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Highland Park Press (1912), 21 Aug 1913, p. 2

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Mi.» .\nna Maxy [Mn uf Mrs .Iauw“ < [)nnl: kn h‘H «'husr-n Szlhn"! ‘JT. fur hr-r meinu le nmrriw! m .Inhn llnw Mrs, Henry J Rt'lll_\' Hath of the bum: Lie-01‘ in Highland Fun “’3 “Wyn-ml} Thvre‘um'c nu lnuvhwnls zu Exniu \: on ladivs‘ din of Us! WNt-k fur men that delightfulh (‘UUI club housr- was uncomfortabl) warm in [11» sizzling hot weather of Saturday meewr, the more courageous venturr-«i out in the more courageous venturr-«i out in the evening and dinners Wt‘l‘v given by Richmond Dean. H Van Schnlck, Frederick P. Boynmu. C C. Bur-H. R H. Husaey. M. J IDSL‘”. C W. Chaplu. W. M. Burton. F. E. White and Fred» erick A. Schafl. The result of the afternoon playing :t Exmoor was In follows: 1‘ H. Coul- ler won the eighteen-hole handicap It Exmoor. returning a curd of 32-Hâ€"68. Pint honors In the approaching and putting contest went to Ward W Willettl. Mrs. Perseus M. Barker of 3% East Forty-second street announces the marriage of her daughter. Ida Alvlra. to Frank Hamilton Kerr, am of George B. Kerr of Highland Park. which took place on Wednesday of last week. The boxes at the Lake- Forest Gymkha.1a on Saturday wvrv crowd ed. Among Hixhland Parkwrs prvflr’nl were: Mrs. W, A. Alexander, who had a party 0! friends in her lmx. Mrs J McGregur Adams had Mrs E. Pays-m Hoff and her daughter, Miss Edna Hot! of New York. as her guest», and Mr and Mrs. Julius Rusvuwald "H‘P also boxholdvrs Th9 fli‘si meeting 0! the Highland Pnrk group of dancers wlm are to give the Russian dance-s ai ihv liar» vest festival of all nations h) be held at Ravinla Park In September. was held at the Moraine on Friday even- 1113. M153 Mar} O'Donnell entertained the Euchre club on Monday evening. On Monday evening Mrs. M‘ C. Lundgren was hostess to twenty-five guests at a lawn party givon In h'm'u‘ 0! her dnlghter Gertrude} Mrthduy lnniverstry. ' Mrs. Ward W. Willits vntvrtalned at a hug» bridge paru [nu I-‘ridav nnemoou In compliment to Misa Ema Hofl. the gnesx of Mrs J MrGrégor Adnms. Mrs. McCauley was hostess at a small bridge party Wednesday after- noon. xnguat 15‘ Decrfield News Items Mann Gordon and Stuart Kchlcr are visixing with their father at the Deerlick Mrs. Olcar Beecham entertained at n dinner Thursday in honor of Miss Elin- beth Ciark of Irving Park. who was the guest of her sister. Mm W. A. Whiting. VIII|III. Iva-u .-.-._ .'.,V Farm. Mrs. Olcar Beecham entertained at a dinner Thursday in honor of Miss Eliza- beth Clark of Irving Park. who was the guest of her sister. Mm W. A. Whiting. Mrs. R. N. Lord of ChicaRO. wits the week-end guest of Mrs. George Penis. The Missionary Society of the Presby- terian church will meet at the home of Mrs. J. A. Reichelt. Jr.. Thursday after- noon. A special program for young people has been arranged. Miss Winifred Supple has issuedimcita- tions for a children's party at