Our “Want ads†bring results Building and Repairing Time 15 Almost Here meme 550 Wall Paper and Window Shades Sole Agents for Ford Cars ‘ in East and West Deerfield Township ~. Out of town Moving with Auto Truck Telephone 845- W No other medium conveys the personal assurance that a telephone talk can give, and the cost is nominal when measured by the results in peace of mind. The quickness of telephone communi- cation gives it “’vast superiority over the mails. Painting, Paper Hanging, Calcimining etc. an axiom _that should ever be borne m mmd by the mother who has a son or daughter away at college. Sewer Pipe Telephone 67 North Shore Fuel Supply Co, Lumber Lime Cinders ' Gravel North Shore’ Auto Transportation Co. ' Bell Use the Long- Distance and in fact everything in the Building Line Also dealers in Coal and Feed LEUER 3808., Agents for [ESE]. and FORD CARS We carry a complete line of Iber Lime Cement lets ' Gravel Torpedo er Pipe Drain Tile Ernest H. Kuehne Chicago Tefephone Company C. '1‘. Ford, Manager Telephone9908 204 Homewood Avenue 230 N. St. Johns Ave. 11¢?avoditoMofFï¬h will not keep.» are you may be alnya with; you are gutting the previous guy’s catch. Tlpm’s Home Restaurant W... Central Avon. System Highland Park Estimate: Furnished Highland Park fl IS The annual reception to parent under the auspices of the Parents Ind Teachen’ Association. will occur on Fridny even- A communion service of the prayer meeting classes was held on Wednesday evening, April 1st at which Mr. Fred Botker. the lay-delegate to the annual conference held at Aston, Ill.. gave a very interesting report. At the same Imeeting there was read a letter from Dr. KC. N. Dubs, a former pastor of this church, but at present superintendent of . the missionary work of the U. E. church in Hunan, China. He wrote of the last illness of Mrs. Dubs and her wish to be buried among the people whom she whad loved and served so well. He also 2 thanked the people of the Highland Park :church for the set of sterling silver jspoons sent as a Christmas gift. He ‘says that nearly all of the missionaries' personal effects of any value had been 7lost during the recent disturbances. Works at St. Louis. visited Mr. Sandwich on Monday. Mr. Gilmy say: his com- pany are getting nearlvalltheitf from western colleges, and i‘thlt 0th; companies report in of favor men trained in the west. Several members of the AlumniAssocia- tion have spoken recently before the school in general assembly. Mr. Lewis Pease, chief engineer at the Naval Train- ing Station, spoke to the students on Tuesday morning. He began with a short resume of the history of the American navy, illustrating with a stereoptioon a few of the famous ships and naval en- gagements, from Paul Jones down. Fol- lowing this he gave views of the training station itself, chosen to illustrate the life of a cadet there; and ended with a aerial of pictures taken by ofï¬cers when on the world cruise with the navy. v 7~~ vâ€" â€"â€" --â€"-, , ‘ "5, , 7 vvvvv rvâ€"v Mr. PaulGilroy,ofthe clmof’O'l. who ,. ' 5w“ “‘9 Y- ‘ iswiththeAmericanSteelMWin.“ Works at St. Louis. visited Mr. Sandwich ' on Monday. Mr. Gilmy say: his com- - pany are getting nearlvall their from western colleges, Ina‘ that 0th! " . ‘ companies report in of favor men trained “33:“ qr certainly decerv , t for the success 0 ' {Miss Burr. they espousible for tl thcydemomtratcdl Take it I" in a Attendance in Sunday School last Sun- day was 178, an increase of 10 over that o! a year ago and an increase in oflering of $1.45. To any not attending another school. we bid a hearty welcome and de- sire that you may enjoy with us the beneï¬ts of auociation with Christian people and the spiritual uplift of the study of the Scriptuxu The music committee of the C. E. Society will have charge of a Vesper ser- vice held at the time of the regular meeting 6:30 to 730 Sunday evening. The German prayer meeting class held its weekly meeting at the home of August Noerenberg Wednesday. April 8th. Appropriate services with special Easler music by the choir will be held on Easter Sunday, April 12th. I uranium'rmighdymeetiugof “iwwwwwmtwmwu WomanaClubwaaheldlaat a <nIeAiumniAn-odadonhudedded afternoonattio'dockinthedubrn Mpflvethemnmniplaythisyenr ugmuamémwm Anna ‘ Contributed. inc." Sonia My Mother Taught M ' . 