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Highland Park Press (1912), 2 Apr 1914, p. 8

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Jaw w: 0m “Want ads” bring results Wall Paper and Window Shades Telephone 845- W Building and Repairing Time is Almost Here Telephone 550 Sole Agents for Ford Cars Painting, Paper Hanging, Calcimining etc. 204 Homewood Avenue many times the real service from the telephone that others do. The families that use their telephones to keep up familz fl social ties, to share happiness, to relieve anxiety, to express sympathyâ€"in Other words, use it to the fullest extent regardless of distanceâ€"get One My in three throughout the United States has a telephone. Each. Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Telephone. North Shore Fuel Supply Co. Telephone 67 Sewer Pipe Lumber Lime Cement. Cinders Gravel Tamed: in East and West Deer-field. Township Out of town Moving with Auto Truck North Shore Auto Transportation Co. and in fact everything in the Building Line Also dealers in Coal and Feed Use the Long Distance'Lines Bell LEUER BROS, Agents for KISSEI. and FORD CARS We carry a complete line of Ernest H. Kuehne Chicago Telephone Company C. T. Ford, Manager Telephone9903 The reasoyigbleness of our prices and the cleanliness of our market are two things that make our service best. cmbeweflvimdin the meat. that we sell. We in very partied.” in selecting. our stock and chug-Q only thebatpn'mc meats. You can rely UPON YOURI‘MEATS being fresh and tender if you do your ordering of us. 230 N. St. Johns Ave. Sobe‘y’; Stnittry Shop Tddpbonc 431-483 f) System Highland Park Entinnte- Fumhhod Highland Park File cesi’r‘ai AME?” “"“' “ Second Precinct: Highwood City Hall. Thin! Precinct: Fire Station. Highland Park POLLING PLACES Fim Precinct: green} Ice Cram: Electipn Tuesday, April 7, 1914 For Commissioner of Highways District 3 Hi'hhnd Purl: Mull Service Mails close as follows: 7:13» a. m. for all points north; 8:“ a. m. for all points except local north; 11:49 1 m. {or all points north; 12:35 p. m. for all points except local north; 2:13 p. m. for all points south, and Highwood; 3.01 p. m. for all points north except High- wood; 5:42 p m. for all points; 6:30 p. m for all points. Sunday: 5:46 p. m. for all points. gLeaving total amt reced. Fourthâ€"The amount paid ‘ out by present supervisor and the account on which . 5 the same was paid. includ- ing amount paid on town indebtedness. the nature thereof, amount of such indebtendess, and amount ‘ paid, showing how much on- principal and how much on interest account. u is as follows: Amt paid out on account 1 of auditing ............. Amt paid out on account of attorney's fees in Schaefer suit ........... ! Amt paid out on account of Highway commissioner {Amt paid out on aCcount : of Town Clerk .......... iAmt paid out on account of election expenses ..... iAmt paid out on account of adding machine ...... ‘Amt paid out on account ‘; of Board of Appointment 'Amt paid out on account 3’ of publishing reports. ' Amt paid out on account ‘ of assessors . .......... . Amt paid out on account of : cutting Canadian thistles s 6231.03 18.50 150.00 216.00 163.00 208.50 200.00 9.56 25.70 i 929.50 36.00 Dated this 31st day of March. 1914. THEODORE M. CLARK, Supervisor Subscribed and sworn to before me this 315! day of March 1914 Leavflag balance in hands of Supervisor Total amount paid out Total amount... Deduct amount of tax lev- ied preceeding year as aforesaid ............... suwn w WILD finmcial main of the said Tom! Deerfield. prepared by Theodore Clerk, Supervisor of said ITown, for yearxeoding the Slot day of Much, I midtomuefulletnteuentodl: M. Firstâ€"Amount of balance received from predeceeeor in ofllce, on hand at close of last preceeding year.. . Amount received from } other sources as follows: \Amount received from Fred Schaefer 2‘" c excess 3 commission for the years 1909. 1910 and 1912 ...... Amt received from W. J. Obee 2% excess commis- Amt received from High- land Park State Bank in- terest 1 year 3% on cft. 767.45 ................. Second~The amount of tax levied the preceding year for payment of town indebtedness and charges, is .................... Thirdâ€"-The amount col- lected and paid over to the present supervisor by the town Collector, is ....... The amount collected and and paid over to the pre- sent supervisor by the county collector. is ...... _$ 255197 Brindfliro (liicnfi) 5‘ (,‘lheQ F.. Colh r€ \\ M 23112 Comimma . (‘ ovinghm .Ihnilhtlr ( Frhkmgn. . 