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Highland Park Press (1912), 5 Jun 1913, p. 1

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COHC Thu ; lo custra‘ in this Seam a (m, are. MAY GRANT Conlm. rm wa L‘uumgumsns Any city. tum, mum». mwnship or board0f park cumnnssmners‘ mx this State shill have In” pmwr and Jufimrlty by EDP” [make vurmnanu- or resolution to Vt“ sand The kummxxxmners m‘ ancoln Park inh the night t»:- mke over under the ternfl of zhzs Act. any of the streets of such my I . HHJQC. township of I)“k distnc! Inn '3 -~ .x‘. he uéed for the pur- pose of c .r ‘.7 me prm’isnons and Isfx swims .: I .. Park. the power and authw \r‘,’ 1:1: same granted or authonzed m in» Act shall revert to the proper mrgmmic JULhOTIIiCS or park cock mxssnmrr: u up ’2 city, tow n. vnlm townshxp I park dxstrict respectively. flormld, - (Sc-gnu Work chhon: Q.“ ‘ swung-nu .r 11:” woman. ‘1. MUN" Co 3" "'Hflfifi nit and pur has: as well as by emin-t tomam 3:17“ , , . w r p “ mm! (‘uwmmnfir !l« >-.~( v w I .)U- ’ ..LF‘MOR ,0“ "3'5“". ‘ ’4. '~-<: u»- v or u-cunua ““4- :ucn t‘uruuxh Mun“ . ”I” u .. :..<. '71 m «13¢..me \ Smhmmév; {15:51.3};in fan-fl “‘ '1 nun t gnu-mm” runny; TM‘LE“ -,A_ SFGT }: work into a woman knows :hould have one Sdétifliiéfim ' A 'ariuus u'a‘ig/zfs "500 BI~W‘m allmu‘d m1 He‘d {fbr m‘u‘ YOU WANT SHERIDAN ROAD CONTROLLED “PARK BOA”? mm .) ’50 up born will do-even 1213' be used if you gh and employ an ILLINOIS :e the task in the Invited 'eges uf the Emmy; ROOM 2 Bank Building 1 to R p_ m LU\ FAVE!) FRO.“ PAGE I) Iron Eusxnnmv. Wang»- 5': «mun, for the immediate} vr .mpr4>»ement contemplated ' 'ncrcrnrv. an emergency ex- ~ -\(f aha” take effect fl")n ompany 5L xl Highland Park Will be at Trinity Church next Sundac'. Juno Eighth Dean Summer of the Cathedral of 38 Peter and Paul, €115“:on to preach in Tfinity church Stud-v morning. Jun: 9 at eleven o’doa. Acadia! inviution‘to he meant In unwind to all. The data Ina any friends here who will be and to walnut him 5 1 Luncheon given Directon of anim'n' Company Officers Elected A number at nonnnatiuns were made at the mcettng. Mrs. \thham t-\. Alexan- der 0t thzs city was named to succeed Mtss Sadw Buckley as secretary. Mrs. Eme L, Lubdei) waS uppomtcd first \n'e prt'53dunt :-~ uhuruc ut’ urgammtmn. \Ir1 J, McCrcgur Adams. Mr» hcdrnck W. l'pham. \lrs (‘murgr R. ’l‘hurm- \lrs. An» nctte R.Jom-s and Mrs. W. 5, Emmy “are also named as vtce presidcnts. , Other mtt‘t'esting feature: of the sub)» mcr pr 'JYJHI\V:”bt‘1ht'Chflinhcf convert: w'mci't \tr Stnck has arranged for mon- day.21m~dm and Wednesday mtcrnoons and t‘.t- my; “huh M:- in h. mun H) the aftertm ‘ns at the casino. 