~ Mrs. George T. Howland of Norwich, Conn. who has been visiting Mrs. George A. Mason. returned to her home in the east last Monday. A number of dinners and opera parties were given in her hon or. Mrs. Frederick Norcross. Mrs. A. L. Drum, and Mrs. Howard Shaw of Chi- cago having entertained for her. On last Thursday afternoon Mrs. Francis C. Brown on Hazel Ave, gave a luncheon for the visitor and that evening Mrs. Richard F. Peyton. Jr. gave a dinner. The informal dances at the Highland Park Club are becoming more and more popular. Last Saturday evenmg was One of the jolliest. Both old and young alike enjoy the informality of these occasntms. Mrs. A. B. MacCaughey gave a small din- ner party that evening preceding the dance. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tapper. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wll. _ kins. Mr. and Mm Frank (2. Gardner. and Mr and Mrs. H. H. Doty. tuna. "mud Vuyt culcltalllv UIC members of the sewmg society @emly organized by the ladies of the noikh end at her home Wednesday. 3 Mrs. W, I), LasharolBridgcport'i‘nnn. who was the guest of Mrs. Graze .\ Schoï¬eld last week returned the St of thus week to her home in the can? Miss Rose Gardner 0! St. Charl , III. is the guest this week of her aun ; Mn 1. Reese-man. " 'D i: Mr. and Mrs. T. Barbour Brown. 1205 N. State SL. Chicago. formerly of Lake Forest, will give a young people‘s dance this Friday evening at Mrs. Ruth Coï¬â€˜m Collins' studio, 721 Lincoln Parkway {or their daughters. the‘ Misses Rose and.- Lydia Brown. the latter a debutante. of. the winter. Mrs. James Sheahen entertained a number of guests informally Tueoday lftemoon. the occasion ceiebrating' her daughter Therm’ a ï¬fth birthday. The Laurel Society was entertained last week Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Frances Sash of No. Green Bav Rd. Mrs. Wm. Schmidt of Deerï¬eld Ave.. was hostess Tuesdly night. Mrs. Orren Sanford Peabody entertain. ed a few friends informally at a (ea last Saturdav afternoon at her home on Moraine Rd†to meet Mrs. Frank Smith who was formerly Miss Clara Williams. With Lent less than four weeks away, luncheons. bridge parties. teas. dinners, dances. sleighing parties and social affairs of every ducription are at present in a blaze of glory. The Exmoor cottage for the pastifew weeks has been a popular place for entertaining. Last Saturday night Mrs Eugene li. Andrews entertain ed thirty-five ot the young people at a dance for her daughter. Grace Andrews, at the Exmoor cottage. from sewn until ten o'clock. Among the ewnh (if the society world this week bridge parties continue to hold their place. .\tond.n- afternoon Miss Chailoue Yoe gave :1 luncheon followed by bridge at lierhome, 550 Hazel Ave. Mrs. L. F. McClernan of Ravine Drive. entertained at an informal "thimble" party on Monday afternoon. This was the third of a series of parties at which Mrs. McClernan has been hostess. A delightful tea wasgiven that same afternoon by Mrs. James S. Hopkins of E. Laurel Ave. to meet Mrs. Dickman of Boston. Mass. who is the guest this week at the Hopkins home. Mrs. John M. Tuttle was hostess Tuesday evening at an informal dinner at her home on Prospth Ave. Mrs Edwin A. Armstrong entertained informally at bridge Tuesday afternoon for Miss Elita Mott of California who is visiting in Highland Park for several weeks at the home of her aunt. Mrs. John Grenville Mott on E. Laurel Ave. The Tuesday afternoon bridge club known as the "Pink Satins" were entertained this week at the residence of Mrs. William J. Louderback. 311Moraine Rd. An in- formal luncheon was given Wednesday afternoon at which Mrs Frank Thorn of Hazel Aves was the hostess. Mm'Mar- shall E. Sampsell will give a luncheon at her home on Lake Ave. this Friday afternoon complimentary to Miss Eliza- beth Clements of Rochester. N. Y.