water 0 m e s ~‘(3 ROOM 0f (ETC biacksrmthing j arr pr'z‘pared . hurwx‘noemg t the Baby’ 3 3 Bottle :2 : Electric Way ress "* :ed ‘urhome. Install *spondx‘ mstantly ; you mth purfe. of Northern Illinois id only heats the of fuel. txmc or Standard Ruud, . economxcal hot K\ rmpany Service Company '5 Letter BiHing ‘k or further dc- anteed' I: (hand Park “ï¬U’Y‘JS nu fuss match sleepy 0 ‘stubb- {ELI (Old. Number LECTURE SERIES AT i:BUT ONE CANDIDATE RAVINIA THEATRE? MAKES ANNOUNCEMENT HUGH O'DONNEU. TO OPEN MARCH IZELOCAL OFFICE SEEKERS ARE SLOWEORDINANCE 0N HATER IS ENGROSSED Noted Trlvcler now A! Orcheotn Hall “H“ Give Three Tnvel Tllku [Mu-(ruled with Moving und Colored Slide. 0'†mieiis cagw. r, '. stated Ihd lecturer 51 ha\ 8 hear Othc: rev 01' me arr» npmwn. me- them praxamg Mr. (I'aneil his abxiuy to see mm the hut and fort‘efull) and mleihgen what he saw. In other words “Egypt". and the third.“‘l)amascus_ Lon- V “Hump“, and Athens." Over in Woodstock. the senator from ( this district. Mr, Olson. who is also mayor i ORA'TORICAL CONTEST NEXT THURSDAYof his cityi assisted in passing an or- ldinance limiting the number of saloons i . . , . 'there to ï¬ve and doing away with all I Chm"‘“‘ Endu'" S‘mu’ .‘ Bunch- l blinds and screens. Political enemiee ' l “‘ Chum; m Enumn gclaim. and there are possibilities of truth ‘ The oratorical contest to be given in I in the claim, "I†the council “MP‘Y 0|“ the United Evangelical church on Green ’ganiud a “loot: trust. Bay Rd. and Laurel Ave. Thursdav.; Both Waukezan and North Chicano March 12th. by the K. L. C. E. promises l are preparing to hold town and cit! pri. to be a very interesting and exciting al- maria and. 3’ usual, in Waukegan the fair. The pmm will u.“ at me" i talk seems to be entirely on who will get {ony ï¬ve o'clock when comegmm num- i the Republican nominations. occasionally her one will take {or a subject "Christian , the“ is 3 ngressive peep but just oc- Endeevor Principles. Confession of Christ. ‘ casionally. The same may be said 0' PrivateDevotions. and Service for Christ." i COUNY POllliCS. [W0 Republicans. one of Contestant two mllepeak on “Our Pledge, " “mm is Our 0W“ 135- Hepburn. are in Loyalty ‘0 Cln'ist's Church, Fellowshiplthe ï¬e! 'or the Treasurer nomination . Welch is said to be planning to With Chriat‘s People. and lnterdenomina- ‘ and (1 tional Loyalty." Contestant three Willi‘OPPOse UNIV Indfle Person! Who will‘ ' ation to the (mice he now have [or a subject "Prayer." Contestant i seek reno tour, "Bible." Contestant ï¬ve. "Our Work i holds. but the is never a word from the at Home." and Contestant six. "()ur PTOQTCSSiVeS. Work Abroad'C Admisswn Will be free. I A. A. Mo.“ Aldermanic Candidate 5 1 'er or'ferin will be taken. Every- 1 _ , bk; is welcorfie > At a meeting of the First Ward Pro- y ' ‘ tective Association Monday night Mr. A. ARE Am B“; WHO“ in A. Moses announced himself as candidate , tor alderman from the ï¬rst ward. The oraton‘cal contest to be given in the United Evangelical church on Green Bay Rd. and Laurel Aux. Thursdav. March 12th. by the K. L. C. E. promises to be a very interesting and exciting at- fair. The program will start at seven forty ï¬ve o'clock when contestant num- . .J‘L ,.:_.:.._. We: Young Men's lion l:' the owners of the copyngm u... m. mduced to give their permission for a burlesque on the production one of the bum: sensations of the year will be added to the program of the Young Men's Club minstrels'to be given at. Ra- Vinia Apnl ‘34. President Geo. R. Jones. Secretary John E. Conrad. and chairman n! amusements Geo. Schumann. will repre‘ent the club ln 3 conferente with serum Chlcago managers and newspaper men Saturday and by next week we hope tr» glve the detatls. Due for Annunl Plny to be Soon. Mny Give Three (d an J'Ihvnnc-H. :1 ncw travel lecturer. :zapcd Ln-tn xmmedlatc pronuncncc as tint appearamc at ()rchesua mm night. has been secured by â€mm a)! North Shore men who teel xn- mnvcmence and bcauty of Ra- = {hmzrc have been too Kong new “.1 116 Will gwc a SCFR‘S of three a: 'wgmmng next Thursday. March .:n {he subyect. "Ireland" Mr x‘.e‘.i'.