H? ta Tm of' Services and Meetings m the Various Churches : in. P. C. Wolcott. D. D. Rector. Holy Communion. Sunday 7'30 I. m. ‘Mominz Prayer and Litany 11 :00 a. m. Hol Communion. ï¬rst Sunday in the mom and Festival: at 11:00 I. m. Evenprayer 5:00 p. m. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. 5L Mary'- Church Laurel avenue and McGovern street. Rev. J. D. O'Neill. pastor. Sunda services First Mass. 6:39 9: m. Surgday Sc 00] 11:45 \‘4__ Inf)“ â€"5$cond Mass, 8:00 a. m Swodioh Evmcial Ludunn Highwood. Rev. C, E. Lundgnnmaston Sunday services. preaching at 3:00 p. m. Sunday School at 2: 00 p. m. Wednesday prayer meeting 8.00 p. m. First Church of Chriu. Scientin Hazel avenue near St. John's avenue. Regular service exery Sunday morning at 10:45 o'clock. Sunday SLhtxfl inuncdmlrly after the Sunday murmng. xrvxcc. Regular Wednesday e\ clung testnmmml meeting at 8:00 o'clock. The Rcadmg Room. «rand lerr. Erskine Bank limldmg. ls upon ddllV. x'\' ( Sunday. frum ‘J u» l.’ .1. m. .1an l [u 5 p. m. All authonzcd L‘hnsnzm Samu- Iiterature 15 on ï¬le for reh-rcncel and may be purchabcd n desired. St. John. Evangelical Church Corner ol' Urn-n Ray anl and Home- Corner ol' Urn-n Ray Rum} and Home- woud Ave. Rev. R. B. Fmdlcr. pastor. Sunday mnrmng worship. German, at 10.30. Sundav schuol, German and English departments, at 9:30. Herman school. Saturday nmrnzngs {rum 9:50 to 11:30. Arrangements for prn'zne lcswm may be made with the pastor. Cd“ 761 J Ebenezer Evungolial Church Second Street near Laurel Avenue. Sunday Scrum], 100') a. n\., nmmmg “ur- Ihip. 11:00 a. 11).; Christian Endeavur, 6 43 md evening seruce 7.30 p. m._ Gerumn ayer mernng \V'edncsday. HO p. m., ible study Friday. 7:30 p. m. We cordial- ly innit: your azréndance Central Avenue. W. F. Suhr, pastor. Sunday service, German preaching at 10:30 a. m.; English preauhmg at 8 p. m. 1:: and 3rd Sundays; Sunday School. 915; German Saturday school. 9:00 to 12:00 Bible school 1n German for young people Tuesdays at 5 p. m. and in English Wed- nesdays at 8 p. m. Corner of Laurel Avenue anal Green Bay Road. J. Foster Van Evera, pastor. Sabbath morning worship. 10:45: evening service. 7:45.. The Sundav school, under the dire :tion of Mr. Wm. Noeren- berg. convens at 930 o'clock with Miss Waleria Ritter. a trained workerin charge of the primary department, The Key Stone League of Christian Endeavor. Earl Fritsch. presxdent. meets each Sun‘ day eve at 6:45 o'clock, in the church parlors. Prayer meeting each Wednes- day evening at 8 o'clock. A cordial in- vitation is extended the public to all services. There Will be Swedish Lutheran Church services every Sunday evening at seven forty-ï¬ve o'clock in the Y. WC. A. rooms on Central Avenue. Highland Park.Carl E. Lundgren, of Waukegan. Illinois. pastor. Bcptiu Church E‘ast La’urel avenue. Henry Clay Miller, minister; Sunday. morning worship. 11:00. Sunday evening people's servu'e. 7:45. The Bible school. Mr. Charles H “Warren. Superintendent, asSembles .it 9:45 o'cluck, The Baptist Young People's Union, Mr. Leigh Bittinger, President. meets each Sunday evening at 7 n'clm‘k The mid week senice is held in the parlors of the church each Wednesday evening at 7:45. The Ladies Guild. Mrs, r l CHIC! has boo \it'ce t “‘alth) PM†in effected tnmt h “Signal erty In lii~ \\l' illll‘l'iï¬l. him. STRE F. 8. Green. Presndentg holds us regular sessions on the afternoon of the third Thursday of each month‘ The public is cordially invvted to all the services of this church. First M. E, Church, Rev.V', A. Spicker. Pastor. Sunday School. 1000; Preaching. 11m. and 7:45 p. m.; Junior League. 2:30; Epworih League. 6:45; Prayer meeting. Wednesday. 8:00. Teacher Training. Thursday. 7:30. Highland Pork Pmbyuri-n Church Corner of Laurel and Linden Avenues. Pastor, Rev. R. Calvin Dobson. Sundav morning worship. 11:00 o'clock. 4:30 Veepeor Musical Service, ï¬rst ' Sun- day afternoon of each month. Bible ochool, with graded lessons for all depart- ments and ages. Sunday mornings at 9‘30 o‘clock. Young People’s meeting, Sunday evening at 7:30. Mid-Week Prayer Service. Wednesdav evenings a! 81X) o'clock. The public is cordially In vited to all of these services. The ladies of the Dorcas Sociely hold all- day meetings in the parlors of the church the second and fourth Mondays of the month and the Woman‘s Missionary Union meetslhe second Monday aftemoon of each month at 3.00 o'clock. to which all adies are cordially invited. Highwood Catholic Church Daily Mass. 7:15 a. m.: Sunday. Low Mass. 7:00 a. r‘; Mass and Benediction of Blessed Sacrament, 9:00 a. m.; Sunday School. 