her home. Supple Farm Wednesday afternoon from three to six o'clock. Miss Louise Huhn entertained the chil- dren of her bible class at a beach party at Highland Park Tuesday. The trustees of St. Paul's Evangelical church and of the United Evangelical church and theI$ession of the Presby- terian church have granted to the directors of the Deerfieli’tirammar school the ion vilege of conducting classes in their re spective edifices until the completion of the newkhool. A fourth class will be held in the town hall. School WI“ open the 22nd ‘bf September and WI“ be held two weeks lam! in June than usual Miss Frances Biedentadt from Pa“ Paw Lake Saturday returned Mrs. Reichelt. Jr., entertained at a luncheon Frxday in honor of her guest. Mrs. Schneider of Jefferson Park. Mr. and Mrs Hock and family and Mr. and Mrs. Weber of Logan Square were the guesxs of Mr. and Mrs. P Rosebro SundJy. Union Christian Endeavor sen ices were held in the L'nixed Evangehcal dumh Sunday evening. Mus lx'cnc Rugken m- dejcgat: m the International L‘hzxqmz: EndeaVJr C-m\em;~:; if. Lns Angulu; 14.: month, gaxe a report «,af ”‘6 nwetmgx'. Mr. Rosebro s . '.nd i} ".. nr: m; sun on '35 from the ext "19 kn : I c ‘12.: (f bhlf' Mr 5 I-ran-x’ Pe «Mr um; {um HER; 5010 Marc I) a Land «.vr E Jr: Dc- light? For the FIRST all FUTURE cleaning. AMSemce cm and deliver Wednesdays ma? Saturdays 506 Davis Street The Social Side of Life I II--- - A».n...-\. u; 5pm '2éq“‘£g"yr"n‘ sass Evanston ' DYERS 3638 William Parker 8U Co. have your garments of delicate colur and fabric ruined bx inferior clqangrs? I \00 can hate UV: (M'ginal Color LifL: and B:aut\ retained bv sending “them to f' the Lake- Forest hzu xi] 5h" i3 H RAH}. i ”1 hf \Xmuw! \d\v .h'nzmv-l f Winn.” ncul Affairs of 'the week 1"!) H the Ob‘encr In uf HHHH Mrs anr} Duh uA‘ Monday at a~ snmll brim“- in hnuvn' pf Mrs mun Mrs l-‘rr-dc-xivk \\' ('ushtn: u! m» )luralue entertained at bridge on Mun day. The card pqty was (”flawed by a tea to whii‘h I numlwr n! (\(Iw-r guests were in vllvd For seven] weeks variou» uewum- per: have been announcing n chil- dren's play. “8an Crew." to be given at aninin Pnrk‘on Thursday. Auflut 28. under the direction of Miu Ann- Morgan This in Incorrect Ind il- though the play had been consideredl no definite plan. had been mnde. in place of the [1].)" Mins Morgan nn- nounces that n dnncer, Miss Portla Morgan Swen. will xiv» the progrnm for the chlidrv‘n on that afternoon Miss Swen is nu imvrpwtlw danvor and will xiv». among othvr vinnr‘m. \vx lumn Huttvrfiy. i’v'wr i‘an i’zutnral and Shadow lnxltutinus uvrr- ivmwl '.\n~ Wv-vk by thv Highland Park «‘nxuntattuv n! the Artlv-n Shun: As‘mx‘lull'ltl M a 24' vle'u pant) and glam» tn ln- :twu at Lo-tlgwlnvro, thn-ihnmo- M .