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Highland Park Press (1912), 21 May 1914, p. 2

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SJ; Mrs. Edward Huber of So. Green Bay Rd.. entertained the Euchre club on Monday evening. (me «)5 :he pretties: dances ever given; In the hull: school gymnasium was the, Junmr Front in honor of the Senior Class? of 1911, up last Saturday exenlng. The! decorutmns were most artistically ar-E range-ll gning the hall an appearance} like i." .ar ur' a Japanese tea garden CrepeI paper :r. shades of pink and green “as testrxlned from the center of the mom to the mar xx ill» Shl-uer bouquets wr' pmk‘ HSSLM‘ paper rosrs and Japancw glass CthlH‘.‘ i‘ :11 from. merheaul. Un the four shit“ at ll]: gymnasium branches were lacked and here and there pink. Kl>>r28 paper r'w' buds were fast ncd m: these l:: the suntheast corner of the room a {lfrz't' pie ‘e orchestra from Lake}, Forest re: dered a good selection of 1 popular l‘.‘.U§lC whirl: caused the rangoersj to dam»: on until nearlv midnight Thel chaperones for the exening were Mrs. I ha] Gear, Mrs. William J. Fyffe Mrs! William A. French. Mr. and Mrs. Henrv M. Bacon. Miss Grandy. , and Mr. Sidney Dietch. Delicious punch was served by Mrs .Schubnell. All voted this to be the! most successful dance ever and all the committees in charge ofthe affalrdeserve; hearty congratulations l r ( ( r r e Bridge parties. although of the most informal kmd. are beginning to make their W’I)‘ through this spell of quietude which has been reigning over the socxety world for the past month or so. Probably within a few weeks bridge Willagain hold its plan in the socral realm. Several affairs of this kind are being given for Miss Muriel Boulton of Beaumont, Cal. who is Visiting with her Sisters. Mrs. Arthur V'an Schaick and Mrs. John Har- mon. Un Wednesday ex enmg Mrs. Paul Bird entertained informally at bridge at her home. 24:! E. Park Ave. in honor of her cousm. Miss Mendenhall of Kansas Citv. Mrs Parker Johnson and Mrs. Wil ham l. Lafean. both of whom are new resirlents'if this czty This afternoon Mrs. John (iremille Mott will be hostess; at an informal two table bridge at her home on E. Laurel Ave, Miss Annie Cobb) will also entertain at bridge this after-1f noon for Miss Muriel Boulton. The af~: fair is to be most informal. only a few of; Miss Boulton’s old time friends will bei present The social calendar for this. week opened with a luncheon on last; Monday afternoon at which Mrs. Arthur‘ W Jerrems. 224 Linden Ave, was host-i ess to twelve guests. ()n last Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Franklin 8. l’TUSSQ)’ gave.’ a luncheon in honor of Mrs. Richard F. , Peyt in Jr. who will leave soon with; Mr. Peyton and their daughter Catherine for an extended trip abroad. The guests, bidder. were the intimate friends of Mrs. Pei fun i The Social Side of Life Have you ever utmtul ' Collar badly and found those j‘JSI [returned to you budh WHHl and broken? lhd you ever start to (l!-C\S In ‘11 hurry, put on your collar, szztrt to tie your fourm-hzmd and haw your tic stick? What did you do? Give the collar 3 yank. have it Come uubuttoned or buckle up and crack at the joints? If after the struggle \ou SULLC'tdCd “1th thy tic (hd you whistle merrily I” d (1 you , f is inunderimz collars without cracking and with in: easy tic >pace. GIVE THEM AN OPPORTL'NITY TH SHOW YOU. High Class Launderers and French Dry Cleaners 0|: Pionesfhave been dated fun 107 ad 964 to 178 and 179 The Reliable Laundry Rem mum Local Affairs of the week “£99173; ParR Bv the Obscncr There were eighty-tour ladies present at the annual spring luncheon of the Arden Shore Association held at the Moraine Hotel on Friday afternoon. Interesting reports( were given by Miss Theresa Clow. Superintendent of the Arden Shore Camp. and Mrs. Charles Thorn of Win- netka qhairman of the Finance Com- mittee. V Mm Robert 8. Gregory presid- ed. It was interesting to those present to learn that the camp which was open all winter, cared for nearly sixty conval~ exing men and boys during the winter months.’ Mrs. Fayette S. Munro is the! The annual meeting of the North Shore .'Chapt¢r D A R. With the election of of I ficers was held at the residence of Mrs. lC. N Kimball. May 18th. The program lconsisted of a group of songs by Mrs iCarleton \ail and a paper on Colonia thildren by Mrs. Daniel Cobb. Mrs. ‘ Kimball showed photographs and told of l a \isit to‘ ‘Sulgraief’ the old Washington lhome‘in England. A number of pipe organ fselections followed Mrs. Hofiman of iWilmette, presented the subject of ‘Our lack of both State and National Flag iLaws and the consequent frequent de . secranon of our fiag' and she urged that . the chapter members use their influence to see Miat can be done in the matter. The following officers “ere elected. Re gent. Mrs (icorge Cummings; \ice re gent. Mrs. (iordon Buchanan; secretary. Mrs. Joseph Leaminr. treasurer. Mrs.. Harry Faxon. historian. Mrs. F. B. Green.' registrar, Mrs. W. C. Egan; directors. Mrs. Prancns Thorn. Mrs. A. P. Smith,' Mrs. Carleton Moseley. and Mrs. George R. Nichols. The Five Hundred Club met on Friday ':e\*ening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. iEdwin Larsim. Prizes were awarded to ers. _ W. Ernst and Mr. Geo. V'etter. gwhile Mrs. Geo Vetter and Mr. Wm. 1 Ernst recewed the consolation prizes. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krueger were rmost pleasantly surprised on Saturday {evening when about twenty of their friends came to help.them celebrate their ; fifteenth wedding anniversary. Cards .were the teature ut the evening. Mrs. A. 'Jones'and Mr. Dean Anysley recen'ed‘ first prizes and Mr F. Sheeks and Mrsl lDean Anysley won the consolation f prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Krueger were pre- :sented with a lovely china tea set. I On Thursday evening the members of the Laurel Sewing Society. twelve ‘in number. mli enjoy a dinner at the North American Restaurant later enjoying the performance of “The Third Party" now plming at the Princess Theatre. Chicago. Miss Catherine Murphy entertained in‘ form’ally with a miscellaneous shower on Saturday aftrrnoon for Miss Marguerite Kreger of Glencoe, whose marriage to George E. PhIlllpb of (his City MI! take place Wednesday, June 10 The Woman' 3 Missionary of wig Pm ; byterian church will meet at the? home of Mrs. Reichek. Sr., Tucsdty aft Mrs. J. C Wolff entertained tame; club of Chicago of which sheila ',‘ last Tuesday afternoon. Â¥: . -' The World's Peace Sunday 388 ob- sent-d in the Presbylerian church Sun- day with a sermon on the subjectiby Mr. Cresw ell Four names were add“ to the Cradle Roll Sunday morning and gach child was given a white geranium; The recipients were John Kenneth Wetter, Harold Edward Huhn. Edward Woodman: Todd and C W. Penis Petersonl: The Cradle Roll now has 20 members -- Mrs. L. A. Beam of Gardner is waning her sister, Mrs James Fritsch. Mr and Mrs. Stephen entertiincd a number of friends from Everett?turday ewmng A number of friends of M198 Anna Peterson of Chicago were entertpirted at a picnic supper in the woods east of Deerfield Saturday. ; " The watermams between Highlhnd Park and Deerfield will be Completed Wednesday, May 20th. The mfiem wire connected and the city water wigs turned into the pipes Sunday morning. ; Mrs. Mana Lme of Randal. hansai Ls Nth: A.‘.-..u...m .; H! visitng her son. Mr‘ ('runckel. ‘ §‘-'.‘J"“"" A cordial invitation is extended to- all Dated Ma} 31- 1914‘ Deerneld, HI those who wish to attend a mission‘be' ‘ Q." ,~ “111:..." ):,,':'(5.:v.