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Highland Park Press (1912), 16 Apr 1914, p. 4

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W“ :a u D. O. PURDY»? 3ON8 You must use N-oFlni-h to‘ invent! ‘dufiing satisfaction'. You cmnot get N-ql'hi-h results without {VIâ€"Fluids. Every user becomes an en- thuiut A trial will convince you it has no equal. Puiusum Wmu av JOHN L. Uneu.’ Mr C Darby is spending a month “"1 :5 e12: Park. hkéwmypfinsog‘hm family in San Diego, Cal” Hid ex- " " pecu to return about the middle otApril ' _] Mrs. M. Keeler of McGovern St. who W M315. N Y. - M has been on the sick list for sveral Entered a mould:- matter Mnrchl. 1911 at ; iweeks '5 immfin“ them-t ofl'lce u Highland Park. Illinois underi Mr: Daniel Garfity of Laurel Ave, a“ A“ °‘ M‘m“ 3‘ "79' who was operated upon last week nt the _ . . ‘ ‘Auguatana hospital is reported as doing THLRSDAY' “.3le 16' l9“ . ; nicely and is expected to return home ,m‘ . next week. REAL SATISFACI'ION REWARD PARKPRESS dentin - l'nhin. 5. ud ”n it you just us! in the anal way-- but what a diligence! No dug flyin‘ m the . room to cattle down a ain. Even- speck mtaken up and :2 en am no! just atlrred up. And. a! (he same 'unc. with no cur: work. your lurmmre. wmxh‘ork and hardwax! mm) are cleaned .md pomhed. Trv .1 23¢ hauls. .IYAILIOHID v.74 No due room I Speck r lust atu with m D. C. PURDYa" SONS D. C. F’URDY»p SONS Singer Sewing Machines Bu! Coupe-vie: “The N that M the Work!" A Sena-Mia: on Imi- Lita by Rev. F. A. Holtzhusen of China Established in Highland Park over 36 Years D. M. Erskine 8b C0 [NSU RAN C E Sunday, April 19 H m m. “Differing Conceptions of Christianity" Sermon by Dr. Herbert Francis Evans Everyone,.lnviled ‘flh_uudf«amem” Machinw rented by week or month, Telephone 28 Cash or on easy payments. Repairs for all - makes of machines. 730mm (yburrb V4311 n‘dngeeds i3. {melons dating- u-Ak:,, Inst launl 'fllmwr "vacuum I" ‘ Now in Stock Cutalog Free CIYW IO7‘ “Gin-um INCORPOIIATED 7:45 p. In. Loves! Ram Mix; Mirum Ste-ever has returned from a fortnight's \‘xsit Nth her slster. Mrs. ' Carl Luther Odell m Webster, Flu. I Mrs. Juhn [ruin Marshal With her ,. small son and her daughter. Miss Val- iencia Rafferty have opened their summer ;home in Highland Park after wintering ! in Oakland Fla. Mr Alexander P. Gray of me North- . Western Military and Naval Academy has 1' his mcther visi‘ ing him for a week or so. ; from Westchemer, Penn. Miss Helen Warm-r has as her guest Miss Alice Lyon of St. Paul. Minn. Miss ! Warner and Miss Lyon are classmates at l Kemper Hall m Kenosha Wis. ‘ , About «3‘. hundred couples attended the dance given on Monday night at {Ra- vinia Cuino by the’ conductors of the C. M. 1-1 » Charles Bud! is spending the spring vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. 80:41.406 E. Laurel Ave. Mr. Chitin. It. is a student at the University of Illinois Mrs. Emil Neubauer of FL Sheridan left on Tuaday for Texas City. Texas where she will join her husband Miss Anna Friese of Baileys. Wis, is the guest of her aunt. Mrs. C. A. Smith on Belle Ave. Mr. Henry J. Thayer and his daughter, Miss Mildred Thayer are planning a trip east next month. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Mathu _Smithfand family do not expect to return to their home in Highland Park until June. Mrs. L. F. McCleman and small daugh- ter. Mary Louise. have returned from a several weeks visit at Pass Christian; Miss. Mr. and 311$,TVC. Williams and family. who ha\e been occupying the Jerome G. Steever residence during the winter months. have leaxd the Charles W. Buckley cottage on Ravine Place. Mr. Steever with his daughter. Miss Miriam Steever. who have been at the Chicago Beach Hotel all winter are now living in their own home on N. Sheridan Rd. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sampson of Elgin. "L. are the guests of Mrs Sampson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Bell. Rr-v. Shraeder. pa>rur of the Ebenezer church, who will lean-(- soon {or Canada. will preudt his {JR‘WEH wrmuzx on next Sundav. Mr Jflfik‘S ML'eri uf .\' (Lrern Bay} Rd. Mm has becn .I[ Red Muff, (al. for? several months. returned :0 his home uni Sunday ’ Ed\mr(i Knox. “hunk-11d.» Yak- mun-gr in (h: um, 13 spending hi: ~\prlmz \aca- tion vut!) hi~ parents Mr. and Mrs. Samucl E. Kmn 537 5 Sher idan Rd. Mr Ihmxci Cobb. Mm for the Dash five Mr Ihmxci Cobb. Mm for the past five years 314: {Km :1) San Francisco and Lo.~‘ Angel», CAL. Is \ sitmg his mothrr, ML». Daniel Cobb. 333 E. Laurel Ave. Miss, Marian McIntyre of Denver. COL. who amends Kemper Hall. was the guest several day: 1.1:! week of Miss Margaret Bunnell. Mr. and Mrs Frederick Rubi)" had as lhelr week-end gut-st. Mr. Rubly's brother. J. B. Rubly and daughter, Miss Stella of Chicago. Mr and Mrs Fredenck Bream: of Vine Ave‘, are leaving thls week for Strom Wis; where they will reside‘ Mr .md Mn N H (a [hen home on X [.us Angel». (:41. w! (hr mmer, I‘c‘leiL‘ Mm}: hernuw MH M l L.“ “'1‘ Miss Agnes Garrity. who was on the sick list a few days last week is able to be around again. Mr. and Mrs. James (Dram wen: the weekend guests of their daughtet. Mrs. John Russel and family of Oak Park, Mrs. Edward Duffy of W. Laurel Ave.. was taken to the Augustana hospital where she underwent an operation on Monday. Mrs. Duffy is doing nicer. Mm. Vent” Muzik of N. Green Bay Rd. had .15 her gueqt last week Mbs Dnssu 0!, Chitflgw .\II\~}1(‘,‘>I:' Muuu» hd.‘ .h hrl' guest Mr. and Mrs Thomas Mooney of Mc- Govern SL. are receiving congratulation. on the arrival of a boy. born Saturday. April mu. lmmmnfisl .\l MI .11'111.\Ir_~ I'Ph- \1 1n [\L‘ZHH‘ \‘C Mrs \ s (m \\ x [M In H) ,‘hx 3 Mm! «H: 1H h M 3i2>~ 1hr H k ('H (~IC Mulgun l't‘UJH‘md Shrr'dar‘. Rd, Irma: rc {ht-y ‘mw spent ban! or (’16 su: H Hurrnmrun .L~ hrl' guest M lI| Ill Fun Llu H .1 n .\h “uh :' Mrs. Samuel 5, Holmes and three Chil- I‘dren. who have been visiting since the 4 early fall and winter months at the home 'of Mrs. Holmes' parents. Mr. and Mrs. iKcnncth R. Smoot in Beaumont. Cal.. iare expected to return to Highland Park within a week or so. 1 Mr. and Mrs: Gerard Van Schaick and family. who have occupying the Samuel 5. Holmes residence on Linden Axe. for sexeral months past are now in their §o own home on Hazel and Lake: :Ns. i i Mr. and Mrs. c. r. Maechtle of M2 N0. Green Bay Rd.. who have been (in the sick list for nearly one month. desire to express their sincere thanks - to their friends for the beautiful Easter offerings of flowers received from them. Miss Isabelle Clark returned last week Wednesday after a several months visit in the east. Miss Dorothy Clark le'ft Wednesday of this week for West Point to visit her sister, Mrs. George Francis Patten. Later Miss Clark will go to New York where she will study dancing. re- turning after a two months absence. Mrs. James W. Prindiville and two children. who have been visiting at var- ious points of interest in California for a number of months returned :0 their home on E. Laurel Ave. Tuesday of this week. Clarence Parliament, who has been in French Lick for a fortnights visit has re- turned to his studies at the Wesleyan Unixersily in Middleton. Conn. Mrs. S. M. Antisdale of Cleveland. 