†who is the guest of her brother and sister-in- law. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clements. The same day Mrs. A. B. MacCai'ghey will be hostess at an informal bridge.‘ party for Mrs. Frank Molby of Detroit, Mich. That evening a dinner will be ‘ given also in honor of Mrs. Molby at which Mrs. Ward W. Willitts of Sheridan Rd. will be hostess. There will be twelve guests present. Mrs. Carleton M. Vail will entertain the Friday evening ‘ bridge club at her home on E. Laurel ( Av. Telephone: 107 And 964 The Social Side of Life Rough Dry and Flat» Work 12 Piece; . 50 Pieces bf our‘ï¬igh Class work on at our low rate of Loéal Affairs of the wcek By the Obscrxn 1'3 | Mr; C. A. Smith of Belle Ave _ tained ten ladies at afternoon for her Smith of Callfornia. followed by bridge. luncheon sis(er-in-Ia The lunch Mrs. Walter Cope entertain“ the members of the sewmg society citemly organized by the ladies of the noikh end at her home Wednesday. 1’ The ï¬rst of the series of tï¬lks on “Modern Music" by Miss PriscillaCarver assisted by Mrs. Annette R. Jonâ€, Mrs‘ ‘Carleton Vail Miss Marion Maiah. and l Miss Elizabeth McCrystle will lg: given i next Tuesday morning at t thirty ‘ o'clock at Miss Carver" studio East Central Ave. ‘From Wagner to uss" . i with vocal and instrumental illuthions , is to be the subject of this openin‘;cture. These lectures are to be very interesting and most instructive to all musie‘ lovers and the demand {or them has beeénie so great that Miss Carver has arrmrd to duplicate the Highland Park â€ties In both Lake Forest and Winnetlta.‘f Miss Merryweathcr gave a I3 been for twelve ladies last Thursday a moon at her home on Park Place m h‘phor of her friend. Mhs Brownlce of St.‘ Louis. whoishe‘rc on a visit wnh fricdds In Chicago. Iuesday night of thi. week â€the-ed two sleigh rides among the Wpeople. A number of the girls of the‘hifl ochool made up one party. Among tho“ present ‘were the Misses Elizabeth Sewn-Cher, Rowena Bastin. Gertrude lernan Marion Boess. Mildred and rlotte Welsh. Betty Bacon, Margarï¬ Merry- weather, CarolynSchoï¬eld. Eat!†Baler Hazel Bell. and Esther Hisas; the chaperones were Mm Abbie ." Bastin, and the Misses Mary Sedgwick. gt'tstance Shields and Ruth Beardsley. be other sleighing party was composed of the boys of the Presbyterian Junior Club. There were from ï¬fteen to twty-ï¬ve members present. The boys m“ at the church and after an hours ride;!n)oyedt ajolly social time of games and Flats" at‘ the home of Mr. Albert Renniniuvho .s' the superintendent of the club. j. James' Catholic church entertained at a very successful dance Thursdav'ï¬venlnz. Jan. 29th in the church hall, w ich was attractively decorated. A dai hand- kerchiel. the gift of Mrs. Woodrow Wilson. wife of the president. Obtained through the eflorts of Miss Katherine Kenry, was raffled during thq' evening. Mr. John O'Keefe drew the winning num- ber. Those in charge of the aliir were Miss K. Kenry. chairman; Mi}. Hugh Drury. Misses W. Morren. M. flnry. E. Morren, E. Light. H. Berberichfl) Burke. and Messrs. T. Morren and J. meron. Mesdames Spellman. A. Burke. and M. Morren assisted in the dining Mm Mr S. 1) Nelson “l“ gixe his play “The Fdly of Force." based an the Doctrine of Non Resistance in the assem- bly hall Friday evening. Feb 6th. assisted by a talented IOCIII dramatu cocoa-n1 The lollomng WI†take part' Mk, hr mond.Grace Carolan. Mr Brown. Carl Rommel; Mr. Abington. Roy Hutchison. Mrjones. Carl Sentrand. Mis- Lane. Bessie Carolan; Jean Chapman. Ruth Kreaa; lnez La Vaque. Loretta Kresa. Dorothy Benton. Clara Pyle. Trixie Ashton. Hermina Haunschild. The bro- ceeds of the play WI†be applied to the debt on the piano. Uo-toChurchâ€"Sunda y agitat inn resulted The members