~1:~ctures:irc Illustrated with .z ptczures and ï¬xereupucon \ieWS. mung hxs ï¬rst appearance in Chx~ Erzc Delamastcr. mthelmerUccan, ‘th‘u "Mr. ()‘Donnell xs the best er smce Stoddard", and those who heardwmc 01 {he men whu have [â€2 the gruu Stmlddxd WI“ apprr- [rml (hesc are wmia n: 'mgh prawn icu;v"~\’r‘r\‘ m Chump» :xppcar In he 3 ~d"."’ npmxnn. the nmwrilv mt praxamg Mr. (I'Wnneil hccausc mt guilty to see mm the heart of things orrefulh and mteihgemly dexrihe Army Officer Full. i2 . s'zermastsr Sergeant Ross of Fort: 531:." :m was severely injured Tuesday; ï¬nch: when he attempted to alight from: the ~31 passenger as it was leaving thel low: \tatlom the soldier slipping and: {dHH‘lg m the platform in such a position that ins head was clooe enough to the tram to be struck by its trucks. His head was badly Cu! and he is suflerinx from the loss of a large amount of blood but u lS said at the poo! hospital, to wthh he was taken. that he WI“ reâ€" COVBL ALUMNI PLAY ANNOUNCEIENT 0’ Officer Full. II he Alighu From Moving Pnucncor and 'u Struck by Truck: <<yd meeting at the Ueernenu-m..uu= Awmntmn held at the high “I week J mmmxttee was appo n: :xs‘rucled to select three nne-act ~ be presented as the assm‘latinn's :hemrical Offering. A second : n m be held tonight when an n Hem 1" IM bv gwen fullnwing glans Will he more thornuuhly ‘5 Club Wu“ Grout Attrac- n for Min-ml Show ners of the copyright can be give their permission for a n the production one of the the Deerï¬eld-Shiclds to be Given ouk Three Pl-YI year will be of (he Young 1: given at. Ra- : Geo. R. Jones. of Fort John E. Conrad out for Town Colle but no Other Officnl Announce- ments lre Made. Lively in Other Cities a. Local tithe: seekers are either slow in; At the regular meeting of the. City! in making up their minds or they are wait- V council Tuesday night an ordinance giv- ; cil'st ing for the other fellow to announce his ins the east park commissioners authority , taint intentions for todzite we have heard of E to take and maintain as a park block 28. icond but one candidate for any of the numer- l the Central Ave. park and beat'h, was or- i ed. ous town and city otï¬cers soon to be ; dered engrossed by a vote of 3 to 2, l pert elected. That one is Mr. John E. Conrad : Aldermen Nichols, Buckley, Putnam. ‘ Wau ot the lourth ward who is having cards ! Fearing, and Vetter voting "aye" and ihet printed at this otlice which state thatlSheahen and Obee “no". icoal he is an independent candidate for town The report of the special gas com- 1 thct collector. Mr. Conrad is a young man ‘ mittee, as given in another column, was l The who. haying lived nearly all his life in ‘ referred back to that committee with l com‘ Highland Park, is well known here He i instructions to consult with the city1 “‘1 IS a graduate 0f the local SChOOlS. has ‘ attorney regarding questions set forth. ing. studied law at lllinms Weslyan and is at i Ald, Obee was made an added member l Feb. ; present completing his studies in Chicago! of this committee. .' Feb while he is engaged in the real estate The requests at A T. Larson for per 1 Mar business here He has never held a pub- mission to locate :in underground gaso- to n ilC nihi‘e although, \\llllt‘ he was not a line tank in the parkwav on St. Johns to t modulate. his trii-nds east nearly fill votes Ave. north «it lilm and of Geo. Tucker no“ tor rim in the last aldei‘tnanic election . to locate a long distance gasoline outï¬t 7 Feb by Wl’lUnK his name on â€16‘ Numbâ€. lle - in front