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Highland Park Press (1912), 28 May 1914, p. 3

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9 ladies Lanship, and ab 11 work 'ewelrv “ices for "s 827.50 ime Restaurant n! *f \nu wuuld Cn‘ Run; the whole ""er :an sniuy tho 2 \Mvmqu t'ulk, will Sunday Dinner Jo a mm’y the Iron- ts'l ehhorare meal. ml": a (rent (or xd Repaired ‘elephone 331 ‘hone,54 ‘T, ILLINOIS ER ‘ance .ANK :ished Savings er {or I’m.- «.4: cording II) he r911 hmmg h‘ MM mm! [h b? 'Imti 1H H. 19“. nr l‘ ‘1 Boss .,{ m.- .. $3M! henu‘rn-‘nt insl.lilznwn'~ \\:[h of Iih- 3" par v menu {mm and . first \'-.'| n-r. All SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE N0. 57. n c #03674: sons prince. Mall-will m hater. The sit. the [not nerve-doctor, brings deep. unbroken sloop. which ooothco urns and W 15" to Knuth. Why build an extra romp? Equip your gorch With V'udor Porc Shades- then eat md sleep in it. Let in air tnd light. yet keep ypur_ pogch cog] upd C‘YAM '7‘ Make {th Telephone Eight-Five A sleeping porch is not complete without a few Flower Boxes, fill them with soft pink Geraniums, English Ivies, Heliotrope, Lemon Verbenas and the old fashioned, sweet scented Rose Geraniums. Beautify your home by a couple of Rustic Tubs full of Flowers and Trailing Vines. How about a few Porch Boxes for this summer? The cost is so little and you get so much pleasure out of them. . No matter how massive the front door, how artistic the entrance and all the surroundings, in order to make them real attractive, homelike and inviting, a few Flowers are necessary and there isn’t a suburban home which won't be more beautiful on account of having them, whether yours is a brown stone mansion or a shingled bungalow. Flower Boxes and Hanging Baskets are proper wherever a place can be found to set them or a hook to hang them on and while we admire the grounds with a good lawn, fine trees and the necessary shrubbery, it all lacks warmth and cheerfulness if the flowers are missing, Don’t say you can’t afford them, there are flowers for all pocketbooks. Because some are less expensive than others doesn’t make them less attractive. Invest a few dollars in them, brighten up the place, watch them grow and flower. You never get the full benefit out of your stay in this beautiful town until you have flowers everywhere. You Professional and Business Men, how about a few bright Window Boxes on the Banks, the Office win- dows or above the stores? How attractive you could make the business section of the city look to the visitor or the stranger; nothing will prove to them more that Highland Park is the ONLY place along the North Shore. Come on, call up 85, we will be there in a few minutes to show you where great improvements could bemade in the appearance of your place of business or your home. . 12-13 Notice of Letting Contnct Aucnment No. 203 ; Board of Local Improvements of the City of l Highland Park, ' l NOtice i‘ hereby givcn‘that huh Will he _ reccited fur the cunstructinn ()l a mu! irnn llateral main water supply pipe four im‘hes 1internal diameter, to be constructed and 'laid in, along and under Gage An- , from Land connecting with the present ‘1‘ inch water main now laid in Lincnln Ave. and frum them-e mutherly fifteen feet but of. ‘Inll parallel with the center llnt‘ or Gage {Ave. to and runnet'ting with the present ‘fnur'inch water main nnw laid in Dr l'ain- lhle Ave“ tngether with shut-off \‘al\P,V, tire 1Ehydrantu and spt'l‘lal castings, J” in the lCity nf Highland Park. Lake Cnultty. llllinuis, :u a nlmlc in arcmdanrc with the l I ~ - A . Jordinance therefori Said bids Will be upen- ordinance therefor‘ Said bids will [)6 upen. ed on the chday of june. A. D, l‘JH. at the hour of eight o'tlm'k p, in at the ut‘hce at the Board at Local lmpruvementw in the city hall of the City at Highland Park. The specifications and , blank pmposals will he furnished :t the office of the Board of Local Improvements in the city hall in . said city. The contractor will he paid in bonds which bonds will draw hurt?“ at the rate of five per cent per annum.