7 Purim-g } 14mm FlM‘lHé. H. Flebtri'd l ' Frelm‘i. E. Fred» 4“ l . Halli! -11»; nah-51y. 'll. h'Ml'Ylty. ll, - (-‘nrrny. W 695.12 erl‘xlti, H.. 895.03 guru)? m Tm 6!me V K ) Noll-Partisan Ticket RICHARD E. WINTERS mm], a mum: Polls open from 7 1. mile 5 p. m JAMES M. BILHARZ / By Petition For Township mace. JAMES C. BOYLAN GEORGE S. RETI'IG For Assistant Supervisor For Assistant Supervisor LOUIS N. BERUBE JAMES - fl. DUFFY For Justice of Péace For Town Collector Carried forward For Town Clerk For Assessor Euw. W. STUENKBL. J. P‘ VOTE THE Cram Store. 201 E. 3 5324.33 3 6281.03 $ 1956.70 S 1956.70 5 7681.93 140000 Sf’EClAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE ' No. 214. Notice ii hereby Even In all persons interested that the (in (bum-i] o! the (My 0! Highland l‘lrk Countv of Lake and State of Illinois haxing ordered that Sheridan Road be graded. drained, ‘éurbed. paved with rc~enfonwl cnnerete pavement and otherwi-ae imprm'ed. 'from its intereection with the easterly line of St. Johns Avenue wutheauterly to the hortherly and of the new pavement in Dean Avenue, said northerly end of said new pmement being in’ the southerh line of (edar Avenue prodmed easterly. at the junction of Sheridan Road and (‘Pdllr Awnue all in the (‘ ity of High- land Park Lake County. Illinois, the ordinance {or the same being on file in “evoflive of the City Clerk of aid city 1nd? having applied to the Cdunty Court 0! Lake ("ounty for an assessment of the odds of said improvement according to Mnifitq. and an-asaes‘ment thereof hav- ing? been made and returned tn said (“curt the final hearing thereon will be hid on the 17th day at April, A. D. [.14 or as soon thereafter as the husi :lléu of the court will permit. 1 Wm due undenigm-d members of the Board of of Deeifield. County of Luke. and State of Illinois. examined the- above statwment and uccounm of mid minimums and find same vorrK‘t. and that surm- has Fifteen Dollars and Forty-one cont: ($615.41v.‘ Total Disbursements Trea-uwr'u ('ommismion. 2‘} North Shore Fm} 6'1 Supply (30.. Miwvllnueous Matrrial NorrK FL. Hand Labor ............................. I’urdy Sum. MN-vllanrous Material ................ Hertz-“MILL .l.. Hand Labor .......................... Rutum‘ald. 5.. Hand Labor .................. . ..... Ril'hflfllfl,’ , “5. Road W urk ......................... \mk.( .. Road “nrk ............................. N'hwklo'. 1‘?“ Hand Labor ............................ Svhrnkzfil “I, Ruad \Vork.. ......................... Sum. J..’Hand Labor ............................... Shieldm J E" Diqxirt Road Map. . . ‘ ‘ . . . . . V . ‘ . . . . . . .:. Manho~rl,.i .1-.. Road \\ ork ........................... Shindurf'. IL Road “work ............................ Bugkérgdfg. (”.o. Scraper Blade. ....... ................8 6.50 F.. Crushed Stone ......... . 30.00 "Road Work............................: ...... . 15.00 ._ . Road Work ........... ................... 3.5.00 Boyer. "dc. P.. Road Work ............... . ....... 5.00 andflirm. Paint for Bridges. ...................... 10.70 (Mafia 5' Noitlmm-tr-rn Railwzn. Freight ('hargvs on Stone 1,784..“ (1‘\€$ 1.. Road “ ork ............................. . . . . . 62.00 Coll”; Wm. .. Rom! “ork ................................ 110.00 Lomiipmal Briviuv I 0. Iron (ulwrt I'ipv ................. 25.20 (‘ovinilom \\'.. Road Work .............................. 1411.00 .Ihniah'pe. ('hri~t. Hand Labor ............................ 23.75 Fritkmgn..1{mul Work ............................... 1111.01.) Farms-:8. 1., 1a. <toiu- Riku- ......................... 2.4.5 Fin1i4‘i‘..11am1 Labor ..................... . ........... 2.50 Fielnrfi': I1.iwr_\‘. Rig-4 ......................... ”€1.00 [Frelm‘i 12.11am! Labor ................................. 2 .00 “Wit. 1.. *uywni-ing “(Md Work. and Labor ............ P150 Hum v11»; F. Run-l Work ............................... 16M) nah-51y. 1).. Hum] wurkg .................. . ............ 24m ”wiry. n,_ 3...“; “m. ................................. 27.95 ”NTTHy. \\‘m.. Row] “'oi'k ............................... 52.00 mm... 11.. Hand Labor .......... . ..................... . 8:5 Huthng. J" Rllfld \thrk ................................ 47.00 Honriuy ('o.. ~1.. Mutt-rial fur Rumi- and Brirfizusâ€" ......... 35.7.. |il’m:1.;1.'.. load \Vork ....... . .......................... 910 113111er liiirclwurt- UL. Mimflluno-ouu Material ............ 