0! vâ€"pu'mt satisfitctton L~ the mnoum c 'nzv; t ..nd assurancu t‘ 2.1! thc Lasinn Und: r the able and cht’nenced direcqun 0A the 1:5 manager “115d Welsh will rek‘tzt’y .311 mzst.k 5 made by meapab‘e management m the past. CJHLK‘H undrr of the SUPPORTERS 0F RAVINIA PARK MEET Mrs. Julius Rosenwald. chairman ut rhe children's Thursday uftcrnoon :ntertain- mcnt committee and Mrs. Frank R. Fuller was made chairmen of the Junior Hem» bership committee and will be assisted in her work by thrcc others, who will ar- range specral musical programs I}: Thursdays during the season this day to be set apart as in past seasons especially for the children. A playground with sand piles. swings and games for the little ones. with a maid in attendance, will be a fea- ture of the park. The general program. as nuilined by Loms Eckstein. first Vice president of the Raunia Company, is an answer to the many demands as to (he needs of Ravima. In addition tu Chicago Symphony 0r~ chestra then- urt' in be a series of light operas given, With a few of the lighter. grand operas and a series of programs 0! dances to be given by the Baruncss Erma ~ion Ruttumhal 0! Vienna. T‘ r Ht}; treasurer. E. T. Skxdmm‘v [my deru. 2 ares“; ulmn. .\‘|:icrman Bucklt‘y madr lznnlmn “huh um; seconded by Aldcrmm Farm; Hut (ha resignation be rr'u'rmk to thy fixmmu ovzt‘ntmcc. AH 0! [ha .xldcnncz‘. mud :n :mmx‘vt (Ens mu» mm «11!! (he :‘M‘cpthm HI .-\‘nlcrmnn chhnls who expressed hlznsch m favor 01 nux-ptmu (he rx‘SIgnutmn. Thcrc wafi a dt-lt‘gnnwn prcx‘rnt repre- The salary of thc poa’itmmtcr has m~ semmg thc “Mag? 0: tweermm “huh rc» (”(de from $1200 to $311» pw' year. questrd that the tlmc or mplrzmnn “I v their water contract be cxtcnded from the present ten )‘t'klrS mmvntyortwenty. five wars {or the reason that tht-y would have tn zssuc bonds m payment for the construction (It :1 plpc 1.1m between the villdgc wt “remit-1d and (fly of Highland! In order that the petty]: may have thc service to which they afie entitled from the past office .\'r, Fletrhcr says that a clerk and a carrier shnu'd be added. ARDEN SHORE DOES chmm mm . 1 The longest session held in the history of the city council of H|ghland Park was that of Tuesday night, June 3. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 o'cim‘k md adjourned at 12:46 a. m. The council appropriated in annual ap- propriation bl” of five hundred dollars for the salary of a special policeman coveringaperiod of Six months. Also (hm hundred dullars for thy salarv ut‘ an assmtam clerk in the cityclcrk'surficc. The Life Saving crew requested the city council for permxxmm In L130 (he fire whistle at [he pumpmg smzmn m gang the alarms and vallim: the members I»! the crux. This was referred to the FM? and Water committe wuh the power m act. Alderman J. L. Fearing introduced an oniinancc. liéensing vehicles. which