Whinflflnhuiflm Wm WM! n Joan L. Unau. It Highland Park. Lake County, Illinois Telephone : :2 Highland Park562 Entered u â€could:- mner Hugh 1. 1911.“ the no“ om It Highland Park. “that. under ch: Act o( March 3. 183. You must use Nun-Finish to have real ‘dusting satisfaction'. You cannot get Nil-Finish results without Nn-Flnhh. Every user becomes an en thusmst. A trial will convince you it has no equal is a mlrvelous dusting cleamng polishing II- mmrmnms REAL SATISFACTION The care of Lawns. making new and repairing old lawns, pruning trees and shrubs either by day or contract. Telephone 763-J FOR RENT James McNeil] C £21... on these themes at “The Church for all the people†Full line of Garden Sup plies including seeds fer- tilizer and tools at Dr. Herbert Francis Evans “Winsome Womanhood†7:45 p. In. Special Philathea Service A musxcal program will be rendered by the class chorus nf young women A large stock of the best Lavm Mowers. Tools, and Garden Hose at D. C. F’URDYW0 SONS Sunday, May 24 “Where Shall I Find Life’s Values?†' A large sum of money is lost yearly by buying at the wrong place. You will ï¬nd that vou can save time and money by trading at Euler's Hardware ï¬nalist thnrrb In! [ml in": THURSDAY. MAY 21. 1914 Harder’s Hardware is a mlrvelous dustinfl‘ cleamn ‘pollshmg II- quxd \ Ithtt you jusl dug In the Usual way ‘yu: what a dn'fercnce' Na d»! flung 1n the _ mum m settlc down again. Everv flmk ls taken up and taken out-7 not :ust guru-d up And. at the mm: Mme. “uh no rxrra work. \ou.’ likrmhnr. wudwurk and hardumx! flown .are uhed, Trv a 3 a bottle. I TQILIINCD IO‘IA Choice Office Harder’s Gardener Sermon Topic INCOIPORATED Lost in the ll 9 Miss Alice News was the wecktnd ! guts! of Miss Basic Brown of Waukegan. i Miss Florence Simmers of First St., had as her Sunday guests the Misses [[Mabel Murrie and Elsie Shiner of Win- Inetka. The Laurel Sewing Society had the last meexing of the season on Tuesday ' evening at the home of Miss Annie Bau- i maxi of ()chn'iew Ave Miss Ida Naas of Chicago was the guest of her parents on Thursday. Mrs J. Backy and three children of Deerï¬eld Ave.. were the guests of friends in Chicago last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alvar Bournlque and two children, Betty and Mary Louise leave early in June for a European trip. They will live at their North Manistee lurm until time for salling, M‘rsKCalvin Dobsun and two ch11- dren. Duncan and Dorothy, who haw been visiting with Mrs. Dobson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guiltord Duncan in St. Louis ï¬orthe past month, returned m their home on Prospect Ave. late last week. Miss Ethel Spencer. accompanied by her mother. returned the middle of the week from Washington, D. C. sts Spencer graduated from the Chevy Chase College on last Monday evening. Mav l8. Miss Mendenhall of Kansas City. Mo.. will be the guest this month of her cousin. Mrs. Paul Bird. 240 E. Park Axe. Miss Cornelia Barlow of Delevan, Wis. is spending this week in Highland Park a‘ Mrs. James B McCrytle's on E. Cen- tral Ave. Miss Saidee Buckley left Tuesday for Detroit. Mich. to be the guest of Mrs. Neil Snow for sex era! weeks. Melville Cobb is in Omaha on a busi ness tï¬p. Mrtdnd Mrs. Robert E. Durham and children. of \Vinnetka have rented their home in that suburb and are spending the early pan or the summer with Mrs. Durham’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Gregory. Mrs. Chas. Harbaugh visited relatives in