Gold Hat Pins and Let 1nd Jeweled Rings, :11 P115. 230 N. St. Johns Ave. :erlmg Silver. Vanity ; Pins, Tie Clasps. ers and Lockets. ,ISSEL and FORD CARS are perfect and ‘ir beauty. 'orth Sheridan Road Supply Co. LAN, Mgr. R SALE >ld a Christmas Gift DING MATERIALK: FEED iced, 756 to $5.00 ’ransportation Co. N PRICES el Cases uence Unas Moving Truck ract IUC’I ,, $13.50 (1p \‘(m operate a and Repaired RIC 't‘d to offer. It Parisian Silver hing entirely H'L' values ifts burner. we “$.1sz \\ UMX‘YX (K115 Vt‘n' Highland Park FOR THE TANGO $3.5 THE POOR XMAS TREES Have you ever thought of the fearful slaughter Vear in order for 11s to celebrate Christmas? '1‘1111111‘ chopped (11111 11 111 go to the mam homes to (hem 111 pro“ and there 15 1111 11111111111 11 1111t1*\11 1111' :1 let -.1111 c111. \11 one 1311 he 1111111* 111 1111111 111 11*1111111111115r Ch trees 1111‘ 11111 11111111511 111 th 11s e1111q11t1-11e11 3111* 11111111 \\1t11t11<t1:11t1*11t 111 11111(1\1e11:1"1* 1111 <1“‘*'.1. :11 11“ C11115t111:1>'1111*s111111111111). '111*<1*'1111< 1*11111* '1111111\'1‘\\' Years. .\1'11*r that the} 11111 he 11111111111 111: :mtl il\'c\\' szn‘s. .\t‘tc1‘ tltztt tltt'y um Dc pun thing this is for "lxtby." let it ham: :1 small tr with the (late, zmd the little lmys :tml girl> in the HulidaVS, tltcy will come ltomv sumv (lax: they phmtcd (mt th-n childrm. buying 0!. Hu‘ [raw ~,_\ :[h pots \n mul‘é‘ about this whvmc nf ours. \\'.| H n'w 'nhlu'dl ‘10] (’2' â€L11 0 to $400 U \Vc lmw MMH! unit'ul a ‘ 571611’ 8/ 11’1’1: RS $3 00 )hint‘ a nr 11‘ MI HI' ‘.)L1L1YYLH 11.\Ivn‘y L‘hrsmxn many homes to die in hut parlors, Plants which h; >k whatcx'm' for :1 lot-up. yet it should be stopped, I fawr nf cclvhmting Christmas than the writer. I Telephone 247 11‘ It) 11 \Vh RH lit 1‘. lrful slaughter of Christmas Trees le‘“ stmas? Think of the millions of thcsc nL.‘1t\\r'l‘.‘nv\\n mun Knitted Slippers 1'\' cut down In" :1_1:1‘ 111111115 111111 111* 1111111. 11-511~;11;-;11_1-1111< 11:51 1‘111‘11111';11.t1*11 1111- 11111111111111! 111 M11911 1 1111111111151111 1111'\\l1z111\11'11111111151 11111\\;1111 1111111111 111111111 11111111111 1111! 1111111311111111111111111111 111 1111-111 >111111‘11‘ 11 11\ 1‘. \\11;11 11 1101‘ 1111‘ its 11131 C111'151111z15 and 11111 :1 1111111 1111111111 1:111111 1111 v \ 111 511111111 1111\\ 111 11111111 111111) 11111‘ 111'1n when 111111111111: 111:1 11111 121\ 1,111“ 11 up 1111111 211111 \1'11111enz1nd 1111111 :11 11111 21) 111.111 111111 11: 111 1111 111111>z1111 11111111111115 \\11111(1 1111:11111111 1'111'11“ 111111111 111 1111 111\1 _'11 j 11111111111111 1111111.:11111111111 5111111111111 111111 1111. (1111111 111111 '11 '.\. 'M . new and attractive blue and white cmiibinatimi \\ 1 my.» In soft Leather Neatly Finished 17 St. Johns Avenue h 1.1% Andi ((1 “MIN )1 up: \\c x (m ~h\m \nu pl: nth ias Trees (Nm‘xxziy Spi'ucm which is required czich iillions (if thcsc lx-autiful evergreens \\ hich zii'c Plants which have. required from G in 13 years In Lild be stopped. fur it is :1 must hai'hzii‘iuus 111111;; in an the writer. but to (him (hiwn w‘id hlnudvd. hu- up â€1‘ Int ‘w .m bun wm‘“ un' :mfully ;.n\ 1h L‘l') to 311‘, Highland Park mm mm making English Walking Shoe .9 m‘\ ('1 N VI Rubber or Leather Soles \‘m $4.00 to $5.00 $3.50 to $7. It .1( «m 1116 ZIL‘L‘ me two after it'HbH a. SPUCHI‘A‘H m MW)“ \H