ EARLY 1mm The ruqurhi I" W' “' Steele. 1L. ‘0! I “Mr! mam m ()qu St nu referred lo 1hr Baud ut Luml lmpmvemmt; Am. I; an Cm! M Con-tn” [Lu Trod hi ‘0“ ruddy. hiUiI‘ SI Ronda-nu AH preparations tot m M havq bum romplrlrd and the cm mu problbly be run on! from Chicago Ind mm the“ fin- sauna rudy 10¢ nmmednu haunt-J; By remonn; the mm ntmrcm and [~14 wmthr Mm .Nilhm‘flllfd a pan Imu- Mm wxhu‘nhrd um: tum numlhb .nlll pun Imu- um Izzudt‘ If): Mr» aum ::u4 k um mnw m thc HI) Word Irrn ll‘lt‘nrd hum the Amount: hnncr unnpnny. make" 0! the cat, thatf :1 hm. lrh the l-nona m Elmira. N. Y; and .hde amvc m 1th my early nexti net-k. an; m a m and lunar door, wmdan? room has bten prowded for the trucks In add-non lo Hm added up.“ the coat much building In the rent of the city» hdlhuheenrcpmredmd ail-mud nail dulrudnmhpt in the union wiu‘ be round to this building, Pawn-0d '- Poa Co.“- 0510:“ to Sol.” u.‘ Vuu xmv-HM.‘ nth-r [MI .ulxvuahng Ih- puu’hau‘. mum!» arm Mann ‘,n subm‘npnun Ila-ls, nu m marssan amount “a. omen-maul 0' no." wanna-n4 g lo we“. 3 “‘1 (“the“)... mug nunâ€"I. It. m manta-“m . were mm x ; a.” “firm: £- ' Volume 3 the the bra

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