kt? Although the musicale given under the auspices of the Woman's Club at the Trinity Church Parish house last Monday evening was not as largely attended as had been anticipated it was thoroughly enioyed by those who were present. The program opened with piano selections by Miss Elizabeth McCrystle whose playing is away: so spirited as well an ha.rmoni- ously swat-f. She played “Noveltite†by .\Ir, Usuxr Nwrcnberg entertained the mambcrsoi the HClub at a banquz‘t on FridJy the Uth. v Mm E ’1‘. Skxdmorc entertained a pup. of frwnds on Thursday evening in hunu: u: .\lr Skidmure's birthday 'anni. VCT\1T} (4rd; \Vcrz' the feature I)! the ewnmg. prm-s being awarded to Mr H. [)mm-r. gunk-men's ï¬rst pxize. Mrs. Axel Larmn. Ludws ï¬rst prize. and (unsoluv hon~ \wrc wan by Mrs. H. Dinner and Mr. Jahn Larson, [)rhciuus refresmcm: were scnrd. Mm; tha Sass of W. Central Aux. en- :vrtmned the Laurel Sewing Sammy at her hum:- on Manday evening. 3er Lune“ Nolan entertained a numV bcr or friends informallya: cardson Mon- d.Ay evening Miss Prlscilla Carver Wl†speak on the hallan School" next Tuesday morning at ten thxrtv o'clock at the home ul Mrs. George R. Jones 308 E. Vine AVL' “- lustrations will be given from the operas of Leoncavallo, Mascagni. Puccini. and WolffFerran. This will be the seventh of [hr sums of talks on Modern Music by Muss Carver. fnends nnfomally on Friday evening at cards Among the winners were the Misses Mltchcll dnd Gohlz and Mr. Olesen‘ Heans and ï¬ve hundred were played. Miss Jane Marshall of Lake Forest. en~ mined the B. n. 55. Club of girls at her home on Friday evening Those present from Highland Park were Helen (lourley. Alma ()lesen. Eleanor Nelson. Gladys Tucker. Hazel Bell, and Mlldred and Charlotte Welch. Games were played and refreshments served. The birthday of the good Saint Patrick', McDowell; “Nocturne†by Grieg ant this week broke the quietude of the past "Wild Chase" by McDow.ell A group 0 few weeks and made way for several af " songs were sung exquisitely by Mrs. Ken fairs for the boys and girls A very de neth Ozmond of Evanston, who also sang lightful party was given on Saint Pat {at the Ossoli meeting a fortnight ago rick' 3 Day (Tuesday). at which Mrs. ' Miss Elizabeth McCrystle was the ac Ross J. Beatty, 535 S. Sheridan Rd. was i companisl. Miss Elinor Tustin of Chi hostess. The affair was given in honorlcago gave)two readings. “The Revenge' of John and Rossyln Beatty whose birth- : by Tennyson. and “Brier Rose" by days also occurred this month. they lIav- ' Boyeson. Mr. George Jones played a ing reached the ages of 13 and 9. The miscellaneous group of violin solos with hours were from four until seven o'clock. ~ Mrs. George Jones at the piano. These. The dec0rations and favors were in keep- needless to say, were oeautfully rendered. ing with the day; Shamrocks pipes. and l in the group Mr. Jones played was the other symbols of lreland being used. All ‘ lovely Beethoven's Minuet which the sorts of jolly games were played and of music lovers never seem to tire of. As course there was dancing; even the young- an encore he played "Romance" by De- est of us in this day and age have to tan- j bussy. Miss McCrystle played several go. Miss Hogarth oi Edgewater furnish- { numbers by Debussy. “Golliwogg‘s Cake ed the music. Among the guests were I Walk." "En Bateau." Cortege" and “Min- Warren and Vincent Schreurs. Harold. l strels," and as an encore played “Scria- Stanley. Dorothy and Marjorie Carr; bine‘s Nocturne" {or the left hand. Mrs Wallace. David and Mary Kimballeugene Ozmond sang another group of songs. TremaineJack Abbott. Elisha Gray. Cleri- l among them “Where the River Shannon hew and ()tho Morgan. McGregor. Helen E Flows“ in honor of St. Patrick's Day. and Caroline Willits. Seward Baldw,in The Thursday Dwight and Mildred Moore Harold Pin- grey. Jeffrey and Catherine Carquexille. Mary and Esther Card Jane. Mary and Barbara Tapper, Charline Baylies’ Eunice and Alice Knox. Sarah Kerioot. Josephine: Hopkms Elizabeth Morrison. Frances Hol‘orook. Josephine and Geraldine Faxon. : The girls in the Willing Helpers club and Mabel Holland. gave a