W Price $1.50 pet Year is Mvnce Entered as second{ldss math-r Maxrh l. 1911. at the post 035:: at Highland Park lliinmS. under (he Act of March 3‘18?! REAL SATISFACTION You must use Nu-Fini-h to have real ‘dusung satisfaction'. You cannot get Nu-Fiui-h result: “ithout Nun-Finish. Every user becomes an en- thustast. A ma] wxll convince you it has no equal. / f PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY JOHN at Highland Park. Lake Coun Telephone :. .: Highlant THE HIGHLAND “RUM-95 I LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS I D. G PURDYM" SONS “MPOIATKD cleaned and poinhed. Try .1 23¢ bunk: I'YADLIIMI'D 1.74 Let us help you-for oil'hect- cu m dumbâ€"come are bane: than others. The one sure but THI'RSDAY. NHVEMBER 27 19M Mission Vaudeville Nights 25c Children III" 9. 15¢ Other Nights 10c; Children ndel line 5c Highland Park Theatre Come and see Highland Park’s Attractive New Four Acts of the highefl cllu Vaudeville obtain-hie. booked by the Wettern Vaudevulle Association Every Wednesday Saturday Evening 4 reel: of Pictures and Entertainer every ni‘ht. First Show A! 7:15; second Show at 9:00. West Central Ave. MOTION PICTURES And Vaudeville Choose An on is a marvelous duslimz. x.) cleamn - vhshmg h- quld. "it ll you just dust In [ht usual wav - / but what a dszen-m‘e‘ No dust flung m the room to settle down agqin. er". speck is taken up and taken nut 11‘! Jun stirred up. A d. at (Mame lune. wnh no extra wo k. your furnnuse. woodwurk and hardwund‘ flows an The Northwestern Cafe 19 St. John. Avenue. oppouite depot The Old Fashioned Kingl‘ Pure and Wholesome Home Made and Made to Your Order Open daily from 6:00 a. m. to 12:00 p.111. w JOHN L. UDELL (e County. lllmms Highland Park 562 axJin. FYI-'2 taken nu! 1w! for Christmas l-J ' Mrs. D. P. Sheahcn and Mn John Sheahen of W. Central Ave., were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mn Charles Launch of Chicago. The ï¬rst play to be given by the re- cently organized Evanston Player: will be “The Importance of Being Earnest." pre sented here In! W by local amateurs. The “Player!" is m amateur organiza- tion. Mr. and Mrs. A. Abcrcromble and daughter Juliet. and Mr. and Mrs. Cred: Brunnell of Chicago were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Rebling of W. Central Ave. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Mather Smith and family will leave December 6th for the math to spend the winter month: in Mrs. Wm. Noerenbcrg of S Semmd St, was operated on at the Augustana hrs- pital Sundav and is reported as doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Sedgwick will have as their guests Thanksgiving Mr. Sedgwuck's mother and sister, Mrs. M. R. Sedgwick and Miss Louise Sedgwick. Mr. and Mrs‘ Carl Lu‘her Odell. the latter formerly Muss Frances Stecver. will rrpide in Webster, Fla, nher th'cy return from thexr wedding trip. Mr. .md Mr‘ I edx \mlrdn 1r.