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Highland Park Press (1912), 26 Jun 1913, p. 6

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Daily Mass, 8:00 a. m.; Sunday. Low Mass. 8 u :11, Rims .md BLIIrdlCllun ui Blesscd Surrank-m. 1‘) .1. 212.; Sunday School. 11 o'clock, Rm. Faith-r S. {Mata-s, pastor. The ladxes of the Dorms 51 wicty‘hnh! all- day meetings in the parlors of the church the second and fuurrh Mundays In thc month and the Woman's Missionary l'nmn meetsthe sccrmd Munday nttcrnnun uf each mumh at 3:0!) u'clock. to Which 11H adies are N wdially xm'itrd Corner of Laurel and Linden Avcnues. Pastor, Rex" R. Cahin Dubs-on. Sunduv morning worship, I) W o‘clock. 814) Vespecr Musical Sun-1m. first Sun day afternoon of each month; Bible gchool. wuh graded lessons fur a" depart- ments and ages. Sunday mornings .xt 9.30 o'cluck. Young People's mecrmg, Sunday evening at 7:30. Kind-Week Prayer Service. ,\\'ednesda~; eve’nings :n 8:0)u'cim‘k. The public 15 wrdialiy ll)‘ vited to (1H of these servxces. First M. E. Church, Rev. V. X. prckcr Pastor. Sunday School, 11W”; i’rrachmg 11:00, and 7:45 p. m.; Junior League. 2 3 Epwurth League. 643; Prayer mm-tmg Wednesday. 8:00; Teacher Trammg‘ Thursday, 7:30. regular wsmuns on the .1!:.~r:wm 1! €sz thxrd Thursday of each mtmth. Thr public is (‘urdially muted H all :Iu- lenices of (his church. 914-) n'gim'k l‘hc‘ prlt~t \7 Union. Mr chgil Bltzrngcz met-N r.“ >11:qu (wrung The mid wcnk scniu- H pariurs Hf {he (1’1“er h with evemng at 7:43. The 1.3de F. B, (firm-:1. Prcxldc‘nt. Eds: Laurci manna Hm mimstcr; Suzuki». :.‘.-nt 11:00. Smd..\' c ‘m'ru pm 7:43. 'I :1: )I 1H1. \ ' ran, 'wrmtvr H. Thur: ml] be SWrdIsh Luxheran (.‘mr lcrvxcrs :‘H'I'y Sundmx aux-112:3; I: «M f0ft_\*l}.t‘ {cluv‘x :‘1'hv Y \V C. \ r M! onCrnzrul \mm: » quh! 122 IKKTKI w! Lundgrcn )f \\2 fun; In. I‘ .zwxs ,nvwr First United Evangelical Church Corner 0! Laurel Aunur an} (ixcen Bay Road. J, Foster \"zin Extra. pastor. Sdbbfllh :nurmng Wurshxp, 10:45; evenmg service. 7.45. Tn:- Sundav school. under the dlrestion or Mr \V'm. Noeren- berg. :unwns :11 9M Msiock thh .\hss Walena Rutcr. a Tamed \mrkerxncmrge of the primary depanmrnt. The Key Stone League at Chrmmn E-xdcmwr. Earl Frltsc‘x, presxdrm, Inn-u each Sufi- dayeve at >343 «)‘(l-Ick. :11 ms churrf‘. parlurs. E’r.2;.'c-r mccnng cauh Wc-(ines day memmz a! Sn‘clm‘k. .