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Highland Park Press (1912), 19 Mar 1914, p. 4

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(31‘; . A A. u JEN. SATISFACTION ELECTION. TUESDAY. APRIL 71h, 1914 Independent Candidate for Deerfieldé Township Collector JOHN E. CONRAD You must use Nu-Pinilh to have real ‘dusting satisfaction'. You canna get Nu-l’inl-h results without Nu-Iv‘ini-h. Every user becomes an en- thusiast. A trial will convince you it has no equal. 1 f Whiceflfln Year in-u Entered “woodcut- mner March 1. 1911.0: (knot! 0150: at Highland Park. Illinois. under "I. Act of March 34 1579. MWPARKM mum anu- av Ions L. Um It Highland Park. Lake County..lllinois Telephone :: :: Highland Park 562 All“: in me us_u'al w'ayu / but what a difference! .\'n dust flung In the mom to settle duwn a ain. [€er speck istakcn up and ta :1! nu: nut rust stirred up. And. N the Lame Mme, with no extra work, )nur furniture. woodwork and hardwood flvor) are rimmed and DOIISth‘ Try a it bottle. I.Y“LICHD 0.74 D C. PURDYul$9 SONS D. G PURDYn" SONS Sunday, Mar. 22 :\ mud to last Sunday's sermon Definite. concrete. helpful suggcs‘ tions for busy people. thz‘ Dr. Herbert Francis Evans on these important theme. at “The Chuckhnl liepeople” Singer Sewing Mlchines Knob/fished in Hie/slum! Park .~ over 36 Tears Bur (.‘oupanin D. M. Erskine , C0 INSURANCE ,\ tlvoughflul duck Baptist QIbnrrb Int Ilml mum Machines rented by week or month. Telephone 28 Cash or on easy payments. Repairs for all makes of machines. THURSDAY. MARCH 19. 1934 “Which is Greater? “How to Grow Up” is it mun-elous dusting- clcanmf» luhmgv II- quld._ V1! It ypu ma um IITAILISNED 1.74 MMPOIATID "COI'OIAYtO enmi przncxpics u: Inn: 7:45 p. m ll I.» I’m! Ram ’7” 5 Mrs. Charles E. Follansbee and Miss ; :0. is reported as doing nicely. iMarguerite Follansbee left Wednesday“ Mr‘ and Mrs. Lynn Hogleof South .lor a three weeks cmmrn. trip. They Clncaguwere the guests on Sunday 0f ‘ will \‘mt during thc spring vacation ~1le Mrs. Marv Pitts. Mavjurle Fullansbec. who amends the- ‘ himn'm “ xllard schoul [or Rm“ 111 Iro)‘. I busmr» (m) m Mxlwaukce, Witt: for {la .\. i. - . l\\’x‘t‘l\*Ln(l. \ Miss Bernie: Banning. {E'Hchtl' Hf ‘ ‘Frcnch at 1). 5. H. 5.. “£0 called In Cull- Mr. and Mn. A. M. mem were on a Mr. and Mr,» Howard mer! of Highâ€" “mud, alllIOUI'll'f" 1hr arrn'ul of a dziulzh Mr. and Mrs, Richard Dean of Chicago momred to Highland Park last Sunday. They expect to open (heir summer home on due corner of Beach St. and Sheridan Rd. sometime next month. Miss Amy Dean is visiting in New York A son was born Feb. 19m to Mr. and Mrs: Edward Steele of Chicago. Mrs. 5:91.39 was formerly Miss Lottie Rudoiph of ‘his city: Mr. and Mrs. 311)ng Heller of Cmcugu, ”r h-chmg umgratulations upon th- ‘mrm hf mm: (buy and giri). born'l‘hurs- day, Mar L’ h \Irs. Heller was formerly Ms: *‘('!L"‘. Rudolph u: this City MI, and Mrs‘ H S‘ Vail, wholefl some- tlme mgr: for .1 tnp to Panama. are ex‘ pex'tgd ham:- wizhin a fonnight. They will-ms”, in Frontenac. Fla. where lhey have‘ a cottage. before coming north. .l' Mr. J. I’, 5mm: and h» .myz. Ihughf Ml» Smlth haw rrrurncd In Liam!