of his store on Roger Williams It was at one time candidate for Justice 0! l Ave. were granted. ‘quo Peace hut withdrew omng to business! ln reply to a petition presented at the 1 gm reasons. This paper knows of no one ‘1 last meeting objecting to the erection oi ZOst ; WU" equipped ‘0 2i“? the oilice a I a stable at Second St. and Laurel Ave. the huslllt'SS administration. the street and alley committee reported , to¢ ln nearly all the Clllé‘S and Villages that block 3, where the site is located is 2 Pat .iiound us the game ot politics is bomr- abusinessblock and that thereforethepro- .. mi: and the politmans are domg theiriposed building will not conflict with thelum best to side track the local option issue. l city ordinance and the city cannot pro~ ishz at least to keep it from interfering With l 'nibit its erection. lpu. their continued occupancy of easy jobs l Passed the ordinance for pavtng 535‘ l int n. 4-; a ... hair. with l . c nuluhlr. haiku-[1d [or hm In the lust by wrmng hlS nann- OrientII to live Evening. ' Father Francis. the remarkable young man who is doing such good work among the oriental faclory laborers of Waukegan is to make an address in the parish house directly after the short service on Wed- .\lr. Sidney Arno Dietch. the new or‘ [1 ganist and Choir'master is arousmg much if interest in the music of the Church and ‘l is developing a remarkable choir. The l boys are doing better work than ever be ll fore and the chorus of young people has it in it several excellent Voices. In ad- “ dition to these there is a group of soloists: which would make any chorr distinguish 2 ed. There is Mrs.C. G. Alexahder, whosei beautiful soprano vorce is known and ap- f. predated by most North Shore peoplei and Miss Ruth Pinkerton of Chicago? whose contralto voice hés the rich tones at the cello. Mr. Alex. P. Gray, the' ’ baritone, is locally well known ‘ and will 1 be more widely known to music lovers :everywhere before many seasons. Mr. :Worth Faulkner of Chicago has an un- usuallv sweet and sympathetic tenor voice and is an accomplished musicftn‘ iarid-Mr. Charles E. Weeks. the base. {or ialong time his been the mainstay of :the choir. With such acha‘r it is no wonder that the music of the trinity. .church is attracting attention. Mr. Dietsh than seven! ambitious musical projects in , ,~_4_ preparation for the near future. I‘M“ ‘H TRINITY CHURCH NOTES r Addreu Wednetdn! Choir Improvinl Collector EA“ Side Aldermen F-vor Tran-fer unce- Plrk (o Commiuioncn but West 7 in ' Side" Wnnt Leg-I Question Settled Fir-t Contributed. DELAY ACTION 0“ LAKE FRONT PARK the street and alley commitire reported that block ll, where the siu- is located is a business block and that therefore thepm- posed building will not conflict with the city ordinance and the city cannot pro~ hibit its erection. U Iixutr n lllllK t..,......\e a... n front of his store (in Roger Williams ln cnnnectmn' with this report we i said district for the purpose 01 Voting on p he. were granted. ‘ quote from ordinance of Jan. 9th, 1900. the following propositions: [1 ln reply to a petition presented at the 1 granting to D. S. McMullen and W. lrving lst--For or Against the proposition to ‘ 9 ast meeting objecting to the erection ot ‘Osbome of Evanston, and their successors build a school house. n l stable at Second St. and Laurel Ave. the right for a period of forty-ï¬ve years 2nd-~To locate a site for such school- .he street and alley committee reported , to distribute gas in the City of Highland l house. 5 ;hat block ll, where the sitt- is located is 2 Park, as follows: I It seems that those active in Circulat- 1 ibUSineSSb‘OCk and that therefore thepro- E “Thegas to be furnished by said grantee .