11 o'clock. Rev. Father 5, 1.0ates. â€S‘Of. North Avenue Fink M. E. Church Swedish Lutheran Church S. E‘ SCHRADER, pastor near St. John‘s avenue. 1810 W: [- men Sunda) morning at undav «haul immediate!) AUROR; High Mass 1030 .00... OOQOOCIOOOOOOIOOOO BPRIN IELD -â€" A two yen-1' (nurse azudy to determine hcw mmf tnpayers mu 5!! more and betteï¬ s‘rvk'e for their money has bee ' outlined bylhe Iegintauvo economy ‘ nd smciency mmmlltw, created b the Porn-eighth genera} assembl)‘,gpI-cording to suteuwul of He preseflylans or (he committw. The eom' i (e. was cruniled b) â€It! election or Svualor “liter 1‘ )IInLy u chalrhnn and Represenuuse Charis: if) ( Xpnn of Aurora Is norrvx tar). At ' e luilal meeting the: com mluee nu ortzed the chntrman Ind “00000000....00000040000... ' ozcn'gm â€" Mrs. Jamel mnmn, Ewidow of he founder of June: mm {ken unlvé-my, in dud. ' . spore-wry to comphe lurmnmlm shoulnx hon: mmy dollar 0! Huh rvwnue 6mm from and hm H 1,- xald out. {I has h drrxn: I RUDPTIHH' had how-r; :ho- hum A'h rnex state“! .21! “as 1mm- {10(an tho am rnm‘dzm sPRINEIELo â€" n hmr m“ m. (‘idt-d ink] Hurting of â€10 ruwuthn comnmieï¬ of lhc- l‘..ix.ol- «mini-Mm: unpainted-:10 (‘1 ndum l! 0 m-lebrnn. x. o! tha'ha nrnry unniurur) of Le gro frewd I, he'd in I‘m-w-rndr lh nzw'~ 0mm: (0 aka the wwmm n ln'h n 3] In Its (‘OIP and cumin-h “111 h:- asked '3‘ be m mmlssim; m muL» an nppropriuglun for the lurpme I! has not been) «(Lind 1n “h‘l (it) It. 11.! nois their Crivlrulilm h; !91' \HZ be hvld ELGIN nun: pinned hut-math his auto . bIlr whhh turned turtle on I narrovgcountry pike near Huntfey, 111., twelée mites north of hora L. Judd Morgan. Menu-two years old, owner of p â€rage at Hampshire. In, incurred 5 fractured e-pine nnd Is to lleved toï¬be family Injured. suï¬vred atPnsoVy frwm At hon ‘ the tho-rn' hv grvtn heat. OHHIPT [lus- ed I'm In '11» ~lmdo- and “1 ~ will my lug high . The (In) said to \p hv-vn Hm I decadgln ervn’nr ens) will: their hur-ou them camfuli) in m.- preparmcg)‘ for the a?! If “a! d') Inr Irh~r< “bro- :nd IvI’LPd nary nwrnm; wrnn on‘s‘ wartL Imf‘ r» ’0’ r‘ï¬! jury (‘Ofgpurd emir‘y n! m‘nn-n that w ewr rhmrn in nu: St I.ouhs,co 'k‘trd mothrr ‘MH. :1 in Justice George Zil-ue-ln -;..r\ (u my Mrs. Hugh Thomas ‘IH tried for disturbln ‘the peace of hrr m-mhbor, Mrs, Ed§rd McKinley, found guilty and ï¬ned .'- 00 and costs DIXONiâ€" The wontpn of [his city exercisedu their riphl u- wrote here for 9 ï¬rst time “hen (he {wen- Y; you tension 0! 1h» hi: on Inter- works I chlse was suhmmw to the Voterl 0! ’ho chy. The \smun show- ed their hum: in thy xropo-II on by castlnr dine-{nurth of the urn! nu». The proxwmnn carriad !y 12:: mujori- ty. largeig by lhe votes- of “(men orn ï¬re ï¬rming hundred um Menu Ihair gum‘agp [rhilng carried hi 3 vow Ur flrnmth‘e‘hv quwth city {or 511mm ’or (W0 automnMIv fir» VIENNA“ â€" J mmm EAST †ST LCUIS â€" rv comm. rd emir‘y h-d IL F n‘ w..- . PMHAPHS. truth appura vhe ;ur I Hun “bro- :n d Ier H! var y nwrnm; 'rz:. on‘s ard‘ mu [Pr 1 .1 “1 ~ s'll Imf‘ r» ‘7 m re: d': I rh~r< 111d I“ F'mtnr .-xo friï¬t‘d 1M1 lnnd hr‘chm' {H inn Andm Jackson Showed H. H“ I Grim “no. of Maï¬a. A \‘lrglnllu rah-run uu-d lo tell bun Andy Jnvkmu uu-d taunt“! mung Ir the mun-mt: Hm hr thw up In do» tense of Sew Urk-unl and u tn. uni urullp‘ u “mun-r u! Inth-trm-r lu hm) I'bum- vnlhlll l‘i' HUI-lo} 01‘ Suun- u! Hu- mltllm [lupin-um] lo {-0 )0ng m n rhh llh-l‘rhnhl. 'l‘lm Luer f‘bunt annno-I hh lmlo-n th dughke dc-vulhm llu- u-IMI not [war to [put Mum-W uu.|_\ (nun â€1le â€r Wu: Humbug u\.~r Hn-m u hvu Jan-Lulu hug- |wnmI In «Iran In-.ur nml. running I‘ll [U llh- thivf, Iu- mm! "\I‘)l.~‘l'\.v I! l~ \hllnugu- fur \nnr Im-n In I:u.m n,\ ...[ In: HM On. TO" I 1'4'Illl'll' 'l'll.‘ Q‘\ envrut-w The KuQcDun Sink H I! u ~L‘H‘lh'fll Lint (h. uu-u dh- o-ufhu-r than «to furl llml Ill-m- uhn .urxn.- n. I‘l'|)\':l‘r\ thud. in ln-Jith .1. (Lu Hn- [In-n 'I’Yu- “Hundre- (hm tln- lug- nH-nl ..( Hw~~ ful lmk .4 l in thv hrm h-mu-y In Mn- lh'xl L'Tv'nh-‘l LII'F“II"‘.'" J...“ Inâ€! | H“ 1I|I\.