ad:- >r en a [63" hcat‘ :omzed {001 hdn'! WP»: Side Rates , of \OS rrurlries bv rhe. 'xormes y’. (l h RC ‘nnd Construc- counted ineenng. Typo- [AEFER ‘INC B \\K {0 put 3lst series of W A\T Cement Wed d Park ,tre .ai (natalâ€"r 7370: 1.: 4â€"0. WOOâ€"not V‘ -.:o>=06rln~.OI .vans I I good show ’uk Theatre 'I m tnglneer- 11hr†IID Bergen PHIKLIPS :NighlsZSc 9,15: ‘ underlies: ’al Ave. deville Strum 11 um _\ 7.1 gm“ Y“. Fxrst st. ' )7 en tune. run: In rhls tram Highland Park ussell “D 'eyor RESIDEVCE on“ ruction. anh‘E‘i LJNOIS Inge le TM 0‘ Srrviccs and Medingsjn the Vanous Churchcs R“ p‘ c. Wolcott, D. D. ‘Rcctur. Holy wumon. Sunday 7:30 a m. Morning Prayer and Luany 11:00 a. m. Holy mumomï¬rst Sunday in the month Fahvals at 11:00 a. m. Evenpraycr 5 n m Sunday School 9.45 a m. Laurel Ivenuc and McGovern street. In]. D. O'Neill. pastor. Sand: W Fist Mass. 6.30 a. m. Sunday Sciool “:45 Sand Mus. 8001 m. High Ma:- 10:00 Haywood. Rev. C. E. Lundgren. pastor. My scrvxces. preaching at 3:00 p. In. My School at 2:00 p. m. Wednuday nave! meeting 8100 p. m. a“ r...“ â€" The Reading Room. 119 East Central Axenue. is open daily. ex- â€; Sunday". from 9 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 59, m. Ail authorized Christian Science (mature Is nn ï¬le for reference. and may I: purchzb'ed if desired. 5:. John. Evangelictl Church ‘ Corner of Green Bay Road and Homeâ€" wood Ave. Reverend F. Holke, pastor. Sand†morning worship. German. at my Sundav school, German and ‘ departments. at 9:30. Every ï¬rst :3 third Sundays 1n every month there In“ be English sernces in the evening at 71!) Call 751-]. Fir“ Church of Christ, Sci'onh'u Bud avenue near St. John's avenue. W sun not every Sunday momina at El“ 0110c k. Sunday school immediately mg: the Sunday morning service. War Wednesday evening testimonial W; at 3:90 o'ckz‘ck. Ebenezer Evmclicd Church Second Street near Laurel Avenue. Sunday School. 100 a. m.; morning wor- du’p 1100 .1. m; Christian Endeavor. 6:45 pdcvening service 7:30 p. m. German yer meeting Wednesday. 7:30 p. m; 'bh study Friday 730 p. m. We cordial- '1 Invite your attendance. .«nr‘, S. E. SCHRADER, pastor. Believen Meeting Library Hall, Highland Park. Every Sunday 7'43 9. m . Gospel address Every Thursday H'll p m . Blblc study. You are cordtallv mvntcd. Evangelical Lutheran Church Central Axenue. W. F Suhr pastor. Sunday service. German preaching at Ill!) 3. m.. English preaching at 8 p. m. [It and .lrd Sunday's; Sunday School. ' German Saturday achool. 9.0!) to 121 Bible school In German for young people Tuadays at 'l p m. and m English Wed oesdays at H p. m. ;__ Fint United Evangelical Church Corner at Laurel Avenue anj Green Bay Road. J. Foster V'an Evera. pastor. Sabbath morning worship. 10:45; CVenmg source, 7:45. The Sundav school. under the dxre.txon of Mr. Wm. Noereu- berg. cunvcns at 9:30 o‘clock with Miss Walcria thter. a trained workerin charge of the pnmary department. The Key Stone League of Christian Endeavor, Earl Fntsch presldent meets each Sun- day cvr at 5.43 o‘clock m the church parlors Pt’aycr meeting each Wednes- day 6 en: ? S oclock A cordial in- vttanon H cxtendcd the publlc to all urvices. bunr‘h of emerald slm lewvls. and now they a reach A hoy from Hm. tomorrow, and Vllth hla tn henr dlrevt news {rut luw- (ruin your dutiful : Mully llftl'xl lwr e :u-russ the tnhle :It be "l'nrle Dennls. I‘m : wlll nm’vr Cunn- lmmo. 