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Highland Park Press (1912), 29 Jan 1914, p. 1

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he only stove made that ha. We hot blast A great img \‘tnves have a single it \h’hlch feeds one side of ,_ onh But the double hot bin» {patrntr’d featureâ€"doubles ' mm m vxygen which feeds Ind uvr-r the entxre surface of: prmduung the most new ‘pct ruei wnxbustion that h.‘ ' bun obtained. ‘ on can Heat our Kitchen 'ith this Coal Heater ‘ic Lamps Ch; Heater can be attached; 1y Gas Range and burns '1 up coal. sweepings, rub-3 and even zarbarsze. ;c0mbxnation gives you deal cooking appliance. {g Gas-firestarting-blast in - fire box enables you to: your fire started at once»? have these Heaters on 52‘ es Floor xn the 03:; eand will be glad to em: 1 them fully. 3 Call or Phone 194 E .ompany .lNOlS 'ers an unusual fine bargains in Hariusoacumhuw... re 180 .e mug Bee HO. mu key go together” :0: (he amok. cur-«bum ,3 the nook and (no: = 9 KING Bi .ppliances 30‘ hen'r'r from least fuel~‘ ,. fit of clean ash‘no _m.1m)emtnrgas. B ‘z- Magazme for hard , the floor perfectly .. ,u Jnd holds the fire ctlons HOT Blast cog SAYS CITY HASTOO [ANY CBURCHES LK. Writ“ Column on Snbjoc! And Suggests I“ Domain-lion use one Building and one Sonic. A COLUMN FOR THE USE OF EVERYBIJDY An Article on the Church A few weeks ago I happened to notice\ the church announcements in our village paper and was amazed to find fourteen‘ denominations represented. In my pure- ly unorthodox wav of believing it had not occurred to me that there were such numbers probable in so small a com- munity, and it has made me wonder why such close religious lines are necessary. . Also it has brought a realization of iiihyi ministers of the Gospel are usually poor, why their wives usually are czireworn and their families needy. It seems to be against public opinion for a minister to have any other means of livlihood than his salaryâ€"usually but too smallâ€"and usually, also. paid by contributions from i a congregation the great majority of which is comprised of those who find it all too hard to get the year's budget ; completed. after curtailing home. business , and family expenses as much as possible. Thentbere is also to me the side of‘ dividing. instead of uniting the comy munity. Highland Park is thinking oi a community house and community in- terests. and instead 01 churches tending E to unite it keeps people from having a: common and strong Civic interest. which is will before a community house is poaaible. Each congregation is sol Born Feb. 8, 1890 Died Ian. 23. 1914 SANITARY mmiii PRESENTED to JUDGE HEARING WM BE HELD FEBRUARY 16 Map Publiahcd Laat Your Show. Slight Error in Outline of Diatrict Given in Petition. Cireuhted The petitions circulated in the lake shore towns in the interest of the nrt» lposed sanitary district have been pre- sented to Judge Persons who has set February 16 as the date for public hear» earnestly engrossed in its nan interests J9! . that it cannot broaden outâ€"neither on account of time nor expenseâ€"to consider largely the interest of the community. Would it not be glorious to have a com- We print herewith: brief resume of the law which was prepared by ofiiuals of the present sanitary association. There is a slight difference between the outline mon church, where all could go. not just of the proposed district shown m me this or that particular handful? Would map and that described In the pcmmng it not be possible to have a huge audi» torium for a community center and on Sundays or all or any other days of the week have serVices of all kinds. for I am one who holds that it maybe as worship- ful to sing as to pray, to laugh as to weep. to eat as t< fast. to dance as to prostrate one '5 self before idols All is as the spirit back of the act makes it and me and my friend can worship and . It I teaetL. - knee“, than aarh‘. in fact such a district as the petition out- lincs could not be made but it is not be- lieved that this will in any way interfere With the call for an election. Dig-at Sanitary Diatriet Act Territory. The territory to be includ ed within the District shall be mthin a single county and may include two (it more cities. incorporated towns or Village", and territory three miles thereof. ‘ed and thaHan ordinance for the pavi improvements to: bneriaan nuau what is we? as important to Highl Park. impr 'ements for East CentralA were atart$ their respective I III the norln Inuae. II part of the country. can bout - atore such as . George I-. lqen Honday_ rig when‘ Iu arw m on Monday Tuesday niahu when l . to buaineaa at hiaold ltlt‘aliun. final publ' hearings were held and l I 4 ' . . . he moved in sputum-e: in board of l Improvements ret‘om - i - that the preaent quarters might he 11* new building ta 60x90 feet “ltd “W inmatlalparti. . t half belagooaipled by the uln- aad entered from Central Avenue -largedoonon both can and aides Four large My windows the street. two of them being otcu by a display refrigerator for green i . .. and fruita. Gil. eudooed ahelvea .adglaaaahowcaaeaoccupy theudeaoi ithilroomandthenantwocam inthc Icenter. Atthe bck center II the huge it! box in” J “THO top counter To gthe Id! of thal an the bread and cake :caaea while on the rim are four telephone ibootha and ollcea of the (Iahu't and ‘W. .’ Tunurounwmhcuuaioi. .iiip .