iii Enkine. Rex Jones, C. P. Woodcock Mend H. Shannon. Henry M. Boyd Orrin Peabody, Henry Riner of Ravenewood. WillinmCochrane and Thomas Rankin of Lake Bluï¬. and Mia Knufl‘loyd. guest: wen! Madam H. H. Chandler. H. R. London. Samuel Parliament. D. M. Mn. Emil Beck Mctxei was hostess on Wednesday to the embroidery class of which she in a member. 'Among the was host; itâ€: rheéiinz of the reading Park “(as the cues: at Miss Ednh Andcr dub of which the is a member on Mon- ‘ ’0" Fnday, day afternoon. i Mrs. J. C. Wolfl entertained a cud," Wm. B. Salyards, Mrs. Albert Larson. Mrs. Frank Sheeks. and Mrs. .Henry Clow. Assisting chm ladies were Mrs. Frederick Tucker, who sold. and Mrs. Nancy Campbell who collected the tickets at the door. These very energetic Mystic Workers are making plans to en‘ tertain at a card party during the latter part of May. A delightful dance which was attended by one hundred couples at the Ravinia Park Casino on Wednesday evening. April 30. was the Mystic Workers enter- tainment to which the credit for the success ofthr: affair must be given to the executive ability of {our ladies who composed the committee in charge; Mrs. On Monday evening Mrs. J. Nolan en tenained the Social Ten. Mrs. William Mlller of 420 Central Ave.. entertained a few of the old friends of Mrs. Henry Sampson informally at (ea on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Ry}. Batty of 535 Sheridan Road now the property of the Joseph Tarbells who have not altered the house notice‘ ablyand it holds the charm of an old landmark with its splendidly cared for lawn. and old fashioned garden where every summer bloom the most gorgeous poppies and hollyhocks and in this part of the suburb ones attention is easily drawn to the house which was formerly the Kenneth Smoot brick residence on Prospect and Linden Avenues when presto! change. it has assumed, under the ownership of Ira J. Geer. an exterior of loft colored grav stucco which makes an excellent background for the brown wood trimmings and there are verandas and a porte cochere. The Frank L. Wean place on Ravine Drive and Forest Ave. which has. though built but three years. assumed the appearance of an old home- stead and is a perfect example of archi- tecture and landscape gardening. Our suburb may well rejoice in its many triumphs in counlry places but the latest . addition and without question the finest ‘ is that of E. V. Price, on Sheridan Road, the home. stables, the xzirdners house. i and the English tea house being note ‘ worthy pieces of aruhitecure and the -family home is Similar to Abbotsfortl There are so many places which luck (1! space prevents mentioning but ll) every part of Highland Park are many imprm'u merits which combine the best or LlSlC in architecture and in gardens Miss Anna Mogan was crowned "(Jun-n 'Ql the May“ Thursday afternoon at a H May day tea given by “ï¬le of the mun Li bers of her classes in her studio in the Fine Arts building. Chicago. Miss llarrirt Baugh wrote a short play in which the various members ï¬gured as the Shakes- perean characters which they hate been studying during the winter. Others who are familiar to Highland Parkers and took part were Miss Prismlla Carver. and Miss Jessie Harding who gave the {our "Cautionary Tales" put to music by Liza r] Lehmann. The crowning of Miss Morgan L was a surprise to her and the different students brought garlands of flowers and placed them on her throne-t Following W“ the program refreshments were served. 