\I: will \lrs’ Robert It fire-(m \ un Suturtl |\ August :0 t'rnm l'untll v”. ,:u all '4 wt til 11 o'clock Mt" (Hum-nun uro'zu Interest In th (mt-ut-Ilum ‘(lmol hr that la rt-allx what the: vamp h. 1: wvll knuwu and In turttn-r intern! and raise mane) {or thv support u! Arden Show the ontm'tamnwnt I'HI take place 1m th» axtwnsh'v lawns uf‘ the (Prrxul) home Ew-ry mw who has \‘lslted Ledtvm‘o-rr- l-t aqumlntml wlth its nnoatelfiatmun and lnvvly gur- dvna, lts tr-nnlg ('nltrt ttw ull fn-h lonml rnm- zlr mt'vu'h H4 ill” (hut whlch makv this (‘umtn lllllt‘.‘ Moll fur the wandertnfi mlnntrvls ln charm- uf Miss Edna Huff. solu dancing h) Mlas Pnrtla filnnsfield Stht Johnny Hand's orchestra will play for the- general danclng; [that nrchmtrn's name. dear to the heart 0! eve-n om ’(‘hlcagoan and mpny 0f thn ynunxe-r .svt. alone will' attract Highland Pnrk- ers are preparing and taklnz 0‘\Pr_\' lnwanu to make this a rare auccvn. .\I Miss Helén Fiddlnr and M158 Edna Haskins of La Grmgc have been the guests of Miss Winifred Supple‘ Miss Kathryn Saar of Chicago was the guest of Miss Ruth Reichelt last week. Messrs. Louise Rommel and William Duffy spent last week at lebuum u :1}. Wnsconsin. Messra Philip and George Rockenbuc} are fishing relatives Ln .-\:hl.md, Wu and Fanbault. Minn Mr Theodor! Knaak IS trax'clzt‘u m th'cast. Mr \ernnn ()unckel rL-txrc‘ .u: Arc-.1; 1mm Halesburg ) Mn. Jame‘ Snydrr h,” anther. Mrs. Farrcl w! ‘\.:: ' \T' -< R'Uh 9:1"th .1leth {'14 k. :1: :x; hndmur Sod! :‘Xkuim :2 ‘n 1.4“ M.\“.1;Jn Tusdzx'y men; (1.0: u: Mus BcLLm- Form; “Educafiay r." 121‘; “up my :,"><‘ L.’ '.\i\c 1â€"1!”er In h’.‘ \ Hi IIH; mvmém" luh {Dub Evanston, Ill. Xlu M [110‘ )H M r \‘ \Lh LUSIH>§ ml snmli I'lm‘hmm mm S""']l «If 1 l n \l m‘ Ll purt'! 1'1: H‘MH) hull»: H H4)! HIM H‘v Mr. and Mn Carr and daughter Beuâ€" rice. and Mr. and Mn Kerby of Liberty- ville, were the guests of Mr. tad Mn. George Karch Mood-y. Mrs. Osborne 01 Cum ‘MiHs. Ind, 19 vmun.’ he: nwlhcr, Mrs, Gauge Mmgrr. Mm Dorothy Supple u 1h: sun: of her niece. Mrs. landlaw. Mr. and Mr:. Edgar Morh»1.’.\ .w of nghhnd Park \ m'u: with \11~ in u :Vrlt. Jr‘ \undax \1r~. \M'tcnlzzt-j.--r wt g .u 4,;- ,~ (In xu :t n! hm slsil‘f. .\|r.- hank Luau: .‘dr .md Mr». \‘lHlahd sun Eduard wen- lhe gun” of Mr and Mrs Wm} mulhrr xn Uncago Sunday. One or the most auccesslul metal exents o! the season for the young people In the progressue dmner part) gnen by Mrs Ltnenln Pettt: and Mr: Fred Haw m honor of Mn C. W. Peuu'meve. MIDI Edna Cooley and Mm Pear! Langden of Massachusetts The fint and lust murm were daxntly served by Mr: L PCHIL and the second by Mn Hague After the dtnner a very emopble evening was spent m dnnrma the tango at the hum: of Mt: Petal: An adjourned meeting of lhc nllage board 0! :ruum "I: held Monday eve» mg I! the Village hall. In the shame ol the regular clerk Mr Rely. made \luk iproremr An ordxnancc granrmg (he l Sundard ()1! Company perrmumn to erect i and maintain warehoum (or uonng 01L 32(C.. on their at: near the lumber yard. M!» Liam hndcr rnicnaznrd her of lame: a( a panh pan) m men! to .1 number H! mm at (.M: among uhnn: mcn- Mrs Krch‘uf‘ .\.\',aml.