Stevenspoint. Wis.. several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. RogerShcrman Yull haxe returned from the-1r weddmg trip (0 Ash- wlle. North Carolina and are at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Vail. 419 East Laurel-Ave. Miss E. A. Folsom. who has rented her home on 503 Prospect Ave. for the sum- mer months, mil lxve a: the Moraine prior to leaving (or the east where she will spend the summer. Mrsi} Mdlregur Adamsund horshler. Mrs. Wlegand. “ho have been pusalng the winter in Thumusville, ('13.. are now 1n New York living at the Piazza They expect to return soon to Mrs Adams' home in Highland Park Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Mather Smith and children and Mrs. Hamilton Smith. who have been passing the winter in Oakland. Fla. I'eft last Saturday in their private car for their summer home her:- Mr. and Mrs Harry Sellery and familv are living in the Safford home until the completion of their new home in Ravinia‘ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rafferty uf Skokie Ava. are receiving congratula- tions on the arrival of a son. born last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Buckley an nounce the arrixal of a son, born Frxday May XSKh., \ imittn-d .\lt.~.~ [\L|}}(;l “tiJ‘ilM :‘lllgl‘. her hum:- this xxx-ck u all) the i: t.‘tt>t‘l\‘ h I i Mr. Edwm Hull Ul llrrrticltl Aux. \ihu has been \er) ill “llll mun: gs tnr thr pist neck l5 somewhat miprmcd Miss Kittie Smith or (human is thc 'gtiest (it her relatives Mr, and Mrs. Ed \mru Wclsh of Ravinia Park. Mr. and Mrs. James G. Gould ut (Hen- dale. Cal. both formerly 0t Highland Park. thc latter being formerly Miss Isabel l-Ziiart. are expected tn return here next month tn :erd the summcr Wllh Mrs. Uould'n parrnts. Mr and Mrs Henri Ewart of 106 Park Ave. Mrs. Gould will return to Glendale in the tallwhere they Wlll live in their new’ home on which work 15' mm started, Mr and" preun: :it the t‘nllllllt‘nkt‘llit‘nl exert‘i’ses ,ot Miss \\'lirrlt*r’> school lll l’roviflencr, ‘ R l. The day Wlll also mark the (Wt-mt)~ litth anniversary of the intruding of this ’Seminar). Miss Gregor) in pursuit of stud) will Sall on board the S. 5 Olympic nii Ma) 30th. tor a tvm months mjtiurn ‘ in Pam. Normandy and Brittany, Mrs. Grifï¬ths of Chicago is the guest of her daughter. Mrs. James Culver Shields this week. ' Mrs. David Minard Shziu has as her guest for several weeks Mrs. Norris Mc‘ Whitiney of Windsor. Ontario. Miss Alice Kurtz had as her week-end guest Miss Gertrude Baker of Chicago. Little Paul Blanchard 0t Walker Ayn: .II ._ .L .LA“, Lam' >15. L) .\I:‘ 312:: [Ni’ki‘l P twLer hum:- {his Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Conrad and chil- dren. Irving and Eleanor Conrad were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Conrad and fami!_v of McGovern 5t. Mr. Edwin H.‘Staehling. instructor in the commercial department at the Deer- ï¬eld-Shields High school. has resigned his position to take effect in June and with Mu. Staehimg will km: (or Mon- tana where the) Will make their future home. Mn. Kittie Stringer. who has been the guest of friends here for several weeks, returned last week to the Augustana hos- piul3where she willcominue taking treat- ments for rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. James Brown of Chicago. word (he week-end (nest: of Mr‘. and Mrs. Frederick Gmmlade of So. Second St. ‘ Mrs. Leo Hank, who has been very ill the past week at her home on So. Second SL. is able