‘hmandhlcko! it M a covued where the rum: VI" ataod . “9 being loaded. Directly hack of ‘ltflaar are the barn and through them to {W Avenue ia a tar-mi foot driveway i .mbaaemeatiacooaete lined through fit and here are located the ateam plant 1484“ M are many mall rooms or storage. With concrhte ot Sheridan Rd from Johns to Char .Ave. and an ordina for the resarfacmg of East Central A from 5»:an Rd, to Dale Ave. be ed at the Inn meeting of the city co i‘il ()wmfito difficulties Wllh the waukee BOEIHC action on the St. Joh .Axe. impriiivcment was deferred to F ruary 16‘ CHURCH SERVICE Fill SUNDAY Announcobenta by the Putor' a I” , to-Church” Day h. Preabyterh- At the; morning worship. at l o'tlock. iht‘ pastor will take for I'll. mon text. ‘1 was glad when they said to me let x go into the Hook of Lord , and-the choir aill render the liming anthems "Come Now And 1's Reasq'Together”, Briant; and " l have Loved the Habitation of House". T rrance. The organ mun raging worship *lbe; Putt -3. at tin n Deshayed editation. Maaaenet; and 0-! Ct’SSlOflBI‘ March. Whitney. The Bi school wili meet from 12.00 noon to p m and the Adult Bible claaa. on r CREDIT WHO" the direttiian of [)r Schermerhorn ill. meetintlia‘thurthauditorium immedi e 8m WORK m” 1y at the dose of the morning no The \ g people 5 meeting will he at “Wm ‘2 ismmmmoicmzinoi T he protram for the \ caper seruceg at 4 30 is as. llnwa ()rgan Pfiude. Melody in A Flat .WLt . ik‘ongregation standing) ’ Will Handle CJW for Me-bota d Moo“ Ion'a Aaeodotio- and Inuicati (lrgan. .Aaidante Iteligiooo Tho be At: pl to CI Pro-pt Uiiiiralto $010. “The Lord is My S .. * Pay-eat herd ' Il Lid ll . Miss Barbara Wait it not be possible to have a huge audi» torium for a community center and on Sundavs or all or any other days of the week have servxces of all kinds. for I am one who holds that it maybe as worship- ful to sing as to pray, to laugh as to weep. to eat as t< fast. to dance as to prostrate one's self before idols. All is as the spirit back of the act makes it. and me and my friend can worship and be thankful together better than each alone for we get added inspirations one fro.” the other. E. K. , NOTE E. K. makes a slight error in the number of churches named. While there are 15 mentioned in our column 3 are not located in Highland Park. A City's Loading Merchant A merchant who does not advertise in the best possible medium for advertising can in no sense he styled “a city's leading merchant"; he is. rather. a waiter. He does not lead prospective buyers to his store through the effectiveness of his ad- vertising and the medium selected for spreading it but sits and waits for them to discover that he has a store and later, some time later. that he has something in his store worth buying. Leading mer‘ chants in every city that has 3 worth- while newspaper find newspaper ad- vertismg the best and in some cases use it to the exclusion of all other kinds. Some merchants. whose store and stock are of sufiicient size to warrant it, supplement the newspaper work with other methods but all "lead- mg merchants." it will be observed, use the newspaper because they know that it is the only circulating medium which finds a welcome on the library table rather than in the waste basket. Dannie Club Will do to With - Play Made for Purpooc Giving plays for entertainment purposes l'mly is the avowed object of the North Shore Dramatic Club, neither highbrow not Iowbrow but good. wholesome. mod; em plavs. plays which have been success- fully produced and are still fresh in the public mind. To do this has cost money {or the royalty on an unpublished play by an American author is $50 This is the amount the r-club will pay for the Prmlege of giving one performance of “Going Some", at Ravinia Theatre Fridav evening, Feb. 20, but there is more than $50 worth of laughter in the piece {or every person who will be able to crowd into the theatre that night so the mem- bers consider the amount well spent. “Coma Some" we: made for the expreu purpose of providing laughter and the club will see that it me- that purpooa IAKING A PLAY FOR LAUGHTER With - Plny Map Publilhcd LII! Your Show. Slight Errol’ in Outline of Dinrict Given in Petition. Circuhted Organization. The method of organiz- ing the District is as follows: A petition to submit the question oi organizatmn to the voters is addressed to‘ the County Judge. The latter then calls together “My of the Circuit Judges. and these thru- determine the boundaries of the District The County Judge then call an election. at which the question of whether the District shall be organized is \tntjd upon Trustees. l! a majority of the votes cast shall be in lavur of such organiza- tion, the County Judge again calls to- gether the Board of Judges and they divide the District. according to popula- tion. into five wards and appmnt a trustee for each ward. The trustees shall man- age the affairs of the District. ()rgdn, Prelude Heroic . N rtpturé ind Remarks by the Subject,"A usit‘. the Elect Art 0 ()rgan. (A Pi elude in C Minn] ill» Wiurnr (039. No. 2 Contialtofinlu. "He Was Deep] the Mt’nahi ."e' Mus Barbara Wait Urgan, ’l‘t 1mm ... Benedictiéfl tL‘nngregatmn sta Uraniist. Mr. Allan B. 84 t ' Baptiot Church The uwal services will be h Baptist ;lurch. In the m Evans wig have as the theme mon "()flMemunes and New presentqbn 0t relationship ( m" to the challennir tint» nil Powers of the District, The District has power to provide for the dispoaai