‘ H In- lu llx m‘qn.ulhlml \\ \l'h {Pu-ll u! wh-Im Hum .In- Tum Uh Hlv‘lr' H‘wH-H "n "ll-40‘ 1'"- dm [Hr 011211! In “w Inn-r it gin-c Vin-n) (he [Nu-Ion of ulxn-dnrHy nnd furnHm-I (In-m with Mph n uf nun enunflnu Bern u'te nflunl Ra «use ngmnlflo Hum a! (ho WIND. Anythlux (Km! 1.: «wk-had i. am («I be (llruwn igtu \Ihrnuuu In Hu- furn- 0! the air lulnu mp: agn‘nul It If H VI- bran-s m but .u [u [-hvdln‘r the Mr “‘N‘ON lh-lr unr mun mu lu-nr Hu-n H) t ‘5 “my un; «:11! mum-l IMI h wlml hzq-xn-n- ru l'n~ h-h-grnnh ulrn IIN'II flu-y hu'n MIN] 1! \n- put u-llr hand wn Hm h~|--;:r:|[h [mln «M NH“: fuwl â€mt Hn- ulrw \tl-rnh- “rung \ o-xwugh tu Ealuiy Explninod. HIdvrâ€"l! )0†hem-n» that "erythlng that (uh-s plut'r In fom-rdnlm-d Ih)‘ (11d yuu wulhm the man )uu rnugm slrunng your wow]? lmu-un [Kw-nu l CouMn'l help It I felt (but It Wu forwniuim-d [but I should I'lllop Mm. -â€"lSu-(ou Tnuu'dpt. them I'M-111mm It h- Hu- nnly I'ny In thvh "19] run dimo‘ rr hu' romfofllblr they In m mum- » er. hum tin-y NH" â€14' "I (‘ï¬h'f L'v'! '11.‘ :In)‘ :Ilh-lxlluh L: I lulrixh "Tlml’s ~lr 1.2.2" mH~t uswluhm 1n Smnh nu- [MN-1- month "â€" Hurlwrj In this world H In nut what we ut- up. but what we KIT: up. (hut unto. m ricb.â€" Henry Ward Bee-her THE 1116meme PARKILLINOIS R “Hm I, \H prug... osreuoeo ms cbnou. v hum :u (Mn-gm†u lrw \: lhu- \\ lh- . u Iâ€) u .1 .Hrer; Ill‘ HM [In-n 'I'Yu' l'l l'ln-rv |~ no (I ‘ txlguuwl fun-1' up. «Mr .4 1 ~lnk \\*1h 3 [hum 1? W'w Pooplo Travcl -l‘n\ Hunk the) .n mm»; .HLQI H II on ‘1 I? -~\ 11m Ill» nut hllH uh lhm don't know all the db thin-,z- lhnl I'lll ham-en to H Vary Aflonï¬vo. -( .d Snlp (hr lnllur to [my m L. uw." n-nurkmi l'ul» )n'll‘ In!- HMI~ mun- than "my “In |1H~lilHrIvVl lln‘t‘ Iqlll!‘ ‘ Yrr lhv \\ huh.- .- [u lln-nl [u up! lug-(Inf h {Pu-ll In¢1uhh-l'~ soul" In- {nun-d (u (n'l m wifh Hv “rung \ 1 w? ln-mlni m quite Itâ€! the- (HM undl Int! hour ‘0 h'xn lhrll H.- -m u hvu lurk-«In nmr nml. r‘zmsn‘ mud I‘M-“I'M, lln'h In Inm' H,\ | 1- .-.|-‘¢~l mu} HIâ€) :I!‘(' LII-If “I‘ um“ I *lllllu‘ IUI Mu nth-“Hun to me. )r {our Mll- "cry “'u‘Ily ilplninod. [Me that everything I fom-rdnlm-d why he mun )mx rnughl VIENNA â€" TH Amman Hun narsnn xuu-rnmrul \HJ III" I n» port from n rmnmlninh of Aunrin I chaInM-r v! con mcnr Ihkb ‘1“ Mali Sal. Prlnriu‘u tutu" dH-idln‘ win-1h or u. parlh l' alt in {he Pun-m: Purl ï¬r «I; (“ML n said SInHu-rl. "Hr"! h muv 1 H14 (arm I 10H: Hit-ll- â€I!" urn ll) 1hr uMIH rfIx ut- IA“ 1 {Twin I \luu‘ I w (ll-ml vnvru} “"1 Hm â€if“ N“ [.m Hut (rm-grip!) !!n\t Ll:- In“ Hal! llh ll H; I! II. In H HI :ooooooooooooooocccocoa... AUCTIN. TILâ€"ll bu [on lllhnOd by Domu‘rul o! Tum in run a large (and l) yp In mh 7241.1. 1.! the bum“! t! S rrrur‘ t! .‘tn’t \\' .1 I'run The LO 0-) :1! Ir Hid mu to him on I)». (m‘ 'x" \ Hut l,« fl‘r?1'~ in Llh'iï¬'. X‘I‘ (I'er 113'. {mm u:.d (c-M Â¥r 1.» 4L :. 'n o to m. WASHINGTON. D C â€" Son-1.1,! “In‘Hlth I,:\~\.~ Ian mm a- h :hr mn rim-(n 13ml 'hr "‘4‘. IL.- (I! 1h. lenl‘y Lur- Lnl rurHo-d |rn.or frrux Irv PHILADELPHIA, PAâ€"Tro- mvu nlmm durun‘ in Man h-‘(wn-d 1L: mum ru‘y’uiln no (hudl‘unu a. min Hut:- Al tho- Inlrr 3-p Hm "14»! um“ rlrrlrhui and an .hrn In Iho Emmy o! the muunuh. n'yhm» nnrrrmndhl the l‘e'nunrr ‘ullrr n1 bu-n IHPF H :10 m the murmnu lhl, dam-u- l0 !hr turn! of Homo u.†‘roughl \r‘ I! t‘.‘ nnmmfn '( WASHINGTON -â€" R U l‘ollm‘h Motion dirrrmr of {hu- rather bun-nu II Trrntun N J‘ l’rnhunur H l â€MUM-3! of the om" of nlr!l>ornlox\ Ind Dunk} J (‘urruliv thief rlrrL M 'Drw:nÂ¥?rrh"r1|n,Hnlv‘f‘l'rt‘, H. 'Lr nf'rnd xvmlJn, Ian'} If fxrnwr Um'fnrlf ’ 'I-‘. “I!“ r, Ind (‘btuu‘ um “um-«i in Jth m: BIL-V» rlvn rth Fir!) \Hlko, \orluhlr- n i" x n “vx rm‘nnd daughter 0! \‘r n: r! \‘n Frzxrn‘h- gamuclmn of Hut» (-1 lvruugh Hufl,Th1rW «whack NH \‘u 1. I’d“! Um'fnrlf ’ 'I- u:.« “urn-d ,h- rth Fir!) )"x u “\'\ {\Vn Frzxr h! BOSTON â€" Not in now. you" b†the I'm-run! 0! Ihe Nathan) (‘01:: mm" of the Pound Irish Imuu o! Ameflcn been no land! INOndld u ‘1' [but In the [MO arbor c! (I. hole) Leno: will hm! Mich-oi J. Rym of Phil-dolphin 2| .0 chit. it'l“! d hhf \\ H1]; (Twll WASHING [nu-4'1! hx r haanx ( H fhl'l H: LONDONâ€"«lid‘urd Hunlllnn \1 \Hnitk “Hind M“ u! Mr m r« !. l'.mi‘tun .\lx(‘nrmuk o' nth ‘M‘NL.T( N GENERAL NEWS. 1- l. \Itoro, uhhhr -n,‘.~\MY IO-Tt yrnmu TONL TEA-v tr \- “mn'in 1.- u! Mn“ 1. .\1 Mulha I \ | H k~nnlu"u: u \h: mnplvd Ho uHo-nHUn 1 M! n\u u thu’ n\- rkst- rn Y! rinlur 1h I') If fxrnwr uhl: h vr-n H-d uHo-nHUn f Hm I Hr [LI- min):- I|l7 \\ full (in; In HI Highland Park Fuel Co. \‘l 102 N Inn! St Our “Want ads†brhg results Wherever men converse, on business, politiao or Sport; whenever women chat, the word Telephone is often mentioned. One describes with pride :1 new and ingcn‘ ious use he has found for the service. Another marvels at the rapid strides 0‘ science. A third gixes a cordial invitation to “Call me up.’ Of all utilities or commodities there is no other which is so frequently mentioned, showinï¬ that it is the Service of Universal AAPPï¬â€˜ cation. Expert Shoe Repairing Building Material gf 198 d Highland Park Shoe Repairng Shop 108 W. Central Ave HI k\1k (lLet us repair your Sll( tes. Our prices are the lowest and our work the best and absolutely guaranteed. (Don‘t throw away your old shoes, rubbers, tires of all kinds, clothes, ete, we'll buy them and pay you a good price. \Ve call for and de‘ liver goods when desired. Tele- phone us and we'll attend to your wants promptly. Long Distance Telephone Adverflses Itself ' Bell Chicago Telephone Company C T. Ford, Manager 1 olcphonc 335 Trh-ph: nnr 95! ’15 Estimates gladly hit. “:5 nished on tll work , 7‘ and Fixtures manic mm; 3 WIRING, REPAIRING 134 Seoul Street 3 â€I: Summer Ccary’l Home ‘ h hr â€much! u! by thud. .. ‘mwrvuft- when vu- mm M 121~ ~' nwh swrr! whom lyiu' \ baht-d Mead and â€11’“ «hm; up In make I! “any . inungmur 2m 1m to um I lurni wmk bum morn] olhomo r :4.- ch‘ lnrad IreIh every \ demon-d at any dmwon order, ‘elephone 198 System ii: k“. 6 Tune of'Servioos and Moorings iiiI the Various Churches I ReV. P. C. Wolcott. D. D. Rector. Holy Communion. Sunday 7'30 a in. ‘Morninz Prayer and Litany 11:00 a. in. Holy Communion. first Sunday in the mont and Festival: at 11:00 a m. Evenprayer 5:00 p. m. Sunday School 9:45 a. ni. St. Mary'- Church . Laurel avenue and McGovern street. Rev. J. D. O'Neill. pastor. Sunda aerwces First Mass. 6:30 a. m. Sunday Sc ool11245 Second Mass.8:003. m. High Mass 10:30 a. in Swodiah Evangohcal Lutheran Highwood. Rev. C. E. Lundgreii, pastor. Sunday services. preaching at 3:00 p. m. Sunday School at 2: 00 p. m. Wednesday prayer meeting 8.00 p. m. first Church of Chriu. Scientist Hazel avenue near St. John‘s avenue. Regular service every Sunday morning at 10:45 o'clock. Sunday Schlxli immediately after the Sunday morning. service. Regular Wednesday ei eiiing testimonial meeting at 8:00 o’clock. The Reading Room. second Limrr. Erskine Bank Building. Is “9011 daily. l'\' t Sunday. from ‘J to 1.’ a. tit. and l to 5 p. ni. All authorized Christian Science literature is on tile for rett-rencel and may be purchased Ii desired. St. John. Evangelical Church Corner ot' Green Ray Road and Home- wood Ave. Rev. R. ll. Fiedler. pastor. Sunday morning worship. German, at 10.30. Sunday school, German and English departments, at 9:30. llerman school. Saturday mornings from 9:50 to 11:30. Arrangements for private it'SS‘Hls may be made with the pastor. Call Tril J Ebenezer Evangelical Church Second Street near Laurel Avenue. Sunday School, llillll a. ll\., morning vmr- ahip. 11:00 a. in; Christian Endeavor, t) 4.3 and evening servn‘e 7.30 p. m._ German ayer meeting \V'ednesday. TJO p. m., ible study Friday. 7:30 p. m. We cordial- ly invite your attendance. ‘ S. E. SCHRAIIER, pastor. Believers Meeting Library Hall. Highland Park. [iii-ty Sunday 7:45 p. â€1., l‘rospt-l address, Every Thursday 8:00 p m. Biol:- study. You are cordially invited. Evangelical Lutheran Church Central Avenue. W. F. Suhr, pastor. Sunday service, German preaching at 10:30 a. m.; English preaching at 8 p. in. Int and 3rd Sundays; Sunday School. 915; German Saturday school. 9:00 to 12:00. Bible school in German for young people Tuesdays at 5 p. m. and in English Wed- nesdays at 8 p. m. Pint United Evangelical Church Corner of Laurel Avenue and Green Bay Road. J. Foster Van Evera. pastor. Sabbath morning worship. 10:45: evening service. 7:45.. The Sunday school, under the dire :tion of Mr. Wm. Noereii- berg. convens at 930 o'clock with Miss Waleria Ritter. a trained workerin charge of the primary department, The Key Stone League of Christian Endeavor. Earl Fritsch. preSident. meets each Suti‘ day eve at 6:45 o'clock, in the church parlors. Prayer meeting each Wednes- day evening at 8 o'clock. A cordial in- vitation is extended the public to all services. Swedish Lutheran Church There Wlil be Swedish Lutheran Church oervices every Sunday evening at seven forty-ï¬ve o'clock in the Y. WC. A. rooms on Central Avenue. Highland Park.Carl E. Lundgren, of Waukegan. Illinois. pastor. Baptist Church East La’urel avenue. Henry Clay Mllit'l, minister; Sunday. morning worship. 