‘ ing the above petition favor the erection t Posed building Win “0‘ “mm“ mm the X under and in pursuance of this ordinance of a four room primary building with a : CRY ordinance and the city cannot P'O‘ ishall be an illuminating gas of standard kindergarten on the northeast corner of 2 hibit its erection. ipurity and quality, which shall have an ithe present Elm Place school site. 2 Passed the Ordinanfl‘ “‘l Panfl 535‘ i illuminating power of not less than A second petition circulated by per- 1 Central A": “'0'“ Sherldd“ ‘0 Dale With 5 twenty sperm candles, burning 120 grains sons actively opposed to this plan has I macadam. ‘ V 2 per hour. and tested within the limits at been issued as a protest against the t Passed raolmions calling the City clef“ i said city by a standard ï¬at flame burner. Board's calling on election for the pur- . ‘ tion for Tuesday. April 21. and “mi“! 1 to consume for the purpose of this test 5 page of voting upon a school site. it be- ‘ the Polling DIICCS. lUdK“ and‘clerks. ‘{cubic feet of gas per hour and I bond in in contended that the question of a . Supplemental amssmems in “‘9 '0" i the penal sum of $5,000.00 acceptable to school site was settled in s past election. i lowing numbers were “Owed: 81. water L and approved by the Mayor of said city The petition begins by quoting the peti- _ main in Lincoln AVC‘; 83» Pal/ml! Linden icon toned tor the faithful pertorm-nce tion given above and by calling special. 9.12490 pavins Brmkway and Oak; 91 ;b;., 4; gum was MWï¬-m'mmmmd W rad-3 sewers“. 94. â€Vi!!! Green Bay Rd. from ! visions ot‘thls ordinance shall be kept on 1 the. “To locate a site for such a school f the nuns “mm to Cemnl Am 96» w- m. with the‘city clerk of said city by the house." Then the petition was 1 1 in! 9‘“! 0‘ Walnut, Pint, Second. 1’3“?“ grantee or their minis. continuously “We. the undersigned. respectfully and Elm; 97- WI‘" "“15" in R08" Wil- 5 during the life of this ordinance†submit to your Board our protest mint liams. i The report of Engineer Mann showslsucha proposition at this time, to the V - ~ , - . tum-m A! this school district “'0 bE‘ Engroued the ordinance ï¬xing salariesi of certain city employees. Granted high school board permission to make 4 in. tap on water main in St. Johns Ave. upon payment of $75 to cover cost of inspection. etc. HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MARCH _5, 1914 RAVINIA CASINO IS ' ENTERED BY ROBBERS SATURDAY NIGHT VlSlT NETS NOTHING Bro-k Doors mad Show C.â€- More Frightened Away In Watch-nu and Leave two Shitt- Stolen from Who-ton homo {hat they vinia. Young People of St. Mary'. Church to"; Give "Finnoiui's Fortune" 1 Finnegan, Mrs. Finnegan. Mr. Reilly‘i and Katy. they'll all be there and the§ brogue will be thick enough (0 cut. All of which will be appropriate enough for: ‘the time will lac the 17th of ‘ March and the occasion 7the prusemment of “Fin- '3 Fortune". by the Young People's negan Society of St. Mary's church. The per- Iionnance will be givgn in the scllool lull. nv.-.. v... V. Tickets are {my and seventy- -ï¬vé cents. WILL GIVE PLAY ST. PATRICK'S DAY were the same who visited Ra- ng of the. city! The following is a report of the coun- ‘ that mu: was pgutcu ordinance giv- ‘; t‘il‘s special committee on gas and con- ; Site Questionitth ioners authority ‘, taint much interesting data including a 1 _ ‘ I park block 28. icondensed version of the expert employ- i did not Rec: d health, was or- i ed. This gentleman differs with the ex- 3 ote of S to 2, l pert who furnished a similar report tor! :kley. Putnam. ‘ Waukegan in as much as he stated that ’1 Two petitions have been widely Circu. ““8 "3Y0†and the cause 0‘ 5‘â€th in. the 335 is poor ‘ lated during the present week addressed 1603! while the Wauketzan man says that p to the Board of Education of District 107. )ecial gas com- 1 the sulphur is in the crude benzol used. :One rmuwts the Board of Education to er column, was i The local report is more detailed and ica“ an election for the purpose of voting committee with i complete than that {umished \Vaukegan. 