- Pmme on I \inu-d Prospect Aw. zifn-r u >chrul “rt-ks >L!) Sunday In He'Hner. FL) ' \{r a Rx Miss Helen Cuale. who has been visit- ing in Visaha. Cal. for mer a year at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Hyde. is expect- ed to return tn her homr m Highland Park wmcnnw dunmz the month 0! Apnl. Mt» Rita Murray. also of Vlsaha will awumpan}~ “:35 (male 9351. She will vxsit relam‘es at West Point for several monthm Mrs. Clara J. Tremaine had as her weekend guest Miss Virginia Cams 0! the L'nxversity or Chicago. Mrs. Frank Mulby of Detroit. Mich. who has bevn Visiting for a mnmh or so at the home u!” her sister. Mr~1 Eugene E. Andrexh «n Laurcl ,-\\e., returned to her honar 1m: Saturday leas Manure! Bunncll spent the week- cnd mm hcr pan-nu. Mr. and Mrs. John A; Bunncll. rrlurning to her studies at Kcmpcr Hall Monday morning. fur Bonny. [mm to Wait at my hmzne or 01' Mrs Archibald Sum. She expect: to return within a fortnight. Thcpuhlic is invited to the Baptist church tomorrow evening. Friday. to hear Rev. and Mrs. Paul C. Metzger tell ul their experiences on the Congo while misgionaries in that region. A social hour will follow the, addresses of [he guests of the evening. Miss Catherine Cumin; has rctumcd from a wrek> Viz“ in New Yurk. She spent :1 pdrt oi the time \xiih hcr :islcr. Miss Margo: Cushing \vhoatteizd.~ Vassar Coifege in Puughkeepsie. Mis: Margot. who is a Senior a: Vassar. is the presi- dent of the class. Mrs F. M 'l'rrr)’ returm-d \Vcdnt‘sdn} from [Night Kamzh‘ whereshe >px-m (M- [3213! (nrfimght m .w with Eat-r :Ntvr. Mrs. 3L (L Cur)”: ()n ln-r rutum I‘nmc sht- x‘bfied xrirmis in mef».a‘ Kans Miss Bernie: Banning. {E'Hchtl' N French at 1). 5. H. 5.. “£0 called In Cu]: furniu a fortnight ago h} the wx'ious Ill ness of her mother. Mrs. Jacob Zimmer of Second St.. visit- ed friends in Chlgdgu :‘uerul duh (h): “eck, Hi» Ircm Russell. formerly of High land Park mm of \\ mnctkm lcf ( \Iondzn fielen Umn'mqur, Mr‘ and Mrs. Andre“ Erickswn of W (emral Ave. had as their guests on Sun- day Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stewart and family uy' Wank-rum A. Bunncll. rrlurning to her studies at Kcmpcr Hall Monday morning. M155 Laura Rnryd of Grand Rapids. Mmh.. is m:- gucat of her musin. Mias Helen an'mqur, Ml» (1mm .\L4r;~‘h, 34'! Prm has been 111 a! i e" hutnv \Mth v the p35! w.» m Ihrcc WcL ‘ 3. Mr. and Mrs. F M. Sleclc and Mrs. W. K. Sidlcy are expected to return from Pasadcna. C81,. where they have spent the greater portion or the winter. the first week in April. Immunmm umsl Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warren and Mr and Mrs.(. .E. Thompson returned Wed nesday from athree weeks stay in Flor- idn, Mrs. M. Bohl of Holland. Mich. is visiting friends here for a week. ,\1_r._l»l3x". 1m Kira T. “'1!!! ,h‘d NE of the oldest, largest and most widely known Insurance Compames wishes to select from this community a young man to learn Insurhnce Salesmanship. We believe that this field offers t!) the young man, with the proper qualifications, lyiill.‘ ing to work diligently, a splendid oppOrtunity. hue man only will be selected from the community. We prefer that he shall have at least one ywr of co ge education and must be at least 21 years of age ‘ Apflyhmh?flo«,nhamwmfihfifl p u- In h .\ ;.\Ilrs;1aH.WI‘.<l 1‘» H: (laHami. Ha. IS lump; 5 Athletic Ciub in Chung- O’D( nnell Rand “5ng “v.11; Mrs Mr. and MD M :\ and liIH(’C'IURh m1 \\ it}; Mrs Mrs L‘ux. “ho tor a numbe: of wdeks }‘d!