and purification of sewage, and to pre- serve the water aupply from contamma~ tion; it may construct and maintain con- duits and cause the sewage to flow into conduits, ditches. or channels of other sanitary districts; treat and present the sewage; acquire real and personal pr(ip~ ertv and rights-ot~way wuthin or with out the District by condemnation or pur» chase; borrow money; issue bonds. when approved by a vote of the people. pronde tor the payment of interest by a dlrefl tax; let contracts; levy and collect taxe‘ for corporate purposes to the amount of one-half of one per cent on the value at the taxable property; permit, by contract. outside territory to dram into the 1)::- trict. contract for the use of the chan nels of other Districts. including the Chi cago Sanitary District; and upon proud ing some other method ot sewage dis- posal. prevent the pollution of any water supply Within the District. F. A. Pro-Io- und J. H Dun Granted (m Pup." on Invention- prea‘ Among thou Highland Parker: recent. 54- " 1y granted patents are Frederik): A. on H Preston. who reached pap-en on a ran! Intiéreepa device. and J. H. Dan. on a: Th min Mine. - Mr. Dean'l machine in ' will ( told and the one patented byMr. Preston ‘ by M is Mucous}! mummy.inm Louis John Krueger LOCAL IEN GET PATENTS LOCAL 30m noun 1‘0 Improvements for Sheridan Road 3 what is )usg as importlnt to Hmhl Park. Impr$emenm {or East Cenlrn|A1 were start on the" respective vi Monday Tuesday nights when [1 final publ' hearings were held Inm board at I l xrnpruvemenu ret‘om ed and thaHan urdmance {or the pavh mth concrflte N Sheridan Rd {rum 1 John: to Char A.ve and an ordnnan for the residuum; of Best Centrll A! from swim Rd, :0 [me Ave. be pa ed at the Mn meeting of the city cou ml ()wmftm difficulties With tht M waukee [ileum acnon on the 5!. Jam Axe. Impnnvcmcm was delern-d to F11 ruary 16. fl Announcobonu by the Pulat'l I” “C , (ti-Church” Dc, h. Proobyurh- A: (he; morning wonhnp. at 101 uklock [M pastor mll uh: to: hu :1 mon text. ‘1 was glld when they uidu to me 1ng Into lhe Noun 0! I Lnrd , and-{he choir mll render 1b: lnmng anthems "Come Now And a 1'3 Reasmwexhcr”, Brunt; and " I have Lévcd the Habiution oi ()rgdn, ”elude- Heroic . . Faulkcs N rlpturé ind Remarks by the Pasmr Subwctf’ usu‘. the Elem An 0| Religion" ()rgan. (A! P: elude inC Minor)_ 18» W1urnr‘0n9.Nu. 2) \ Conuahofinlu. "He Was Despised ' (Irom Chopin HIGHLEND PARK. union; 1': Benn-druid; mongregatlon standing) Uranium. Mr. Allan B. Benedict . ' Baptiat Church The uwal services will be held at the Baptnst ;mrch. In the morning Dr. Evans wig have as the theme of his aer‘ mon "(lflMemum-s and New Vlaiona.” a presentqbn 0! relationship of the ‘bld ttme rel n" tothe challenging problem. of preset day lite. In the evening the pastor Hm discuss in the ten minute pulplteéiy‘gorial "The Eight Hour Dcy.” Thus IS thlrd in a aeriea of sympathetic mterpretgtiom at great national move- ments. {The evening address has an element 61 unique interest In that Dr. Evans. W90 wag born In Highland Park. now pasOr at the church of his child- hood, wl‘ present the great dominant motives fl hlS lute ideals m an addreaa the tin-ma nl Which Is “Moral Passion" : Trinity Epiuopnl The «flutes Will be at the usual hour: 7!.“ and ,l m a. m.. and 5 o'clock p. m Thr sum‘ct ml the rectur's sermon inthe mnrnmg in” be "Religion and lta Call." Tln- m-w‘ghnmnuter and urgnmst. Mr. 5mm 'i‘nn Uretth will be In charge of the mu‘m‘. MW'OISU Rood M for hot C-Cld Ave. Pm m. John W O Mani-c Fob-nay I“ 3 Unitod Evmow A m‘l service m mmon and long 15' hung “ranged lor Cato-Church Sun dav' Scfl‘iccs are as follow!: Sunday :hix»lk°ghh:wm; Tmlfi;::hl‘pé:::: Dr. 5‘ Hull Young, [who ha; uprm w _ U».- ‘\ thin] chcgme extended ‘0 ‘n ycm m AMI. and II (OIISIdCYC‘d «4.: w! ' ‘ ’ , ' the bed Informed men on Mun mud: 'SL 5““ EWB‘" (boos nod Iflun. H to an: an ulluuuwd "‘ \urday 0" Reverend F Holke vnll lecture It "I: Wuun \hun’h nu! preac h it the morning on the text Palm WM" mm Mr y w“. has ’0‘ 57 ('012‘045'04 “1 "“3 "39““ Mlmawww-Im hunlm on ”‘m‘“ 13. '9’” 5* the Arctic m and bu mmy u)" 0! £50... 5w «(In and W7 to relate 11n- willc :otwmmucunm‘Yo-imW but m In; byMr. lkrmanolNcnhm Ull- Hyunnllhchnmb tn: :0 a. unity; I ”I. [”33 5.51 m PA‘ Boellman Handel Sundu‘ Church Wad-“Joy ‘Tkvéurounwillhcundtorn ship “mandhlcko! it u n covutd Mum-here the W ml! «and fl! hem; loaded. Dirccliy bark 0! (In at the bum and through them to W Avenue is I CHI“)! ioot dnvrwny “be I I 1 t i W! acumen Inn-d through The matron MI] alm he put 11 worklo save the merchants mnny m count: which If? now an admlutc )«~ II 3130 will cooperate mm 5mm“; auucununl In other (INN Dr. S. Hall Y“ a The Proob"“" TOGNELEUUIEMALASKA My} q . mm mm mm Wlukogln .(mtucton have‘ncdved ward mu Lnuu F Sun“. the Mimi" puck" 01 Chu‘nflu m pl-nnm. the can Ilruchun o! I ummn home which will n‘hpu um of (hr m-mnmon Mimi row ms the Green Bay mod an‘ cnlk-d A (In: no firm of uchkeflth. bran engaged n prepare the flat To; curl m splrndux and beauty Melodyt Farm and lhr \htunmcl m uldx(~?-c1hr;wx;4.l Mr Svnh Lake Fur"! ‘ Jub women if! m to provide than \thn-n who come I I0" diflamt Ind hlr iunrd lo furry lunches tn [ht-u! With a hnl duh In ‘he it!!!) of wup I! will l-c ~up“! In that Iwho can uflmd lnpu (hr pure, ”If“ rent. I bowl, bu! mi‘. hr gwm lo when all the nhrmr n 5.. Alldand lhal no one VI" km-u Ihw pan and utm doesn't. A670“... Sil YahTu- A M: you! lrlm 1m preodalu v. ‘ vurnlrd kn )‘vu! J J Hui”. d LOU Futnl l'nntrslx) In hll Md!