3 “post Church Notes and “A Susana: Mot" William J. Sari . ,. architect from thcago. spoke on “Ho to Plan for a Club House", He told diï¬erent club houses all over the coun .' _js‘table. Covers were laid for eighteen. ‘15 gg‘Miu‘ Charity McKenefe' Is the new presi- esrn at least $10.00 during the sum for the new club building fund M Theinterllt in the series of studies Dooley read the nominatingticket: Pr 'lifw even at the 3‘ st dent. Mrs. John Putnam; lat vice pr etheeday ins! pti . ichurch shows marked increase. The dents. Mrs. D. M. Erskine and Mrs. 1‘ _ al topic for April to July is "ï¬re C. Williams; 2nd vice presidents, Mus ,, . ,; ." W - James Watson and Mrs. Henry Thayeï¬Â» Ellie â€$3312“? 1"? Bibï¬efn d a: treasurers. Mrs. Maud H. Shannon amt. y p “1 Mrs. John Duffy; recording secretarff Human Heart." Everyone isinvited Mrs. Wm. Dooley, board of director'st- Beginnmg Sunday. April 19th the 9"†! Mrs. John Scott Miss Jennie De R00. ning editorials preceding the sermon “HI I Mrs. Josiah Boyer, Mrs. George M Bard.-' .be resumed. Much interest was exprrss- IMrs H. W Boyd Mrs. C. G mum†ed during the earlier series. ers Charles Drake, and Mrs. A. L. Special music willbe offered at bmh I Renning. The hostesses for the afteé- 0f the services of the Baptist church next 'noon were Mesdames Herman Denui; Sundayr' Mr. William Rae will sing George G. Green, John A. Schreurs, J_ .f‘Resurrcction Day." by Huhn; Mrs. ‘ Welch, Arthur Moore, and RobertSchnei-’ Charles H. Warren will sing “From Gloom I der. to Glory.†by Geibei. Mr. RobeIt Carlson. The Woman's Missionary Society will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm. Rose Thursday, April 9th at 230. The monthly business meeting of the Christian Endeavor Society was held, also, on the evening of April lst. The balance of the program for the foflowing week will he as follow: Mon? day the 13th. at 8:30 o'clock the annual Bauer dance will be held; Tuesday the 14th. the Junior dance will take place; Friday at 8 o’clock, the usual motion pictures will be shown. in the fact that ladies will be most welt come this year. The meeting will com. mence with a banquet at 6:30 p. m., fol; lowing which the business meeting. elec-v action of ofï¬cers and reading of reports will take place. The business of tho eVening over a formal dance and card party will be held. Owing to the fact that Good Friday‘: falls on this date the usual picture show will not be given tomorrow night. The annual meeting of the club wifl, be held Saturday evening. April 18. and the directors are offering an innovation High School Notes Highland Park Club United Evnngelicnl Church Nona mm was a succeam __ £138."; well an artistic mndpm ’ were about 36100 which gill 'ngednahke Geneva (and. ByaDirector actor, M very well portrayed every ‘word naghlng the audience. ElIie Laegcler to Lady Cecil and Alma Kelly “Mini Prgndergast kept the audience 800d nnhlfed and on the lookout for â€medium! the time. Miss Kelly was plainly thentar of the evening and easily wonhc eminence from the ï¬rst. The tum chomiee under Mrs. W. E. Brand gave me;\rery good music. The duet by Dulleeglones and Helen Nicholle in costume, ï¬ns very well done. The fan "dancelandimoonlight' fairies were very pretty. ï¬nding): the audience showed more eothpaum over the Mother Gooee (knees of the Junior gymnastic clan thin any other number on the program. Thellttlenptsalway: are-great attrac- ting and ug- wu no exception to the rule.,-Mâ€.Searcy, theY Y..WC.A ‘ _ : themked faithfully and well theyoung mople for this certainly deserves a great Mfor the success of the un Mics Burr. the gymnasium Princess Kiku aJapanese play given by theY. W. C. A Fiiday night at the Elm Placg auditorium reflected great credit cm? the association and those directly rï¬ponsible for the presentation. {Acrowded house as well as an appre- [dative audience greeted the players and ‘the frequent bursts of applause convinc- iedtheeutthat their eflorts to please twere not It) vain. The stage was beauti- fully decorated with cherry blossoms, iahryaa‘nthemums. holly hacks, while the ;summer house was made a bower of beauty hi the use of Wisteria blooms The flower: were all made by the Y. W. C. A. girls. Princess Kiku played by AlieDe‘Xennx and the (our ladies in vain“ Leia Greene, June Rhinehan, Esther Baher and Amelia Schwartz were charmiadi portrayed With their pretty Jepmeaehimonuand incur-1am bowing they magi the audience from start to ï¬niah. MhFrank Shauna as Sahara, mmgmaaumelm her play - There â€were one hundred reservations at the Ossoli luncheon last Thursday afternoon The luncheon was served at 12:30 o'clock and the table decorations there in yellow and green. Jonquils and other-spring flowers being used. Miss Wertheim. Superintendent of the Con- sumers League in Chicago, spoke to the ladies on the “Minimum Wage Law and ~the Manner in which Women and Chil then were Treated in the Factories." Mrs. H. S Vail recited a parody on one of Klpling'a poems about the “Woman Voter. " Reports were given by the chair- men of the various committees. Miss Priscilla Carver and Mrs. Annetta Jones played a duo for two pianos. Mrs. Rex L. Jones. who was unanimously elected president for next year. spoke in acknow- ledgment. Mrs. Wm. J. Fyffe gave a farewell address to the members and told of the ï¬nancial standing of the club. She stated that the club had handled this year 823339400 of which was to be used for the general expenses of the club and the rem'ainder donated to Philanthropic workinclu’dlng the maintenance of the hath'ng beach at Central Ave. The re- sults of the annual election of ofï¬cers is as follows: President. Mrs. Rex L Jones; vice president Mrs Marshall E. SampselM recording secretary and treasurer Miss‘ Marion Mason; corresponding secretary, i Miss Jessie Chandler; the board of of directors are: Mrs. Otis 1.. Beardsley,i Mrs. JohnF L. Curtis, Mrs Walter H. 1 Baldwin. and Mrs. Herman Thomas. ! Special mimic will be offered at both or the services of the Baptist church next -Sunday.- ' Mr. William Rae will sing ‘f‘Resurrection Day." by Huhn; Mrs. Charles H. Warren will sing “From Gloom lo Ulory"’ by Geibel. Mr. Ruben Carlson, direclorï¬will ping in the evening an ap- propriate gospel solo. The chorus will tender an anthem at each service, "Christ has Won the Victory," by Hawlev; and ffChll'ne Softly, Bells of Easter," by Bon- ner“ Easter sermons by the pastor both homing and evening. There will be baptism at the evening service. {f Thelntereet in the series of studies KWetheedly evenings at the Btptiet fchurch show: marked increase. The [We] topic for April to July is "nae {Bible and Every Day Life." Next Wed- Lneudly the topic is “The Bible and the iBui'nan Heart." Everyone is invited. mm for {hep preii} PM.“ theydemomtratcd her ability “an.“ MT“: it all In all the en- _ Beginning Synday. April 19th, the eve- ning editorials preceding the sermon “ HI be resumed. Much interest was cxprr.~.s- ed during the’earlier series. Y._W. C. A. News Ossoli Club Public notice is hereby given that the .Subecrihet Administxahix of theEstateo! Cathetine McFadden. deceased, 'will at- tendtheCountyCourt 0! Lake County. atatermthereof to be holder: at the Court Plane ‘m Waukegan, in aid Coun- ty. on the ï¬rst Monday of June next, 1914, wbm and where all perms having claim against said estate are nbtiï¬ed and requested to present the same to paid Court for adjudication. Mm Lm { Admimtntrix Waning-a, Illinois. March 16. 1914' . E. 5. GA“, Nancy. » 3-641! Said assessment in phyable in ten in- stallments, with interest It the rate of ï¬ve (5» per centum per annum on all installments from and lifter date of issuz of ï¬rst voucher. All per-«ms desiring may ï¬le objections in slid court belch said day and may appear on the hearing and [nuke their deft-m0. RIC HARD \\ H A“ KIVS Ofï¬cer appointed to make mid Awe-bi ment. Dated at Highland Park, 111.. April find A. D. 1.14. sl’m I.\I. ,-\ssi:ss.\li:.\"l‘ Xu'rh F. .