jolly party in the parlors of the Presbyterian church last Saturday after. noonfrom three to ï¬ve o'clock. Games of various kinds were played. in one contest the girls made crepe paper hats for which prizes were awarded for the ones most tastefully des'gned and care- The Tuesday afternoon bridge CJUb fully made. Miss Edna Vercoe received met this week with Mrs. Ward W. Willits the ï¬rst prize and the second prize was 0“ 50- Sheridan Rd- given to Miss Constance Vercoe. The Miss Jane Marshall of Lake Forest.en~ girls had great sport overa “Jack Horner tained the B. n. 55. Club of girls at her Pie." Each pulled a long green ribbon home on Friday evening Those present and drew from under its crust a miniat- from Highland Park were Helen (iourley. ure wooden pipe A†the decorations Alma ()lesen. Eleanor Nelson. Gladys . and favors we" i" keeping With St- P3“ Tucker. Hazel Bell. and Mildred and “W3 D†The affair was under the Charlotte Welch. (iames were played supervision oi Miss Mary 1‘0“â€? Sedg- and refreshments served. mck and Mus Constance Shields. Ice cream and cake were served. i evening tango class will meet this evening with Mrs. John ,i.(|ass Cary Ame Ravinia. Mrs Glass will entertain the class at dinner preced- sing the lesson. There will be twelie guests present. ThIs Saturday afternoon Miss Dorothy Clark will give a cotillion in the P332] bane of the Trinity church at two o'clock. This will be the wind up of the children's dancing classes {or the year. ll- IL... t) [\l Thns Saturday afternoon Miss Dorothy Clark will give a cotillion in the P332 bane of the Tiinity church at two o'clock. This will be the wind up of the children's dancing classes {or the year. Any kind of Ice cream. Ices or Sherbets dehvered to your door. I“. 8. Green. teleghone 53. Mr‘ Hamid ()lesen entertained a few The Sbcial Side (if Life 1:4): Forthesake onour 7‘ OfléntalRugs -' Have your Easter Dry Cleaning Jolie before the rush fliziflashlllamaflfrudlhaem Local Affairs of the week 11“??ng @mma By the Obszrver Dry Cleaned Telephone: 107 and 964 w- .vuw lt isa little too early in the season perhaps for many of our people to make a change of residence or to even think about what they will do or where they will go for the late spring and summer months. Newerthelessa few. are béin- ningito make plans and preparations. nThe Observer has only heard of a small percentage of such changes being made. Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Pickering have sold their beautiful home on Waverly Place to Mr and \Irs Parker Johnson of Cornell Ave. Lhicago. “ho will take pos- ' session withitia month or so. Mr and Mrs. Pickering returned last Thursday fnom a week's absence in Philadelphia 2'! hey will irate next week Monday or iTuesday for the same Clt)’ where they :mu reside permanently on account of Mr. Pickerings business. Mr. and.Mrs. L. F. McClernan and family of Ravine Drive. have taken the William ll. Millen residence. 420 E. Central Ave. for three ,years. They do not expect to occupy Etheir new place of abode before May lst, However, as several alterations are be- :ixig made in the place to add to its com- 3tort and beauty. Mr. and Mrs. Millir :Wln leai'e in June for an extended trip 'abroad, going ï¬rst to London and from there will go to visit places of intere~t ,in England, France and Germany and ‘and other nations. Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Peyton Jr will go east as usual this lsummer and will take an apartment in Chicago next fall where they expect to jrremain deï¬nitely. They have rented [their home on E. Laurel Ave. to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bird and family who are now‘: living onEPark Ave. Mr. and Mrs...[ Bird expect to take possession of the Peyton home later in the spring. Mrs.’ Thomas Troxel has rented her house on! E. Central Ave for six months and she: will visit her danghter Mrs. D W. Ryther (Jean Troxel) at the Presidio in San Francisco, Cal. Mrs John Grenville Mott entertained at informal bridge last Wednesday after noon at her home on E Laurel Ave. IThere were three tables , McDowell; “Nocturne†by Grieg and I ‘ Wild Chase" by McDow.ell A group of I songs were sung exquisitely by Mrs. Ken- neth Ozmond of Evanston, who also sang Iat the Ossoli meeting a fortnight ago. I, Miss Elizabeth McCrystle was the ac [companisL Miss Elinor Tustin of Chi- Icago gave two readings. “The Revenge" I by Tennyson and “Brier Rose" by . Boyeson. Mr. George Jones played a miscellaneous group of violin solos with - Mrs. George Jones at the piano. These. needless to say, were oeautfully rendered. ‘ln the group Mr. Jones played was the ‘ lovely Beethoven's Minuet which the music lovers never seem to tire of. As an encore he played "Romance" by De j bussy. Miss McCrystle played several I numbers by Debussy. ‘Colliwogg's Cake ‘ Walk." "En Bateau." Cortege" and “Min-I ‘strels," and as an encore played “Scria-l }bine‘s Nocturne" {or the left hand. Mrs lOzmond sang another group of songs. , ‘among them “Where the River Shannon I Flows" in honor of St. Patrick's Day. I Tï¬e Thursday evening tango class will meet this evening with Mrs. John Glass. Cary Ave, Ravinia. Mrs. Glass will entertain the class at dinner preced- ing the lesson. There will be twelve guests present. hive On Monday morning the warehouse of Mr. J. Antes caught on ï¬re; the Deerï¬eld ï¬re department was immediately sum~ moned. and before any serious damage was done the flames were extinguished. \ir Theo. Knaak is rtdecoraï¬ng his drug store and has put in a beautiful new soda fountain Whï¬h cost 31300.1( has improved “1L store greatly. I , '1 he Mu Sigma Chi \xill hold a special meeting at the home of Miss Martha Karch Thursday evening The Alumni of Dcurhc' d ht‘ld ya méel ing at the hnnu of Mr. (arl Rommel \iundav mening where plans {or a one» act play (I; be given at Ravinia Park sometxme in April. were discussea. On Saturday evening the Royal2 Neigh- bors entertained a “hard times" Eparty'jt the home of Mrs. Albert Hagï¬e. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vant, Mrs. Gep. Pettis and Mr. Henry Segert were awarded prizes ior having the best cbstumgs. Numerous games were indulgedi in 'a‘nd a very enjoyable evening passed“, A business meeting of the Christian Endeavor was held at the home "of Miss Louise Huhn Tuesday evening Thnd'flu‘ followin ofï¬cers were elected; Miss Louise uhn. president; Mr. Elm“ Thp'r- rien, vice president; Miss Elizabeth Rrichelt. secretary, and Miss Irglii Rock- :n‘wick, treasurer. ' ' 3T Mrs. Chas. Osborne has startefl an oil painting class which “in meeg? a't her home on Saturday afternoon. _-; Mr. McClelland of Chicagofjoccupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian chutch Sunday The text of his morhlng tr man was “What Think Yeof Christ." ‘ Mrs Fred Meyer rs attending the Ro'yal Neighbors comention at Bloh'ningnon this week Mrs. Meyer will alsp visit a few days m Champaign. ' I Mr. and Mrs. Hemstead of.~_‘ Evanston are occupyingihe Manse peiading «he completion ofa home which :ï¬icy will build at the north end of Lincoln AVe. Rex" Black returned to did Uniud Evangelical church atlcr an ahence of {Wu weeks. 3 2 The Law and Order Lealac held a meeting at the home of Mr. Nth. Plague Sunday afternoon. 5 x Mrs. R M Rigs of Lake Ifark, Iowa and Miss Schuringel of Chicagp are visit- Ing their sister. Mrs. Wm. Schï¬g. PHARMACIST The annual congregational eeting of the First Presbyterian church "of Deer- ï¬eld will be held In the churcI‘ Wedne: day evening, March 25th. s An election. for drainage coéymissioner was held at the Wilmot schooi Sawrday altemoon, Dr. Davis being unanimously elected. ,é- , The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church will hég‘nterlain- ed by Mrs. Edward Selig next: Thursday afternoon i Friday evening, under the Â¥auspigms of the Parent-Teacher Assoc on. Mr Anthony Czarnecki, an elecu§n commis- sioner from Chicago deliva'cd an ad- dress (- n Civics and Woman‘ sitldffragn in the assembly hall. Speciï¬er: ballots were used tor oenomstrati purpwes and the laws pertaining [0 lb entranch- isement of women were clearly explained. 