\t*$d.’i\ j has INCH vmtmg inâ€"r mother. 'Mrs. “n.“ th- ' L‘Emh-r‘ B. l‘mwll m Rminiu! has reflarn- em. Mrs. rd [0 hcr hunlt‘ m Stamensx‘ille, Montana. Miss Indla Taylor 15 at the. Nlcudulc Farm tux an indefinite atav. ' 4 MI» L‘uz'ndia Bradley (12 RGQCl’b Park. \inu-d mth muslin-s n; Highland Park I‘nmc MA- 3,». 4‘ I)“ Ixh! hum? UH 1 grippl Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ware. the ‘ latter bemg formerly Miss HclenZimmrr, hzne mun-d out from Chicago ‘and are >lnmg In the Albcrt Zimmer house on i Deerfield Ave. Mr. and Mr», Albert J‘ Metzel and son ‘Truman haw returned from a several { weeks mp to the Bezmudas. ; Mrs. 0. Onsom of Highwood. 'whd whs 1 taken to the hospital last week to have {her hip, broken last Thursday ’httcnded ; to. is reported as doing nicely. i There will bea dinner at inc Wage House In Ravinia on Saturddv evening, March let. at 6:30, the proc09 ofwhlch ;will go toward buying tableilinen and isilverware. After the dinner Mrs. K" B. :(ireen of Highland Park Wm entertain ’with some of her original reidings and ..Mr and Mrs. Oliver Brown will play I piano duets. Reservations miy be made by telephoning Mrs. F. R. Cain.chairman of the Dinner Committee ' E Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. jLaIng and iMr. and Mrs. A. (i. McPherson and Idaughter Nancy, areexpected. to return jthis week from Josephine. Ale, where ithey have spent part of the winter. Mrs. il-lenry M. Prior. who has been visiting it‘ur several weeks “ith he'r son and' idaughter-In-law. Mr. and Mrs Lyman iPrior in Jacksonville. Fla, and who for ithe past Week has been viSIting In, Hosephine. Ala.. will return with them. Mr. M A Viihills has becngquite [“2116 past week at his home on Fofest Ave; Nurman l‘czcr wn n' Edgqfrv‘iafer, Chi (ago “as a Highland Park Visitor last Friday. l : Kavmin « the fir>t¢ Mr, and Mn R1 mg alum; Bhe Hm Mr. and Mrs‘ Orson H. Brand and daughter sulmxir. 0! E. Ccmral $re. were the guest: scvrml days this. week of relatives in Milwaukee. Miss Dorothy Mitchczl is expected to return hnme {hug neck Friday from De Kalb Normal Schnol to spend her spring vacation with her parcnts, Mr: and Mm J. 1 Mitchcll of Roger Williams Aw. Mr. and Mrs. Jowph Leuer' innoum‘e [he arrnnl m a daughter. born Sunday. March Mh. Mr. and Mrs‘ William A. lAlexander and son Mannie, returned last week to ‘hdr hn'ne In [hghland Park after a 1m nths a'nexmâ€" m Bellairc. Han ‘at their \x'mtu hHIn“, "Vllia Rosa." > Mrs. Juhn (in-m IIlc Mutt hqs‘returned frvm u \\vrk> Vile \mh relatiyegin Bur- !legmn. la Mr.» Frank le‘oln Wean is \‘isi‘ing her daughter. Mn U. [)xckinson Sigeex m NU“ \XII‘R : : Mr. Fred Hatchelder of La Pane. Ind, was the Sunday glint of Mr. BatcheidéxS brother. Bruwme. (If N. St‘ johns Ave. , Mrs. Frank R. McMuIlm. formerly of Highland Park. is planning to ‘O to West Virglma, Hot Springs the lane? part 01 this month. Shy wnll go from there‘ to Washington. Mr and 31]‘:,(), (L St. Prier U! (m wcnlma A\t‘.. \wrc thc sunday gueu: m rclume: in Waukcgan. \x'mtu hHIn“, "Vllia Rosa." Mr. Juhn Grenville Mom has; returned from a trip to Florida. Kc!" 65m PHARMACST M; ~, (y;‘l\.",.:(‘ \\ Lzzx: “Etn‘ spends ‘thc mu-r n 'JX}Z!J\ in Lhrnun. \‘iliixed friends Rifllihd Mandi}. Mr. 1121‘ Mrs. Carr .gmts 110;)“: thmr >unxmgf home in avlnin « n'ncr theâ€" Inner paztgqf April or 6 (mt (J! May ’1 ' Mr» Eduard! PHONE 23 TI'IE MGW‘.