}\,;,Ԥf m ginning Sundm. May 24th Rev. ’J. R. t ' ' Villum- “f ””qu” Fannan as missionary. in the Holy Ctbss 1 church. Mr. and Mrs: Ralph King Of Waukefian were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs‘ Frank Peterson. " Mrs. J. Ante-s. Mrs. P‘ Rommel]. jand Mrs. F. Horenberger attended] birthday party given at the home of Mrs Charles Holmstrom of Shermerville Sagurdayg Mr. and Mrs. Weber and family »hnd Mr. Frank Schwerdtfeger of Chicago. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ellexf‘ meyer Sunday sts Elda Horenbcrgcr was the wiéek- end guest 0! Miss Josephine Tessa? of Chicago ‘ Miss Lottie Quedenfield of Lake Villa wa; the week end guest of Miss Florence Carolan \ Mr. and Mrs. F. Dodge of Rogers Park. Mr. and Mrs. Brockway. Mrs. E. Wilma: and daughter. Clara Wllmot, of Wapke- gan. Misses Gertrude Due“ and Sobhia Olson of Chicago were the Sunday gsjfits of Mr. and Mrs. R. Vant. } , friends of the guest of honor. .cxclalmed there was a ban fire on our The cm‘hrmdery (Inns met this week gztfnw‘f ‘51:?1211? file. (2:82:11: :1: fife ‘ Wednc>d3y altermmn With Mrs. 'Albert , minutes. In the moantlme neighbors m‘ ‘J' Metzel 0“ sycanmrc l'latet sponded to the alarm and the flamts The Exmoor Club opens next Saturday ’ were prevented from spreading down‘ }evening. May 30th. mth a dinner andlward by the use of a fire cxtinguigher ldam‘ ‘kept m the home. The valiant work i On Wednesday at three o'clock occurrâ€" done by the volunteers saved the destruc- led the marriage of Miss Agnes Simmers, ’1 “0“ “I the building The chemical 3“? Edaughter of Mrs. Margaret Simmers of . Kl"? has been ”‘9 means 0‘ putting out 50, First St. to Mr. Edward.Golden of ‘ three fires Iince its Installation. ‘HiEhWOOdl The bride and groom *6er Saturday at one o'clock a luncheon was lattended by Miss Florence Simmers. :givcn m Marshall Field's tea room by ‘SISI?!’ ot the bride. and Mr. George Kenry. : the Chitago friend; of Miss Amanda The Rev. Father (Dates read the ceremony. Knaak m honor of her approaching mar- er. and Mrs Golden “I“ be at home nag to Mr. Romaine Stryker. the date of :aftel June lz'wzh m thcxr flat on N. Grcen “hit h has been set for June 16th Bav Rd .' Miss Louise Hahn was hastesa to the ' orficers and teacher: of the Presbyterian lDeerfield Ne“s Items l Blblcachoul Friday evening. Mr. Ruddie Knaak of Chicago was! the week-end guest uf his paren‘ts. Mr; and Mrs. T. Knaak. Muse: Helen Fidlar. Ina Merr!“ or Chicago and Mr. M. 57 Hames of Sp'rmg ficld. werr the wrekvcnd gursts alSupple- dale Farm Mr. and Mrs W. Hardic of Evanstun were the guests of Mr and Mrs Frank Hempstead Sunday Miss Eleanor Mryer was the week gun! of MISS Irene Macadne‘ ‘ Mr Albert Ustermann and Miss Mar- nn of Chicago mere the guests of Mr and Mrs. E H Wllimann Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Ray Gunckci left Thurs- day morning for Sprmgfiekd, “I, when- thcy ml! rmidc In the future. Deerfield News Items MrsJame: Ryan was called tn her sister. MI» Mary Sullnun m Uttumua, 10» who IS very ill The cm‘hrmdery (Inns met this week Wednc>d3y altermmn with Mrs. Albert J. Metzel on oycanmrc ['Iaxe‘ Another affair given this week ip’honor of Mn. Richard F. Peyton. It: was a bridge party on Wednesday qftegno‘on at th‘h Mrs. George Allen MWQ was hwstras at her home on Hazel Ave; Those bxddcn Were the members of ther whist club in Hughland Park and intimate fncnds of the guest of honor. chairman for Highland hit nut ., L. Wm is chairman at maximum necfion laying filled the many 3: jun. A. L. Drum. who served“ M 70!!”- ' A new member of the board is Mr} Bur- ridge D-‘ Butler of this city. The 111-- dustrial" department which hesitotoye has been under the management? of the local chairman. has now a special head for this division. Mrs. James Simpwn of Glencoe. At the up: Why'd!» M mam held it: WGmwmd nu: ma}. the manned.f Wm Everett and Doerfidd “1:091:th and lint place in geoinphy mm my Macadam: place gun" by Harley Schmidl 6f Deerlcld M g Miss Mary Schwlnglc at Chicago inlay the guest of Mn. Schlie In! week. ‘nv - ,A,!.l v _____ -1 tI-_I.. l.:__ I_“_ I’llb- Dnstnllmvnh “nth inturv-â€"I at Hm riltl' (.v fin- (in [WI .u-ntum nn all m- smlh‘uvnh frum :nnl n‘Hr'Matv of I“U" 0' lint \umhu-r. A“ [N'r‘ull‘ downing may Iilr uhjwtimn- in and wurt ‘N-futr mid (lsu "Is! "my “mu-4r nu ln'uring and mulw their doth-nun Huh-«i at H‘uhumxl. “L. May 21. 