5“ Among the Highland I’arkers who axâ€" (ended the concert at the Moraine un Thursday evemng were Mr. and MN, Richmond Dean. Mrs. H‘ B. Clark. whu With the coming of the leaves and flowers in the spring weather the Obâ€" server has taken occasion to noticeï¬he moot striking examples of well kept lawns and homestead: in this ever beautiful suburb with the enthusiastic citizens, the majority of whom are looking forward to the oil- ing of the very dusty streets by the Im- provement Association Which has plans to so do as soon as possible. As always among the attractive places in spring is Egandale. Ravine Place which is a triumph ‘ in shrubs and rare flowers and velvety lawn the result of cultivation and fond care of the owner. Then there is Fred- della Hall. Sheridan Road, the home of the Frederick Steeles with the stunning‘ southern architecture frontage and carry- 3 ing out the effect, isa wonderful magnolia , tree. growing in the garden a little to the ‘ south of the house. which is attracting so much attention with its manv blossoms.’ Then too. quite worthy of comment is i the old George D. Boulton homestead ‘ The Soda] Side of- Life Local Affairs of the Week __ BytheOb-etm Imp Mr. and Mn. Peter Bleimchl «Chm-ago werethe guest: of Mn and Mn. Ed Bteimehl. Sundly. Mi. Teuie Dawson 0! Chictgo In the guest of Miss Beatrice Carolan. Hand-y. Mrs. J. C. Wolfl cntertnined a euchrc club of Chicago which comm: of twelve memben. Thundav afternoon. Muses Rush Ind Mary She†of Chncago were 1110 the cue-u 0! Mrs. Wold. Miss Vera Joiner 0! (Lurnce and MN: Bessie Baker of beenyville were the guests of Mn 1. A. Reichelt. Jr. Sunday. Miss Gertrude Lundgrcn of Highland Miss Mary Henna was the gucsx n! her sister, Mrs. Schiller of Albany Park Friday. Miss Isabel! Biederstedt of Highland Park was the guest of her pan-Ms, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hiederstcdt Sunday. Mr and Mrs Frank Jacobs had as their guests on Sunday \{rs “memeyer and son Elmer of Chicago. The eighth annual ball given by the F. O. E. Local 1365 Will take piax Satur» day evening. May 10 m Anderson's hail. Miss Isabel! Biedemmm nl Hiuhlznd JACKSO ‘ lLLEâ€"â€"Tho Barge shops a! the (‘k):(- n, Peori- lnd St Louis railroad a! acknonvlfle. Ihich hun- lwcn cloned or (no vuwh, hue horn rwwnnnd [0n acconJ (! TPt’JH‘rd I‘nrmngl by'. the rnl‘ruyd during Hu- Fund swam“ it I!!! 1:: rsxnr) to re trench in ctr-tin; eanw- Miss Beulah Tibbcts of Luke Furcst was the week-end guest of Miss Ruth Reichelt who entertained for hw Fnda) evening and for whom the Misses Kress gave a 500 party Saturday evening Mrs. Albert Jenks and son Albert of Evanston were the guests of Mrs, 1‘ A. Corson Fï¬day. The Deerï¬cid (Immm H’ “1;qu {)‘LM’LJU team playwd with the Lake Fun-st (mm: mar sch00l team Saturday mornxng «m D. S. H. S. grounds. Mr A. R, lehnm; was the referee. The score was 93 In favor of Deerï¬eld. Mr. R. L‘ Sandwxck. pnnupal of I) S. H, S‘ viqm‘d Grammar schoul Friday to ascertain the number of studnus whu intend Iaath-nd high schm! nuxl ymr. Mrs. Strvker n! Whvrlmg “.35 the weekend guest uf hcr son. Mr J-vfxn ,\ Stryker. {Deerï¬eld Nexs's Items“ Mrs. Fred Greensladv wt 50 was hostess In X’lr' aflrrm dub Wednesdzn . numhsthï¬ï¬‚uh‘l, L mnmn. uh“ {Nulnw last weck {mm (I tnp urmmd (hr “urld. Mrs. H. A. Sellcry entertained mlmnml I)! at lunchton (m Wnirwsday or Ln week at her hams. :2.