'l‘ln- ultl mun liflml u “lllnll, child; l'w Larry will ('uun- lulu :1 dream last nlzht. t'ume n knocking 2n ope-[Ml It to m unr of \u-urlug ï¬ne clntlw pour Larry was in m of pinnln: a hum-l1 0 rocks on your lmsum. out of place on th: gown. my den r. our rlml a little put of plant from old lrulu woke up." Molly was sulvhln: "I don't Cure lmw l Dennis. If he wlll uttl us." ' "Nu more dn I. [)q-nnis. Cltl Swedish Lulhenn Church There wxll be chdnsh Lutheran Church Itrvrces u‘ery Fnday evemng at eight o‘clock 1n the Labrary Hall on Laurel Avenue. Hmhland Park. Carl E. Lundgren. of Waukegan. lllmois, pastor. North Shore M. E. Church Hazel and Ureenleaf Avenues. Glencoc. Horace (L, Smxt'n. Pastor. Sunday School at 10.13 a. â€L .Wurship 11:15 a. m. and torn-1| the glrl slipping tn ln-r knee-s beside him Iurry wlll rum" (1mm home. If this last quest for gold should prove uselvss. l mu: see him turning about and coming back to us Between the lint-s of his 10119? I muld read that he was lumgvrlng fur the ones he had left behind." "God bless you. dunghh-r." Dennis nmre cheerfully smiled Baptist Church East Laurel Avenue. Herbert Francis Evans. mInIster, Sunday serVIces: Morn- Ing worship. ll 3. m.. evening worship, 7:45. (Ended Sunday School meets at ten o'clock. The mId<week prayer and conference meetmg Is held In the church parlor W ednesday evenings at 7: 45 o’clock. The LadIes' (lulld holds Its regular meet- Inga on the ï¬rst and mm! Thursdays of each m MIC-‘1. EIeryone Is cordlally in- med [u ml me serwces 0: [ms church. North Avenue Fin! M. E. Church FIrst NI, E. Church. Rev. V.A. Spicker. Pastor andAV School 10:00. Preachmg, 110‘). and T .43 p. nI.; Jumor League. 2:30; Epnortn League 6:45; Prayer meetxng, Wednesday. HUI), Teacher Training, Thursday 7.;Il Highland Perk Pretbyterian Church Corner I): Laurel and Lmdrn Avenues. Pastor. Re. R \..l]\ln lmhwn. Sundav 3107!}HK w lump mIlI sermm.1():30 Q‘CIAA. ‘~ -"' .expcr .Vl Isiual Service“ ï¬rst bun 12', I; WI â€In of each month Bible thOl III l'I .{rfldr'd lesmns (or :Illdepart- ments and Iges Sunday from 1" noonm 1 p m \uunu Peop leK meeting, bundAI menmg at 1 “Jo MId Week Prayer Sn-rIe Wednesdav evenings at 81M I) clock The puhllc Is cordially III med t») all UK Ihese serum-s. The lrII‘uvw -II he Dorcas Sm Ie-Iy hIIld all- daym"t"l‘i.{‘ ‘l‘. the parlors III the church the r'rx: In! thIrd Honda‘s of the, month Inr IHHJH skllsbumarj" [ mun Sunia; . [hOOL w ments a “GORE: 1 Sundax The um daymwcnw the ï¬x“: monthmd maturin- eak'i :"nn: hdu-s Jr: \nnm! Mnnday anerrioon of :H mm â€duck. to whu‘h all hdu-s larcfurthally muted. Highwdod Cniholic Church Out. “44» 300 a_ m; Sunday. Low Mass :H'w J m . Mass and Brnedxcqon 51 Blc~scd Niv'ament. 9.1!) Schmk :1‘r\l|\‘r\’. Rt“ Pat mtor. QlIc-w .m --r~ A u- :ur mama-u flea ‘m‘flml‘ nu Niven: . n u prv my.