‘ All proposals or bid: must he at‘t‘om- panied by a certified check payable to the Presidentol the Board of thal Improve. menu of the City of Highland Park for the sum of not lesa than ten (l0) per cent of the aggregate of the proposal Said pro. poaal must be delivered to the President of the Board of Local lmprmements in open section of said board atthe time and place fixed herein for the opening of the same No proposal or bid will he tonsidered un- less accompanied by check as herein pro- vided. The Board of Local Improvements rc- urvcs the right to reject any or all bid: if they deem it best for Ihq public good. FRANK P. HAWKINS. Presidemof the Board of Local Improve- ments of the City of Highland Park. Dated at Highland Park, [1]., May 27th, A. D. 1914. 13-14 Node. to anmdm Bids are requested by the school board on all bunches of work for the new Elm Place Grammar school. Plans and specifications can be chained from the architects. Patton. Holman md Flinn-3 South Dearborn St. Chicago. or arrange- ment- for plans can be made by phoning Highland Puk 1065 between the hour: of730md8:mp.m.r A A certified check will be required and notification of the lumen: or this check together with timeof opening bids will a in next weeks issue of this paper, Patton. Holmes and Flinn, ' Architects. l3 Highland Park Greenhouses i ,’ ‘ ._ ‘3“ 3:? __ B‘EWGW m. mmmré mos Public notice is hereby given that the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Highland Park, County of Lake and; State of Illinoig, has fil_ed in the Countyt “LB-I'm E All period) inleteoted are hereby notified Chicago. “L ,to call andf‘ay the amount assessed at the Popular Price Collector'af thee, City Hall. corner Green Restaurant Bay Rd. at“ Central A\P., Highland Park, H” stood a“ T.“ “L, withingthilt)‘ days from the date heteo‘. ‘9' 3° 1“" Notice ini'further given thll the raid an eument in‘ divided in two installments. , VThat the n oont of the first installment :- Notice $210.00 and the second installment in $100 Public notice is hereby given that the That all inuallment: draw interest It the Board of Local Improvements of the City "(e of a" (5) p" "m P" "mum {mm of Highland Park, County of Lake and; “I “h d9" State of Illinois, has filed in the Countyl ‘ y ‘ i ' court of Lake County. lllinois.acertificate~ The 6M installment is payable an the that the following improvement has been ‘ 2nd idly a, “mum 1915‘ completed, and that it conforms subâ€" 1 , l . ' . stantially to the requirements of the or- ‘. n" ”4""? '""'”"‘“" " P'Y'bl' 0'" iginal ordinance for the construction of i Y?“ theft-(NW- the same. town: I ‘ ‘ erry B_ E\'.ng_ That a cast. iron lateral main water‘ ‘ Ci”, culled", supply pipe four (4) inches internal . , _ diameter be constructed and laid in. D"?‘“h+18‘1’d"°l“'}vA- D‘ 19” along and under Oak St. from and con- ‘ l 13 necting with the present eight (8) inch ‘7’" ‘ water main now laid in Broadway Ave, 1 ‘ NAM. of betting Contract. from thence southerly fifteen (15) feet 1 _ Amumenl No. 215 east of and rallel with the center line ‘ . ‘ ' _ of Oak St.. or a distance of 390 feet. to- BOARD‘OP LOCAL IMPRO\ EMEN'I S , __-- _..... A.. .u..\--- .a-n nanu of Oak St., {or a distance of 390 feet. to- gether with shut-off valves. fire hydrants. and special castings. all in the City of Highland Park. Lake County, Illinois. Highland Park Special Assessment of said Court Docket Number 211 and that application has been made to said Court to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated in said oertificnte are true. That I hearing will be hud upon said a licatlon on Saturday theeth day of June . D. 1914. at the hour of ten (10) o'clock in the lorenoon of aid day. It the County Court oi uid Cam, lathe County Court Home, at Waukqm in Ilid Lake County. Objections may be filed to aid application on or before the hour of ten (10) o'clock in the fore- hoon of said day‘ Joseph L. Fearing R. W. Buckley George L Vetter Board of Local Improvements of the City of Highland Park. Dated It Highland Park, nlinois, May 4th, 1914. 12- 13 Tclrphon: 036 Concrete Work Edi-ales Fri!