“ FM.’ ahevnmm m m: 1rmprranrc mph to {he “lulu-gun “mm-n h Study chat SW- at Win-db A”. (u. S41 hum WI” of Late Mlll Ovdov Mu Prob-Cod In W-uho‘un Mania, ’1 hr mH u1 1hr hm \‘lnnlgomery Ward was p'w'mlfli 2'» x mm!» min“ In Wanke- gnn Huntizn and 4; mx he it" In citalc ”alum at E‘MII'WI' w! “huh 14.9mm!) Nu m mumml plnprvly and $100,000 in 1hr qu U1 ”Ir )4!!!" \‘I« was [I'H'Ialfli I" \ "mu“, gun Hundzn i1hk“".-\A\, ”alum at E‘WIIHIII w! ‘ wn m pruunal plnprvly Yell (slur W _ L Huh-9 ‘Imunr aw mmmxl pm [an Ihnr (Matt rshmah 531"! (Ill and S Lum- m. k w! ~ huuu gur~ :4 J Ward mm. a u nhunl 3pm.: .9 km 1.. "u Hum.” 1" eryo unh pun.“ n! h-shanutll.” C L?" ”mun-9 and h“- yhlkdren awn-nu haw-w ml “students-w“- Pom“... Bonn. ( urn-Ind by Propel-'1 Own“! A pdmun ‘lmh and numcruuuh Nair to the nu "cum“ 3‘ u“ that body to (aim mun "mm-I and Inn: uni n WARD ESTATE WORTH 35.0009“ - Couuidori.‘ rum ‘ 3...“ Ash Fin Truck M U” Cool Bob- Thu .. . Lump!!! Auto and Hon. C.“ ,u.‘ .1 v, a Mr: 41- the counnl. u >. --).- \L: Juan; “A. hue :- m‘und .- x m. 54! w” Nous l ”3'4.va Y." unrhvclr ”I (ht rmru ~ v' » n _ mix! in dusplu‘r um- . ' u’ n " « ~ " amlmulng Hit 41!“: M. \ A H mmlh‘ 7‘“ May Sell WAqugon rm" \.'1‘ umagu Tnmn-Rn-u‘ Hm! .1 (v4! I) bring negotiated for .nfmu 1' I?” plant 0! 1h: Corn .'~ kt'JI‘nfi kunlpany I! ‘Ylukc- Hm! .«z'w-c’ :Muugh “cording 1'4“” " t'n wvflnnlofl, thunk! .ag'v.» Hr; L "‘r Indultnll pro uI ""4‘urffi-‘3 .4' x1 Nnrlh Chung" mrmmw ;v.n'.e-cn n u Ilbd, uf .gnx 't'sn'H ' Mung: \IIH Stunt 3'“! May Build “0‘“ for n'. Mind-UV I Wm Sam School Cuum " uh I: hung circulated signed will M up.“ u u a: any dot: uk- ulu- m m mud 3 \4 4“ alum [HYDC‘S ~-a. I i Ii . \I“ A“ s. ‘ Mia-human... an. rhubamquoouwrb wu-mfidwtu gym” waldo-d” ‘- «Venn-n olebccouuuy‘nd II curring than to wavy. * lhmnchmornhnnn won :0 an mechanic-cum particular Sunday. lluwcrccnlythunvouldh - good mm to the don put lonh. ' The red significance 0! the movement “a W. it in In Indication 0! con- amom which In full 0! hope and en- worm without their thing. People no beginning to tin- o! the hurry and me. of modem hie. they an bqinam‘ to realise that there are need- and mm... which the mivitia 0! our Iiv. «day do not utufy. need. which an deep'u ad more fundlmcnul than the nod for lood and shelter and mum They m mining that money making in not all. Hm then: am Oh. M m also! buy; com-Ito I 'wii'hooi (he. "Anni . no u not: Ind Ms Me a tulure whsb ove: v50 mu- ol hi. bank account may be. A hlc thu n I'ved wholly on the lover inch does not “‘llf)’ the but that is m u. The Chunh u I society I'thh ext-u to develop: what u but in nu members find lo keep them In much wufi the eta-ml reahnts, We all need the Church Ind the Church needs m. II II I hum-n brotherhood- wen u Idirmcmunulmn and I! m membcn are unuumul at m- dlflrrcnl m 1hr dune. which n nmpooeo and the truth. whl‘h It {caches it Will fall to uccumplnh the Work in: ulnrh I! CXIIKI‘ Man In by nllurr I religious being and umhmn rdimon he nut. to 8 Inc! not much above xhst ol the lower amqnh. When the Church has lam-d 10 do rfln‘m-r work lur human") H has tulle-d because u! the ”Hunt 01 n: mrmbru lo ln-e up to thelndeah and uandarda which 1! ha» ac! up 1h» :5 all very plain and mm are realtzmg ll today as thry have not (or a lung ume past. They reahu the need 0! the uplift and encouragement which rehmon alone aupplm. The) realize that to rehpon we owe all that makca htc worth hung toda) and that vuth it I: bound up the hope at the tuture Every age haa m (human-e character, our'a ts tending to become an Ideahatx age. The reacuun tmm the materlaham ot theApast generation has an m strung- . .LH. Iy. Men want to be rchgmuo but they doo'tknow how to go about u. The Churchuthey no: 1: does nm ANIIC' them. They are not Interested m [hoo- nl controvenbeu and dad Inna. coldneu and tormoflcm so nmmon among Chrmiuu repeh them. They noun-d of (be old proton: and war as“ They sum lo get tugrthrr m I ban. a! mutual helptulneu Ind biomet- hood Ind they arr ready 1-. n-spumi to am appeal whvch sm’kes U-r ugh! flute and germ to lead m the num dmn non That I. why this ()0 Io-Lhun‘hbundny movemrnl II meenna u uh but D. a sptrndnd unspent: I! u I move m 1hr ugh! d:rcc. nun and an mdu’amm u! 1hr nr» sp'rfl u! the 33:. Men an tram h- vmpnnd lathe appeal :1 {he Hun) mH unly adlpl “In!“ In Yhf nru Mhmtrul .-h(3 pvt) (‘lllm the Old (in-pd m trHH» v! :: udrrn thought and uprnem-e A great mlny ptnpxr nne-y an m Church born»: they haw nexer been uked todow and Infamy mg) h.\f never It u had :0 ant: Im at m a rhurrh m winch only “mindful ol hngund unmu-reu- cam-puma! every Sunday Such a group can do mac efleclivc Inri 1m thrmwhn m for when Bu! fill the Church mth people. excite mm mm", Iruuw ”my cmhuouom. w to ‘ho brfl that n m (hem and it h Inothu uory. the outlook mound, chum Nothing aura-ed- likcucc-A Once well and lhethm‘ [cam by Ml m impetu- The _A_4_A ‘_.| .h. .- been waxâ€"(701M Ihsl rhr C'hmvh need. lhcm and that Hwy nerd the (bun h Volume 3 ING iii? an the unolro ‘Mml’um the tool and gun ‘ ie hing Bee “0! Bl“ only stove made that ha. 'le hot blast. A great mg stoves have a single ....g [which feeds one side of M5. onli But the double hot bl”, patented featureâ€"doubles , 3* uni -r ixygen which feed. Ind uvi-r the entire surface at; producing the most new fa fuel combustion that )3“ been obtained. ‘ BflarleoflCuLf‘huw.