to be around again. Immmj'ml announces the removal of his ofï¬ce to the new Sheridan Building. comer of Central A\ e.. and Sheridan Road and his residence 10227 E. Park Ave. ()ï¬ice hours8 :09 a. m. 1 to 3 p. m. T to 8 p. m. Sunday and other hours by appointment. Ofï¬ce phone 95. Residence phone 324. " , In connection with the meeting of the general assembly of the Presbyterian church the pulpits of the churches of Chicago and vicinity are beingpccupied next Sunday nwrmng by reprqsentative delegates to the absembty. In the local churrh It i> expected that Rev. Samuel J. Nu‘t'nllx I) I). 0! St. Lnuts. (xx-moderator of [hr :swc-mbl}. will preach at the 10:30 Reports from the residenck: of Dr. Bergen at noon today state that he is very much improved. S(‘l’\ 1L Mrs. H. B. Roberts has returned -from- a several days visit in Oak Park with her mother and sister. Mrs. Paul Gerhardt of 50. Green Bay Rd‘. 15 quite Ill this week. Miss Helen Cgale left Wednesday for New York to be the guest for a week or so of her friend Miss Rita Murra". While east Miss Coale will also attend the wedding of Miss Lily Gordon Bond, formerly of Highland Park. The wedding will occur on Saturday afternoon, May 22nd. in New York City at thefChurch of the Heavenly Rest. - Miss Frances Wavrunek of this city has rented Russell Hall for the summer months. She will take possession June I. H M. Prior. who has been periously ill {for a number of Weeks. is reportédzaa I greatly improved. . ' The brick piled at Central Ave" which Ian.â€" arousing consIderable curiosny. in i to be used by the Telephone Co.. in min- ‘Htrucung a conduIt at that point. . A ten and a half pound babv boy ar- med :1! the hume of Mr. and Mrs. Roben Bock 0t Muhumels Ann Saturday, May The Camp Fire girls of the Y “I (IA. will give a dinner fulluvu-d bv a dagce Vthis Friday evening m the club roomï¬ i Attorney E. S. Gail has a new Owr- {land car. delixered by Knaak Broa.;0f iDeerï¬eld. , ' V Mr. and Mrs. H. R. London have as thexr guests this week John Briggs of the Isle of P1ne>. and Mrs. Horace Dow ’of Danville, [IL ' Mrs. H. P. [)andwn and her daunhtei’, MISS Alice Davxdson are living at High- land Hall for a week or so. The cadcza uf the Northwestern Mu- mry and Naval Ax‘ademy will entertain the old \ctcrans of Walworth County Sunday at Lake (ieneva ()n Decoration Day the cadets mil march m a parade in Elkhnrn. Mrs I). P Sheahen m wcemml Avi, “as called to ()nkï¬eld. Wis. Saturday on account of the death or her mother, Mn. Lamb. ' IGSE'l L6H] PHARMACIST Lutle Paul Blanchard or Walker Ave 15 I†with the meascls. PHONE 23 .‘IHS Ruth (nogurv let: Sunday ll) be prt‘\(nt at [he cmmncnwnmnt exercisvs of “us \\ Mechr > 5x hmrl in I’roviflencr. Mrs. Rex Jones has as her 'gueefta her mother and sister. Mrs. HOFSIII)‘ Seyv nmur and Mus Anna Seymour of‘New York. ‘ ‘ Mrs‘ Trumbo and Mm bewn Ot- tawa. “1.. “in be the guests or“ S nday 01' Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Terry“ 0n Maud-y evening I f A :_ munbeninitiuedtotheM V " the Mines Jane and Ellen ,, ‘ evening was spent in danc) ' Iiciom refreshment: were 4% On Saturday, May 23mm; :1 one o'clock. there will be§n§ (ion on the Stlpe firm on G jult mt a! the Ravinia oeveral horses and cows. um plows. and other farming it'qole will be sold. ’ DR. ROBERTS “'hnl. Hnlnmulm-nt w.†lu'mulml for by all m'clllnlln‘v lm~~ml llrlvtnl'on- Im tho. thirvl .lu)‘ uf \lzmh. A. l). It'll. and (hp; hmtul I‘\[N‘Il~l~ t-l .