1')”. FARNHAM A. “CINDY. d lfrrmm appointed In umke said annulu- 65W. Hun-r. v'llllf‘ ‘(u H‘ In mid .‘lppun PHONE 23 HI Hr m-‘nY merit Nu ’vinh 'nwl \fi|\'u~<, n‘. "\1“I\J[‘l g h-rini, fin- inu m. fih‘ Inn/IL; Lulw t “1' th. All irnn: ":u gnu-nu. [n lirnnJ “aunt: H" Hw u- \ uh hi4“ of Iirlwl JV-‘Hllo- {rum hur ”«\~ an-nuv in ”w .4011“: vlul «J Hum-9 Mwnm- in mud villagr of hum k-M; 'nwhnling firv hydmuu. :.1t-~ \fi|\'u~<, n‘... u-umplvto- and Int-finding :1" I D“ fmn: ’. Uh Uh“ frum .' “II I‘. nnv'th awn-t Wu'v: 1n II'IL Thc Parentchachz-r Assntialmn mil mes: in the assembly hall Fnday after- noun, May 29m Dr. A L, Lindsay Wym-kwop of Chicagu ml! belhe speaker. Fiamés were diocovered on the roof of the Junior Reichelt home Friday at six p. m. by little three-year-old Willace who Miss Astrid Luuon of Healy. Min Irene Banding of Glen View. and Mia Lilla Plane or Chicago, were the guests "of Miss Winifred Phage Sunday. (ilu ”TV! r SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE In H ‘ll u~.n. nvhnling firv hpwhautl. -‘.. I‘lllllpll'to' .‘lnu! "binding '2. Pym-Milling, 'u’mr and fin- urdinam-w fur Hn‘ mun.- fih- Ill va- nihm- «If the VI” “It! \‘iHuL’v‘ an! Uu' eat-i v?” JHrixq-d tn 2!.» nmuJy mrurt ‘unty. Illinm-, im an ”Wu”. ml u-f mm! nnpmv~3r "Lila-1 51 'M'll1‘rl“. .Ih-i :HI .g~~o~~!h ll”! ui\.l‘ h- n tnm'l “own :. \lhil'l 4‘ ~mlth-nr- '.Y ;-o-r an'm vu-tth flVt‘lllh' :1. Wk nf n’v-mn tn fh l-leg NH \ 0'“ ll: 1r n.’ mantra! MVv-hflh‘ 1v tn Inn-um uv-‘um- nf Fan “aka tvunur to drum! .no-nut'. ”n of Iirlwl JV-‘Hllo- {rum HH‘ v 'Ntvrmm "I § pupil-Ir In (vn infirm! at Hm Ilium um all m- »r'date uf h‘U" Irma!” .lo-auing Fair Huk 0! ’ll ,nxa-rnml .lmm ( ":H k sun-um " lililll ll\0"lVl9‘ vutra ' :0 m1 mu ‘ .duzlh- luv the vnlluuo‘ J~~o ~~Elu UM m: nllf‘l’ -o ~~5m Ill rn-furmgd ‘H .l' ‘11:: url .,f I-vmftvr pm unit. iwt un- . Ill. 1243 12‘ 13 .nwnuv Ava-mu- .w-mm .‘V-"lllt' ‘uu )11'!Iv Ht GOOD BANK It’s Old and Strong 3 per cent interest paid on Saw . Real Estate, Loam and Insurance 'olephoneo LAke Fore“ 617 and 139 13 St. Johns Ave. Have Your Clocks Cleaned and Repaid Shop Ishall also do first class repair; ing which will be in Charge of Mr. Titlebaum; All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. I earnestly Solicit your patronage. Wm. J. Schmidt I wish to announce that I havé’j opened a Shoe Department in thgf Chas. H. Warren Co. Store on Wesf Central Avenue with a full line of Men’s Women’s ad? Chilthen’sShoes - The latest styles and the best of . leathers. Having. purchased the ~' Highland Park ‘ " Shoe Repairing ' . FURNITURE STORE Antique Furniture Repnired tad Refinished ‘ right in your home We call for and deliv.er All work guaranteed for one year Jewelry repairing a specialty 'incent Quarta v; 9.31 LAKE FOREST, [muons We are often Columbia on our modern equipment and the neat sanitary condition 0! our uptodate market Why not call and ask us to show you some choice cuts of the ow soup" doesn’t apply to this restaurant. Nor does any other familiar jibe about paucity of materials. Ev dish we serve is. what it claims to be with plenty of. good substantial ingredients to make it nourishing as well as palatable. Tipton’s Home Renard in our chicken soup. Th'e old joke about “chicken shad- THERE’S REAL CHIQCEI Telephone 331 j While Ih the whet] equipment more hand Ind alum" an improv: to make ably 1m Saludod M 1914 Com Elcunr be“. 1 ul tutu Storm Batu Amati" 35 Hour-rpm I H-l-(h YV- Tn-kn luv: With 31$ 1 prod:

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