‘ )1 :LI 11v “u and Mr,» Howard mer! of High announrr- 1hr arrn'ul of a dziugh urn 'l'umdzn, March luxh. L uh p u! Hr00klyn," 1V Hui gueél oyMrs, C ‘1': \\ xlhuzns Aug. 'R‘l r {.f ll Mutt are witch 3i? : The next regular fortnightly muting So! the Woman’ 5 Club will be held in the assembly hail of the library building next ITuesday afternoon March 24th at 3 o'clock This day will be In charge bf ' Mrs. Abbie B. Bastin The last meeting of th: StudyEClau will oCcur next Thursday morning, March 26th at ten o'clock. Mr. Beniaaiin E. Page will speak; her subject‘ wt! ho “Needed Legislation in Illinois." ‘L I It \zllvrzh Tf‘ A debanng when of 'U': Deerfield- Shields High schlml hcid a ”manic last Monday ausmmm at 5' n'vmck. = The suhja-J' for (it-butt was R( snh'ed: That Cneducatinn IS \uhhuorx The af- tirmu'ive speakers were menzx Basin) and (Lwd‘x'ich Schaufiicr. Those bpeak- UHJDI'WL'LLS \ (){L‘ m The meeting will be held in the audi- torium of the Elm Place school on. Mon- day ewning. March 23rd at 8 o'clock; The Garrick Gub held a meeting Tues- day afternoon after school. ststhlen O'Neil opened the program “txh a hurt - orous reading. Miss Dorothy Baker rr- card “Young Lochlmar." Mr. Albert Renmng sang accompanmd by Thomas Findlav at the pnnn. A >eiertionj from Hamlet “.1: guen by 513.5 Eszhrr Baker. In cnmlmi‘ :‘ J 4- szmx. new a humor [7 Is hope-d that by this mcans a better understanding may be rcanf'ed a: In the needs of the Dhmct tur addx'iomlschool house facilities and aim [U the location of the proposed buildmg. [rt :«cmrdancc “ith the petition the: iuard has is>ued a call for a special elec- Him In be hl'id on the 28th of March to \‘gte on the proposition 50 presented and on the future proposition to issue the bonds-J! the District to the amount of 825410.00 the proceeds thereof to be Used for building a school house. In flaw of the general Interest which the building project has aroused the Board of Education hiss deada‘d to call a public meeting of theHuk-rs and parents of the Distrid 101‘ the purpose of there ope-mug tn tull and frre discussion the queuions which “ill be voted upon at the election. AH piren's and \mexs m the Qistrict are u: ged n be prc xm ax that meétmg. JhHN \.‘\'oxc11055, Pmsident of the Board Education. Schod District Nu 107. Adv 3 Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sullivan of E. Park Ave. had as their week-cnd guest Miss Ca‘herine Lonnergan of Chicago. Tn zhc Vnzors and I’arcnh of School Di» (rick NM. 107 The Board n! Education a! it: meetinq hrhi fast “ed; ru‘c-xvrd a pezmun Named 1)} «large: nuntlwr uf Ute \ukh (If (he rilstnct zukmg 1hr [hard to call an clac- tinx: fur the purpuw of “ng on No px'\.-[>v):‘ll:<»n~. V1.1: ht. For M against the proposition to build a svlwml hOUSL‘. 