†wuenuflnu (1 "WHICH“- hum AI 5' div cuuu-IemLAL ""0800! 0" Palcnu hm Ira; Hlvlesx m y for mom- on". News mun x rough Mann 5 m". Dig-um“. â€pouch-no. unto ‘WM "Mr-u“ wool . new dr- Wm u! any mnulo Yuma. Term. OJ 3 n2: (9!" months. u. 30 d by erwï¬gleq. “'06! Sleuth-I. M. ‘5016 by m BOW-dealer]. mum-any. “"12“ co}: l' I. '00!†D. 'Saéiï¬fiéwm _ . _ _ Sunï¬sh Evmclial an...“ Trinity EM Church I1". St Mary's Church :aiholic Church hm! no-ns 4 ' at m; Sunday. Low "“"U' MW!» U355 and Brnedxcuon "N" ""“Hh‘ ant. 9.4!) a. n1,,5unday ""Q'l‘ ï¬~l 5 Rex Father Slflates, farm-r. :uu! “Lam will never be comlug home." slghed Dennla Flanagan as .he looked out Into the March twlllght. “It's the your: Ilnce he went away to ml: hls fortune. Molly, and do you never won- der what he‘- found?" Molly Delaney looked “her uncle: through flushed tears. “1 am always wondering that. l‘m‘le Dennis." she answered. "nght the lamp. Molly. and rend his latest letter.“ requested Dennis. When the lamp was lighted I! (ll:- Mom-d a comfurtablo smlnz room. clean and cozy and warm. It showed Dennls in Ms blg rocking vhulr. hls helpless rm-umatlc ft‘t't prumml an a stogl, Lovely Molly helium); wlth her misty black lmlr and ln-r lrlsb blue eyes. sat down all llm table and "Imu- ed me worn envdope that contained Larry Flanagan's letter and read: Dear Fatherâ€"Although since 1 it’s ï¬ve years iett you with high heart that my returning wuuld be soon i 3 3. home. poor and needy instead 0! rich fear that I must wait I little tnnuer be- fore seeing your dear face again and tel-l- ing the heart)‘ clasp of your hand Gold is :n alluring tad; She has- led me a pretty chase in this bleak. cold country. and now she in only just in sight. Mensa God. when next I erte it w.“ be In [ï¬ll you thnt i have struck it rivh. that I .vn Co'l‘lhl! home to buy a grand house In mu anvi .\lnliy.'and we will a'i be happy together Ramember that l [Itlllnlfll‘d .\i-~I« i)’ that when i Came home I ll bring hrr :t hunr‘h of emerald shumrucks. the real huh-ls. and now they are just within my reach A hoy from iiuzvnvtliu is the hrre tomorrow, and “iUl his coming l expo-ct in henr direvt news {rum 5sz bath \\':th im'e- (ruin your dutiful sun, LARRY Muily liftmi iwr eyvs uml lcmkwi :u-russ the tnhie ut iimmls i‘lmmgxm "i'nrie Dennis, I‘m afraid that Larry .. .. ..~ ..._-... . horn-s m myE maybe itll come all right. for utzuln l dreamed the dream of Larry vowing mid"â€" "Who wuntvd him rich. Uncle Den- nis?" crie-d the girl hotly. "We wvl‘o \ztiixiiml. you and l. “'9 plomimi with him not tn :0 :l\\':l_\' :nnl lmu- us. liil‘. tiwrv; perhaps it was for the best. but lim' is nu :wln- lwhilui it nil!" "\Vlmt i~l that?" ih-nnix liflt'ti his Inuit] "Tim nuisic or the hand. The kuizhts u‘ grown :mA lmmding. Slmll we nu (loan tn the turner of the street and “illl'il tlwm. l'nrlc Dennis?" "th. "I‘wzun't so unmy your! uzo that i murrhml with 't-m must-ll um St. i'utl'h-k's (in): and Lm'ryâ€"i hnpmi it! wlll novvr Culm- lnnno." sln‘ wlnqn-lwl 'l‘ln- will mun liflml n true-Innluns llzlllll “lllnh, child; l'w :I fowlim: that Larry will ('unn- lnlvk In n- 1 had :1 dream last nlzln. l thw- :hl [In-re vulne n knocking ill tln- «bar and I opened It to m unr .l.urry. Instead of \u-nrlng ï¬ne clnflnrs and :1 Silk Inn. pour Larry was in hum .