‘ [eat hen'r-r from least fuelfiu ., 1 j... _..".t of clean ash‘m .' crs .m.l no soot or 835. B : in: sz' A cowiiil FOR in ; use or EVERYBODY; 180 "a SAYS cm insroo iuili muml Magazme for hard‘ ‘.\ \ the floor perfe . ct 1'2" .- ,e .ind holds the fill»: ”'6 they 80 tOgether” A LK. Writes Column on Subject and, Suggests all Domain-lions use . one Building and one ; Sonic. ‘ on can Heal? bur Kitchen llth this Coal Heater l Heater can be attached ~14 ny Gas Range and burns ap coal. sweepings. mb- 1 and even garbarge. f Scombination gives you.i deal cooking appliance. : Gas-firestarting-blast in . fire box enables you to . your fire started at cocci; have these Heaters on A Sales Floor in the Gas re and will be glad to ex" n them fully. ' ‘ Call or Phone 194 ' | l An Article on the Church A few weeks ago 1 happened to notice\ the church announcements in our village paper and was amazed to find fourteen‘ denominations represented. In my pure- 1y unorthodox wav of believing it had not occurred to me that there were such numbers probable in so small a com- munity. and it has made me wonder why such close religious lines are necessary. Also it has brought a realization of why ministers of the Gospel are usually poor. why their wives usually are czireworn and their families needy. 1'. seems to be against public opinion for a minister to have any other means of livlihood than his salaryâ€"usually but too smallâ€"and usually, also. paid by contributions from i a congregation the great majority of which is comprised of those who find it all too hard to get the year's budget ; completed. after curtailing home, business , and family expenses as much as possible. Then there is also to me the side of‘ dividing. instead of uniting the com- ‘ munity. Highland Park is thinking oi a community house and community in- teracts. and instead of churches tending E to unite it keeps people from having a: ' common and strong Civic interest. which , is mall before a community house is plausible. Each congregation is sol ; ' ‘ The 'H i l l l l l I l l l | l l Born Feb. 8, 1890 Died Ian. 23. 1914 SANITARY PETITION PRESENTED T0 JUDGE HEARING WM BE HELD FEBRUARY 16 Map Published Lao! Your Show. Slight Error in Outline of District Given in Petition. Circulolod The petitions circulated in the lake shore towns in the interest of the pro posedsanitary district have been pre- sented to Judge Persons who has set February 16 as the date for public hear» earnestly engrossed in its own interests Jua- . that it cannot broaden outâ€"neither on. account of time nor expenseâ€"to consider 3 _, largely the interest of the community. . ’7 Would it not be glorious to have a com- l .‘ mon church, where all could go. not just (f this or that particular handful? Would . . it not be possible to have a huge audi» V torium for a community center and on Sundays or all or any other days of the week have serVices of all kinds. for I am > one who holds that it maybe as worship- : ful to sing as to pray, to laugh as to weep. to eat as tr fast. to dance as to prostrate one's self before idols. All is as the spirit back of the act makes it. and me and my friend can worship and be thankful together better than each‘ alone for we get added inspirations one fro.” the other. E. K. , NOTE E. K. makes a slight error in the number of churches named. While there are 15 mentioned in our column 3 are not located in Highland Park. A City's Loading Merchant : A merchant who does not advertise in i the best possible medium for advertising: 1 can in no sense be styled “a city's leading? merchant"; he is. rather. a waiter. He does not lead prospective buyers to his store through the effectiveness of his ad- vertising and the medium selected for spreading it but sits and waits for them to discover that he has a store and later, some time later. that he has something in his store worth buying. Leading mer‘ chants in every city that has 3 worth- while newspaper find newspaper ad- vertismg the best and in some cases use it to the exclusion of all other kinds. Some merchants, whose store and stock are of sufiicient size to warrant it, supplement the newspaper work with other methods but all "lead- lng merchants." it will be observed. use the newspaper because they know that it is the only circulating medium which ‘ finds a welcome on the library table' rather than in the waste basket. ‘ le tartan; w.Lu‘uii£.. ‘I .i tic Lamps n ..~ .. “unlit.“ ‘. vi, Appliances mtil ' 30’ ;. Wu. mull-mumswmuomx; o -.~.-....r.i :i \-av’%.d!h7xw.k.il DORIS IAKING A PLAY FOR LAUGHTER l Drllnalic Club Will do to With a Play Made for Purpooo . Giving plays for entertainment purposes l'lnly is the avowed object of the North Shore Dramatic Club. neither highbrow nor Iowbrow but good. wholesome. mod; 1 cm plays. plays which have been success- i fully produced and are still fresh in the 1 public mind. To do this has cost money ‘ yer: an unusual :5 lune bargains in i. Company LlNOlS t: for the royalty on an unpublished play i 3 by an American author is $50. This is} fl the amount the r-club will pay for the: i Privilege of giving one performance of! ",2 “Going Some", at Ravinia Theatre Friday; '. Waning, Feb. 20, but there is more than ’ $50 worth of laughter in the piece for beta consider the amount well spent. “00mg Some" was made for the express Purpose of providing laughter