13nd, Tu lncate a sit? for such school home Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ckm‘ of So. Second St were the \\ eek end guests of Mrs. Clzm's «parents Mr. and Mrs W. W. Dy ke of Cnstal Lake Will Di-cuu Grimm-r School Building Question. Monday, March 23 Raymond ()enty was taken to the Augustana hospitai Tuesdav where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. Miss Mary Zimmer is on the sick list this week. Ave has-1h W33; fl :v‘intéf ii California Mr. Lawrence Erickson is living in Chicago. _ Mr. J. S. Reeseman is on the sick list this week. A denomstrator of the Lung Motor Co. will be in Highland Park Tuesday evening. March 24th. at the fire engine house at eight o'clock and will give a denomstra- [non of the lung motor recently purchas- ed by the city. All who are interested are cordially invited to attend. AJLQho has been visiting ‘her famine: and sister in Minnuota 'j for tavern! month: is expected to return this week. The Senior class song of dhe We": Col- lege in Aurora. New York his jlut been; published. The musk was wriitenfi Miss Marie Armstrong oi our dity Miss 31mm»: 9mm. 51:2 Kenmore Ave. Chm who u an indmue {fiend of Mm Armstrong's, and 5‘ Se'nior st Wells College, mute the wows. ' Mrs. JohnLight of Kenopha in the guat on Sunday at the C. E; Mead home in Highwood. Mr. John Kelly of Highwood left on Monday for Les Angela. where he will 'make an indefinite stay. . :rlc-Clu H' PUBLIC MEETING AT ELM PLACE High School Notes Mon thy negatiw \u-re Mlldred M‘clch wk Baker, T?‘ mdges cast a Woman's Club t [hr cld-fihxc I11 Ossoli Club .3 w l V» or} third {I’Lrnaxtém in A mimb‘er of hi “cm Ldmvn wages cast a m Lhc .aflim- Highland ParIi Illinois i‘ mm l. meat. mad-n m1.czn.vh mu... [,1 mi; Making a specialty of loans‘on improved real estate in North Shore territory including. fingers Park. Ex-anston,‘ mette, Kenilworth, Winnetkap 61 0e, Highland Park- Lake Forest. Security‘ yuder mo gages in this terrim. continually enhancing while the fire of interest is aura: Telephone 23 A wagon will call Ibr and deliver your garments Why not have your clothing renovated litre Illl: week and give our work a fair trial. 3 Our CLEAMM; AND [)3 mm; of ladies' an d gen! 5 garments oriental rugs, ca: pets powers, drapcm: piano covers lace curtains, etc. (annot be duplu an d by am local cleaner as we have the LAM F. " and 0103! SAMTARi plant in the VS at. to make than presenti- ble. Why don‘t you let us fix them ug. [f you com: here you are sure m sev cure the bes‘ values pos- sible. The more closely our work i> examined the the nonâ€" rcasnns were are ‘for bringing your clmhc: to us. INCORPORATED 214WCENTRALAVENUE TdephoneflidhndPariZGS your clothes you may find some that for every day wear onIy need . [’34 I Genitall’msing - f_ j Dyers and Cleaners “The Imperial” There are many incidental things you will Want for ear. 1y house cleaning. Sponges, Soaps, Chamois, Extermina- tor, Polish, etc. We can take care of these wantsin a very satisfactory way; North Shore Trust Company DON’T THROW AWAY F or. Early House Cléaning MAIN OFFICE AND‘ won-cs 2:23.213; med. Anne, CHICAGO Capital 3100.000 Oumbdundafieknkmg Laws of the, Sat; of Illinois MORTGAGE - MNKERS Pharmac'nt in sanitary plumbing 1.- (1;)ch workmanship. Nonnngtakcn fur granged; ski“ born of Ionu HIP?“ knee and the will to 31V: Her)’ zciient the honest won}: or his money. Never Look a “cheap " 90b in our historyâ€"rather do 11 10" nothing Butwedo return \3199 {or moneyâ€"charge you nothint' for an estimate. 3'. H. Decker Co.- OUR LONG SUIT St. Johns Avenue - 8153 SL Johns Telephone Wafi Paper Pain chtroln 31W pp W vrv

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