†l‘nu‘rinnr >pllng~ Among the peoplc an {hr 5h k But this week are Mrs. A. Olundcr. Mn hum-m 3115.1,Furrarriand Mr P MHu'H Mr‘ .md Mrs (harlm \ Ym- “1H \lme [he-1r sunnm-r h-mw .Hmuf [ivwmtx-r first and W111 lne dl the Lnngrrs: huh-l 1n (Imago during the wmter â€)0“th The Christian Endeavnr Sonny uf thv Presbyterian church announre a sunrise prayer meeting to be held Thanksgiving morning at six o'clock. Mus Elizabeth Min-sku- n! Dec-mew Ana Pmd AH hvr guc-sl List ux-rk Mrs H RUSS or Unmgu sts Dorothy chscndrn u‘lurnrd 1::- ï¬rst of this vwek frum .1 xwrrfl neck. us†In [hr taut Mr and Mrs J H Ilnlwruf Iirrmmi Ave. Wcrr the Sunday guests at Dr 41d Mrs. Albert Dean M L‘hlcagn Mr E H f’arliqyiwm uf (human. m'l heme guest or Mr and Mm. Ntmucl Parlmmcnt over 'thr um-k HM Mrs Hanuhon Snmh. who has hem quxte III at the home 0! her daugmrv, Mï¬_ C. F. M. Smith. us much better Mr. and Mrs. Jnscph Lz' Clan of U11 (ago, were the Sunday guests nf Mr and Mrs V‘ Hunk, \kwpcr and umm the l‘xcshucn‘m ‘ hm A Work Hum .‘uan 7.71 r? L r .3 :;:.:. 5.3.x :3: .. :151/ ,2. (; 3,; x : 71L: gun \1155 (an! \‘nl \\ H r xh-z'lzn :1! n d; nmr Timnksgn mg 1.1g. 1! my wimp; H. v d‘mre :11 the Hmhmmi i‘uk x .uh Um! Mrs, S‘ C. (Plover and Mn“ (.2 Hr" vui spend Thanksgiving and rhr um‘kcu with Mr. and Mg. Juvph Halbnmk honu Edwm ernn |~ rrpmtrd n-n typhmd [mm A! \in«- â€mm- Luke Fun-xi. !~ '.\‘: A :. gm r' Ulkt‘nld\1‘~\ um t‘\e‘XZIHK LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS I Mrst W. (lerken entertained guests from Waukcgan un Thursday of last week. The new house on Dnscull court. tx-nng bum by Dame! Sullivan. :9 nearly com pleted. Cvnl Bullman of Madison, W11, \tsttrd at the home of Mr. H R. Loudon mer the wch end. Mr. and Mrs. Jnscph Lz' (Ian at (ht n'nm. u-yr» tho. <11"de gnu-‘1‘~ nt’ ‘1‘! MM The ï¬rst quarterly «‘nnfrrence ut the North Ave‘ M. E rhurch was held Tun day evening. Dr Immann. Supennf‘ cndcnt M the Chicago Nurthrm Dutnct of Methodist prx‘opnl t’hun hrs. had charge at the antenna: The momma was \‘rry encouraging and proved thnt I greater advance hgd been made then an hcturt In history of the hull thun h In another part of thin paper annoume mom I! made of pending ssh- at puhlu auction of the Kuxst turn The ulc- an†the plate nut Tucsdn .n lhv Hanu- and thr pmprrtv mil ’u- uttrrn! m (our! whr pn-‘e of 15 an†m u: tvm p.“ n â€t .- and '17 .n In em h sts i'nsulfu Lurvcr m!) Mummy ath-rnmm .H _' HI .|'_ 1! \‘Lh‘h'éll L'lu!) m ',n- hm: Ari.» \V .I Irk um). \shn has hm-n a! Slur. t hu~1vu-.~~‘.\~Ul rrlurn In h ~ ‘Jl'll .\\c Thunkxgumg I'M Telephone 948 1 f 1 PM h (IUN‘Hl ~mm iwhiéh every mmberof the church and iconmtion it cordially invited. The The High School debating Llub met Tueeday afternoon after uhool, twentv- four memben were preaent. The aub- ject was. resolved: “That the Syatem ol Avarding Honor Pin: Should be Raumcd Again in the High School." The alï¬rma ,tive speaker waa Gertrude McLaren 0! Jake Forest and Esther Baker wan the speaker on the negative. The )udgee. William Morton. Thomaa Findlay and Phillipe Speidel cast their vote in lavor ol the negative, two to one. Current events were given ably by Miriam