\ml instead of pinnln: a hum-h of elum'uhl slnnn- rocks on your lmsum. whm- they'd be out of place on that tlnmy unttnu gown. my dear. our pour Larry rur- rln-d a little put of [ln- llvlng ï¬re-en plant from old lrulund. .\lnl than I woke up." Molly was sulvhln: snl'tly "I don't cure lww pour he is. l'm'le Dennis. If he wlll only l-ome Imnn- to us." ' ".\'u more (in I. chlldie." whinwervd [)q-nnis. "lmn't sorrow. l'nviu Dennis? mm- fortml the girl. slipping tn ln-r knee-s beside him "Larry will rum" (1mm home. it this last quest for gold should prove uselvss. l mu: see him turning about and coming hack to us. ’Beiweon the lint-s of his let“? I ('flllltl read (but he was hungvring fur the The Alaska twlllght hnd fallen swift- ly llke a dull gray llltlllkt‘( (USM‘d twer the fruzeu worid; then .1 ghostly mnun impound over the cash-rm mountains and rm'enlvd bleak expanses of glisten- ing snow and the dark Inn-mm of plne trees ('hdo-r the shuultler of the hill crunch- 9d :1 llttle cabin. and In-fure tht- bluz- inn.v ï¬l't‘ on Its ln-urth two yum]: mm) \vvn- sitting. The "lmy from â€HIPHA ville" hud :Irrlvml. :md Lul'I)‘ l-‘mnnuzm wuq listening to his story pf hunu- and the hmm- folks. “And my old fuxhvr lk-Htlvs: rhvnumnsm?†rc-wnxml Luz-r} luusl)‘, "Why. Mike 1min sroul m-Ver wrute :1 “MM If But. thank hmn'vn. tlw ml n will Amp him (-omfnrluhiv. in .‘Hkt‘ Duhâ€. hmkI-d III the big fr: III: ml mun. “how hrn“ II II lil‘ \\;I« gr: I\ In: on Ihv H'HHHQN :Iml “hnnv IIIIIIIlwIm- fm \- hud lulu-II on HL‘\\' lines of III-ggv-IIIIIIW during the past ï¬â€˜l‘ team \\':I.-‘ it Ims sihln (hut Lari) did Imt M nw Ihnt thu I‘mh- WWII-m railroad had hhm'n u†and â€I.†uh! l‘l‘nllifl I IIIII :'IIIs Hm R was \\uI'!lIYn-.~<‘: 9n ftliin-r. :uui "\'\hi~iu man." (-Vriwi Lurrv in :In uuuuizwi “MP. "1 mum->1 i’n-ur tn hr-ur uny III-DH" i.m-k rut mo, \likv [ML-mi i.:m:.'ii :Il uw' l vnim- away in minim my fun-im- i will “in-u i rviurxwd i would luring: Kiwil)‘ :I luln“h ul' simm- rm-k mad-,- fl‘nln (-u-vruid‘. with (liu nnmd dowdmps «m ‘om. and luuk at third“ He swam his arm in :I gesluru that nwiudmi the (cur mrnvrs u! â€19' rnugih I'nlrin "He. still striving to make good shut prmnise. and Molly- swm little- Muiiy Deinnvy - nu! buthvr lug bur dear hem} uimut cmvrnids or diamonds. but doing her duty day by day' Laugh at me.l.\1ike Damn. for I am a blind fool!" mun- (rnv Mully is u didn't Influx! Iv-Ill 0n the 17th of Man'h I‘hennls Flu- \l But “Mike Dolan did nut tauz‘ It ke- l’ulilxl m! (r 1 r 1‘) «umuc‘oiceuram» ‘ 3mm and his niece .uu dbwu t.» wwfm Main!) yaw!) :vlul Shrk kt‘l) HM know !Iml your umh-H‘ul gi n» [21v bus In! with hm‘ hf!“ â€huh- Ht childie )I'lnss win: the l.:li'!‘.\ inrrmlu MM“. HM- UM Hi If it In [1an ml mud stocks lip. hutâ€â€" I\ Ignly, for [In- lit-“N m2 HIGHLAND PARK‘g'PREsï¬x-mmA the thau); “I!“ 1'. 