club will see that it serve- tbat purpooa A! is». i a rowan. “a“ 1 every person who will be able to crowd 71y gran Into the theatre that night so the mem- Preston. II: We print herewith: brief resume of the law which was prepared by officials of the present sanitary assocmtion. There is a slight difference between the outline of the proposed district shown in the map and that described in the petitions. in fact such a district as the petition nui- lincs could not be made but it is not be- lieved that this will in any way interfere With the call for an election. Dig-oi Sanitary Diatricl Act Territory. The territory to be includ ed within the District shall be mihin a single county and may include two or more cities. incorporated towns or Village“, and territory three miles thereof. Organization. The method of organiz- ing the District is as follows: A petition to submit the question of Organllall’fll to the voters is addressed to‘ the County Judge. The latter then calls together tun of the Circuit Judges. and these thru- determine the boundaries of the District The County Judge then call an election. at which the question of whether the District shall be organized is iotdd upon Trustees. If a majority of the votes cast shall be in lavur of such organiza- tion, the County Judge again calls to- gether the Board of Judges and they divide the District. according to popula- tion. into five wards and appmnt a trustee for each ward. The trustees shall man- age the affairs of the District. Powers of the District, The District has power to provide for the disposal and purification of sewage. and to pre- serve the water supply from contamina tion; it may construct and maintain con- duits and cause the sewage to flow into conduits. ditches. or channels of other sanitary districts; treat and preserve the sewage; acquire real and personal prtip~ eriv and rights-of~way Within or with out the District by condemnation or pur» chase; borrow money; issue bonds. when approved by a vote of the people. pronde for the payment of interest by a direct tax; let contracts; levy and collect taxes for corporate purposes to the amount of one-half of one per cent on the value or the taxable property; permit, by contract. outside territory to drain into the Dis- trict. contract for the use of the chan nels of other Districts. including the Chi cago Sanitary District; and upon proud ing some other method of sewage dis- posal. prevent the pollution of any wan-r supply Within the District. LOCAL IEN GET PATENTS F. A. Pro-Io- and J. H. Donn Granted Pop." on Invention- Among those Highland Parkers recent- ted patents are Frederick A. 0 received papers on a rail anticreepel' device. and J. H. Dan, on a min machine. - Mr. Dean'- machine in and the sold and the one patented by Mr. Preston uwmwtbePJndKCompany. .LOCAI. who nous no : .snrrirsnczrmuv .~r $2.. Row-WWI” Read an‘ for but C-Clnl Ava. Pass a. John. W b , lighting February I“ l I . _-. . Improvements for Sheridan Road a what is will as important to Highl Park. impr 'ements for East CentralA were start$ on their respective w . Monday Tuesday nights when t final publ' hearings were held and I, board of l 1 improvements recom l ‘ed and thattan ordinance for the pavi . with concrhtc oi Sheridan Rd. from Johns to ngar Ave. and an ordina for the reshrfacmg of East Central A from simian Rd. :0 Dale Ave. be . . ed at the inn meeting of the city co - til ()wmfito difficulties with the L waukee Elmtric action on the St. Joh . Axe. imprdlvemcm was deferred to F-- ruary 16. ‘ CHURCH SERVICES FOR SUNDAY Announcobontl by tho Pastor's lot . tit-Church” Day h. Proabytorhn At the; morning worship. at l o'tlock. ihl‘ pastor will take for hll mun text. “1 was glad when they said to me let go into the Houoc of Lnrd“, and-the choir will render the liming anthems "Come Now And 1's Reasq'Tngethcr”, Briant; and " 1 have Loved the Habitation of House". T rrance. The organ mun at ilk n raging worship who; Pull! Deshayed Ct’SSlonal‘ March. Whitney. The Bi school Will meet from 12.00 noon to p. m. andlhe Adult Bible clans. no the direction of Dr. Schcrmerhorn. meet in tlid‘church auditorium Immedi 1y at the tgose of the morning wo p. The voi‘ig people's meeting will heat r };l . ' ltpnix , The program for the Vesper SCY\I(?§ at l 30 is as . llnws. ' ()rgan Pfiude. Melody in A Flat .WLai . [Congregation standing) ’ (lrgan. Andante Religiooo Tho be klilllrflllo $010. “The Lord is My S herd" :3 . Lid ll :~.\llss Barbara Wait ()rgdn. ”elude Heroic . Faulhca .N ripturé ind Remarks by the Pastor Subject."A usic. the Elect Art of Religion" Organ. (5 Pi elude inC Minor l llll Wlurnr (03.9. No. 2H Cunlialtopilo. "He Was Despised ' (from the Mt’llalil . Handel ."e' Miss Barbara Wait llrgllll,’l‘(1(‘llfl ... Boellman Benedictic'm lCongregation standing) Uraniisi. Mr. Allan B. Benedict . ' Baptist Church The usual services will be held at the Baptist :alun‘h. In the morning Dr. Evans wig have as the theme of his acr‘ mon "0“ Memories and New Visiona.” a presentqbn of relationship of the ‘bld llntt' rel n" tothe challenging problem. of prescb day life. In the evening the pastor H‘lll diacuaa in the ten minute pulpitediylorial "The Eight Hour Day.” I. ll‘.