French. Mary French gave a humoroua aeleclion lentitled. â€The Mihieter'l Blunder" by Mark Twain. Three new member- Raymond Geer. Clayton Yonker and Vertil Smith joined theaociety that alter- 'l‘lnsurrk Tuesday (he anunatrr (lmld mc-l at [lu- llomc ul Mu A Lawrence Mills, Jr. nn St John: Hart The sum“! was lmmxgrannn. led by Mrs. E. P. Knaap. Hauling up the dorm anon werc Mrs Frcdenck (l Watkins and Mrs. C. (l. Alexandr; Mn R J Benny rccntd cleverly sexual of her charmmg Flc u‘h Canadian dialects. A dellghxlul soclal hour followcd [he rpm-1mg, Th:- ncxt regular {onnightly meclmx of the (lmld Will be held 004.1901; II the home of Mrs. E. P. Knnpv MW at u ht Eun'Téu-"ové‘i'uréei" uncoomILColva-nd forth ermdvoolotmthu in her new 95mm dam u the Link Tho-m. in Chicago Saturday and Hon- muwm During the intermission m can". M meal 0! it own dinner will be served by the ladies of the Dorcas Society and than who receiveibe invitation with the return card Ituchcd are requested to make reply as early as pouible. spoâ€" Mu Fwd klnm “hm Hm Ill unh hrnmhm‘ nmmh u Nirï¬ Mr. and Mn. M. C. Conrad have as their Thanksgiving Day guests Mr. Ind Mn N. H. Conrad and chlldrcn. Elana and Irving. 0! Woodnnck. Ill, and Mr and Mn George F Conrad and « hlldrrn Priu‘nlla and Weslry, of Antm h. M OnThursday cvrmng about (rm- hun- dred people were prey-m a! a hung:- wnrming at the Non): Avenue M, E church and at the opening (:1 xhr chum h baumcm which Is to be used for mxu} aflmrs A very mteresnng program “an gotten up by the young people 0! 1h: parish consisting of games and Imuu while the Ladies Aid 80:1er furnished refreshments. \L' 9W1\"‘ C}: "h"! “I! l'rHr Sunnn â€I In.) In! [,imd M Hunt“ Hu- .\(l\l\('3 “I“ AUIIUUU(' (II dHl‘ll)’ funnel.) ML“ under, H! Um “um" hr \u-rk .n Hm .1 ;(*\Z\ \hu I'mnfvw hn\ IrH fnr " :- ;rru! the wmh'x vulh \h \“HH: Turnlrv "‘ l‘rlnnd FM vr..\ 217:4...7. r1; A._S_:..w:_..: :2 â€7.15.75. :5; 1;: tea. L: Mr and \h‘ Jamrs i‘ctrH/n ‘( \\‘~ \Av:1"fr \u-uw "V. _ I hr- imam.» (“one will mum on Lvueriun clutch I nut iron thb High School Notes â€I"! \‘Vestmmslcr GUI‘d (1hr â€.9ng \1 1y eve-ht. Oceanic HI! 1‘ Mr.“ Wrx‘ ‘ Irv-k ~-Y N1 \h H we 1! h K‘K \9 MI- Prawn [1 }\ru-!( Im’m \ Mrll Nhhmd e \‘ Haunna am‘. John Hlnrr Mm: \mm- \1. krm'xr has hnn appmmrd Ninr n! lilmu», LRanh n! Lnkr, \~ In 1hr kuum \ null u! LAM» taunt} (kn-bu 1mm A ll 1‘!“ untidy lull. M an Mann-t nature- will bounds-uh the M (‘1 l’uhht nutttt n herd») gttrn that by Hunt at an utdrt and dntrc rtttrtrd tn the abnr rnttth-d cause tn the ttttutt {HUN uf Lake \OUHI)‘, lllmott at the IR- trtnbcr I‘ctm. A l).. 1912. on the lf-th day at February A. 11. 1913, thereut the undermined apt-t III Mnun m China-1y of the Ctrt’utt Court 0! Lake taunt), Illtnuu, “'IIL on Tueuday the m‘und day (If Default)", A 1).. 