11:00. Sunday evening people's seert't‘, 7:45. The Bible school. Mr. Charles H “Warren. Superintendent, asSembles .It 9:45 o'clock, The Baptist Young People's Union,.\lr. Leigh Bittinger. President. meets each Sunday evening at 7 o'clock The mid week scriice 15 held in the parlors of the church each Wednesday evening at 7:45. The Ladies (luild. Mrs. F. B. Green. Prestdentg holds IlS regular sessions on the afternoon of the third Thursday of each month. The public is cordially invvted to all the services of this church. North Avenue Pint M. E. Church First M. E. Church, Rev.V. A. Spicker. Pastor. Sunday School. 1000; Preaching. 1100. and 7:45 p. m.; Junior League. 2:30; Epworth League. 6:45; Prayer meeting. Wednesday. 8:00. Teacher Training. Thursday. 7:30. Highland Park Presbyterian Church Corner of Laurel and Linden Avenues. Pastor, Rev. R. Calvin Dobson. Sunday morning worship. 11:00 o'clock. 4:30 Veapeor Musical Service, first ' Sun- day afternoon of each month. Bible achool, with graded lessons for all depart- ments and ages. Sunday mornings at 9‘30 o‘clock. Young People’s meeting, Sunday evening at 7:30. Mid-Week Prayer Service. Wednesday evenings at 81X) o'clock. The public is cordially in vited to all of these services. The ladies of the Dorcas Society hold all- day meetings in the parlors of the church the second and fourth Mondays of the month and the Woman‘s Missionary Union meetslhe second Monday aftemoon of each month at 3.00 o'clock. to which all adies are cordially invited. Highwood Catholic Church Daily Mass. 7:15 a. m.: Sunday. Low Mass. 7:00 a. r‘; Mass and Benediction ot Blessed Sacrament, 9:00 a. m.; Sunday School. 11 o'clock. Rev. Father 5. 1.0ates. pastor. 7 PAN". mo roam. hf you. armada-unnumuum dunno-can. Irma-lay. â€â€™gl‘ml " â€9:. i...... l l ' sPnINiii-zto â€"â€" n w..- a do... iooaoaaoao‘aaoooaaaa . .I .Pllllllllll’lls. aapooaaoooooaaoao i ‘ I lELD -â€" A two year: § study to determinel taxpayers may sit morel slrvice for their money" SPRIN c:ur|e hcw Illlnp.‘ and betteï¬ has bee outlined bythe leglatatlvo economy ‘ ml smclency ocnimlttee, created b the Porn-eighth general assembly,ppt-cording to statement of tie preseflplans or the committee. The eom' i (e. was crianlled b) llltfl election or Se..ator Walter l. Slanty an chalrlhan and Representatlie Charles I‘l’ l lpnn of Aurora as nor-re tar). At ' e Inllal meeting the com mmee .u orlzed the chairman and secretary to compile lnroimat on shoulnx here mmy dollar or Film revenue (inns Ironi aid how II I,- 'l [ald out. f. if . AURON -â€" \‘zu' lIsIh-‘r F'tiunr' the (mural. r of Sv-zmtwr '1‘ li S‘ewrirt .mll -r;Iudi'.;iI:xi.'.-r it It ‘1. llruzll'". iii '. 'I< Illlll't‘ Inuit: r . t.t u ltow‘t lllr‘J]. s ’I1ru gm Ill 2" try nrw dig ..Ir: d to r:\ til ll.(t_~r . t \x . i. . f‘l‘ililllrtr, tun» Iilzirrzmi lJ‘lt' ..' ". ll'llll‘l‘lJLi‘h'idrll." ll).\Ill1li'.Il.i' :‘ a forum“; it,'-~rloli.-tl..’w <‘ I" Y1 ~t I'itIH-r and Inlvlliil. o’ IL.» I: (I Wiuw nan ’rm k 'I‘dll. llw m. o; it, I'. illlilrll.‘ or Iirrivln. c~-' (‘lulm lei- Pr 'hi- I lill'ugtv a: u‘. .\ \\9>ll'rll r3 .xmml ‘. _.4__. VIENNA“ â€" .l l‘jvlulirtl “um; i has hm :i glit’l‘ .Irul It'll . :tl') 4!:1 llt'l'llli: ltr Lilli»! t. ..n I.“ l‘ liltllt’l‘lï¬lll:lfl~l So-pti-tizll- r Rot t-r'» llnll ln-o-t. lmr in I.:\ run lul'l. .In. the lmt‘ti Jill! 'M' Ii'Iill lodi hlll‘llv ‘ .‘l'hrnex h« “as H. Sill‘rlvlllll im- slule‘sml rm“. llrl'w “ho-II “luv s'uI “its lnlllt‘ kl, ltlll, ImII-ilnu 11. III~ l'. nocenw, _ rr-szvnm‘l and full slyly: the R('\'ii (I Illzll‘. T?» min . r. ~ r- rout‘ditigthi-irunInt.lii.1lI,-1I ln't‘ llll‘ili‘tl tit lnl. i.I.Il in The rzlx. re mains on. In! 1», . CHlCA â€" ’i ' t It ci'rnl III' l.lll Iltuzhs r Ilze ln~' 'ill'f‘" i.n~ Stands at muri) tilt‘ life for out'll hour, 5 U-Iuo Ilirlu “mg. Irdn tuo )t‘v‘dr?‘_ llth‘ haw Illt'tl b «a- 0‘ o.’ the hen! lull IIILlliliI t.~ ‘llrrlilllllillfl their licdqrw llt.d {\le 'Ilie rm: tinuance got the lu‘n» brow/~2- \\a.~t_all Illll saint 'llhago 'roiv ~iiI {rriug tlu‘; Sutlln-rlng he.†of Tina day. “he the Iht-riiioriil~tsr rPlJllrll ninety-nit degrws aml rt‘orvd llli- record of elm; the ll\llt'5l din of tlzv- year. hit? lt'tll d" (‘ldt-d utii littering of thr- o-\v‘lllll\P conirnllleï¬ of thc- I‘..ir.ol- crinrn‘l-xion unpainted-ï¬t) rt Illi‘ll'l I! e m-lelwnti. l. at the' ha nriiry unniiorsm) of Lr’ gro frewd i, he'd in l‘n-io-rnor Ill nth?- ofï¬ce to like the (eel rn:I( it [it'll n al In Its role and Pril!|tr('ï¬~ will I».