was passed and approved by the city councxl. Number 14 REPORT OF MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL [NORDINANCE UCENSING VEHICIIS 1m POSITION FOR I‘VE”! YEARS HEADQUARTERS748MST.WA"IN nocooommsmon ”, Approprined in Annual Proprintion Bill for new Office; City Treuurer Resign- DEAN SUMNER T0 PREACH HERE urgammtnm. \Ir1 \lrsv krcdrnck W. 1. ’l‘hurm- \lrs. An» .W. S, L‘xmby “are ‘ Park PMS Annual Ap- Gnu Improvement in Pun hold their final (Revises and «"(lllblllnll on Friday afternoo‘, Juno sixth at three thirty at the Associition roovm Then- will be a Swedish (fun: in costume gwcn by the members oliihe Wednesday night club. a Bohemian (was. also m (0-5!qu given by the high fichool girls and the Junior girls will give a camp tire lndnan dance after which (here wtll be a muncxl meeting of the Influx: at which there will be an awarding of a silver bracelet which has been on isplny in Schneider's jewelry store win ‘ to the girl among the fire Workcn “t oases highest 1n the examination to given. Admtssron 10 cents By Girls who will :flppe-r i at Fimlfixerci-ea The Y. W. C. A‘ i’ymnmhc hoid their final (Revises am on Friday afternooh June 51 It is With regret that. the people at Highland Park hear that postmaster A. W. Fletcher has sent his resugnation L0 Postmaster (ieneral A‘ S. Hurleann after an excellent service for twehe years as postmaster. My; Fletrher na: lived here for twentyelcht years and damn; that time has been a leadmg citi- zen. interested in the pu ‘ic welfare and in the political life 0t thu City He was an alderman and Ill 139.l".-held the otfit‘e 01 anor and under hiS'adrninistratitiri the water works weremilt. ln twrlu- years the post office has increased its earnings immensely. from merely paying expenses in 310.000 xshltlh it ntltcd (u the debartment last year, free mail de- livery. postal savings afid parcels post have been added. Theiotfice mm‘ has an assistant postmaster. three clerks. five t’arriers and a spray delivery carrier The salary of the ponytmastcr has m e , J ! shun. . a“ Induurul Deplflme‘ Cmted Lu! You Women Forming Sewing Ciiclu “lira“ mHv u (“nupo Kilrllu . $1 'l‘ln :‘r ls l: ~t AL :wrflm {rum Wank.- :::m In Human)“ “m; llllt'.~ no! km» «)2 Alden Show. 01' Lye v\(’9119n(‘r u. n; \mrh with the hafilps bruughtlrou; 3h» sxwlhrmg (‘ll}.,Df Ihv children 'rmn sumo-less tvnéhxexns. u: ”rm! mother» given a ((5 days' rest. m Kil‘lh rrnm swoatsho’fis and Vac-lone: warning :1 houtla) i ‘ tho vounlry b\ mhk‘v In lho «lim 1: mom 0! [no rump. Thom- thlllgx‘und mam mori- :H‘v familiar to all iur North Shun- ~o-‘1Ilv; though I uopde-r if an) or u“ “Em (4110) 1: (bill; wanna what lhmw dam; of fro-H) (-numt) ntr and (‘lt-un v huh-sonn- loud mn'uxs In thvw (Will u rx~ l l (' mum-(1 «HHMNN l l rhuw «.mx n: musvtlvm mg mm u.l»1>lr:,onl nl uuairulwsl heron-Ml ’n. “.11 «1 Hum.