'Jll' unu- u‘ H. lm‘ gin vain have came a newanuipel : from llll old home in Count: Antrim. étrelnud. but heymid that there 'y‘us i m-thlug. \lwuu before the) had It» {ct-wed some “on! hum Lam In his ital-away home. and. though the ddlay In!!!“ be lurlhuted lo the mulls gun! the heavy snowstorm: reported h! We hot-think. Dennis was heavy hearted. “May the blessed saint whose any It I: protect him wherever be In!" fligh- ed Dennis u he took a cup 0! In from Molly's hand. “I'm sure We wlll be" from Larry in the morning." crled Molly hopefully. “Look, Uncle Dennls. It the sweet pot of shamrock l bronght‘bome." Dennis looked at her‘ keenly. "Molly. lass. and do you not plue for the real emeralds. the jewels that Larry promised?" he asked. Molly laughed scornfully Her cheek: flushed wally. and her blue «yen alwne wlth love for the absent lm'pr-oomlu. , “Uncle llomns. you make me uslmulv ed! Don‘t you belleve I'd rather sea a lad who has “No green eyesâ€"eyes the color of that bunch nf shamrock- than all the Jewals In the World? Those elm-mid eyes of Larry Flaun- guu'u ure the only jewels I Would wear nguiust my heart!" She hung her head in sudden swwt shame. Dennls' wrinkled hand was stretched across the table toward hen "Who wuntvd him rich. Uncle Den- nis?" crle-d the girl hotly. "We wvl‘o «mun-u. you and i. We piomlmi with him not in :u :I\\':I_\' :nni lmu- us. liil‘. tiwrv; perhaps it was for the best. but. tin-r:- is nu :wln- lwhilul it nil!" "’l‘lw music or the band. The kulzhts u‘ grown :mA lml'nding. Slmll we nu (l-mn In the ‘urncr of the street and “MM! (hum. l'nrlc Dennis?" "Yrs. "I‘wzun't so many years uzo that l murrlml with 'q-m must-If III! 5!- l'utl'h-k's «lay. and Lnrryâ€"l hnpml by this time lu- \vuuld hr back unmug tin-m, lmu'v in n gn-«n "ml uuld uni- {uruL Help me on with my oven-nut. l‘vnl‘ic " Sn tho olll mun. lunniug an the arm uf' Hm slmulur. nprlght girl. \wnt (lbwn to the (-nrm-r and wlth swu-Illu: [wart \\'J|‘('Il0‘1l (he pussln: of the gallant kulghls “ha marched in honor of the good ï¬t Palm-k. “Then. Molly. lass." he whispered. “maybe it'll come all right. for uguln I dreamed the dream of Larry vowing As Hm mil of tho processinn passed nut of sight lh'unis Flanagan and his nhu-v mrnml lumml homu Molly knew thut the old man‘s heart wzu fur uwuy in Alaska with the be- !nvm] sun. whu was \‘ninly sot-kin: the will 0' thn “i‘l'. Kohl. Tunixllt gum and thn luxuries it brings St't‘lllt‘tl n thn' thing to the girl “MI tho :u‘hin: hc-ut‘t. "(Tm-h.- honnis. l'ncle Dennis. I'm swing visions!" she subbed. pointing to the snow covvrvd porch Donuts hobbled to lwr side and sxlw the form of u mun huddled on In? door Axum [In-y “on- Sean-d nlmnt the glowing little stove In the sitting rumu wln-n there mine :1 soft knocking at the door to the pawl), Molly (’russt'd tln- mom and opened the (Ivor only to full back ngnlnst thï¬ Illnol white “li und staring. hon nix the form InzIL "l'mlr soul!" he muttered. turning the hu't‘ tun‘urd the light. and then he fell luurk, with :I umrtied cry "Heavens, Molly. It's out" own Larry! "I‘m my dream come true!" he moaned. ext-w. smiled. shank himself and slowly smuzn-rml In his