- asked I_\‘ be (‘t 'llllllhaiï¬ll to null-v an appropriaglon for the lurptfle ll has not been 9(illf‘ll in uh.I (It) It. lI.I nois their Criel ration ll; IDI' ill! be . held. HJ hwr ll9"(‘ll(‘ll dvirvr' HI Ii. CHICA 0 â€"_ \Irs has berm aurirdml a \trt‘e Inni Smnnur I} llo-Irhln, \\ ‘althi @al Ili‘hit‘l’. In .llullft' P91]! in l v circuit I'l ur'. .If'z-r l‘..i\ n: t-n‘et'to-d E Irl\;l'i':il1II.I-n» .irru'..w IllPll h)?‘ which rmvliml il-‘JUIW it real wtu'e and ("Ia-r trop- erty llï¬â€˜ lint: Q‘lllt‘rtll no r'oIl-ul of lli‘ “IV-‘3 \Ili' .iI'H'r 'lTl-Ii III Iiiivi'lox.s§l.lid hwn ilmnlci .i .‘.;at ...-Q “‘3‘." 'J. i‘S'Iiilt she a’uml nil him. STREIgOR â€" l'l‘r~i-< aid drliera siiï¬ered tense'y from lin- great heal. .-\I hon ‘ the Iho-rri'nnvn Ii-r ed loo In the ~li.itlo- and “1 ~ will go lng high . The (In) lmllrt‘ If “as said to iv been tlm lo’ we: do (or a decadgln ervn‘or lthn “ero- easy will: their hi‘l’“0~' :Itd corked their. ramfuliy In the vary nwrnlng preparatoty for the aftvriu on‘s ward. , f. DlXONIâ€" The wonten of this city exercisedu their riphl to vote here for 9. ï¬rst time “hen the twen- I} year tension or the hi: on tAnter- worka I chlse than Mlllmllled to the voters of in" rlty. The uorun show- ed their htvrest In the trope-ll on by castlnr ope-fourth of the Io‘nl ute. The proxggltlon carried Iy 12:: mujorl- ty. largeiï¬ by the votes' of n‘t‘nien CHAMtIGN - Worm n particl- paling their tint innnlrll :1 election ‘ 'd llo'rr‘ (lf‘Clllt‘Il In ll‘r‘ a!‘ flrrnatlve he question of in lllyllfl the city {or 517mm "or the I of two automobile fir» Irnr'rs nut mod ern nre ï¬rlitlng .Ippura’m one hundred "id went} v-xorriu‘d their gutï¬â€˜agp trifling» Tl.» vii carried ha a Vote or 'v‘l 'n 47: “TI has" nn'vw'. ... 71â€â€œ EAST :sr. LCUIS â€" Ti.» rm jury COKEI’H' d entir‘y of innit-n that u ewr rhmrn in Ill-t St Louis, co ‘lt‘ted alhlllt'l‘ will. u in Justice George ZIt-ue-In -;..r t o. my Mrs. Bligh Thomas ‘IH tried for dlslurbln Ithe peace of her tmlizhbor, Mrs, Ed§rd .\'.(~Klnley, found guilty and ï¬ned .'- 00 and costs 3‘ _ . __ ELGIN llelni: pinned livrwath ihls auto . bllr whlth turned turtle on ;a narrowgcountry pike near Huntley, 3111., twelée mm north of her». I.. ’Judd Morgan. tuenti-two years old. iowner or p garage at Hampshire. III, ‘Incurred it fractured «pine and Is to illeved to“be fatally injured. ' DECA lwidow 01‘ he founder of James Mull- iken unl‘vgulty, 1- dead. r E. [llss- . R -â€" Mrs. Jamel Millikan, L us rich.â€" Henry Ward Bee-her THE mmmmmcm PARKWS osreuoeo ms clarion. Andrew Jackun Showed! He Had a, Grim tonne of Habitat. ; A \‘lrtrlnlau ten-run used to tell hnrv' Andy Jni'knnn uu-d lmln‘ot (mung lr‘ the mull-nits that lie throw up In do» tonne of how llrlt'ulll. and ll win out iirully a matter of Indlfli-ti-ni-e Iu liltii I'llum- i'nllull l‘t' HUI-lo} 01‘ Sum.- n! â€In I‘Ullllll lmlrlleuwl lo {-0 long to it I'll“ Hll'l‘t'lllllll. The tner f‘hulll folloiio-l lll‘ hallo-n nilli ilogllke dt'YIIIlUlI lli- Iml l~-ur lo [rut bllll‘t‘.( :iu.i_\ (nun Ilmia ll.- Wit: Itninllng l|\l'r Iln-III ii lli'll Jan-Lulu lid;- pent-«l to «Iran routing up lU lili- Illl-‘l, ll la ililliiugu- (or now own to '2l..t' II,\ ...; I .oIMl IIV‘JF nrnl. lll' mm! "\i‘lI.~‘i-\.I loll \ll [IIUI-v'IlI l- .-.u- ‘wl IIul II ‘I~l la: prntw II-il ’ 'lll.l ~.I ii Ln » ~- 1" I- 7‘- lllI~ ls \IHI? .'l I ll I‘.'|' . -I . ~z : . . ilIIIIY ILI- ' 'll- l’I I>i1~ :i - l ‘ » ' ' viI . (it‘r‘l it ~ I . I I . I c \. In . I - H .‘l. E'.E",:“T c- I " J11. One To" t H v‘ 1 L l \ Poe .r l ’.» J l | tr' (oi‘ I' --I.- ‘ l I mil ..{v , . t I l\ \ l t .l \\ t l . t I I1 . I... Jim ,- .II _ i»' )_’.ilii I. .‘ .. . >I . I I‘ 'I ",'I:. l». .l'~ ':.I-- _Iuit' I . ,\~ . 'o I .h-ir- 'l‘-»-I-v'1..~I.'u .0.†t r ‘lfp H t:.- \ rum tI-d \l\h 1'. III] I; 'l‘IIIIIIIu- Ill-"1‘ .I.- no! (It. 2’ figur: ~ I r '!.r ¢~IIi-I,'I I. lili-It lil"'i."l i|~ .l : .IIi-r of {I I II I~ ‘I:I“l‘r._\ lilll UIIII \\..‘ rut llr~~lll'l' â€All I. :IIin- Ill..II 2.. { ill. ..I.. .1 If .".Illll..’li .'I \v-;..v 51. Illr {J I M "IIu-Vllll fl-f‘ Il..‘~ hi“! Vilil \ ll‘l: t- l~ nil \lll Iii lll.Il IL.» .Ill‘llll Ir. rm‘illm I-rw Illu' In 1. ~I «' rt. vol “ll“ lI |>~'\~l-~-t~1 llll‘ 1‘ ~I~rn~ l-f i-I..-r-.:) IvoI IIIII Ilw ill L'\l"|llll .ml llir ‘llillllll .II -~i.l.in it'd-I ("1‘ t-m'ru} llu' â€Ill: III..:\a-‘- Hill Inut l‘ttll.ll'. Ill ~.< I l't'llll'lll 'l'lh' i~\ llll‘ll- t' H! Um unlulc-rftx llll' ‘IIUlllIHI mutt-Hr ll. ralully numm: .Ili.,IIl- eIxrrqu-s III t‘li'llil'l.lh of (*H-I'MIJ) l-IIIII; .Iml . n-Iithis llll' of the opinion lIIIII ill'lllH“ Iln-‘t‘ Fatl‘l!