-\ curdml in vitativm ls extended the pubhc to a“ sermon. Central Axenue. W. F. Subr. pastor. Sunday service. German preaching a 1930 a. m.. English preaching at 8 p. m. 18! and er Sundax s; SundaySchmd, ”'13. German Saturday schmvl, “'00 to 132M). Bible >Ch00] m German mr young pvuplt‘ TuesdJys A! S p. m .1sz m Englnh Wm! uesdays at K p. rm Library Hall. Highland Park. Ezcry Sunday 745 p. m, Guspc-l addreas Exrry Thursday 8:00 p. m. Bibi:- study. You are cordxally inntcd. Second Street near Laurel Avenue. Sunday School. 10:00 at m., morning wor- ship, “:00 a. m‘. Chnstmn Endeamr. 8:45 and evemng sernte "301 p m. German aye: meetmg W efflnesday, 7 N) p m ble study Fnda) "50.10 m. “r:- conh a-l Iy invite your attendance. 5!. Johns Evangelical Church Corner Green Bay Road and-Homewood Avenue. Rev. R. B.F:edler, Pastor. Sun- day morning. German preaching at 130 a. m. and English preaching at 7:30 p‘ m. on first and third Sunday of the month‘ Everybody is welcome to attend these services. Highhnd Park Presbyterian Church The Readmg Room, second :i-mr, Erskine Bank Buildxng. IS open. (1311). c\ cepl Sunday. from 9 m 12 a. m. and l to 5 p. m. Ail authonzed Chnstian Sen-nu: literature is on file tor reference, and may be purchased if dcsnred. Hug-I avenue near St. John's uvcnuu. Regular scnxcc every Sunday mount); .1: 10:45 u'dnck. Sunday thyhmmrdmwl) after the Sunday :nnming Henna: Regular Wednesday ewmng testmmmal meenng at 5.00 o'clock. Swodith Evangelical lather-n Highwwd Rev. C. E. Lundgren pumr. Sund 1y svrvices. prrachmg at i 00 p m Sunday School at 1.1!! p m. \\ nlncsd 1) prayer mcenng 8.0!) p. m. Rev. P. C. Wolcott, D. D. Rector. Holy Communion. Sunday 7:30 a. m. Morning Prayer and Litany 11:00 9. m. Holy Communion. first Sunday in the month Ind Festivals at “:00 a. m; Evenprayer 5.1!) p. m. Sunday School 935 a. m. St. Mary's Chard! Laurel avenue and MdEdvern streel. Rev. J. D. O'Nelll. pastor. Sunday services First Mass. 65.30 a. m. Sunday School 1145 Second Mass. 8:003. m. ngh Mass 1050 Time of Services and Rantings in the Various C hufiches North Avenue Fir“ M. E. Church Highwood Catholic Church Fin! Church of Christ. Scientin Evuuelical Lutheran Church Ebenoter Evangelical Church Swedilh Luther-n Church Trinity Evian-l Cflm’d‘ Believen Meedng' Baptist Church S. E. SCHRADBR. pasmr !‘._1:-. Men") le'v' \ », 1.1-)Iffl’l4 .\ v g‘fll'Yx' ;)('I>_13|«":4 u‘ .k‘m'l. \[z [L‘H111"H. “~9-1rv‘l'v Hapt:~t\1w.:gf‘w I Blltrngcr, l‘xcm ) awning .11 T \u -r\iu- H nuld In erh L‘h‘h \Vc‘l', [he [.3de Guild. F’rrl\ll‘r‘I" kn'J. Guild. huld‘ l'” _ “In mo :nft’vrnuon :In New“! dinm-r §wns prvpurvd for the cnngn-w ”mu m E sesslun borv. to which all disllncuisln-d icitiwna nnL «rangers uf Hmnencv ‘worv lm‘itnl. ‘ ’ ' Thv Hmsinn ‘bumls of (nubile. czu-(un-d u! Tn-ntuu Jon the 2“") M Docemhvr law! by Gvu ,eral \Vashln‘on. altvndvd um! m-lghl- [ened [be {angrily with mum- nuc- per .formances Qllted to the occaston. 