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Highland Park Press (1912), 16 Apr 1914, p. 2

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Election Tuesday, April 21, 1914 . lefislmriBAHalafu4yem YurSflodIiHeW 4 “n M. 3 Austin of the Moraine mm totenained at a dinner and Ibezure pdr') hst Saturday evening for hxs daughwr‘ His Virginia Austin who ts hmnr mm Kemoer HM! fur the spring h()lld.l\'>. l‘lzr- guests dmcd at [hr-Chxcaiu Athletu- um) going afteruards m the Studrbakcr (u see “Adghfl’ In the purn worr- .\‘Y\'_\ Alice Lyor mi 5! Paul. \Ivnn, le Ianat (”Luau m‘ Elmhursr. qu Hvk'n Warner and ML» Virginia .\u>un, 11rd the Messrs \Iehdle Cnbh. Hm} Szuhhs. and Robert “'Arnrr We bid farewell to fasting m1 another year and gladly welcome the fear. The Easter week has been bnlliam. With a number of social affairs bux of course they continue to be of the mes: infurmal kind. This weeks calendar opened with the Easter dance at the clubon last Mon- th)". evening. Several dinner parties were given preceding it find Among lhe dinner hostessn thal evening werc Mrs. Marshall E. Sampsell. Mrs. Sarah Wilcox erier and Mrs: Elonzu Tyncr Cahdidate for ALDERMAN 4th Ward Mrs. Thomas Hun of FIB! SL. cmer rained the Euchre club on vadm' mr ”I and Mr: Henry Hoffman of Racmc Wl’n nan-once me engagement of their Wilda Hofi‘mm now of this an n BYRON J. STEVENS mng The Social Side of Lift: High Class Launderers and French Dry Cleaners Our Pines have been changed from 107 and 964 to 178 and 179 T. Maechtle. Makes Quick Deliveries ET us call and give you an estimate on cleaning your rugs, tapestries, draperies, etc. For the sake of your oriental rugs they should be DRY CLEANED and not scrubbed, washed or beaten. Local Affairs of the week o Pauli “9951“.“ B\ the Ohsrrvr ‘hf \In S Rebling 0f 44!! \\'.L‘entml M”. Ave. entrrtained :he Euchre club on llcux 'l‘hursday:Ifternnmn. Prvzesxwrcuward- ed to Mrs Henry (hm “hm word the highest. uhile .\ir~ H.1hlmex' WU“ the nuns vlutnm prize I‘t'iluwll‘ relrmhmems .\ (‘Y‘x‘ ~cr\ (‘d mer- (WV- Mrs. '7, L. chatex' n: 1”?! Hanan St. The [marriage [00k Man at noon Sunday m Y'le- Christa-n "Fun?! at \eruk‘eqnn. Rm. Hrvslus Dr” urn-d xhc L‘errmm _\1 Mr and .\Irs- Websk-r mH motor through x‘u-m} stares prububi) tha- first Hf May and on theirreturn \HH be at hnme a: 3H3 Magma St 7 Wuukrgan. .\hs< Anna Frlcw vul‘ ghe a luncheon :1: [hr- hume nl {It-x aunt. Mr: L‘, .-‘. Smith on Bellr Ave (Ins aftrrxumn. The um nt town uur\(\ “1:2 be Mn. J. P. \‘v'nlfcnde-n and MI: ku-uzgv (111:: n. both Mr .md Mrs. R S. Myrtlc uf 34‘.“ Mrs- sinx Stu Waukegan. :mnouncc the mar- nageâ€" 0! their daughwr Tmme in Rnbcrt Mr, and Mrs. Henry Ewart ml 1”! 12‘ Park Aux. announce the maxnagr of their daughter. Isabella Gordon to James (lmvdndge Gould of Glendale. Cal. form« erly of this city. The wedding took place Sunday. Apnl zwelflhat fiwo'clock in [hr Congregatzmtal church m Glen» dale. t Chumm w thsrrr of thi- an. wn «11' Mr. and 2 Mrs John [ruin Marshall entertained at a dinner party last_ \V ednesda} eve?