feet. Molly recovered her couruge when she realized that. she was actually needed to allay suderlng. She rubbed the mld fuce with snow and poured a strong stimulant through the white llps‘ After nwhlle Larry opened: his \\'ln»n he was surely inilde. support- o-ul ml eilhvr sith- by fntlwr uml sn'om- ho-nrx. he luukvd down at (hum from te-mlvr arm-n eyes that were run-1y beautiful. lN-mniw and Mtu hmlu-d at him mm Kr“): I.:u‘ry. who had unm- furth sn uzllr lunth‘ to swk his fortune. who hcld [IY‘UHIin'd {0 Min: hm-k muornld shun)- mm HH‘ fuz'x‘ “Mum. ul-Irlinu.†mid Larry in 21 MW {cum “my film promisvs un- fur unth- In:. I vulnu hI-HH' xmurvr than wha-n l “1-“! away. and [he mm-rulds l was h brill: hnmn. I‘Imw" « hi< \‘nim- ~h4mk , ":m- mlwin: I “In! 1\'.vu hrn'v lu-Q'll :H :I dznuzlm-r to my 12:er My hq-zll't is hmkun will: Hui shzum- of I! ll“. um!"â€" .\luil_\"s .mft trim! vlnsw! his lips. “Ih- still." sm- quill-«I at him. wlzllo Ih-nnh’ «hm-kiwi in his corner. “Be still. Larry, Yuu have1 lmmzht Dunn jewels in me wurlh (nun- (huh emer Mds Yulll‘ Irm- oyes of emerald ï¬rm» are my Jewels. mu] your love undd'on- stuncy shall always grow areen in In) heart and the littlr Mt 01“ living gnu-n \0ndur1' ~she painted to the shamrock on the whit-"“13 mnro to me than life» In“ gems or mid gold.“ Au x... ""l‘is true. lad. A good woman h above mI-lm. but our little Molly In far above rubles and gold and emerildl." VWï¬He Larry held her close to hlm Dennis: nnddvd his head at his son. llrlmw uzul “$1."le 90' Exemptionof our coastwise shipping 1from tolls {would- aid nobody but the ' best protected monopoly which exists in our country today; ‘ It would se‘riously injure our foreign trade. Othel‘ nations would resent our action and would retaliate against our :commerce. ' Powers. m ‘ ; , g If the Whine Hay-Panace- tote Treaty hgghh the cum. when comprehended M m afoot cout- unemwwwwmsomh plain words2;;u1;’ h cuel um ruleha been followed. mace: The my 0! the United ï¬ne: with Mic-mu: concluded Dean I. m. known a the Prelim]: Zalayi Treaty, con- . (WM mar not) . of the Hay Bama‘otc' Treaty. » In their work on the} mar petty m mama have had vcity dam in W the cue. Itmction of my “ï¬lm whiéh had becndctmnlncdxnccnflyiuaemm veny mam; V this who tuned the mom “equal tall: for the mu 0! all MW excepting the vet- oels of the con ‘ng parties engaged In the coutwise Wherever lthu been desired to ex dude coastwiee wide from the general language of a treaty as to commerce and navigation. expreis words to such effect hubeen inserted: An examination of the treaties of N United States refer- ring to this subject will diecloee the fact that the language? used is nearly always general and= these general terms have been invariably lconstrued to include ,cosstwis’e com'inem: within their mean- mg. ‘ To now attunptto do violence to these precedents and take an Opposite mean- ing into the home of this treaty, it be- ing thought IQ be'to our material interest to do so seems to me to be s_uch an im possible course of action as not to be thought of (otga moment. I believe lbr this reason alone, the clause cxceptipg our coastwise shipping from tolls shduld be repealed. But other reasons lead ï¬t the same conclusion. It is impossiblefto elflarge upon them here so] shall merely mention them. Asa matter of Iact. it is not to our best interest! materially speaking. to e).