\1n J h-‘rfr of km M Y.. “ha .In- :hc gu Ms ”1 Mn [index ‘12,) Khlmwth park .31 Ur[\\1»'IJIlullprAlt‘ ML» M H LudlmA n! \31.‘ .ug “wk end guest of Mrs S 5 1‘ Mus Eleanor Meyer mletlamvd a! a Mun pany Tuesday evening 1n hnnur of her guest Mm Irene McCadIe othungu. wu panned eta-motion by Penn and uccondcd by Krm Sever-l ”dew-1k 0r- dmanca were pout-d prondmg lov cun- crete "Mu on the oouth udc o! ()ucr man Ava. 3cm. the rmlruad n‘hbo! In on the oouth sad: 0! Dtvmon $1.. from 2nd St. to Mr. Hum-n Pavlov“: vulk. and on the out side of 2nd St from [human St. to Drerfield Axe The Merl we. authonzcd (0 advcrusc for bids 1”! the laying of an 18 alh‘h dmgx; In): (run. liar (Jill uni arm (I: [he “a! draumgr h an.” wt” pruba‘Mv the taut-a! {a “r mrr plm rd an (2w 1 Rd: (ildl‘JifH! Dv'cr held Lu: Sunday dch’aird Lnnu h} m: Ek-IYC I)! .I In 1 Thr \leUZ) firm "”3! Now! In the thud Inning “urn lhr) erit‘d Hm! fin! and only run uzth 1hr did U! a In! A sacrmcc fi) 3:121“ rrrrun 'I’hr first man up In Lhn mnnng doubled to nghl. Lonnmc, {or me Humxx tul lowed vmh a long fly to the right helda which ad~lnccd the runner to thud The Mr: \\ A'Il‘Hle' Mn next mm popped to Ear! who threw w Ihlfd MI 3 double Nabllnm mufled the ban and the runner warn-d mum- Seablomx n-cuvered the hall m nmc- 10 watch (hr runner gmng hume- bu! ”an )u-r Burns dropprd I pcrtn‘x throu and xhc man Kurtd [)cerhvld dud not sun to count unnl the filth Burns, the hrs! man up singled and Kn-sau‘ followed thh a pretty bunt along the thud bust Imc ndvannr‘ Burns to hunt! Lestug ungled sendmg Burnt-home “nth the nut tnllv. Then up come: "Hutch" and poles in three bugger ovcx the lctt ficldel'n head. scoring Lestug. The nut two men up were easy out: and the ande was re-‘ tired. Neither team scored alter the fifth Inningt Kresa pushed the beat game of hu bnel career and had conuderable more than hl! opponent. He allowed five huts and hls control was no good that no- body walked. Hubert for the Hutton was not hit hard exceptlng in one fatal Inning. The game was replete I'llh spectacular catches and fast double playa. Whiting. Deerfield'l center fielder. made two great catches. one atter a long run back and the other none handed atab after a run from center held almost to second base. Oberreuter at second ac- cepted ten chances Without an error For the v'mturs. Worke a! first and Goethe at set‘nnd, played feature ball The game sum-red a slight delay tn the ntth when the “L'mp” weight‘JUl lbe. ‘wa- hut mth J (hruan ball “huh kc'ch‘d hlzn Incl. \Vater killed to run: him and only Ant! want one produced a flat flask cm. lzlr mu-rest him Again The hole “a: soon filled up. Mms Bessie Carulanlh \lsl!‘f.,g mth :ru-nds m Michigan h hr next regular tut-rung (porn! hum KIM-«1.1), Np! 1 V ’wr I’m In lurxdu \rp'. .’ tinting Mud Decorlling W." Pnper. Etc. Suppliod Geo. H. Morris Mri Krfh‘uf‘kurku ’rfr 0f Rmhrstrr .\ ‘1‘ wf MN bun-1:1- Ywmi rd .1 nun In u-mph w dex mm LOOK AT HM hum an! ( huh- .1 (hr about H5O "I |\ nln‘ h fro-l lan‘bl- d~l‘h|lr n \Hn: 'IMHH' a u nulmlc nhu” Xu- lml'h-l n..