“ SUM-Phe- l'dnhu 8331 E. E. FARMER Pninting And Decor-ting Wull Paper, Etc. Supplied Geo. H. Morris Enclvsling Ind Cemcm Houn Town“ Attractive 32 N.Fifth Ave Idw- LB- . Va“. Chicago, Ill. Popular Price Restaurant Hu blood the To“ for 30 you" Frank P. Hawkim Elnmnlcs Furnulud «9 Dcnficld Av: Price- Iii! Public noiicr is herein gh'rn thn (ht Cnunly Cuun ul [.akr Cmmn Mind", h“ r nducdjud‘mem Let a Hm ul ave-«mam upun prope'rfi' brnrfilnl by lhc fonung improvement: l‘he co‘nrurtiun of l mu iron lateral main/wait Hlppl) pipet four [4) inches in- ternal diLneter, to be constructed and hid in. along and under Oak Street hum and mnnecttng mith the ptewnt eight tH) inrh \gatet mnin no“ laid in Hrnadwl) Ave. and {tom thenve. southerly fifteen (15) N can of 1nd funnel uith the renter hne of Oak Street £0! I distance uf three hundred and ninety {390) tt., together with :hut of? \lefl. fire h)drnnu and spfl'lll (tiling), all in the Ck)‘ of Highland Park, Count) ul Like. In. State at “limits. as ml] more tully'appea fmnt the (‘e'tified mp} ml the judgment 0 file in my othce. That the “arrlnt (offllertmn of such auenmem in in the Inn of the undenigned. Mia of Letting Conrad. Assn-menu \o 215 BOARD OF LOCAL IMPRO\ EMEN'I S OF THE CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK Notice is hereby 'iven that bid: will he received for the (riding. draining. paving with mac-dam having I bituminounurface, andotherwiee improving Central Ave. lrom the eute'ly line of Sheridan Road, produced southerly at the junction of Sheridan Road with Genital Ave. to the eaaterly line 0! Dale Ave. in in count acro- Central Ave. all in t ' City of Highland Park. Lake County. Illinoia. u a whole in accordance with t4 ordinance therefore. Said bida will be opened on the 9th dly of JuncAD. 1914. at the hour cl eight o'elock p. m. I the o‘ee d the Bond of Lou! Improve- ment: i, the City_HIl| of the City of High- land qu. j. The FM”! and blank proper-all .. . , n.a_1 MI Auouuunl Nofico SPECIAL “'ARRANT NK'MBFR 3H will uranium! n (h: 051:: ol the Baud lmptonmenu m the Cit) Hull in uid C‘ M W" Eluy '0' 0w Pu- Ilmnn Peder u i Convnnco Mu Dodo" .\ [urn ul ph\~n|;u.~ \n-rc nu ”WI! Wu} (u u main-n! mun mum. .l‘ml the) ‘ lunl gntlwrvd lu llw hum-l mu m M. “mu prufvulunul "nun-m. 'I‘In- my Ihml In»; no with pmper vhmnhm-su m " hand-«gum. H hm] prugrwm-d In Hml‘ pu'lul “here pom-ling “an (“In lvmm-d flur the guru)- It dhm- animated. “In-n ‘ ”"i lln- engine “hmlod lu uuuuum- e an up- , [mun hing utulluu 'Ibv [vortrr ¢ Men-d. one} He “'un-d blu “MAI: luxmm The rnutru'tur vnH he plid in lmndx‘ whirh hundt “1H draw interfll It the rue of fi\e per rent pet annum. AU pmpouh m hid» nmn he I! (‘umpnniedi h) .1 rerlmed (heck payable“) the President; ofthe Board at Lmnl lmpvmementn M theé Cit) of Highland Park fut the Mun 0' not! letu than ten (10) pet rent at the aggregate; of the prop vul, € I SIM pmpnul tnuu he drlneu-d tn the( President of the Huatd at 1.14;! lmpmue} , , r menu m open rem-um of md Band at the; i of the ume N.» prnymal m Ind “1|! Lei (‘tmndrred uttlen :reumpamed tn Ihf( k an: time and plan- tut-d herem tut the opening hetenn pun Med. 1 Hue Bond u! Lm‘nl lmpvnvrmrnh re urvn me ugh! m run! an) or all 1nd.- I they deem It hrs! tur the puhlu' gum! Fran‘ l’ Hamlin! ' Pit-idem of Hit Board uf le‘ll Imprmc mm" M [hr Cih u! Highland Put Dated ll Highland Pad, Hi . Ma» 27th A. [11914, "Hamil you on. Huh?“ he nuke-d of mm u! the llut'lurn. The 1h- (0! lurm-d on him. “Jim exnctly what l'w been con u-udlux." be mild brutally "Then-'1 um' of the finest Mule swarms o! K_|)rrudln3 germ- (but ewr “up lnwut ed Tm:- porter comes In new and be brnnhw me ofl'; then he hruslua um and yuu and )ou nnd men one «Ix-e. uud mm a lot of germ: flying round In the air to be breath-d In and cart disease I say that germs «mam not to be dinurbed In public. In danger- ou; The: ought to be let nlonrwwt thrown up into me Ill’ by all m» brushing!" ‘ Tum wu I moment 0! menu. The porter [finned foolishly. Bo “and first on one foot. then on the other He grinned min. then 1""th “Como on. mu.” be boned: “come on and kt In. brash you out Maw! 0011': lot that Id. about Ink-rob- bother you In]! What 11w. bn-Ihhf I'm gain: to do “3': going co disturb no term. No. luhf'-Youth'l Com- flouMb-otrbmph; Inn:(Intonati-bone-(man.-(HQ3 SAFE FROM GERMS. 131 Acme Massage lmtitute Selle W‘ 39 W Ada-I DR. WATSON DEN'nST 45 SL John Ava. w Put TM 11‘ Telephone Hf P‘ 18 Lincoln Ava-no MISS MAE OLIVER, Prop. Telephone 909 Tolephono 794-1. ”7 I. Stand Stud IICILAID rm. ILL rrnnhc Mun ‘ EIH'H'IIS Lmht Ind Show” Hal I‘Thrrapruuc 1-11m ind Vlbnlnry. Mnnn’unnn Hum- 10! m m .' p m dam Have Harder put your Lawn Mower in first class condition. Phone 180 and he will call for it. ram-1mm «an . John Takah Ltndsbupe Gardener Emma Steffen DRESSMAKER Fresh Butter. Eu: 1nd Poultry 33] It” An J. P.8TEFFEN Tokalmnc H «riot-a 353$ WHILE”. CHICAGO lll.

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