\‘H. 214. Native i~ lu'n-hy given to nll persons inivl'vstul that the (‘ity (‘muicil of the (‘it_\- in" Highland Purk. (‘ounty of Lake and Snm- of Illinois inning ordered that Sheridan Rum] be graded, drained, curbed. ptH'Hl with rerenfnn‘od concrete pavement and otherwise improved, from its intorswtiun him the muterly line of St. Johni Avenue noutheusterly to the northerly end of the new pavement in Dean Avenue, said northerly end of said new pavement being in the southerly line of ('edur Avenue. produced easterly, at the jum-tiun of'h'heridun Road and (‘edzir Avenue. all in the ('it}' of High- land Mark. Luke County. Illinois. the nnlinnuco fur the same being on ï¬le in the oflive of the (‘ity (‘lerk of said city and llllVil‘g applied to the County (‘ourt of Lake (‘ounty for an assessment of the costs of said improvement according to beneï¬ts. and an assessment thereof hav- ing been made and returned to said court, the ï¬nnl bearing thereon will be had on the 17th day of April, A. D. 1914, or u soon thereafter as the busi- ness of the court will permit. Mail: close an follow 7:.13am {orallpoints north; 8:48 a. m. for all points except local north; 11:49 a. m. for all point: north; 1235 p. m. for all points except local north; 2:13 p. m. for all points south. and Highwood; 3:01 p. m. for all points north except His!» wood; 5:42 p. m. for all points; 6:30 p. m for all points. Sunday: 5:46 p. m. for all points. New York'. Sou-go. Every day them In palm-d Into the- Hnrlpm rh'ur 119.4110!!!) gallant of new 32v: Into the North river. 132.0001“: muons: lmu the Emu rtvvr. 2!“.11IMII0 gullnns. So in the t-nllhu- u! a year New Yurk vity pnltutm It: harbor with about mmmtm mulluns ur remu- malto‘r,â€"~.\'o-\\' York “'nrld. Another lllummtlon of the unexpect- ed In «outrun: I: found tn 3 comp." son of St. John’s. Newfoundland. with Paris Purl» has a winter of compan- tlve "mum-u. whfle 8t. John'l In I m [Ion of bitter cold and fogs. wlth drlft- In: Wbem along It. must. Yet St John's 's 100 miles nearer the manor Odd Contra-u In CHM-u. New Yurk is usually thought of in: being directiy west from London. it In. however. despite its far more rigor- ous climate. 900 miles nearer tlw aqua; tor than is the British capital. The bleak coast of Labrador is ("my“) Test at London. The name iine palms the wuthorn part of Hudson bay and Lake Winnipeg. On the other side at the continent it tour-hen the southern extremity of Altai. and continue! through the center of the isthmua ot Kamchatka and Siberia and Rustin tn Hamburg. The pipes. or which there are than sands of miles In the mines. wear om quickly because the squhm- In the mine water eats Into the trout!" an acid. This destructive quality prohlh in the use or the water In the bone" that generate steam at the collleflet and the result in that. when there ll ll drought. (he compunlel often are chug ed to haul water to the mine. In tank can from many mile: any. -â€"New York Post. V The calculation an to the amount of wagon-handled ii} thin way Ia simple The onfput of the animal ia a little has than 10900.00) tons a year. Thu at- efan amount of water pumpad is about ï¬fteen ion: for every tan 0! coal pm dot-ed. The «M 0! [Ma ia one of “I? most important eiemenu in the in creased mat or mining. As the ricbo: and more accessible veina have been exununied. limits have been sunk deeper and (he valuing of Water to be pumped has Increased rapidly. “"1115 to cope Wm: wot-r 00m Into 3561mm: m and more puny- unto! them Mngmlnd 840.- 000 each. have bun Installed. and the enormous amount of work the: do u- all that enable: the apex-non to keep open the mines. Highland Park Md] 3min April l4th , Ioflmhfliuhdlflylé MWWMy'IV Pathetic! ch. w :1 ymm W Uw IboMVMAma-ï¬aï¬i Yuï¬ï¬‚nlunhl-uodah‘m deM'flufln ] MOTION FIGURE And Vaudeville West MH'* Lid-u. NSC-l Surveying-ad Engineering,Ty’o- Chas. E. Russell -' l $MSL ï¬lial-Ind CROPLEY (1. PHILLIPS .3, Stat? Emil uwmamts FRED SCHAEFER liUMBING is a SAFE BANK, in which to put your SAVINGSâ€" lt‘s cult is counted and its Securities Smtt’m'ud by the State Authorities periodically. (lit gublt’shs a sworn statement of its condition in this newspaper from time to time. .0. NEISM A. C. MORGAN Vac-President C. F. GRANT 94 95 9F 91. 10-2 [(13 104 lot) 107 I 1.. 11:; ll“ l2“ 13H 88 89 9! II! I 13': 13:, 131i 14h 1-H 1‘: 1‘4 HI} HT 1641 M! Iâ€: 190; 199 2": 24m 8 II 04 .‘ 1' Mr: 1 hrrvuiiir lfllJ. “1‘01 Automobile TM Rubbers A Sffl SN 53,-: li‘.‘ a: The Highland M m is open «1:,ch 5“ “cap. :3. m ‘11 mFm-ysvmm? North of Doerï¬dd wdctKW-l DD Drop me a postal Ci telephone me a! I wiil call for A. “'arrm “ML: Shh-Ha Tdcphmn HRH-Ii M First Inna» arm I Rubber HS It!†3|" Thid .ua;