1 upon a school site and of authorizing the with the city1 “Your special committee on gas light- iercction of a school building upon that ;tions set forth. ing appointed by the Mayor on Monday, site. The petition reads as fonows: added member i Feb. 16th, begs to report that on Tuesday. To “,3 President and Members Of the Feb. 17th. it requested Mr. Charles A-iSchool‘Board of District No. 107' High- Larson tnr per 1 Mann. Consulting Engineer of Chicago. ; land Park. lll; (lerground gaso- to make as thorough an investigation in- i We. the undersigned voters Of School iv on St. Johns to the gas situation as possible. and we i District No. 107~ Lake County, lllpetition of Gen. Tucker now beg to hand you his report dated 3 the Board of Education of said district ‘ 935‘â€an outï¬t : Feb- 27‘h- 19H~ ito call a special election of the voters oi Transfer of 5 Export Engaged 0mm wm. M... who )ut Wu! lmpocud for Wnukogln. Fran- chiu Tel-nu Said to be Viohled ‘eltion SHOWS COIPANY GREATLY AT FAULT The report of Engineer Mann shows!1 conclusively. not only from an analysiel made by him on Feb. 19th. but also from ‘ the records of'the Gee Company Itself. that since October. 1912. the average candle power of the gas manufactured at Waukegan has been materially lower- ed The report further show: that the 1 average candle power of gas manufactur- ed in 1912 was 165 C. P. which. allowing for the loss in transminion between Waukegan and Highland Park, would} bring said candle power in Highland Park down to an average of not exceed- ing 15 C. P.. whereas the city ordinance l above quoted provides for 20 C. P. gas in 1 Highland Park. i The report further shows that in IAugust. 1912. the Gas Company was lmanufacturing at Waukegan approxi- ‘35» v-. u.--" __,l mately 22 millions cubic feet of water- ‘ ' r . ' gas per month and approximately 6 mw‘it seems, favor the erection of a schml f5 'building but only on the Sheahen sitt. e lions cucic feet of coal gas per month. “Th , _ T l It further shows that since Septembetï¬ e petition appears _‘° HE PRESS to l have been prepared thhout a clear know- \ 1912. the production of water gas has: . . . 'ledge of the pomts in school‘law Involvv been curtailed so that in the year . 1913led D' . 107 h h ‘ g the production of water gas was approxi-% ' ‘Is-ZtlnaPl a: three :c 0“ 5â€" ‘ mately 4 million cubic feet per month?one at f“ ace, ‘. e Pâ€! Wm?“ me‘ ’ ;and the bheahen site. 'lhis being the ‘ aid the roduction of coal as 28 million g p 3 case. the Board must specify when i'all- . laubic feet per‘ month. In other words, ; , _ .tng an election for the purpose of secur- t L that the gas now being manufactured ap- t . , . ’ . tlnfl authority to put up a building which lparently consists in the average of 90% i Icoal gala and 10% water gas, whereas l â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"_â€"â€"'â€"â€"_1 . =eighteen months ago it was composed of t are however suffocating, and are also! :90‘7r water gas and 10% coal gas. 'gaml to plant lite. . ‘ The report further shows that in _ad-’: In view of the foregoing your com-i 'dmon to a loss in candle power in trans lmtttee begs to state that m its opinion ; mission from Waukegan to nghland 2 the gas furnished is not even reasonably ‘ :Park, the gas also loses in heat units, ‘ in accordance/with the franchise agreeg isuch loss being approximately 4%, thus ment above referred to entered into un- . .in the month of December, 1913. gasjder date of January 91h. 1900. Exwhich according to the records of the' Respectfully submztted. t 1035 Company averaged 585 B, T. If.'s. at : 105“," L. FEARIM;, Waukegan would averageat Highland: F. W. Sunni-:3, .. L AAAAAA "mm" :‘m k VT I‘ R. W. BLICKLBY. Park, the gas also loses in heai units," {such loss being approximately 4%, thus .in the month of December, 1913. gasj Exwhich according to the remrds of the I 1035 Company averaged 585 B, T. If.'s. at: Waukegan would averaggat Highlandl .Park approximately 560 BIT. V's. 1 g . i The Wisconsin State Commission. and ‘other bodies. have fixed upon 600 B. '1‘.