- 1~' aux mm) or «In tr‘ihuxe-tl r'nr tho uw- or elm-rs. u’v “fill I.» mu .1 uonl {or the» lmluszrlu: (ll-murmur): l'ln~ :,'A a n9“ lvulurv ,11(IIL' .thhtrim hues and thv (“rum H! «pm 1)! making mm’ \nn Mrm- ‘nwurnmw C'lnl and and HM and xktnr man, Hr “()HH‘H L00 FIETCIIER mass AS Posmsm: JUVENILE PRO ASSOCIATION 0W5 li'fi-éilYHH‘IH Fm~ :2; a n9“ Ivumrr imrmluw-u and m Syl'CO‘flETUHV opwral >-(l hut arm H ‘< m lwil 0! unnmr! Av mm: «M! :urminh m’ Mrr) «in HO“! DANCING exmsnjon AT Y rim 10h 'I‘hr-rw 1m» hm 913‘" "111 H.“ ml Improvement in Pm! Office Sen Need Protection for the You“ Poop]. I G... .- Doconliti DO! 3‘0". ‘1“ H vice Since 1901. SA” Clerk .1“ livin'in "5851.04 Puk‘ ‘ Suodny G... 5 Io l. Lucid-g cud" sun my“: mm, Cu... nun»: In.” Lewd HT «Hrngmtfbn furl 11w ramp, but .nw‘nr IL' .wluqriu' Imps ~va thv mvunx H! r‘gpmr‘um (H Zm’uruu mm. '1» - .v \h~ “1-ij H‘YIV'IHA «.‘lbd mm- Highland _l t‘HH-n!" “rm! u! Hmlrr 1:6 “I‘m H I am Mi (arming u up ”1 vho ”‘1 mt 1. W411“)! unh u mum xgmtf‘m) fur Ihv' \nnwn mt Jhm‘nf mhxvntmn uh} mqh 4.9, ”AH: (unmith 351nm: ‘ T'gu," ”a \\ H) “(gs ~Thw w-unumx r‘t[an‘:rlz Karnwnls worn xurmo-nls 0! Hull» vnmfnnablv .9. .vr -~:x.nli~'r 510-. 51-1.! “45 rrI-zued w 1'\\”'("'0'4’. scrim! 5N xxxalumw- “I .I ;. L'v (ill \u-Ernm an tYIHJ in Costume SFV‘ roulw H paper. , Tnnm ‘FLhIH my 0! a". currency We b¢h€\'t' l‘nx {his #3 (end (0 prm 1dr bank rcsrn «‘ and the r intercs‘ raxh‘ cost 0‘ prndu m \(‘IHJ m The fire ttut'n Lad .m u.p~t:.t:n!x .n prmmg Its wnrth uhnh ttdnt‘. t» gnu! advantage at a fur 1n Raw 321 on Tum day nmrntng whrn the hnu,‘ sttuatn‘. ut‘. Ruger “'tlham~ Axcnur. u ' block can (If the ratlmad tit-put. and ‘ncd h» Mr Frank Clark at this CH)‘, u ‘ burned and damaged 10 th:- cam-m r1 ahmx vnr thousand dulhira. The cause nt thr tire uri nated a! Hr rout {mm a burning c mhcy Hm house \uh unnu‘uplcd a W“ Clark tn preparation of :1 \mt (mm:- rrafnurr .tgrnt and a ptospednvc b tr had taken some: rubbtsh and start rhre m the grau- A (cw minutes be! ten he hit supprmnu the grate fire w rxtmgutshcd and took a tram for Ch: ’ u Shovu‘y atteruards the agent and ”cunt bu,» er :trrurd .H the huusr on to find th- rvml In {Lima The itfll‘lll tumplnucme 111: Im a} nu- dc'partlhrhl. ”yum that mmrd but two mmutt-s Mm scndmg In the alarm that thc tire trut‘x app‘rfli and the Work Ht thc tan-men 15 w i dcunna nt pmuw. Th: Kw“ |\ (‘nUY )' cmcrrd M 2K1\\lf§\nk't' }l1«.5'1 «\{v Punk PM“ [Ina H A: the Annual Mun... ‘. y 27 .1 La. Coun'y Manufactun'o'Auo‘ilhon in Wnukogoi 21 member ur not wu me ur emu mm xtw Axvxmhun b phat mmrnmzwn rrgudmg dmnns, pluu-x, phtun-s nr FIRE BADLY DAIAGES MUM HOUSF Inca! did good work. ~rrivin. Owned by Frnnk C. Cluk. fire Depart Quickly on [he no h Is hoped mu (5 \er) fran‘iand hc-lp {ul YL'lElllUnshlp may be (“Si“II‘htd be tween ”w .