3wbne a corpe or British dmnen be In; drawn I. befon the duor Bind up the lntmglo with tens de Juk- " mznmml. (tn-3r I “11:3."29 of ”th- ulzd one fruhi n has in lmm‘r ‘ SIZIIQN 2 mmm-r. “th zin- \HIII‘" 5'th and 'jt'mmow I” I ".th'kfiulo' )urnfx' nmznmml. In 3r hunt: (I. mar-gr) or ”lfl’h'vn gum ‘ r\ of Joy and Futuvnty In phllldelphll on ‘he Faurth of July. 1777. H! Hn- men! In l‘hilzuh- 1-1.2.I. win-re.- thv- Fum‘Hr-B: -! hum lr-r'. 4'1“ mmi ‘lu II n :1 r.» it h.- anr'h-«l; mnv lbw. h» \llplu‘rhwl $1 mnkm: (2:0 rvmmrn! n! “w Vuu'n raquu'mhlv' [Ur-\enfh ("TU lhv mmnur)’ u! Hon uf‘nl .\lun':pmvry and. :IH Hu- “mm.“ up! mnHvfi. who haw: fnllwn In Hu- ."~!'iul'§ “1|;an Hf HPWPYX' 'l‘Y\'o~lflb,~_fM:U' Arm-rimm nm'or fur- :vt that \‘ilew. \‘nlur and «1mm- vn‘ts- .101qu are tin- huhurkn of ”Mr high lN-Hfifif‘l‘nl't‘v‘: T‘xi'wwomfi "\l.'l\' th :Innl\vr~':|r\' n-f Amerh-nij lndwponnh-nr‘» ho- rah-brat ml NH Hme‘jbull luv "u nmn- ” Fir“ On. (‘0 Common-write (ho Few-(h ‘ of July. Th0 first Mnnqm-t tn «‘nmnwmuruu- the U01 lzlmliun MY IIHIqu-Hdfln‘v Inc-k [\lnu‘ At (30.4:an \1:1rlin'~ {Huh-In 1n Evan [fibre lnmro-uive nnd wnnnio-rfni in the 'Hnnmnmth hullnun n. ken" which mvw the inrcmt :wrini :iiulvmy w-f nt‘himgai hv m'mh-«hnic :klii \t n hvizht :4)! mo (M thh nwko-v n» imxb-Q nifi'viinnw-nsly yuan-n imiivuns with rnriggntui iiznnl xinn- Hitnviwd. Tho-m» flog in [ho "If for ymme Mme. imrnin: .34 M vhnnsin: mimi of n- 'I‘HSP briiilkni'y “'iih Iht‘Nt‘ iM- [Uliri wilt‘ "Mile?! I'nn hum up i;i~ iiuv'.Py quivkiy The-y 2111- mold for Si! o-nwh Anothvr huh non-Hy iv- Hw "~i umnmi whnin" rcwto-t__wi1il h rim-fl to u L'rv-nt hoiuht and thou [irniuifi n wrim nf flo-ry chains with diamond thzllw'd iink~_ whtrh x-hnnxzp swiftly in minr ns thm‘ sigwiy lit-m'vnd nmi nnuliv oiiu- appear in'vtiw diwrunr-o nnmi a hhnwer of (minrwir'axnrs and guide" rain COLONEj'. MARTIN‘S BANQUET. THE FEST CELEBRATION. “lb (-1 mu! nu. Thww {in-ii'il‘flil 1470111 Wh‘t‘h 9! ports vul', tin- "gnrniiurv," nre nit-gel, irmh- it‘i’gl‘im ulnnyu kfllt invh ute by t‘u- firma’fii tam-«mm: them in «urn-ll iul exme‘nnwnrs with KEII'DHUN fur mckn-Lu,Emi shell: the pyruiwhnlli nnd~4 hh éirhon-‘t n-wnriin. winiq- fnilum an- uric-mMN-mimi by unfnm-n do *ir‘u'iiunivf [mun-Hy nr lift- Some In! the Inn-r timid-I in rock"- nre of fiflrf'il~\lllfl henuiv in gnu-v «If mntiun Ier'iunvy of fin- nmi vario-iy (If r‘niul’.