‘ Hrmsnl‘, Aw Ramm. Mrs. Martha A Irwm entcrr.x:m-c formally on Thursday umfnmm m h of her brother. Mr Ju'm lr'w-n w? Blamkstone‘huh'l, L‘hhzmu. uh“ r-um last weck {ram (I tnp urmmd (hr “u: Mrs. Hduy Smnpson has bcvn ~;u~nl mg a wvrk wnh Mrs Dame! (0M) “hm entertained a number 0! MM. Sumpsun ~ old friends mfurmznlly on Mundax MIL-r noun. S H. H Hitchcock A. B. McCaughey Henry H. Dory, W. E. Ten Broeck. WIHIIm 'Morgan. Chflon C. Alexander, W. A. *Axexanderjv. F Kelly Franklm H Hussey ere. Thomas Clements. Abbie B Bashn. Walter l-.. Carr, (korge A. fSchoï¬eld. R. F. Peyton. and Mn: Adele . Everen. Mrs. L. S Cohn emvrunned at lund:~ eon on Weanesday. Mrs. John Glass entertained the Wed nesday afternoon bndgc- dub at hvr home on No Sheridan Road The Mystic Workers of the World held their regular fonnighll)’ meehng nn Monday when eleven candidates were- inmated. :There were seventy peupir present who were very much mxemsu-d in (he annéuncemenl that the cud or .r two months mernbcrshxp mnteat. during whld) umq tonyfn'c ncw member: hm! been gains! by the two cumpeung (mm: one of which was Mr, S, T, Reblmg and the othe; th'h wn: (he \\II\IHHK humx. was under {hr leadership n( L'apmm 1..†son. The members or 1hr immune 1mm ngn‘eabunquct to the :llr‘nflx-I‘ m ‘ the winning team an M vndJ). r'\z‘!HH.;. May 19.. The program u! L»: M m Ln closed with a supper .md dummy W. Cashing. R. 8. Gregory. Earl W. Spencer. C. T. Bonyton, J. V. Norcroo, George Allen Mason. Everett Millard, Eugene A, Bourniquc, Dame! Cobb. Anr nelte R. Jones. J. W. Prmdxvme, John Glass, William J. Louderback, H. H. (i. White, Harp! D. anon. William ). Fyflr, Anmitcunhumal event which in attracting omnidenhle attention in Nonh I Shore society is the performance 0! Once: Wilder: comedy. “The Importmceé of Being Earnest" which will be pruent- ’ ed at aninil theatre on the eming o! I Saturday. My 24. The player! who are; to present the piece are being selected 5 from among the merited amateur: o! ‘ the North Shore cities and the proceeds will be given to the director: of the Hzgh‘ land Park branch of the Y. W. C. A for - use in that work. Following is the lust of patroneues: Madame: F redcnck Morgan Steele. Frank R. McMullin. F. H“) CHI) OTTAW -N|yor Bradford ba- iusx tuned n proclamation tpxunng (o the u: l cllldnn of Mn chy In sum In tho municipality. The W0 ‘| cli members have (then the mama and .11 clause. at citizens Ina. been â€Led to 591p. l‘btcugo an. Mum and Huvilnucn u "mum 11.“: bunquel n “bitch.†The object-o! the gum-rm; in lo xmromoto’4rnternll rolulnm bflvn-n the (cleanuhen o! the (urn con-on lions. 5 BLOOM! TON -~ The opwunn In the to! ruph den-annual 01 [hr EFFING M » About him bun drvd and 6 Ben acrm xf eirhlorn Mar-old Ipl‘o (rt-n on I o Stun {run farm \uun- fun: on: of (he ground Iith dun (9 Then Ivre 6000 o.’ '34: Irwt a d u the Orthurd bu nor pron-n [an $1.1)â€. H In dH‘Ht-d to Mar "at 1.5:! cmucognm I (he uifa (5 Dr. K prnh-snor U! amnion Mow) honlel, nhm NY! in Mr! home, Ninth stru- Mn birth to a mu Anon bu: bron (â€trams-Ly since. I t!