- emp! our L‘oasgwiae shipping from these 10113.: ~ “ It would epché reprisals against our commerce in the use of other intema- tional waters under control of some other nation. The annual expense in caring for and operating the canal will be enormous. Under cxistlng léws American vessels have a monoply of the coastwise trade. There is no reason why their should not contribute td‘xhci‘r expense and every reason why they should. It could in_ no way result in the build- ing up of the American Merchant Mgrine as is urged by some. The principal result of free tools for American vessels engaged in coastwise trade, would be td‘help the great mer- cantile interedts of the coasts in compet- ing with their trade rivals in the interior. lnsteadof resulting in lowering exist- ing freight rules it would actually result in raising them. lt'might cause a lower- ing of the const-twoast rates, but that very fact would result in the raising of rates between intermediate points. 1 sometime. am called upon to cast my vote in a matter which seems to me to present I close question. But the more I have oonsidbred this subject, the more clear it has seemed to be our duty to promptly frepeal this clause that never should have , been put into the Act regulating the use of the Canal. New 309k! It Idle Public Library The followéing list of books have been entered at Hie libri'ry during the month of March: 1 Collected Pqigms. ............ A. Noyes Memoirs of Li Hung Chang W. F. Man~ nix. ed.: Woman Citiien' 3 Library- Larger Citizen- ship... S ................ S Mathews Text Book d Graphic Statics. ..... C. W Poxsnn Beltgg. . . . . . . . . . .A. C. Doyle Lost Wadi}T ..... ..... A. E. W Mason Witntss (or khe Defpnce. A. E. W Mason Ir Happenedi‘in Egypt ....... C. N. and A. Bendxsh. , . .. ...... “,1 Lost Road†' Coming of Chsaidy... deer Box .g. . . . . . .5 Iron Trail. .2 ...... ‘. On with To¢hy. ‘ . .; William andgbin. . .; W. Morï¬mn 5 After Housei. ...... i; . . .. Dark Hollowé ....... 3 . . H Terms of Sxï¬render‘, . .. Sunshine jaï¬c“ .'. I; ..... The Treasuia. ._ . . .; ..... Partners.-. . I. ..... 3 ..... The Foresteé‘fs' Daughter ,v v"- Miss Ballyâ€"{MAM ........ 1-; H For Around theEEnd.. ....... R F Baum Beatrice of bebewopd. , . .E. B. and A. Knipc 5 _ 5 Her Daugh Jam. ...... A. E. Tamar! Four Cou in mph .A. E. Blanchard Steam-Showjl Maw. .. . . . . .IRLDLPajne Half-Muenig . . . Harper’s Book of I Malcolm} M. Wingamson 1 Wm: C LASSED FxcnoN ........... R. Beach; .......... ‘ . .5. Ford ‘6. M. Cooke and U. 1 . . K.