-1 Hugh {In-mm \n-sh-ll) tut n mun“... oldmr .HHHIII'} .A'.d nu; urn-n Ilfiv {rel m n pnlnl r-ll Hi! 1N1 u-mhrxl) 0! HM nmlhvrh Hue ul wnluu In lh-Tuubh- uwnn- and \wehr 112: («-1 Inner!) .1 m.- mum”) line of ()rwu Mu mud n! “Lulu point 1 manhole null hr )0 Hum] ..mi from thence nunherl) m-wn hundrvd Ind exam-um Gan NOTICE OF LETTING CONTRACT m-wn humor"! Ina Hxnurnsm um- um! glmilri in llu- (mun-x {luv at Green U1) IUIIL a! “ma. paint I nun hulr am] t‘m-hm; (unnm-nun plum hr lurulad In H- tH) H! Human“! lint Luke» (‘nmn lllmnh n u I'hnlr In Zil'l'u‘hih't' \afih 1hr (”dim-mm 'Ir't {nrv Sum hm: will In- L’lld (hm (:1 Sim! A l hmlr of 7 L“ rulnx'k p (.1 the [hard «I! In”! ”I ‘h" V") ”I1! {If HH‘ land Pink 11w hpé‘f‘ifllantlr and Lihm PM ah: ‘lll ho hxnluho-d IV th nmc lh!‘ “mind of but a! Imprnh-nn-ni lha- (‘1') ”MI 1111mm (‘11) 'Hn- (thmhw \HH lw 1mm {“4 a1 122.,m Magnum! l'N 'l.:m 'v'v ‘3‘ I'M ulvi uud Marc 5“ mg n! “.m- am of different colors by which he works into ers and sometimes a sort of poetry. (1 gets it by smoking hisI On his right is a pile of 3' his rug the traditions of his forefath In order to do that he needs inspiration an water pipe which you will see on his 'left. i The only thing he is sorry for is this, that he can‘t endow those colors with the gift of speech---then you might be sure‘to hear some Won- derfully interesting stories You might take him for a semi- barbar or a normad and to tell the truth that is what he is. But the skillful product of his imagination and fingers is admired and appreâ€" ciated allover the World on ac- count of their artistic qualities, decorative value and extreme dur- ability, provided they are taken care of properly. 'lht' (HHHhxvn' mdr “huh \mz. ‘ho :h' n.’ fin ny kind of advice or service regarding ydux for a sansfactory servia Id at least save you weary We are in your own community to give you a floor covering. Our experience of many years Is your assurance on account of being so nw to you we guarantee our charges will per cent. Kindly ask us for our estimate before you send your rugs away Harajian Bros. \H propu- 11* Ma nu o-nu In m» hw' “"1l 1hr width 'uld 1-111! "Ill lu- Opt 1 (“m .l~< flu.‘ and 1: will lu- ope!“ A an the N- \ ll :"X.. I! 1hr Hllx'k p n, I' (hr HMO? «I! 1,003! 111.; 'mrnn-nu *JL {huhhnu'a hnu-v a! nu; t'uunw l‘. m m n ',m\|nn at lu- .‘ I I him-n H;n\ Ina In! ”)9 rum mlvn I mm 11'! I ll)!‘ m 7L-- Prvth-m x‘. Ml In: ruu-umm. 1! u n} Hp'lumh um H 1 ‘hn-(‘v mun-x lw lh‘pflhlm Hulld u! llu uh HI"! Hm r“ IUI Hl of h) m, £51901! (naming Ga IDEAL FUEL “Everything we furnish has that Homé Made Taste” North Shore Fuel Supply Co_ JAS. C. BOYLAN, Mgr. Telephone 67 Let us furnish the material for your luncheons. dinners card parties, musicales re- ceptions. etc, PETROLEUM COKE We have the exclusive HighlandPark Pricesonapplicafion Rug Weaver : W b\' which he works intol 230 N. St. Johns Ave. m E13“?

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