‘ BI'H bum M Errmmï¬u nlh mg for: \s h\ Thr L.. Ante: $0133 Lu hnu- dune nu.†“1M (hrlf gawlï¬ae tnnumr and HIMAHC‘d an rln'un‘ mun} um! .19 puvu-r In up" dh‘ thr hxr fun I. (' mm Lmr ‘I‘ma (â€mph-(rs our of Hu- hrs! turmshed $Illn‘h 1n Lulu- (gnunh 1hr†.mmunl!) drouh‘d “1nd 5 an .n \I‘Y\ â€â€11th m hR'\ when! I qu Clara Puudu' ball gm 3 do k haph‘r ' Fwd“) nemng'ï¬; Mrs. John C 91ch run-named a num- brr of her {non‘ un Monday an honor of her birthday anoivcnary Mrs E Huh! u! Lulu-rtynllc 1nd Mrs Wm L] Lam and Mrs. W J hrslan of (Mayo were (he ou! uf town‘gursls Amn who hart relurncd from A two momhn sin m manila (.a. ms! the nmmcdxalc (am: being ptmm Mrs J. H. PH; sue i dun)?! path- last Sunday In honuflol Mr, and Mn Wn‘. Lu! Monday night the new wing: board member: were lnllalk'd. Mr w. A. Whiting as pg‘wdem, Mr. B H Kreu. Mr‘ J. H, Fnlch d Mr. C W Pelt:- as trustee: Mr. mud P. Hutdnson a; police nlamurat Theu.) Knaak as HI lane clerk. her of friends M y evening, Min Sadie G way nu bonus I: I luncheon Andsm‘uny to twelve MIC. Tue-day afternoon, Mm Sad: 01 Ch» ago was the on! of turn guest. The ï¬rst pnze wu Handed to Mn. h. chkerbuckcr. I? second :0 Mn. H. H. Km: and the cumolmun pnzc [0 Mn. Mary Molina. : n I! \lxpprg' .121) dun m2 Bimini) mum MMPMW 601M!" L. K Futon". a (5 Hr. Klrb) l‘nnuupn. n ‘0! afhoiuxy Conurrtvd mm ole nhm and “.1941 her Mr! home, 5.29 Ham Pony- ("‘1‘ Mrs (amuse ‘ltr I buy urn-n “MM 130 Ind n (â€trams-Ly mrxoun at†mu (All 41;);wa l:- aurndcd 1hr Pmk b) {hr ludws nt Lair u! the 15.4:er bur. It: d !.’:v l‘un (113:; gwarrf mam after ~bux 8! (hr m n «()‘u ln ¢ nn,‘ Lu! 4nd ' .If'lx .un.’ 34' K'Iurrh nu mu n0 “are. Tuna-n. nu undlm u-uouwnl quinn. u «mug-nod aim! mm; of «In. hum n Inuk- Iquln Mark (van-lulu; In"- wborr rrvm It!) ta «:0 hon-nun. second In. 10 um. Tb. hum-- In most In- lunvw nrr no whdly mm It to IM mum mal) fur [lode-(rhu- Io nun be [IND Ibo-m The Pam: and Ann 3'th In: dmnru Irv nun-h me an» -l£n- nun-rim; 1);; or hul- uH-nuu |l)“fl'Â¥M lmnhnm for the aim (lo-ale". Mammal-dam I- run pant durum Ibo dun Ion-nun Satyr-AL )7 me dull etc-on I- In dry hummer ulna lhr Donn run- and nIu-n on. Bonds!) mm M (hm mun-(lull. «specially 1mm. nn- run-me!) Inflnmm-bh- And In {mmo-m dulmrflun 0f (hm uhnvkl or hul- Int-nun turn-mud Inn-hm... r... The mm INI- In the Ink 0! mun In: or. rather. in (lu- mnlrflnl- lied All [he bllIHN‘fll bun-an In 016 and new Manila an: be!!! u! Mthcrflr. none 0! bud wu-dx. wtmlmu of I†than The wraith!“ native: Ind mm! for- eigner-u lmu- bull-41 a! Mom or am- barfl “(n-(h. but the (“urn-u :m-upk-d by (M Iurllnx (-lnu- nn munnMy bum up Hf am. (a drted gnu» and lnmlxm (I “are. .0 I sort 0! Contmuouo Por- lormnm Confl-oulmn. Firm- un- mm 1: h) hmhkm in the . N; u! Manln (‘nu-QHIHT'I) I-fllmulvd mun hullu'I nn- dnA-Int)c~d nmmull} I‘vrhnw [“0 or Huw llxuh lhnl mm: lx-r u! law-h- nn made harm-Mm- o-m-h yr" 'l‘iw mnnnm-uHum lift but duo- †mum! l-v ultimo-ad. to but u! ldo’ qunlr pmtn (mu In Orv- flrbtlnu c-qolp munâ€"u but. not “on the l'uu-d 3M!" hulk ("MFKQ roam-r LON."- A" unmet-id Hm. I: I Ivory H r. IL I an. loner. C: u "mun-ad In r u; . ru-ur Ion". J: n Inn-win! b r_ (y . (‘hlm Ht". 