‘ Thv no-w "[vll‘t'H Mind" nwkri, for example. pPI'IPn'! in the out I“ it”- hiuhc-Mt [mini n! "I fiery fiiuhi. n hilcv nnni gnrgwnm vinud nmn‘ hlnzin: Krii'innii)‘ fur smnw ”mun-Ht! and drnpioiug nimmu of fire- m‘n far Mlnw Row such an eumndrv and mntinuufidispiny can rnliuw upon the- fiigm M m unuli a pmlw-vih- i- n urn»! «we in a- f9w of tho hlcho-r L'uihi nf pymwvh six The inruvr rw-kc-N nf this typfithey mat SR van-h ‘ fairly Mi thox uppw air with fire of tiaztiinc hriiiinnvv‘ Truth ll\ Hn- x‘ch-l I. point I”: \k) rrx-RM. wlth HI pmlsihlll' no. H! ”mm, culor nan! Yuri» {uh-d (prluy. ~tl||l Imm- lu- gmqrm. nf prluuu'y ll [be mmx Mummy! u! "H Hrkurkn The [Ir-n: wxuwulth-n exlrlldu around I butnw 1“-!.11‘.‘Il lu-n- an (hrvo-qunr tvrs or 1' h-ngth When fired the bore m" u H!!Hfl1h‘1! mus. whit-h. forum: 111 \\u_\ ann Hmong!» the narrow central urlflvv, urzvs' the rw'lwl up 'hrIruzh (h.- ulr .\Im\r the firm: ('Hnrlnmlhtrll in I plush-r u! :13.er pm: thruugh uh.“ h H f11~.- wnummm ulna \L'h ll‘q- liq-ml nhzwh II'IHuI'N the «mu "pllrkx wr pvhfn. .-n. lu-w ur Km 1 uml afiu-r min In [‘0 ~I':I?h‘l'wl h)‘ IHH‘inI'L: Nro- ”'4 run-in u}: ~k 110‘ « {uh-d gum]?! “11‘! human: nr-n: w‘xulur buimw [1-1.11 ; [I‘rs of RM: w , ‘- ‘attfittttt‘cgtttttttma: Htlags¢u;¢;~utmu+ ~50” 55k »;.¢#Ju¢! mcket Still . golds Supremacy 5’ Among Fireworks 8 O 1h in im- rxa-r u l' 'l[_\. dry-\x. ”\Q {Immu- m. kwu ‘1'] Tn 3:111» fr vu ml 'IH'h of the th rim of [he Xhirtu'h | »_\' hurillrz: m n-u‘ Inc-d H f Hm Ros in L’Y Ila high”! \lll a! 2H ”h- Yv do "I «If My :d" the my Ht! far nd hv nf The-n the um called upon In Null Ibo pun-r llml uhe had prrmn-d that .n emu-m «tn-n uhr would no mm b nlbd hnu- xum- “.1 Mg II”) JII" ll fin l (“Immunphuv Mlle paper. lvul til-mould- she un- ln hltlrr nun-d nlw mud |I tub I Mllenmu Hm! mm brr .011!va Thu! Wu! thy duh! -|Ir1l “Id (In- nut n-e-nlvr \Irn nlmuhl hr mndo- hv m-o nth-r wrll llw \uhr u! tth “run-hm! They would he nu Hm" IMO In :Im-o tho-4r run In I: Hum In tho nightly n H-rhoruuunu u! Hu- lhundrr [hut nu- M-vlnml tn I'IHLQ‘ Im- wry 'nnh The Murm uhl h hnd ”Harlem-d I” dun Pun-don“ Died July O. Three anmer prv-ldo-hu o! the Fr.“- od States dk-d cm the Founb of Julyâ€" Tbomn Jefferson and John Adams In 1826 and June- Monroe |n lmlA Tb. treaty of peace with Mexico was stand ‘Hy 1. 1848. 71¢. ... .y And do 1 Al ”Ir ‘1' c u 0! "rm ‘1 -.- For thrnurluu V. Prflunhoul Re:ogmhon o! Fourfls .0- gun In 1825. '1‘an lmmnnm: u! ”so lulu Fourth u! Jul} th-hrnliunn firm-hum; took [11.1.1- ullh Hn- ”(VII-lb :H' uruur}. “Izlvl; (M. m: \Inmhu~ in I"... \l \'.-u \‘nru [hr reception to Gem-ml Larnyoltr yme Inn-11w lnterv-l (n (he 00-1 .lnn An Immense [|r\x‘e.