\anh Shore and uflnrgamza- non whuh ml) runtuatc m l» lanrr he mming a son of «leanng hm? (m a“ matters pertaining to yuvemlq’ Cafe tn the end that all pmblems con ' ted wnh childhood may he Ihnrnughl , d15cu~~cd and If poxxlhlv, \oh'ed are x'umnhung In the dclflquenn ‘ pcndrxn )‘ m nugin-Lt n! (P‘ld‘ren 7 Immc n! The mfurr'mnt damiJWumpu tl‘c ‘ m m! :Lm izndrr .hsura . that f.‘ W‘H he hclx. ”Inwic'r‘nnlv Aiicnn‘fir'rrxh (Ions ~?'.nuM he uddrcxwd him? \mc-r (enzlcm .1: the abmr addrrs‘ The Juwmh- Prnlm‘tue As mum o! the North Shore \H‘hcs to .m ’ once (he m-stabhshmen! of an amu- m V! nnelka at 748 Elm Sin-H. “hcrr Mr Hn d Moore. the SupL can be rem hed (“\‘c‘ week day murmng tmm 7 In H. mun- a! Hess of Persons devring [<1 enrull h- manu 1) or scum: further mfurnmnuu mgardmg the uhjm‘h or .lx‘tnlhrs n: the Assam imn Uwuid cmmuunlcnn- ”yum \1r~ Maude Shnnnun «>1 this p139. “rte-1hr: Thr ASSLx‘xahn {yum gmwlh, tn membeushxps. {9' about a hundred purpnse u! wit-guarding unhtth:ng<n1hh~ firm x v! 441mm,; and . And mu m {the early ,H: Y' n truly, The Lah- L1 :mty Mm aunt's Amt am" ~\ market FlR‘f F3rx:‘>11:y m ghc use d our Thu .l «u IMPORTANT MOTION CARRIED H “an H u .3 HIGHLAND PARK; ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. JUNE 5,1913 .‘m Locxahnn |> havmg q rm»! gnu. uh, trrm the point 'of no“ 0! 1px 1921‘ «my alotiv ham 5: undred. :hu cmuni bcuvumg mure convinced of: 1hr usrm! x nrganmmon tnr‘thcd‘ 'nzr- .md rem-vi the Increm rg :\~\m hmun bi 54-min!) xun rrgudmg itnunx. ,phmn-s ur :«Iu 1.: In the dci quen‘x , \‘v s)‘ . 37v mus! Inil)‘ in “V -~.!g(‘ «v! a_ m which w um ”15 I v com' to our nptr u '1'“ 1 ”WW .ml' "Arum; n! (Pit Ln'n .1.’“t s -\ “mutton, mm! Hun-l. 'uukcgan . n .ung m Inn was duh mush- ( ' led. “'71"!!! 11mm \\ 4.1M 5. fire De, k . *rrivin‘ In H‘pnlldflll‘» 11616. L» g \‘r 321 on T‘ ‘ sxtualfl‘. wu u ' block 1 1 Ytuned h» u ‘ burned L r} ahnu: m' naled a: c mhcy Mr Uarl m errata nitrvhad In (end (o 30‘” {he ducnum L commern. he appnm' 'ardmg smuhng u Flvc hundrtd pn-pir arr (apt-Med tn hr prhcnt u an :mrrcumu rue-rung Mm!) M” be held at !hc Pinbyitnan «bun h (m Wanda) ).:nr )3. both wrrmxm and “lemma u nm (In- . Mm'h (nu-rum. the Woman‘. P‘rntwrnrni unrh M 1m- L'hn‘l‘o I‘resburn' All who an mlnutrd ave mnttd m atâ€" tend. The openmn wslon till ht :1. 10301.11,“ when (lunches m Chm-a and Norm) m'l [x ”warmed m \hn mgnmnnon Whnh 'm‘ludel home and foreign minimum)“ «hrs. 1 Tbo Won-n] Pro-Intern] Sandy the Mo Protbytory and. I. H." JIM Tuck- .‘thI' “‘ h l? ,unrl.‘- .Hu! 2 xlv 1m» niw hip r,»)rM1M 1 [In x‘r-str Ihuvix-l [Ilflr I! H1. \1)!\ H! ~hu!