\I)Call Chopin ladglaaa show can-occupy the soda of :thil‘roomandtbenantwocam inthr leaner. Attbc bck center ll the huge it! box with J “THO top counter To 5th: Id! of (bl an the bread and cake 1 l I" l , l l l l l tdlllllon. Mamnet; and 0-! HIGH iND PARK. ILLINOI E m l g lumen-inn, “waflhuMl ‘*8§onaadV¢yFowClI-n . Baruch. i on the north shore. and few in part of the country. can bout - atorc such as . George l-. I won Monday _ ng when - R0 busine- Il lilauld location." .Jv -~ he moved "I growl-er in that the present quarters might be ‘ 112 new building to 60x90 led Q I“ is W in maualparti. . t half bdngooaiplod by the uln- and sound from Central Avenue -largcdoonon both out and aides Four largo My windows the street. two of them being occu by a display refrigerator for green .. and lruita. Gil. eutloocd shelves can. while on the rim are four telephone boothl and often of the (IIhK’Y and W. Wroomwillbcundfora ship Windhoeko! it ll ll covutd when: the rum: Vlll stand being loaded. Directly back of are the barn and through them to Avenue is I tmty foot driveway .flie basement ncoriactc lined through fit and here are local-d the steam plant ‘1“ M ' are many mall rooms or storage. ? l l BEGINS WORK SOON BMWOICANIZATJOI Will "and“ Collocfiou for Mo-bora 04 M00“ Inn's AM!»- and Ant-pl l. W.- Pro-pt Pay-oat With the arrival of the apctial files and index cards. which are expected this week. the new Business Men's L‘redii Association will be prepared to do buv. rim and. it is hoped. relieve the 1m 311 ,merchanu of the "old accounl" burden 1 Few realize it but the merchanuthcn » lsclves give it for a fact that they air 'olten compelled to borrow in lirdrr in lto meet their hill with the wholesalrr ibecauu they are unable to mllni from . their customers within a reasonablr tum. l 'Mool merchants say they are able and prepared to carry accountl fur ll’ilrl)‘ daya. which in the limit act by the larger atom of Chicago. but they feel that I! In an imposition to ask them to do more Ell is alto. as can be plainly seen. caper.- ‘aive for the interest which must be paid on borrowed money and the loan of dis- counta because of inability to pay the um T0 10cm ill] '0”- Considering rum d ' ‘ SooondAutoFinTi-udm Mia-Mammy“ UM Cool Below Thu .. . cl Horus The With-way W uhlobbumquoont-ieou-ly la announcing-alarm ”Mb! waldo-d” ‘- worry-n Itructmn of I «mining home whid will “them!!!“ h M" M b l . v eclipse am of Hit in-nmmon Mimiw"' ‘ 3'“! May Build Mon-l“ Waukogan irmtral'ton havelroccived word that Louu F Smft. the millionaire parlor of Chicago In planning (h con- row. as the (in-en Hay road ”M” It. much more thanan don to an called A chit-mo firm of archkocta h. . the Church. on one pom" Sim“!- been engaged ll» prepare the M To”! l! were Clly that it would be I go.‘ curl in Ipll‘lltl'll and beauty Melodyllhkl 5.40 ‘0‘! kl a Wham Farm and l‘lr \lituimicl mm ia'mthme'fih 30' '3' laid 10 he the mm «:1 Mr Syn". 'M fits. ” C ’1 ml! to WW“. canon thu‘m‘aoe. and can. . .- who has! H0 '5 carol. ways might 5"“ '°' 5“” Chum amn sci-qua and malady. but Lake Forest tiuh women are m to ‘3‘.” . W by g gm provide those thildrrn who come “on Wm Wild m u W1 3. distant: and air lunrd to carry luncha mien to the dart put Imh, tn u‘ht-ul With a hill dish in the form of - m M significance 0‘ a” movement wup It will 1-: sold In that Iwho can “e. W.“ ll .n indication 0' m_ aflmd liiplt llir prii‘c. lhru rem. . (“mm-"1“” 0, hope "‘4 el- tiowl, but mil he givm to other. all the “"3”“ :lK’le I! so “ranged lhll no out Vlll PM? m beginning l0 lift 0. (h. T)(" uhw pni> and ulm doesn't. _ hurry and tire. of modem lilo. they A"°“'“ 5" Ym‘Tm an beginning to realise that there are A six year lrlnl lm woodcut w. ‘ neat and craving. which the activities vuralrd tn l‘iul J J Halsey. oi Lab ofourliv. today do not satisfy. need. For"! l'iiiitisil) In hll Md!“ FM.’ flhich mm I'd mom iundamcntal afiernmm 111 ill: lrmprrani‘c Rmplc to thantbcnoodfor load and shelter and me “'auhrgll. women s Study clan "am They are mining that SWaIWi-thfl. Wmlllflfll Mlmm The W a Non R - Thr IllllO'i hill be unflplflt‘ in timol for the uptniiig of the new Winnflka' tmmin .11.! “ll: grounds. ‘Wl’lK‘h is planned for ll. \ A ll mntlh‘ Tel. a marl. not: and bl: life a failure whst~ ever in. out: of his bank account may be. A lilc lhll is lived wholly on the lower level: does not satisfy the beat that is in ua. M Sell W k “to u u "" F '1 Man II by nature a religious being and I l" \‘ T'm"'R""‘ without religion he unk- to a level not stairs Tim! .1 (lt‘a'. u lie-ing negotiated for ‘ much “,0" that 0‘ the lower animals. 9' "R (””3 The Church in a society which ‘exiata l’h-‘llh " l“ 'r'l‘nk \ WNW"! ll WNW" to develop: what ll bat in its members """ullh according and to keep them in touch with the t L». ago the pm. tum . ' ”.311 plant “Hill .1 .«z'w-l‘ gar. “’ l?” l"“"‘ ‘ ' ""' “"*“"‘on' should Ieternal realities. We all necdthc Church l”“" " V'” "*"l “ "" ”'dun'l" pro Iand tho Church needs no. II II a human 9"" “I ""“‘-">"" ""1 Mm" U""‘" brotherhood- well u adirincinaiiiuimn 1"“ ""“"‘”‘““F i' "‘ ' "“ 1’ “ " ”'d- ”i and it in members are unfaithful ur in- "_"’ “‘8‘” "' """ ' “l"‘g‘ “‘H ltaw~dlflfrml iothcduiiu which ll impooea l’ “'7 ’l"“' i " “m” and the truth. Wlll‘h it teaches it will kompIV! Auto Ind H0". Coal fail to accomplish the work for ninth it In NH .. '. a ’n? rrr the counril. a: CXIIIIT 1.. u > . n... \\ .1 J. L.“ t. 4;, time u mood Where the Church has failed to do m l .. K m. 5,. l was mm“ t (‘Tlfi‘ln'f work lnr liumanil} it has failed ”“1 1 ”3...; Q... ”Why“, “1 the because of the failure of ll.‘ mrmbris to U... m... . .. . ,. _ .