0., was the guest this “eek of her cousin, Mrs. Herbert P. Beers. E. Lincoln Ave. Mrs W. T. Underwood and sons. Lovell and 'l‘nm, who huvc- been abroad since the early part of last summer are expert- ed to return to Highland Park sometime in June. MI. and Mrs. Alcx'inder L'arqucvllle have returned from a formights \Isii in Grand Cally-.011 Arxzonn.‘ Mrs. Alexander C. Dunn of Indiana poli~ is the guest this week ut‘ Mrs‘ For est E. Marsh, L110 Pruspecl Aw. Mr, and Mrs [Edwin A. Armstrong and daughter. \1is~ \I Irie Armstrong. have taken for thc >u.nmer monthszhe [homas H. Spemer rtsndeme nn Sn 5! Johns Aux Mrs. A. Eggcnah, who has been spend ing the winter with her daughter. Mrs. E Palmer in New York City. has return: ed to Highland Park and is now usiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Laing. Mn. Sidney W. Miller \lill haw usher \wek-end guest Mi» Chluc erm 0! Lake Fort-st. Mr and Mrs Geurgr \V Carr of Ru- vlnxu. n ho hum been hung mm! of the winter in lhcir apartment. 133 E‘ Erie St.. Chicago. have opened their small (‘0!- tage on Wade SL. where they will, speld the summer. Mrs Carr's father Graham Taxlnr has just completed another a!- tractuve cottage in Rannia. A-"lnlllrfdl‘.1!£\ ll] 5: IAN”: '(‘ \ xpcda [v 'rusrn \x'nhm u lurtnlum. My :md Mra. Med 1) l'nx'tvr' n1 REL \mm hmc purrhdwd Hw Fwdc‘r'u‘k W. “lynwr hunh' (hubs and (Npcn'l h) lake [)1I8~r~>I‘-n\\llhln a week ()1 >41. Mrs Purzrz has jug returned [mm a sm'erpl mumhs .‘ibsrmc m Seamr. Wad]. Mr and Mrs Geurgr \V Carr of Ru- vlnxu. n ho hum been hung mm! of the MI. ‘md Mrs 1.] wt Rugvr \Vxllmms hnnu- In Ldl'u' Blut't The .‘hSSL‘: Marjorir and humilly London rclurm-d Sunday tmm a six weeks \ NI In Wmncpcgand Minneapolis. «up; \1!!\ Miss Dorothy Fessenden will leave Friday for a six weeks visit in Ft. Leaven~ worth. Kansas at the home uf her sister. Mrs: Robert (i. Heck. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grant of W. Laurel Ava, are planning a trip abroad. They will sail on May 9th lor Scotland ard later will visit England. Miss Grace Murphy of Wauconda is the guest of relatives here this week. ‘ ' Mr and Mrs J Phillepo of Highwbod, announce the birth of a nine pound girl. born Tuesday, April7th. Mm M. Onwm. who has been at lb: Augustana hospital for several weekq is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Evans of W. Gen- tral Ava. have us their guest. Mn. Evm’ mother. Mrs. Rumauucn;‘nf Racine. wag * ?‘ Mn. Frederick Tucker is' visitingés'f: sister who in quite ill at Columbus. this week. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. G W. Merklin ofW. (kn- tralAve" hadufler guest on Tueqpny Mrs. W. Landick of Chicago. g4, Mia Alice Evans. who bu been Moi Mm Marie Lama of 61'in Bay. Wit. for the past week retuqtta home Wednesday. q. x 65ELL PHONE 23 Mr. and Mn. Edwin Wreun '0'! Pots! announce the anivtl of a d; tar. born munday, April 9th. Mu. dud Mn 1.] .'\1mhl~ll and zamfly Rugvr ‘v‘lHLHHs Aw. f‘lflc mkcl: a mu.- m Ldl'u' Nut} and cxpu'l in lake \\>l‘_\\lnn \thm a fortnight m w The Mm L'ulhns tanni) u! Chlt‘iégh \HH ut- uu 2hr rowicnrr [0 he \Auxtrd in [he THE HIGHLAND PARK rH'x‘ CAI» huwa '.\ (‘L‘ The annual meeting of the Lincoln Ave. division was held at the school house Tuesday afternoon. April 14, at 3 o'clock. Mrs. R. ‘J. Beatty and Mrs. Robert E. Seyferth were elected to fill the offices of chairman and secretary and treasurer for next year. An exhibition in gymnastic dancing was given by the 13!. 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades under the idirectian of Miss Theresa Peters. Ara rangements were made for the social and annual meeting of the three divisions of the assdciation to be held at the Lincoln school on Thursday evening. May 7th. at 8.0'clock. The hostesses for the after- noon were Mrs. W. 