0; I «In! lol- r. T: nu Mm Mt". U. ~ Life. PECRIA â€"- A! I You†9! lhr Po: r1. «‘mm v u A In ruh'p 1hr prunu ‘ r uh A Mr: (“Jr lo ((1% 32 'M cm:.~lr~1r:rd. A m .\ mile churn. ROCK'FORDâ€"~lnlin[ 01 Inert- in Hm (I!) of Ru'l turd \AHI lu- dmr lNl M-lmvn thr umv u Mnre thy (union) ‘1: lnnuxnumd It ‘11! b¢ undw the um: m»:d.«1nnr. the N»! In Hap-rt) canon -h w! Mu; NH“ 7 nun. I in H ll!) ("k U! 'ffl.‘ H3“ uni {wt-n (.I Mn “3‘ KI‘IYJII! llliLr-l 1: («(2 A I'hh m. Iï¬lowam l MANILA‘S GRASS HOUSES INA H hr but“ SPRINGFIELDâ€" I him-mm! rrnnr Unrrn'x 1) Han um 11: Hum-1:511 ‘r ‘! mmdl'mnn 1h c-‘d um‘ï¬. In m.n!n.m-d In I (K hmzn- 1.0-“ I oâ€"o-L I'm rrvn H\ P! am! ll GRANO OETOUflwl'Nn m- Fuh- M! In. \U, I <‘Muxu 14““! ha! bymnxht a (Minn) of F‘IldO‘l‘lP in Grand lh-hvuy hv Hudv 1hr urnrrv flunk (h! Huck th “rand In-tmr 1- mm of '.hr (Minn “-11:01an H‘ lhr unlu- CHICAGO CHICAGO â€"â€" Wunn H Jon» "II iound liul (um, (.I mud-ugh!" b) 1 Jun 1:. Judxr erhnrd r: Nurlr'l court In:- )mp driller-cod tvo hmnn Hr u“ (ï¬nd for [he dollh of P161." F \hih‘r, uhu div-d on Jun fl, 15-10 M morphine pohuming CH!CAGCâ€"- A rm BPRONGFiELO (r) O »- Alum!†P Halt-t. :l uupnlnund. M (Y xho 1‘): n‘hmvfn, In dead Mr In rL in \Ign: l hum-Mu In 1 {II-myrho your: hr huh â€"-1 rnur! rtm'rm- ‘1 RP] 'nu‘v and n. â€Yummy 1 32v 1 nu r‘l. xrnnud lo \\'nL.-.b “an: by Judge :4}: (1 [hr (7 \CNP In" K. Ado luv» nephew. of 1nd“ d M. a ‘ (Lt hmnr . « Mr â€11- 1'1. (tum rrm‘ Ll â€(Inc M H ‘Hh the- “hour in rpnr'dum um) (an nmd HM! (h! ‘omh'mm In 2"an x.nHI.x.-o-d in 1hr non up ummthwn 1r. Special Ice Cream for Sunday Fresh Strawberry. Vanilla and Maple Ive Cream at 50 cents per quart. Order early. Vanilla Ice Cream always on hand at 50¢ per quart. 'u( nilr ‘11 M1}: I(>\D"|u r Parker House Rolls, Buns. Sweet Rolls. Vienna Rolls. Jelly Rolls. Whole Wheat and White Bread. Loaf Cakes, Layer Cakes and Small Cakes of all kinds Pics Unkies Dough- nuts, Brown Bread Cinnamon Rolls Coï¬u Cake Nut Bread. etc. We are as near to you as your telephone. Our phone is E The E S. Dole Catering C0. 201 EAST‘ CENTRAL AVENUE (Y â€50‘ 10C] '[J‘II In â€If f w; nun!- H1 MIMIâ€?! m vrzdx ll '11:: f! the ll‘l‘an‘ W \ 0le and '0' II W.C-m‘l5m The following candies are made right hen: in H ilhland Park and fresh Every day (00: Cream Chocolatvs, Wamu! ‘Iilldgt. Cream Walnut Caramels. Peanut Clusters. Peanm L'risp. rtc. LAKE GENEVA §ICE (sf 198 sf ; Highland Park Shoe Repainng Shop‘ 108 W. Central Ave :: Telephobe 19,8 Fire Accident Bard"! Hate Clan Expert Shoe Repaid}; I 0 Service Best Companim Lobe“ Jun telephone 65 and the French Candy Kitche: Write. imurunce in a" i Let us repair your shoes. ()urpriv'és are the lowest and our work the best and ubsolutvl)‘ guamnthl. Don't throw away your old shoes. rubbers. tires of all kinds. (lolliés. mix. well buy llll‘m and pay you: a good prim: \Vv ('élll for and do liver goods R\‘ll(‘ll (lcsn‘ul 'l‘vlc- phonv us and \w‘ll uiivml 1o wlir wants promptly. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN new Soda Fountain All kmds 0‘ ns and sundaes Gary's Homq Tormdo Life Employers LiLbilily «HIS‘IAU'M 1h: muat SMIHHI hands third I“ pm: ‘hlny\1h;fl it. P “V Ice nu in branch†M... win 4." ' baking \nm §nmwrfl I. awn as h: 1~ ham“ m light-La run. Ill-d: \ AH \ ammvss “I run A: um ,flfhd so ‘- l m we" u-n flag Hut :n‘plnvmml H Scï¬anton é Life that