‘ ill‘ano'flt‘t Iilzi) II. ll'I .- .i Irr llll' “lliiit‘ (â€litre of lllu lllllllltll rm u _ The Kitchen Blink. II I! u ~l.lll\llrtll r.nt IIi.t farm on lllt‘ll lll!‘ outlier Ilizin «lo fzit'Iil tin-u nnli Ilml llI-I\u‘ “In. .urxiu- [In- terim of - i. . ‘ . ‘ . I Illlltl~lr\ rink IIi lii.lIIh dummy ll.lll .o'IIoâ€"r "mull-r.- ‘ 1 â€r Ame“. mm“. do the tin-n 'l’Iu- u|~|~t<llr I~ ltm- In IH\\II ’l'llt-r‘v l~ Ito (luIIlIC in In] nlvllli (lint llll' luau-wt {in-tor In tho Ila-\q-lnl» llH'IIl I" lll'~ \l-Ill‘ ml :in “Ya I‘ llw “luv flll lurk o! llIl-If unlit: ioiIInuiIIu-s in tln- (.Iv'm unumnn #llllllt‘ \luni ll-th’b‘!‘ In the uoiintr) un- ~tiII w Ill-nil IlI'II gri-nllwl of Lil-If mum‘s :I km ‘1 1Ԡ.Ink. :1 ~1Iik \\’lh x. [411.111 Hr {.'Illti'l :IIiI \‘llll a drum l?1HllYL’--Ill ll’wlil .l 'l'li.» IlIl'r\lIrL' n .«uil oil of '\.iu~r 1‘ ill“ â€on! Lil-MIMI- nilil l-mk liriuiktli; [.'l‘h n! .III Il.-~ l...ul l.l\k)- I-i-lom; IIL' In Ilh- In-qulumpr' llltlt‘ l~ In- «II-sti low for n LII‘ lll'll SILK, If \--I -.II‘ will I'MI um- I'I t..- I» \(~ t It 1'1 .- IIII~ )i'Il .Illl If \~-l ll.|\~‘ his in lv‘ir: ~1L il'l I" If Ila I'm ftd‘ill ‘Il. l'.l.'l;. . l l‘irl"l|il‘ Whv People Travel. Honk lliei .mil it In ouli I) It.†lll..l llu :III-o- l‘*v\ .:7‘l' -_w m; ll! li-rII'o ‘4>II.n'l'Ii,I‘_’ t‘llll.’ tlmt I'. -~\ LI)iI\\ll'{l,'!' .l-uw Huh-i llamiuw II in‘ lk‘ lln-lll Io gi-I l-c-llu-r ncqo..li.lml \\ll'll Ilu-Ir llflL’lIlI-Il'~ norm- of whom llll'\ .In- {nun-«l to hi'l in wilh on llivlr Irri a-f-t iiIII illm Ul l’l “at lI'iu\' lI" llnnune I'm- ill-tor lolln them they OllL'lll Io llwnIi-r It gin-a llii-ni the Illu-Ion of urn-riorlty "ml furnish†tlu-tn wlth mph in of mini enuntlou lie-muse It (‘mla more than tlivy can muni ‘ RHullM‘ Iln-i don't know all the di- ngmnlilo tlilnuu that I'Ill ham-en to thenr Berlin!» It In the only I'ny In which they t'nli Ills-in or how rotufoflablr they are III home » life. Hum at the Wine. Anytlilux that 1.: ~tn~trtn~d I. iipt to be thrown into \liirllllltll In the force of the :Ilr lllll“ mt: agn‘n-t It It It VI- hriili-s no run .u to lihvdllt‘r the tilt “him lll'll our i-ur‘ t‘llll lu-nr tlu-n Hi I lllll l~ wImI is \\ll.ll «:Ill «still-l Iiiq-tn-n- to I'n~ Ii-lrgrnlih “Irm- Illt‘ll Hill] I! we [Illl i-Ilr lIJIIHl on u l: tlii-y Iiil'u IIn- Ivli-grnl ll pull» yu- plI-m fool (lint Iln- ulrw \II-rnti- strong \ enough to ~i-I llln' \\ Iii-Ir pow ll’t‘llllli rig [on lint whvn Iln- .iiv I~ ~I|Ille Itâ€! the (Ni-graph “UN" do not hum ' Vary Attontiva. "I can't :v-t mi Snlp the tailor to [my any Illlt'llll‘lll to low." ro-Iuarkml ltul» lilrixli "That's ~Ir 1.2.2" said slfllllt‘l’l "He's Inna! uswlumn I“ hid nttn-ntlou to ma. Sends nu- Ihrw or {our bllll every month "â€"Ilurtn-r‘s \Vu-ltly Ealuly Explained. Elderâ€"l! ion ladle-Ye tlmt ererytliing that takes place Iii fom-rdnlm-d why did you wullop the man too caught stenling your wood? Item-on llwauw I couldn't help It I felt that It was foreoniuined Iliitt I should wallop him. -â€"lSoaton Trauacript. In this world It In not what we tat- up. but what we [Ire up. that matu' . port ......OOOOOO‘ODOCOOOOOOOC: O I GENERAL NEWS. ‘:OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCC 00...... AUSTIN. TILâ€"ll liar tear. ilanned by Denitrrall or You. In rain 3 large (and I) [-9 In r'llr rllllt. !.r the benefit (I S rrrttr. ll Hiya \\' .1 III lr [lid (Hr I'rirn The LU r-_\ to him on ll». (mt . it" i lllal l.« ngrrtw in Ll li' Il< '. l‘ t‘ t r 'l.Yr )ih'. Iotrn itLll i'i-M Ir I.» «i. I I 'II o to It» dull. h i! I... p All i" arm.‘ 1.! 'I'hr mlt\I‘II.OI'. van -I r it? a fun d‘}n|)tl.l lynx Tour lilllhltv tru'n n l.l.l ll“Xl ha r nlrru‘.) lliifrrd ll. “lilJ‘ t- rtrllutliL- amt» liliiJ' 'I: II l‘l'l II n‘ U 'llt u) Il.r {rind Sl.l>1:.,‘lvlr uni Iv :nkri. ‘r. i.u.~ II I. 'llifv at 1 1. ‘tlx' u tr) rl.‘. f put: '1 4' t‘. r: .pau 3A .‘ I "It ‘ In 't t . mu ‘7 “la" \‘I It .1. At 'uuial- l . z . ‘ \ 'l) i' {ll . vyngwlhï¬' ~ ' -i ' . ' l. ‘ , l . .'I . N . t . . ' 14. . WA‘O<‘\L.T(N . . I ' I ‘I l . . l ‘n. '«r - l I- I I‘ a"i' i L: \ l ‘,r.ilr)r-: i I‘ t. ; I i‘. a. .0110" . ~ - t ' A a ' Zha' Ll l 'I h' " 'll' 'll' ‘ .1l'i' ' |Illl .;i> \ II'I‘ It Ii I! . 'tiI v 'lillllI r l I v» v.v I ‘\ all {in ' n i ‘a l'i I ll'« '.I.o l in. . NEW ‘OVK -u.\~.-- ,l H .'. i! I’: t.-»rl!.ur~' â€.c l.l I? .. 5. ..‘II ' \I ll {.'