Exmoor u unusually any this year and nine dance at the Moraine. in every Saturday the club hot»: And the ! her guest, Min Eleanor Sane! Although report has it that Newport has put a ban upon the tango and similar dances because of the hold it has upon the people in the lower walks of society. it is certainly gaining in popularity in Chicago and vicinity. But then it must be taken into consideration that it was all theragein theeaat monthabeforethe middle westerners took it, up. Whether thetan‘oteaawillgrowinpopularity at the Moraine remains to be aeen. but the ptoapecta are good for the hotel at least. Mi. Dorothy Bentley. the attractive and graceful leaderof these Saturday after- noon tea in the biz ballroom. is the daughter of Mrs. M. E. Bentley of Dear- born Ave. Chicago. “Content." the home of the Benjamin Fessenden familv. was the scene of one of those rare and cnlovablc teas of “hh'h Mrs. Fessenden possesses the secret of making successlul. Mrs. Charles Drnccn. ’who has been so fetrd since her urrnul In the suburb. was thc guest of honor. Assnst- ing in receiving were Mrs. Edmn Lobdcll. Mrs. D. F. Kelly, Mrs. Hours Loucr of Chicago. Mrs. Edmund A. Russcll or Lake Forest. Mrs. Charles Pope of Evansbm, and Mrs. Frank L. Wean. A number ot the younger set. friends of Miss Dorothy Fessenden. assisted in the dining room. Mrs. Frank R. McMullin entertained at dinner at her home in Lake Forest on Wednesday evening, later taking hen guuts ‘0 the concert at Ravinia Park. Miss Genevieve Mott entertained at a dance on Tuesday evening at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Gren- ville Mott of Laurel'Ave. Miss Dorothy Fessendcn. who hm as her guest. Miss Pauhne Brunks, M De- (ron, entertained at a Iunchcnn wn lizury day of last week. Miss Genrude Clark entertained a few friends at a beach lunchéon on Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs, William Sasch of Green Bay Road, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Gertrude Sasch to Mr. Harry Clarkson of Rose City, Penn. H. PI 31: SPECIAL 506 Davis Street FartheHRSTndl-‘UTURE (mg. Alto-obikSenice Call and deliver Wednesdf’ays and Saturdays The Social Side of Li§c WHY Phone Evanston 3638 Inquire about our greatly reduced prices on the cleaning and repain'ng (If your floor cov- erings. Any rug or carpet bearing our label is guaranteed for ï¬ve years: William Parkbr Co. have your garments of delicate color and fabric mined by inferior cleaners? you can have the Originai Color. Life and Beauty retained by sending them; to Highland Park’ Gre HIGHLAND PA HARAJIAN iBROS. Local Afféflrs of the week the Oimrn : MmNels N. Nelwn of Oakwood Ava, Hus Weep at I Monday afternoon card {party 3: honor of Mn Andrews 0! Chi- Boy: of the Sunday xhool and guru of ethe Sup-bin: class of Ebenezer church gpaniciï¬ated in a surprise on Delmer IClow ï¬onday evening in honor of hi- 1binhd‘gy. ‘ and Râ€. Roy Simmer. Min Catherine Cashing will cmemin at I dither preceding the Saturday ever nine dance at the Moraine, in honor of Mn. F. Wallin. Prim were won Mn. Chas. Freberz. Mn Wallin. A pkastng diversion for the lawn fete to be given by the Ravlnla committee of Ardemï¬hore Encampment Will be a per- formalâ€"gce of Cosmotï¬amnlton’s "Soldler'l Daughjers.