of the choir? of St. James' Catholic church entertained at a very successful dance Thursdav'gvenlnz. Jan. 29th in the church hall, w ich was attractively decorated. A dai hand- kerchieL the gift of Mn. Woodrow Wilson. wife of the president. Obtained through the eflorta of Mine Katherine Kenry, was raffled during thq' evening. Mr. John O'Keefe drew the winning num- ber. Those in charge of the aliir were Miss K. Kenry. chairman; Mi}. Hugh Drury. Misses W. Morren. M. flnry. E. Mrs. James Duffy of So. Chen Bay Rd.. was hostess on Tuesday ‘ afternoon at a delightful card party. Miss Kmic Nolan of WV Ceqï¬al A»: entertained the euchre club Mbaday cw ning‘ \ Mlle. Butk. teacher 0! Freixh at 1hr meoln school entertained hp} Frrm h class at luncheon last Tucsda} llttrnum at her home on E. Central Ad." gursl Already people are bcglnmhn m lake admnmge of the ï¬rst big 5mm fall of the wmter There have bebn u-u-ral sh-xghmg parties and more lalkéd «rt (hm ucrk. Mr. and Mn: Wm H. rapper 31.1w J alelgh rude last Sunday high! takr mg their gm-sts {4) [hr Exmmx autum- fnr Ira Later 1n the exenmg ; Last Thursday arh-rnunn San» (hung:- \. detield (‘nlt’ffdllk‘d m’wnmll) A! hndgc tnr her friend. Mu W: I). th.†0: Bridgeport, L‘unn N-u-i'fll .mlmx “ere ngcn last “rt-k 1n hum or thc .v : Allen Mason. Jr‘ entertain (1 number of his young school friends 1" a slash ndc last Monday afternoon, $0.35 nâ€- i"; is Ill, sts ledwa “$31“; c-ntenamn‘. er‘ tcw fund! :4: u .m put) Wedncxhy ) cu-nmg 1 R my 51h~(.‘|lhrr1nr Nlï¬lzm u! SK l,UU|\ the Rural u! Mn h. .{nu‘kwlxn'hrx \\ ('t‘k hl'f Mrs B H Krcss €‘Il‘ndlntd the-ladies of the Five Hundrrd Sduh at her home Turde ahclnoun ‘Mh Lincoln Perm “a: awarded the ï¬rst pntc, Mrs. E finder the second and Mn Reardun u! Waukvgan {he thud i Mn I. 1’. Todd yup Ln! u (Wk UL Saturday evening a numbrr n! \mmg pcuplc enjoyed 3 "bob" thigh part) Amnng those prestm were Misses Clara Pyle. Mabel Mgr". Hermma Haunschxld. Lomu Krrss, Elda Huren» brrxrr. L'hnstme McMahan, Wmlfrrd Supple. Lrlla (Hynch. Alt->5†Robrr: and Wain-r Anne; George Karen, Alex Wm- man. Rube-rt and Q. h Penis. Albrn Clapper and ï¬xmuel Hulr Muss Elda Horcnberger has the gun! of Miss Estella Strubahr of Enulewood last Friday. Mm J. C, Wolfl was a chavmmg hoot- ess to the Altar and Rosary MX‘ICI)’ of the Holv Cross churrh which met at her home Wednesday ntternoon. The .ociety voted enough money to buy a new organ for the Holy Cross chun‘h and It WI†he Installed next Sunday, Feb. 81h. Mr. Michael Jungle-s left last work {or California. Mr. and Mrs, Woodman announce the bulb o! a son. Fedgvley Woodman. Jan 26m. [)r. Parker 0! San Frlncnc“ preached for Mr. Jones m the serum at the Preo- bytenan church Sunday and presided It the cummunnon table â€The Message 01 the Church". and "What the (hurch stands {or In the Community". were the themes of his sermons. Cradle role ex- ercxses were held In the morning lor the large number 01 new babies m the families of the t'nngregatmn A con» xregatlonal meeting has been t‘alled lor Wednesday evening. Feb. H (or the pur- pose of decndmg on a regular pastor m nncrcucd attendanct at all the churches Wthh were comforubh' ï¬lled It the urvncn. xh\ One of the best amended meeting: 01 (he Sewn {or (he Mu Sign): L'hx I“ hrld at (be home of Mm Mildred Whn» mg last Thursday evening Mrs Eugcnr hnder rnu-rtmm-d a num ber u! yuun,‘ Luim' a! he! hum! Tut-uh) exenxng Rn T F Hum. :rfl Ian-xi.“ mnnnnfl tur Jm‘kbomxhq- [- 4_ ahrrr hr um ~prnd .1 Irv. “fl‘kh (Jew! ml .‘115\ l Schools thould be open evening'- I: I socialccmu aid Mn. Purnn and the advocated dlndng in the whool and gave Biblical reference: (or sanction of the dtncc‘ A :quuncuc compo-ed of Mean Huyd Gunckel. Waller Ania. Roy Hulchnwn, and Robert Penn tool the sum: and pclfurmed mthxremrndws «m, and worn cmnrcd \‘m'lfcrouxly. The boy: u! Mr Krhmn s r-mm uuhrn-d. A rrcrptnm by (he lcdxhrls, Mint-r Lclh (ilyn‘h. M’Imtrrd Nipple: and L‘hnslmc 31““.an tvlhmrd an! the guests \M'n- KYQCH‘d hv 1hr It‘xr'IVIHR hue and n-Irmhmcm.