‘lllll I’l’flW‘P‘llllL’, UH" OKlilmlu'I Iur mud any-[Ilvnn-ntnl spot-in! nuvnmrnl lu-ing ull ril.- m tlw nï¬iue ull [In ( It)" ('ll-rk «I' ~aud l‘ny, “‘an having: apluhml lo â€1" l'unnl)‘ Iourt nf Lake (‘ounty x'ur an ï¬rm-“nun! of the coats} of Maui imprM'l-mont. “Wording to h-nv-E ï¬ts. “III! a Millplt'lnclllal rug-(wind autumn-4 nu-m tlwrm! Inning lw-n mudv and rob: turned to will court" tlw ï¬nal lumriug. *‘ht‘rl'flll will he lm-l on the 1"! day of| Juan A. l). 1914. or m Loon thou-aft" ‘Is the buhim-na of tho- court will permit. ‘ Said nupplemcntul Hun-ill unmannent is payable in om- immllnu-nt. All per um: .lmiring may Mr ohjn-ttinnn in and «nut ln-{on- bald dn_\'..ami may nppegtg 'on the hmfing and muh- lllrlr «It-lease. Oak-or nppuintvfl tn makv mini tubes;- nu-nt. Dun! at Highland Park. llhmm. Mn) N, A “.1914 (11-12: W05! luu- of Form-‘1 .\ ('(‘I'LHII ~Ilwt InIl-xwvtl “'hnl. Hnlnmulm-nt \m an m‘chlmm'v [mum] h thirvl day uf \hnhh. .\. hmtul mxwuu ul .-u: Ordinalhw Yur mud alt;- nuvnmrld bring ull [H [In ( Hy ('L-rk «l' mu! appliui Kn Un- "mum; ()fliu-r amnniutrd h' Inakr and tum-33A nwm. Duh-«l at Highland l'mL. thnil. May H, A. l). 1‘)â€. (11.12, mu) um! Huk Mun. nun: uh Junctiun “nth Hm lmrth livn- u! Hn‘ [sun-«i rum!» In; huh-m prunnhul rm nu “nun-hunt tlwrw north tn tlu «with lm-- nf “ulkvr Awnuv. â€(In-run: Lnuuu n- thnlun Rum]. “hlrh Imprmvuwnl \\.|~ punuh-d fur In) an uruimmu-r pun-«l lulu-luxuri- on Hu- (Inn! :1») uf Marvin. A. 1). 11014. and [hr lautul r\|wll~v~ of ~m-h prom-«Ir ing. Hn ulrlnmnw {m «ml nupplrmvnml qua-ml u~-.--~m.-nt hung on tilv m the umI-r u! tln- (‘ily ('h-Ik uf HIM ('it). and [mung uppln-d In Hu- (hunt) (our! U! [409- ('uun!)‘ fur an “surname-m at" the (‘0th uf said ilnpron-lm-nt, um-urdiluz to Mlu‘ï¬tl. and a aupplenu-ntul apt-vial n» mmn-nt thrn-of having horn llmdfllnd remrnwl In said court. the ï¬nal hearing clwrmm “ill hr had an tlw lit day of Juno. A. ID. 11014. 0r as Icon thereafter as (hr llllnilu-fln of {hp rollrt “ill permit. Said Mlpplmm-ntal «Ix-«ill unmment in payalvlu- m mn- iuntulllm-nt. All per- Holl! dwiring may lilu- olnja‘tinnn in aid court ln-furu- said day. and may a )pt-ar 1-!) Un- hn-uring and Inuko- (lu-ir IlFL'lIN‘. "I \\ X‘!‘ (‘nlullhl urn-mt \\ lmzu! of H; (h zllll'l . Vat“ in!- II'~V (199' u‘ "In! ‘du NOTICE. Supplemental Specul Assessment Notice No. 90. (Mn iï¬ In.) Mun nl (1-117! 011 ll]- ah- I mit. m. M “I! n. (h. I. -[Uln'. 'hn- ' it .tp’uL-J (hum!) of Mid lit )- u_*‘:~~‘nl A" l:lI!IlI.IHr1' p. (â€NJ :1.†til. .\I.\ la“ in] -\;~ nuw ul‘Ihh:'.h-~ Yw! ‘. Sutin- is hereby ghm to ull par-om intl'n-ï¬'lwl that (he (‘ity (‘num-il of the l I \‘ ul' Highland l’urk.,(‘unm.\' u! Lake ant} Natu- uf lllilmln. hauinu urdvrml that n unpvlvmv-nlul Rpm-in! nugwt-Huvnt be lo-Vlul tn izl)‘ llw tlvï¬t-lrlwy n! Hm rout ur' [hr \mrk uml mic-rut for «murm- tiun 01’» watt iron luto-ral "min nine-v .-u :pl) [up-u “ill: lirr- Indra-nth. nlmt-uï¬ \;| \.-~ uuvl all utlu-r nu-kur)‘ mljmwtn uml :lttuthm-ntx luhl alum; and umlor Linn-h. .\\u-||lh'. I‘Hllllla'llll}: “ith lhq- Wa- tn-r "mm ull Furra-st .\\n-nu«-. (hum-v va'uml} “lung lllr mlllllli'l‘l"’ -in|.- of Lin :uln_ ,\\rl1lh‘. to (hr qurtlu-rl} hum of hunk wa-L in H.» (‘ity of lluzhhunl l‘alk. (nun!) ml Lulu. Sum- m' “lump. “113‘ ll illlpHNl-llu'lll \|N- [vl'lnltln'll l“) l|\' A" I'llllll.ll)"" l-d‘v-nl lu-l‘I-tnlnrv Uh llu‘ (him .lu nl' Mar-h \. l). l'JH. nun-l lln' Hum] -\;~n~~-~ ml ~ml. prm-m-nling. 1h.» ul‘IlHn:'.lu~ lw! ml!!! ~u|uplu4|lvv~tul qwl'lzll Ill III I'J'.