--ul Lu! t‘rfl“ Dom mom 3mm mom FREDERICK w. cusumc PM W? 0N SHERIDAN ROAD IMPROVEMENT I-(‘O \‘mn 2mm- IEEHNG AT PRESBYTERMN CHURCH .M I“ h) "ll!“ r ‘1?" filth h, hr U)» \' ”'1', 30-4 M4! “hi-Hwy ¢ \ rh uh!- I”! that Hath M «h!!- do-anhd 1hr Thank- llwnrmlun 1m) h) Hu- (0 [I turrlumltm a fl\o~ "up )1) Mrlrhdll’ bulllnl nu! ill. in Hw IInr-l'IK inning:- H um .I gruuln» "Huh"- .-d t.) (-Io-xm bu. o! neldmx pludr Mud: (.rvo " . mmmd 41'" r\ 1‘ . \Hhun rhullod 1m “ho-u (hm w Mn; nun! HI) ,, Hut I. \\ uHh- I.Ho-.3 nu! hint? 1mm 5m. m \« ~ Lulr L’ lhn- “'1” t' (I [n'nthh'fifl « hm mm run Ihvn uuhlo-d on Hun? rwuhd Thu Play .xH HM 1m .mdl‘! LII fart-‘1 )H N *hHr 'hr n, Mp (1* hi 2"“ am 3. Mn nmvnlrnlt 1h an M Hde lo H’Uh‘ And lhu‘ a'lvllud HI RH}. P NI nun! T. H. H! ' SHIN-1| HI [mm hnl!» (ma In h (“H \v‘ 7hr ULH‘ u! "had ‘bll ‘9‘ ‘u‘! 01. [Man and “but" “Win-Int n‘l-IIU‘ J- lhh «m an (my? "lay-z 1:~ 1;! mm (‘7'!"l‘ [mm A: d ‘I \an.» o‘mn!‘ Murmur. ,, 1W flu mm» 1-1 lhl" ship 0! rand an: ,n u" uhd mm- ): bt'mx hum run (‘11) um 1M. nf'l r n, In”! {grlnn run-1r! n! Mr ”mu ‘ Nun I. I [At a: 5hr qurvnvn “'hu'. an- 19 30h);- '« do slum! zl" \ o- 3H: m n huh unmhy. "I! n-vru-Hnr community :1. mm) nu- good Mung. ”h: t' ".11 nu rrh r u»! u. YMI rm, InsAlIIIR1‘H ‘mv-H. y xlnrndnm .f \u.» n uMJ mm H u 1' in» u ‘(nrtvd w ‘t. ;. ‘7 fluv- Lu'l .uhumlh, f'm nuum! nun-mum)” d! ‘V “’1 ll. L11! 1”];1“ (In I" u! xrmmporuuon outnde u: Hm m2! “3,”, so lunmnwix mum” hur I: 1-: (mum in this nun Hum Ha: uumxnnbuo mun! hau- durum unm- m I? um 30 \Hxvzr n .m. had [hum The Sheridan nmd um M our (nut about («H mm" nun. In .IM-Mhle (um (“1.0" and In! I find run nuu‘ndmn H Sh,” (ho-n ‘ nr -M|m|~- hmr “zn much ”my.“ ‘1. ('muplulnmu alum? (and? ( r) I'HNHH utilmlh mung I mm; rrrh'up ' , tinting: u (I' u.” 1hr ,val'h n'Nth~ “Inn; "A Hm Hm 1h: Hmnvnlv «ulnw \\'-- hmv (hr rw‘nu nmv “nude-mm. u: mnum nuuralt; flu“ “3:?! In mur‘h of rum his way “m mnu)‘ (-murlm- tn 4» mnu)‘ (-murlm- tn m- h (m..- Thl‘ 1;” nwlnx mmu‘xutnumt u! H.. \‘hlclxo k Xurlhlnhtu Hum” (‘0 fun done wd 1r d“hll‘ 1'» u'urw fur Phi- do“!‘)(|{7n)l'l)Â¥ u! Y'w- Rwy"! Kim).- D) vhtabllihinx u “'71"! (I! mlvudnd Mahmu- lhrnuxh ILPN' suburbp and mum: on an unrquullwfi ~‘xl-uvh..z. nuke mm 1,. mafyfluhwq '! tr nphour (ht' umr, The t‘hknxo Trln-xvlmm- (mnpum hnl 890‘"! :1 KW“ mum hundrrdp v: Hod |\)||1 hum ruuh- I‘m (hr muxu- lhl Mus“ drmnnunmm‘. In“ a umn bound mun-:11“ hnd nu! 1hr Lmlhw yrnw r'h n nx'mhlr fur m’urm ("affix lend a Inn {nu )ruh n1 1h); llu‘fln mu 1hr mid x-rmmnls) but u! w :1 ml” uh FAVORS TURNING ROAD om T0 LINCOLN PARK COIIISSIONERS "(‘,)t‘|)1”ll‘ 30H?! .‘IM'YV III HP um Hm!