'lhe regular March meeting kt the as- sociation will be held in the‘ hool Fri- day ahernoon. March 27th at :300‘cléck. A pracxical demonstration of ilié use’ of the ballot will be given by l. speaker from Chicago 2‘ PHONE 23 The Law and Order League heid a meeting in the assembly hafl lust Thurs day evening. Mr Fred Stryker presided; Mr. Fayette Munro of Highlhnd Park do livered the ï¬rst address . iii: political interests in. the neighborhood caused him to side step the main subjed ot- the eve- ing but he delivered an ent¢minixig dis- course on humanity Mr. Ehbert of Chi- cago spoke on prohibition Md his re- marks were direct and to t 90' ' e stated that nine states are now “dry." that of those who spend momin saldons no? one' in ten is a tax payer: and when the saloon: are abolished the then save their money, buy homes and increu'é the taxable property which is ébmér wt} stitute for license money. 3 l Mia Chrimne Mchuq manned Lenten Sewing Circle of m Harmony Club Tue-div evening. -; '-:: _ Meadamel Richard Sum Entry 3', Moore and Mn. J. A. Reich-[h In. were debates to the council o‘éffthé Parent- Teacher Clubs in the Board;ol Education Rooms, Chicago last Tuesday."- Friday evening, March: 30%. Miss Frances Biederstead and her pupils will give a piano recital for the beneï¬t 0! the Grammar school in the “terribly hall. There will be violin and vocal numbers on the program also “Helen Johmon was tfle wgkcnd guest 0! Mn. 600. MM ‘ Mines Loren. Km... Entries Duï¬yattendedtheCook " gm“. meetingat the An lnnitute wraay. ‘ Mia Elmo: Meyer was .9“ the sick last week. Deeffield Newd Mr. John Hahn in very £11., mm mm ‘ Deliveriefi‘ Henry Siegoi, head of department store enterprises in New York, Boston and ‘(‘hicngo. and Frank Vogel, his partner, have been indicted for grand larceny and violations of the bankinï¬ lays in connection with the muuxe. ment of the Henry Siege! and 00.. pri- vgte bank. Discrepancies to the ex- tent of nearly. 32.000300 are said to have been found in the books of th‘ Siege] store nnd those 0! the banking enterprises. yn'o (he idenm)‘ 01 the hamâ€! killed, United States cont of appeals de~ (tides Baï¬tman Kodak company has heen operating for ï¬ne-en years on palents they did not own. From $5,000,000 to 32:.om,uno will have to he paid by the company to the owners of the patentâ€"the widow of its In- ventor and her daughter. Man. who“ body has lain in a Wil- 6onsin murgue awaiting idrmlï¬latiun‘ pronâ€".5 (n be that of a former (‘hicagn banker. H. C. Clarke. Morphine Pausmi him to partly lnsr- his identity and Izhimulv-ly run-“ted in that}! The Mexncans who shot Arthur I'ishlr, vngineer, and sewral others \\ 1n n inierrupwd while thrcwing nwr hundise from n train, are held in the i‘noria. UL. jail. Thny refuse to yn'o (he idenm)‘ 01 the hamâ€! killed. The Western Federatior of Miner- is ready to sue for peace «1 the Mich- lgan copper district, xcmrding to their leader. ('harles H. Moyer. The artion is regarded as a Victory for the min? owners. New York will not recognize di- \()r(‘Ps granted in (-ther states against its rmldeuts unioss uprn sanitary grounds. The actinn imuiiLa. Ihuusunds of marriages. Fritkism of the premier by rlhe ed] tor prompted the depd. Gaston Calmette, editor of the FI- garo, Paris. was shot dead by Mme. Faitlaux. wife of the Frenrh premier. Uncle Sam is working out I scheme to make unlfum grain grading comâ€" puhnry. The states will do the vn rk as (in?! do it now. but federal oflirers will have control. Brigands burn and loot city of Lo- }:ukow, ('hina. r. T. Frnyland. a Nor; weglzm missionary. was HHN‘ nn' smerul other funigners injured. Miss Marflaret Wilton, dauf hzer of the president. is said In re engaged to “ed as Is also Miss Lelen Wood- row Bones. cousin of the president. Duncan McDonald. secretary lllinoh Fedt‘ration o! )‘irr'rs. in ï¬lter attax-k dectares Samuel Gmm.er.