“Mace Fixing the Sdarion of City Man nnd Certain Employeo- of ' the City of Highland Purk “how-Inn! b\ the ( in Council of the City at Highlnnd Park: ï¬ction 1. That the Illines p( the +vl'l‘ city oï¬cpn Ind cmployeh, be n such a Ium u is provided [or by Idiom-Ice for ench uï¬cer. at cm- . for the dmcbnrge o! the duilu of 0‘“ u roquirtd under the léws of ï¬ne 0! Hlmois. and (he ord‘noncc duh cm of Highland Park. am“ an of hit olï¬cc or employfmenl, it‘ the ï¬n: duy ol MIY A D- ..d that Ouch oï¬ccr or emgloyee neck. no lumber computation 5: City of Hi‘hlnd Park (yr the h“ the “luv of tech of the police a. know Inch poIieemen el are up- . b? Mchl duly and for I limited .h'lhn I year! be and it in hereby 0! the sum of Nile Hundred Dol- : (W) per eaten «ch. 41 TM titular-y. ot’ the Superintendent ii." Works. ex-oï¬eio Chief Engineer â€.0 'uu Works be end it hereby H ll the um of Twelve Hundred M ($1200.00; pev gnu-m. _r 3 TH the “Inn; of (be Auiuum Em It the “'uter Works be. nqd it I! M It the Inn of Nine Hundred Dol- 3;" (â€00) per .Innum. ‘TH the nhry of the nuiu-nl Eto the {"7 miner he, and is hereby ï¬xed at ’“N- 0! Three Hundred Doll-nI '5300) 1"tflnm, M the ulny of lhc Quin-mi to (he Cit! (Jerk be. lad is henhv {3er ll the -d Eifl“ Hundred Ind Forty Doll-rs Mm) per u'gum. V ' 3 Th“ â€16 "lingo! the sleno‘npher in “Gil! Clerk's pï¬cc be and is hereby 5" u the ink“ of Six Hundred and in, Doll-n “$0.00) per nnnum. ' 1‘" â€It “kn! n1 xhe Superintendent ‘ "“0? Ind',$wcr Mnins. cx-oï¬cio â€W human. in and i: is hereby ï¬xed . l5- Wm 0‘ One Thousand Dollun‘ the misty of the loan-n 'th be. ml the «no is I! the mm 0! One Thous- OIM.M) per annual. Mike nlcry of the city our That the “In.†of the Fin hi Assistant the \hnh-ll ‘ 5C Ind ir Eh hereby fixed 19 Doll" (51. 001 (or the ‘Mncc a each ï¬rmm That the airy of the Fin Mirth-ll "i Anisunt the Human .nd Fire- .lI. 50 Ind REX! hcrcSy fixed at the sum ‘03 Doll:r‘($l.001 (or the ï¬rst hour ‘Mncc a each ï¬n. and ï¬lly cem- Wt booth! actual service rendered “*5 hour thereafter. Mike nlcry of the city nunhall be, ill! use is hereby ï¬xed ck flu sum o-Thounnd Doll-n (“000.1â€) per 0‘ Inch 06cc during theglcrm Less than Whole ale PriCe Telephone Eightâ€"Five of the nuist-m $10 the and is hereby ï¬xed at Hundred Dollar. $300) men-n olif Pub- mnc is *rebY Thous-ndi Dol- of the police ERE 15 Your chance to secure heavy†nursery grown hardy perennial flowering plants at less than whole- sale prices- Please dont compare these with stock shipped out of small pots from some distant nursery, for all of them are HOME GROWN, plants which will make a Show and flower this summer. If vou ever intend planting some of these old favorites do so now, for no one can afford to grow stock such as “e Offer below at the Drice we quote, 15c each whether you buy one or ï¬ve hundred. We have a surplus and like to dispose of it at home. Here we are: We have Sch‘I‘le thousand extra heavy hardy they are nut named varieties: if you want to make This is to convince those in doubt that we are very much in the ring and doing business on a very small margin of proï¬t. Gladiolus “America“, the most beautiful of all the gladiolus, a daybreak shade of pink" and the flowers of enormous size. We offer bulbs which will flower this summer.'at $2.00 per hundred, these are not extra sized bulbs but every one will send up a good flower spike. [ï¬r/{spur “Bel/aduna" light blue Colun’zbim’s, English long spurred yellow Phlox, Miss Lz'ngm'd, cvcrblooming white Corcopsis Gramlzflom Sweet Thur the sultry of the â€sin-n! ni‘ht ï¬reman be. and is hereby ï¬xed at Six Hundred Doll-rs ($600.00) per unnum. That (he sllnrv ol the cin, ï¬reman in That the salary ol the cin, ï¬reman in charge of the ï¬re station Ill-ll he and is hereby ï¬xed at Seven Hundred and Euhty Dollars 15794.!†per annum. That the salary ol each alderman of (he Cilv of Highland Park he and the same is hereby ï¬xed at the sum nf Three Dol- lars «$3.0m for each meeting, actually attended bv him. run (wet-ding one meeting each week. H ighlmd Park... Q15€€M5W563 Section 2. That the nlnries providedi (or in Section One of this Urdinnnce‘ Ihlll be due Ind payable in semi- monthly installments on the ï¬rst and ï¬fteenth day. of each month for the preceedin‘ hull- momh of their service during the term of their ofl‘tce. Section 3. That the sale†of the nldermcn. citv mlnhell, stenogrnpher. aldermen. city marshsll, sienoxrapnu. ‘ sad the city policemen. shall he paid! from the “Salary of ()flicers" lund. That‘l the salary of the Superintendent oi the;! Water Works. ex-oï¬cio Chie! Engineer, 3 ï¬rst and second assistant en‘ineers. «‘5 the Water Works and city ï¬remen. shall! be paid from the water fold. That the‘; salary of the Superintendent ul “'aterl and Sewer Mai-a shall be paid lrom the? Water and Sewer Fund. That the sslaryl ol the loreman of Public Work shall bql paid from the Street and Alley Fund.