- tluu. lm mr‘nrmnnn mnnnnmmr u! 3. KM a mud 'mxh mum h- lhv Smn ML: 1!): ‘l ‘f hunmmu- um nnu umnu 'Mr (‘I has“ lrhhlnmr um an rur- iht' ”0“ I“ a f'l\<‘l’ ‘I drivrllllnc flu whim-t vuu Yu (hr mc-flh an long an we Window” of (h: ‘ Shivn- MAH- ”mean” in th: U: [In human Hdr Hm .- anx I< 1‘» -\I- H) our mm” .~(- hung uni Hun .1. \o-Inmno-m 0" HM: lwaun'n Hun a: 'lw (‘t‘uhlr‘ hr n-lnrdm: H‘ I)” (“Mp up {mJ 1)an v 1-!" :1 ’1‘ H 1.1mm: n kw» 123‘ (1w road 1H {m mum: ~ M aw: mmh m. 1M»: (4.x: blind I: 8‘ m! V 1N1 In: )h H! A Hun :ugr 1 {ha} "‘I 1‘ w! An: ' mounuudn of dullnn h. uhhnu ur all undernound uzrr urn”. (hinuxhnnl lhv Nam: Show Fl! Hun ur :nrv m-n-r rut on from mu mum-«1mm “11!: "L1 '11:” “A: “mw‘ L‘i ." 1"" 'H‘M'Hnlh fwd _'Y, ‘ \l ' ¢\»«V»- .1‘ 'nnlm lll‘ HP.“ \ .ur' M-H. I ‘w H! I4 UH far! 434"”. w \nxnnhfle h.) mxdr hp :1 ,u ,mlu “flow to ‘mx I.» my D‘Mt U! Writer Believes this Body in but Equipped and Experienced to unite this Thoroughfm whn it should be. Interesting Comments ”H H‘. Ull‘. 0 ~-|b ha; ulh MJ (HM-r .- mad Hp \ Ah I(N I [u v ‘n'ulmln I IMFI h). Mon 1H.~Q!} Hr I"‘Ii1ud ht'd 3H nu! mm m. M:- w mm w-a'n ‘5 ». Mud I “I IHH' Ul H» “II Imru \\ «t H ad 13m .nIIV’HH uH l1:(-,~h 1 n! \leH-r- ; “Mon Yhu pull (m Hu uundvf ~I'1nm has hhr mm M ~Il mmv Hm m‘ MHM H h t“) n In n LI \ 11x. xdxnx H h on... find Thv " In H'. ergt' at «Mr dIMyv mm in Waulrggm 'r) dug a dumnrl vhmngh the sand hm .z' I!” nmu‘}: u: ‘hu hwlul. rrpufl that ".n val) Pu Mm ‘v mvmpleIe the «min qunL 'w wuan “nth yurh rd Mundm vmumnu I‘m aux L! {to and but wa'mirl «mum-ah h'l bung you In Wnukr'yah ’1 he dn-dgr 'A a: ~«n: an Wank-gun M 'h: Anhur \ugrl I’Itng‘ng (amp-tn M MH‘aukrâ€"e It u mn- x-? "w 1:”ng H; "w fifrfll [Ad-4“ .-.r,-: u know“ at ”it "$1hxkr hudgt .\u t- n! m4 “rum.“ “ha-x .- hf»: TARAMKLA C3 [UNCH 0F BANANAS Dredge-n Sun “ml: an Wnuhetnn ( haunt-1 whuh uni! boron-up!!!“ .n Two “'90!" NEARBY NEWS NOTES OF LOCAL INTEREST ur :Ilr going In ha‘v the r um VHIhhhll H [u lu-IH'T m Nut. .|:Hi hum ‘1 ’4’I" “U! pm»! 4 Ha”): x, 4 r} » \u \n-wm mmmunhlrp um um n multmmr} rnnd 1m mm m‘V :oxvlhrr 'Hpr (“N‘h Hut :uuan.',I} (H'n hm UL lhu 1:4 :quh- 0! run ".XIIIH'HHHIHI) Thug.» r! \‘m‘LK all '«h' ‘ HID “Uh u} M lmhd [m pulllu uork hul oyt‘mh hm» (u h. d wrwd H. min! 01 ufi) xulnl‘ lllIHi infill!» \H \Vori Sl-ned on “'nullo'u Chime] \\ \mnrnf [in v m Mn m Ppuvg an 1m! lI-u ( lot-In Rum“- . ‘hork sn-‘¢".i in" 1:, gym-9am“)? Lr mk rumnmur upmrt an] uIH“ -\\ lrrml,1uu. IH Mu 'f f “luv bro-(nth nhd i“ in! m “rd Hm! hnd uuanufl} ”an; a Luthndr of tho- "H'- 1- Thug? umfhlll um unh Um means uork hul HAM! m- d \vrlvd H) lruvrfl. mm as ”My” firt- iul U' mlwr ”11110:! (1 mm 4mm”! Mu! mmmm h 11an IM- i Huzwd «441‘» In I'm -,. u mum-Huh- 'lu u .1 “Hum! (hr UH up 1h: ‘01. ‘h' and Vluu'n} urn r Inn» m“ H ry- h m mu mid m w ;-r~>r> HMURH lunv n: w.) 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