†This feature is under the directbn of Miss Anna Morgan and the player) will be Miss Harriet Blackstone. the 61d] known portrait painter; Mm Jeanie ‘Harding. an instructor in Miss Morgnft'a studio, and Miss Lillxan Fitch. a (:0qu of the late Clyde Fitch. Mr. ï¬nd Mrs. A. L. Drum and {he two childrgx left Wednesday for New York wherethy will spend the remamder of the summer. Luucq M. \hllmms. Jmm .\HK\IU~~(" Furd Qartcrj L' Jcnuy, and C. .\ .\lc Near."'The gull surn- mr Saturday \ p13): 15 as tnllmn A. I’ \'.m Sdmuk won the 18 hUIK‘ mz-dal play handlmp With I card of 831369 Results at matvhcs ohucd 1n 1hr thud rnund fur the Presidenl'ï¬ (up were as fulluus :\ P Van Schau‘k defcdu-d E X. Lobdcll. 7 and 5;“' V U'Hru-n demand W R .\l« wmgn‘ey, 4 and 3. R M 5mm: dctmu-d R. A. Bard. 4 and H. er I. X. Thanh“ _\h: F. ' l‘l'lii‘ \ Mn. g‘Smun-l .\l. HAW." .zzd XL“ Kazhefline Prmdiulic. Pollumrzg 11n- lum‘hwns {he guests play-d bndgr .\ numbgr vf large dumcr [)JIZH'S \wzc ){XVCH pruedmg 1h:- duncc 1n the cwrxmx and (he folluumg cnu-rmmcd J H Hopkiés, Thoma) L‘lcvnenla, Thug \\ qur :\lfred_. Plunmndun, James l’nmixnim Lucia! M. \Vxllmms. Julm .\HX\:~~~t" Furd Qartcrj L' Jcnuy, and C. .\ .\lc Near. I"The gull surn- mr Saturday \ p13): 15 as tnllmn A. I’ \'.m Sdmuk links ire \u-H tilled. HI; 5.1mm!“ com wrr gum-n by Mia. “Ida-r f Evanston, Ill. THURSDAY, AUGUST : , 1913 Are You with us? Evanston 3638 8 North Sheridan Rd. Mn D. Young 1nd two oom, Nathui and Judson. of Chicago. 1r: visiting with Mr. and Mn John A Stryker. Mm Laura Wading ll very ill. Mm George Beckman rctumed Tues» from Texas where {or the last an months she has been nursing her brother, Alfrrd ()tt. “bodied of tuberculosis last Tuesday. Mm (mrge licclman rctumed Tues» chaï¬ns duhcluh; Tuesday 3mg; from Texas where {or the last an months â€mung“ dunâ€"mg 730-930 Sauor' she has been nursing her brother, Alfrrd n3,†dammg. Wednegday, 7,30 (m. uhodxcd of tuberculosis lasx Tursdl). my ,pnmx gymnlnu dant‘lnfl and ll The ’MISSCS Grace, “(35112 Margaret, Iuh class. 'Ihunday (ELK!) High and Fanmc Carolan. acyumpamrd by the-Ir ,gvmnasnc dancmg. Friday 130 5,30 gue~t. Mrs. Phlhpp: look a boat mp to Fxrc (ml: mvo groups). Salurï¬ny MHuaukL-e Wtdnesdayï¬ - m f) p m \K'omm'l Exchange Mr. J. W. Gnddit. the uchitect. end the director: of the Deerï¬dd school held a meeting in the mhdlSoturday after- noon where a! [.0 o'clock :1! bids by connector: lot the construction 0! I new school were owed and Fred Noerenhem of Highland Park nwuded {he WI] contnct Min Anna Peterson was awed-end gun! at the home of her uncle. Mr. Charla Jacob: Mn. G. W. Penis md Mun Edith Penis have returned {romashon vm’l It Cryttll Lake. The Miniognry ooocty o! the Presby- terian church will meet Wllh Mn. Ralph Knickerbocker Thuriday afternoon. Aunion picnic given by the L'niltd Evangelical and [yang-l Association churches and the Pretbyttnan church will bchdd It Schlneu grove Saturday, July 26(h. _Convcynnceu will leave the churcheu at ten o'clock Mu- Bcnmoe Dufly will tench in the new consohdued school at Everett next To cclebrntc the fume-(h nnnnvemry of her birthday Mn 1. A. Reuben. Jr. entertained It a family dinner at which four generations were pruenL !Deerfield News Items The Daisy Cm’le mrt at (he hum: 0! Miss Elnzabcth Knu krrbmkrr Flldl)’ eve mng. Mm Phocbc Batman nun both pnzts m (be gueumg content A met-(mg of (he Jewel club was hc|d at the home 01 Mm Mnldred Bic-dent“! Saturday afternoon. The guesung game pnu wn awarded to Mm Mlidrcd Knu kbocker puma Ivy Mn Hufimm err wrrr S('\ ('1,H UUI HI [:mn g11r\l.