~~|m). a grand rm'lew. roweptlmu. ran-n, recutlnl. immune-It fu'llmvul H'H‘h other tllhnm inn-rum, (‘nnlle (:nolvn helm: the flvne- of HIV evening din-play of fire I’nrki . In tho fur-Homnnd flfU?‘ ram» 1: per! ml nf gn-nt {:ruwmulnn- Mrm-r n-Hwn nnvl mnn- quit-“did dlspln): a! flrp Little 0! thtl I'nl heard The tomb» Vmcr of ttu- utt-nn Itttwut tho-"mu! the \uu‘r n! the Inc-re human within It xt had tnvn hunt It 1- doubtful wtn-ttwr it wuuld hnw t-u-n tun-dad (or ttnwv m-w mum-n urre utter If] wn HM- Hw “Id u-unwn»thr,v I‘m to-rrlhly {HELt-"wd Finally thvrrrnmr a mum that «mnmd tn hum Into tho-Ir u~rv u-uls um! nttrh'e-l thu-m tn Plum-t1 fullnwut tr) 1: I'll" that mmh- ttmm thtnk that the ututw “it'lf “‘5: up!" Mn: .1 ~mr1l n! smut.- u! burning “nod. If wt'ptnn In um-ttu-r minute Hwy km-w that ”4- hn rn urn on fire ,\ “lid rH-h Yur tho- lnddrt‘l Ind "Funk”! sin 'I fulluflwi l-‘nrtunntrly Donna's m-u unuznnhm-d did "U! do uo-rt tn-r ut u Hm I) She kept vnnuth t-f twr \xlt- ut-uut ho-r to know that It» mmt nut jutn In the Itnnuwde She mn~t 'nH-h twt‘flwtlt' ttzH VHIYH Jnrk «‘atm- {Hr t." Sh: kno-vr it would he .lm-k tttnt would «‘ntne- for hn-r flhv tun! nut I: m: '0 Walt, thnugh nttrrwnnl ~ho- wuuld hunt tuld tun it an: an o-trrnth’. twfnrt- Ita- he-nrli Jnrk'l "HM- stmuttm: ‘hwh-th)? Xkrrnttu'! “'hvn- \Y’wn‘n-r r-m- fimh n prunll u! Ame-b Murm uhl h hm! hrnLrn n word n tn-n ulna den l.m-d lit. vu‘nl’! Rh. {uund (hut mun-ad n! “drums In the rmgmu «rm nf III-er!) ur dam rho I!!! lwurn.z only [he squeal“); n! m. fiddle: un-r M the Huh. when «no tin-“mks nu-r. dual-ring hull III-cm sm- minim 1mm]! “‘0m.rr1ns uhu-b n! (he xlrlu .l' I L “:1: ducting wuh “.2- 1! m.” drwdful Kllhurine lhnhou uhn hml trim) no hard (0 Km up I mruulnu unh him Iuâ€"t year? or ”va Home HIm-kuoll‘ for uh.- In urn!) In In Inumm-(e. w“ dun fnlhlnn’ Or that {Mun-(lug Hnlr Mnlwl Mufiluwr who mum-d Io ruwh‘ulc our, man she Poor chkf Ho In blind. luau-d. He did not .99 [Int lhtl firm-elm- neu," .- hr wnu maul-H; nmn‘ ll, wu- ninth-nth: o! I! put on Io Inn Mu) .hrh'on lu duxu-rnlion. he won om'r‘vd himself II her mm" to It!!- mn-llug She I'm quin- nblr lu uln- (‘In' u! [MW-r” She Would [0 alone And slu- Inn And uhe {nund I! III Inn-mm!) \luMd. alum-u u “up“! u Jmk th ‘m-n In tukmx m-r ll hvr word n tn-n ulna den l.m-d lit. vu‘nl’! Rh. {uund (hut mun-ad n! “drums In the HELPED PY LA FAYETTE. lulu Invari- ml ind... an. iv!» noon-ta her lunatic- In the. mutant.“ niche-(MIMI day by attending l Mu o! m; women In the bf! 01’ a neighboring barn. when och-In modern Puma Henry: In ponkvut vote to ho all cred toga-(her to mm and: other mt.‘ falling to norm! "bony. they we" may to wokomp don": "-mmrmmmmrmnm wvmiun to Hem-ml Larnj‘oltr Inn-mo lnterp-t (n (he arr. An Immense [|r\x‘e.