- 4 ing in honor of her daughter. Mid \al rcencia Rafferty. The affair was gixen at Ethe‘ New Seminole" in Orlando Fla {I ‘ Mrs Addison R. Warner 530 E. Belle A\e entertained at a dinner Tuesday .cwning in honor of her daughter. Mb Helen Warner. Mrs. Warner later todk iher gueststo the Junior dance at tlle , Highland Park Club. Among the guula I were the Misses Margaret Bunnell Heltln Bournique Virginia Austin, Miss Ali“ iLyon of 'St Paul Minn" and the Mean. (‘Irav Stubbs. Melville Cobb, Franck lWooley ol Glencoe and Stuart Watm of Lake Forest. .On Saturday evening the C. E. Societi of the Ebenezer church enjoyed a most delightful social held at the home of Miss Edith Hanson of 50. First St. The shawl which was donated by Mrs Had- son and milled that eiening was “on by Mrs. Gallagher ' ‘ Mn. Robert ESeyfarth gave an in} formal dinner last Monday evening t6 eight guests. The affait was in honor a: Mr. Seyfarth 3 birthday Miss Dorothy Fessenden will entertain at informal luncheon and bridge this afternoon at her home on Circle Ave, to which eight guests have been hidden. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Frederick Mains of Glenvicw Ave., entertained-2. party of friends for her son Roland. TM occasion celebratde Roland' s tenth birth- da\ anniversary. Mrs. A. Leslie McPherson saw an in- formal afternoon last Tuesday at ha home to meet her aunt \lrs G S. Dena-5e of Louisville. Ky. The annual Trinity church choir suo- per and dance was held in the pariih house last Monday evening. Mrs. William H. Lamborn entertained the Quilt club at an informal luncheon last Tuesday afternoon. There were tweheguests. MI. Hugh M. Burn and his daughter, Muss Helen Birch. 1912 Michigan Ava, Chicago. fomxerly of this city, have xe- (urned from their plantation in Florida. where they havc been spending the “inter. , Mrs. J. \‘vflSimons of No. Green Bay Rd. entertained the North End Em- broidery dub on Wednesday afternoon. 'l'hc Embroidery class will meet nén Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Henry W. Boyd, 445 E. Laurel Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rmenvald. who have been abroad since me early; winter. haw returned to Chicago. together th their son and daughter-inJaw, Mr.v clI Mrs. Lessing Rosenwald. Mr. and Mrs. Hermon Sulbzberger (Miss Edith Romn- wald L returned to Chicago several we‘eks ago '.' Mrs. William Oppenheimer and Mrs‘ Harry Burke will be hostesses Thursflay evening. April 23rd at a and party in be held in St. James' church hall. The proceeds will go toward the fund to de- fray ihe church debt. Six prizes mill be awarded. ‘ Mrs. Sidney W. Miller “I” givc- an all- dziy ru‘eplion at her home on Prospm’t Axe. Saturday. April 18th. tn whic’h twenty-five or thirty guests have been hidden. 'l‘he affair IS to be given to celebrate the anniversary of the family moving :0 Highland Park a year ago. A number of her friends from Chicago will be present. 011 last Saturday exening Muss Heleh Hale. 610 N‘ Sh‘eridan Rd. tun-named ten guests at an informal supper party. Among the out of town guests were ”Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Springer of Evanitnn. Miss Loraine Powers of Chicagu and Mr. H. J. Clark of Evanstun. all ()t n'hum fnrmcd a huu~e party over the wrckend. Mr George Eager of Dublin. Ireland. announces the marriage of his daughter Mary Cerilia to James E; Smith of (MI City The marriage took place chhes’ day. rimming with nuptial mass at seven o'clock. Rey Dr. 1. I). O‘Neill officiating. Mm Rose Cornyn nf Chicago ('I'U‘nded tlirlmde while Mr. Joseph P. Kelly of this city acted as bestmnn. Mr and Mn. Smith will be at home utter May tint at 114 Elm Place. The Blue Eagle Camp Furc par}: of the’ Y W L‘. A. gme an Easter lunchrun last Saturday afternoon in humor of Miss M ma Ruhr. On Thursdav. April 9th. at the redi- dence of Mr. John Fitch Curtis. 