-...g h. displace a... ' live up to lhf'ldfll) and aland’nrda which S41» . I \U .r " « ~' ' :riamlaiiiing flit 1‘ hi3 W‘ "P In“, I, .t. .t. ..\. A . M4 4“ 1hlbl§ all very plain and mm are realizmg ll today as ihry have not for I long time pain. They realise the need of the uplift and encouragrmcnl which 1religion alone supplies. The) realize w'” 0' L.“ M.” on," P “4 that to religion we owe all that make. m w'""."“ M: I! life worth living today and that with it 1 hr u :11 ill lllr lnlr \luntgomery Ward . l’ bound up the hope 0‘ "K WWW- Every age has Ila dinindive character, gm “HM.“ m“, m I“ m M. an "H” oun is tending to become an idealistic ‘ age. The reaction from the materialism valued at 3 and!» mi vlhith Millllllo 0' "I. 9.“ generation h” I" m “7008‘ was lll personal plnprlly. and “(film in ' ly. Men want to be fell‘KNO but lhty ,don't know how to go about it. The ‘Churchaathey no: ll doo- noi attract lamJbe‘ithcm. They are not interested in theo- ‘° '- ' ' al controversies and dead mam-a. WARD ESTATE WORTH 35.0009“ was li'ulialnl l" t HH‘Ji . (hurl In “‘lulif- real rstalr Brief“ $251“!!! 111 Hit ‘1“ lit-q uni i~ st and This is third in a series of sympathetic ‘ . interpretuiom of great national movc- , ”5"" must h' “'6’ “P “m" "y '"d menis. I The evening address has an ‘ that way b one of the ways '0 'n '" element 61 unique interest in that Dr. creased cont 0' hvm“ Prompt pa) m'm Evans film W” born m Highland Park of bills will save. both lur the customer mm. p'a‘ér M the church 0' his child- and the merchant. iathc Itateliicnl oi the hood. wl‘ present the great dominant ht"! and he expects. through h" ”f“ motives (T his life ideals in an address credit auociatmn. '0 condu” ’ ”"lpm‘" the tin-ma ill which is “Moral Passion" 0‘ education 'h‘d‘ V'" makr M“ h V" .‘ T“ E' l menu-fact. T1 i: "a"?! by“? 1h The association ‘lll also he put 11v lie salutes “'1 at l r usua our! . ‘ Till and .1 ill a. m.. and 5 o'clock p. in. ::;:':0':;; Lb: mfrizaHJSITLizyh: The sum‘vt nl mé recior's sermon inthc It also M” c n" morning 1M” be "Religion and its Call." allUClllllinl m um" (I'If‘ Tlii- iii-w‘gliniiinaster and organist. Mr. Sidno-v 'i‘nn Dietch Wlll be in charge of (he fllll‘l“. 3 United Evangelical A m‘l service in sermon and song is being “ranged for Colo-Church Sun- Dr. S. Hall Young at The Proobyi-run as follows: Sunday Church Wad-“day 3\ ' 52cm” are (phlxil . la. m.; morning worship. 10.6. Dr. S. Hall Young. who h” "in“ w K 1.. L‘. ii. 6.30 p. m.. evening woriiip. 7 .ll» Willi 5|TTi1..1T TOGTVELEUDIEMALASKA . year! in Ala-kl. and ll «(insult-red one w. "l t,"""“ welcome extended to all. the bed informed men on Aluka mud: 'SL 5““ EWB‘" lions and aflain. H to give an Illualialrd (in Sunday the Reverend F. Holke will { lecture at the Wu,” (mud, n". preach iii the morning on the text Psalm Wobadly mm ”,4 you“. bu m. 57. ""1” 1- 2 ‘04 5 ”d in ""3 evening roturnod from a boat and Iain» hunt in on ill-brows 13. vent 8. (k m m m has many tales cg Eben-av Eva-gold 11m . The thrice-for Comm Smdayfla a nun wt. marking Dr. ioi spacial madcandaW‘Yo-b-cuw but in the iwill c :byMr. llcrmanolNonhm Unl- My..ndthclanmiafmtotbo merrily... ”I. ”()Thflk Ilblrfl rim (I and MI. some of “hull arr Ill trust and men to thr estate on dull. vi the beneficiaries Block: of Iltxh m Klunigomery Ward 6i Compan\ lugglrga' Hg ‘llnlml are lfll to fin-n1 His iir;~‘.a A s “'illilmC . lama W . L'lnllt'! H M: .c- A . and Rob!" J Thurm iw'.) .4 ' ~ Mother Will". and original partiiri Mi 'irr R Tburhc lunlliiirls i-l . I irinaindet UT The rnlalr r-sllzilali‘ illut ll between :31": (u: and 8 -~ flu, and including a large lJl‘I k at ~' - ii the mail urdrr house gum :4 “m. Mn Elizabeth J Ward will-- A .. ~ ..ln\i-do0leean'ulnx uiihum twin: l'u 'r‘lnllfllf‘ one-third u lrll in '.u in...” :v' Maryorie. for lllf. min pun nl u-sx..:..iiitary disposition if Ll" lilaiiirs and lln‘ thildren . WANT ROUNDHWSE mom Petition. Icing ( iii-laid by PWH" Own“! Apcmmn ‘lillh II being circulated .and numcruudy signed will be ups-tad: m by coldneu and iormallarn so common among Christiana repels them. They are tired of the old protests and war mica They want to get iugrihri on a bans of mutual helplulneu and brother- hood and they are ready u. lt'bpund to an appeal which strikes tl-r right nut: and poems to lead in the right dlrrl non That I. why this ()0 IU-Lliun‘libulidfly movement II meeting w: ith rm 1. a splendid response. If u a move in the iiglii d:rcc. nun and an indication of Mn nr» sp'r‘ll of the age. Men an truth li- trap-ind ft: the appeal if the (luv) Illl only adapt “In!“ In Yhf nru silimlrui .-ii(3 pm ('lllm the old (impel in lrll..t til :; ”dam thought and txpfl'imt‘e A great many Wlplf nne-i gt. to Church because they be it PM“?! been asked todoao and because the) but never been made to feel that the Church fin-d. them and that they nerd the (hurt h It is hard to mitt Im at in a church in «dim-plow every Sunday Such in group can do little effective Inrli im lhl‘m’fhr. m for other: Bu! fill the Church with people. excite their interval. arr-u» ll)?" cmhuauam. W to the bra! that n in them and it is Inertia: story. the outlook instantly changoa. Nothing slurred- like” Once well curred the thing “I "I unpfi‘ In The Ttotbcutytountiluanearly data ask-gm. n r; n m m a...“ uh. the Sunday nove- mbmw «Rubi-da- Man-ii Nina-undue l l

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