-i That the salary of the assistant to tha‘ City Treasurer he paid from the Miseel- i laneous and Continual Fund. That the‘ salary ol the assistant to the city clerk he paid from the Miscellaneous and Coatin- ‘ent Fund, except (or the actual work 'done oa special assessiaeats which said work shall he paid from the Special As- sessmeut Expense Fund when such monies ‘ are available. 1 Section 4. That the salary ot the City Collector be and is hereby ï¬xed at the “AL Section 4. That the salary ol the City Colleetot be and is hereby ï¬xed at the sun of One Thousand and Eighty Dol- lars ($1080.!!!) per annum. payable in semi-monthly installments ol Forty-ï¬ve Dollars (345.1») each, and shall be paid from a fund to be created and composed ol 2% 01 all special assessments and special taxes collected during each ï¬scal year, provided Ilsa! in event ofsuch com- mission not being suï¬cicm. that such deï¬ciency shall be paid from the Water Fund. Section 5. That I“ otdinancu or puns oi ordinance. in col-Mu with (his otdinnnce are hereby repealed. Section 6. This ordinnnce shall take elect and}: in ionic from and Iltcr its passage, ad approval. Passed April 70: A. D. 19“. Approved April 9th A. D. I914. "L D "n-h3n\ Aunt: sun time t6 fertilize the lawn and sow grass seed _ WW. City Ch"k Funk P. Hawkim Ext‘m Special for One Week THE HIGHLAND PARK mm HIGHLAND pmmms Beautiful Styles and Positively OPENING â€"â€"Thursday, Friday and Saturday April; 23-24-25 We have the new spring models in C. B. Corsets and make no charge for ï¬tting. We know you will be better satisï¬ed if you have your corset properly ï¬tted. Prices ranging from 1.00 to 3.00. A full size apron, uage or round deep ruffle, percale an gmgham ..... Ladies Silk Petticoats Plain messaline, silk skirts, deep 1 pleated ï¬ounce, all colors. Price-(1.. q CORSET FITTING FREE 1' Second Door West of Theatre - This â€week at OUR NEW STORE we offer aï¬ unusual opportunity to ex ery at prices that wxll prove an agreeable surprise. We must nge you garment Another Special Phlox we offer at 8c each, they consist of ï¬ne white, light and deep pink colors but a showy bed somewhere plant them, nothing ï¬ner during the fall months. Ladies’ Aprons C. B. Corsets Larkspur,‘choicest English Hybrids 'ollozo Colzlnzbirzes, pure Colorado blue white Shasta'Dalsies, Klorzdyke, the very best Sweet Williams . a " Hollyhocks, all colors that are made from pure silk plin, taffetas and and c angeable silks, with fancy blouses, net veste. three-quarter sleeves, ï¬n- ished w1th net ruffle. You would really be pleased with it at $18.50. in fact we doubt if you can ï¬nd anything prettier at that 32221.??? ‘ $10.00 carry both the best fertilizer gand the ,best seed for our heavy clay Children’s Dresses Children's tub dresses, chambray and plaid ging. hams,very practical,pleat- ed and plain skirts, piped and bottom trim- 9 med. Special at. . $1.98 3’14 .’ 19c Hosiery ’ A complete line of ladies and childra s hose at prices vary- ing from 10c to 1.00 per pair Highland Park, Illinois 1in to every woman seeking the latest and best apparel you garments so good that you‘ll come here next txme. Some stunning Coats await you at reasonable pricea You can buy the very latest modes in mat- erial. cut and colors. Prices ranging from $7.50 to $25.00. Come in and look them over. , Skirt: Dress Skirt Specials at $2.95, $5.00 and $6.50. We are sellin theï¬nest skirts ever so at the prices and the values are not to be duplicated elsewhere. Ladieu' Houne Dresses Made of Navy blue percale trimmed m turkey red well tailored. .69c We also can‘y a complete line of Henderson Corsets. the standard everywhere for 5% women of fashion, prices 1.00 to . . , . . Muslin Underwear _Our muslip underwear department is ï¬led vyxth novelues _mcludmg Prmcess combina- tions, (flowns, skirts and numerous other Items. All sty es and prices. 5 Waist: We are showing many wonderful valueSand styles made with a1! the new dainty 5550 touches, in all sizes. 98c to ........ 3 AJTERATIONS FREE soil Henderson Corsets oats