338 No. ‘Linden Ave, there was held an informal familv gathering in honor of the eighty- first birthday of Mr. Curtis. All 011M children, four of the grandchildren. and two greatgrandchildren were present. Mr. Curtis says his grandchildren have prevented and now his greaturandchildren are preventing his entering the old man's class. Excepting his hearing is somewhat detective. his faculties seem as responsive as ever. Nottce is hereby ‘iven to Ill person; interested thII the (lit) Council (I! the City of lli‘hlnnd Park County of l Ilte ‘ Ind SIIIe 04 Illinois, thin‘ ordered thIt , ‘I lupplemcnul special Iuenment he lev- ‘ ied to on) the deficiency of the costoi the ’ work and interest ior the (Fading. DrIiIIL fin‘. Paving with mICIdIm Ind utherwise improving of High Street in the City oi! I‘i‘hllnd PIrk. Lake County. lllinoigf from the north line of Sheridan Rood: >; (firmerly known .5 Fort Clinton) welt-l .erly to the «It line of WIIIltefiII Ave-‘ nie, which improvement It“ provided: flur- by an ordinInce passed heretofore on,’ 1th. 2nd tiny of December A. D.. l9l3. lIII! the lawful expenses of such proceed- ? in‘. the ordinIIIce for said supple-tent.“ Especial nun-meat being on file in the ol~ Ii“ 0' the the Cit) Clerk of said City. :IId thing applied In the Counl) Cnurt ol ilee County for In Iueument ol' the 06c" appointed to unit said .ncnmcu‘ Band It Hi‘hllnd Park, Illinois, April [61h A. 0., I914. 7-6 Said oupplcmennl special antennae-tin payable in one install-oat. All pm desiring may file obiectiou in aid court before said oily. and may Ipmr on the heal-ii); and make their dolcnsc. ‘Pioneer M. E. Preacher Dead. max-moan- II.I.. -â€" Reverend 0 R. Vanhorne. {ernr rrpsldin: elder of “Freeport district of the Methodist Epmopal church and for many years one of the leading man of that denom- ination In Illinois, in dyfing at La! Magpies. Cu]. Stem Georg. Washington. Etiquette At the While House Inn newer been an severe as In the days 0! Washington The first Ann-rirnnpra-u Idem had a rude of observant-w drawn up. with whk-h all persons ruining Intu comm-t with him were expected In nuke themseln-s acquainted. He 0: m-tul well nigh us much den-wow an: mittlty. At receptions ho urn-ted all mmi-rs With a stntely how. but m-H-I delgm-d to uhnku hands. anal unhndy was allow-d tn address hltn nntlt in- look the inlthlthv. The gmmenwn nshvrs in :Ilttrmlnm'e “'vre elm-(It'd lu “-6?!“pr run-s nhsert-d. “'nshimttun nevvr visited a private hulhw. and at his uwn dinner [ulrih‘s the pmtuvm utilmluml that "the ("Nut-n: (hm nut 'rvtlmin nt tlu- tuhle- drinkinz nl’te-r .lw 9|an i» rmnm'rtl "â€"Inmhm t'hrnnivle. cost of "it! impro‘vemenl. accotdin‘lo benefits, Ind a supplemental special It- seamen! thereof lining been made Ind "turned to aid court, the final hearing "anon will he l‘lld on the In city ol May A. 0.. l9“. or u goon thereafter as the bunneu of the court will permit. Supplement“ Special Asses-mom Notice No. 86. - Notiée it hereby ‘iven to ill keno“ interested that the (Iity Council etch. City ‘of Highland Perk. County of Zak; end Sine oi Illinois, having ordered the ”I Iuwlementel specie! nee-Intent he lev- ied to pay the deficiency of the cost olthe work and interelt for the finding, Unit:- in‘. Perin‘ and otherwiue improvinl ol