~~|m). a grand "wry-Hm“. ran-n, recutlnl. 4m fu'lluwul Put-h other n-nhnm n, (‘nnlle (:nolvn helm: the n! thv evening din-play «.1 fire [In n- "£50411!!! lv‘unrlh." n! 'n'u, uh lnnd or «m the! uan-rY‘o-d Hula-u the a! imxlumlrnl‘u- qurn of”)? |f\ 1~ n-u-‘twl In nu nn» wr :mul tin-H [uznn‘ Lu: ls ohc Mrr h-limm c Fourth nf Prop; "hon! 1 vmhu In ‘ 1 0f J'Ah Upptnmu'n lr <‘-1 L. [hu- 1-H In! m In ['4- CARLINVILLE -- “'hllo he “I. mum; (ho-rf‘u « L- I home In Bird lowm‘nlp, .4 m. n In! of this city, J P‘. Crow ”:1 rmm . Md" H. 'u ulctnluul for man line. No bone- ‘rnv chh‘ H. In one“, yum old. 32mm) 1m 0) hermit _Inr‘. H: van murd wd BLOOPINGTCN-fl‘vn nun. Fran; nnd lil‘ Mu up \qunu (urmorn rrsld 9n: a uh: rt 41 .4. [me can of llioomln.» ton. an- hull» m .n mute vutued u 82mm) 1m 0) l'vnjamln F Huurnn. n hrrwu _Inr‘. n:'nr of Eaton. 0, who van murd wd !. r MI monry SPRINGFIELWH)‘ I \0“- u! 3', to 3 [he wnnw Idnpn-d tho- Harris bill. mum-ruin: tho- gourncr In nl~ point I m . fn v'm ‘uxa mmnm-rf: n In rut-r1 H "~.- 10‘ I h-Nnhfll'roâ€" H th O'Hara r wmlwhan rrnnmvm n. unrk hi-‘xavh minim”, “HH'I! u‘.2 hmr HM .mh nnmmhumn‘ ROCKTONâ€"A bolt 0! lIuh'nxn.‘ Ilrnt‘k a turn on the John Muir lurm, thrre mil" boulhuu of Rra-' coo, killing no heron nnd burning: the “nurture and union" n “-11 u- Idjonlng hul'din‘. and mm‘denlvleo hrm muhluery Thr 10» h un.‘ muted I! “won! thou-Ind dollln JACKSONVILLE -â€" finding um’b on the nu “th10 field It the Sum: Schou} hr lho- Du! In! cmnp'rlm by William Nun-I. who nu Lu! turn!) mon lLd {uuru-en tum: m work for the In! "no: In“ Th! hoid in MN {re-l by 400 fer! and will fill n 30pr (v2! Ill" u thr inullmtcn In: (an pnrodur' l_\ ulnh be pulnlh‘ mum” M}! ‘II [mind h) the. Iclplnmr mun»: 'h-l Ir! cxvnnlllu ‘ Nona! m r\r'\ [euro-1L arrwdln‘ LO Pprlrlflr d ern‘ an'h r hru ‘hu Ink! lnuo- In}: it'll-Hr Wu Hr (‘hde Jonn‘ ('urxmrn'lgn (mun! W H Sexton an! mhrr- Ill: haw a pnde ‘1 1h 1,:- In H1 whirl“ BLOOANNGTON'o- Th» P \I Lu rum-had H.0- hnnl umldenlmn TL. ”Lair can u! { ‘ 4 unh mrnJN-n uhoulzm to art .. yv [H Ive-nun. «n n H (AH Th- gum- ;«1 too km N r Spa-hr! Urk‘r. o) and by In! the gnu-l {-21 nm‘. 1 In all mm W 1h 1hr ‘h-r h u‘l llilr urn» H» Sir UN n H): l-hio- dvnd lhll hld IPR'NMIILDâ€"Hnld dl)'1‘h' II ‘ ¢.'- 3 m flalurdu nu we nun-l {all on tho ulhn hunncn n! the for- h-o-uhlh nnrrnl ulnmbiy Amid lurmol! H4- [url 10-” in UN- hhuuv al‘ '11:; NJ“ Ill . '1! Bui'h-L I'm-nu A xtfllw fr! m lho- rn-untr) m "de Ho- (17 and n. mmr manner u-vhd ”W n.