‘ D. Sweeter M; R. Rinehart ,..A. K. Green ...... L. Tracy ....A. Warner ..... K. Norris. .....M Deland ,....H Garland “A. H. Verrill ..E.'H. Porter ‘R. F. Barbour ' "QUEST OF' EL DORADO." That Eluelvn Land of Gold and Jun“? In South America. ! Gulunn is bounded on the north by! the great river Orinoco and on the‘ south by the still greater river-Anna zon. These two grand rivers are com: neoted with one another. the Ciaiqul-‘ ure, a branch from the Orinoco, i’nlllnz' lhto the Rio Negro. a tributary of the! Amazon. Within Guiana itself are! many rivers of very considerable size. ; The kingdom of El Dorado was re-i pnted to exist sumewbew between the ‘, Rio Brunvo and the Emequlbo, alled‘l l | by the indiuns the Brother of the (M- noco. Manon. the capital. was said m be somewhere between the Rio Brnnm and the llupununl. a tributgry of the Essequibo. From the thirties of the’ sixteenth centuryvsome eighteen expe ditions had been sent hy'the Spaniards to Guiana in Bear“) of the Golden king- dom. Diego tie 0rd“. one of the can I tuius of Cortes at the conquest of Mex l it'O. led the first attempt in 1581. After I him followed many a brave cavalier i but‘ghll was in vain. and disasters us well as failure attended nearly all the j expeditions. . g iv-‘rom :I state paper in iln- public rec l urd ulï¬ve, Landau, it llp|l9ltr5 that in: ITNi pvrsons who travelul in America 3 had ernrtud that there was a place? where Hm wouwn Wore grmn plures of : fluid. rurcrinz’ (heir whole bodies liko; urmnr. in every éoflage pearls were to he found: in some houses a peck. B:m- ’ queting houses Were built of crysml.? with pillars of massive silver. some of ‘ gold. News of gold as big as a man's } ï¬st were to he fluund in the heads of; some of the rivers. Raleigh rend tic-.1 counts of Hlt’fle éxl'n-(illlnns. but the-ir' want of slim-Oils did not dvtvr him {rum 3 nth-milling: in HM! the goidvn regiun.» ‘ Jab“ TM Blackwood‘s Maiguzinv. Landscape Gui! mung-a. ML, ‘ DENTISN a ' Suite 4, 5 and6, StateBdnk 414:, m I1 Telephone H. P. 18 Clifford W. Halftridge slid to Have Spent â€9.000 Hiding Witneues. NEW YORK. â€" CHord w. Hanridge. counsel for Harry K. Thaw at his ï¬rst trial for the killing of Stanford White. was disbarred from the practice of law by the appbllate division of the supreme rourt. TH AW. LAWYER IS DISBARRED amswowmfsnsnmnew Bum Succumbj in New York After an Operatloq‘ for Appendicitis. NEW \ORK, Puma: Grh woid, American bung m’d member of the blexronolm 0pm company. died in 1 print annulus: hero. He Vac opentad ‘ 1m" npwdicnu Feb The cum h and that Hartridge bud} am“ $39 000 to induce woman wit-i nesses uho might hue testiï¬ed against Thaw to lame .1112 city '1 ’ V Mr; Smith no“: 'h' 1876. 10. C09,: Telephone. Luke Fons! 817 and 139 FRANK L SILJESTRiOM omumvmmyï¬aurmsm TcLuh-ACI easur and sa It’s a 1?: 310 busxreiess thhg â€3:2,? y -£0AL-- W? 2?; Lim‘ \Vhen you are in the market for anything in the Coal line call phone 65‘ ' FURNITURE STORE Antique Furniture Repured and Reï¬nished right' In your home %; “There are Reasons Vincent Quarta LAKE FOREST, ILLINQIS §| satin-Inna 45 SLJohn Au w Put Tm 314:3 itto-daymdyou an [ft mid gemng It just as goodyomoqow andeverv day W. Central Ave. HM Ptrk Uncoln Avenue (Sony’s Home M4 yawn... 703:4. ELLA mas» â€Alana-Id“ DR. WATSOéN VENCEL MUZIE BARB!) SHOP Fresh ABg'tteAr, E“: i Painting.“ and Paula: summon-3 Geo. fl. luris wmmzï¬. munmtlu -