‘ uq-n- \f2\rti by guests wr'n‘ hue and win His.“ 3 Mama Ruth Renhcl Emicr. lh'm' I would conflder it a wig: mvutmcm to open their store Irom J) to H and al- low other merchhnu to secure lh: tndc Center." 50 in wu the interest III her talk that t attention 01 her Iodiu eoce never wav The nubnct in at such vitnl im rune: to the villqe. which in facing new en. that this tale and ï¬ne expou' on of the possibilities. 0! a meeting piece?“ our young people ha broken the ice “1’ the use 0! the building (or wholesome ntnueement: Mn Pnnin quoted Itltisticepto show the vast inven- ment Mechoofl end that I xhool h each on an "edge 0! 2} hour! per day. She Asked whether Martha“ Field I: Go. membly hall the Grammar whoa" Friday evening th the unneedemcd‘ attendance 0! hundred. Mn. Ridunh Supple. the t. wedded. Mia1 ldaKnukplay apiano-ololndMn.‘ M. L. Punin o! icaao gave a Iplendidg address on ' c School :3 a Soda“ Center." 50 in wu the inure“ III Deer-field News Items \1‘\\ Ham»: \1u-n-r '.\ The mid-your ma mam Pmmmnnpmmmoxs “Hull! hat} .a~ hm gum-q 1.1 nu: .Mrsz Lnulr: (n! k? \r 1“ H\ url't . .HM rose wu the inter mention at be: 'ed. The mined name to (he \ .... â€"'. m. . mm Mn. W' it, wedded. Mia1 iano talc and Mrs. ‘ no gave a splendid; chool u I Soda“ In. the inure“ u!I nation 0! bet nadir The mined in 0‘: cc to the Vin-(e. m. am this utc' r the mums“ olj ar young people ham [hr wk n Z'u' Aft-K (Nd H U)!)¢'r(‘0. 3ifs???1‘2???llRavinia Theatr .7.-» x L. go r A“ xlr Whom Drive and Bevel Gear Drive Optimal F rout Sent Control, Reer See! Control or Both Combined Lower Battery Hood- Lower Hung Body Soï¬a! Cushions. Luge Revolving Chain Arched Doon, Rounded Windows, Fremleu Clea Ev Line a Cnceful one No gly Comer- or Angle. Wheel Base92 and 110 lncheo 116 Park Avenue Prices 50 ~ and 75 Cents Bymltdepboneorilm at Schmcha’s Drug Stormflighhdl’arl RESERVE SEATS NOW NOTE Friday, February 20“ With the North Shore Dramatic Club and W. M Lowrie This play, by Rex Beach and Paul Armstrong was made for' laughing purposes only Avenue Highland Park, Illinois Woods’Motor Vehicle Company, Chicago Woods Electrics EVERYBODY’ Woods Electric Garage No other can Compare vulh ll :11 beau“ and wnualuhly Don! doude on an) (A: unlll vou invest-gau- (he ads-muses ul an purmularl) the Woods Elï¬n" the ideal (II In! \our daxh use folder mule-d xm n‘qursl lbrmonulrahons Iï¬lnggtd Im at )uur ( It Irphune Hig‘flam. I «ML 11“ Can dnven from cxlher from u! rrur from wth hl‘h (‘umloflablc back: (loam: to drive The Woods Elect! The mltnors arr lhc- mus! roomy, cuuhmnr xhr large“ and mm! urmhnlnhle, but hill rhmben u.mul rln‘trk mm the mlrkrt 10! a lull war to cum. They are r vnylhmg II nru bud» and ch: TM 1915 Woods Electnr was the only really new (’8! at the Llucagn Auiomoi lulc Show yull (lo-ed Thou- He the only 1915 model: ever built or to be bulk No Woods file-(Inn were sturk m the recent deep snow vnlh a reserve of pouer 1m yum such ewergennes. II n 1an even through the deepen! 0! heavy snow. piled high The Casino will be open during the evening, refreshments will be served and after the play there will be dancin‘ which will be free to those holding reserved sent coupon The Woods Electric II the 1 They are twelve month: In admnu u! all (umpemlon. bud» and chnuis. sturk m the recent deep snow The Woods :5 built .‘ulhmm- ‘hr built-M, rmuhmg nhaxrb lh¢ hill rhmben. longest nulrage and the hand- «walâ€" nll have large rrvoh'mg chum m the ample-at. saint Ind "next of all puma-r and most durable electric H II ray (0 story undam- :11 MN! (mnrmt'mf Hear“ «- “NM-laud