“ i U's as a [air average In heating power, ; :theret’ore gas with a heating power (iii ‘550 B. T. U35 would cost about 65? more‘: ito the consumer than gas showing 600 '28. T. U35. The actual test made by Mr. ; I'Mann on Feb. 19th showed that on that i iday the :39 being sent out from Wank-9 igan contained 607 B. T. U.'s. which is 'iequivaleht to 580 B. T. Ufa at Highland 2 Park. The report {urther shows that In ad- dition to a loss in candle power in trans mission from Waukegan to nghland Your attention is also directed to‘ (ha: portion of Mr. Mann's report in which he says that the extremely unpleasant odor given off: recently from the gas used in Highland has been due to a fail’ are to eliminate from it certain sulphides. Ind in Mr. Mahdi opinion this is not‘ thhe qudhyofeonlused. It seems that theae sulphur“ funiee [given 08 by combustion, while not hlrmful to balm. TWO PETITIONS ARE OUT . (IN SCHOOL SITE QUESTION WHERE ELM PLACE Amino“ mums BUILT AGAINUP One Petition asks tbst Election be Called f0: Purpose of Selecting Site While Second States Belief of Signers that Site was Chosen at Previous Election. ’ Site Question at this Time, However, did not Receive Majority To 0;; Pksident and Members of the School ‘Board of District No. 107, High- land Park. In; District No. 107. Lake County, lllpetition the Board of Education of said district to call a special election of the voters of said district for the purpose oi VUllng on the following propositions: “We. the undersigned. respectfully submit to your Board our protest mint lsuch a proposition at this time, to do i voters of this school district We be lieve this question was settled at ,u pr: . vioueetectionendthat your Board' he no moral or legal might to suvhit this pmpoaitiontobe voted upon min. [f the eeoorld propooition is voted upon and ,anyother site selectedhut the one that n s i- r. l- 1. l" is l3 Vi. , was selected a year ago. and for which payment has been Wided for by a bond issue. we feel that the taxpayers of this district will be unjustly treated as. morally. the question of dhere I new school is to be liluated was deClded when the west side site was bought. We respectfully request your Board to 1omit in your call for an election proposi- ;tion No. 2." 1 It is understood that the site referred to in this petition is the so-called Sheahen site on Green Bay Road. The petitioners, ‘lit seems. favor the erection of a SChOl l 'building but only on the Sheahen sitt. :The petition appears to THE PRESS to l have been prepared without a clear know- :ledge of the points in school‘law involvv that even without THE P a formal such st made at ‘ meeting the trio action. those at for an e of pres: ï¬nanci: populat feasible schools . putting. on a pc of the educati and th: time a: call lot ï¬nanct erectic buildir which As 1 ed. District 107 has three school sites great i} one at Elm Place. the Port Clinton site. need ( n; and the Sheahen site. This being the that a '5‘ '_ case. the Board must specify when rall- on the iing an election for the purpose of secur- only i f, g in; authority to put up a building which is the Most Modern MW °" ‘In raponse to manv requests from cutomen' for the services to be given with such equipment Fritz Baht has put- chad one o! the most modern mee'i Wuwtï¬uon the marine; and wilH openleitip‘lconnectiofl mm his land-1 Podium man: my also be uedattimuwhcreitidiï¬cultto