~"is a stone shout Lahor's nerk." Six a‘rmed men kldnred Mil; Mar- :aret Miller. (‘hk-ngn. fram a North â€313th street hotel. The police {ear white slavery was the mvthe. Chic-go thugo. after shooting WI! Ham Petersnn, salocnlut. are routed by thet‘injured man‘s dog. which pre uentvd robbery. Three hundred student: at Wellel- Iey were drhen from their Imds when ï¬re attacked the university. All es- caped uninjured. Two thousand five hundred died lh 1: storm and tidal wave alcng the “harps of the Sea of Azov. Russia. Chinese Bandit; kill 1,500 In the provincr‘ of Hupeh‘ Many women and girls are attacked. Three hundred Huerta troops are killed when rebels blow up troop train with dynamite. London is making milk "cm tho Wire 0! the soya bean. according to despatches. .Wiih the announciement “The Prel- ideni and Mrs. Wilson :nnounce the eingagemeni of their youngest daugh- ier. Eleonor Randolph to Hon. Wm. Gibbs McAdoo†the Wilson family has exectively closed the mouth of rumor. The wedding is thought to be planned for June but no nnnounce- ment has been made and, according to White House ofï¬cials "no announce- ment on that matter will be given out just yet." Photo- by American Preu mod-tun. Dummi- If mm .4! ball- moi War In. In to mm. msowmoo; We handle onlythe Cboicest Meats Giveusatrialorder and be convinced Wisconsin Full Cream American Cheese Roasting Chickens ....... ' ........ Stew Chickens ......... '. ........ Rump Corned Beef. -. . .‘ ....... Boneless Brisket Corned Beef ..... Porterhouse Steak ...... i ........ Club Steak ..................... Native Rib Roast Beef, lst and 2nd Rolled Roast Beef, boneless. : ..... Hamburg Steak ..... Sirloin Steak ...... . ..... g ........ RoundSteak............' ........ Native Pot Roast ....... ........ Hind Quarter Spring Lamb ....... Sugar Cured Hams ...... « ........ Breakfast BaCOn.. . . I .......... .. . Peacock Brand Bacon ............ Veal Roast ...................... Pork Loin Roast ................. Pork Shoulder Roast. . . Q ......... Leaf Lard. . . .. .................. LEO A. HAAK, Mgr. 24 W. Central Ave. , Palace Cash If you are considering the purchase of a laundry machine let me arrange a ï¬fteen days‘ free trial in your home. No obliga- tion or expense to you except a fair trial. ERE is the verdict of a few North Shore families as to the efï¬ciencv of the "Judd†Electric Home Laun- dry Machine in their homes. I can Show you a great many? similar testimonials. We have om- of your machines and can speak m hud. est praise of n. ()ur washmx is done In less um: and better than ever before. It not only saves nmr and labor wnh ‘hr unal! things. but due- heavy work, sud; as blankets and spreads. m the use. and hes! man ner possible. The old time walling day has been for (-Vcr chnunated from our home. thanks to m: " udd“ Mrs, L'. DePeyster Berry.Pu‘k Lane. Highlan Park ., nA-u so urauuluxn. ~ Mrs. DA»~.H'R."TJE¢,-uo€'EfF-3' 00d Ave..WiIm¢-He Your washing machine has oved mom satistacmn and I am Certam that names an mher machme on the market, Mrs, GVW. Mlher. enilworlh, The"Judd"u perfect .and X am Ind lo aav wc- haw had no tmubie wuh en er the mac me or the mom: I had no Idea there Iris a washing mach'nv on the market that in so sim and pranks! an opera hm .1~ 1.: [he "Judd".- l‘red " non. M1) ,(;lpnrm. l have used the "Judd“ machine almost a year and car.- not praise n 100 highly. Nu woman. whemer mm rm or maid. should be askm to me up her malny m doing the family waghmu when there Is a marhme on (he marketx'hlï¬h 3'1ng it no ch__¢_3ply an_drso trauxnfuliy. _ \l... __ â€a- 1125 Ccï¬tfll Avilue. Wilmcï¬c 1'3qu ‘99 ï¬ï¬ï¬reciations ‘crtram B. I Sud-1M! at’ the :r me macnme or the mom: 5 a washing mach'nv on the- and practical In oporahun .1» ‘auon. M. 1).. (Hencut B. Udell 16c, 18c and 20:; cut.. .16 and Telephone 1 .115 and 13:? ........ 16:3? ......... 165;: ........ 16:3; . 18c}:i Loo Angela P4 Because Mr. M1 is so we" known ping from the Febmarv 22nd ‘ oux readers. It I1 story, that which“ a descriptiorn 0! ll able books which 1 “George M. laophiles, is will years “0.513% at McClurg's m C liophxles far and 4 and Sinners' d Eugene Field. uh! devolcd dyiples.‘ gathxflcrgymen. and otherwnse in! with a penchant‘ books. ï¬rst edï¬i was one of thel there. and there I Dr. Frank wicu M. 811810! 01 (h Church, Dr. Joh Stone. Francns W1 ler. Sol Smith R others ,. acmns. pr goodly companv ¢ 7177fll;!k China rrsta Bronze. Mat Uni) ud-uu â€it Show} BM} _ Thrrr'e .4 selIing Ch: wild bard £4 and HI zen BOX 4.} 'K xpcrt JUST