~ .‘mmng \\ hum umr Mu Frank R .\1.\1uihn of Lake anwx. \1r~ anuw Nurlh u! Winn -:k.: .\h\ i‘:¢1lhu}lti“t‘l1f} limit-Int lndmnapohx MM \ men Hun u! \eu Yurk, Mrs Hzmnm \{c-vmr: u! ansi m an! Mm Fimmnr Nun-t n! !’ ltdv‘nxf‘. Rm rn'mx ulth [he hush-s: \u'rv Mr; â€run A! “Alrr. Mm Edmund Hun) Hie-I M15 Lurk-tun \'.nl. .‘1‘3‘ .\!.HIUH Mamm, Mm: Hiamhc Masun. and Muss hhlh Lnbdcll x c Eh >(‘h'i IIf'YA Mr .\duH “on puma by Mn All those who are ink-ruled are cur dlally mule-d to attend a dance to be given at the Ranma school huuw MINI! urda)’ cvenmg at h u'dmk by Miss Mar A prrny lunchcnn 1m {ouru-r-n aural: wa: gwon on Wminr-yh) at HHHUH‘, the home at Mr Waltvr L‘ Hatch: b) hm daughtcrwn law. Mr: “alter (.urdun Halt-1y, Luncheon was srncd at small mblrsnn thc \cranda and the Hnwcra used m decorating were from (he H)r§(0!c garden. Among {he guests urre Mn, J Mdiregor Adams and her house gut-ms Mrs. A. Paysnn Huff. Muss Edna Huff. Mrs. [)wyer and Mn. Drake Others wrrc Mrs Annette R Jones. Mr: Ham r Sit-wan. Mrs Frank meuln Wean. Mm Archibald Mclkan, Mrs George Mrliam Mrs Charla C Yoe, and Mrs Edwm Lobdcll wru' Hench-c and Miss Mary Highclv u~ Mn 1. l't‘ 1 8 “ brncï¬l (â€Y â€â€œ- lund bring â€â€˜L‘rd '0 hr M)» MnMu-d 5km ml (wand apid!‘ used In dnuraxmx the urn \Illagr house Mn h h “3|me um}; A1133 an“? \dmlssuvn 1s Iucnl) the \cm‘ ‘ “Uh“ er Eugrm- E Amhmu {hr )nungrr \4-1 at a dand- mglzx m hum-x n! Mm .\ And Mu: szh r\ 5‘de m1: mow!) PARK mm HIGHLAND PARK Hal) \\ (‘I H< H Jmmx denght! H" R ,lutu-x Nwrml ~pIL-n Uxilv plan-d h\ Ju-andmrd at UM nun '1 here wrrr \\ A 5 Yb nil-x‘ l’HH‘HJ.†Nun Sunday HS 9‘ m.. In10rmal and ‘ hour, Mondny 7:1)‘930 p. m. ton , dyl Cm Creek Public notice in hen-by liven Subucn'bct. Edith Helen No.3. 8 o! the I“! will 0! William L. M and will attend the Cwnty of Lake County. at a term thereof be holds: It the Coun Home in W. mdeountxontheflutM of Septembcx ngxy 1913_ when and 3? Wnukegan, lllinoiu. June I), hr! ’11†Mn hm: «nun LAIUL’IH uni Mr and Mrs S S mewrn-th utsu of [hen daugthr‘ Mu F (:u klcoi (mlnlmrg lasl work Mm Elusbflh Clark 0! Inmg Pa“, Ch! Mr and Mrs (Hblnk u! Au: vu-n- the wrrk end Rue->1; o! .N Mn 1. l't‘ 1 8 Miss Gladys Mm" (.1 mug“ is lhe guest 0! Mr“ Eleanor Meyer last «k Mrs H Zuchln u! “aukrgan gun! at her daughxrr, Mn. 5 1‘ sun 13:! week. Mr J (Hull and Mr \\' Kuk Mllmaukn were the gursu 0! Mrs H H Krm, Sunda) Mr and Mn Fred Hm:- and lamnly war the guru: 0! Mr and M R. N Lord of L‘hu‘ago Sunday I: v\ .xhlr ru Mrs. Clark ll \ISllInfl her dame! 31r~ MM phrng « «Mardm Mu krt'tr In H Y. W. C. A. Activities “1H xi! (’3‘ H '\!('\k u .15 c' hllflhft 3m: [H .1? Hung vun .~ lAlh I“ 5i!\ Hut (-g Hm" M. Baa» _ Attorney, for E ug 5111:) H :3I LAKE GENEVA a [C ,I THUS†FRANK L. SILJESTRO Wflywmmdf‘mg SM Cars Stored, Rented and PETROLEUM com JAS. C. BOYLAN, 1.1.9:»... 67 230 N. 5:. Joul- in. g; North Shore Fuel 8: “Everything we furnish ha} thatE Home Made Tasteâ€E " Lehigh JuutdepboneQSAndthclumemw 4;; Let us furnish the matdrial for your luncheons, dimjers card parties, musicales re- ceptions, etc. Whrk Museum We have the exclusive agency Bil Out of town moving with Auto Truck --COAL-- : â€H 11.1.