'R. Tapper. Mrs. Ward W. Willits. and Mrs. Edwin C. Day To the Fourth Word Voters In announcing my candidacy for: alder- man of the fourth ward I wish to call the attention of the voters from whom I will ask support. to these three very much 'alive and vital questions which are be fore the present council and will be be. fore the council of which I will. be a member if elected. or of which the one of my opponents elected will be a mem- ‘ber, first: The Sheridan Road Question; The Sheridan Road Improvement Associao tion is still working to have this road; turned over to the Lincoln Park Commis~ i sionet‘s. I believe that the City of High- land Park is entirely capable of rebuild-i ing. as it has started to do. this road and maintaining it and I do not see the nec‘ easily of turning it or any other road over‘ to anoutside body and then be dictated to as to how much money we shall spend of how we shallspend it. Second. The Lake Park Question: I believe that it is, possible to find some method whereby the city can care for this My in the manner in which it shouid be cared for and. dwi to the legal points involved in tu ' itover to the Park Commit» Mg 1 Wk! exhaust every effort in? «41 endeavor to find this method before 1 id think of allowing it to leave the ~$es ; binds. Third. The Milwaukee Electric Franchise: This question will home up and I an assure the voters that I; am’ against granting the road any mam favors until it has made good on i0“ ynestpromises 4'. the voters-oi the ward see fit to afiectmetotheoffioelassurethemofan . V attempt to serve them well and \ hitntice. Th‘e "mual meeting Hi the Highland Park ,oman‘s Club in: nmnhevs only, will, be hvld in thr 'I‘uesday April let. LuncheOn Will be m-ru‘d at 1230 tollow- ed by a‘buslneSs "K‘Q'Ying at 1:303! which time reports. of committce.‘ “ill be read, revision of the By-Laws discussed ahd the election of ofiicers for the new term take pace. The dance on Monday was a very pretty afialr and was very well attended. The Junior dance on Tuesday was not so well intended but was equally as at- tractive. The rc-gular motion pictures willbeshoun on FrldflV. The annual dinner and election of utficers to be held Saturday pmmises to be a wry delightful affair a. there are over elghty reser- vatibns made‘ A full orchestra will lur- nish music during the dinner hour‘ The children's patty as has been announced before \tlill be held Saturday atternoon. the 25th from 3 to 5:30. Mntinn pictures and dancing cmnptm- the program for the little tots, Mission Hand Will be held at the church Sunday. April 19 at 2:30 p. m. The Christian Endeavur Vesper stn ice held on Easter Sunday evening prowd to be 3 var? dellghttul service, simple- bu! very appropriate and impressive, The music rcgdered by the double quartette was mug appreciated by all. Auc-ndmnv .1! Sunday 5. huh! um 1% last Slll)du\. The sdpcrimendcnl u! [hr Hrmw Dr- parlmem nf {hr Sundu) Schuul Man-d In her quarterly rcpurt that ha department had gillntd >xx new member: brmging the Iota! nu In W ()t these thirty our had studir d thcir Sundzn Schnol lewms mery Sunday during the past quaner Asa rumor is out that l have with drawn from the race tor aldermen l msh lo anm-umr than I hun' not and mil not wilhdxztw under zmy L‘(')nsldn-rzv_tmn. Arthur Vetter will open his Purity Pop Corn Smhd on next Monday. April 20m. Rnymond Genty. who was taken to the hospital several weeks ago returned to his home on W. Laurel Ave, Sunday somewhat improved. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rogan of Deer- fleld Au, are receiving congratulations on the ”rival of a son. born Monday. April 13.; Parents and Teachers ' Association Mr. and Mrs Frank Roowell McMullin, who haw been spending the winter as the Blackstone' m Chicago have rented tor the ‘Iummer months the Charles Edward grown residence in Lake Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Brown. who have been winterinfl in California. expect to remain there thrpugh the summer. I‘nomh. V:- Mraners. E. H. Hoard. who have ngthe winter viutina various Murat: ten-t in the tenth, vital thiu week with theiroomim Mnand n. Wm. Millard on Ravine :59. on {air way home, in Red Wing, up. a firs. ofChicagoinhcgnut of EM .Clri‘n- b.245EParkAre. .and; Mrs. Edward 3. Steele at cm- he later formerly Mia Lottie ' t man. my! opeln thcigehomhgn ”I?“ M acc Iy st, w re t m re- W pemgnently. To the Voter: of the Fourth Wurd Highland Park Club Mom PAKKWOIS, Lni‘hd Emngvlu AI (‘huu h vas “'oman's Club (aim the with sometime; next Lincoln Ave. Diviuion EDWARD F. Smmu. h‘AIN \RNI\ Pays for itself smes time. labor and household tummhmgs Mm: of the damage and wear of carpets. rugs, rtc. IS caused by awrepmg, beaung and by fridion o! grit and dust under foot. which cuts and grinds off the fabric ad Wthh cannot be removed by broom or sweeper. THE Mum pnbmvcly reâ€" moves all dirt without Injury. and prolongs their hfe. Phone “The Imperial” The Magic Electric Suction Cle ’hone 180 Harder’s Hardware Highland Park, Illinois ARTHUR W. "Elm, Praia! IRA .|. CE“. Via hula! [ J Making a specialty of loans on improved real estate in mg North Shore territory including Rogers Park, Evanston, ‘ji mette, Kenilworth, Winnetka, Glencoe Highland Park 3 Lake Forat. Security under mortgages in this territogy b continually enhancing while the rate of interest is attractivgéf North Shore Trust Com Ctpltal $100,000L Wandathefinldng anof the State of Illinois The lagic Ollmrb, Mean, Excel: all atlas. 5-Year (Eunice Why not have . your clothing renovated here this week and give our work a fair trial? Our CLEANING AND DYEING of ladies‘ and gents garments, oriental rugs, carpets, portiers, draperies. piano covers. lace curtains, etc, cannot be duplicated by any local Cleaner. as we have the LARGEST and most SANITARY plant in the West. Telephone- Dyers and Cleaners INCORPORATED wagon will call for and deliver Charming Spring Costumes North Shore Trust Company ‘ MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS 2123-2l33 Uncoln Avoauo. CHICAGO MORTGAGE BANKERS Cleaning “'l‘h the Mam; ehmmates allot the fatigue and annmame of houscc V mg by other meansâ€"n6 fiecd of upsetting the home. monng carpets. rugs fumitun. Unequalled for Power ufl: Durability. Equipped “If Special Westinghouse Mm Cleans Entirely by Air ‘ Weighs Only 10 Pounds Simply constructed, has only two moving parts, 3 fm and . a motor to run it. Does not get out of order. you make connecxipns with us, you connect yourse" “1!.‘1 Plumbers who understand their bur inc-s. ‘An order from you still may. put all our knowledge and skill a your service. And the out wil not be great. Have Your Pipes fixed NO BRUSHES USED ON THE CAR- PETS RUG AND OTHER FABRKS At (his season )uu should send all your ap- parel to us frequentlyand let us keep your clothes in good condition. are making their appcr~ ance. Don't be dishean» cued if you cannot blos- som out in new radiment this year. for “e can make that becoming sun your friends have admired as attractive as new again by our careful work in yOur garments Divcmy - 8152 St. Johns Aven' We just I and plaitl Our Arr fast fabri terns. V of new a belts, ties If your (1 let us km deliver 5 work is c work 2111 Telei

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