1913. at the hour 01 t udmk tn the atternoon ot utd day at the cut door of the (oun Mount, tn the (tty ul Wlukeuan. County 0! Lake and State 01 llttnou, sell ll pubhc auction to the highest md but rudder to: cuh the following ducn‘bed real 90th to-“It: le Ill :mr « The East H311, 0! {hr Northeul Quart- er, 0! Scdnon Twentyâ€"one (21) Township Forty-three H3) Nonh. Rune Twelve (12) En! of the Third Pnncnpal Mendan, In Lake County. lllinou (except the ngm 0! way and lands 0! the Chicago. North em Rnilway Company) litulted in the County 0! Lake and Sate 0! [mm In- chï¬ufllthuwuwnunm<fl(JuflnlA Ku'm. Dated at Wanna-n. UL. this 8th day 0! Nmembcr. A. D.. 1913. an :n'lnrn‘ bxhflhk a warm H MAM-mmmwm Dru-mic Club m the and tar d'tgcuuionvhbhvmbethe'kehtion oi; the Home and the School.†in charge of) the Home and Social commmm . MOW“.- Rtxcn! ApponnIInOIIo by Mayor Hawk-nu and ( hnn'ro m SIAM A )oml mustang of the Elm Hut and $0th Dwiwnu "I†b9 held Thur! day afternoon, [)«tmbct Hm. I! [hm «Wind at the Grammar m houl a! Ihk‘h Hm: Mu Musc‘ I7 l'unm, head u! the (Hun «umnnxln n! lhr FodrrMu-n 01 Woman} clubs. vnH spent 01: the "St haul house M a Sun! Crmrl " 1hr [unru- Association kaer Kunl \‘I Lennon M Mat-«Mir al. In Lhzm'rry hm No {#00 Hrnw \ htn :r t m at .«1 Um I 1‘! CHANGES IN LIBRARY BOARD Elam L. Chrkc. Spend Hutu in Chum. \ .Ap‘n I" 1‘. \1 3- \‘I,« Specs-I Mtnla'n th \1 \ Ix rs urvr :mm 2rd Obituary ObI‘UOIy I“ \1‘«h:~\11 As!» Ml" M d u uhu‘ â€hf In ï¬mA‘flA flkaï¬ï¬‚x $331k ï¬kï¬â€˜i ; can be obtained by installing an Everson ’Filter, prim $10. Installation $1, complete $11. Money back any time in 30 days if not satisfactory. Let Lib mstall one for you. proved income producing rein] _,, , which we offer to investors have merit of this important factor {I Call or send for list of mortgages naming an amount you wish to put out. This is a favoralk time for investment as a six (6) IX! «m not le- tum can now be obtained. North Shore Trust Com A wagon will call for and deliver youri’gammm ()ur CLHAMM; AM) MEN; 0! ladnes' and Kent's gamwms. oriental rugs, carpets, pm‘hvr‘s. draperiï¬. piano covers. lace curtains, out, cannot be duplicated by any kx‘al Cleaner. as we have the LAWN-N 8!†mos! SANITARY plant in the West. ZNEASTCENTMLAVENUE TWWPI‘EZ‘S Why not have your clothing rcnnmted )M‘H‘ this week and Rth‘ our work a {an trial" “The Imperial†Dyers and Cleaners INCORPORATED T o Iopbono. The Best Candy in Every Way Itlrplu-nr Whitman’s Chocolates Even if You Have No New Clothes for Thanksgiv'ng EARL \V. GS] @wmwwmm‘wu PURE WATER State Bank Capital $1 00,000 Highland Puk, m. ARTHUR W. VERCOE. Cuhier A ï¬ner and more deli- (101.18 candy cannot be h mnd annx'hcrc. Best for high quality ingredients and best from a manufacturin standpoint. That’s what we offer you in 1 The value of human life is fl . iti the mom of the new} 3):; CHEF/M >20 £05 Nâ€"NU-N_UU rifleâ€"a >49360‘ n,1â€"0>oo C559... . .2m 07. “Madman?" dyFirfstIldbethe Plumbin‘ md Heatint ,4 \V. GS]- PH \RHACIST span a: an) 00¢ u um Vc‘stull‘ flic- mum u: an) garland)! worn by rut-n a. “(midi Send LII :1 MM :1 yuwl‘lm anylhfl' \nu wuubd liltr Xv welt Thanksgiving Um «Lu-x Our Cleaning SEND IT MM Div-boy - II“ H u‘hlï¬ld "ark tulhju that you m as .‘pu k and {fl