dis- ":werthenmm of the me tram wlichatreeuflen. Special Committee on Gas Ligh‘ing BAHR BUYS TREE SPRAY“ immi, w M» ‘, m omcms m can rams ablic opinion _ Greatly Invroved Service 3:133:31M' Held at Regulu- hinting Tau- lern tree: ‘1" "'5‘; I and villi At a meeting of the Odd Feflovs held his land- ‘ Tuesday evening the foliowing were nus. Maiebctedofllcenhruwienniu year:_s. of the sites is to be med. The people must vote separately on the proposition of authorizing the erection of a building and of locating a site for such a building, if the election is to be legal. THE Puss suggests that the petitioners might have requested the Board to namethe Sheahen site when the call for an election is made. There is nothing in the ï¬rst named petiâ€" tion to prevent the Board from doing this. Of course there is nothing immoral or illegal in the Board's naming any other than the Sheahen site. The people can at the election reject any site named, and that‘ it seems, is what the Board plans tn give the people a Chance to do. It would be best to put up only one site .so that there need be no danger a! an mdecisive vote. At an election in February. 1913, two sites were named. the Sheahen site and the Moseley Site, and the question of a bond issue put up. The latter carried by a small majority. the vote being 150 hr and NO against. ()n the question 0! a site. however. a much smaller vote was recorded. 105 voting for the Shahen site and 78 for the Moseley site. a total of 183 votes. The law will not conï¬rm the selection of a site at an election un- ‘leu the site receives a majority of all the . vote. cut at that election. As the bond issue had called out a total vote 0! 290, _a majority at which is 146. it will beget: . the Sheahen site lacked a was of 3' >Cmï¬aï¬y. foam†Em: when the Board cum an election lthiudmeonlyofle site be put up and that every one vote for or miss! I site without fail. THE PRESS has not been able to obtain a fmmal statement from the Board and ouch statement will probably not be made until the Bond. has ita regular meeting on Monday evening next. when the tvo petitions will come baton it for action. ltmay be lid. m, that [bone moot active in petiduiiag the Board for an election claim that a careful study of present conditions in District “)7. the ï¬nancial situation. the distribution of pooulation. en:w shows that ll is not feasible to try to maintain two separate wheels at this time. Hence they favor .putufl‘up a moderate primary building on a portion of the Elm Place site back of the playgrounds. and keeping all the educational forces â€united in its support and that 0} a kindergarten until wch a time as the pressure of population may call lor another move. By that time the finance: of the district may permit the erection of a more or less complete building on the west side Elle. a thing which is impossible now. As THE PRESS sees the situauon. [he greatmamrity of voccrs recognize the need of additional school (aunties and mm a time Will cum: whcn a buildxrx on the west ude “in be needed The only real issue seems to be whether now Is the lime to do 0115. Attording m newcpapu repnns plans for the reorganizamm ut the Milwaukee Ekectnc are about rumplele and It 18 be- lieved that the road WI†soon be up ior sale once mun- but what 130! more Impor‘ tance to Highland Park resdrms 2s a stau- ment bv General Managvr Hack that a new schedule will be pm in operation within a month. Mr Bock daims that 1th schedule will give bener serwrethan tany ever provided before: among other things he promises isIan hourly express 5 service to Waukegan. NEW ELECTRIC SCHEDULE PROIISED Lem. Nobk Grand- I W Sim Vice Wale; ?ï¬bch. Rec. Secretary' ‘34 Somuel Levin. Tram. The 5'0 meanmï¬ugm L}, F. Kim-II. and A- B. Within Month 'fl‘ Volume 4 W. Simon. Vice said (0 be due