4.6“ Henlrr. 1-.. Supervinng Road “'ork. Painting Bridgt-a ...... 114. 2": H.-«i..r.'.1. 1:- Hum! Work ................................ man ”Kirk. '11 . “and Labor .................................. 4.011' K11!|t'.,J..Ruad Work ................................... 26.00 Knigae. 1. Road work .................................. 40.00 Krugwn .1.. Hand Labor 10.00 1411410". 1-3. T.. Road Work ............................... 26.00 Lml AdViM'r 1'11b11i1lilifl.1'(l.. Loyal Blanks ............... .32 Lind-1mm. 1‘1" chni \Vnrk . ............................. 101.00 Lockurd, .1. H. Road Work .............................. $.00 McHugo. Bullock (‘41.. Concrete Work on firm-n Bay Road. 5.031110 McNeil. (11am. Road Work .............................. 24.00 Menoni. Angelo. Road Work ............................. 62.00 Middlvum. John. Material for Roadi and Bridgrs ........... 49.01 Mooney. .|.. Road Work ........ . ....................... . 131.50 Moore. Ber-HP. Writing Spa-mentions ..................... .75 Murphy. 1).. Rvpairing Bridges ........................... 4fi0 Nivholr. J. .1.. Road Work ................................ 3‘4 no f é Total Receipts ........ Max-chm], 1914. Due Treasure:- EIHV. F. STI‘ENKEL, A. E. SMITH. WILBER E. HL'NDLEY. E. E. FARMER, T. M. CLARK. Superrimr. Bond of Town Auditors Sum-rum} and sworn to beforermo thin 3m day of March, 1914. :5 1mm, ' aim TWWmsmm-mmms. g puma) #m’ on, 5.; , , . manu- ’ ‘ ’ 'v 1'0an ’1 Total Total. . A.. Hand I.aimr.. Thus" Road \“urk Road \Vm‘k ...... Huad \"ork ..... Road “'m'k ................... Hand Labor , r.. H0811 “'urk ................ «Ir Pnblixhinp“n.. Loyal Blanks H.- RUiI‘l \V’1'rk . .............. 1914. 1913. 1913. Balance on hm .. Received from C. Webterfield, Treasurer .. Received from W. J. Obee, Town of 511.253.58 (Wm-haul Nmnv d9. DISBURSEMINTS. MW Notion Publicnotice is hereby given that :1): Subscriber Adminittnu'ix of lheEmteol Catherine McFadden. deceased.~ will I:- tend the Connty Court of Lake . at a term thercof to be holden at' me Court House in Waukegan, in aid Coun- ty, on the first Monday of Junél next, 1914. when and where all person: having claims against said estate are notified and requested, to present the tame to said Court for adjudication. v MARY LUNT s Adminstratrix Waukegui, Illinois. March ia 191;. -. E. S. GAIL, Attorney. 3-6-nd Said use-«sweat. is payable in ten in- stallment; with interest at the rnte of five J5) per centum per annum on I." inuuilmmts from and after date of iuue of first voucher. All pen-ans desiring may file objectionfi in said mun befoh said day and may appear on the honing and trunk» their defence. Rll‘HARI) w. HAWKINS, (flit-er appointed m make said Assess- mom. “and at Highland Park, “L. April 2nd, A. D. 1914. EDW. F. STUENKEL, Justin of the hue Treasurer. Town Auditors of the Town here-by pertify that we hive Treasurer of Highwfiy Com- bwn owrdruun Nix Hundrvd GEORGE HESLER. ........ 3,7 93.66 Collector 2.62828 ........'3 Law. County $11,253.“ 2251a $10,863.55 615.41 10.70 1,784.9‘3 62.00 110.00 211") 51,00 “4:44 20.00 11.25 70.00 $16.00 94.00 3341”“ 441“) 9.00 4_r,q 114. 0" GS,’ 0 CLO“ 450 34.00 1.41 ‘30 26.00 40,00 10.00 26.00 1.00 30.00 1.5.00 3.5.00 ,00 .90 .00 (HI N) ,(N) 0’} 0 311,478.96 36m sums.” 9â€"" hit-t ' yt. Vaudeville vfcur Ad- of “maid-1:; ’3' fi'MM - good am. 9* ti“ w run. Theatre » April 14th 'cflmhifiuiudwyl We have Wand Vaudeville a! WWW Mt will my large {m by the 81mm» playm West Cfliltral Ave. Cyll. Ind Engineering, Typo- c... I-quq- u. snafu 53” tad-hm! Chas. E. Russell 231w“ CROPLEY G. PHILLIPS Tdophou 632 Stat: Bunhié 14$.F'mtSL f; Mimi-the Barge-W 1Tim first opponunhy to rem clau'oflicea on the West Side. ‘ ‘k T‘ FOvoan Ram ‘ Sunny nioma, single or en hard'voodgfloon, steam he. and cold when Decorated to Owtfi North Western .3. come: equal Ave. and Fin: “WHC-uhd cfalk'lls FRED SCHAEF ER P_LQMBING Grimm 1M New: Evans 810% WWW County Smeyor 0. NEISON R. G. Evans in which to put your SAVINGSâ€" ]ts cash is. counted and its Securities Scrutinixed by the State Authorities periodically. (Lit publishes a sworn statement of its condition in this ne‘wsmper from time to time. A. C. MORGAN is a SAFE BANK C. F. GRANT qu-Prwdcm Pfcfldcnl C uhict [3 JOHN L 00; E] moms a. For Commisaioner a District 3 For Assistant For Asabmnt For Town Clérk For Town Coll 122 MCGOW High! l015 5L} By P1

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