.li ' 'lftl'“‘llll' llV'I‘IVY. ymcnu'l r-i‘ i)ll‘1"ll PnOrr' Ilm noy‘l ui-' l'r 3 «lil'. Ihnl 37:.4' uh). [I tu‘. I " .'I' ~t-t" | I I" 'lJ «In I. Lin- u Lixul in: YkSl' Pro; l‘l.; "I irrI 1", Irv “t \I . ll.llrlll"“I"' ‘0' “Lil it t ‘n I'. '-‘Y l tlnfrn' lhv Im-w'a hip L‘Ilt‘ .'ir 'llm llariHrIx rival... ll. “out In flil' llâ€.- '! at [YIIL tlu- I.oy'I. I\ lirt.ltr'.nlur WASHINGTON. D C â€" Fen-Iii ,l the (‘I II the llnnJlltII I,i\~I.~ Ian till! a- l! tlu~rtl Ilia! 'lir n..- (I! Irml‘y l.“ mu tunic-d |ro.or ."rrox 11.1.: 'ry, at lIIllHYl’d â€If "i .I‘. a prulrlti. has: trout ll..- llllli ll Ylmurh I..Ill(.li lllvill A" u tv-ull hr nnrmtJntâ€"d hi! ll. ll'l'lll. to It'rmii-lv a IIII'. hfllil‘ 4011101 ,li.‘\ ‘.“,I .:~ "l"ii‘llirl' in.) ‘ Al ri-ady Il-ti- 1- .i "0"le Itin' M.l 't llililttl. n l'ai) " h-‘Ixh'l: ' Mullnl \ ht WASHINGTONA-Thr I: .I I . I v- u! Mn“ 1. .\l \.. I :l knin “1"“: U’ ‘v7., for 'l~: I.-.Ii.'-t~ m-upIc-tl lli ultrntlon «vi (‘illlh'lII‘ I l-." rill! {llm In; 1|! ll""'ll‘7-'l"llrâ€ilill\ - n.i - " 'lli' e .I 'mr‘ll h'l‘ I . l. - "In 'r~‘ r flll‘l."l I 'I St II ' to \.\.\ t» \\ '.I‘ “I n ' il‘ '1' hit " I .- - r t '.’ I“ ll . NEW VLFV. â€"- iK. ' \ I ha \|‘ .'n "'1' i’ ". l'citmi \.i"ll l... rm! â€Him art; A 31 Sn 1" \ ... rvv‘r‘otti"‘.c~ \... \vv- (it.lr.il .l-i litti~ l.l\tl linl 'IIL‘ .t.li.iit,\ M'lt‘ np,i'i.cd liturhtn- va~1irg .'lt will?! up I'l‘llul v-Il n}. roarL' II.- 11‘ II. prom-«ft! y~ ll ir" - Ili- trr'Iztct v- I'J‘I'Iulfl'fl lll‘ll'l llv \ru at l‘.‘ ntimmfn H; D '( 'Ila LIN.“ at 1 II“ PHILADELPHIA, PAâ€"Tloâ€" ‘I'*‘ l1"(‘\"'d Iltt Norm dan‘arr In )thle mam Yk‘l ’uili urd (‘u udliunu .i. this rtiitr At tho- Iatrr gap Illr ' mm! terrll‘.( rlrrlrltal and ran. rurn In the lilimry ol the mountain nylon» nnrro..ndlrg the l‘e'auarr nutter n1 belan after 11 :10 in Ihe "lurldhl ant. daniau- lo the extent of lilynoo u... uroughl WASHINGTON -â€" It I; Pollock section dlrrclor of thi- wrathar bureau at Trenton N J. l’ruleanur ll 1 Helrhril of the othce of melleornloxi and Daniel J (‘arroliv chief clerk «1' 'lrwnnllrrlv"r1|u,lnllilf‘l'ri‘. ll. 'lm nf'I-pd Iw Iva. avllii'} II firiilrr IthI “2.1- l. \Itore, lllllh ir-u lt-d It: hit ‘0‘" tINlP i‘..-Ii.‘.~\ii‘. â€not“! I'll“ LONDONâ€"«Eduard llaiiilllnn \l: “Hind Mli i-l Mr ..i: I‘Iut. Sltl‘nrmlrk ‘. \layfa r, and (‘htlur um “um-ll In Jthl. lnr Hawk rlwrrh Fir!) “lake, \orlrhlr- n l" i I! “it“ around daughter o! \'r :it I! Mr! "Inï¬ll!- Samurlmn of But» ItiYIIillh tiIIvf ‘~'l\ l. l’ l’nt'lorif r 'i- O. (I: lvrullï¬ll llafi, Til?“ VIENNA â€" Tle Austr‘an Hun narsnn gnu-tnriiriil uI.I snail a n» from a cmnmlniml of Aiirtrlai chaliulu-r of con nicrtr Ihlrh nlll ilnlf Sat. anrom lulu" deciding whi-th or In parlli I' ate in the Panama l'arl flc «it oyllll n BOSTON â€" Not In iomo yea" has the meeting of theI Nallcnal l‘om mime of the l‘nltad lrtali League-I 01’ America been no lonely “imam “I ‘wu that in the grape arbor ct the hotel Leno: with Prmnt Michael 1.; Ryan of Philadelphia ta to chit. I ' k“ A‘ 1..†" . z . ‘wn'F-TTFVS‘ V'W‘“ ' - u \‘l .l ..‘\ [1. \. .. I~I. cl): ;l\« 4 ~ ‘(I l i; c. , .I‘ . l l. I . l i‘ D , 4 I Highland Park Fuel Co. 102 N hut St .m . I l Estimates gladly fir.» niahed on all work and Fixtures Building Material lllk\1k'\ ill ‘~.'ll l‘ll 1 “(phone 335 .- . t« or thought u! by tlwguf. Ml» . lwwrullf whet: ~ ' nut h sue-cl l)"( ktd luead and hll’it It really an riI-magmur lm her to um Ila work and morn} ofhm I.†2.;- Fmr Inrad Ireuli every .‘...x drinered at any dooron order, . Innzr~ ,ltviu'l St l hear a: to “Hike lituii pert Shoe Repairing (Uri us repair your Sill Ics. Our prices are the lowest and our work the best and absolutely guaranteed. (Don‘t throw away your old shoes, rubbers, tires of all kinds, clothes, etc, we'll buy them and pay you a good price. \Vc call for and de‘ liver goods when desired. Tele- phone us and we'll attend to your wants promptly. pf 198 d Highland Park Shoe Repairing Shop - 108 W. Central Ave :: Telephone 198 The Long Distance Telephon Adverflses Itself ' Wherever men converse, on business, poiltlao or Sport; whenever women chat, the word Telephone is often mentioned. One describes with pride :1 new and ingcn‘ ious use he has found for the service. Another marvels at the rapid strides 0‘ sc1cncc. A third gives a cordial invitation to “Call me up,†Of all utilities or commodities there is no other which is so frequently mentioned, showinï¬. that it is the Service of Universal AAPPï¬â€˜ cation. Chicago Tt‘it'l)h0ll€‘ Company C T. Ford, Manager Trie'pli: inc 95! ’15 “want a H r