‘ no ltd H‘lrllrd (1:9 bu.” 1T-v cu mun-mun, rolted dlmL the «apilul hni Hum! I dun cur\t urn! d'wd 11h. m. any (Y "n u.um TM a! In dunno-c kit” ’1! vu- fbinu l (mm ”M ”IIN6HILD â€"â€" 1 Into nmo mobile oImd by W l- Sullivan. n1» Into "(rotary Io Caurnur liunm. ran 13-) "in! HM GM! 0! (ha une' hOuI-Q And embed mm In! l‘ln'. Amu‘r-n uhcn. Ihtrv minty layu- lucru in \un lnu- bum rum to qupr‘h 1h.” (hint 1h- cu Mood In (H u (:1 lbs north rod of tho- nah SPRINGFIELD â€" Th pull-mm: .0... 00‘... . no...oooodoooooooooowododo H lmigc nu! EA! MK II' : v1. 2' (31',ch Vtrc- {rrn'nl H'nnd In!“ Tth mm- 1' \'H 1- uf Pu '~_ pr: [Idr a! ”mi (rn'n unx '«d ubmu Hum; n1 Hmmuunxlun. Sngldlnflrr Mr ‘7? :s :w m n ~ and Torre I “ooh 'UCCOII hvmo h ht {9' thin: I‘ll Ibnl pk! r Hruor dirt ”0 form" h lb! or “111.; (I m be I ,LO' 1. (Fl frn H-uu ago I > 'hll (-r h!- YIN‘UY \ Hum”). ' o w! [hr 72-21 H.“ hat' a I! Lu tu,‘H‘ 1114»- 'r n 11.: 1 l:l~« Mr axed III- rcc 1mm ho muhl rd I Irv hulllnd .3 )0." murrh-d M0, \‘110 0 run-‘- 3 VII “3 «mm mu m | Expert Shoe Repa 0!!! “want ads” bring resul To the mind of such frequently recurs throl not this be done by upon consideration, P the telephone method but preferable. Every prosperous business man is habitlhlly enuterprising and alert. He estimates tllc minimum time required for exery transact on. then tries to finish the work within the allotted period. gran} hum-nu mud ‘rnmm 1mm prrpunt vul‘ pEm'cy wvu-v plpr drum 7114 and nHu-y lmlimng ml lrlmi \all up ph‘ nt ”(1| ha I« u 'prhr: “t (urn u hugr Huh u! hl‘h gum: um", and “mud Highllnd Puk Fuel Co. Hie-MAN MKVI'I. rm g 198 d 5 Highland Park Shoe Repairing sdop we N. Fifi 5L TM 3” 108 W. Central Ave :: Telephone ‘98 '~ Building Material It! r 1: .uM Xx aupph rm) (.1 nulur “I”. (rushed 5h n: Yalprdu Mud ‘rnmm Innr n1 vul‘ marry wvu-v plpr Let us repair your shoes. ()urpn’cesl are the lowest and our work the? bebt and absolutely guaranteed. l Don't throw away your old shoes. rubbers, tires of all kinds, Clothes, etc, we'll buy them and pay you a good price. We call for and de- liver gOods when desired. Tele- phone us and we’ll attend to your wants promptly. i “n ,fr‘ww .0 r flwmmcm Bell Chicago Telephone L‘ompm n . Ford. Manager Telephone 9!! IR such a man the quesd throughuut I 1c dav, "Q (1H (){ccn decides at is not only pract’cal Long Distance,” 31nd Estimates gladly fu nished on all w k and Fixtures Robert Gm “It n! H I)“ DY "T0 kind 1 n1 match-h health try Hot Weather Gary's Home 3+” l348eud§t M8054. qu luwfl ()ul r you w: uummn do! ICIOUI Systen ABigClus pnrn r! your Wish I‘ ‘et Herr are made I1 Irmptr that all kt r 01 pl“

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