St. John's Avenue, in the City of Hith- lend Park. from the north line of Central Avenue to the north line oi Vine Avenue., which im'pruvement was provided for by In ordinance pused heretofore on the 2nd dn)‘ oi December A. l).' I913. and the lawlul expenses of wet: proceedin‘, the ordinance for uid supplemental specie! eueument being on file in the ol- hee of the City Clerk 0f uiti City. Ind hlvinfi applied It) the (Iounty Court 0‘ Lake County for en assetsment oi the costs of said improvement. eceording to benefits. end a supplemental special II- eenment thereol hevin‘ been made and returned [0 seid court, the fin-l henril‘ thereon will he had on the lit deyol M-y A. l)., NH, ur in .wun thereafter in the husineu oi the court will permit. Said supplemental speci-l nucumcm is payable in one'imullmem. All persona desiring mu) filc objection: in aid court belurc mid day. and may nppcnr on the hearing and mnke their dcfcmc. W. 8. BRAND. 0M" app-inn! In nah aid Jun-men Dated at Hi‘hlund Park. lllinoin, bApril lblh A. 0.. 19”. 7-8 PHONE 23 Sunkmcnhl spacial Ath RN06” No. 74. ‘\ NOTICE. W. E. BRAND. none: ' Adults 20c, Children under 9, 10¢ Mam-e 2'30 - - - High THE ERSKIN E BANK This splendid film, like the ever thrilling and delightful book from which it was adapted. 'should endure forever. It De»; picts well known characters of the great novelist' s heron; romance skillfully interpreted by the most celebrated ac‘fi and actresses of the French stage Details of the histo atmosphere that permeates the story are brought out W care. Any family‘ that has in it young folk who are at sc , will fail in an absolute duty if thexoungsters are not taken to see this masterpierce of the moving picture art. : It’s a real pleasure and satisfaction; to do business with ’ ’clcphonol Luke Forest 617 And 139 In Six Reels _ SUNDAY APRIL 19,1914,é Alexander Dumas’ Famous Mastm The Three Musketeeri FURNITURE STORE Antique Furniture Repaid and What! right In your hon» T€l€Pli¢ne 23? The Pre-eminent Feature Film of the World. $100,000.00 Spent in its Production Barberrien. Hydrangeas. Lil-es. Bridal Wreath: on , u kw: than meant-h. American Elmsjm [Meet highflk 8;“ h Chm-wen prepaid on onion of $3 or more. 19 spun: co). lation: with full planting dimming", Don't mm um More the stock is Iuld. 'OW ISTHE TKMF. TO PLANT. '7 10.000 finest Northern-grown or‘ ‘k namental shrubs and trees left on \ our hands by failure of large job- ‘ \ber. Must be moved at once. You can I' buy an less than wholesale prices. - Pimp: your grounds gt half the prim-y- ‘ havaxto pay elsewhere. A kw dnuzr \ willaddihuudreds tuyour hnmev Send (at our tree circular um: Mama pricc\ an! mug. union“. If you have not already man-d one Au (."m kt), In the «14: I» mnving last. Ynu never (:0th buy nurwry stock so cheaply before. “ There are Reasons” Money on Shmbsand Trees LAKE FOREST , ILLINOIS of fine cakes and pastries are sure to be in great demand. 50 we ad' fix you to order the cake or pie you poster in order that vou may not be disappointed. Come in person to order. We have several new varieties which you must see to appreciate. They look almost 100 dainty to eat. But that's “hat they are for just the same. Gary’s Horne Bakery Bu than Full electnc lights Storage battery 35 horsepower ma lu-inch wheelbaa Tlmken bear'mfl 1914 catalog-2 With Gra‘ Te E i;

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