‘ 41M: all u-pivm-mtul ~l~wml an†t! h I‘N)’ Hh- «Io‘ï¬ril-llq'y u‘ h~ Hulk :llnl IIIh-lrn! In! w .2 Inning \ch mumlan w ring-Hum: I»! “Huh!“u} ‘1 H. Um nu HI Hugh]; .nL c'ul u! Highhnxl I'.I .\. l’. l'.’l{ Buy that paint and Kalso mine you will need this spring at 'l in Ill Hamlet's Hardware um»: ntml ‘ll‘l'l -1;l;'|lI-lln'lllfll NH; In! I) Quality the best ~ ’n-n-h} gun†in .I that Hu- (in ('nu-u Igl‘ldlnl I’ML (uum' n! Hiilmia mum: m. :1 Hull! Hm int-«mu uirh (hw \hw' hm- u mer \\v'~l "In": my {unlit 1;“; lm'l \n»-! n! Unk \lxmt plain†v: .nlnw nun-a ~.I1“ ppln-nn-nml ~pmml ,h-memvnt In our iu~talhnrut AH ln-r- m: may {Ho nhje’lf‘lnlh In ~2qu ‘II ‘3“! «lay. and "my «pp-‘3" um; and Hunk" lhl‘ll Jvanuu 1hr lux'unt} hunt a: Lukc ' :n. u~~1~~~|m~nl n!‘ [luv mm!- pwh-nu-m. m-rurdin: u- ham-- unmvlrmrnml FIH‘VIJE m-wu wt Inning hon-n nlmir uml rr- NIH rulll'l. Hu- lhml ln-nrmg H lw 11.1w nu â€Ar 14 ch) (-1 '. l‘JH. m d‘ «mu (hula-MIN N'iH‘.’ uh Ill: NOTICE Lukv (Mud). “limits." - (1h fm-t nnrth uf midi; u‘llh'l lilu- Ivl' Maphu Mmhvll} on mid Liuw :~ in‘l'r"'-'tnrll “id: thvj wt .\\quv u \u-pting 'valmn‘ and lvring-s». :MI-rw-utnu \ -! .\\quv u «within and l w.†lu'uudw «I 'H‘lt‘h‘rolv' ..\. I). Inn. .-III M [nun-ml 1. Hum H u! {hr [m I In! ulI “NIH, lllh‘ Lymu u n- w. 1;. BRAND, Ur. W. ]-I. BRAND. \\ 1It\', HI Highland Park. int-«mutiny» of ' Illh- Hf \h-‘ri 1m: my! HIIMI' rt ur-l «J â€W illlnhhrd wullth 73> «.Illi Hruflll' mu H- jllllvtiun hr [mu-.1 rumi- un HI-u-iuanh Hull" “hm-x- m.) .u' thv H v-f Link» VII-WWI that unnmt be .1 Nu- (-unt nH MHM) grading. \lh! nth Hui ‘Mk 9m \ in v Lukc 1-. “.1)’ ‘Il‘kl; mâ€"~.-~-â€" (~UH‘ of “Swell†New Straw Hats for Summer 1 Making a specialty of loans on improved. real estate in tin! North Shore territory including Rogers Bark. Evanston. Wit. mette, Kenilworth, Winnetka, Glencoe, Highland Park and Lake Forest. Security under mortgages in this territory is continually enhancing while,:the rate of interest is attractive. ' Highland} Park, Illinois man: I. max. ham m J; an. Vic nan... North Shore Trust Company Capital $100,000 Organizedmldertthmking Lamof the: Sale of ï¬ling; A wagon will call for and deliver your garments Why not have your clothing renovated here this week and give our work a fair trial? Our CLEANING AND DYEING of ladies' and gent's garments, oriental rugs, carpets. portiers, draperies. piano covers. lace cumins; etc., cannot be duplicated by any local cleaner, as we have the LARGEST and most SANITARY plant in the West. . m" 214WCENTRALAVENUE qubuï¬HMZGS Chas. H. Warren Co. iii Dyers and. Cleaners “The Imperial†These are considerable below ‘ Chicago prices North Shore Trust Company A style to please your fancy, of a shape=to suit your build, in a 'color to match your desires, at a price you want to pay. Misthel'nefu'CIruiuallBlnhds Genuine; Panamas $50010 $7.50 MAIN OFFKI AND WORKS 2X23~2133 Lincoln Avon... CHICAGO MORTGAGE BANKERS INCORPORATED T. H. Decker Co. autumn-tuwmm INLCC‘IIIAVQ. Phone 201 Illaybefldfulgl: Now How do you expect to keep warm next winter? When in doubt, call on Shallv our wage? call tor youns this week? for the coming Summer, and we. will return them to you done up as they never could be at home. The curtains and por- uers ml] be like new, and the blankets fresh. and sweet and clean as the (131 they were bought. Send us your lace cur- ains, blankets and portiers to be [. J CREEPY . 8152 The- Pays for i1 change an friaion of which an: moves ill 1 to? ice